WANT ADS. "THEY HAVE PAID OTHERS. THEY WILL PAY YOU." Advertisements appearing under this head, set in this type, sjre charged for at the following rate; ten cents per line for tile first week and five cents per line per week thereafter. Advertisements under this head are payable in advance, cash with copy. The amount charged for any ad can easily be ascertained by counting the words and allowing sis words to the line. ' HOLSTEIN COW AND CALF FOR sale, f'br further information ap ply to E. Modlin, Ahoakie, Route ft. #-16-4t-pd. . _ I ^ WINDOW SASHES AND GLASS for sale. Due to remodelling onr office we have left over about 17 window sashee with glass, both in good condition. Site of glass 10x12 inches?9 panes of glass to ? each single sash. Will take $10 for Nm entire lot or $1 for single sash. Apply at the Herald office. t? "* ? FOR SALE ? MILLIONS PORTO Rico, Nancy Hall and Early Tri umph potatoe plants 75c per 1000 FOB Valdosta. Dorris Plant Co., Valdost, Ga. 6-9-2t-pd. WANTED! WANTED It WANTED 111 The HERALD wants your printing for 1922; and, if you give it to them, they'll give you entire sat isfaction and the price will suit you on every job. Give them a trial. NOTICE?MONEY IS EASY TO OB tain on improved land*, provided the borrowers do not want to ex ceed sixty per cent of its value, disregarding war-time prices. For particulars see, Soswell C. Bridger, Representative Chicmauga Trust Company, Win ton, N. C, F17 tf. Notice of Sale Under Deed ef Treat By virtue of the power and author ity given in a certain deed of trust executed by D. M. Maggett and wife, Sylvenia Maggett, January 7, 1920, and recorded in Book 66,^ page 108, office Register of Deeds for Hertford county, the following property will be sold at public auction. 1. That tract of land in Murfrees boro Township, bounded on the north by the lands known as the Deans or Bridger land; on the east by the lands of Moses Porter, deceased, and Potecasi Creek; on the south by the land of D. M. Maggett and H. V. Parker, and on the west by the lands of Ike Wiggins; containing 161 1-4 acres, more or leas. 2. That tract of land in Murfreeo boro Township, adjoining the lands of Virginia Bridger, H. V. Parker and others, bounded by the lands of said Virginia Briday, the Wiggins land, tract number 1 above described, H. V. Parker and others, containing 19 one-fourth acres, more or leas. Time of sale?June 16, 1922, at 12 o'clock m Place of sale?Court house door in Winton, N. C. Terms of sale?Cash. This 13th day of May, 1922. 6-19-41. W. D. BOONE, Trustee moral Vjarunna ospenor <. ourx < Hertford County Before the Clerk Clarence Watson vs. Lillie Watson. NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice, that ..an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford County, N. C., to obtain a* divorce "A VIN CULO MATRIMONII" and the said defendant will farther take notice! that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court .of Hertford County, at his office in Winton, N. C., on the 26th day of June, 1922, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 22nd day of Moy, 1922. D. R. McGLOHON, Clerk of Superior Court C. W. JONES, Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-2?-4t Administrator ? Notice Having qualified as administratrix oi the estate of E. P. Parker, deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased U exhibit them to the undersigned al Aheskte, N. C., H P. D, num ber t, on or before the 8th day oi ?ay, 1888, or this notice will b? pleaded in baf of their recovery All person* Indebted to said estafc will please make immediate payment This 8th day of May. 1828. MRS. CORDELIA PARKER, Administratrix of E P. Parker L. C. Wllllaats, Attorney. k - BETHLEHEM NEWS There will b? regular service* at Bethlehem on next Saturday and Sun day. ?Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Overton and children accompanied by Mr. Henry Hyatt, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. B. F. Wilson near Harrellsville. Little Mis* Lois Dilday is quit* ill at the home of her brother, Mr. Clay ton Dilday at Ahoskie. