I Helmets Worn by German War Lords on Exhibit at Methodist Centenary Cmi* b ration Ml I THREE helmets. absolutely guar- i teed to have been worn by the former Kaiser William oifc Germany, Von Bethmann-Hollweg and General LudendorB, will be on exhibition in Columbus, O., as a part of the Metho dist Centenary Celebration. June 20 to July 13. They were brought out of Germany d'.iritls the revolution by Ixwell Thomas, world traveler an;! explorer, whose travelogues will be riven in Columbus as a feature of the celebration. Thomas entered Germany at this most critical period, without pass ports or authority of any kind. To do this he was forced to hide oat for days on the border. Me was turned back twice, but on tils third attempt succeeded m getting past a Swiss guard. He made some wonderful pic tures in Berlin, showing street riots and the general chaos of the city at that time. In addition to these views and in cidental lectures, Mr. Thomas will show pictures taken In Palestine at the time of General Aiienby's occupa tion. Thomas accompanied the Brit ish troops on this expedition. Leading Lady In 'The Wayf arcr' at Methodist Centenary Celebration r.? ME. BLANCHE YURKA creates the rol? of XJndo^'tanding, lead ir.g female part in 'The Wayfarer" pngeant. which will be presented at the Methodist Centenary celebration In Columbus, O., June 20 to July 13. Henry Herbert. English Shakes pearean interpreter, will have th# otbrr leading r^!e Nearly l.oon costumed character* will appear in the majestic religious pageant which will be presented e^ry evening during the celebration \t\ the Coliseum at the exposition grounds The Coliseum boasts of the largest Ktage in America and seats 8.C*K) persons. A seated chorus of 1,000 trained voices will augment the effectiveness of the pageant SoNist in "The Wayfarer" at Methodist Celebration MI 88 KBI.MN NSW ITT. dramatic lyric aoprano. will be the no prano soloist In "The Wayfarer." the gTeat retlrioui paxeant which will he presemted as a part of the Methodist Centenary celebration in Colinabus, 6.. June 20 to July 11. Henry Her bert. Bncllah Shakespearean Interpre ter. and Mme Blanche Vurka. will hare the leading speaking parta Viola Bills, contralto, will be a aololat. The paxeant will be presented no the large, t ?ta*e In America. In Um Colieeuui of the exposition (rounds. whM ??atK *000 peraona Nearly l.M coatitmed eharactera and a sealed ekorm of 1.M0 trained retoea will appear In the raaMdt r... ? .... METHODISTS SHOULD GATHER NEW ZEAL Centenanr an inspiration Says Or. Fisher. Dr. Fred Fisher of New York, who has been assistant executive secre tary of the -Methodist Centenary drive, has turned his entire organiza tion to the lob of mobilising Method ism In Columbus. June 20 to July 13. la outlining the campaign he has placed before 7S.OOO committeemen of the Methodist Church, he says: "We must stress four i lungs. First, this will be a big Victory Celebration. The Methodists ot the United States have lived more in the past year than In any 10 previous years of their ex istence. Now is the time for them to get together and celebrate their victory. "In the second place, this is an op portunity tor Methodists to have via u-lized the scenes and activities of which they have%been talking icr the past year, but of which they have no personal knowledge Of these 78,000 men. only a negligible per cent has ever bad the opportunity of going abroad At the celebration they can get the trip around the world at their convenience Third, this Is the time to 'finish the Job.' to gather Inspiration and in formation U> enable the organized workers In the church to carry out the program which has been mapped out for the next four years. ' Fourth, and most important of all. it the Celebration realiios the ideals which those who are back of It hold, it must be the inspiration for plan ning work for the next century. As we look upon the marvels that have been accomplished we should gather new faith and new zeal for enter prises that can be measured only in termr of another century. We mu|t. In a word, weld ourselves together in a great spiritual purpose to strike the bell's eye.' Dr. Fisher Indicated that 160 train ed executives, in addition to the 78, iKH> volunteer workers, will stimulate Interest In the Centenary Celebration during the next six weeks JULY 7 NEGRO DAY Trips Planned For Visitors to Methodist Centenary. Negro Methodists, in Columbui u Centenary Celebration visitors. will make a pilgrimage to Upper Sandusky, Wrthplace of the Home Mtantfgnary movement, to honor the memory of It* founder, John Stewart, a man of their own race. The trip la echeduled for Saturday July 5. Other trip* planned Include a rial! to the grave of Hen Hanby. author of "Nellie Gray.'1 In Otterhetn cemetery; to Ohio Wesleyan University. Dela ware: perhaps in smaller numbers to Wilberforce. and possible to Oberlln. so many found, by underground t route, safe haven In Civil war day*. Monday. July 7. haa been desig nated officially as "Negro Day," and ; will be observed at the Centenary I Celebration grounds with an alab i orate program of pageantry, ad dreaees special music and parades. Bar this occasion. Dr. W K. Duboi*. editor of The Crisis, published In N'ew York, has written a pageant. 