COip NEWS Mr*. Forbes, ?! ELiiabeth City, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. E. White. Dr. L. A. NoweU, Mum Rose Now ell, and Miss Ruth Britton went to Norfolk last Wednesday. The Bertie Assoc iational Meeting at Mars Hill was well represented by the ladies of the Woman's Missionary Society of our town. Mr. L. H. White made a flying trip to Norfol klast week. Mrs. Annie Gray,, of Windsor spent last week with her sister, Mrs. L. E. Stokes. Mr. Joe Btokaa arrived horn Thursday from camp. He was one of the last boys to return. Mr. Ed. Beasley has returned from Baltimore and will be in town for a few weeks. Mrs. D. R. Britton spent last week end in Winton with her mother, Mrs. Mary R. Shaw. Master Sidney Godwin, of Nor folk, is spending some time in town with his grandmother. Messrs. Louis Daniel, John Askew and Starkey Jernigan were visitors in town Friday last. The popularity of Coleraine Beach is yet increasing; a picnic down there from Ahoskie Wednesday, from Au lander Thursday, and from Winton Friday. We are always glad to have the visitors. Mr. W. M. Sitterson, cashier of the * bank, spent a few days in Williams, ton last week. Mr. Worth Burden and Mrs. March i pf Aulander were visitors in town last Friday. Mr. LeRoy Sounders, of Bedford, Va., is spending the week end with his mother, Mrs. Dora Saunders. Mr. Carl Liverman o# Roxobel, was a visitor in town Sunday. What is the attraction? Misses Lucille and Ruth Britton visited Winton last Sunday. Mr. Joe White of Windsor is vis iting relatives in town. Miss Martha White was a delight ful hostess on Monday evening, en tertaining the young people of the town. Several interesting contests were enjoyed, after which ice cream and cake was served. MEfKJLA HEWS Rev. John F. Cale filled his reg ular appointments on Saturday and Sunday at the Menola Church. Miss Mabel Parker, of Clinton, spent several days recently with her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Eley. Mrs Albert Lassiter, of Rich Square, speijf; several days of last week with Mrs. Maggie Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown ,of George, and Mr .and Mrs. Will Out land, of Woodland, spent last Wed nesday with Mrs. Mary Brown and family. Mr. Jno. E. Vann and Mr. Cyril Pearce dined in the home of Mr. J. M. Eley Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R Liverman, son and daughter, of Hexelena, attended services at the church here Sunday 1 and spent the remainder of the day with relatives here. Menola has decided to have a com munity Fair some time in the fall. Mr. Gaither and Miss Swindell have offered to do all they can to help and we feel that if the people here will co-operate and do their best we can have a fair worth while. Mr. A. G. Otwell left on Monday for Chapel Hill to attend the ten days' institute for teachers at that place. Mr. Will Cale and sons, John and ( William, of Lumberton, attended services here on Sunday morning ^nd took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eley. EYESIGHT IS OUR GREATEST FACULTY We can "ill spare any of the fa culties with whjph we are endowed. But of the five senses we can least afford to lose that of eyesight; which after all, is but another way of saying that vision is our most precious gift. Many people of today are inflict ing grave injury upon their sight, simply because they do not under stand it until too late. Neglect is robbing them of good vision. The moment your eyes give you the slight est concern, the least cause for alarm ?Consult Dr. Masrow, Norfolk's fore moat eyesight specialist, and let him give your eyes a scientific examina tion. He enjoys by far the largest patronage, and hia lifetime experie nce assures immediate and lasting relief and satisfaction. Dr. Masrow's office is in the Dickson Building, cor ner of Granby and Tasewell streets Hia charges for glaases are within easy reach of every body. Office hours-. Sunday, 11 to 18 a. m.; dai ly, 9 a. m. t oB p. m. Telephone 219 ?advertisement. hertford county com wmm meet _____ The Board of County Commisaiioiv ers of Hertford Coanty met on the 7th day of July, 1919, all of the mem- i bers of the Board being present The ofUowing committees are ap-1 pointed to-wit:. Committee on building: Bear Swa- j mp bridge Committee on jail and tank. Committee on repairs to court ho use. On motion, Andrew Sessoms and wife are allowed the sum of $6.00 per month, beginning with July, un til advised. On motion, the allowance being made to? Burch family by Starkey Hare be and is hereby increased to $5.00 per month. Upon the repuest of the committ ee of St. Johns School district,-*the le vy for year 1919 reduced to 10 cents on $100 and 30 cents on poll. The amount due from the Highway Commission, $2058.41, uppn motion and carried, is to be equally divid ed between the townships. On motion and carried that all tax collectors be allowed 5 per cen on pll taxes picked up by them and not appearing on tax list On motion and carried H. J. Vann and Richard Jordan are allowed to give in their list to the Register of Deeds. On motion, the Board hereby ado pts the tag system for dogs as pro- I vided in the law, and the Register of | Deeds is* instructed to secure tags for such use. J. . Eley is added to the commit tee on building Benthall bridge. The Clerk of