LOCAL NEWS OF AHOSKIE Rev. J. J. Barker made a business trip to Drum Hill Thursday. Mr. T. B. Cooke spent Monday in ^Norfolk on a business mission. Mr. A. 1. Vinson of Woodland was among the visitors in Ahoskie on last Saturday. Mr. E. R. Evans of Harrellsville was a business visitor in Ahoskie on Wednesday. Mr. J. T. Matthews of Murfrees boro spent last Friday in Ahoskie on a business mission. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Sykes and lit tle boy were among the visitors in Ahoskie last Tuesday. Mr. R. B. Watson, proprietor of Watson's Garage at Murfreesboro, spent last Friday here on business. Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Mitchell, and Mrs. Carl Mitchell spent last Friday and Saturday at Washington, D. C. Mrs. T. B. Cooke of Route No. 2 was the guest of her sister, Mrs. 3. T. Harrell, at Mars Hill Monday and . Tuesday. Mr. dnd Mrs. C. H. Phaup and son Haywood, and Mr. f. M. Valentine were visitors in Richmond, Vs., the past week end. Among last Saturday's visitors in Ahoskie was Mr. A. L. Peele of Au lander, one of the oldest subscribers to the HERALD.' Mr. Talmage Baker of the Peanut Exchange at Norfolk, Va? spent the last week end in Ahoskie sHth rela tives and friends. Mr. G. L. Newsome of this city is spending this week in Raleigh and is attending the State Fair, inciden tally to visiting friends. Mrs. Mattie J. Freeman left last Monday for. South Norfolk, whtre she will spend several days as the guest of relatives and friends. . Mr. J. A. Eley, the Delco-Light mam left early Tuesday morning for Newport News, Va., where he will be for several days attending to busi ness matters. Mr. Wayne W. Browne, who has been working with the Southern Railway at North Wilkesboro, spent a few days this week in Ahoskie as the guest of his parents. Mrs. E. M. Wooten left Monday for Raleigh, where she will attend the State Fair. While in that city, she will be the guest of her daugh ter, Miss Iola Wooten, who is a stu dent at St. Marys Institute. ^ Get in on that One Dollar a year offer before it is too late. There are only a few more days left in which td get the paper at such a low cost Come in while the going is good and get a whole year's reading for. One Dollar. Mrs. juiian famer went to itucey Mount last Monday and spent sev eral days with her sister, Ijffiss Lena Moore Rawles, who was recuperating from a recent operation for appendi citis. She returned to Ahoskie on i Wednesday. Among those from Ahoskie who are attending the North Cauiina State-Fair this week are Messrs. Sam Boyette, Eric Garrett, Charlie Con ger, Lee Copeland, and G. C. Brit ton. They left here Wednesday at noon by automobiles. A few more days are-left during which you can get p. year's subscrip tion to the HERALD for one Dollar. Be sure that you get your money In to this office before the first day of November if you wish to take advan tage of the liberal offer. ?- Mr. R. B. Taylor of Virginia Beach was a visitor in Ahoskie last Mon day night He left for his home early Tuesday, after having appeared as V a withese in the case of state against William Henry Johnson, colored, who was tried in the Hertford County Su ? perior Court Monday afternoon. Among Wednesday's visitors in Ahoskie was Mr. W. C. Baker of yHarfillsville. wfiile in town he call ' ed at the HERALD office, and took advantage of our special One Dol lar offer. Mr. Baker is one of the charter members of the Herald fam ily, having been a subscriber fince the very first issue of the paper. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leary, Mrs. S. H. Leary, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Myers motored to Roper last Sun day and speat the day with relativ es. Mrs. 8- H. Leary remained in > Roper to spend some time with rel atives and friends. According to Mr. Leary, the approaches to the Roan oke River bridge at Williamston are in bad shape on account of the re cent heavy rains. Many Attend Court Through muddy roads with Henry Ford's products as the chief mode of travel, Ahoskie cititens are attend ing the regular October term of Su perior Court at Winton this week. All of the local attorneys are in at tendance. Mr. S. F. Bowers was a member of grand jury, which con cluded its work late Tuesday after noon. 4 Rat urn Altar Operation Misses Lena Moore Rawles and Ma bel Claire Boggard, who are recup erating from operations for appen dicitis, have returned to their homes here from Rocky Mount and Norfolk hospitals. Now Peanut Stand Z. V. Bellamy has installed a new system peanut roaster on the streets of the town. The new roaster fur nishes fresh, hot roasted peanuts any time during either day or night. A hand full of ahflled peanuts sure se cured by dropping a nickel in the slot ~~ V Addition To Theater Another entrance and stairs has been added to the Richard Theater of which E. L. Garett is proprietor. The stairs lead to the gallery which ia now open to negroes. The entrance is en tirely separate from that used by white people. Sovoral Diphtheria Cases mmmmmmmtmrn According to Dr. L. K. Walker, County Health Officer, eighteen cases of diphtheria had been reported to him by the county physicians dur ing the first seventeen