? I CHRISTMAS GOODS ROL- j ING IN AT I COPELAND'S I ? ^ y? Among the list already here are Holiday1 Post Cards, Booklets, Sta- | tionery, Special Christmas Candies, s \ | Manicuring Sets, Tjoilet Set?* 77 7' # let Waters, Perfumes, Cigars, | Smoking Sets, Sharing Sets; | t Purses and Leather Goods. | Copeland Drug Co. j I Tb* l^mwaSSL Star* I "The Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy" ?? ?? .? ? i * ? WynnBros. I MURFREESBOBO'S GREATEST STORE The. B. Wfu. Ovut. We have dedicated the month 9 of December to Giving Valufes I Worthy of Your Consideration. I Come to die Feast of Xmas f Offerings, Now Waiting You. AFTERNOON AND'TAILOR ED DRESSES 'Wonderful line of Coats and Suits in Normandy Cloth, Bolivia and Suedeen. , , , ?_ "? I <* . ; sss Men's Suits and Overcoats in the very .Newest Models. Boys Suits and Toy Coats. Shoes to Fit Every Foot I Come join the Happy Throng of Satis fied Customers and here we wish to pause to acknowledge our debt of gratitude to the many good friends who have helped make this store the Great Shopping Center of Eastern Carolina and whose confidence and * good will has been an inspiration for years. ' 1 ?? 1 Is Wynn Bros. ?r, 1 MURFREESBORO, N. C. I LOCAL NEWS I OF AHOSKlE Read the advertisements! ? Mr. B. N. Sykes spent Wed nesday in Ahoekie. Mr. F. Parker, of Powellsvil le, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Howard Basnight spent the week end in Suffolk, Va. The Town Council held their regular meeting Monday night. Messrs. C. M. and Edd Cal lis, of Harrellsville, were here Sunday. Sheriff Bismark Scull, of Har rellsville, was a visitor here on Tuesday. Mrs. Dan P. Boyette went to Norfolk Wednesday, on a shop ping tour. Mr. C. B. Morris, of Colerain was a business visitor in Ahos kie Tuesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leary last Wednesday, a 9 pound baby boy. Mr; O. L. Joyner, of Green ville, spent a few days here on business this week. ?' Mr. J. J. Pierce, of Washing ton, D. C., visited his brother, | Mr. J. F. Pierce, recently. Mr. H. C. Sharpe, of Harrells ville, was in town on business last Friday and Saturday. Mr. H. H. Taylor, of Har rellsville, visited relatives and friends in town last Sunday. A nice carload of young Mis souri mules, were sold here, at public auction last Saturday. "Captain" W. S. Pritchard. and Mayor John M. Gatling, of ' 'Windsor, were in town last Sat urday afternoon, on business. Mr. F. G. Tayloe, County Commissioner, attended the re gular monthly meeting of the County Board, held at Winton Monday. Mrs. R. B. Futrell, of near Suffolk, Va., a former resident of Ahoskie, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Mitchell last Saturday night and Sunr day. j Attorney C. Wallace Jones, | of Winton, was in town on legal i business last Friday, represent : ing Paul Harrell in a suit aga inst Frank G. Phelps. The latter won. Mr. Lee Parker left last week for Atlanta, Ga., where he is the guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manley Curits, of that city. The latter are natives of Ahoskie. < Miss Margnieriet Pierce, who is teaching in the Milwaukee school, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. J. F. Pierce, who re side in the Brantleys section. Mr. Charlie Earley, cashier of the Planters Savings. Bank in GateSville, spent last Satur day night and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ea rley, wno reside on route Ave. Attorney L. C. Williams has returned to his home here, after spending several days at his old home in Alamance County. He was called home on account of the illness of his father who was improving when he return ed here. If you have something worth selling, you have something that should be advertised. The columns of this paper are read closely each week by several hundreds of people. Better get your advertisement in early for our next issue. Mr. H. S. Basrtight and fam ily have recently moved into their new home in Northwest Ahoslde. Mr. H. P. Gatling, liv ing at present in the Mt. Tabor section of the county, is expect ed to soon occupy home vaca ted by the former, he having purchased this place several months ago. Tanlac has been an unfailing source of comfort to millions of people throughout the length and breadth of this continent. Have you tried it for troubles? C. H. Mitchell.?advertisement ?. j,.-* '? .. ? 'i'-j- v j' '* *' ; v,4'i Fire Destroy* House ud Barn A two-story frame dwelling on the farm of S. E. Vaughn, located in St. Johns Township, tdgether with a barn contain ing three bales of cotton, were destroyed by fire early Wed nesday morning. Insurance was carried on the residence, but the barn and cotton was unin sured. 