Hertford County Herald " '? ?' " ?? 1? . ? ? ? ... HERTFORD COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER A PAPER WORTH WHILE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN EASTERN CAROLINA Volume XIII. Eight Pages Ahoskie, North Carolina, Friday, June 16, 1922 One Section No. 7 MANEYS NECK WANTS TAYLOR FOR COM'NER. IWhfrtnn Visits Ahoskie And Asks Dr. Mtchell To With draw in Favor of Their Man, Who Was Candidate In the County Primary Election Held Saturday, June 3rd Maneys Neck township "does not look with favor upon the outcome of the primary of June 3rd, which has excluded that bailiwick from lepre f sentation upon the board of county commissioners. The new system of nominating the commissioners by a county-wide vote, without drawing any distinction between the townships from which the representatives are to come, has not worked so well for Maneys Neck, and the fdlks over the river are not content to let it go at that. They want a representative on the heard and they are seeking a way out of the situation which was created ea June 3rd, when the voters of Hertford county by their votes chose two men from Ahoakie township to make the race on the democratic ticket for commissioner; nomination being, of course, equivalent to elec tion. P. G. Tayloe, present incum bent, and Dr. J. H. Mitchell,, now chairman of the county board of ed ucation, were the two men chosen from this township as democratic nominees. J. C. Taylor, incumbent, trailed the other candidates in the primary, and under the provisions of the new law was eliminated as a nom inee from Maneys Neck. A delegation of the leading citi xens of Maneys Neck spent Tuesday in Ahoskie seeking to correct the sit uation thus created, and to gain for themselves a candidate for the com missionership. They came here with the expressed purpose of prevailing upon Dr. J. H. Mitchell, second lowest, candidate in number of votes receiv ed, to withdraw from the race,in favor of Mr. Taylor, of Como. Hew ever, the visiting delegation did not accomplish the objective and returned to their homes without any assurances of representation on the county's ad ministrative body for the next two years, beginning in 1923. Dr. Mit chell informed the gentlemen from Maneys Neck that he had the kind i liest feeling for them, but sufficient pressure was not created to cause him to resign in the face of the expressed wishes of the voters of the county who had said by their votes that he was the man they wanted to sit in Winton. The result of the primary has caused somewhat of a flurry in the county; and the general impression prevails locally that the new method of nomination is not as satisfactory as the selection by townships. Just what, if any, steps will be taken by the people of Maneys Neck are unknown, although there is divided opinion as to the advisability of excluding the Como section from representation. A COLORED SUMMER SCHOOL 1 The summer school at Waters In stitute, Winton, N. C., will open the 26th of June. All teachers who ex pact to get credit for attendance must be there not later than the third dajr after the opening. All should be there the first day if possible. All teachers holding certificates below the Elementary may raise their certi cates by getting off the summer school work required, and those holding Ele mentary certificates can have theirs renewed by doing the required work for renewal but cannot raise them to a higher grade. It is hoped that alf who go will go with the determination to get as much as possible out of the summer school. N. W. BRITTON, County Superintendent. 0 NOTE OF THANKS We deeire to express our apprecia tion to oar friends for their many ex pressions of love and sympathy in the sickness and death of oar darling baby. Especially do we thank Dr. Paul Mitchell for his untiring faithfulness in ministering to him. MR. and MRS. S. P. BOWERS. 0 Anesthetics were known and used by tiie Chinese thousands of years ago. / RAISE MORE FEB)- ~\ STUFF AT H6ME North Corolia* Farmers Must Raise More Feed Craps if They Expect to Obtain Good Net Returns for Their Work BY JOHN PAUL LUCAS Raleigh/Juns 14.?There are coun ties in North Carolina which spent more than $1,000,000 last year for imported hay, corn, oats and other feed stuffs. There is no logical reason why any feed of any kind should be imported into any Tarheel county, except in rare instances where prepar ed feeds may be* required for short 1 periods for special purposes. - The amount of feed produced in North Carolina during this year and the amount that is to be imported during the coming year is.going to be determined