'The Star of (Ethiopia," which will he pro dnced In the Coliseum by colored par ticipant* The tbeae of the pageant la the evolution of the raa* traced throogh progressive stage* of achieve meat *r. the present day. A ehorns of M? voices, all N'egToes, will pr* sent the pageant must*. L. ?' . \ Administratrix Notice Having qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of James G. Newsome, deceased, late of Hertford County, North Carol lina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of June, 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 3rd day of June, 1919. ' Mrs. J. G. Newsome, Administratrix James G. Newsome, Deceased. Rogers and Williams, Attorneys. NOTICE The undersigned has qualified as ad ministrator of F. F. Ferguson, de ceased, late of Hertford Count, N. C., this ia to notify all persons hold ing claims against the estate of sand deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned for payment on or before June 19, 1920, or this ntoice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This June 19, 19 19. Walter C. Ferguson, Administrator of F. F. Ferguson. BP TROUBLE gl Vta ? oenMi illanl'thnl S people are too prom* la D*f -1 B feet ontil the (Unrcr Ihie la ? ? reached. Don't YOU 4o hi ? H Get a 35c bottle of ? DR. THACHER'S ? DIARRHOEA ? MIXTURE from jroar tfrug atore and I ? have it ready at the firs! ^9| symptom of Diarrhoea, Flea, ^3 P C'jolera, Infantum etc. laaae^l B half a century. Plaaanat H for colic and diarrhoea and should be kept at hand by every family. ^??? Hot Water for Sick Headaches Tails why everyone ehould drink hot water with phoephate I In It before breakfaet. Headache ot any kind, Is caused by auto IntQTlnaHoa?which means self poisoning Llvei and towel poisons called toxins, surged into the blood, through the lymph ducts, excite the heart which pumps the blood so fast that It congests In the smaller arteries and reins of the head producing vio lent. throbbing pain and distress, called headache You become nervous, de spondent, sick, feverish and miserable, your meals sour and almost nauseate you. Then you resort to acetanlllde, Motrin or the bromides which tempor arily relieve but do not rid the blood of these Irritating toxins. A glass of hot water with a teaspoon ful of limestone phosphate In It, drank before breakfast for awhile, will not only wash these poisons from your sys tem and cure you of headache but will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary canal. Ask your pharmacist for a quarter pound of limestone pfaoephaW It Is In expensive, harmless aa sugar, and al most tasteless, except for a sourish twinge which is not unpleaaant. If you aren't feeling your beat, If tongue is coated or you wake up with bad taste > foul breath or have colds. Indigestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin the phoe phated hot water cure to rid your system of toxins and poisons. Results are quick and It Is claimed that thoee who continue to flush oat the stomach, liver and bowels every morning never have any headache or know ? miserable moment 1 For the Relief of Rheumatic Pains. When you have stiffness and sore ness of the muscles, aching joints and find it difficult to move without pain try massaging the affected parts with Chamberlain's Liniment. It will re lieve the pain Shd make rest and sleep possible. Having qualified as ahministrator of Mrs.Jennie B. Wynn, deceased, late of Hertford County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Murfreesboro, N. C., on or before the 28th day of May 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons en debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of May 1919. Thomas B. Wynn, Administrator of Jennie B. Wynn. Mr. Wisler Cured of Indigestion. "Some time in 1909 when I had an attack oiT indigestion and everything looked gloomy to me, I received a free sample of Chamberlain's Tablets by mail. I gave them a trial and they were such a help to me that 1 bought a package, and I can truthfully say. that I have not had a similar attack since," writes Win. B. Wisler, Doug lassville, Pa. , fr ' | THE DETROIT VAPOR STOVE 11 m The ideal cook itoye for W< i MJ fl the careful home?No '? Jf smoke and no worry. Aak . t *: m for a demonstration. '4 ^ . t Furniture and Home Furnishings for Iht modern housekeeper ?ra sold cheaper bar* than any placa in town. A discount allowed on all articlaa for cash. Our store is full of choice foods. HARDWARE AND COOKING UTENSILS PRICED VERY LOW Some Specialties Sawing Machines, Painta, Oils,, Harnasa, DIXIE TRAILERS, Building Material UNDERTAKER IN CONNCETION E. J. BELL & CO. I i I L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS I BUT THAT CAN BK MADE Cost to yon $3J2S a Gallon when made ready to as* RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40YEARS I Obtain COLOR CARD fro? vat Agents or LOMOMAM tk MARTINEZ Biwrftchnw Hew Yifc | \6u know what I want!" m Ill ? I WANT A FROSTY GLASS of sparkling, exhilarating PEPSI-COLA! It brace* me up, makes my eyes sparkle, and restores all my old wintertime pep and jaiz I '' I can look the Thermometer in the eye and say 'Snpon' You have no terrors for ai<, old thing!" I can make my i>ld flying machine simply talk after a swig at this Fountain of Youth! It makes mc timplg tei*lillo1e YOU, too, can know ?he pleasure of * Pepifying and Stimulating PEPSI-COLA r? THE PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING WORKS AHOSKIE, NORTH CAROLINA snHHuf'tn !2J ? k ' ..-.u. . -3-*~li^ai? nl J