F Local News of General Interest I ?r-mui >pipf?g?iwifupiirnciL^LiriugiJrr-g jPH*ufLrL'-iirts?iMmnri?". -. rwei . I Mr. R. C. Muon, of Harrellsville, Hu in Ahoskie on business last Sat ?rfay I Miaa Bcamon, the assistant high Hhool, has returned to her work here ^hd is now teaching again after hav Ik suffered with illness for about ^Kro weeks. ? Misses Ruby Myers, Rue Askew Hid Gertrude Modlin were in Suf ^Klk last Saturday doing their Chris Has shopping. I Eric Garrett went to Suffolk last Hriday night. ? Messrs. L. T. Sumner and W. W. Hul'. i-s and their familiea were in Horfolk last Sautrday shopping. I Mcxdames Carl Mitchell ahd S. P. H/at?on spent last Friday and Sat. ^Krday in Suffolk ahopping. I Miss AnnieT'arker was in Norfolk ^Monday and Tuesday doing her hol Hlay shopping. ? Mayon Parker and Howard Baa High returned from Wake Forest and ^?rinity College, respectively, this ^veek to spend the holidays with par I Mis* Margaret Sessoms, who is ^Laching in Aberdeen, will arrive here ^feiis week to spend the holidays with ^K?r parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ?. Ses Homs. I The third episode of the "Masked ^Kider" will be shown at the Majestic ^Theater next Monday night. I Sugar has been selling on the lo ^Bal market for twenty-five cents per ^ftound; and even at that it is very ^Bfarre and hard to obtain. I Elgin Ward, student in the Ahos Hkie High School went to Gates Coun ^By this week to spend the holidays ^nrith his parents. He has been hold Hng down the job of "Devil" in the ^?lerald office for the past several ^^eeks. !Starke? Copeland, formerly of this rn, but lately of1 Norfolk, was in oskie the past week end. He left Washington, D. C.,* on Monday, has received an appointment in the leral Department of Education at Capitol City and left to take up new work. Hr. Jno. W. Miller has left for his ne in Drakes Branch, Va. The Ahoskie High School closes ay, Friday, for the Christmas and v Year holidays. <r. J. L. Snipes, of Woodland, was isitor In Ahoskie on Wednesday. Snipes was one among the many > called at the Herald office and ewed their subscription during the t two weeks. Ir. H. C. Sharpe, of Harrellsville, in Ahpskie Wednesday. Ir. D. L. Myers was in Norfolk days this week. tr. Robert Jemigan spen Tues in Harrellhville on business, .et the Herald columns convey r new year messages to your cus ?rs and friends next week, 'he Ahoskie tobacco market closes ?y, Friday. lead the advertisements. Ir- C. H. Hobbs, of Morehead Ci ipent Wednesday in Ahoskie on ineaa. Ira. J. R. Fretwell and family have ed to Statesville. They have re el in and around Ahoskie for the several years. ihe B. Y. P. U. of the local church held their regular Sunday night ser vices on last Sunday night. Miss Do ris Jenkins led her group in the ren dering of the program. ?'?I Collins-Kimbroiigh. , The followng invitations have been issued: Rev. and Mrs. I. N. Kimbrough request your presence at the marriage of their daughter Qenevieve to Rev. Fred Tillman Collins on Thursday, December twenty-fifth nineteen hundred and nineteen _ at four o'clock S- M at their horte "?? 1127 South Brook St. , Louisville, Kentucky. IN Lorisi M*Mory. No one knows how we mjss our Yoving darling little Ellen. How she mad* our home so happy with her precious little songs. We praise Thee O God" and "Help Somebody Today." She was very small but she learnad to lovs to sing God's praise* 1 and wanted to be a Sunbeam. L We cU> miss you, little darling. rY 'Ur footseps and your sweet songs rtoo.. But we hpe to meet you ov?r ? Minder in thaf home above. It did seem hard to part from you dear dar ling. How our hearts were filled with pain but the Lord knows best i so we submit to his will. We often do think of you, sweet Aurling. Often sing the songs you sang; an hope to meet you sweA ' love in that home above. By BROTHER AND AUNT. (advertisment) I "I HAVE NEVER SEENTHF EQUAL": That Is What ^(r?. Mary Cop* I Say* About Tanlac?Har Trouble* Ara Ended * ? J 1 'In all my seventy-two yean I have t never seen the equal of Tanlac," said i Mrs. Mary C. Cope, of 274 N. Hick* ( St., Los Angeles, Cal.,' recently , "During the past six years," she ( continued, "1 had so much trouble ) with my stomach that I couldn't eat anything without bloatiftg up with gas * and feeling miserable afterwards. I was so nervous and