ii limn! w^iBniiiini tii.wiriwirwiinrrT -r~rnr rimmr b|b LLocal News of General Interest1 The rain* on Monday of *b' < Tuesday preceded the gucccss of the ] ? ? * ? Dewey Cherry, of Ridunond, wa? the guest of his lister, Mrs. S. J? j Boyette, last Sunday. ? ? ? ? Mrs. J. Roy Parker and Miss An- 1 jiie Parker were In Norfolk Thurg day shopping. * * * * i Mrs? Herbert Bowman, of Ayden, ( is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Boze- t man. j ? ? ? ? Mr. R. H. Underwood, of Mur- ' freesboro, was a visitor in Ahoskie Tuesday. ? ? ? ? A. J. Barley, of Powellsville, was in Ahoskie lagt week on business. ? ? ? ? ' Watch the label on your paper. : Keep your subscription pai din ad- 1 vsnce. ? ? * ? Hance Holler, of Gatesville, has rceently accepted a position in the soda fountain owned and operated by Z. V. Bellam. ? * * ? For first class job printing you : cannot beat that produced at this ' ' office. Ask those who have had 1 work done here. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Winbonre of Harrellsvile were visitors in Ahos kie last Thursday They were callers at {he Herald office. ? ? ? ? Subscribe to the HERALD?your only County paper. The HERALD carries all the local news. ? ? ? * Miss Clarine Scull, of Harrells ville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H Jrenigan last Saturday and Sunday. ? ? ? ? Edwin Tornley, of Norfolk, re turned to his home Monday, after spending a few days with his sister, , Mr*. J. Roy Parker. ^ > ? ? ? ? i fobacco raisers in this neighbor- I hood have already begun to house their tobacco, and many are this t week "puttin in their tobacco." t ? ? ? ? Mrs. J. P. Lassiter and daughter, Miss Clara Lassiter, of Rich Square, were guests in the home ofMr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker Wednesday. ? ? ? ? Albert Praden, recently discharg ed from the U. 8. Army, spent Tues day with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Pruden. He left Wednes day morning for South Carolina, where he will accept a position. * * * ? The stockholders of the New Plan ters Tobacco Warehouse held a meet ing in Ahoskie Tuesday, to make ar. rangementg for the approaching to bacco season. ? ? ? ? A party of young people had an outing a tthe Colerain Beach on Wednesday afternoon. The picnic was given in honor of Miss Jessie 1 Me'Mullan, of Edenton, who is the i house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Vann. ? ? ? ? Messrs. W. L. Curtis and Ernest Hayes an dMrs. Hayes and little daughter left via automobile for Ridgecrest Wednesday. They will spend the summer at this mountain resort returning to Ahoskie about the first of September. ? ? ? * Talmage Baker, of Norfolk, was the guest of his father, R. J. Baker a few days last week. He left on Sunday for Smithfield where he has accepted a position with a tobacco warehouse, for the ensuing year. ? ? ? ? Dr. Johnson, who has charge of the Typhoid Vaccination Campaign in Hertfrod County, reports that the number vaccinated in this county has been very successful and grat ifying. A report of the final re sults will appear in this paper in a subsequent Is*"" wets on Tuesday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. E. J Gerock and Mr. and Mrs Dan Boyette left Wed nesdaw for Asheville to spend their summer vacation of two weeks. They made the trip by automobile. ? ? ? * Samuel Copeland, formerly of this place, but lately of the U. 8. Army, was in Ahoskie Sunday with friends He is now with his parents in Mur freeaboro. ? ? ? ? Dr. G. M. Billing*, of Raleigh, was the guest of friends her# on last Saturday and Sunday. He left on Monday for Norfolk, where he will visit relatives for a few days. In a few weeks he will return to Noth Ca- i rolina and accept a position on the ? Staff of the Assy him at Morfanton. ? ? ? ? Stanley Leary, of Elisabeth City, vu the week end truest of hi* moth- < >r, Mrs. S. H. Leary. He returned Monday morning. ? ? ? ? Stewart Holloman, who holda a joeition with Watten and Martin in Norfolk, was the guest of hisparenta Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Holloman, of" route number four, a few days last reek. ? ? ? ? The new "Go to