MURFREESBORO NEWS At ? recent meeting Of the local Masonic Lodge, No. IT, the fallow ing officers were elected tor the en suing gear: "Worshipful Master, Rev. J. W. Whitley; Senior Warden, Dong las Payne; Junior Warden, O. S. Parker; Secretary, E. N. Brans; Treasurer, Dr. C. H. Chamberlain. Mr. Thomas B. Wynn, having made a clean sweep of hia entire stock of goods in a recent sale, has closed up hia store for the present. It is gen erally understood and hoped that he will soon replace with a near stock, j The Baptist people met at the Col lege Sunday for morning and evening worship. And they will probably continue to do so until the new church is built. , Mrt. -kjjf-. SSeigler and children Ji* Ahoskie are Quests of Mn. W E. Deans. v. Mrs. Fannie Belle Boone has re turned to Conway after ten days visit to her son, Dr. Futrell and Mrs. Futrell. Miss Florence Stone of Florida is visiting; Mrs. Richard Watson. Mrs.' J. D. Babb has returned home from a brief visit to Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Curtis and little son of Atlanta, Ga., and Editor J. Roy Parker of West Virginia, motored over from Ahoskie Saturday to visit friends at Chowan College. On Saturday, June 10, a nine pound boy (J. D., Jr..) was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Payne Mr and Mrs. Rufus Brett and two little girls, Grace Hope and Louise of Menola, spent the week-end here in the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Futrell. Mr. and Mr*. J. Bailey Barnes and children of Ahoskie spent Sunday with Mrs Pattie Watson and daughter. Mr. Ozie Horn of Pendleton was here Saturday. He was accompanied home by his sister, Mrs. J. A. Boy ette and son Brandel and Misses Ros alind and Mary Horn who, for a week had been guests of Mrs. Boyette. Miss Louise Parker of Severn spent Chautauqua week with her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Hill. Mrs. Georgia Catling has returned to Norfolk after a visit with relatives in Murfreesboro and nearby. . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sanderlin and little son have returned to Ports mouth after a visit to the letter's parents. ^ Mrs. Pattie Watson spent several days of last week near Severn with her sister-in-law, Miss Susie Watson who has been quite ill. Miss Grace Parker has returned home from Wilmington, N. C., where she has been teaching school, to spend the vacation with her mother, Mrs. Blannie Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Forehand and chil dren left the last of the week to visit the former's mother in Norfolk. Mr. Moore of Norfolk was in town last week. Miss Fannie Jenkins who has been teaching school near Bristol, Va., has returned home for the summer vaca tion. Miss White of Manly, Va., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. N. Nichol son. Mrs. E- N. Nicholson went to Windsor last week for a brief visit with Mrs. Maynard Everette. Miss Post, a recent guest of Mrs. Addie Watson returned to her home in the North a few days ago. Miss Eva Gary who has been teach ing voice in Andrew college, Cuth bert, Ga., returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boyette, Mrs. Ella Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Chetty and children visited relatives in Milwaukee Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth Welser who has been very ill is now improving. Rev. R. M. Price left last week to spend some time at Trinity College, Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Copson ar rived last week from New York city to visit Mrs. Copson's sister and Mr. John Wynn. The Epworth League of the M. E. church has recently been re-organ ized and the young members are engaged in active work. Miss Frances Lawrence and her Sunday School class went to Wisa's Mineral Spring Tuesday for a picnic ' social. Mrs. Fannie Jernigan is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roberts