LOCAL NEWS OF AHOSKIE' -? r Mr. Eric Garrett spent sever al days this week in Norfolk. Mr. J. K. Modlin of Harrells ville spent Monday in town. , Mr. Paul Majette, of Como, visited friends here Monday ev ening. Mr. Archie Watson of Roxo bej, spent a few days, this week in Ahoskie. ? Ex-solocitor Walter E. Dan rifels, of Weldon, was a visitor in Ahoskie Tuseday night. Mrs. Amos Forbes, <Jf Mur- 1 freesboro, is the guest of Mrs. t W. T. Forbes this week. Be sure to take advantage of' j the *1.00-per-year offer made t to all subscribers of the Herald. Misses Sue Brett and Eliza beth Turnley, qf Chowan Col lege, spent a snqrt while here Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Powell and family of Potecasi, spent last Sunday in the home of Dr. ^and Mrs. C. G| Powell. Mr. Marcus T. Brett, a prom inent banker of Benson, spent the past week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Curtis. Mr. Jacob Cullens, of Colera in spent a short while here on If- 1 li: -A. i.Ll_ - Z3Q - - i iviunuay, cttiiiiig at tnis oiuce iu take advantage of our special ' offer of one dollar per year. Mr. Lee Parker spent last Fri day and Saturday in Norfolk, , and while there witnessed the show, "Chu Chin Chow," which showed in Norfolk last week. i ??? Mrs. Mary Hatzapoulu and daughter, Miss Jafiro, of Nor folk, wAre the week end guests of the Halages brothers and sister, at the Manhattan Cafe. Miss Margaret Storey, who waq the guest of Miss Myrtle Powell for several days last we ek, returned to her home in the city of Portsmouth last Sunday. Mr. G. M. Blow, a farmer re siding near Murfreesboro, was business visitor in Ahoskie on last Friday. He was a pleasant caller at the HERALD office. Miss Myrtha Fleming, of Ra leigh, is in Ahoskie this week with friends. Miss Fleming was formerly principal of the local high school, holding that posi; tion for two sessions. ( Mr. and Mrs. James Alexan der, of Suffolk, Va., returned to . their home Tuesday morning, after spending several days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alexander of this city. President and Mrs. Preston ? S. Vann, of Chowan College, ac companied by Miss Mary Hen ry Lewis, ^ne of the college stu dents, spent Sunday in the hA me of Mrs. Dora Curtis. The Herald is issued late this week, in order to give the ac tion of the Superior Court in the motion for the removal of the trial of J. H. Robertson of this town. Constable Oscar Britton was in Raleigh on Monday and Tues day of this week, in connection with the injunction by the At lantic Coast Line Railroad Co., against the collection of taxes upon their property. Mrs. W. E. Daniels, of Arca dia, Fla., who visited relatives in Ahoskie for several weeks, left one day last week for Wil liamston, where she will spend some time with her sistdr before returning to her home. Mesdames Katherine Brown, of Lasker, and Jane Brown of Woodland, and the letter's son, Mr. David Brown and wife, of Woodland were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Copeland last Sunday. 4 ?BEST CONSERVATORY? 715 Boissevaia Ave. Norfolk, Virginia Branches Taught:? Voice culture. Piano, Sight 1 singing, Theory, Harmony Composition, Dramatic Art Violin, Decorative Art, " China painting and Firing. Modern languages. ?Inquiries Solicited? Visit Us When in Norfolk t I O 14 2times t. FOUNTAIN SCULL * The following invitations have ?an received: "Mr. and Mrs. Bismarck Scull t| equest the honour of your presence E at the marriage of their daughter d Clarine Pritehard * to d Mr. Bruce Almond Fountain 6 n Wednesday evening, October the n twenty-sixth ,.f tl nineteen hundred and twenty-one s< at five o'clock & Harrellsville Baptist Church b Harrellsville, North Carolina" I1 At Home P fter November lOtfe; J' Leggett, N. ft 0 0 E Fair Attractions^ yt Ahoslvt * b . The merry-go-round, which L ield forth at the Winto? fair w [rounds last week has moved a: >ver to Ahoskie, and is camp- p ng on the vacant Copeland lot, si ust across the railroad from he Herald office. t< 0 v REVIVAL CLOSES ? eMHuaee The revival services at the lo al Baptist church came to a sue :essful close on last Sunday ev- s sning. Rev. Mr. Wheeler, who las been conducting the meet- f ng wound up on Sunday with Jour appeals: to the Sunday 3chool at the regular Sunday . Schoolhour, at the regular hour for preaching services, at threes j'clock in the afternoon, and ag sin at the regular preaching four Sunday evening. Great interest was manifest ed in the meeting and overflow congregations attended almost every service. About twenty ftve new'addtions were made to the church during the two weeks of services. 