0 PAPER ONE DAY LATE - Owing to a serious breakdown that occurred in thfs office just about one hour before we had completed the work of "setting up" this week's issue, the Her ald was prevented from mak ing its appearance on schedule time. The broken part was mended Thursday and the pa per comes out one day late. , ?0 WHOLESALE COMPANY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS The Ahoskie Wholesale Gro cery'Company, Inc., will close out its business here next Tues day, December 13th, at an auc tion sale. All of their goods, in cluding many staple household necessities, will be offered to the public at auction prices and their entire warehouse stock is to be offered for sale. Their stock is located in the old Far mers Union Warehouse at Ah oskie. The announcement of the auction sale appears in half page advertisement in this is sue. DEATH OF YOUNG CHILD The death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Min ton and took from them their precious and darling baby. Ev erbody loved him for he was so good, and always ready to of fer a smile and try to talk to them. He suffered long but pa tient. We loved him well , but the Savior loved him best, so he took him from us and made him an angel to sit by His own throne. "Not noV but in "the coming years, it may be in a better land We'll read the meaning of our tears. Up there, some, time v. e will understand."' ?His Aunt. 0 YOUNG LADY DIES ? Miss Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams, of the Perrytown section of the County of Bertie, died at Green ville Tuesday; and her body arrived in Ahoskie Wednesday morning, being taken from here to Bertie by undertaker Flythe, where the funeral and burial were held. She was a student of the Training School at Green ville, and several of her school mates accompanied her boy to its last resting place. Honor Roll of The Union Gra ded School . First Grade?Julian Browne, Williani Horton, Abner Miller. Second Grade?Lucille Bro wne, Mnrille Dunn. Third Grade?Emily Riddick and Thomas Parker. Fourth Grade?Annie Hor ton, Marietta Hayes. Fifth Grade-i-Janet Browne, Antoinette Charles, Janie Hor ton, Annie Modlin. Sixth Grade?Everette Mil ler. Seventh'Grade?Mabel Clair Dunn, Etta Parker. Eighth Grade?Sallie Wynn Dunn, Nellie Horton. n SAYS RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAIN IN FEWMINUTES Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, back ache, stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, sprains, aching joints. When you are suffering so you ca? hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub. ^ Nothing has such concentrated, pen etrating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into pain i.nd congestion relief comes at once. Just as soon as you appiy Red Pep per Rub you feel the tingling heat. In vh'ec minutes ;he sore stiot is wanned through and through and the torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a Jar at once. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on every package. 0 Thousands of weak, run-down men and women have reported astonishing gain in weights by the use of Tanlac. C. H. Mitch ell.?advertisement. PREACHES FOR FIRST TIME Rev. M. F. Rhodes, new pas tor of the Ahoskie Methodist church, preached his first ser mon at his new charge last Sun day" morning. Nothwithsanding the very inclement weather, a large number of his church me mbers and visitors attended the services. 0 MANY "PUNCH" SCENES IN "EXPERIENCE" HERE ? ?*? Here are some of the scenes that will be shown at the Rich ard Theater next Wednesday night wlien "Experience" will , be shown on the local screen. When youth meets ambition and leaves his mother, Love and Home, to make his fortune i in the city. When Pleasure confronts him and Opportunity, refusing to wait, leaves him to his fate. When Youth meets Beauty, Wealthr Fashion, Inloxicatiuii, and Temptation at the Primr ose Path with whom he associ ates with delight. When Youth's mother dies, and Love goes forth in a severe storm to send him a telegram, Which is.intercepted by Tempta tion who has ensnared him. When Love goes to the Prim rose Path where Youth is hold ing hijfh. revel and is denied ad mittance". When Youth finds himself penniless and his friends desert him a wandering bankrupt fol lowed by Poverty. When'Youth is accused of the theft at a tavern where he is employed and cast out. He then meets Viee and Habit who tell him how to forget by the use of fatal drugs. When Youth consents to go with Crime to rob the home of Wealth and hearing a choir sing in a church he repents and decides to return home. 0 Tanlac is manufactured irt one of the largest and most mo dernly equipped laboratories in this country. C. H. Mitchell.? advertisement. 