/ Fox- a. Sick. Po cket book. MANY SECRET ORDERS ORGANIZE FOR THRIFT Mart Than Sixteen Hundred Lodge* With Thousand* of Member* Work ing to Malt* Thrift a Happy Habit. Thrift, aa a movemnet of the Uni ted State* Treasury Department, ha* been Indorsed by more than sixteen hundred lodge* of fraternal orders In the Fifth Federal Reserve District. Acoordlng to flgnrae given out today by the War Laxui Organisation of the District, thee* lodge* bare more than one hundred and thirty-all thousand mben. and *ot only are all these member* urged to loin War Saving* So-'-Mies, but many lodge* are Invest ing their Treasury funds la War Bar ings Stamp*.. ' S<-,n-e three hundred lodge*, with a membership exceeding thirty-four thousand, are forming societies In Maryland Among the orders repre sented there are the Knights of Pythias, Shield of Honor. Maccabees, Red Men. Knights of the Qolden Bagle Woodmen of the World and Knights-of Columbus. In Virginia the Woodmen of Amer ica are heartily co-operating in the thrift tmorement. Their two hundred aad ten lodges with a membership at seven thousand four hundred and thirty-Aval: are organizing War Sav ings Societies In North Carolina searly seven hundred lodge* are act ively supporting the campaign. These tots' a membership of about sixty-nine thousand, representing the Sons and Daughters of Liberty, the IiMependent Order of Odd Fellows and the Junior Order of United American Mechanic*. Valuable aid Is being lent In South Carolina by the Knights of Pythias, the Red Men and the Odd Fellows, the three orders having more than three . hundred lodges In the State, with a membership In excess of twelve thou sand. Co-operation of all lodge* In the dlstrtlct Is urged. Since many ot the most promlneat and Influential men In every community are lodge members. It la partcularlv desired to have the fraternal Orders behind the taring movement. FARMERS TURN SALES INTO SAYING STAMPS OM Crop* if Great AM to Thrifty i Tillers of toll In This District . Farmers who are msklng a habit of getting a few Thrift Stamps stmt tins they market anything from ItMr farm* are flndlar that they are sM? to sare regulaly and that they do sot miss the small amounts la rested. The a rarer* farmer In this section of the country depends large ly on his "money" crop, which he har rests once a year. Almost erery one! of them, hwerar, (rows something else which he markets at odd times. An occasional load of hay may be taken Into town and sold. The thrifty fanner* also ylant peas, beans, okra. lettuce, beats or some of the other r?etablas which thrlre In the South and for which there Is a ready market. Batter and acts form stapls arttelss to'be marketed between Reason* By buying Just a f?w Thrift Stamps each time the farm wagon makeo a haul to town, the farmer or his wife Is prorldng a fttnd which they win be sbie to turn to good account later - en. for when these Thrift Stamps are exchange! for War 8ar-j tag* Stamp, they Increase In ralne, automatically. aad may always he turned into cash on ten darn' written notice to the postmaster, although the longer they are kept the more they ears. Wealth Is seldom the result of luck but of system. Sare regularly. Buy tw s a. Treat your pocket hook with the ?atne consideration as yon wonld your beet friend. Inrestment la War BarWs* Stomps makes the Me j ?Irottger. The cornerstone of tomorrow's **e-1 eeef W founded upon today's thrift Any postman can lay ths conmrston* |pr you with War Barings Stamps Tea never miss the Arst dol1?r out of rour pockethool Keep it for your *n!f Buy Thrift 3 omps. Krm you bought your Thrift Stamp ' 1 THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE MAY HAVE LUXURIES War Saving* Stamp* Furnish An Easy Way to Obtain Mo nay for Conveniences. Although a family may not N wealthy enough for rue "lady of the