the Right" sign* recently purchased by the town fath ers, have been placed at the inter, lection of all the principal streets ;n the town. They were put into place early Wednesday morning. ? ? ? * Automobile drivers in the town of Ahogkie had better keep to the right or the cop will get a job. Automo bi lists must observe the law in this respect. Watch the signs iti the street, and follow "the printed in- | itructions." * ? ? ? B. C. Vinson, recently discharged from the U. S. Army, is in Ahoskie this week visiting friend and rela tives. Mr. Vinson spent many mon ths in France, and aboue two months of actual fighting on the Argonne front. In that brief space of time he had many narrow escapes ,at one time being a member of a reconnoiter ing gang, composed of eighty men, fifty of whom never lived to return tp their dug outs. He is a brother of Mr. James Vinson, Manager of the Herald. KEETER-ALSTON. ?I T T A 1.1 -J T"1 11?.: 11 _ i mr. o. aibiuii ut. fuwcuoiiuc announces the marriage of his (laugh ter, Mary Morris, to John Byron Keeter, of Grover, N. C. The wed ding took place Thursday morning, June the twenty-sixth, at 9:30 o'clock. Rev. N. H. Shepherd pastor of the Baptist Church officiating. The home was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and potted plants. Miss Willie Perkins Mizell, of Wind ?or, rendered the wedding march. Only the immediate families and the close friends of the contracting par ties were present to witness the mar riage. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mr*. Keeter left for an automobile trip through the mountains of this State. They will be at home after July tenth at Grover, North Carolina. CANNING CLUB CIRLS HAVE ENCAMPMENTS. Several rally meetings are being held by various girl clubs in many ! of the counties of the state. Re cently, 50 girls from Edgecombe and Nash counties met at Red Oak Farm Life School where they clubbed to. gether for several days, using the school dormitories for the occasion. The girls o fWilson County, under the leadership of Mrs. G. C. Boyette, al so recently had an interesting outing at the Rock Ridge Farm Life School. Many other rallies are being held in other counties of the State, the idea being to give the girls a short, intensive, three day course in can ning and home making, and to devote a considerable part of the time to outdoor recreational an dsocial en tertainment. WHAT CONGRESS IS DOING THIS WEEK. (Continued from page one.) meeting today, depending on the num i be rof its members present. Strong sentiment exists for prompt enact ment of a war-time enforcement mea sure, but whether the measure will be part one of the bill already re ported or an entirely new bill has not been decided. Investigation of expenditures of the War Department during the war will be resumed today by the special committee conducting the Inquiry. NEW ATHLETIC HEAD FOR STATE COLLEGE. (Continued from page one.) give due credit to our red and black for our winning is named the Coach Bill Fetser. Georgia Tech claims Aghter*?but we give more credit to our red and black thinker?'Coach Fetter, Here's to you I' Year after year with rery limited material Fetzer has produced teams with spirit and flght which have won He is expected to have more and bat ter material to work with this fall ' ft! PROFESSIONAL CARDS j ^ ?V s ^ Dr. c. g. Powell DENTIST PHONE NO. 10 AHOSKIE. N. C. | OR. J. HOWARD BROWN Veteriaariaa Will have an office with Hollomon Bros., Rich Square, N. C. After May 15th : j R. R. ALLEN & SON Dealers in 8ASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, WINDOW !| GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail Mo. 927 Washington Square SUFFOI.K VA. J j tombentoneK of auy'descriptio 1 see or write J. B. MOULIN. Ahoskie, N. C. Agents for United States Marble Co. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Coun?ellor-At-Law WINTOW. N. C. Practice in all courts. Loans negotiat ed. All matters f^fen Drompt and faithful attention. Located across street from residesce ??? : ^???? a DR. C. H. GUAMBERLAIH, DENTIST MURFREESBORO, N. C. J. ROY PARKER, Notary Public. Located in Herald Butldinf. AHOSK1E. N. C. DR. J. H. BROWN VETERINARIAN Office with Holloman Brothers. Rich Square, N. C. DR. CHARkES _J. SAWYER Farmers-Atlantic^ Bank Building, Ahoslde, N. C. ~4 Hours: 10 to I and 2 to 5 \j E eery Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. ' (Including Fitting of Glasses). In Windsor, N. C., every Monday, Friday and Saturday. NOTICE. D.. * * ~ _ M i.1 ay vinue ui an uiuer Ul VI1V ou perior Court of Hertford County, made in the Special Proceedings, now pending: in said court, entitled Annie J. Pearce, Cyril Pearce, at. als., against-Wood Pearce, Annie Mae Pearce, et. als., the undersigned will on the 4th day >of August, 1919, off. er for sale to Hie. highest bidder for cash, at the courthotu door of Hart ford County, the following describ ed real estate, situated in the town of Winton, N. C., to-wit: Three lots in said town, and known as the late A. J. Pearce's saw mill mnd gin lota, and bounded -?n the West by Hill Street, on the North by the 1 lands of W- P- Taylor's heirs, on the East by the Faison lands and on the South by the lands of Mrs. Bet tie Majette. On these lots are located a gaw mill and cotton gin, engine, boiler, belts, saws, and other saw mill fix- ' tures. All to be sold with said lots. This 1st day of July, 1919. Jno. E. Vann, Commissioner. o 71 Remember K Tfcat tvtrj added tub- ft % scriber h:lps t.i .caU tl.it y paper tatter lot {m than in Uk previous experience*. The result will be watched with th? greatest interest and expectation. ' i REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF BANK OF AHOSKIE AHOSKIE, NORTH CAROLINA at the clo?? of bmt*Ni,JuM 30,1919. RESOURCES Loans and discounts *31q'roo O0 Demand Loans _ . . 3'600-00 Overdraft?, secured $1151.41; unsecured, $429 > .56 1,580.97 United SUtes Bonds and Liberty Bonds 20,050.00 North Carolina State Bonds 1.000.00 All other stocks, bonds and mortgages 200.00 Banking houses $12,269.08; fur rniture and fixtures, $4,571.55 16,840.63 All other real estate owned 668.65 Cash in vault and net amounts due from /Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 125,842.14 Checks for clearing 3,025.98 Total 4S5,402.23 \t? LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 25,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less, current expenses and fj taxes paid ? - ? 6,551.83 Dividends unpaid 2,008.00 Bl Bills payable * 20,000.00 B Deposits subject to check 203,348.49 Time certificates of Deposit 97,879.49 Savings Deposits t 27,069,89 ? Cashiers' Checks outstanding 10,415.97 Certified checks 18.50 Due to State Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 68,110.06 TOTAL 485,402.23 S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA?COUNTY OF HERTFORD, June 30, 1919. II, J. O. Carter, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge andbelief. J. O. CARTER, Cashier. Correct?Attest* John C. Britton, H. O. Raynor, J. C. Brett, I Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of July, 1919. ? 1 : J. A. Copeland, Notary Public My commission expires November 16, 1919. } Over 70,000 Satisfied Users of Delco-Lights \ On Farms in the U. S. A. Some of our Local Users that are satisfied tigers of Delco-Light and Water Systems: E. B. Parker, L Brett, H. V. Parker Mapleton, N. C Wynn Bros, P. C. Parker and Son; Murfreesboro, N. C. A. T. Newsome, H. C. Faison, I. V. Turner, J. J. Piland, C. T. Whitley, E. F. Stephenson, Winton. N. C. A. C. Vann, A. M. Crowne, R. A. Holloman, J. L Hall, Z. V. Bellamy, J. C. Benthall, Ahoskie, N. C. F P i D. J. B. Ruffin, J. E. R. Perry, Powellsville Bank and most all the town of Powellsville. E. White, L. A. & L D. Perry, Norman;Phelps, Britton & Nowell, Bank of Colerain, Jack Deans,-^C. L Morris w* lots of others at Coleraine, N. C. Lewiston Supply Co., Dr. Garriss, Lewiston Mercantile Co U. S. Morris, W. T. Griffin, Lewis Thomson, Lewiston, N. C. Kelford Hotel, Kelford Mercantile Co., W. C. Evans, Kel ford, N. C. 1 And'whole of others whom we cannot^ mention now There folks are All satistied users'and all the 70,000 men-* tioned abode. This is why you should buy a Delco-Light & Water System from J. A. ELEY, AHOSKIE, N. C. ?? ' ;

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