IHRrtford County Herald ITFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER WORTH WHILE ... BEST ADVERTISING MEDIU M IN EAST CAROLINA nm? XL Eight Pages Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, October 1, 1920 One Section No. 25 P AMY'S GENTS' FURNISH ING STORE BURNED SEPT. 27 I night, September 27th, o'clock Z. V. Bellamy's nishing Store was burned, stock of goods and fixtures ily lost. Also the Furni tment and Drug Store wers ;ed. tknown just how the fire ion first discovered it was r of the Gents' Furnishing mated Jost is around tan iollars, which was* about insured. re glass front of the build belongs to W. L. Curtis ysd and the rest of the adly damaged. * ' Fire Department dons t, and if the fire had hap 3re the water works had lied, it has been remarked people of the town that the k would have been destroy n unorganised fire depart rork was beyond reproach, ten rumored that the water stalled in Ahoskie saved perty Monday night to pay ?>" IENOLA NEWS. a to have another Conunu his year on Saturday Oct. i?r will be furnished at a price. On Saturday even Nrtainment will be staged, if a miscellaneous program the program being a play tola," in which some of the te will be personated by i r, Some of us will be por es ourselves as others see nliararitiesi in manner and lg depicted, with, perhaps, (rations. We are anticipst fun and want you to on us. Come and let us en for an hour or two. Ref fwill he served. Entrance 2B and IB cento the pro to the Betterment. Mr. Lewter, Mr. W. W. Grant, Mn. I. H. Camp, Man Lillian and Laura Camp and Mr. David Camp of Gary*, hif apont Sunday n the home of Mia. Bailie Parker. Mr. Vernon L. Eley left on Tuesday of last week for Philadelphia where ho has entered at student of Jefferson Medical College. Mrs. H. U. Griffith and daughters Miss Janie Parker, Mis. C. W. Parker, and Mrs. W, R. Parker spent Monday in Morfreesboro, visiting friends and topping. Mr. Wallaes Mwards left on Sun day for Edenten and will accompany his motor home, who has been spend ing some timt with her daughter, Mrs. Ernie Perry. Mrs Mary Brown Mieess Jama aad Elisabeth Brown aad Mr. Hear* Bro wn spent Saturday evening with Mr*. Ella Jaasup at George. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vinson spent last Thursday in Murfrsssboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Vaughn of Un ion were callers at Mr. J. M. Eleys on Sunday after-noon. ,. xy* .< Mrs. Everett Bangham of Kick vSa na re spent last Friday with Mrs. Seine Parker. Misses Elizabeth Brown and Bottle Brown left on last Tuesday for Green vile Training School Miss Brown will {Complete her course there this session. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snipes Mrs. J. E. Griffith and Mrs. A. VG. Otwell spent Tuesday of last week in Mur Murfresboro. , Mr. Alvin J. Eley left on Wednes- ( ?y of last week for Chapel Hill where , will resume himtudies In the Univ ersity. Miss Bertie Nortlpott, one of our efficient teachers, spent the week end with her home peope in Winton. Mrs. Laura Parker is spending some j, weeks with her son Rev. C. J. D. Par- , ker in Danville, Va. Miss Janie Parker visited her sister j Mrs. A. M. Brown in Union a port of last week. { Mr. J. T. Holmes of Hebron was a , caller in Menola on Sunday evening. Mr. Jethro Magette of Come was visitor in the home of Mr. ynd Mrs. H. U. Griffith last Frday eveaing. i Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown of Rich , Square visited his mother Mrs. Mary j Brown and family on Friday even- , tag. IF " V ? t '*? '>! Xr' KL COLE RAIN NEWS. The people of Rich Square had a picnic, flah, fry, and barbecue at Pl easure Beach last Tuesday. Miss Maybe lie Perry and Mr. Jos eph Cherry of Windsor were in town last Tuesday. Mrs. Mary R. Shaw of Winton is visiting her daughter Mrs. D. R Britton. Moving pictures at the Academy last Tueday evening the pictures were fine. Miss Kate Newaome who attended school here last session left last Ti cs d*y for B lac ketone Va. Mr. qnd Mrs. W. P. Shaw and dau ghter Lillian were visitors in town last Tuesday. Rev. B. B. Uneberry went to Suf folk last Tuesday to see Mia. Yiaeber ry woh is at Lake View Hospital. Mr. Holly Bell of Windsor was ip town last Tuesday. Mr. Wendell Forehand left last Wednesday for V. P. I. at B tacks burg where he will attend school. Mrs. Ada Hardy of Norfolk is the guest of Mrs. Eva Holly. Mr. LeRoy Saunders left last Wed nesday for Baltimore where he will attend John Hopkins University. News ems received, here Wedneday of the death of