I i??? .? ?' ' -v ? -. ? -l.- 4'- .. : ( t __ ' I Model No. 19 Linotype I THIS "HUMAN" MACHINE PUTS Words and Ideas in Type?all we do is "tickle die keyboard"--she does the rest. -- ?p Hp mmm mmam mmm Hp H V 1 T V T X 121 JA m I ? ^LjF It n#- h-* - ^HHm^B' '?" fftl ? ? IrM^ I laCI ' '^^KjPIMBBn^nr^al 1181 ffl |L *# i'm't* "?'- fffiKr'iM^ * -'?' H M '1 ??*?'1' *?? "? :,f'J ?'? .*? . 2? t? ti-'-Jt ;..?* ISI TTIi (^?1^j/^]>j]|^ H ISI wx Mpl I #?? . J*"' x I\? M**-h v A v% ^V ' :\1 >J-" ? 'W;,V ^r.4iBB In iM ISI I^M ? ?2Sb OUR PRINTING LIST * ' "" ? ? ' Includes Letterheads, Envelopes, Statements, Invoices, Circulars ' ' ' ? of all sizes and designs, Catalogues, Premium Lists, Circular Let * ters, Envelope Enclosures, Bank Notes, Drafts, Note and Draft * " ' i* ' /. i n Notices, and other bank supplies. Any other job you want can > ' be done right on time. Quality and prices to please every custo mer. r v ' ' ; ? '? ? ? ? . . ... ? Miller Press Feeder | K J 2 Takes the place of press feeder. Never gets tired. Does not talk back. The sign 2 of a modern print 2 shop. I '? ' 1|K ' ?? I I ? ??? I ? I. I , I I III I???? The Modern Shop Combination | These Three Machines and "Printers Who Know" Solves Your Printing Problems. > 1 =============^ p OUR PRICES | c Every Quotation Based upon Franklin Fair Price List. I , Consult, Phone Qr Write us your wants. \ A Via ) I "You can depend on good Printing by ' * ? ? | Depending ONLY on good Printers." I ' fS';' I Hertford County Herald 1 I I | VINSON & PARKER, Proprietors I