Jernigan in Ahoskie Prof. P. S. Vann has returned from Richmond, Va. PHOTOGRAPHS James Parker will be in Ahoskie, N. C. from June 16th to 30th to wait on all who want photographs made. Will go anywhere In the country to make photographs of residences, groups, or children. Kodak work finished in quick time. Remember dates. Tome and let me wait on you. Respectfully. JAMES PARKER 6-16-lt. " > "~s ' - " ? ? ? *? ,4 PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF COUIfTY COMMISSIONERS! IV Board of County Commissioners of Hertford County met on th? 5th day of June, 1M2, at the courthouse at Wintou, N. 0. Pllitut, J. C. Taylor, ?. W. Whitley, E R Eure, J. M. Eley, Chairman, and J. O. Askew, Jr., and F.G. Tayloe. Proceedings of last meeting read and approved. The following committees wen continued to-wit. Committee to build boat for Hills -Ferry. Committee to build flat for Tar Landing ferry. Committee to repair Court House at Maneys Neck. Committee to make repairs to ferry house at Parkers Ferry. Committee on building cottages at County Home. Mr. F. G. Tayloe reports County Home buildings insured in the North hampton-Hertford County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, for the sum of $3,150. Un motion and earned the Board votes to reiuna taxes to E. H. Eure on valuation of $233.00 error in bringing' real estate forward.' On motion and carried Mr. E. H. Eure and J. O. Askew; Jr., are made receiving committee to accept flat for Tar Landing ferry, being built, pnd that on the approval of this committee the Clerk of Board i* instructed to i pay the M"-f??r ? ~a It being brought to the attention of the feoard that Mr. J. S. ? -wrence, MllflrrtaS*. rfTAuah.,, tailed to list his personal property for year IP." J the Board upon motion and carried orders summons Id tssoe for said Lawrence to appear before Board first Monday in July and show cause if any, why this property was not listed. On motion, the Board votes to relieve W. P. Futrell of taxes on a valuation of $1666 error in listing 30 acres real estate to him which he had sold and listed by Dr. G. N. Harrell, and the amount of tpxes ordered refunded to him. The Board also voted to refund to J. H. Hardy;- St. Johns Township, taxes on a valuation of $400 error in listing a piece of real estate. - J. W. Godwin appeared before the board and asked that an extension of 10 days be given to him in which to straighten an item of taxes in St. Johns Tbwnship, which he thought had been paid, a misunderstanding having occurred between himself and Mr. W. L. Curtis the owners of the property and said extension was granted him under the circumstances. The matter of extension of time for selling real estate for taxes was taken up by the Board, and after consideration of the quest iorfj the Board voted to extend the time for these sales to first Monday in July; voting in the negative on this motion, John C. Taylor. The following accounts against the County approved and ordered paid, to-wit; Chowan Roanoke Telephone Co., Phone bill March and April $ 7.20 J. W. Israel, light bill due town of Winton 3.40 L. C. Williams, agent, Insurance premium Co, home 15.75 E. H. Eure, freight bill paid . . 4.75 C. J. Joiner, Agent, C. O. D. express and charges potato* plants ' 16.90 Myrtle Swindell, home demonstration agent, May 25.00 W. A. Miller, cutting oats county home -- 8 00 Thad Dukes, 1 month work County Home May. 20.00 M. M. Browne, amount paid work at County Home 6.00 B. Scull, Sheriff, salary to June 1st . . 450.00 B. Scull, ajnount paid for auto tags 12.50 W. A. Perry, services on Board Elections 15.80 R. C Mason, services registrar _ 37.35 E. V. Grissom, services judge election ' 4.00 W. E Cullens, services judge of election 4.00 L. C. Williams, services as registrar ... 56.39 j. H. Browne, judge election 4.00 Robert Holloman, judge of election !. 