GOVERNMENT ISSU'G BUHON The Government is issuing the , "Victory" button for use with ci- , vilian clothing to all who participat- , ed in the World War as soldiers of 'j the United States. The design is a j | five pointed star which bears the ini tials "U. S." and is superimposed opon a laurel wreath five-eigths of an inch in diameter. For those who who are wounded the buttons are of silver and for all others are bronze. A supply of the silver buttons has been received by the U. S Army Re cruiting Officer, Elm Street, Greens boro, N. C., and application by those entitled may be made direct An- j nouncement will be made through the press as soon as the bronze but- J tons are available.. The War Department has recently announced, as a part of its general vocational training scheme, that en. j listments for one year, without re- i I gard to whether or not the applicant has had previous service, will be ac pepted for the Quartermaster and Medical Corps. There has developed a marked in clination for service on the Mexican Border. A few years ago the Rio Grande was not deemed particularly desirable, but following the erection ' of barracks, the installation of com forts and added facilities for recrea tion there has been a decided change ; in the attitude of the military for ces. Over a third of the garrison of Eagle Pass, Texas, has enlisted for service at that point and fourth of the forces at Columbus, Ohio, has indicated a desire to stay on. j Sixteen hundred soldiers at El Pa so and vicinity have elected to re- j main at that delightful locality. For those of adventurous spirit, j the present interesting situation in 1! Siberia is offering an atractive pros pect. The service of our troops in China has continued interest for the lover of travel and new experiences while the waving palms of the Phil ippines are gtill beckoning to thoae who sing "Ship me somewhere East of the Suez." Woman's Missionary Society The Woman's Missionary Society of the Ahoskie Baptist Church will meet at the church on Friday after ? . i ? noon, July 11, in their regular month ly meeting. All members are urged i>y the President to attend. A* Nil You Have a Printing Want WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS Putting out good printing is oar business, and when we say g o?x/ printing wc don't mean fair, but the best obtsinable. 1/ you are "from Missouri" give us a tri&l and we will Show You ! The Purpose of anl ' Advertisement 11 is to serve your needs. 8 ! U will help sell your H ; goods?talk to the g | j people you want to | ' I reach. An advertise- u j j merit in this paper j is 9 re/erence guide I to rhose whose wants g j are worth supplying. P ; REV. A. J. VALLERY MAKESJTATEMENT Say* Tanlac Has Overcome His Troubles And He Feels Like a New Man. "I feel that it would be helping -* tot* other* to toll than what Tanlac ha ! done for me," Mid Rev. A. J. Vall ery, living at 884 Chalaea Memphis, Tenn. "About three years ago," he con tinued, "I had a general breakdown that made me nervous. I had a sour stomach and would spit up un listed foot Cm patea In my > ach hurt so at times that I thought it would kill me. I also suffered with rheumatic pains in my joints and my kidneys were in bad shape. My sleep was poor and I felt so tir ed all the time that I could not do my walk. "Since taking Tanlac I have been j relieved of the indigestion and those pains are all gone. My kidneys do not trouble me any, I am not ner- i vous like I was and I can sleep fine every night. My strength and en ergy have been restored and I feel like a new man." Tanlac is sold everyweher by. all leading d ruggist.?advertisement. If MHUMS BEGIN ON SALTS Flush the Kidneys at once whan Back achy or Bladder bothers?Kaat forms uric acid. No man or woman who eats meat regu larly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kidney p?res so they sluggishly Alter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheuma tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous ness, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders oome from sluggish kid neys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful ij a glass of water before breakfast for a I few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapee and lemon juice, oom bined with iithia and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neu tralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irriUtion, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad Salts is inexpensivs and can not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which all reg ular meat eaten should take now sad then to keep the kidneys slean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kid ney complications. rt "?^SS55SSSS; i CITIZENS BANK Resumed business Monday, July, 7th 1919. No accounts closed, and its deposits!were lar ger than on any day since it commenced busi ness in 191 lf It's day of resuming business ? i. has been the best and brightest of any day in it's history. An invitation is extended to the public to call to see us and meet Mr. J. A. Campbell, it's Cashier. CITIZENS BANK ?? . * ? ? . Murfreesboro, North Carolina ?" 1 GOOD PRINTING ?'} ? "? k\ & ?11 '. 4: . Marks 1 X f ? | < ^ ? l ? ^ ^ 1 t ?*' *' h Every Job set up in this Office Our Complete Equipment gives us the Advant age in giving your work prompt attention. * 1 , . fU> ' * ? Hertford County Herald Ahoskie, North Carolina. 'J