the Board is ordered to secure from the State Highway Commission rental contracts for the use of tractors which they are pla cing with the several counties. The Board appointed H. H. Jones to secure proper blanks for reports to be made by the Boards of Road Supervisors, and submit same to the Board of Commisioners for approval. ..Letter received from Misses Bacon and Moore relaitve to the Bear Sw'mp j bridge, and the Clerk is instructed to j reply to them as follows; "The Board j wil rely strictly on the contract as amended, for the building of said' bridge." _ --W. L. Matthews, F. T. Railey and j J. L. Smith made Anal settlement of I tax account as collectors for 1918. i ..Report of Supt. Health received and filed. ..The following: jurors were drawn for August term of court, to-wit: W. T. Powell, J. B. Whitley, M. D. Spiers, S. E. Brett, T. E. Vann, J.A. I Bittle, J. T. Matthews, M. H. Isreal, , N. J. Joyner, A. M. Joyner, J. E. | Hunter, H. T. Hunter, Jno. A. Downs ! H. A. Piland J. H. Spivey, A. S. Mit chell, J. W. Boone, C. W. Byrd, J. E. ' Melson, L. R. Hayes, Paul E. Dukes, j Jno. A. Horton J. T. Riddick, L. E. j Rawls, W. C. Piland, R. W. Fairless, | JV. E. Cullens, W. R. Currin ,R. B. Miller, E. R. Perry, G.J. Newbern, I D. L. Myers, Thos. Slaughter A. C. Overton^Jno. Huson, J. W. Overton, | Jr. The following accounts against the j county presented and ordered paid to wit: C. A R. Tel. Co., phone rentals 4.50 L. Harris *ork on court house22.60 Levi Collins, work at county Home 25.00 M. M. Browne, keeping County Home 2 qr. 91.25 W. A. Miller, lumber ,etc. 50.00 J. E. Motthews, salt, etc, for the county home 2.75 Mrs. M. M. Browne, sewing for County home 5.46 J. H. Lawrence .repairs in 8 bridges 28.00 i Joseph Lasiter, repair's bridges 75.00 j H. H. Jonea, fertiliser for the County Home 206.76 | H. H. Jones, half ton nitrate of soda, county home _ 48.0 Harry and Frank Jones, clean ing court room 8.00 j F. T. Railey, work on bridge 10.00 | F. T. Railey, refund on tax act. 71.04 G. C. Plcot, tax list 1919 .87.26 J. E. Jones, board ect for prisoners 16.05 Herring and Beale, moulding for court room 8.96 M. B Carter, oqe broom 1.00 Walker, Evans, and Cogswell Book county orders 11.77 W. H. Clarke, work on court house 17.19 Edward and Broughton, sta tionery for C. S. C. 8.86 Myrtle Swindell, Home Demon ctration work, June 26.00 W. D. Boone, Services etc, Co. Sup. 16.580 D. R. McGlohon examinations lunacy 4.60 Town of Winton, ligt bill June 1.60 J. J. Parker, tax list for 1919 101.60 A. T. Newsome .tax lilt 1919 102.16 J. A. Northcott. making summar ie. 10.00 L. 1: Lawrencs, rant of office 11.90 Paul Bojrete. kaeping Mur' boro bridge 7-60 James Catling, taking Dsisy Catling to hospital 18.96 Hertford County Herald, pro ceedings 2 qr. 20.40 Jack Collins, B. H. ferry June 25.00 Mathew Wilson, Tat Ld'g. ferry25.00 Charlie Rountree, keeping Par ker's ferry ? 80.00 W. J. Stell, Hill's ferry June 40.00 Frank Manley, Winton ferry, June 40.00 J. H. Laasiter, Maneys Neck ferry, June 26.00 E. J. Gerock, supplies County Home 48.46 Ed. Cross, building room at ferry house 14.00 F. P. Britt, refund poll tax 8.66 W. W. Britt, refund poll tax 8.66 W. C Ferguson,, lumber for bridge 112.06 W. M. March, supplies for Mary Lassiter 8.00 J. C, Benthall, supplies for Carter chillren 1.60 Wr?. J. W. Minton, support for June 8.00 C. E. Boyette, supplies for Mary Vaughan 2.00 H. H. Taylor, supplies for Mrs. HOI 6.00 H. V. Parker, supplies for Jno. Griffin 8.00 1 Judie White, support for July 8.00 Pauline Lassiter support for July 8.001 Adament Joyner, support for July 2.60 Starkey Hare, support Annie Burck 2.601 Henry B. Lasiter, support July 6.00 S. J. Dilday, supplies Dorsey Baker 4.00 | Andrew Sessoms, support July 6.00 No further business before the Board it adjourned to meet again on the second Monday in July, 1919. S. P. Winbome, Chairman. J. A. Northcott, Clerk. Having qualified as ahministrator of Mrsjennie B. Wynn, deceased, late of Hertford County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Murfreesboro, N. C, on or before the 28th day of May 1920', or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons en debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of May 1919. Thomas B. Wynn, Administrator of Jennie B. Wynn. CITIZENS BANK I . Resumed business Monday, July, 7th 1919. I ? No accounts closed, and its deposits were lar ger than on any day since it commenced busi ness in 1911. It's day of resuming business has been the best and brightest of any day in it's history. An invitation is extended to the public to call to see us and meet Mr. J. A. Campbell, it's Cashier. ? ' CITIZENS BANK " ? \j ... | - Murfreesboro, North Carolina / The Herald Does Job WorK with Neatness & Despatch I The Hertford County Fair Association's - T 1919 Fair Premium Book Parties desiring Advertising space in the FAIR PREM- I IUM BOOK for This Year's Fair will please phone or 1 mail their Advertisement before Monday, July 21*t as I the press will then start work on the books. I | . \ ; .. I There is also ^ome desirable space on the Fair | I grounds for those who would like to run Lunch Counters, \ i I Advertisements or anything of this kind. For Any Information concening the Fair, J I Write or call on the undersigned I C. L. Blount, Secretary