CHOWAN COLLEGE HAS A BUST WEEK CImmi And Societies Are En tertained; Much Class Spirit P revel ant Colls?# Opoas Chowan College opened last Wed nesday with a large enrollment ol splendid. An unusual faculty hat been employed and friends of the College believe this will be one of the most successful years in the history of the institution. Founder Day Founder Day will be Wednesday October 11th. The Alumnae is very deairious that there be a large attend ance as there is much important busi ness to be discussed. Lunch will be served on the campus. Senior Class Entertained Misses Gertrude Knott and Uns Robinson pleasantly entertained the Senior Class in the College parlors or last Friday night. Various forms ol entertainment were engaged in, and delightful refreshment were served to the following: Misses Genevieve Tay lor, Emma Riddick Parker, Minnie Dunning, Marie Griffin, Foyd Brid gers, Bessie Jordan and Elizabeth Turnley. Miss Norman Is Hostess Miss Mattie Macon Norman who is the faculty advisor to the Academy seniors entertained them in a charm ing minner at a buffet luncheon at Murfreesboro's new tea room on Monday. Covens were laid for twelve and the guests were as follows: Miss es Lucille Holloman, Jewel Askew, Page Morehead, Irma Vaughan, Sara Vaughn, Mary Spruill, Nannie Pritch ard, Ella Mae Parker, Winnie Whit ley, Ruby Horner, Ruby Moore and Miss Norman. HONORS DRAMATIC CLUB Miss Gertrude Knott,-head of the Expression Department, entertained the members of the dramatic club last Tuesday evening in the Expression studio. Those present wer# Misses Willie Mae Horton, Irma Vaughan, Lucille Holloman, Emily Sessoms, Emma Riddick Parker, and Elizabeth Turnley. The dramatic club is plan ning to put on several good plays this year. Among them the "Bluebeard." Freshmen Entertained The Freshman Class entertained the Junior Class at a dinner party in the college dining hall on Monday, night. Yells and toasts were given by members of both classes. Seniors And Sophmore Banquet The Senior-Soph banquet was held in the college dining hall Tuesday evening September 24th. Spicey class and college songs were sung be tween courses. Y. W. A.. At Home The College Y. W. A. entertained the new girls at a porch party last Friday night Many interesting games were played at the close of which ice cream and cake were served. , B. Y. P. U. Organised The College B. Y. P. U. was organ ized on Sunday evening and the fol lowing officers were elected: Presi dent Catherine Fleetwood; Vice Presi dent Elizabeth Turnley; secretary, Thelma Peterson; Treasurer, Hilda u. UIHUV'IV V* O. PERSONALS Much class spirit is being mani fested among the Freshman and Sophmore classes. Things are liven ening up under the enthusiastic lead ership of Miss Hilda Matthews who is president of the Sophmore Class and Miss Adalia Futrell, president of the Freshman clrss. Miss Sarah Hughes White has re turned from Severn where she spent the week-end with Miss Claude Steph enson. Many students and members of th? faculty attended the recital given bj Mr. Alvin Eley in Winton last Thurs day evening. Mr. Eley was aasistec in his recital by Miss Caroline Lam and Miss Sarah Hughes White, mem bers of the music faculty. ? The Senior Class a lawn part] on the college campds last Saturday evening. Japanese lanterns wen used very effectively as decorations Many guests come and went durini the evening. Miss Sue Brett spent the past wee! end with her parents in Winton. Mise Claude Stephenson was I welcome visitor at the college las week. Miss Louise Buffaloe of the Ahos kie graded school visited the collegi Sunday afternoon. Mr. R. A. Gray of Mebane, N. C. visited friends at the college Sunday ML and Mrs. T. E. Cobb of Frank Hn, Va., visited their daughter Mis Mary Edith on Sunday. Editor J. Roy Parker was the gues of the collage last Sunday. Mrs. Dora Curtis and Mrs. Mollii Herring were gueeta of their brothe President P- S. Vann last Saturday. President Vann attended a meetlni ?f the College presidents in Raleigl last week. PRETTY MARRIAGE AT tMHffl CHURCH Miss Bettie Williams Tayloe Becomes Bride Of Mr. Aylor Holland A pretty wedding was solmenixed - in Union Baptist Church on Thursday, ' September 21, at 2:15 o'clock, when > Miss Bettie Williams Tayloe, daugh ter of Mrs. A. W- Miller and the late i Dr. John Taylor, became the bride of ' Mr. Aylor Jobs Holland of Holland, Va. The church was beautifully dec orated with potted plants, the cere , mony took place under a white trellis r entwined with ivy and illuminated . with pink and white cathedral candles. . Rev. Braxton Craig of Monroe offl . cfated. Miss Helen Winborne of Como ren dered the wedding music. Miss ! Claud Stephenson of Severn sang, i "Because," and "At Dawning." i The ushers were Messrs. Hugh ' Jones of Coiield, Jonh Vinson of Suf > folk, I. A. Luke of Holland and J- M. i Darden of Union. Miss Janie Park ? er of Woodland was maid of honor. ! She wore rose kitten eac crepe and carried pink Killarney roses. Little Misses Eloise Holland of Holland, Va., and Frances Tayloe of Ahoskie, were flower girls. They were attired in fluffy ruffles of white taffeta and carried white baskets of dahlias. They preceded the bridal party