SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON SEPTEMBER 24, 1922 We ere today to study In review the tea?on( of the poet three month*. Time and apace here allotted will not permit ua to enter into a review of theae important lespons, and their many valuable leaaona to ua applicable to the timaa in which we-live. Al moet every condition prevailing among the people about whom we have atudied flnda it parallel in theae modern times. In the abort apace allotted here we deaire to atudy: First: The eaaentials of a suecess ful Sunday School. Among the many things that might be mentioned we want to notice just a few in pese ing: The first essential is good lead era. We are dot questioning the fit ness of any individual bpt speaking in general terms. The leader is to be one in whom the folks have CONFI DENCE. It is said that the presence of Napoleon was equal to an army of -20,000 soldiers, why? Because they had confidence in his leadership. Why should not the same be aBd of the leader of the forces for the training of men, women, boys end girls for the Kingdom of God? Another essential in the making of a Sunday School a success is a leader who is teachable. Not a Solomon, but one whp is ready to learn. There is a bed rock of truth upon which everything worth while must stand, and yet there are new methods by which the truth may be applied. A leader of mpn in any cap%city ought to study to. "show himself approved." A leader of men in any capacity ought to study to "show himself approved." A Rip Van Winkle Sunday School in these modern times will never have any attraction for the bringing together of those who are outside. Let us notice another very important essen tial in the making of the Sunday School a success. There must be en thusiasm. There must be a consum ing and ardent zeal for the work at hand. We have come to a place in our church life when we must depend largely upon the Sunday School. Al most all the recruits for the ministry eome from the Sunday School. Most of our church members Come from the 8unday School. Practically all the leaders in the churches today were trained in the Sunday School. A successful Sunday School is one also whose leaders are busy about the task ?even days in every week and three hundred and sixty-five days in every year. Every Sunday School would be one of marked success if every /leader were given to the task as dili gently as he is to his business affairs. The banker is alert for business. The merchant is everlastingly after new customers and seeks to hold them af ter he has once gotten them. Many leaders in our Sunday Schools are , satisfied with the same little handful from year to year and if eome are lost there is no special effort made to regain them. . une important thing in the success ful school U that it is RUN ON TIME. Railroads maintain a, sched ule. Factory whistles blow on sched ule. Why not have system in the running of our church work? We must have if we expect to be a suc cess. Have a well defined* plan and then work to it. It is generally un derstood that those who are to lead in this important work are conse crated Christian men and women. Those who know the way to the throne. Those who have had a vis-1 ion and by divine guidance are follow ing the leading of that vision. Those who know themselves, the Lord, and then follow in the paths of duty. The function of the teacher in the Sunday School is to teach. Teach what? Must teach what he knows from experience. What his eyes hare seen and hit heart has felt The subject to be taught is religion. This may be done through the eye and ear. The eye gate is one of the most essen tial in teaching anything. Use the best method to reach the young heart The text book to be used is the Bible. In the year 1912 there were 2,500,000 of the best books sold, this same year there were 10,000,000 copies of th? Bible sold. Since 1858 the AmerMbn Bible Society has printed and bound more than 75,000,000 copies. In the world war 7,000,000 copies were distributed to the soldiers. "I with worship toward Thy holy temple, and praise thy name above all thy name". Psalm 188:2. If God's word is magnified in living and teaching It will lead to the conversion of the pu pils in the Sunday School, to their development in Christian service and to their training in things pertaining to the kingdom of God. When the word of God is magnified, when it holds its rightful place in the home life, and the church, and Sunday School there will be no difficulty in enlisting the young life in the service of the kingdom. After all said and done the business of the Sabbath, or church school is to enlist workers in the vineyaTd of the Lord. It is distressing today when we come to think of the fact that there are Jo few being enlisted for THEr^IXTtWEDNESMYBRE ? , * There'll be noire and hurry and rustling oat at the regular circus grounds next Wednesday morning. There'll be the unpacking of trunks in the" dressing room. There'll be the wild waving of other trunks in the menagerie "top" where the elephants are quartered. There'll be hurrying "raxorbacks" and seat men and gaudy wagons with gilt and glitter sprinkled all over them. There'll be horses and camels and tigers and leopards and flags and cook-houses add