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur God win, Thursday, May $th; a girl. The little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dilday is quite sick at the home its parents near Montgomery's Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green enter tained a number of riends at dinner recently in honor of Miss Irene Park er who has just r'-*"~ned h: ;;.t*-????. Greenville E. C. T. O. ES^., Mr. and Mrs.~W. P. Lowe and fam ily of Harrellsville visited relatives in this section last Sunday. 0 DELINQUENT TAX LIST WHITE , The following property will be sold -for taxes on Batuiday, July 8lti, 1922. Ahoskie Basket Mfg. Co $184.29 E. J. Bell, home... 82.46 Z. V. Bellamy, home 93.07 J. L. Bellamy, home... 71.97 Bellamy A Co., lot on Main Street 74.37 Bell A Eley, Hayes lot 59.49 G. F. Burgess, home.... 21.24 R. R. Copeland, home 73.39 M. Earley, home.. 6O168 J. T. Earley, home 46.06 J.'A. Eley, home? 65.45 Farmer* Tobacco Warehouse. 106.25 J. J. Hayes, home ?..? 17.00 John W. Howard, home 28.89 F. L. Howard, home 45.56 James Jenkins, vacant lot 12.49 Mrs. Georgie Johnson, home. 29.76 L. M. Mitchell, home 157.79 Newsome A Holloman, Leary lot - r 33.36 Tynes Newsome , 31.60 J. W. Powell and wife, home. 206.35 Powell A Jinkins, Brett lot 7.34 Powell A Sessoms, Powell lot". 21.24 J. H. Robertson, home 51.05 Nina Rogers .... 93.60 H. E. Rowe, lot D, heights.. 2.00 L. T. Sumner, home 146.22 L. K. Walker, home J. *87.61 Branning Mfg. Co 672.19 COLORED * H. S. Boone, Mitchell St..... 5.00 Wm. Boone, Estate, Newsome lot . 2.44 Mary E. Burke, home.,.. 13.50 W. A- C ha vis, home 22.74 William Chambly, home 9.78 Junius Deloach, Sessoms ? A Britt. i"--. 19.92 Andrew Dembany, Catherine Street 17.32 Flora Everett, vacant 2.02 Herbert Freeman, Garrett 7.12 Godwin Futrell, Washington Avenue .. 8.39 J. A. Hall, Lawrence 20.49 Geo. H. Harrell, home 13.50 John W. Hayes, home 13.50 W. F. Huson, Maple St 13.60 Will Home, home * 13.23 Robt. Howard, Willoughby 6.70 Qunt Jenkins, Maple St..... 11.36 W. J. Jenkins,'home 13.42 Alfred Est. Jenkins, Maple Street - 10.10 Julie Jenkins,, home 5.00 John D. Jenkins, home 4.IS Nancy J. Keen, home.. 10.10 J. W. Lawrence, home... l&.SO A. R. Lewie, home 13.85 Virgina Little, Catherine St.. 7.12 Andrew Marsh, home 7.12 Geno Newsome, Catherine St. 13.24 Jeff Newsome, Garrett 15.54 Absilla Overton, Maple St... 15.40 Gurney Peele, home 18.70 L. A. Peele, Maple?: 5.85 Henry Peele, Maple and vacant 4.67 Haywood Peele, Rue St 11.81 John Porter, J. & P. 4.67 E. T. Powell, home .... 25.18 Mrs. E. T. Powell, Garrett-_ 2.46 W. R. Scott, home ? 12.08 J R. Scott, Lawrence 10.20 Guss Sessoms, Catherine and Maple -23.06 Drew Sessoms, home and vacant 1 6.70 Will Taylor, home 13.81 P. O. Vann, home 7.90 Peter Vaughan, Garrett 6.85 C. E. Vaughan, home 10.80 Robert Vapghan, Maple 5.85 Kettie L. Weaver, home 7.12 Sally Weaver, J. P 6.59 Willie B. Whitley, Garrett 5.00 Mary Wiggans, Phelpa. 9.95 This 8th day of June, 1922. O. H. BRITTON, Chief of Police, Town of Ahoskie. 'I O i Of the 22,000 criminals examined , by the superintendent of New York i State's reformatories, only four were . college graduates. Seven per eent in a group of 1,000 prisoners had high school education, 25 per cent had . finished grammar school and 64 per cent had attended only primary grades. , MENOLA NEWS Dr. Vemoo Eley, who lui ben i? school',In Ffcilad<lphia, Penne., ih ?pending ? few day* with hi* parent* before he begif?? practicing in Nor folk, Va. Mis* Bettie Parker, who h*? re ceived her diploma at East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, N. C-, arrived Wednesday to spend her sum mer vacation with her mother, Mrs. Sallie Parker. Messrs. Clarence Perry and Lee Parker of Ahoskie made several calls in town last-week. Mr. Alvin Eley, a student at Chapel Hill the past school year, came home Wednesday to spend his summer va cation. Mrs. "Bell" Griffin an<irJ ** herin'e, 'of Wobdland aper.t sey??' of last week with 'her mother, Mm. J. T. Chitty. Messrs. Clevie Vinson and Alvin Eley made a business visit to Ahoskie Saturday afternoon.' Mm. Mary Brown and daughters, Misses Deborah and The!ma, visited relatives in Ahoskie Sunday. Miss Eileen Little, who hag. been teaching in Camden, S. C., is spend some time with her sister, Mm. F. F. Snipes before returning to her home in Georgia. Miss Lois Cale of Koxobel accom panied her father Rev. J. F. Cale here Saturday. He preached helpful ser mons both Saturday and Sunday to a large congregation. miss umigga ungswn continues very ill. Dr. William Brown and family of Rich Square visited his mother Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Parker and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrell of Pote casi. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker from near Mt. Tabor spent the week-end with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cowan. Prof. Robert Brown and A. G. Ot-' well, of Menola, are now ready to play tennis players of any town, vil lage or cumminity in. the states ' of North Carolina or Virginia. Just let them know when you are ready for a game with them. Miss Elizabeth Br^wn, who has been teaching in Franklinton, Va.,1 has returned home for the .summer' vacation. Miss Annie Brown and brother,! James Robert, attended Sunday School at the Woodland Methodist church Sunday morning. Mr. Edward Outland of Woodland, called in the home of Mr. J. L. Snipes Sunday afternoon. Misses Janie Parker and Louise Holland spent, several days of last j week visiting Mrs. Archie Brown of Union. 0 Lignum-vitae is the hardest wood known. It is the only wood that can be used for the bearings at the stern end of the propeller shafts of steaih ers and nearly every large steamship is dependent upon a block of lignum vitae for a smooth-running screw. The fibers of this wood weave back i and forth, crossing and recrossing i each other in a manner that resembles ! the weave of an automobile tire. I COPELAND-SESSOMS The home of Mr. C. C. Seaeoma *m the scene of a rery lovely wed ding on Saturady, June 10, at 7:30 p. m., when hie popular and charming daughter, Mis* Bettie, waa led to the marriage altar by Mr. Rob. Roy Cope land. The parlor waa taatefully deco rated with ferna, potted planta, and cut flower*, the color scheme being pink and white. In the weat window a white altar had been improvised around which bloomed fragrant flow ers, and upon which burned pink candlea, held by massive brass candle sticks, heirlooms of ante-bellum days. Just in front of the altar was a stately white arch with a vine twined about it, and wedding bells suspended from the top. The * candlea and shaded **"* the assembled' guests. ? Promptly at 7:30 Mrs. J. N. Vann attired in pink organdie, with large pink hat, entered the parlor and seated herself at the piano. Miaa Feye Gerock next entered, attired in white organdie with large white hat, and sang "Come Into My Heart." Then to familiar strains of Lohen grin s Wedding March, the bridal party entered. First came little Miss es Mildred Vann and Elizabeth Cope land, who stretched ribbon from the front parlor door to the altar, form ing an aisle down which came the maid of honor. Miss Margaret Ses-' soms, sister of the bride, beautifully attired in shell pink organdie with large picture hat to match, and carry ing a boquet of pink Killarney roses. Next came the bride on the arm of her brother,. Mr. James C. Sessoms, who gave her away. She wore a beautiful suit of dark blue poiret twill,"'with hat to match, and carried a boquet of brides' roees showered with'lillies of the the valley. She was met at the altar by the groom with his brother, Mr. J. Herbert Cope land as best man. > Her* beneath the lovely arch, while from the piano came the soft strains of MacDowell's "To a W#ild Rose," the Rev. E. J. | Isenhower, pastor of the Baptist church ofAhoskie of which both bride and groom are members performed the lovely ring ceremony which made them husband and wife. The ceremony over, the bridal party left the parlor to the strains of Mendelssohn|s Wedding March and entered the spacious hall where they received the congratulations and good wishes of iheir relatives and friends. Then the entire wedding party ac companied the bride and groqm to the station where amid further good wishes and congratulations, and much throwing of rice the couple boarded the-8:15 train for Wrights ville Beach. Among the out of town guest were Mrs. Figures Norfleet of Roxobel, North Carolina, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Shield, Miss Mary Shield. Mrs. C* H. Pruden, Mr. C. H. Pruden, Jr., and Miss Lou Freeman of Windsor, N. C., Mrs. J.