house' 'to hare all the little conTaai ences she want*, through Thrift and War Baring* Stamp* the government has provided a way for the housewife to lit up her kitchen, paint the hcaae, furnl?h her spar* room or emballlah the parlor. Theee women who were so wise as to begin saving systematically early In 1118 have nice little sum* Invested in War Savings Stamps by this time. Eleven War Savings Stamps, some of which ooat as llttl* as $4.11 apiece, wfll buy a first-class kitchen cabinet. In many Instances, the housewife would not have saved anything to speak of. had It not been for the War Saving* Stamps. Women are quick to grasp the b*n? fits from habits of thrift. Numerous reports have been received at district headquarters of the War Loaa Organ isation of the Fifth Federal Rusuria District of woman who have started in by putting quarters In Thrft Stamp* and who have ben enabled to buy desired artlqles to brighten their home* As soon as a War Savings Stamp la bought, ft begins earning mora mossy. War Savings Stamp* are practically randy m<mey They are redeemable wtth scorned Internet at the post off to* ob ten days' aotloe, bat th* longer they are held, the in or* money they make for their holders. I EASY START TOWARD SUCCESS FURNISHED Whan a man gets $1,000 laitd up there are always opportunities lor a good iDTMtanl It is hard to plaoe much leu tfcaa that. That ia what healthy am who arc self-made ad vise young mm to begin early a ad save the ~trat thousand. Until we went to war, U waa hard ta get started toward that 91.000 un 1ms at least on* dollar could be put *way at a time. V Small cfcange waa reatlees aad aorobatic and kept lom|? ing out of our pockets Into someone ?lee's. Now, however, there la aa easy war to get that first thousand. TTve answer la Thrl* Stamps. They coat only a quarter apiece and aaa be ?on verted Into War Sarlngs Stamps. The government at the TTolted States backs theae War Savings Stamps with a guarantee of 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. Bare and suo aaad. AS PERMANENT INVESTMENT Seeretary af Treasury aises Shows Valuee af War Savings and Asks for Oo-operation. ? ? Secretary Olaaa, to a resent Inter view given at Washington. discussed War Stamps as a permanent invest ment as follows: "WAR Saviags 8 tain pa afford an as sailant vehicle! for Increasing capital and earning power. Many persons bare not taken the War Savings Stamps seriously aa aa Investment but the tact that they may be bought in as large a quautltyma $1,000 faco value during 191$, at such favorable Interest return, makes them most de sirable for the average man or family. "Dsflnlte plans for the continuance : of the iesue in coming years of small i Government securltiaa are being work ed oat. "Although War Savings Stamp* sale* thin year do not approach the high marks made uader stimulation of war n??d laat year, iMr absorption l>7 Lh? public thaa tar Ui bom aatia factory. I Sayings in all channels ahrank dur ing the early month* *f ?he year, and i it la expected that War ?eying* Stamp ! sales. atone with' postal tarings and savings bank deposits. wtll grow steadily throughout the year. "Co-jperation is sought earnestly la th* matter of keeping Thrift and War flaring* Stamp* on *ai*. so that no on* so Inellnad may (ail to hare oppor tunity to lnT*at hi* money wisely." Today Is that toriorrow you tho??b# j about y?