DECEMBER IS WILL 8? RED UTTER CAY HERE! Imm* af Obwrvarcc in North Oaro llM School* So Marked That Cel? bration Wilt Now Assume Wider So marked have been the results ol "North Carolina Day", which was ob served In about twenty-five of the prio olp&litles of thia state on November 14, that school superintendents and teachers in many other places In the State have requested that a similar observance be planned for t&eii schools, and Director W, R. Timmons. ot the Educational Division of the War Loan Organization of this dis trict, has designated December 18 as th* day. The day will be observed not only In North Carolina but also in South Carolina, and it will be known as "North and South Carolina Day." ' "Hiere is already being shown a friend ly rivalry between the. schools of the two sister states for the honor ol making the better record. According to the program now being prepared "North and South Carolina Day" will be observed on December It in every city or town in this State, which did not observe "North Carolina Day" on November 24. Savings soci eties will be organized In the schools 1 and the teachers will be urged to be-" gin immediately the use of the Text Books in Thrift which are being turn ished without cost by the War Loan Organization and which have proved so helpful in ail parts of the county. Many new and interesting ways are being devised by the boys and girls ol North Carolina by which they can take part in the great savings movement, and reports indicate that they are re gularly and systematically saving oon siderable sums of money?some for a j college education, others to buy useful j things for the home, while ptiU others are accumulating funds wfolch will help them in business. Director Timmons. who has made several extended vtsits to Nortfc Caro llna recently, says that the Old North State Is rapidly f-r.ging ahead and that more and more the people are re> j allslng the tremendous benefits to b? derived from regular saving. All kinds ?of people, he declares, are now earing as they never saved before. They un derstand that money 1? bow cheap but that soon it may be worth considerably more. Therefore, they are taking ad vantage of this condition of affairs and the State as a whole will reap the -benefits of the thrift and frugaWty oi tta cltiierns. Wherever Director Timmons went he says, he found growing enthusiasm. Support and cooperation -were pledged J' 1n Brery city and town he visited. Men and women, who, when the savings I movement was first launched, appear- ( ed to be wholly Indifferent, expressed I the greatest interest In the progress ] of the work and volunteered their In fluence and assistance in furthering It. In short. Director Tlmmont says. North Carolina, whioh has always taken a | leading part In patriotic achievement, <s rapidly forging to the front in the savings movement, and he hopes that | tt will soon be one of the banner states. To assist the boys and girls in ths H^rth Carolina schools to acquire the Firings habit? the surest foundation of prosperity afcd happin?s*. penny and nickel books are being sent to the teachers for distribution in every room or grade Also certificates of achieve ment have been engraved and one will j toe sent to every pupH as soon aa he has saved enough as to purchase a War Savings Stamp A larger certificate has been engraved for the rooms or grade which have hundred per cent member- 1 ship savings societies or thrift dubs. Both certificates bear the signature* of Carter Olass. secretary of the United State* Treaanary, and 0?orge J fleay, | governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of the fifth Federal Reserve rxsvriet As a result of "North and South Carolina Day" observance Director Timmons expects that many certifi cates of both kinds will sooa be Is sued Re desires to have a savings society ta every room or grade la | every eohool In the OH North State I*rector Tfenmons has been visiting personalty as many *wperls- j ten dents principals aad teachers as possible He has not been >M? how ever to reach every one In North Caro lina. aad he wVI be glad, he says. If those he has aot had the pleasure of j seeing will, should they desire further Information regarding the observance j of "North and South Carolina Day" en December It, write to hhn at War Loan Organisation headquarters Rich mond. Vs., and all the plans for the day will be given to them as aooa as possible WHAT QUARTERS WILL DO. Jnat one Thrift Stamp after an ether will build a fortune er a hos pital. and the humble Thrift Stamp l( helping to develop a nation of Tor tune builders The government stands back- of the these builders and has declared lta Intention tn continue ths ?ale of Thrift Stamps. War Baring* ?tamps and Treasury Savings Certifi cates as a permanent part of ths na tional financial policy. It was safe to ^emobollte the army after'the armistice hot It will never he safe to demobilise yonr habits of j thrift. Kiiep them la training by rsKul?r purchases of War Savings Stamps and Trsasary Savings OerUS sates Carol Singing * Is Dying Out THS cnstom of carol singing out of doors at Chrlstmaa time seema to b? dying oat This ts ? great pity, for carols are ? branch of folk mualc, the oncon scions art of the peasant mind, a heritage of Inestimable worth. In many English villages there are carols peculiar to themselves, to be jealously guarded and retained for their use. The Christmas carol dates from the birth of Christianity itself, the angels having sung their carols at the birth of Jesus Christ. I Among the early Christians carols were sacred hymns representing Christ's nativity. Now the name is given to a variety of popular met- , ,rleal comp^>- J sitions from the 4 simple record of J the birth of our Lord to rude was- g sail songs and I rhymes of holiday ' revel rv. Probably no Christmas would seem complete without the well-known and popular hymn, "Bark! the Herald Angels Sing." The word carol, which originally meant a dance, is thought to hare come into our language either from the Norman French Carole or from the Celtic carol. / In 1822 Davies Gilbert published "some ancient Christmas carols, with the tunes to which they were former ly sung in the west of England." In his preface he declared himself to b? desirous "of preserving them in