4.00 E. H. Eure, refund of taxes _ 4.08 W. P. Futrell, refund of taxes 20.82 Dink Jones, Hills Perry May.. 40.00 H. C. Brett, Judge election 4.00 T. D. Northcott, Judge election 4.00 H. P. Eure, keeping Parkers Ferry, May I 45.00 H. L. Miller, County Agent, May.. 50.00 W. D. Browne, colored county agent. May ... 10.00 A. T. Newsopie, services as Registrar.-. 36.55 T. N. Charles, services as registrar I 49.39 J. L. Darden, Judge election ; ? 4.00 P. J. Vaughan, judge of election 4.00 E. J. Gerock, services on Board of Election 27.97 Edwards A B rough ton Co., summons for Clerk's office ;. 1.15^ Edwards A Broughton Co., stationery Clerk's office 5.70 R. L. Bryan Co., typewriter ribbons, Register of Deeds office 6.00 R. L. Bryan Co., pen points. Register of Deeds office 1.50 R. L. Bryan Co., pads for Register of Deeds office 3.75 R. L. Bryan Co., letter heads Clerk's office 7.Q3 Hertford County Herald, publishing official reports 15.75 Hertford County Herald, letter heads, Registrar's office 6.50 Jordan and Jordan, 4 months rent in full Home Demonstration.. 16.00 K. at. Buck, toilet paper , * 1-20 J. R. and W. M. Jordan, nails, etc 6.50 Barnes-Sawyer Grocery Company, supplies for County Home 57.10 Barnes-Sawyer Gorcery Company, supplies for County home 23.25 Tidewater Supply Suppy Co., rope, tar, etc 72.73 Storey Brothers, Lumber for flat ... ? 16.13 Taylor Clark Co.,'.lumber si 22.00 Jack Collins, keeping B. H. Ferry, May - r 40.00 Abram Newsorae, services as janitor, May 6.00 Matthew Wilson, keeping Tar Landing Ferry, May 35.00 J. H. Harday, refund of taxes 3.80 The following fee bill (April term of court) State vs. Bobbitt ? | , D. R. McGlohon 4.12 G. E. Midyette ? 1 . ? 12.00 B. Scull - .60 J. W. Tayloe 3.10 J. H. Mitchell 2.40 B. Scull i -1 1.10 J. W. Tayloe 1.10 State vs. Pittman and Garrett D. R. McGlohon ?- 1.66 J. H. Lee r? 30 P. H. Taylor .60 D. F. Eure .' . 72 D. F. Eure ' .70 Mr*. D. P. Eure . .70 H. R. Pender - .70 State vs.' Satterwhite , D. R. McGlohon 1.45 B. Scull T 66 J. W. Tayloe - .65 State v*. Eure and Slaughter ? D. R. McGlohon , -- J". - - ?...? 2.24 J. H. Piland . 1.40 B. Scull ...... - 76 D. F. Eure - ... . .96 Sallie Upchurch , ... 1.00 Henry Slaughter 1.00 E. W. Britton ...... .. 1.00 R. W. Peele ..... 1.00 A. Trimbly 1.00 K. R. Israel .76 J. C. Eure 76 Judie White, support lor June 8.00 No further business before the Board it adjourned to meet again on the first Monday in July, 1922. J. M. ELEY, Chairman. JNO. A. NORTHCOTT, Clerk to Board. OUR COMMERCIAL PRINTING IS DONE WITH LATEST MACHINERY, NEW TYPE, AND SKILLED WORKMEN <? ? ? : Mr. M. C. HarrelJ want to Newport New. iMlTMriv. The body of Mr. Fletcher who died at Newport New. on last Monday reached here Wednesday and was buried at the. old home place last Thursday. He lea res a wife and two children, mother and father, and brother, and sisters to mourn their lorn. Our symathy is extended to them all. Mr. Lhtwood Harrell of Roanoke, Vs., arrived Met Wednesday to at tend the burial of his brother. Mr. Le Roy Saunders who has been attending school at Johns-Hopkins returned home last Wednesday for the summer vacation. ' Mrs. J. A. Shaw and son William and Miss Lillian Shaw left last Wed nesday for their homal i. Wlnwn. Mi? *?by Joyner returned home...from XJreen ville last Wednesday to spend the va cation. Mr. Edward Myers left last week for. Rocky Mount where he has ac cepted a position. The body of Mr. Gus Holly who died near Chicago arrived here last Wednesday and was buried on Friday afternoon in the Methodiat church yard. Rev. Line berry conducting the funeral services. We extend our condolences to the bereaved family. Mr. Clyd^Northeott made a trip to Windsor last Thursday in the interest of the telephone company. Miss Amanda Leary is visiting her sister Mrs. Dave Evans in Harrells ville. Miss Kate Newsome is visiting Mrs. | Cecil Beasley. Messrs. Joe