very largely by the acre age planted in feed crops during the next few weeks. With the variety of legumes and other crops, that are adopted to this section it is an easy matter to produce cheaply all our feed requirements. Soy beans and velvet beans for seed are cheaper than they hate been at planting time during the past^ew years and cowpeas are probably a little cheaper also. Work stock as w?U as cattle and sheep can be maintained on legume hays and without grain during the winter when not at work. Other crope suitable for hay production are sorghum and Sudan grass and millets. Little time remains for the planting of corn and it is not too early to begin planning for the planting of fall grain. As strange as it may seem the coun ties which import the greatest amounts of feedstuffs into the State are a number pf rich eastern coun tjep in wjlicjl feed may be produced more Mny and at less coat than in other sections of the State into which little or no feed is imported. The boll weevil promises to force a rapid abandonment of the old practice of i "raising cotton to buy feed for live stock to work more cotton to buy more feed, etc., etc." And the one crop cotton and tobacco farmer is going to And that he can produce feed in North Carolina as cheaply or more cheaply than the farmer in the middle west who has grown feed for him heretofore?and he will not have to pay for baling, hauling, stor age, freight and more hauling charges on It, in addition to two, three or four dealers' profits. (1 HOW TO FEED AND CARE ' FOR THE CHAMELEON Time was when the changeable lit tle liiarct known as the chvneleon? Anolis carolinensis?was an object to ornament a lady's coat or to keep in the library as a household pet In . some climates chameleons are used in capturing flies, ants, and other insects, being liberated for this purpose inside screened houses in summer-time. During the winter months suitable facilities for hibernation of the cham eleons are necessary. Many inquiries concerning the care, food, and habits of chameleons have come to the ,United States Depart ment of Agriculture. The Bureau of Biological Survey has heretofore compiled information concerning this little animal for the benefit of those who wish to try it as a pet. A box 2 or three feet long is recommended as a cage. It should have its open end covered with glass, mosquito netting, or a fine-meshed wire screening. A small shallow bowl containing a water hyacinth, a Chinese sacred lyli, or some other plant should be provided inside the cage and a little water rayed over the leaves of the plant at least once a day, otherwise the cham eleon may die of thirst. Chameleons normally secure what water they want by lapping droplets on leaves/ They may not be willing to touch water in a pan. Sweetened water should not be given. Chameleons are entirely instectiv orous and in captivity may be fed on flies and ijteal worms. The latter may be purchased from dealer* or raised, and a supply of cockroaches will prove a valuable source of food. Where cockroaches are a pest chameleons may prove helpful in reducing their numbers. All kinds of Commercial Printing neatly and promptly done at the HERALD office. ap ???? WHAT. OF ~ THE COUNTY CHAINGANG' Investigation* Reveal Deplor ably State of Affair^ Existing in County Chain Gangs of North Carolina. What is the Remedy? Welfare Commis One of the questions that 'will con front the Committee of One Hun dred, as it gets down to a serious study of the administration and ef fectiveness of the State's prison sys tem, is, What of the county chain gpng? Does it return its men to society more hardened and more skillful criminals? Or is it helping them to get a new grip on themselves? A few weeks ago two members of the committee visited a chain gang in one of the most populous counties in the state. It was raining. The men were in camp. They were confined in ?literally packed into portable cages. The space was so small that they could scarcely move without jostling each other. * The floor and beds were very dirty. In these filthy little pens the men were Shut up not only at night, but all day, except *t meal time, on rainy days. At least one prisoner in this gang was ambitious to educate himself. He was attempting to study electrical engineering. There was, of course, no provision for instruction, and no place where he could study undisturbed, in his spare hours. In another county a member of the staff of the Commissioner of Public Welfare, accompanied by the Sheriff of the county, visaed a chain gang camp one evening after the men had come in from their work. The pris oners, lounging