theii actual forms, as specimens of times noV passing away , *.nd of religions i feelings* now su perseded by oth j era of a different r caste." Of late yean some of th( churches ? chiefl] i in the larger cR ^ les?have h e I < "< 'hrisrrnnl cam services" during the Christmas sea son. This is an excellent movement and might profitably be taken up b} J churches all over the country. Cer jtainly If the churches can restore thli old custom It will add to the enjoy ment of the season. France Is exceptionally rich ii carols, which are often drinking songi as In many European countries. W? find many French carols translated lnt? English, no doubt as a result of th? intercourse which existed betweei dwellers on either side of the channel In the days when English youths oftej pursued their studies in France. There is a great deal of dlscussioi as to which is the most popular carol While It is impos oiuie iv imuif iue favorite, there can be little doabt of the universal appeal of "God rest ye, merry gentlemen," ; whose plaintive melody has touched a chord In the popular mind. Among modern compositions may be mentioned, "The Shepherds Left Their Sheep," by Alfred Holllns. I Mr. Holllns Is blind, but this affliction has not prevented him from becoming one of the finest organists and com posers in Britain. Washington Irving In his famous "Sketch Book" Introduces us to most of the old English customs which have from time immemorial, attended the Christmas festival. Of his first night at Bracebridge Hall he says: "I had scarcely got Into bed when a strain of music seemed to break forth In the air Just below the win dow. I listened, and found It pro ceeded from a band, which I conclud ed to be the waits from some neigh boring village. They went around the house playing under the wlndowa. I drew aside the curtains, to hear them more distinctly. The moon beams fell through the upper part of the casement, partially lighting np t n e antiquated ? apartment. The I sounds, as the; I receded, became ? more soft and \ aerial, and seemed ^ to accord with t the quiet and the ? moonlight. I lts L tened and listened I ?they btcinl more ana more tender and remote, and, ai they grad ually died away, my head sank upon the pillow and I fell ?sleep." In Pasqulls' "Jests," a book pub Ushed In 1004, an amusing Story la told of a knight who gave a Christ mas feast it which he entertained his friend* and the tenantry. The host ordered no man at th< table to drink a drop "till he that was master over his wife should sing a carol." A pause ensued and then one poor male, more daring than the others, timidly lifted hie lonely vole* The knight then turned to the ladlee, who sat at a table apart, and "bad* her who was master over ber hue band," atag a carol. The legend says that forthwith "the women fell all to ringing, that there was never heard such a catterwalling piece ml moaicke." I I V ?' V iW'' " I PROFESSIONAL CARDS "" dr. c. g. Powell DENTIST PHONE NO. 10 AHOSKIE. N. C. R. R. ALLEN & SON Dealer* in SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS .'GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail .No. 02" Washington Square SUFFOLK VA. tombe.~to.ies of any description, jee <>r write J. B. MODLIN. Aboskie, N. C. Agertta for United States Marble Co. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Counsel lor-At-Law WINTON. N. C. Practice in all couits. Loan* negotiat ed. All matter* ?/*'en Drompt and faithful attention. Located across streat from rstUsaet DR. C. H. CHAMBERLAIN, DENTIST MURFREESBORO. N. C. ?? y DR. J. H. BROWN VETERINARIAN Office with Holloman Brothers. Rich 8quare, N. C. SERVICE |l the first word, and the guiding throught of this service station. SATISFACTION To every customer is our aim. Repair work done right at SESSOMS BROS'. GARAGE | Ahoskie, N. C. DR. CHARLES _J. SAWYER j Farmers-Atlantic Bank Building, jj Ahoskie, N. C. Hours: 10 to 1 and 2 to 6 Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. In Windsor, N. C., every Monday, j Friday and Saturday. J. ROY PARKER, Notary Public. Located ia Herald Building. AHOSKIE, N. C. LIFE INSURANCE AS Cheap as'the Cheapest and aau Good as the Best. Masonic Mutual for Masons on ly?Union Central for Every body A. T. WILLOUGHBY, Agent, Ahoskie, N. C. North Carolina?Hertford County NOTICE! J. R. Garrett, administrator of W. T. Askew Against Ira Askew, T. J. Askew, C. E. Askew Dora A. Askew, and husband, J. H. Newsome, Agnes E Holloman and husband, George P. Hollaman, Annie IJ. Gay and husband, W. J. Gay, Min nie H. Futrell and husband, J. L. Fu rell, Flora M. Gilchrist and husband Wm. Gilchirst and Gertrude Askew, Widow The defendanst, Ira Askew, -T. J. Askew, Flora M. Gilchrist and hus band, Wm. Gilchrist and Gertrude Askew above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford County, to sell certain real estate in the town of Ahoskie, N. C., to make assets to pay debts and the said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at th# office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hert ford County on the 30th day of De cember, 1919 at the courthouse doer of said county, in Winton, North Ca rolina and answer or demur to the complsint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 29th day of November, 1919. D. R. McGlohon, Clerk of Court. I Tunis, N. C. I rx " ? ~ ?? Sg j CHOWAN RIVER-A. C. L R. R. I | Ideally Located for Manufatcuring Center I Located on intersection of the Chowan River and the A. | C. L. Railway, with very good shipping facilities. j| ? Plenty of Timber in this locality, and easily transported j| by water or rail. Boats plying on this river pass through sfx -? the Peanut Belt of Eastern North Carolina. Peanut Factory, Storage Warehouses, Paper Mill, and other Manufacturing Plants would have every advantage here, and could be maintained with a minimnm outlay of capital. For detailed information relative to prospective sites and advantages to be secured, can be obtained by corre 1 sponding with or seeing I K. R. ISRAEL ! I Tunis, N. C. [ I - ' - ~~ | Largest House in North Carolina | | Special Prices of | [ PIANOS | TALKING MACHINES During the Holidays Easy Terms of Payment Write for Big Catalog Duff Piano Co. Elizabeth City, N. C. I i . ''' ' I

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