rundown that I could hardly rest or sleep 'at night and simply felt miserable all of the time. "I had read about Tanlac helping others and decided to try it for my self and it has certainly proved to be the right thing for me, as I have taken only four bottles so far and am feeling as well already as I ever did. My stomach is in fine condition and I can eat anything and enjoy the j meals and that tired .nervous feel ing has left me too. I sleep like a j child every night and feel strong j and well all the time. 1 am glad to i recommend Tanlac and can hope my | experience with it will cause other suf j ferers to try it." All druggists sell. Tanlac.?adv. Notice of Sale By virtue of the power and authority given by 'a cetrain deed of trust executed by Rob- j ert Harrell to W. L. Curtis, on the 1st day of January, 1918, which is of record in the office j of the Register of Deeds for ! Hertford County, default hav- j ing been made in the Jteyment I of the debt secured thereby ] and at the request of the holder I thereof the following property I will be sold at pubnc auction: 1 1st. That tract of land sit- j uated in Hertford County, N. j C., and that land known as a part of the Wjlloughby land, adjoining the land known as the Delno Holloman land. . 2nd. That tract of land sit uated ih Hertford County N. C. and being a lot known as the Delno Holoman land adjoining the lands of Robert Howard, J. R. Godwin and others, con taining forty acres, more or less. Place of sale?in front of W. L. Curtis' office in the town of Ahoskie North Carolina. Time of Sale?January 17, 1920. Yerms of Sale?Cash. Hour of sale?12 o'clock. W. L. CURTIS, Trustee. SALE OF LAND FOR DIVISION Oil Monday, January 5th, 1920 .in front of the courthouse door at the town of Winton, North Carolina, be tween the hours of 12 M. and 2 P. M. the undersigned heirs at law of the late Mrs .Bettie Watson, deceas ed, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate:?Situated m Hertford County, St. Johns Town ship, on the public road leading from what is known as the "Horton Place" to Roxobel, and bounded as follows: On the north by the said public road on the East by the said public road and lands of Cephua Jenkins and the lands of Mrs. Janie Griffith; on the South by the lands of Monroe Rawls and Mat Hill and on the West by the lands of John Odom et als., containing one hundred and -eight acres, more or less,being the tract of land of which the late Mrs Betti* Watson die? seised and possesed in fee simple. There is a good growth of timber on this land and the same is situated within a mile of a church and a good school. Anyone who is interested is invited to go and look the property over as it wyi be aold on the first Monday in January, 1920. This land is situated in one of the beat farm ing sections of tlve State. Mrs. L. Annie Taylor, Laogley Odom, Mary Odom, Cliftoa Odom, Ollie Odom, Clarence Odom, Linwovd Odom, Alma Odom, Heira-At-Law. W. H. S. Burgwyn, Atty; Woodland, N. C. 0 Send your Job printing to the ffterald office. X Watch the label oa your}>*pei ? - NOTICE By virtue of an order made in the Superior Court ef Hertford County on the 29th day of November, 1919 in an action, now pending, in said Superior Court, entitled Allie Dilday ind husband. 8. A. Dilday, A. G. Go<^ wig and wife, Evie Godwin, Jahn Mitchell Nettie Mitchell, E. C. Hill md wife Ella Hill against T. H. Dil lay and wife, Suaie Dilday, the un lersigned commissinera will on the Sth day of January, 1920, offer for tale to the highest bidder the follow ng described real estate, situated in Mioskie Township, Hertford' County s'orth Carolina, to-wit: a part of the ate J. S. Mitchell home place, bound id on the south by the lands of J. W. Mitchell, on the west by the land >f A, A. Mitchell, on the north by i fence, dividing line between this :ract and other parts of the said lome tract and on the east by the lands f Pink S?aom>, containing 2 acres, more or 1cm. 2nd. A lot in the town of Ahoa kie, North Carolina, bounded on th north by Main Street, on the eaa by a cross street, on- the South b; a lot now owned by E. C. Hill and 01 the west by the B. B. Robertson lot making a lot 25 by 60 yards. Place and time of sale at the Cour House door in Winton, North Caro lina, Monday, January .6, 1920; be tween hours of 12 M. and 2 P. M. This 20th day of November, 