*l*nlay?Buy W. 8. .8. MGR. Spend wlcely?lav**t Judlclo^H^" | and yon will bar* fUntifully NOTICE OF SALE By oirder of an and judgment of the Superior Court of Martford, nude and entered in a Special Proceeding mere pending wherein Lula B. Lew ter Everett .Administratrix of C. H. Lewter, defeased, U petitioner and Theodore B. Lewter ( Charlie I). Lew ter and others, heirs-at-law of C. H. Lewter, deceased, are defendanta, the undersigned, J. H. Matthews, commis sioner, will on Saturday, July 12th, 1919 at twelve o'clock M., expose to pubdlic sale in front of the poat borooffice in the tow nof Murfrees boro, Hertford county, North Caro line t the hightest bidder for cash, the following bounde dand described lots of land in the twn of Murfrea boro .Hertford County, North Caro line, to-wit : Lats Nos. ne, eight, ten and twelve in blck three of tha tcertain piece or pa reel of land known as the Isaac Pipkin "Brown Lot" and which was plotted and plotted and sold by said Pipkin through the Thomsa, Forte Realty and Auction Company, and plotted by J. R .Edmunds, Civil Engi neer by map, of record in Book 46, pafce 44Q Hertford County Register of Deds Office; and being a portion of the lota conveyed to C. H. Lewter by E. B. Vaughan and wife by deed, of record in book 60 at page 279, Hertford County Register of Deeds office to which deed reference is made for more particular description of said lots. These lots are sold under order of the court to make assets for pay ment of outstanding debt* against the estate of C. H. Lewter, deceased, and will be sold separately. This the Place of sale?In front of the post office. Time of sale?12 (jN;Jock M., Sat urday July 12 1919. Terms of sale?Cash. This the 10th day of June, 1919. J. H Matthews Commissioner. WINSTON & MATTHEWS, Attorneys. NOTICE North Carolina, Superior Court Hertford County August Term, 1919 * Mary Vann vs. Charlie Vann The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Hertford County, North Carolinawto obtain a divorce "A Vinculo MatriaMOii," and that the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the 4th Monday before the first Monday of September, it be ing the 4th day of August, 1919, at the courthouse of said County, in Winton, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This the 12th day of June, 1919. C. Wallace Jones. Attorney for Plaintiff. D. R. McG. GOHON, Clerk of Superior Court. > Hayes' Healing Honey Stops The . Tickle Heals TheThroat Cures The Cough Price 33c. A FREE BOX OF GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE (Opens the Pores and Penetrates) For Chest Colds, Head Colds aud Croup, is enclosed with every bot tle or HAYES' HEALING IIONEY You get thrs C'ljh Syrup a ad the Salve (or one pries, 33c. Made, Recommended and Guaranteed to the Public by Paris Medicine Company ManuTaL:u."e.^ of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Adminutratria Notice Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of A. T. Hill deceased late o1 Hertford County, North Car olina, this is to notify all those hold ing claima against the estate of the said deceased to present them to the undersigned for payment on or be fore the 12th day of April, 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 12th day of April, 1919. Mrs. Rosa I. Hill, Adm'rx. mo at FOR SALE t' ) $500,000.00 * Half Million Dollars of Country, Town and City Property In and near Elizabeth City, Hertford, Edenton, andSunbury, N. C. Also in and near Whaleyvilla, Cypress, Saunders, Holland, Myrtle, Lummis, Mannings, Franklin and Suffolk, Va. Beautiful city and town property. Farms and timberlands. Anything that the investor or homeaeeker can wish or look for. I have optioned up and am waiting buyers. Am ready and anxious to deed same. Follow ing is a partial list of farms and other properties: Thomas J. Whitfield farm, 120 acres north side ofNansemond River adjoining City of Suffolk. Wm. Thomas Kilby Farm, 250 acres 4, miles fromSuffolk. J. T. Williams?Yates Farm, 226 acres, 1 1-2 milesfrom Suffolk. G. Cooper?Willie A. Lassiter farm, 239 acres, 3 l-2miles from Suffolk. E. R. Rodgers farm, 60 acres, 2 miles from Suffolk. Altachol farm, 180 acres, 8 1-2 miles from Suffolk! Jesse Whitley farm, 360 acres, 4 miles from Suffolk. . John King farms, 1,000 acres, 6 