0 THE DOOR SLAMS ON HAPPINESS POOR BLOOD MAKES ' BAD HEALTH?THEN COME THE "BLUES" Once the vigor of red blood becomes sapped of its strength the door to happiness is lateral ly slammed. Weariness: of bo dy follows and it unfailingly en genders depressed thoughts. To be reserved and cheerless beco mes a habit. After a time there is an almost filmy dimness in the expression of the eyes and a pallor to the skin. Days seem dull.and dark and difficult. A sense of insufferable gloom per vades the spirit. Then it is that Gude's Pepto Mangari is the great help. It is a red blood builder. It puts red into the blood?increases the number of corpuscles which al so makes rich red blood. When the blood is restored to its na tural healthy state, the sensa tion of wel-being returns. In stead of shuffling along cafeless ly, there is a firm and springy step, the bright lusterful eyes, the clear complexion, identified 1 with the strength and vigor of ! good health. The druggist has < Gude's Pepto-Mangan in both liquid and tablet form^adver- ' tisement. o ? Nolle* of Commissioners Sole of Load Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Hertford County, made in the special proceed Ing entitled Florence E. Taylor and husband, Woodie Tayloe, Myrtle J. Cherry and husband, William A. Cher ry vs. Maude Reece Rawls, the ttn dereigned ccipmissioner will on the 10th day of December, 1921, at 12 0,'clock M., at the residence on the said premises, offer for sale to tbc : highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in St. Johns township, Hertford County, N. Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. H Rawls, J. P. Rawls. R. L. and W. W. ly described as follows, to-wit: that part of the Josiah Rawls home tract of land not deeded to Joseph P: Raw les, and covers the remainder of the tract except the above mentioned. Place of sale?At the residence on the premises. Time of sale?Twelve o'clock noon DecemberlOth., 1921. t Terms of sale?Cash. This 9th day of Nov., 1921. William A. Cherry, Woodie Tayloe, A. Simpson, Commissioners. ;' A. Simpson, attorney. If' 1 IMtt ? _________ PROFESSIONAL | | CARDS J Dr. c. g. Powell DENTIST f PHONE NO. 10 AHOSKIE. N. C. R. R. ALLEN & SON Dealers in SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAlNTfc AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail U27 Wa?hli?<mn Square SUFFOLK VA. i TOMBSTONES. Of any description. -See -or write? J. B. MODLIN Ahotkie, n. C. Agents for United States Marble Co. Dr. C.H. Chamberlain dentist MURFREESBORO. N. C. J. ROY PARKER. Notary Public. Looted ia Herald Building. 4 AHOSKIE. N. C. TOMBSTONES ?National Marble Mills? Ballground, Ga. F. L. HOWARD Agent Ahoekia, N. C. DR. CHARLES J. SAWYER Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Farmers-Atlantic Bank Bldg -In-Office every WEDNESDAY DR. J. a BROWN VETERINARIAN Office with Hoiloman Brother*. Rich Square, N. C. * \ v: i ; ?HENRY METERS Optometrist Eyesight Specialist 326 High Street 1 PORTSMOUTH, VA. _s ; -LiC. WILLIAMS? Attorney-at-LaV and Generaf Practitioner in the Courts of North Carolina Office in second floor of Mrs. E. C. Britton Bldg, E. Main Street, ?Ahoekie, North Carolina in Farmers-Atlantic Bank Bldg. After December 1, 1921 Office hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Nil ? '' I " 'r',: ?' ? w 'S t Build With Brick And When in Need of Brick of Quality and Quick Service write > wise or phono us. -THE AULANDER BRICK CO.? Aeleador. N. C. ? . . Notice of Dissolution The Limited Copartnership hereto^* fore existing between Roswell C. Bridger and A. Simpson, in the prac tice of the law has been dissolved by mutual consent and Mr. Simpson has the books for closing op said mat ters affecting said copartnership ac cording to the terms thereof. November 19, 1921. A. Simpson, B. C. Bridger. ^ D2. Send the Herald your job printing f you want particular printing at oweet prices. What we cannot do n the printing line, there aso no eth ers who can do it. Try us. Taniac is made of roots, herbs and barks, and contains no min erals or opiates. C. H. Mitchell. |?Advertisement

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