Mr. and Mr*. John Friend Lode* of i? the home of Mr. and Knlota Mann near here, were the pail week and gueata of Mia. Julia Nicholson. Miaa Kate Jenkins, on har ret an from Elizabeth City, where she sang at the Goodwtft-Poole wedding stop ped in Muifiesahuro a tew daya of laat weak Kith har parents, enrouta to Hendersoapdlla, where ahe will ra ?ume her dutiae kvFruitland Institute Mr. aad Mr*. .Lather Davis and three children of Philadelphia, Mr. ' aad Mr*. Davie Howell of Mapleton, Mr. and Mr*. (itehin and aon and Mia Sueie Bold* of Co mo ware viaitor* Sunday of Mr. and Mm. W. J. Gat. h Bng. Mr. C A. Ellott of Rich Square and Mr. and Mr*, i. B. Edwards of GalatU wsre visitors Sunday of Mr*. Welaer. Mr*. E. B. Vaughan left laat week for Baltimore where (ha will remain a while with har lister, Mia. Janie Brown, who ia in a sanatorium in that - ?? .r..:'-. Miaa Eunice McDoweU, who haa been spending some time V Cape Charles, Va? haa returned to ffurfrea horo. Miasea Baaaie, Sarah and Annie Barnes have returned home from an extended trip. Mia. T. T. Barrett of Cfma waa a visitor on Sunday of Mn. Reuben Parker. Mr. Roger Vinson of.Iferfolk, for merly of thia town, spent the paat waek end with hia mother, Mra. Bele . Wall. W Mr. Ben Spier* of Rocky Mount, N. C., after spending a few daya here with hia nephews and brother, return cd home Mon4iy Mr. P. B. Griffin left a few days ago to spend a while in Seaboard with, hia uncle, Mr. Doe- Mad drey, who ia now rery ill. HIm Glsdyce Wad* and Mr. Free man Beailey motored over to Mur freesboro Saturday from Maigaietts ville and (pent Sunday with Mrf. Mol lie Beasley. They were accompanied home by Mr Baaaley's sister, Mrs. Faye Sitterson who will Tiait Miaa Wade for a short while. Miaa l*la Ashley, after a .week's visit to her sister, Mr*. Cecil Forehand returned to her home in Edenton on Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr, White and Misses Leary and Montague of-Cole rain motored over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip White and 4 children of'Norfolk arrivred last week to spend some time with Mm Whites parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. I Mis. Paul Boyette took her little 1 five year old daughter, Erldiee, to Suffolk last Thursday, where, at, the hospital, she underwent a slight oper ation. Her condition ia reported aa being very good ao far. Mrs. Ella Wiggins was suddenly ta ken quite sick last Sunday morning. We are sorry to hear that her condi tion is only slighly improved. The West Chowan Association will meet at Mount Tabor Church, near here, this week, beginning Tuesday and continuing through Wednesday. The regular moving and evening ^errcea were held 'at the Baptist Church laat Sunday, conducted by the pastor. The attendance was good and several out of town visitors wen present. iiure new mem una were auucu vu the Methodist Church last Sunday A. y. Mrs. W. C. Ferguson joined by letter. The ordinance ef baptism was administered to three, two of whom were Virginia and Bessie Ferguson, daughters ef His. Ferguson. The other was the infant daughter of fb. and Mrs. Emmett Evans. There was a largo crowd present the Episcopal Church Sunday after noon to hear Re*. B. M. Lackey prea ch his farewell sermon fa Murfrees , boro. Some out of town visitors aiao werto present. Mr. Lackey will leave soon fer Raleigh, where he has accept ed a pastorate. _?r Adniaistrator't Metkis ... Having quailed aa administrator of the /stat* of Elisabeth W. Liver man, late of Hertford County, North Carolina this is' to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to ashlblt them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October, 1921, or thin notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will also please make immediate, payment to the undersigned* This IDlh da yof October, 1920. L. R. LI VERMAN, Adm'r. >0-28?61 IMPROVE YOUR DIGESTION. If you have weak digestion eat spa ringly of meats, let at least five hours, elapse between meals, eat nothing between meals. Drink and abundance of water. Take one of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper. Do this and you will improve yonr diges tion. ?adv. '.I? /? > , . ' ? CARDS or. c. g powcll DENTIST PHONE NO. 10 * AJIOSKIK. N. k- Dealers in SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS .?GENERALLY V Wholesale and Retail He. #17 Washington Square SUFFOLK VA. ^ ; koinbe-Ui.ien uf any ddtari|>t . This the Z5th. day of September, 1*20. C. W. Jones, ?Trustee. 