Hertford County Herald 1 ?s - 1 - - HERTFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER WORTH WHILE NOT A BALKER, BUT A PU SHER u * VOLUME X. (ONE SECTION) AHOSKIE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919. (EIGHT PAGES) No. 13. AHOSKIE VOTED FOR WATER AND SEWERAGE BOND ISSUE CARRIED BY BIG MARGIN Voters of Aho?kie Cast Their Ballots for Water and Sewerage. VOTE WAS 109 FOR BONDS; AND 30 AGAINST BONDS. Lively Interest Taken in the Result of Election By ' All Voters. Ahoskie voted for waterworks and sewerage Tuesday; and the voters tumbled over themselves to see who could be the first to reach the palls and help make these modern necesi ties assured realities for the town of Ahoskie. Before twelve o'clock the necessary eight-nine voters (a ma jority ot fhe quolified voters of the town) had already cast their ballots for water. One of the judges re merked to the others that by dinner time, the one hundred mark would have been reached. True to his pre dictions, as the Registrar was munch ing his lunch, the one hundreth man, Mr. R. F. Overton walked in and cast the ballot that made an even hundred for water and sewerage. The final count was 109 for bonds and 3o vo tes against. Many of the opponents of the bonds realizing their utter rout, were con spicous on account of their abse ic ? from the voting booth, preferring rath er than catsing a ballot, the failure to exercise his right of citizenship. About thirty voters residing in the town failed to vote; but, nevertheless, the vote cast on Tuesday was the lar gest ever polled in Ahoskie. Many interesting incidents took place about the voting boths that served to help keep the poll holders from falling asleep on the job, that is, during the early hours of voting. For instance, one man requested the poll holders to keep "mum" as to how he voted, saying that he had friends on both sides; another refus ed to go out of the building via the rear door, stating that he was not taking any dictations from the poll holders, and, saying, as he walked out the front door with a flushed face, "law or no law, I am going out the front door." These and kindred incidents filled the early part o? the day with enough excitement to keep up interest. Plenty of argument pro and con took place on the streets during the entire day. However, H was good natured argument, and on ly mt or two bitter opponents of t()? J^pndi allwed their temper to get tfajipper hand of their better jud. ffro large landowners opponents le measure, made quick real as sales on that day, preferring to their property rather than be for ced to pay the additional taxea on acount of the isuance of bonds. Their offers to sell were quickly "grabbed at," and they did aot have the glighest trouble in disposing* of some of the best property in town. All in all, Tuesday was a stood day for Ahoslde; and an overwhelmingly large majority of the citizens of the town are Mill jubilant over the re sults of the elction for bonds to in stall a system of waterworks. > v ? 1 CIRCULAR GIVING FACTS ON PEANUTS Virginia-Carolina Peanut Grow era Association to Meet in August. DATE OF MEETING HAS BEEN - POSTPONED. Peanuts Expected to Bring A Good Price in The En suing Year. The folowing circular letter has been mailed out by the Virginia-Caro lina Peanut Growers Association: Richmond Va? July 7, 1919. Dear sirs: The meeting of the Virginia-CaroL. | ina Peanut Growers Association call ed for July 19 to perfect the organiza tion of the proposed peanut exchange for Virginia and North Carolina has been postponed from July 10 to some date the last week in August, the ex act date not being yet fixed. In some sections farm work has been so much delayed that the offi cers of the Association have felt that it would be better to postpone the meeting until a later date. Special efforts are being made to put on an uiiuau?iijr interesting program for this meeting of the Association. The peanut growers are greatly pleased in that Congress has given recognition to the peanut industry by making a special appropriation for a news market service. The in dications are now that the peanut 1 market for 1?18 will be cleaned up before the 1919 crop is harvested, so1 the growers are confidently expecting a favorable market for the coming season. Since May 1, the membership of the peanut growers association has grown from less than 100 members to about four hundred members. While there has been no active can vass for stock (or the exchange yet, selling of subscriptions and there is but little doubt that the organization of the exchange will be fully perfect ed at the August meeting. Very truly yours, j Geo. M. Inman, Secreatry. ( This paper will, in a subsequent issue, carry the announcement of an : important meeting to be held at Ahos kie, some time in the near future. Mr. H. J. Vann, of Como, is in charge of the arrangements for this meet ; ing. It will be of interest to all far | merg in this section to watch for the announcement. ?