Mrs. Bettie Holey who died in Hertford , N. C. - Rev. Lineberry held protracted service at Harrelisville the past week, Rev. Raleigh White preaching for him a large number of our people attend ed. y Mesdames Eva Holey and Hardy stent to Hertford Thursday to attend the burial of Mrs. Bettie Holly. Mess'rs J. H. Myers, J. T. White and W. R. Rayner attended protract ed meeting at Ross last Thursday. The Wo mans Missionary society met at the Baptist church last Friday after-noon the subject discussed eras Christian education a Uge crowd with a fine collection. Mr. E. White and family attended terries at Boas last Frday. Mrs. Tneie Evans and Miss Mary Uneberry went to Suffolk last Satur day to tee Mrs. Lineberry at Lake View Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Brace Brinkley, Mr. and Mrs. Lse Brinkley spot the week end at WhaayriHe Va. Miaaes Amanda, Baker and Willie Forehand went to Suffolk last Satur day shopping. Mrs. Battle Felton spent last week and with her daughter in Ed an ton. Masdames Perry, Deans and Misses Amanda Leery and Villa Montagus i attended services at Harrallsville last Sunday. Mr. Graham Byram of Edenton was a visitor ever here last Monday. Mr. aaff Mrs. J. 8- Deans, Mrs. Mlasss Montague went to Murfree ahsts last Sunday. A. staber of our people attended the baptising at Mt. Peasant last Sun day fter-noon. I Mr. J. C. Beasley spent the week and at Cary, N. C. | Dr. L. A. Nowell went to Ahoskie I last Monday. rMaas'rs Manley Whit?, Kenneth j Reyner and James Long and Misses Mrsra Montague Martha White and Ernestine Wickena, want over to Au- j lander Monday evening to atttend the | recital given by Mrs. Clayton. 0 PERMANENT PASTURES Grow more permanent pastures. Did you lenow that an acre properly seeded to 'pasture will bring you in ): as much clear profit as an acre of most cultivated crops T Make use^of your outlying lands end get an income from every acre of your farm. Get ready for the stock law, for you must either fence up your Stocky or get rid of them, and it is a lot cheaper to med down five acres of pasture than to fence a hund sad acres of woods end the five acres will be worth the ] most. a For pasture seed best suited for| this section, or any other information i slong this or other agricultural lines, i consult your Agricultural Experiment j Station or your county agent. Bring an exhibit to the county fair. Good premiums offered and every courtesy extended to patrons. For. premium list or any other information - ?Urita or call, Secretary, H. L. Miller. | ffUTHE AMERICAN RED CROSSfif Jstec in peace time | Health Promotion Ilmilih IK ai the foundation of human happiness. Through Its Rural Sere in-. WRIi Health Nursing Ken-Ice and Health Center Service, the American !!??<I itidi aim ? ^retitl.v in alremtthen this foundation and te draw more closely tliiui ever tlie netghliorly tie* thai hind the American people together. Here Is Khuwn h Red i'ma? I?iitatic Health nurse attending a young mother with a hrand uew baby, aiming that both receive scientific care. MURFREE5BORO NEWS Jhe Murfreesboro Graded School opened Monday, September 27th, and eras, an occasion of much concern. There was a full attendance! of stu dents and more public interest was manifested here than ever before at an opening. Speeches were made by D. C. Barnes, Bev! J.' W. Whitley, Rev. J.', P. Bennett and Joe King Par ker. Miss Swindale, the County De monstrator also made an interesting talk. The faculty consists of entirely new teachers except Miss Mary Psrham, who is the principal. One addition al teacher has been added to the fac ulty, also two grades, the 9th and 10th have been added to the course of study. Miss Psrham, the principal will teach the 7th and 8th gradea and will also assist chiefly in the 9th and 10th. Miss Turnley, of Norfolk, Vs., will teach the 6th and 6th grades. Miss Griggs has charge of the 3rd and 4th grades. Miss Gertrude Lawrence has charge of the 1st and 2nd grades. The faculty is composed of capable teachers and indications point to a very successful term. * Mrs. Puttie Watson returned home on Saturday from a trip to Creed moor and Durham, ? N. C., while fn Creedmoor, she visited her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Manrum. Ifn. D. W. Rochelle of Norfolk, ofrmally Hia Emms Brott of this co unty, and ws? the past weak and guaat of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brett. She left Monday to apand a few days with , friends in Mapleton before returning: to Norfolk. Mrs. Lorena Howell, a former res ident, of this town, whois spending a few days with friends here, will leave the last of the week to visit relatives near Mapleton, after which she will ' leave for Norfolk and Washington, D. C Miss Marie Briton left Sunday for Durham, N. C. ( ?? Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and two children after a weeVr visit ' to relatives here, returned to Suffolk, Va. Sunday by automobile. Miss Mamie Garrison of Morgan ton and Mrs. D. W. Wynn returned Saturday from Norfolk where they spent a few days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boyette and son Roy, Jr. of Hartford Conn., who have behn touring the South and who spent last week with relatives in Murfree sboro, left Friday for the North stop ping at many important places of in terest before their final return to ConAetlcut. Mr. and Mrs. Bertsam Watson,' Mrs. U. Watson and daughters Elis abeth and Mildred left here early Sunday A. M. They motored to Nor folk and spent the day at Ovean View. Miss Helen Winborne of Como was a visitor in town on Monday. " 0 . Banthall-Roland Married September 10th, Mrs. Colens Hare Benthall, daughter of the deceased John Hare, ef Murfrees boro, N. C., to John Allen Roland, of Birmingham, Ala., at the residence of Lieutenant and Mrs. Josephs* Stanton, of Brooklynn, N. Y.- R*p orted. """ .1 PEOPLE OF OUR TOW 11 rzr~. i |;a<muir?n>v" m _? J Nape, this isn't the Undertaker, bat old Whatsa Uee promo tin* boelneea for bin by Hanging Crepe. Be feels Bad bad wants Company, but all be Oets la Bean Looks, which Confirm his Opinion that this U a Tail Old World. He hasn't Smiled since the Pigs Ate Willie and now he Cant be canee bis Baca has Set ' 0 ( HE COULD HARDLY GET HIS BREATH JOHNSON'S TROUBLES ALL DIS APPEAR AFTER HE TAKES TAN LAC. "The way Teniae built me up pro ves to me that it la a great medicine," ?aid Gust A. Johnson, of Virginia, Minn. Mr. Johnson haa been employed Jy the Duluth and Iron Kan go railroad for thirty-five yean. ' ? "I suffered from stomach trouble in its worst stages," continued Mr. lohnson. "So much gas formed in ny stomach after eating I could hrdly breathe. I also had the rheumatism 10 bad in my knees sometimes it was ill I could do to hobble about and I ?as so nervous that many a night I sould not sleep at all, and by morning I was all tired out and weak as / if I isdn't been in bed at all. "I noticed n the papers about Teniae and gave it i trial, and it's a fact, nothing can >eat it for I've taken only three bottl is and feel like a new man. I eat any thing I want now and am never troub ed with gas any more; the rheumat sm has left me and my nerves are itoady as a clock and I get dp every noraing feeling fit and ready for the lays work. Teniae is the greatest nedicine I've seen and I know what I im talking about, for I have tried learly everything." Tanlae is sold in Ahoskie by Z. V. ' Bellamy and Copeland Drug Co., in E&ugellsvllle by Williams and Taylor. ftsk.sey-Tisai Is a great gala Hilar. (I relieves gala and soraaees caused by Kheeasatism, Neuralgia, Sgralas. Adv. FIRE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZED. 1 Wednesday evening a Are depart ment was organized in Ahoakie. and the following officer* were elected; W. L. Curti*, Chief, H. A. Yeri, j Assistant Chief, Herbert Copeland, Secretary, J. C. Sessoms, Treasurer, Claud Vann, Captain Reel No. 1, C. G. Conger, Captain Reel No. 2., Mem ber* of Reel No. 2; K. Mulder, W. J. Myers, Herbert Copeiand, T. M. For bes, J. L. Baker, 8. M. Applebaum, E. L. Garrett, H. A. Williams, B. Vinson, John Britton, G. C. Britton and Jas. (V inson. Members of Reel No. 1; L. T. j Lirerman, John Bozeman, Julian Tho mas, E. E. Lane, Jack Barker, R. R. Copeiand, J. C. Sessoms, L. C. White, Jim Cullens, Ruper t Jernigan, W. N. Carter and J. S. Leary. Any one wishing to volunteer in either of these Reels will please see Mr. Vann or Mr. Conger as soon as possible. The dep artment will meet again next Thurs day evening at 8:30 o'clock, every body interested will please attend this meeting. , Report of the Condition of THE MERCHANTS AND FARMERS BANK ' at Winton in the State of North Car-1 oiina, at the eloae of buaineaa, Septem-1 ber 8th., 1920. , RESOURCES Loam and Discounts,, _ $281,168.99 Overdrafts, secured, $352.48 unsecured, $65.40, 417.88 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds, 1,860.00 AH other Stocks, Bonds, and Mortgages, 8,000.00 Premium on Bonds, " 8.75 Banking Houses,; Fur niture snd Fxtnres, 9,495.98 Cash in vault had net amounts due fonn Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies, 98,209.89 Cash Items held over 24 hours, 840.24 Checks for clearing, 1,517.88 TOTAL 390,502.51 LABILITIES Capital Stock paid in, $28,800.00 Surplus Fund, 82,800.00 Undivided Profits, lass current expenses and taxes paid, 8,887.50 Dividends Unpaid, i 26,450.00 Depoaits subject to check, 127,790.87 Time Certificates of De- ' posit, 22,650.00 8avings Deposits, 148,425.00 Cashier's Checks out standing. 