08?it CHIP. Grip usually starts Jut the same aa a cold with a watery discharge from the noae. Yo uare much more likely to contract the grip when you have a cod. For that reason when frip ia prevalent you should go to bad aa soon aa you feel that yob are taking cold and stay in bed until fully recovered whicfi sould not be long if you take Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Three days in bed now is batter than three weeks later on. ?adv. I . North Carolina, Heetfe.U Soirtty. In the Superior Court. C. D. Nickena, Plaintiff. VS" '? "l The American Railway Expreea Co mpany, and H. If. B ram berry, Defrn danta. The above named Defendanta, H. ! If. Bramberry, will take notice that') enaction, entitled aa above, haa been* commenced in the Superior Coudt/qf Hertford County, againat him, to re cover the poaaeaalon of one motor' out of Plaintiff's Oldamobile, shipped ' from Norfolk, Va., in four boxes, via. The American Railway Expreaa Com pany, Defendant, in which, Defendant H. If. Bramberry claims a lie* or in- j tereat, and the pnrpoee of thia action ia to wholly exclude aaid Defendant's lien or interact, and the aaid Defend ant, will futher take notice that ha ia required to appear at the offlce of the Cerk of the Superior Court of aaid County, at ten o'clock' A. M., at the Court-houaa in aaid County, in Winton N. C. and answer or demur to the co mplaint in-aaid action or the.Haintjff Will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint. Thia the 4th. day of October,' 1920. ' D. R. McGlohon, Cleric of the Sup erior Court ? Roawell C. Bridger. Attjr for Plain tiff. GOT HER GOOD HEALTH OUT OF K BOTTLE. Mrs. Sdward Raifanider, Wabash, Ind. aaya that she owes her rood heal th to Chamberlain's Tableta. She suf fered from diatreas after eating and eonatipation and waa completely cur ed by the uae of these tableta. ?adv. Watch the label on your paper., - ? Tested Seeds For Field and Garden t. Crt eur free Catalag which tells ?bout the best varieties of Garden Seeds?for home use. canning and shipping?what field seeds to plant for heavy yields of grain or hay?which to sow for abundant pasturage. are choice strain* oPtbe best varieties, r?-eleaned and tested for germination and purity. Write for Catalog and "Wood's Crop Special." giving timely Information and current prices. Mailed fraa. T.W.WOOD & SONS SEEDSMEN, RtOMWOUD, lm -? . 1 VilMUfUA * I117E are here to serve you at any hour TT ALL WORK.GUARANTEED ? | Try Us Once tind Smile as You | ? Ride. | STORE YOUR CARS HERE | * Let us serve you with fuel, free air & water DEALER IN AUTOMOBILES | A. L HOBBS {I & COMPANY 1 K -rfn | -,.k. V ? - ' ' f/" />*?? ? bi , M ~ The LADIES STORE Big lot of Ladies' Suits, Long Cloaks and 6ne Piece Dresses j?t arrives, the latest sty les to be found in this entire section at re duced prices. I - - .? . Iff v:" Mrs. E. C. Britton "Where Quality Counts and Prices Suits'* Ahoskie, N. C. * V- '? 1 1 vv.??. .Vr. '-. . . , \ f ? Subscribe to the HERALD. "Tougk at rawhide, big, roomy and comfort able?that't what I know about Blue Buckles" (Signed) Fred Signer A mile a minute at the throttleof the 20thCentury . .. . And the overalls Fred Signer wars on eirery run % . I HHi 1 r ? mKNTY-nVB years ??o Fred Signer vu a coal A "passer" on vthe New York Central?today he holds the throttle of the 20th Century. That's Fred Signer's record. And every time Fred Signer runs the big express you'll find kirn in Blue Buckle Over AOs. He's found that Blue Buckles stand up under all the rough use they get around a railroad. And millions of other men, whether they are running trains, or work ing on farms or in the shops, have found that Blue Buckles stand up "Under every job. _ The toughest long-wear do* nim cloth goes into every pair. Blue Buckle Over Alls and Coats are always J>ig and roomy?and made so they can't rip. You always get solid comfort, long wear, and all-round satisfaction in Blue Buckles. All sires ? Men's, Youths', Children's. Ask your dealer about Blue Buckles today. Blue Buckle OverAlls Biggest selling, overall in the world ? ? 9J.O.O. ? ??? . y \ * ?m ? Barnes-Sawyer Grocery Co., Inc. . AHOSKIE, N. C | | Wholesale Distributors for BLUE BUCKLE OVERALLS 'liuMmrni