-? o ICE CREAM FOR THE HOT DAY. One-half box gelatin*. One gal. milk. One pound sugar. Flavoring aa desired. Melt gelatine in warm water, add sugar and atir until dissolved; then pour into the milk and freeze. If condensed milk ia used no sugar is needed. The "Pet Brand" of con densed milk should be used with the Eagle or other brands of milks in or der to have a smoother, velvety cream. Freeze!?Mrs. H. B. Knox, Winton Community CM). ? K I | VERSAILLES PALACE FROM THE ORANGERY I ' i View of the palace of VerouiUea, taken from tile orangery. This la where the formal geealong of the peace con green will be held and the treaty Rlgued. WHAT U. S. CONGRESS IS DOIHG THIS WEEK RESUME OF WHAT CON GRESS IS DOING NOW. President Will Address The Senate on Thursday of This Week. (From the ^V*>hington Post) Members of the Senate and House began returning to Washington yes terday (Sunday) preparatofry to , the reconvening tomorrow of Congres 'after a week's Fourth of July recess. The appearance of President Wilson before the Senate Thursday, at which time he will lay before the body the German peace treaty and the Fran co-German agreement, and considera tion by the House of war-time prohi bition enforcement legislation are expected to qutrank anything else before Congress within the next fort night. The address to be made by the President in presenting the treaty is | awaited with interest by bot hthe ad. i vocates and opponents of the Lea 'gue of Nations covenant. The tre aty as well as the Franco-German | agreement will probably be referred j ; to the foreign relations committee. I ; No plan for consideration of the i treaty has been announced by the ' committee, but the committee will probably make an exhaustive study ' of the document and various related j | subjects. It has been intimated that I j the committee would hold hearings. 1 Some Senate leaders have expressed i the belief that President Wilson j | might appear before the committee or at an executive session of the Senate to explain various portions of the treaty and league covenant. The House is expected to take up le gislation to arm the Government in its enforcement of the war-time pro hibition immediately on convening Tuesday. The judiciary committee which recently reported to the House a bill in three parts providing lor the enforcement of both war-time and constitutional prohibition and regu lating the mantftactnre of alcohol for commercial purposes, may hold a Continued on page five.) 1EW ATHELETIC HEAD , FOR STATE COLLEGE "BILL" FETZER IS NEW STATE COLLEGE COACH. ? ' - ?? J He I? Recognized a? One of The Best College Coach in United State*. I West RMeigh, July 1ft?William McK. Fetzer has been secured as an all-year around athletic director ot the North Carolina State College, according to an announcement made by Professor Satterfleld, faculty ath letic director. To the follower of college athletics in the state it is needles to say that Coach Fetzer is the responsible party for the phe nomenal succeases of the Davidson College teams for the past five years. Coach Fetzer graduated from Da vidson in 1906, after having made a reputation as a crack athlete on the - "Wild Cat" teams. He then went to Fishburoe Military Academy as athletic director where he remained fpr six years. Staunton Military Academy then secured his services for one year, at the end of which time he returned to Fishburne for one year. In January ,1916, David son College, having seen.the growing success of Fetzer as a coach made j claims on him, a nd there he has re mained until the present time, fil ling in his summers at Camp Sap phire, which he has been sucegsfully operating for boys at Brevard, N. C. A clipping from the Atlanta Jour nal says of a Fetzer team: "T:he team often loses but it is never de feated." "Tig the fighting team that when downed, won't stay down." Morgan Blake of Atlanta, said, "We desire here and now to claim the lightweight championship of the world for the Davidson Wild Cats. No team ever put forth in these Un ited States of the same weight could ever get the verdict over that flock of wild men from North Carolina." ?And, we