about the camp, talked freely. Four-fifths of them were doing time for making or selling whiskey. The guard on duty at night is an ex-blocader. The conversation turned to this theme. They discussed methods and devices of making and disposing of "blockade." One man about forty years old, an intelligent and likeable fellow, with an evident' bent for invention, described the con struction of various types of stills, including an ingenious device that can be concealed inside the kitchen stove pipe, and in which a gallon of whiskey can be made every night. The courts are sentencing men to this chain gang, presumably, either to reform them or to protect the public. As a matter gf fact the State is conducting an in stitute in blockading. < In one of the mountain counties that does not itself have crime enough to justify the maintenance of a chain gang, last October three men were ren{enced by the Superior Court to work on the roads. The county to which they were assigned happened to have all the men it wanted. The three men were left in jail. The next session of the court was six months off. The County Commissioners hired tone of the men to a citizen of the county. He worked a few days; then ran away. Another who had been convicted of bootlegging was let out on some sort of agreement by which a friend paid the court cost, and the prisoner was to work on a certain county road. The Clerk of the Su perior Court did not know the friend was to be reimbursed. He is supposed to be "mixed up with the liquor busi ness." It seems to be a matter of gen eral knowledge that the 'man is not working on the road. He has made a pretense of doing so, only a few days. The third man was convicted of selling three pints of whiskey and sen tenced to one year on the roads. He says this is the only whiskey he has ever sold. Ha is probably telling the truth. At least no friend has come to the rescue. He is conflned day and night in the jailor's corridor in a little ramshackle jail. "Why don't you take this man out and let him help you work in your garden?" asked the vis itor of the jailer. "He evidently wouldn't try to escape or he'd get out of here." It developed that he had been used to do odd jobs on the out side during the winter; but the Judge at the March term of court had told the jailor that he was exceeding his authority, that he most keep his man locked up. So his road sentence has become a jail sentence. After fifteen months in jail?three months await ing trial, twelve months serving sen tence?he will come out unable phy CO-OPERATIVE BUY ING PROVES GOOD County Agent H. L. Miller "-asents Facts and Figures Which Show Advantages of Co-Operative Buying You have heaigi a good bit lately about "Co-Operative Selling" and while you may or may not favor the plan suggested, if you are alive to your own interest, you can't help but be interested in the results ob tained three co-operation. The price of fertilizer this spring was very high (considering what the farmer got for his crops) and espec ialy if bought on credit. Realizing the farmers need of assistance along this l?ne, the writer got car lot prices on fertiliser materials, from several wholesale dealers and after com paring these prices and figuring out the cost of the raw materials as compared to the mixed goods, we found that we could buy the raw material (in car lots) for an 8-3-3 fertiliser for about $18.00 per ton. After visiting and talking the matter over with a number of farmers, we succeeded in getting enough inter ested in the plan to buy materials for 138 tons on an 8-3-3 basis. The best cash price offered on an 8-3-3 ferti liser in this section was $27.00 per ton. So you see for yourself we saved -at least $9.00 per ton( and a lot of fertilizer was sold in this county for $32 per ton cash which would) make our saving much larger) on the 138 tons. 188g$9.00 equals $1,242.00. Even if a farmer has to borrow the money and pay 10 per cent on it he can save 60 to 75 per cent on his fertilizer bill by buying on some such plan as we tried out. We also bought six car lots, 210 tons) of ground limestone co-opera tively, at an average saving of $3.00 per ton to the farmer. 210x$3.00 equals $630.00. I $1,242.00 x $630 equals $1,872.00., This" isn't a bad beginning along this line and another year the saving can easily amount to several times the above sum, with some one to explain and interest the farmer in the nlan. and to help him with his fertilizer formulas* 6tc. Co-operative buying has paid and will pay. Ask a farmer who has tried it. H. L. MILLER, County Agricultural Agent. 