Hertford County (Herald HERTFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER W6RTH WHILE NOT A BALKER, BUT A PUSHER VOLUME IX. (EIGHT PAGES) AHOSKI^^^^H^^^^INA^RIDAY^MA^H 7, 191?. ^|]^|L_^NE^E^ON^__ NUMBER 47. THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF AHOSK1E HAVE BEEN EXTENDED BY ASSEMBLY Extension Bill A* Passed By Both_ Brafhw of the N. C. General A^embly. PROVIDES EQUALIZATION OF THE TAX VALUES IE*?' No Structure To Be Placed In the Line of Any Street* That F* May Be Extended. Th^JoJiowing extension act, pro psred'for aaost part by the Ahoskie Tows Coancil, has successfully pass ed both branches of the North Caro lina Geaeral Assembly. This act^will be in fore* from date of rattflca1- on, which will probably be this or neat week. A Bill t* be entitled "Aa set to Amend chapter 16? private laws of 1903, relatiag to the corporate limits ?f the town of Ahoskie la Hertford couaty." The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Sec. 1. That aection two of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and throe, chapter one hun dred and fifty-eight be stricken out and the following be inserted 'n .'?< u thereof: "Sec. 2. That the corporate lim its of the town ahall be aa follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stob on the Atlantic! Coast Line railroad, 870 feet south of Church street; thence North SO decrees and 25 minutes west 2073.4 feet; thence north 8 degrees and ten minutee west 1063 feet; thence North 30 degrees and 35 min utes East 2200 feet; thence South 71 degrees and 9 minutes East 1710 feet; thence South 50 degrees and 25 minutes East 2248 feet; thence South 1 degree and 40 minutes East 3670 feet; thence South 39 degrees and 35 minutee West 750 feet; thence North 50 degreea and 25 minutee Weat 8417.5 feet to the first sta tion." Sec. I. ltiat section twenty-iour of aaid chapter on* hundred end fifty-eight, private laws of nineteen hundred and three be atricken out and the following inserted in lieu thereof: "Sec. 24. That the commissioners shall have the power not oftener than once a year to impose, levy and collect a tax upon all real and per sonal property within the corporate limits of the town and upon all polls and other subjects of taxation taxed by the General Assembly for public purposes, not exceeding ilfty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property and one dollar and fifty cents on each poll, the constitutional equation between property and poll being always observed." Sec. 3. That the board of town commissioners shall have the power to appoint a board of appraisers and assessors who shall have the power to fix a tax value on aU taxable pro perty in the town, real and personal, and to raise and lower the value so as to equalize the tax value on pro perty, and for such purposes, said board shall meet at the mayor** office or some other place designated by them, from ten o'clock a. m. to and until foBr o'clock p. m., on the first Monday in June of each year, begin V King the first Monday in June, nine teen hundred and nineteen, and re J vise said tax list and hear all com plaints of tax payers, or their agents, as to the over value of property, the reduction or remission of taxes or any ftther complain*- pertaining to the leVy and collection of taxes, and to take such action aa they may deem proper and just. The sitting* of the said appraisers and assessors may be continued by them from day to day until the aaid tax list has been completed and revised, which when done the clerk of their board shall , have two copies thereof perparod and shall deliver same to the aaid board of commissioners at their regular meet ing oa the first Monday night ih July ?f each year. Sec. 4. That is shall be unlawful for any person, Arm or corpormtion to erect any structure which would be in the tine Of any street of sai^ town if extended, and any person, Arm or corporation violating or at tempting to violate the provision of this mit '?hall be guilty of a misde meanor and upon conviction shall be fined Within the discretion bf the court, and further, the aaid board of town oommiaaioners shall ha?e the power to remove said obstruction at the expense of the owner, unless he consents to remove same within 30 dare from tha time notified by said board of commissioners. See. 6. . That all laws and clauses ot, law* heretofore constituting the efcN^er of th^ town of Ahoakia and affecting tha government thereof are continued ill fall force and effect, unless hi direct conflict with tha pro vWona of thia act. J See. 6. That thia a?t shall be inl force ffrom and after Mi ratifieatlan. ] COLE RAIN NEWS/ Mrs. J. S. Dean* left tor Baltimore last Tuesday where ah* will purchase her tprifig and summer millinery. We are sorry to not* the illness 'of Mrs. Stella Deans, bat am glad to re port she is improving. Mrs. C. L Henry left Wednesday for her home in Corapoake, where she will visit her mother. Miss Willie Forehapd left last Tuesday for Baltimore, whore she will accept a position to go out as a milliner. ~? ' Mrs. Willie Jones and children from Sebrol, Va., are now visiting her mother Mrs. Margaret Evans who has been ilL Dr. L. A. Nowell has purchased a ?ew Chevrolet. lMr. and Mrs. Ed. Callis of Harrstlv ville were visiting in our to mi febn day. Mrs J. J. Beaaley and daughter, Garnette left fojr Baltimore last Thursday where Mrs. Beaaley will buy her spring stock, of millinery. Professor J. M. Andrew*, Messrs. Carl Sessoms and Kenneth Raynor were visitors in Windsor Sunday. What is the attraction? Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britton and daughter Luctte spent Sunday in Winton. Mr. J. S. Deans left Sunday for Baltimore. Mr. Joe Sessoms of Ahoakie was visiting in our town Friday and Saturday. Mr. L. D. Perry has gone to Balti more, where he will buy hi* spring goods. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wilson spent Sunday in town at the home of Mrs, 1 J. D. Evans. Messrs. K. R. Israel, and Lawrence, of Tunis, were visitors to Ahoskie last Friday. They paid this offiie a visit while here, and left with us the 1919 subscription. DEMONSTRATION RALLY AT WINTON To B? Held in Town Hall ia Win ton on Friday, March 14th; Musical Program. On Friday, March 14, at the Win ton town hall, the following pro gram will be executed. All are inviu edto be present at this rally and hear what others have to say about work of the Home Economics Club, A special committee has been appoin ted to arrange a suitable musical pro-' gram for this rally. The following gpeakeWhave been secured fer ten minute speeches: "Conservation, A Religious Duty," Rev. B. N. Lackey; "The Relation ship at Home Economics to the School's of Hertford county," Prof fessor N. W. BrtttOTrj-ilRegults of our Conservation Overseas," W. D. Boone; "Health Side of the Com munity," Miss Georgie Piland; "Beautifying the Community," Miss Louise Vannj "Organisation," E. W. Gaither. DAftS&D FROM THEIR NATIVE SHORE ] ?.!' Ilritiih oir srrvl Thi*^aame soldier boy gave the audience ? a fair sample of the I "YSfigsy Dooley," "Hickey Dooley", dance. You have all seen something akin tt it in the. "side shows" of tire circus. He kept the house in.ar up roar during the entire time, a?A waa several times persuaded to dupleate the (fat by tha applause that follow ed each performance. The concert closed with this exhibition. Oaie of the members of the con cart, speaking in behalf of the troupe, gava a short concise history fit \he Hawaiian Islands, formerly known aa "The Sandwich Islands." He told of the response they had made in the war with Germany. He also ez pressed himself as being pure than pleaied at the fact that "Uncle 3am" bad gone down to tha islands Hi 1898 and swallawwd up the sand Flalfcwnig the concert tha Hame Economics -Chi bof the Ahotirfe Bet terAant Association nerved cream ?n which they realised /The Lyceum guaran af Friday night's large Tebabfy make good ?ve been gtowiag tor grer with each former performance. Following the concert and after the young people had partaken at the cream and cake, three of the Hawaiian! gave * concert in the lobby ?f the Manhattan Hotel for about an lour. At eleven o'clock they retired m the dining room of the hotel, fol owed by several young people, who injoyed a very delightful daace for in hoar and ? halt. In addition to many local dancers, several young ladiea from other town* participated in the dance. OAK DALE NEWS. The first of March begins to look like the spring. Makes' the fkrmers feel like planting corn. The farmers are still holding their peanuta and cotton for a better price. Hope they will be able to get it. We are glad to'say Mrs. M. C. Mizell, who haa been on the sick list for several months is somewhat Im proving. We are glad to see +ier out Mrs. Bottle Matthews, Mrs. G. B. Talbot, and Mrs. J. C. Taylor war* the guests of Mrs. M. C. Mizell Wed., nesday. Mr. J. It Wilder is somewhat ill. We hope him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Rufus UsiiMr who has boon very sick for some time was taken to Sarah Leigh hospital Friday. We hope Mrs. Lassiter will get along well and come back to her loved ones ?t home. Messrs. Henry Ptielpe and Linton Russell, of Suffolk,' were gnestt of Mrs. P. L. Pratt Sunday. We were glad to Mr. a[ W. rjaitn 'r "d Mr. Hunn rave a demonstratioir on Mowing *p itumpa oa J. L. Blyche's farm one lay tha past w?*h. , We had a wary, big rain last night uid that ~iW that' the jammers will lo vary little toward* ffrming for hanMttfeW day. The tattnfan are doing very well k> far ia latching mamtkrii of the busy tribe. We are ^tad to say that little Wil lie Ma* Nawsoma, who has been very ill with pnenmtafc. i* improving now. Mr. and Iba. Jim Daniel vifited the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. S Hag