1919 J. J| MITCHELL, S. A. DILDAY, Commissioners Jno. E. Vann, atty. The alert business man and mer chant will begin at once to call at tention to his display of Christmai goods. The man who advertises it the man who realizes?in the HER ALD. ittaaaasaasaaMaiiiMMMMiliilililimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitiik 'Urn ] Hertford Auto & f | Machine Co. | : sss g Wish To Announce That They Will Open an Up-to- 1 g Date?MACHINE SHOP?at Ahoskie, About J ami- M H ary 15, 1920?FOR GENERAL REPAIR WORK? M M H = Such as reboring and fitting Engine Cylinders, all s kinds of Lat%he Work, rebuilding Automobiles H ANYTHING THAT CAN BE DONE WE CAN DO IT | FOR YOU?COME AND GIVE USiA TRIAL? |? R. P- Slaughter has been with the W. &P. R. R. for ?| gg Eleven Years in the machine shops.?M. C. Powell |g hase several years experience on. Automobiles y A Visit Will Be Appreciated H . RATES WILL BE REASONABLE?See Adv. Later I R. P. SLAUGHTER | | M. C. POWELL | Order Early? ? ? m This year conditions are different than they have ever been before. It is almost impossible to se cure additional merchan dise on account of labor troubles, and, after our present supply is exhau sted we cannot promise any delivery?1 If you are^planning on a VICTROLA "The Machine That Brings the best Music and the world's best Artists into your home"?you bet ter make your selection now. I J* Our 1920 catalog is near ly ready to mail. Your co py will be sent upon request Simply send a post card or aisrn and return the coupon today?and it frill be for warded to you by return mail. Do it Today I (H. C. H.) Paul-Gal* GrmwooJ Co.. Granbjr St., Norfolk, Va. Please send ma a copy of yoar 160 page catalogue for 1920. (Name) ?. ...? Post Office ... .... ... ... Send )he Coupond Today Paul-Gale Greenwood Co. Inc. LARGEST JEWELERS SOUTH Gran by Street . Norfolk, Viriinia % 8 ty?5Sw*^jariiBBifiM!iaK^ji!R!r^^ ?| Christmas Display || 1 I The "BUSY STORE" it Resplendent with Christmas 1 k Goods of all kind*. ? GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS?STAPLE AND FAN- ? CY GROCERIES FOR SANTA jj SOME SPECIALS j '.ffi GO-CARTS, WAGONS, CARTS, HORNS, DOLLS & [1 [ j | A COMPLETE LINE OF CHRISTMAS TOYS jj CHRISTMAS GIFTS | ??j Suitable for everybody can be found here. We have gj Something for Everybody in the Family DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPIN HERE I Gerock's the busy store I Ahoskie, M C. I I ' i 4 I; 23 . (g INSIST ON GENUINE FORD PARTS Imitation "Ford" parts are beinfr sold by many mail otder houses, dwn-town stores and garages to unsuspeting Ford own- ffi ers as "Ford" parts. But they are not genuine Ford parts. fS | |jj They are made by concenrs who have no connection with the |?j Ford Motor Company. Testa have shown them to break when the genuine Ford parts didn't even bend. ? ' Sg The Authorised Ford Dealers are your protection. As such js ? we handle nothing but the genuine Ford parts. They are made ig from the .famous Ford Vanadium teel, and each part?acocrd ing to its use?is heat treated in the way that will give the lon S gest wearing qualities. 9 Our Ford garage and Ford mechanics are at your service ffi at all times. Drive in when replacements or repairs for your fi Ford car may be necessary. Save your car and also your mo | Geo. J. Newbern, Agent, || Ahoskie, N. C. | | Insist on Gonuino Ford Ports Itin 11111111 in i ririrrin-i i -r ?Tr^-^rrfr^rrTiTTiTili'llifirB'ri'iilgKlliiiTnTfii'f i*:. WYNN BROS. MURFREESBOBO'3 GREATEST STORE Tho*. B. Wru, Owur. I -Visit Our Wonderful "Regular Gift Shop" Gift* for Everer Occasion; unusual Gifts, Distinctive Gifts, Gifts That Cannot Be Duplicated. Don't j Miss Seeing this Unique and Attractive Assemblage of Wares from the Far East. BIRTHDAY GIFTS, ANNIVERSARY GIFTS, HOLI DAY GIFTS, WEDDING GIFTS?DINNER FAVOR Seeing the Pagoda is Uke a Visit to the Marts of the Wonderful Little Country of the Orient NEW ARRIVALS IN 'in Coast, Coat Suits and Coats Silk Dresses, Satin Dresses, Senre Dresses?Coat Suits >n Broad Cloths, Tricotines and Chamois Cloth CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTH AND BOYS?BIG GEST AND BEST LINE EVER SHOWN BEFORE. Wynn Bros. MURFREESBORO, N. C. M/ss N, T. Wiggins NEW FALL MILLINERY NOW READY I THE HERALD ADVERTISING COLUMNS BRING RESULTS. ?

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