0 POTATO CROP BADLY DAMAGED BY RAINS The potato crop in and around Ahoskie, and all over Hertford county is reported as being materially dam aged by the recent heavy rainfall. In some sections where lands have a low elevation and not well drained, the crop is reported as being a total loss on account of potatoes rotting in the ground. Even on land with good drainage the loss is reported as ap proximating from one-half to three fourths loss. It is the same over the entire eastern section of North Caro lina. Quite a few potatoes were dug before the heavy rains came but lit tle is expected now of those left in the ground or which the grower could not to get around to dig. Tobacco and cotton also suffered material damage and several tobacco growers have been on the point of-plowing up what tobacco they had left. n BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mm. W. A. Harris of Cop perhill, Tenn., announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, June 10th. Mm. Harris was before her mar riage Miss Annie Parker, of Ahoskie. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker. 0 An ancient Saxon law has been un earthed in England, technically known as "the doctrine of coercion," under which a wife virtually is the property of her husband. sically to do a day's work. He prob ably has just about enough mental ability to reason that it does not re quire hardened muscles to sell whis key. ? These are not the sensational phases of prison life. The sensational can be found But it is the exceptional. The incidents cited above are typical. They point to the failure of the county chain gang to accomplish the ends for which a modern prison is supposed to exist. ' * STATE NEWS IN DIGEST COM PILED FOR READERS OF THE HERTFORD COUNTY HERALD Pitt county is reported m being the greatest sufferer from the recent rains, the crops in that county having been virtually destroyed by the un usually heavy rainfall. A new summer resort, the Willo more Springs, of near Lexington, on the Lexington-Asheboro Highway, will be formally opened to the public Saturday, June 17th, with notable ex ercises. This is locate4 at several noted mineral springs, and on a lake, making an ideal place for the estab lishment of a popular resort, in this part of the state?. C. L. Hornaday was formally elect ed president of "'Davenport College Saturday. The proposed duty on potash would cost North Carolina farmers the ap proximate sum of $5,000,000 in tive years according to the estimate of J. R. Chamberlain, of the Carleigh Fertiliser and Phosphate Works in Raleigh. W. H. Cloyd, one of the mott high ly respected end honorable citixens of Lenior, passed away at his home in that city Saturday morning, after an illness of a week's duration. Governor Morrison, for the purpose of making a study of the State's fish ery possibilities, will make a cruise on the coast of North Carolina-during July. Governor Morrison says that the State has enough wealth in its fish and sea food products alone to pay a large part of the'State det?t. Wilmington and its four splendid beaches, Wrightsville, Fort Fisher, Carolina, and Mainland, are already thronged with supimer visitors and pleasure seekers, drawn t? Jh??c re sorts from every section oithe 8a#$h, to escape the heat of the mainland, and owing to the attractions to be found at these resorts. Alamance county and the city of Burlington have gone over the top in the Near East Campaign for the Armenian Relief. The drive having come to a close recently. - Bishop John C. Kilgo, who has been seriously ill at Memphis, Tenn., re turned to his home in Charlotte Fri day, having partially recovered from his illness. A great gathering of the tobacco growers of Surry, Wilkes, and Yadkin counties met in a great celebration at Elkin Saturday, to celebrate the suc cessful sign-up of over 90 per cent of the farmers in the co-operative Ex change. This part of the State is re ported as being nearly all in favor of the co-operative system. Engineers of the State Normal, at Elizabeth City, have discovered min eral springs, and in the near future all Elizabeth City will probably be seeking for water from the State Nor mal water supply. The analysis indi cates the water as being of consider able medicinal value. James J. Allen, clerk of the city court of Raleigh, has handled over $20,000 in the past nine months, with out having erred a nickel in the keep ing of the accounts. Wilson county will vote on a $250, bond issue in the month of July. The city of Raleigh has donated over 2,500 pounds of old clothes for the Near East reljef since the begin ning of the campaign. Plans are now under way for the erection