? ? localWWBminor.; ? ? asNK&AL nrrsEMT j ? Miss Mary Overton ha* been ill #HI. the "Flu." - ?V Mr. J. T. Burket, of Coler in, mi in Ahoskie Sunday. Frank L. Howard was in Nor folk this week on, buwneeH. J. I. White, of Nashville, N. C.. was a business visitor in Ahoekie ?. l_ jurrrfil/ 1 tnis WCCR. Born?To Mr. and Mt?. A. Lee Copeland on Monday, Dee. 80, a seven poun4 baby boy. Howard Basnight has returned to Trinity college, wheie he will attend school during the spring. Miss Annie Parker returned Mon day to Raleigh, to resume h e i studies a* Meredith college. Mr and Mrs. Paul L. Vinson, of Portsmouth, Va.. are the guest of parents in Ahoskie this week Johnnie Britton left this week for Wake Forest college, to resume his school work durirg the spring Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boyette spent - Saturday and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. S. F, Bowers, at Roxobel. Mrs. W. P. Summer and little child, of Robersonville, are spending several days in Ahoskie as the guest* of relatives. There will be a called Meeting of the Betterment Association Monday January 13, at 2 o'clock. Miss, Swindell has as important mfflsage. Miss Doris Jenkins returned last - week to her school in Beaufort, after having spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. C. Jenkina. Mrs. Kadei R- Curtis and chil dren have returned to their home in Kinatoa, after .'having spent the holiday* with reUHvsa in Ahoakie and Union. Miss Dorothy Vann, of Raleigh - spent fcepaatwaek end aa the gue* of Miss Beulah Vann. She left Monday for Anlander, where she ia teaching school this year. Miss Lucille Majette, of Wilson, who has been the gwatof hei sister, Mrs. W. G. Smith, for the past ten days, has b?wn stricken with the Flu and is confined to her bed at the home of Mrs. Smith. Among those who are moving to town this week is the family of Joe Askew. They are occupying the home vacated by W. R. John son, who has moved into his newly purchased home acioss the street. I L The influenza eoidemic i? back in h f town, and many new cases have de veloped during the past week. Although the results are not quite so serious as befo.e, the disease seems to be spreading with great rapidity. Orova'a Tastslsss OM Tenfc MWI tk. wdwW ml***** TRY III SUBSTITUTE 1 FOR HASTY CALOMEL Start* Your Liver Without Makinf You Sick and Can Not Salivate, Every druggist in town?your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of caloraal. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Ton* is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous antf people knowJt; while Dodson's Liver Tone is i>erfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local diuggist. ? Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle cotta but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of Hver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone ia a pleas ant tasting, porely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels It doesn't grip or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent ca^> rael. Take a dcse of calomel today' and tomorrow yon will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a da^s work ! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel Ane, full of vigor and ambition. WE BUY OLD FALSE TEETH We pay from $2.00 to $35.00 per set (broken or not.) We also pay atual value for Diamonda, old Gold, Silver and Bridge work. Send at ona by parel by pareel post and ro eive ash by return mail. MAZER'S TOOTH SPECIALTY Do*. X. 2007 So. 5th St ^Philadelphia, Pa. Far Mptdoi, Constipation or Jost try one ?-cent bottle of LAX-POS WITH RNK A liquid Ditfesthm Laxative plmmt to take. Made and recommended to tbe pabiic by Pari* Medi cine Co-,ma??ufactiuas of Laxative Bromo Or'-*-* and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. f? ?The Advertised Article Sfmt* vWek tk* merchant / him?U ku Implicit faith M tlee ha would not tdTntlM tt. ? Yon v? ?afe la patronixlng the ? nuchtoti whose ill Appear 1 in thle paper btcioM tWi ^|oolaiitii^to4it?ul>tTK ' ilk* Strom Withstand the Wlater Cold (fetter Thaa the Weak Yoa most have Health, Strength and En if iif T to fight Colds, Qtip and Infineon. When roar blood Is not In a heakfar eonditirai and doea not circulate property. tout system it unable to withstand tha ; Winter cold. i OROVB-S TASTELESS CM! TONIC Fortifies the System Agaiaet Golds. Grip ?nd influenza by Porifyingand Enriching h contains the veD-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and Iron In a form ' acceptable to the most delicate stomach. 1 and is pleasant to take. Yoa can soon feel its Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. 60c. SUFFERED MORE J THAN SHE CAN TELL Had Almost Given Up Hope After Eighteen Years of Trouble ? Gains 22 Pounds Taking Tanlac "I only weighed 90 pounds and bad goffered for 18 years when I began using Tanlac, and now 1 an? well-again and weigh 112 pounds," said Mr*. 3. W. Binkley. 5104 Illi nois avenue, Nashville, Tennessee. OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS ? ? ire read by the people because it gives them news of absorbing in terest. People no longer go looking about for tilings they want?they go to their newspaper ? for information as to where such things may be tjund. This method saves time and trouble. If ?? want to bring your wares to die atten tion of this community, our advertising columns Should Contain Your Ad nnnonon rr :? " ' 1 f' " ? FOR SALE?NICE. CLEAN STOCK of general merchandise for sale to quiek buyer. Terms?easy. Ad dress P. 0. Box 101, Ahoskie, N. C. 12-20?2t NOTICE! Having qualified as Execu trix of the estate of Jno. H. Knight deceased, late of Hertford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 6th day of Decem ber, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in' bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please ma?e immediate pay ment. This 6th day of December, 1918. Mattie I. Knight, adm'r. I STRAYED-ONE BLACK AND white spotted, male yearling, about two years old. 0. W. Vjn son, Murfreesboro. -13 3 "My suffering were more than I could pofdbly describe. MA had lasted for 18 long yean. I ha i live on the very lightest of |, &D0 even milk would sour on my :.r -Btomacn and form gas that would Veep me In misery f ir hours. 1 ' hpd no strength left hardly and1 a!- i though Mr.ied the best treatmenta 4 I could findljt^?ri( ? ?US' md suffering Jl xotnz down hill In* 11, tofd /vT^' ""til I w? "Unrated have to bei nu<'h hoge ^CVhe'* WJUm.t/ rmXfct5fe^JjKjwtje 0J ne it ami hegar. to lmptc I |ave tnkea v eiftht bottles, n a'i. is ~ ~ ^ w"*~" tev 22poond?? ?S*.'5a - itt Will open a beautiful line of Watches, Clocks, . ^|v jl: Jewelry, Cut Glass:, Silverware, etc., all kinds of W ??Jatch, Clpck and Jewelry repairing will be done on w /|S short noticc. All goods and work guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. ' 1 ? . v|i | WAIT FOR US | \l/ f * S6e Ahoskie Jewelry Company $ %??????? 1 ClotMog, Shoes and Orv Goods 1 IT WILL PAY YOU lO SEE THE j BARGAINS OFFERED , Teldman's BaraaiRr^pd ? ' NEWSOMES BLOCK, * ? ?ii?ii u >r--" j .. ^JjSM