Hertford County Herald _j ? ????_ ?^H?^??? 1ERTFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER WORTH WHILE NOT A BALKER, BUT A PUSHER VOLUME X. (ONE SECTION) AHOSKIE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919. (EIGHT PAGES) No. 14 BERTIE COUNTY MISSION UNION UN ANNUAL MEET ?Miuionar Unions of Bertie County Hold Their An nual Meeting. ?MARS HILL CHURCH PLACE OF MEETING. I Good Program Was Carried ou> and Large Attendance Was on Hand. . (Special to the Herald.) ? Powellsville, July 10?It was an I ideal day?July 9, 1919. The Old Mars Hill Church was on "Dress pa rade." They were on hand in full force to greet and welcome the sis ters from the other societies of Ber tie County, all of whom were repre sented except one, namely, Aulander. And, in this connection, we will ny the brethren were also on the ground to welcome the visiting brethren, who had come along to bring the sisters. We will say further in this connection that arrangements had been madq for pastor Haight of Windsor to preach to the men in ' the new school building. His sermon was one of power and was a delight to the crowd that packed in to hear him. Mrs. W. G. White, President, was at her place and presided with her usual ease and dignity. The Secre tary, Mrs. R. B. Lineberry was also | present to keep the records straight, j Mrs. L. H. Freeman, of Powells ville, gave us a molt excelent paper , on Personal Service. Mrs. N. S. Godwin, of the Center Grove Society gave us a paper on Essentials to Suc cess in a W. M. S., which was both helpful and instructive. A Missionary Playlet by Mars Hill girls stirred the hearts of all who heard it. Little Miss Louise Ruffin DleaspH ? " " the audience very greatly with a beautiful recitation, which waa per fectly splendid in manner and deliv ery, aa did little Miss Vivian Wiggins with her sweet singing. Mrs. W. Mitchell, of Lewiston, gave us a very strong and well pre. pared paper on The Why and How of Young Peoples' Socieities. The congregation seemed profound ly impressed by the devotional servi ces both morning and afternoon, conducted by Miss Lanie Belle Lee ih the morning and Mrs. P. L. Raynor in the afternoon. We will just mention a few of the , special augers and you can judge how copiously and richly the program was enlivened and sweetened with music. Mrs. Shepherd was almost compel! ed to take charge of the organ, and she seemed tb be at her best, and those who have heard her play know what such a statement means. Mesdames I. M. Brown and W. J. Daniels, duet; Mr*. Effie Smith and Miss Lizzie Miller, Pastor Shep herd and J. H. Pearce ,mixed quar tette; male quartette by Hoggard, Pearce, Godwin and Godwin. To the delight of us all the Lasai: ter Brothers happened to b? present and they, with Messrs. Hoggard and Godwin, pleased us with several fine quartette. , The crowd yas variously estimated at seven hundred to a thousond, and notwithstanding* all that, the dinner was abundant, and the people car ried back home at least "twelve bas (Continued on page four) . ? WELFARE MAN APPOINTED FOR THIS COUNTY J. R. Vann, of Winton, Appoint ed Welfare Officer for Hertford County. ONLY ONE OTHER CAN DIDATE PRESENTED. Some Miiunder?tand>ng as to Method of Appointment Creates High Tension. The Hertford County Commission ers and the Board of Education of this County, in joint session, last Monday, elected Mr. J. R. Vann, of Winton, as Superintendent of Public Welfare for the County of Hertford, at an annual salary of eighteen hun dred dollars. At the time Mr. Vann was elected by the two boards, there was only one other name before the boards, that being Mr. AyG. Otwell of Woodland, and principal of the Onley High School at Menola. It is not known at this time if Mr. Vann will accept the position tendered htm. Before the columns of this paper are closed, however, a definite announce ment can probably be made. Mr. Vann is a highly esteemed young man and a man embracing many good and excelent qualities. He has only recently returned fr?m service with the United States Army overseas, having been assistant cash ier of the Merchants and Farmers Bank, of Winton, prior to his en- J trance into the service. Those fa miliar wiffi Mr. Vann, and knowing his admirable fitness for the position hope that he will accept the position which will mean so much to the wel fare of the entire county. gwuiv iioii?ML-w>-KOoanes?, genuine politics is wrapped up in the story of the sleection of this important officer for Hertford County; that is, politics played a large part in the way the election did NOT turn out Things that have happened in connec tion with the selection of a man to fill this place Chat have set the ton gues agog. For, the editor of this paper was politely informed as he alighted from an automobile in Win ton Monday that there would be ' "news a-plenty" to take back to Ahoslq^ On Monday, July 7, the Chairman of the County Board of Education and the Chairman of the Board c Commissioners, themselves in session, without the knowledge of the other members of the two boards, appoint ed to that position Mr.* L. C.' Will iams, an attorney of Ahoskie. How ever, the law creating the office of Welfare Officer states plainly that the two boards must meet in joint session before 15th of July, and ap point a Public Welfare Officer. It was this point of law that made this i appointment null sind void, necssital ting the joint session on last Mon day. Whether these respective chair men were ignorant of the true intent of the^ law is not known. In joint session Monday, the name -of Mr. Williams was first placed in nomination by the. Chairman of the County Board of Education, Dr. J. H. Mitchell, and uly seconded by Mr. H. H. Jones. No other names were at that time placed before the two boards. However, before the vote was taken, Dr. C. G. Powell of Ahos kie, addrsssqd the two boards In op position to the apointment of Mr. Williams. Followng his address be fare the board*, Mr .Williams' ap pointment wai rejected by the mem "bers of the boards, the vote being: two votes for Williams and Ave agai nst Williams., the members voting as follow*: for Williams, Dr. J. H, Mit chell and Jno. E. Vann; against Wil liams, H. H. Jones, C, E. Boyette, J. M. Eley, B. G. Williams and F. G. Tayloe. The names of J. R, Vann and A. G. Otwell were then placed before the boards, with the results as sta ted in the opening paragraph of this article. ? BUILDING THE OTAY DAM HEAR SAN DIEGO rii.^'w <: ?:n. ii-ar Sun HIcko. Cal., rialng on tbe site of the dam which wax washed oat In 19J6 with a loss of -?"> llM s uml n (iniperty l.x-t ((r Si,000,000, la being rushed to completion by the municipal engineers of San IX?go. When riu:!ji>etiMl tlx-