believe Mr. Blake. The Davidsonian says: "Various and sundry reason* have been given for Davidson's successes?to ssvc time and trouble?the real reason the best team in the United States 4 Davi4gon claims the beat cocah?and ia prepared to back her claim. We firmly believe that if our 'Coach Bill' had-the material, coupled with the financial backing neoeanary, he could turn out a machine that would al moit tear up the Hindenburg line, and make end run* to Berlin. We Continued on page five.) / Will CONOUCI A MOBILE SCHOOL BAPTIST SCHOOL TO BE 'HELD IN MURFREESBORO. Baptists Will Mobolize That The World May Be Saved. They are called mobile schools be cause they are movable, and tecause they are mobilizing the Baptist people of North Carolina for action in the great day that ia now breaking upon the world. During the third week in this o nth these Mobile Schools in North Carolina al running at the same tim? from the mountains to the ocean. Among these forty mobile schools the one that is ofpeculiar interest to the Baptists of this section, is to be in session at Murfreesboro, N. C., July 21.20. The faculty and students of this school are as follows: Dean, N. H. Shepherd; Sunday Schools, J, H. Bar nes; The Atonement, W. H. Hollo man; B. Y. P. U., H. G Bryant; Stew ardship and Misions, P. A. Under wood; Bible, J. W. Downey; Preach er, J. E. Kirk; Host, J. W. Whitley. Five days of intensive drill will be done in this mobile school. It is ex pected that at least two members from each Baptist Church in this lection of the State will be in atten dance at this school. Entertain ment will coat you four dollars. This Mobile School work is a new line of work in the churches, it show insr how the christian denominations are mobilizing and drilling for the conquest of the world. Our crowds must be made into mission armies now, or what haa been gained in this great war will be lost. GOOD PICTURES TO BE SOLD TO , P'BLIC SCHOOLS Department of Agriculture Aiding School* in The Purchase. MANY SCHOOLS ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE. List of Approved Picture# Can Be Secured From The Department. Raleigh, July 9? Many public schools of the State are taking ad vantage of the opportunity offered them by the State Department of Agriculture to purchase beautiful pictures for the school room. Sup erintendent R. W. Itley of Sampson County has just placed an order for fourteen of the public schools of his county, and several others report that they have 6n hand their share of the money necessary to buy some of these pictures under the co-op erative plan outlined in the April 1919, bulletin by Dr. Clarence Poe of the State Board of Agriculture. While Sampson's order is proba bly the largest yet received, and the fourteen schools the largest number of schools in any one county to take advantage of the proposition, yet all sections of North Carolina are rep resented m the applications for aid now coming to the Department. The gist of the mater is that a one teacher school raising $5 or more for buying pictures from the officially approved list, may get $5 from the Department, while, for two teacher schools, the Department du plicates amount# up to $10, and for three teacher schools up to $15. Reproductions of the score of the great masterpieces of art recommen ded for purchase by the schools ap pear in the April bulletin, 'Great Picture and Good Books and Bul letins: How to Get Them to rCoun try Schools and Homes." This pub lication gives full information on how to get pictures for the country school and also tells how to get traveling libraries .package libraries, debate libraries and bulletins of State and National Departments of Agriculture. A free topy oI this handsomely illustrated 48-page bulletin will b? sent to any North Carolinian send ing a request to the Agricultural Editor, Stats Department of Agri culture, Raleigh, N. C. AULANDER DEFEATS AHOSKIE The Aulander baseball team again demonstrated its superiority over the local ball team, when on the Ahoskie grounds, in a game played Tuesday afternoon, the score stood seven to one, with Aulander on the long end. Neither side did much batting, and but for erros Aulander would not have made the number of runs she did. Only seven hits were garnered off Copelapd. who pitched a good game, holding the visitors well in hand. Baiemore, pitching for Au lander, allowed enly ftve hita, bat he was given good support. The looats prevented the visitors from leaving a eampleta setting ef goose cots In Uwir possession hy scoring their laae tally la the elgtk.