miles from Suffolk. Willie J. Brinkley farm, 105 acres 8 miles from Suffolk Henry Parker farm 197 acres, 8 miles from Suffolk. R. Sam Holland farm *142 acres, with store and ginand mill buildings with all machinery at Saunders Sta tion. Robert E. Brothers farm, 199 acres, Cypress, Va. W. H. Brothers, deceased " farm, 220 acres, 4 mile?from Whaleyville Beverly P. Baker farm, 73 acres, 3 miles from Wha|eyVji)e> Virginia. Savage farm, 101 acres, Manning Siding, 4 miles from Suffolk.' Nelms farm, 77 acres. Manning Siding, 4 miles from,Suffolk! Cyras H. Ellis farm, 60 acres, Manning Siding, 5 mi!e.,from Suffolk. Joshua Harrell farm, 198 acres, 3 miles from Holland, VaA. G. Harvell farm, 125 acres, 3 miles from Suffolk. W. W. Smith farm, 100 acres, 1 mile from Nurneys Station. Charlie F. White farm. 60 acres, in Bosley, N. C. Ernest S. Benton farm, 60 acres, Wiggins Cross Roads. 3 miles Coropeake N. C. J. T. Parker farm, 50 acres, at Liberty Spring church, 8 miles from Suffolk. O. L. Baker home, store and two large farms, 7milesfrom Suffolk. Jack Baker farm, 42 acres, 8 miles from Suffolk. J. H. Adams farm, 35 acres, Lummis Station, Va. F. H. Hedgepeth farm, 45 acres, Lummis Station Va. J. E. Gray farm, 100 acres, Kenyon Station, 4 milesfrom Suffolk. Rogert Rawles farm, 160 acres, 3 1-2 miles from Holland Va. John Harrell farm, 3 miles from Sunbury, N. C. Baker and Bob Hollowell, Parker farm, 174 acres, lmile from Sunbury, North Carolina. Thomas B Walters home place, 75 acres Hertford, North Carolina. ? George W. Campbell farm, 208 acres, 1 mile from Hertford, North Carolina. ?? H. Winslow Taylor farm,, 100 acres, 3 miles from Elizabeth City, North Carolina 1 The C. W. Morns, J. C. Commander Home with aboutthree acres of vacant lot adjoining the High School of Elizabeth City, North Carolina. I' Dozens of other properties for sale not listed here MR. HOMESEEKER AND INVESTOR I have the finest assortment of farming lands in theState of North Carolina and also Virginia. Thousands of acres of the best tobacco lands, all around Suffolk, thatcan be had in these States. Tobacco is now growing on farms I sold last year. These farms are going at lessthan half price, such lands are selling for in the tobacco belt. Mr. Farmer?If you want a farm or have a farm tosell, look for Suffolk's Hustling Real Estate Man. Homeseekers wanting to locate in Suffolk, see or write me at nee. Yours for business, H. P. WINSLOW, Suffolk, Virginia. P. 0. Box 419, Stopping at Hotel ? : I Atlantic Life Insurance Co. Announces the Appointment of W. L. Curtis as District Agent, Ahoskie, N. C. Atlantic is a Southern Company managed by Southern Men in the interest of Southern people.. Atlantic invests its premiums in the State from which they are received. Atlantic invests in real estate loans upon city, town or farm property. Therefore: A, POLICY IN THE ATLANTIC HELPS THE BUSINESS OF PEOPLT WHOSE BU8INESS HELPS YOUR BUSINESS. ? Atlantic shows in the people of the territory in which it doeg business the confidence *rhich those people sh owin it, . if, Alfred M. Best Company, the Brudstreet & Dunn 6f the Insurance bus iness in their report on the Atlantic say: THE COMPANY HAS HA DA STEADY AND PERSISTENT GROWTH AND POSSESS AMPLE SURPLUS. THE AC TURIAL METHODS ARE SOUND. ITS INVESTMENTS YIELD A LARGE RETURN. THE EXPENSE OF MANAGE | MENT AND COST OF NEW BUSINESS IS MODERATE. Atlantic Capital and Surplus is 10 per cent of its liabilities. Judge.it by *? r the security it affords. That ig teh best financial strength?not the size of assets, but the margin above iss liabilities. Atlantic Contracts me>t every need of the insurer and include all modern additions to the lifelnsurance contract. . < ' ' W. L CURTIS - BEN S. McKEEL District Agent Local Aent I 1 1 ^ A_. . v ??

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