-L White, Nashville, N. C? Dr. Joseph Harrell, Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. Bat Tayloe of Norfolk. All kinds of Commercial Printing neatly and promptly done at the HERALD office. For Results, try a HERALD Want ? DELINQUENT TAX SALE The land listed below will be sold for taxes on the first Monday in July, 1922. Sali> will be held at the Court House in Winton, N. C. Winton Township Addie V.sEure, 5 town lots, Tunis .$22.98 B. B. Pearce, Mill Pond, balance on tax . ^ v 11.62 H. R. Rountree, 26 acres I. 6.33 C. A. Pearce, 297 acres, Jones & Griffin 62.31 Herbert Bowser, 26 acres, Jaa. Lewis . 10.20 Mrs. Jerry Riddick, 2 1-4 acres Riddick 1.61 Claud Slaughter, 40 acres, Allen, balance 6.60 Lewis Vann, 1 lot at Tunis.... 1.86 Sherman-yann, 22 acres, Clark........ ... : -? 11.37 Mrs. Mary E. Eure, Town lot, Tunis.. 4.82 " Frank Barnes 90 acres .... ..... 18.96 Sallie At Butler .66 Cornwell Heirs, 2 acres, Cum bo i: . .76 Robert Green's Heirs old home 8.67 Robert Keene, 42 acres, Pat Reynolds ? i 6.66 VL L. MATTHEWS, Tax Collector, Winton Township. Moneys Neck O. W. Brown, Sears Wolf 9.76 W. J., HILL, Tax Collector, Maneya Neck Townahip. * i e MURFREESBORO TOWNSHIP * * ? W. E. Jenkins, 97 acres, Wynn t > 163.34 Elizabeth Liverman, 90 acres ? 21.96 P. B. Griffith, W. D. Myrick land 31.21 J. S. Lawrence, home . ....?--? .121.02 Broge Barnes, 64 acres, Scott land 19.96 Joe Gatling, 9 acres ... .... ........ .... 12.47 R. B. Gkrriss, 36 acres ., 82.00 R. L. Lawrence, 3 1-2 acres, Trader 16.69 Paul Lee, Williams Land -. .: 7.69 Mag. Majette, 66 acres ... 11.98 Leila Moore, town lot... ............ 6.66 Maria Vaughan, 1 acre, Benns land .... 3.71 Tally Gatling, 7 acres, Bridgsr.?.i. ? 8.64 Robert Gatling, 7 acres, Bridger..!.. 2.89 D. M. Majette, 161 acres, Hill lands............. .......? 33.86 James Thomas, 66 acres, Vaughan ... ... 21.97 Ben Waterford, town lot . ? 3.11 6-16-4*.-pd T. T. PARKER, Tax Collector. . 1 - , I _ !??? ? - I L * i i i*. KEEP YOUR 5 ? '*:? ?? ' *?' tf 1 ? I on Barnes-Sawyer Grocery Co. | When you buy your Groceries from us you ere assured that you are receiving nothing but the very best and the freshest, as our stock is re plenished every few days and nothing is kept on hand long enough to get stale. You are also assured that nothing will be in bad condition when it reaches-you, as'we are right here at home and it takes only a short time for the goods to reach you. The saving in freight by buying in large quantities enables us to sell much cheaper than the average wholesale houses, and you also save a big per cent of high freight when you buy from us, as we sure located right . here with you Barnes-Sawyer Gro eery Co. Inc. Ahoslrie, . - - . - N. C. ' ^ 1 Sessoms & Forbes Garage AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING i Batterr Charging and Vulcanising , Ahoslrie, N. C. Our service has a guarantee behind it and gives I Satisfaction to th^ most particular customer. * Bur your oils, Gas, and Auto Accessories Here FREE AIR AND W^ER I | Lehigh Portland Cement I Liberal Quantity Discounts Special Price to the Wholesale Trade I J. N. VANN & BROTHER I Ahoskie, N. C. I Shoe Repairing By Parcel Post No matter where you live you- can enjoy all the service of a modern, electrically equipped, shoe repairing plant. We can make your old shoes look like new ones. Just mail them to us by Parcel Post, we will repair them and mail them back in one day. We do the work fcith factory machines and use v only the best materials. Tickets for free shines will be sent you?to use when you visit Norfolk. UNITED SHOE REPAIRING CORPORATION Norfolk Branch US?ATLANTIC STREET?115 Between Mala Street andAe PeateSce \ SUBSCRIBE TO JHE HERALD?$1.50 PER YEAR * " ? '? ? '"' > ' . "? V? ? ;" ? * "v ,

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