and opened the gates to the trellis for the bridegrom. Then came litte Dorothy Dean Brown wearing a dainty little frock of pink taffeta, carrying the ring on a white satin pillow, followed by the bride on the arm of her broth er John W. Tayloe, who gave her away. , They were met at the altar by the groom and his best man, Dr. Gilmer Holland, brother of the groom. The bride was attired in a handsome go ing away suit of midnight blue with accessories to match. She carried an arm boquet of bride's roses and lillies of the valley. The bride is a very accomplished young lady and has a wide circle of friends. The groom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. J. G- Holland, of Hol land, Va., and a prominent business man of that place. They were the receipents of many handsome and useful presents, con sisting mostly of cut glass and silver. An informal dinner was served and out of town guests present. Those attending the wedding from a distance were: Dr. and Mrs. Rainey Parker of Burlington, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Holland, Rev. Lightbourne, pas tor of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Holland, Mrs. Wilson Holland; Mrs. Nell Langustum, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Holand, Mr. and Mrs. Quin ton Peele, Dr. Gilmer Holland and Mr. I. A. Luke of Holland, Va., Dr. and Mrs. George Williams of Gatesville; Mrs. Lill Beaton of Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rawls of Gates; Mr. John Vinson and Miss Topsie Holland of Suffolk, Va. n V NOTICE List Of receiving points for Hert-| ford county for members of North Carolina Cotton Growers Association. A. T. Newsome, receiving agent for county. Ahoskie, on Wednesday and Satur day each week. Cofleld, Tuesday and Friday each week. Murfreesboro, Thursday afternoon each week. Como, Thursday morning each . week. Winton, Monday morning each week. Harrellsville, Monday afternoon , each week. , These dates will hold until further . notice of change. All members are | requested to notify Mr. Newsome if I they desire to change date of receiv . ing points. Bring your cottop, to these points and receive your draft r for the $50.00 advance. , B. F. fENNILLE, . Field Agt for Hertford and North . ampton Counties, Jackson, N. C. f Adv. 0 c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE i Having qualified as administra t tor of the estate of Virginia O. Baugham, deceased, late of Hertford . County, North Carolina, this is to t notify all persons having claimi against the estate'of said deceased to , exhibit them to the undersigned at , his home in Cofield, N. C. on or-be . fore the 24th day of September, 1923, s or this notice will be pleaded in bai of their recovery. All persons in t debted to said estate will please make immediate payment t This 23rd day of September, 1922. r C. J. JOYNER, Administrator of { . Virginia O- Baugham h C. W. JONES, Attorney for Admin istrator. 9-29-6t is '?.aAty?,!i.>h$S&tfimSmSi)? COLERAWTCUS SHOW INTEREST m EDUCATION Rev. R. B. Lineberry of Ceherota, who wiId Ahoakie Wednesday morn ing enronte to Chatham County to at tand the 164th annual meating of the Sandy Creak Baptist Association, at the Rocky River church, brought to the HERALD news of renewed in terest in development of the Colerain school. According to Reverend lineberry the trustees of the school visited Hobhsville Tuesday, and '-inspected the school building now under con struction there. The Colerain folks are planning to have a handsome new ntructure ready for the 1928-24 ses ' sion, and are beginning early to ar range finances and adopt plans for the structure. Already $19,000 has bean realized from the sale of bonds, and an addi tiona |S,000 has been received from the County. Two thousand dollars will probably be spent on the pur chase of a site, and anothar $2,000 for repairs to the present plant The trustees of the school will seek to secure from the State 910,000 or $15,000 to supplement the local bud get; and thus lay plans for the erect ion of a building to cost about $36, 000. The present plans are tentative j and are subject to alterations. 0 COLERAIN NEWS Mrs. Nixon of Suffolk spent last week with Rev. and Mrs. Bristow. Mr. J. H. Myers and daughter, Mrs. Clay, went to Windsor last Tuesday. Mr. and Mi*. McCoy of Norfolk; spent last week here with relatives. Mr. Edgerton of Elisabeth City was in town last Wednesday. Mr. L. E. Stokes went to Winton last Wednesday. ? Mr. Early of Windsor was in town last Wednesday in the interest of the new school building. . Mrs. Lineberry went to Harrells ville to attend the revival. . Miss Minor, county supervisor, was in town last Wednesday. Mrs. C. W. Beasley spent several days in Harrellsville last week. A number of our people attended the protracted services at Mars Hill last week. Mr. D. R. Britton made a business trip to Ahoskie last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. White went to Harellsville last Friday and Saturday. The Woman's Missionary Society met at the Baptist Church Friday af ternoon. Only a small crowd attend ed. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson spent the week-end in Chowan County. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaw and child ren of Winton were in town last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hodges of Wash ington, N. C., spent the week-end with Mr. anid Mrs. C. B. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Deans went to Williamston last Sun day. Rev. Hodges filled his regular ap pointment at the Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening. Mr. W. J. Barpes spent last Sun day in Ahoskie. ( Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britton and Mrs. Mary Shaw were visitors in Harrellsville last Sunday. ? Mr. W. E. White spent the week end in Elizabeth City. His wife who has been at the bedside of her mother for some time returned with him. Dr. and Mrs. Mercer of Ahoskie visited Mrs. Mercer's parents here last Sunday. Mr. Talmage Baker of Suffolk was in town last Sunday. Mr. N. G. Phelps went to Ahoskie last Monday. C Fair time is at hand. Have you made your prize winning selectionsT Your county agent can advise you. WANTED! WANTED!! WANTED!!! The HERALD wants your printing for 1922; and, if you give it to them, they'll give you entire sat isfaction and the price will suit you on every job. Give them a trial NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under and by virtue of an order of1 the Superior Court of Hertford County, made in the Special pro ceedings entitled Eula Carter Jones vs. Luke Eley, the undersigned com ? mission'er will, on the 2nd day of . October, 1922, between the hours of I 12 o'clock m. and 2 o'clock, p. m. at > the C?urhouse door in Winton, N. C. i offer for sale to the highest bidder for > cash that certain tract of land, lying ; and being in Winton township, Hert ? ford County, adjoining the land of , John Eley, Hannah Jordan, J. R ? Weaver and others and fronting the ? old road leading from Ahos Hollo i man's to California, N. C., containing 38 acres, more or less. This ia a re-sale of this land, the bid at the first sale having been raised ten per cent. This the 12th day of Sept 1922. C. W. JONES, . 9-22-2L Commissioner. ? ^ mmm TEACHERS ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes were hosts to Mm faculty j?f the Ahoalde High Scholl last Friday evening. A liter ary contest and nut contest were ?n gaged in, Misses Gdddy and Gayle winning the prises. Ice cream and cake, and mints were served. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Curtis were special guests. 0 Report of tko Conditio* of the BANK OF HARRELLSV1LLE At HarrolUyilU in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, September ISth, 1022 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts,...$104,651.41 Demand Loans ' 465.00 Overdrafts,Unsecured 457.83 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds _* ... 344.00 Banking Houses, $1,495.80; furniture and Fixtures, $1,635.05 J.. 8,130.85 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers, and Trust Companies 12,828.64 Cash Items held over 24 hours , 83.24 Checks for clearing 216.67 Inteqfst Paid War Finance Corp.- . 269.23 TOTAL ...$122,446.77 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $ 10,450.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 10,448.24 Bills Payable 25,900.00 Deposits subject to check 22,961.76 Time Certificates of -Deposit, due in less than SO Days 52,588.02 Cashier's Checks outstanding 98.76 TOTAL $122,446.77 State of North Carolina?County of Hertford, September 26, 1922. I, E. D. CALLIS, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. D. CALLIS, Cashier. Correct?Attest: J. O. ASKEW, JR., W. A. PERRY, R. C. MASON, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26th day of September, 1922. M. R. TAYLOR, Notary Public. My Commission Expires Feb. 8, 1924. THE^*)RSB&M SHOE -N. Now On Display! I We take pleasure in announ- I cing that we have just re ceived our fall and winter ? stock of Plorsheim Shoes for I men. .You are cordially in vited to look our line over ? \ while it is complete. Good shoes contribute much to ? one's appearance. Their cost is so little more that there is ^ I neither economy nor satis faction in any other kind I MYERS & LEAKY ? AriOSKIE, N. C. northtim quality is unusual;, Plorshtim prices I rtaaandbk. ^Morsforus <^3=vX SELF-RAISING' OjsK4 MB READ PREPARATION \\ WAjiffSS--- \\ V^\ K is the pure phosphates and soda in \\--~^S:a'Sr**\\ fil. Horsford'a which make it so wholo \\ \*jf\ some?which make hot breads, bia V W'rf'A cults, pastry so light, tasty, nutritious U V '-/yl and easy to digest. Hereford's is eco \l "*"-r \\ 5n*|\ nomical?makes baking success sure. \\ Vi For free Prise List showing the \\ ?\\ i??\ PREMIUMS GIVEN FREE \\ \ 1 LmRED LABELS Y cjf Write M Oaial WorU Pmifaei. R. L ? ? package ^wiih ? THIS BANK Believes in this community; in its growth and prosperity, individually and collec tively. We underwrit^ its ambitions and its . ' ' > -V efforts with our unqualified faith. We pledge our co-operation to its for ward looking interprises and to its in dividual citizens. We expect to grow?and to grow by Serving. When you have a financial problem, let us help you solve it. You will, find a cordial welcome. Farmers-Atlantic Bank Akoskie, N. C.

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