0 TWO BIG FAIRS ANNOUN CED THIS WEEK H ? ? . In the columns of this paper ' are two advertisements of fairs 1 in east Carolina, hoth of which are among the oldest and best 1 in. the eastern section of North | Carolina. In a half page adver tisement the Chowan Fair of- ' ficials tell of the coming big ev ent at Edenton, which will be held during the last week of October. Larger exhibits, agri cultural and livestock, a better midway, faster racing, and gre ater free attractions are assur ed the partons of this annual event. The Coastal Plain Fair, "The Largest District Fair in North Carolina," will begin at Tarbo ro November 1st., and contn ue for four days. The Secre tary of this fair advises: "We are looking forward to having the best fair we have ever had.' This annual event always draws pretty heavily upon the popu lation of this section, especially from the towns located on the A. C. L. railroad, which are in easy reach of Tarboro. Exhibits at the Coastal Plain Fair come from the entire coast al plain section of the State, embracing several eastern coun 1 ties; and the collection of ex hibits this year is very grat ifying to the mnagement of the fair, thus guaranteeing to live up to its reputation of being the largest district fuf in the state. n NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of C. T. Vaughan, dc J ceased, late of Hertford County, N. Carolina, (his is to notify all persons ' holding claims against ik* said es tate to present them to me on or tie- ' fore the 14th day of October, 1922. r jr this notice will be* pleaded ir bar ? ?f their rmovery. All persons indebt- ' cd to said estate frill please make im- j vedinte payment, i i le 7th day of October, 1921. Mrs. Gertrud ? II. Vaughan, Urn it-atrt? ' W urfreesb- i o. Keith Carolina. ' D. C. Barnes, attorney. 01 i fit 1 0 Notice of Administration Having qualified as administrator >f the estate of Sallie J. Love, deceas- < td, late of Hertford County, North 1 Carolina, this ia to notify all persona j taving claims against the said estate i o present them to the underigned ad- j ninistrator on or before the Oth day J >f October, 1922, or this notice will < ye pleaded in bar of their recovery, til persons indebted to said estate wil ( jlease make immediate payment. This fith day of October, nineteen tundred and twenty one. Roawell C. Bridge r, adm'r., , of Sallie J. Love, deceased. 014 fit ; 1 Watch the label on your paper and ae that yea are not in arrears. The i lerald refuted" to increase the price ?f a subscription to thia paper during he war, and at dm present price it ? necessary that era bane our sub . Notice of tkrt|>|. Salo ? . Pursuant to the provision of ? mor I*C< executed by T. L. Leggett to T. Futrell, Mortgagee, on the fifth ay of December, 1*20, and register i in the office of the Register of the eeds of Hertford County, in Book 5, on page 110 default having been tade in the payment of the bond ' lerein set forth, the undersigned will - til at public auction, for cash, In the >wn of Winton. N. C., at the court ouse door on the 7th of November, 921, at 12 o'clock M. the following ropejt*ifmK-^^-rict of land in Saint olins Township, Couny and State ab re, known as lot no. 3 on map of T. !. Futrell land, mapped and plotted ^ y W. T. Betts, C. E. and being the " tme lot conveyed to the said T.' X. eggett the said T. E. Futrell and ife, the description in both said plat t nd deed are referred o and made a k art of the mortgage under which the ime is sold. Conveyed by the said T. L. Leggett > satisfy the debt and interest pro ided for in said mortgage, This 27th day of September, 1921. Bank of Aulander assignee, . of T. E. Futrell, Mortgagee. D. C. Barnes, attorney, lept. 80 6 times fotice of Sale Under Dead of Trust By virtu? of the powers contained n a certain Deed of Trust executed . ty Frank Wells and wife, Gussie Fells to Jno. E. Vann, Trustee, on he 8th day of February, 1915, which )eed of Trust is duly recorded in the ifflce of Register of deeds for Hert ford County, in Book 51, on page L46. The debt therein secured is still inpaid. Now therefore, the undersign ;d trustee will on the 81st day of Oc tober, 1921, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, at the courthouse iopr of Hertford County, the follow ing real estate, to-wit: That tract or lot of land, lying near the town of Winton, N. C., known as the Granni iou Holly hame place adjoining the lands formerly owned by the late J. B. Hare and others. Beginning at a sweet gum on Southwest corner of Mid land, and running Northwards 70 yards; thence 70 yards eastward; thence 70 yards Southward; thence 70 yards Westward, to the beginning. Reference is hereby given to deed from J. J. Jordan to, Granison Holly recorded in Book K. on-page 488. This the 27th day of September, in the year 1921. Jno. E. Vann, Trustee. Sept 80 4times North Carolina?-Hertford County Superior Court?Bafora the Clerk Lee Howard vs. Ethel Howard NOTICE Thj defendant above named will take, notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Hertford County, N. Carolina, to obtain a divorce "A vn culo Matromonii"; and the said de fendant will further take natice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at the Courthouse door in Winton. N. C. on the 81st. day of October. 