68.49 Certified Checks, 89.07 Due to State Banks, Bankers, and Trust Companies, 19,641.58 TOTAL SOOJORBl State of North Carolina?County of Hartford September 17th., 1920. I, J. P. Mitchell, Cashier of the ab ove named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. P. Mitchell, Cashier.-! Correct?Attest W. P. Shaw, Jr. W. L. Daniel. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before mo, this 18th day of September, 1920. P. S. Jordan, Notary Public. Let us show yo>u where you can save by using DflYIS PfUPE- / AINT I JJWDUCTS M ku nor* WuiImi tleaa ??jr ?tW Cktll e.d Few Toaic mm thm market, bat M one waats iaaitatimaa a mmdiciae Tkey arm deBfereel?mJtv *??' 1 ? LOCAL NEWS OF AHOSKIE1 OF GENERAL INTEREST S:, , ? i* Mima Annie Parker rimited friends in Windsor Tuesday, e Mr. Bennie Forbes was a visitor ia Suffolk Saturday. Mr. H. C. Holloman, of Cofield, was in town on business. Mr. C. C. Hoggard hpent Tuesday ia Suffolk on business. Mrs. Merge spent last week Nor folk the guest of friends. Mrs. O. W. Hale is visiting relatives in Gates County this week. Mr. M. W. Wall, of Woodland, was in town last Friday on business. HKHfiPbi'"'1- v ' 1 Mrs. E. W. Boone, of Rich Spoars is the guest of MrsT R. J. Baker this week. I Messrs. H. S. Basnight and B- 8. McKeel spent Thursday in Wilaoa oo business. Mr. S. M. McMuilen spent the past week end the guest of his family ks Edenton. , Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Newborn left Saturday for Detroit, and Flint, Mich, and other northern cities. Mrs. Anna Andonion and children children of Norfolk are the guest of Haleges Brother this week. Mr. S. C. Greene, of Detroit, Mictu, is the guest of his parents, Mr. aad Mrs. N. E. Greene this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aleexander spent several days last week in Green sboro the guest of relatives. Miss Fannie Darden Catling, of Windsor, was the guest of Miss Aa nie Parker Wednesday and Thursday. Rev. Ingrim and Mrs. Paul Brett, of Mt. Tabor, attended the revival services at the Baptist Church Wed ensday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert aad children of Clarkesville, Va., spent the weak end the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Overton. Miss Lorain Earley left Wednesday for Greenville, N. C., where she ariU attend the Teachers Training School the camming session. Mia Nannie Cartoon, of AsheviBe, N. 0., and Miae Wynna, of Muthuo sbofo, wore the guert of Mr. and Mia. J. 0. Carter the paat week end. Mtos Julia Catling loft Wednoodaj for Greeville, N. C., where the wffl attend the Eaat Carolina Teochere Training School the coming semioa. Mr. and Mia A. B. Greene and chil dren and Mr. Ivins, of Portainorth were the gnest in the homo of Mr. and Mra N. E. Greene the part weak and. There will ha a Lawn Party ah Brantley Grove Church, Friday night, October 8th, for the bengftt of ached - building. The public to cordially in Mia S. J. Dilday spent several days in Suffolk at the Lake View Hospital last week, where she received an an amination. She was accompained by her husband. , Dr. P. H. Mitchell and Mr. J. W. Howard accompained Miae Nancy Howard to a hopital in Rocky Mount, N. C. last Saturday where she under went an operation. Mr. Howard visit ed her Tuesday and reportd her con dition very much improved. The first number of the Lyeoum , Course. The Nevin Musical Club will be given in the High School Auditori um, Tuesday., October 12th. Thto to under the auspicee of the Womaa'a , Betterment Association. Everybody buy a season tickot and help make thto a success. ?adv. 0 NOTICE I The registration books will epos September 80th and cloaa October 28, 1920 and all poisons who wish to qua lify for the general Novamber eiee tion will please present themselves to the rogtotrsre between the dates nam od. All women wishing to rote in the comming election will bo required la register during the period the boohs are open. E. J. GEROCK. Chairman County Board of Blast. I ir . _ii.j : . ?. ?y. , , . ,Mi. ii-ty.-TO* "f J"'1' v..I ? ' iitt *?' - ? 1 * .? iiiii'. fc>

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