y ? -? * * ' . . ? ? i -t SERVICE TO YOU = IS WHAT COUNTS An Increase of Nearly $500,000.00 in One Year lllllliillllllllllMIHliMllB "TT"-# " ' ? * " ' - *?- i r '?*' ' - ?%* RESOURCES November 17th, 1918 - - $365,133.94 November 17th, 1919 - - $839,921.51 DEPOSITS September 12th, 1919 - - $255,271.82 November 17th, 1919 - ? $724,259.33 I Capital, Surplus & Profits $70,000.oo FARMERS-ATLANTIC BANK Ahoskie, N. C . ________ ? . - 4^ It is service to you that counts?understanding of your particular needs, courtesy and liberal treatment day after day, not when we are ready to give it, but when you are ready to ask it ? ? w ? ">*?* ? - ?4 ? -n 1 ? Whether your balances large or small, this organiza tion can give you a distinctly personalized financial service. It is confidence in our ability to do this that makes us ask for your account The Officers, Directors and Stocksolders of This Bank Extend the Season's Best Greetings to the Friends and Patrons of This Bank. ? ? ? ? *. t ? " " .. wBlSJI at- * f < G^DMJK&TO 'I