1921, and answer or demur to the complaint in Mid action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in Mid complaint. This 30th day of Sept. 1921. D. R. McGlohon, Clerk of Superior Court C. W. Jones, atty. for plaintiff. 0 No tic* of Ckui* ?" Basin*** This is to nStify the public that we :he undersigned, trading as the Hert ford Auto and Machine Co., have sold >ut to Messrs. Price and Parrish, and :he latter named Arm will be known is the Hertford Welding and Machine 3o., doing business at the same place rhanking our customers for their pa re nage and wishing to recommend , he new firm to them, which will be , setter able to serve them titan we ' lave been. 1 All claims against the old business ip to this date wfll be paid bp the indersigned, and the undersigned will -eeeive all accounts due. the old Arm. This 28th day of Sept., 1921. R. P. Slaughter, . M. C. Powell, ie. 30 4 times HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says ^Cream^AppUed In^Nostrila ; ] Instant , relief?no waiting. Tour elogped nostrils opea right up; ?ks air] 1 passages, of your hand clear sad you esa ineetfe frosty. No more hawking, snuf fling. .blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your 1 eold or .catarrh disappear*. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little , of this fragrant, antiseptic, hseliug cream In your nostrils. It psa strate* through every air passage of the head, soothes the jshati w swollen It's'just fln* Don't rtay stugsd Ug with a cold or nasty catarrh. PROFESSIONAL CARDS .') f t <1 X ! Dr. c. g. Powell # DENTIST PHONE NO. 10 AHOSK1E, N. 0. - ? i ' ,1 '1 i 1 4 V R. R. ALLEN & SON Dealors in 1A8H, DOOKS, BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail WaaMlimoirSquaTe ~~ SUFFOLK VA. TOMBSTONES Of any description. --See or write? J. B. MODLIN Ahoikic, N. C: Agents for United States| Marble Co. ' Dr. C. H. Chamberlain dentist MURFREESBORO, N. C J. ROY PARKER. Notary Public. Located in Herald Building. AHOSK1E, N. C. TOMBSTONES ?National Marble Mills? Ballground, Ga. F. L. HOWARD Agent Ahoekie, N. C. ? * DR. CHARLES J. SAWYER Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nosa, and Throat Farmers-Atlantic Bank Bldg In Office every WEDNESDAY DR. J. H. BROWN VETERINARIAN - Office'with Holloman Brothers. Rich Square, N. C. ?HENRY MEYER? Optometrist Eyesight Specialist 326 High Street PORTSMOUTH, VA. Roswell C. Bridger, A. Simpeon, Winton, N. C. Aoelde, N. C. BRIDGER A SIMPSON Limited Co-Pertnerahip. Attorneys-at-Law Ahoaide, N. C. Practice In all cnnrts,?our beat,? irompt and personal attention given RADIATOR REPAIRING ' Twenty-four hour service?expert workmanship?reasonable prices. ii Ship us your Radiator bp siiiisbs wo win guarsntoo to send it bade to you quickly and n good eoadttoa. GUARANTEE RADIATOR WORKS 772 Graaby Street Norfelk, Vt Build With brick And Whan in Need of Brick of Quality end Quick Borrioo writ# wire or phono no. -THE AULAKDER BRICK CO? ? Aalaader, N. C o Notic# of Admbbtntiea Sarin* qualified aa administrator of th? eetato of Flossie Vaughan, late of Hertford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present th em to the undersigned at Ahoslde, N. C., on or before the 14th day of Sep tember, 1922, or this notice will M pleaded in bar of their recorery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of July, 1*21. J. H. Copeland, administrator Sept. 16 ?tlmes .. ? . The Fashion Store Don't forget to notice the show window for the latest creations in Fall Millinery. Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, and Dry Goods, coming in daily. Mrs. E. C. Britton Ahoskie, N. C. Do you realize the important part a Collar plays in a man's dress? . Ask us. We know the best suited for you. We hafe the exclusive IDE line? Shirts, Collars, Ties and Hose. ' y f.j- u /m-,. ' * * * . M , !?; , - - ^ ? .v- . ' s UBUI!iaiaiiil5!ll!IMill?!fiSlill?lJ8ITglilli!l?!iS!fg|glgli!liSJiiagjnJEraiHJHIi!JgraigfBrai?!|gi Wa&e Up! THIS IS 1921! | Get a little pep into your 1 system! Come to Copeland's | for a good tonic, before the I winter comes on. Remem- | ber, nothing but Pure drags | Lall die time, is our motto. j CopelandDrug Co. \ t "The Prompt and Efftci?t Pharmacy" ^ssss^^issssss^^ss^ssssssssasssa^^issk - ; " " ?. , I WYNN BROS. 1 I MURFREESBOBO'S GREATEST STORE I I Wonderful Attractions Arriving Daily I I Dresses, Suits and Coats I I Fifth Avenue's Smartest Styles I and Fabrics, many being copies of Parisian Models, Coats and I Suits in Suedeen, Velour, Trco- I tine and Bolivia. Dresses in most fetching models in Canton Crepe, Kitten's Ear Crepe; Por I et Twill, Tricotine and Serges. I I Wonderful Line Newest Waists. I Your Patronage Appreciated. I Wynn Bros. I MURFREESBORO, N. C. I Carload Wire Fence?Give Us A Call I

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