excitement, and lions with deep voices, and? But why not come to the point? For next Wednesday there bobs into the life of Ahoskians for a one day's stay, the Sparks Big Circus. That's the reason that Wednesday morning there will wind through the downtown streets the long twisting lines of painted wagons, the troops of horses, the strung out flies of elephants, through the principal downtown streets of the business section^ the inevitable parade Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock there will begin the first of the two performances in which the announcer will call forth the acts that will range | all the way from the great Charbino who roller skates on his dome from the top of the tent, to the star equest riennes of the circus?Flora Bedini and Bessie Hollis. Both so wonder ful that they rival Charbino as an! attraction. And of course there'll | be the thirty clowns, and the Sparks dancing horses, two herds of perform-j ing elephants, acrobatic seals and sea lions, pigs who shoot the chutes, and all that sort of thing. And besides? there'll be the acrobats and the aeria lists and the cortortionists, and? and? the parade. More than that, the parade will be of wondorous length. 0 POWELLSVILLE NEWS Mr. H. 0. Raynor returned Sunday from a motor trip to Norfolk where he viaited Mrs. Rayner who ia in the hoepital there. . Mr. John Peeli of Roxobel was in town Monday night. Mr. Sid Tayloe was in Gatesville Monday where he purchased a, new car. Miss Bessie Pritchard spent the ..week-end at her home near Aulander. Miss Lucie Tayloe returned Friday from Richmond where she purchased the line of milinery for the firm of J. E. R- Perry A Co. Miss Heen Wolfley spent the week end at her home in. GatesVille. Mrs. J. E. Jordan apent last week with Mrs. J. K. Beard in their beauti ful mansion near Richmond known as the "Drewery Mansion." Mrs. Joe Sessoms is visiting her father Mr. Freeman Evans. Mr. D. Winston Ruflin left Sunday for Mt. Pleasant to resume his duties. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wynne spent Sunday with Mrs. Wynne's mother, Mrs. Hardin. Mr. D. C. Miller gave a very inter esting talk at the B. Y. P. U. Sunday evening. Several other good selec tions were rendered. Mrs. R*y Sounder of Norfolk, for merly Miss Lillian Holloman, arrived Monday night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Holloman. We want to express our deepest sympa thy at the loss of her little daughter, who died in Norfolk at the hospital last week. Mr. Care nee Eafly has left to re sume his studies at Mount Pleasant. A The Hertford County Herald is giving away gold. Don't fail to read the big display *d in this issue. definite service in the church! The world offers its inducement on every hand. Why not the church of Jesus Christ be able to offer something better than the world has to offer? Why la it that men called of God to high and holy service cannot make the work at their hands attractive enough to call men from the allure-*: menta of the world? Given leader* ship consecrated to God and on flra for the salvation of men, the task will be easier when we come to the great , work of leading men to Jesus Christ. "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus." May the Lord help , us to find out what this mind is. Keep the hogs out of your potato patch. There ie a profound moral Sunday School lesson continued, truth here. Keep out of your mind trashy reading. Teach your pupils the value of good books. Time was when we could not read. Time is now when we will not reads Find out what is good and uplifting and then feed your mind on it Teach your children in the home to apprec iate good reading matter. The world is full of the wholesome, why feed on trash V ? 0 Gold is plentiful at the Herald office. Come in and let us explain the proposition to you. ' ?, ' * V" - = NOTICE or RE-SALE Under six) by virtue of an order-of the, Superior Court of Hertford County, made in the Special pro. ceedingt entitled Hula Carter Jonas va. Luke Eley, the undaaraigned com mieeioner will, on the 2nd day of October, 1922, between the hour* of 12 o'clock m. and 2 o'clock, p. m. at the Conrhouee door in.Winton, N. C. offer for Bale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land, lying and being in Winton township, Hert ford County, adjoining the land of John Eley, Hannah Jordan, J. R. Weaver and others and fronting the old road leading from Ahoe Hollo man's to California, N. C-, containing 86 acres, more or lose. This ia a re-sale of this land, the bid at the first sale having been raised ten per cent. This the 12th day of Sept 1822. , , C. W. JONES, 9-22-2t. Commissioner. Ouch! MyBaek! Rub Lumbago Pain Away Rub Baokaoba away wttb laall trial bottla at old "?t. Jacob. Oil." When your back is sora and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, dost suffer I Gal a small trial bottle of okk honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right on your aching back, and by the tana you count fifty, the soreness aad lame ness is gone. ? Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the pain right out and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless aad doesn't bunt the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica, backache or rheumatism 90 promptly* It ncvtr disappoints I DELINQUENT TAX SALE The land listed below will be sold for taxes on the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER. 1922V Sale will be held at the Court House door in Winton, N. C. WHITE - J. L Godwin, 35 acre*, Godwin, Uxm 19.00 O. L. Joyncr, 28 acres, Riddick, 48 acres Miller, taxes, balance _ 77.34 J. W. Moore, heirs, 760 acres, Moore, taxes 202.66 J. C. Newsome, 8 acres, A. C. L. R. R., taxes 10.98 COLORED Win. Butler, 1 lot, Garrett, taxes _ 4.95 Flora Everette, 1 vacant lot, taxes .63 John D. Jenkins, home, taxes 5.28 Delia Mitchell, 2 acres, home, taxes. 1 4.76 J. W. Moore, 1 vacant lot, taxes.. 3.28 J. R. Scott 1 lot Lawrence, taxes - 6.96 John Sanders, 120 acres, hgme, taxes 33.05 C. E. Vaughan, 1 lot Garrett, taxes 7.42 Lonnie Wheeler, 1 acre Ed. Peoples, taxes 3.93 C. H. Whitefield, 6 acres home, taxes ... ? 1.62 Bettie Williford, 30 acres, Sanders, taxes 6.38 D. C. Powell, 1 1-4 acres, store 9.90 Regular per cent will be charged on above taxes. 8. E. VAUGHN, Tax Collector, Ahoslde Township. WINTON TOWNSHIP Sherman Vann, costs and Li...311.54 H. R. Rountree, 25 acres, costs and , 1.00 MURFREES8PRO TOWNSHIP Ben Watford town lot . .s?9 7.91 Mariah Vaughan 6.63 James Thomas, Vaughan land ! ' 41.63 Mag Majette, 66 home 7.67 Broge Barnes, Scott land - 24.63 R. B. Garris, home 35.62 T. T. PARKER, Tax Collector. 1 CANCERS SUCCESSFULLY TREATED AT THE KELLAM HOSPITAL The Kellam Hospital treats successfully Concern, Tumors, Ulcers, X-Ray Burns, aiid Chronic Sores without the use of the knife, X-Ray, Radium, Acids or Sernum, and we have treated over 90 per cent of the many hundreds of sufferers treated during the past twenty-three years. KELLAM HOSPITAL, lac. w 1617 West Main Street. Richmond, Vs. ; COMMUNICATE WITH JONES. SORifc ?a-* ^|?r EXCELLENT STORAGE TACILITIES. LATEST MARKET inpormation turwwhed om request TREE OR CHARGEVEY TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH CORRESPONDENCE INVITED ~ HOUSE ESTABLISHED <870 Good Soap at less than lc a .Cake A Powerful Cleanser for Kitchen end Laundry Easy to Make with Red Seal Lye Here U the w? to true soap economy. Why bay expensive laundry soap when an excellent pure soap may be made with Red Seal Lye for a fraction of the cost? One can of Red Seal Lye will make 20 cakes of pure soap, enough to last several months for all washing and scouring purposes. Easy directions in the can. TKoeo are man? ? ? ?? a* 1UW1 ? way* to me this won derful household neces sity?each one a real money saver ? If the drains show signs of clogging, a little Red Seal Lye sifted1 into the pipes 4ilt free tjem immediately. Toilets and links should bo frequently disinfected with Red Seal Lye. It kills the gctme. Is there an old lamp in the house that needs cleaning? Red Seal Lye will make it shine in a jiffy. Scour that dirty skillet with Red Seal Lye and make it look like new. Red Seal Lye kille all disagreeable odors and has any number of other uses about the house. Rod Saal ia tent nan tea neat round cant and it ac companied by complete in ?tructiona. Write ua today for a free copy of the Red Seal Book let which explains all of ita many uaea. Inaiat on the genuine granulated# Red Seal Lye. Take no aubatitute. . ? r. C. I0M30N * COMPANY, 3onthw?rk P. O., Philadelphia, Fa, Horsfbrd'sSE. SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION ?> Mixed with ordinary flour, Hors- Save ford's makes ? self-raising flour thm of absolute purity?more whole- srn some and a better leavener than any ready-mixed flow on the mar- LABELS ket. Horsford's is economical?it for never spoils a baking. In sue cessful use over 65 years. For ____ free Prise List, write: Rumford FREE Chemical Works, Providence,R.I. PREMIUMS Makes Hot Breads, Cakes, Pastry Wholesome-Detkious-Nu tritioas if j SELF-RAISING ! J TsSiSffi- 51 hnMMkjlili ?$ ts^ikr pi ???Ma : ^S===S55SSSS5======SSSSS39BSS=rV rr TASTES GOOD All the Year Round "The Quality Kind", Ice Cream ''Made In Ahoskie" In Spmmer, Fall, Winter or Spring we all like our ICE CREAM. And when we know it is the BETTER KIND, it tastes "SIMPLY FINE." ? Get it Here if You Want the Best. ? I Ahoskie Ice Cream Co. % Manufacturers of "The Quality Kind" 124 Street Aho.kie, N. C. City Deliveries Made on Sunday from 10:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. Wynn Bros. THE ONE PRICE STORE MURFREESBORO, - NORTH CAROLINA New Fall Stock ? in--. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Ladies Suits and Coats are arriving daily. Yours to Serve Wynn Bros. THE SHOPPING CENTER ft S3 OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT I Your Convenience Demands It . There are many advantages of a checking account. It saves you inestimatable trouble in your busi ness transactions It tells you just "where you stand" financially It is a receipt?for bills. It saves running to the postoffice for money orders, guards your money against theft or loes (for all deposits are insured) and increases our loaning and capacity lowers the rale of interest on loans. . Thus you help others as well as yourself . . _ - BANK OF AHOSKIE ? "The Old Reliable" Ahoskie, N. C. . > * 1 1 ?* SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD 9NE YEAR $1.50