of a new and modern hotel, costing approximately $700,000, in the city of Wilmington, in September. It is estimated that a force of 50 clerks will be kept busy for the next six weeks, at the office of the Secre tary of State, registering and issuing licenses to the 200,000 motor vehi cles in North Carolina. The largest primary vote- in the history of Dare county was cast Sat urday, June 3rd. This was largely due to the unprecedented Interest and enthusiasm of - the women voters of the county. The Chapel Hill school district re cently voted a school bond issue of 140,000. I Senator Carter Glass delivered the principal address at the finals of the University of N. ,C. Wednesday. The attendance was large. George W. Sherman, of Baraes ville, Ga., S3 years old, and a Confed erate War veteran, is walking the distance of 614 miles from his home ?< , in Georgia, to Richmond to attend the Confederate War veterans' re-union in that city in the near future. He is in North Carolina this week, mak ing his way North and is expected to arrive in Richmond inside of ten days. William Goforth, aged 22, of Statesvillc, while painting a smoke stack for the Grier Cotton Mill at Wilkesboro, fell to the roof, a dis tance of 56 feet, breaking almost every bone in his body. Death was not immediate however, as he sur vived for a short time afterwards. Since the Sandhills peach crop, of the Sanford section, has begun to move out to the markets, it is esti mated that the production this year will be a record-breaker?almost double the yield of last year. Ernest J. Green of Durham, was unanimously elected president of the Carolina College at Maxton, Friday. The town of Snow Hill will, in the near future, spend over $100,00 for street paving and other municipal improvements, having voted to issue bonds to cover the necessary expendi tures for this work. Alamance county will pay the ex penses of all resident Confederate War veterans to the re-union at Rich mond, Va., this month. This year's finals at Chapel Hill are the biggest in the history of the in stitution, as to attendance, noted speakers and many other contribut ing features making it the the cloee of one of tffe most successful years since the beginning of the school. )duch interest has been manifested all over central North Carolina by Irttoon of Raleigh's second Suburban B|fy held in that city Thursday, June 15. One of the biggest crowds of the season attended. Contract has been let for the erect ion of a large hothouse and nursery plant for the growing and supplying of flowers of all kinds in the city of Henderson. Final arrangements were made Monday for the employment of Clarke and La roe, of Washington, D. C., to appear for the North Carolina Cor poration Commission in the contro versy about freight rates to points in North Carolina, now under dis cussion by the interstate Commerce Commission. Kennie Sanders, aged 70 years, liv ing near Carthage, was found dead at his home with a shot gun wound through his breast Sunday. The cor oner's verdict was suicide. Grady Ferguson, charged with rob bing the bank of Randleman of over $500 on May 24th, is now in the Ran dolph county jail, having been cap tured Sunday afternoon. The Co. Comihissioners of Stokes county have decided to issue $150,000 in bonds to be used for the purpose of constructing roads in sections of the county which have not had any benefit from previous bond issues. The 20th annual convention of the North Carolina Merchants Association will convene in session at Wrights ville June 20, 21, and 22. Stacy W. Wade will figure prominently at this meeting as speaker. Amid many impressive ceremonies, a handsome Elks monument was un veiled at Cross Creek cemetery in Fayetteville Sunday. A part of the ceremonies consisted of a fellow Elk piloting an airplane, flying overhead and dropping flowers on the graves of departed Elks, as the the monu ment was unveiled. | The First Methodist Church, of Elizabeth City is installing a new $10,000 pipe organ. Wilbur Hobby, aged 14, while swimming in a lake near Burlington Sunday was drowned. Officers of Beaufort county have entered a bootleggers war, the boose traffic in that county having ap proached alarming dimensions in the past few months. The number of arrests for liquor law violators has been unusually large during the month of May in this county. James Bailey, an employee of the Carolina light and Power Co., was seriously injured near Goldsboro Tuesday, when coming in contact with a wire containing 2,300 volts of slec trieity. Bailey ,was paralysized by the shock, and had. to be taken from the | pole by fellow workmen. 0