Carroll and Asa Hollo well of Aulander were in town last Thursday. Mr. J. P. Nowell left last Friday to spend the week-end at fayetteville. Last Friday wasclean-up day at the Baptist church yard getting ready for home-coming day on the 3rd Sunday in June. The Parent-Teachers Association met at the Academy last Friday evening. ?' * Mrs. L- A. Nowell and daughter left last Friday for Norfolk. Rose Nowell was on her way to New York where she will join the Babcock tour ists and go abroad. Rev. Bristow and Mr. J. E. D. Perry went to Merry Hill last Sat urday. Mrs. M. C. Harrell went to Newport News last Saturday. Mr. Cecil Nowell left Saturday for j Wake Forest where he has accepted a position. Mr. Armstead Harrell whp has been at school at Randolph-Macon Acad my returned home last Saturday. Mrs. J. J. Beasley and son left last Sunday for Baltimore, i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Britt and chil dren spent last Sunday with Mrs. Britt's parents near Windsor. "" There was quite a crowd at the river last Sunday afternoon. Some enjoyed a dip. We hope to see the river roads much improved. The B. Y. P. U. had a meeting at the church last Sunday evening. The young people coming in hope to have a larger attendance. Mr. K. T. Raynor of Ahoskie was Tn town last Monday. U Ninety per cent of 753 farmers, who replied to a questionnaire in the eastern states, consider time saved to be the greatest advantage received from the use of motor trucks. Near ly one-fourth of these farmers are now selling at better markets than before they had motor trucks. Fit For Young Girlt!?"I have used Hagan's Magnolia Balm ever since I was 18 years old. I am now 48 and I know from experience that it is the best and ohly reliable toilet prepara tion now made that is absolutely flt | for young girls to use on their faces at all times, that it will positively re move freckles and tan, and not pro mote the growth of hair or fuss on the face. Respectfully, (signed) Mrs. J. H. Burke, Manse, Garrard Co., Ky." Liquid face and toilet powder?bru nette, white, pink, rose-red. 75 cents at druggists or by mail. Lyon Mfg. Co., 42 So. Fifth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.?Adv. . i i * i 1 41, 11 yr ? ,n|'|{ I FREE! FREEH I Beginning Friday morning, June 16th, we will give absolutely FREE to every Lady making a $10.00 J purchase at this store a Ladies Silk Knitted Sport Scarf.. We have a . *hese scarfs and r ^by aciiiig 41UCH you will get the pick of the selection, as they are all Free. This offer will continue until Friday, June 23rd. * I Ahoskie Dept. Store I I Ahoskie, - N. C. I It's Good For Your Children You should encourage your chil dren to oat flenty of ice croam. It U just as koalthful as asat or eggs?and is a woudarful raliof on a hot sultry day. Eatiag botwoon meals is not harmful if the food is ico croam. The kiddies need that "extra bite" to reinforce thair ever necessary reserve of energy. Be sure of sanitation. Send your your orders to Ahoskie Ice Cream Co. Manufacturers of "The Quality Kind" 124 Main Street Ahoskie, N. C. City Deliveries Made on Sunday from 10:00 a. m. ^o 1:00 p. m. >> 11 hzreabe those Anti* pain pills" f "I don't n?ed them Terr often, but when I do, I heed them quick. One or two and the pain is gone." , Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills J will relieve you quickly and [.safely?no unpleasant after 7 effects?no danger of forra \ ing a drug habit. ? Next time you pass a V" drug store stop in and get >a box. I Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills contain no habit forming drugs. ' Your Druggist HasThenj V ''1 ?' ? ' SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD?$1.50 PER YEAR BANKRUPT STOCK SALE NOW IN FULL SWING ? AT? ? Army-Navy Pawnbrokers Sales Store 128 Main Street, Ahoskie, N. C.

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