daykNf Octo ber. Forty-two cases were reported during the month of September. TELLS HOW TO DRESS IN BECOMING ATTIRE To Know Desirable Color Pick Out Strongest Note of Color About Yon (BY MISS MYRTLE SWINDELL) The colpr of your clothe* should harmonize with the predominating color of your head. If the hair is of striking color, select your clothes to harmonize with it If your eyer are of unusual brilliancy, have color of clothes to conform to them. The power of white in dress is be cause of its reflection of light, and its power to enhance the brilliancy of the eyes, teeth, and the high lights of the skin. Black on the contrary in creases the depth of the shadow by contrast with the high lights with the skin and teeth. The shadows and lines being deepened, ? the face looks 'older or more tired, if sorrow, sick ness or age have already made shad ows. Only healthy, happy, joyous, high colored people should wear black. All with delicacy or coloring or faded coloring should avoid black, because black absorbs all the remain ing color. s To know what color to wear find out the strongest note of color about you and dress in what you are or its complement Your clothes express your perso nality. If a womn goes to seek a business position she'must be dressed suitably. The human head is the cen ter of interest and emphasis should be placed on it Colbrs and the feet will draw attention away from the. face. We do not want attention any where but in the.face; for It is by far the most important thing about us. Our clothes should not be more brilliant than our faces, but should be so subdued as to enhance and beautify them. All of us wish to dress becomingly and stylishly, none of us should wish to dress in extreme fashions. If we cannot have a number of dresses it is wise to have all of them made simply; so that they may be suitable for different occasion. Elegant ma terials need little trimming. Cheap, guady things are in bad taste. , > BETHLEHEM NEWS Mr. G. W- Gowers is spending a few days with his father who is quite sick at his home at Granville. ' The 'Betterment Society met on last Friday at Bethlehem with Miss Myrtle Swindell. Three new members were added to the roll. The demonstra tion was quite interesting. Mr. Jim Dilday and son-in-law, Mr. Leonard Phelpe of Yale, Va., spent last Sunday at bis home' near here. M^i and Mrs. Brode Dilday, Miss Essie Dilday, Messrs. Willie.Godwin, Loney Dilday, spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wiliams near Center Grove. Mrs. Daniel Lowe is on the sick list this week. Little Arthur Brinson Dilday who under#ent an operation at St. Vin cent's hospital at Norfolk, is reported as doing as well as could be expected. Mrs. C. A. Godwin continue! ill at the home of her son Mr. A. J. Godwin near here. ?We regret to know that Mr. and Mr;. M. V. Wilson are leaving this neighborhood to make their home in Ahoskie. / The great rural interests are human interests, and good crops arq of little value to the farmer unlesa Bey open the door to a good kind of Hfe on the farm?Theodore Roosevelt. r7v / / *; RICHARD THEATER AHOSKIE, N. C All Shows now 8:00 P. M. Today ? THURSDAY ? Today Ethel Clayton in "FOR THE DEFENCE" Fox News, Screen Snapshots FRIDAY Special show for the children. $2.50 in gold will be given to the one holding the lucky num ber. 7:30 all school children, 10c. Second show at 8:30 15 and 25c SATURDAY Tom Mix in "TRAILING TWO SHOWS" 7:30 and 9:00 p. m. ^ Comedy * MONDAY "THE WOMAN THAT WALKED ALONE" ton Sills. Two Shows 7:30 and 9 p. m. TUESDAY ? Jack Pickford- in "JUST OUT OF COLLEGE" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Cecille DeMille production "FOOLS PARADISE" Real Pictures?don't miss sjt 8 p. m., 20 and 35c , NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX * Having qualified aa administratrix of the estate of C. W. Carter, de ceased, late of Hertford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home in Winton, N. C., on or before the 13th day of October, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery, All person's indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 12th day of October, 1922. MATT IE B. CARTER, Administratrix of C. W. Carter. C. W. JONES, Attorney for Admin istratrix. ? 10-20-6t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified at administra tor of the estate of Virginia O. Baugham, deceased, late of Hertford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home in Cofield, N. C. on or be fore the 24th day of September, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please qmke immediate payment. This 23rd day of September, 192?. C. J. JOYNER, Administrator of Virginia O. Baugham. C. W. JONES, Attorney for Admin istrator. % 9-29-6t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate, of Julia Parker, deceas ed, late of Hertford County, North Carolina, this is to notifyTdl persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home, on or before the 1st day of October, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. 1 This the 30th day of September, 1922. A. T. BEVERLEY, ? Administrator of Julia Parker. C. W. JONES, Attorney for Adminis tratorV 10-6-22-6t. ONE MINUTE k* v One Minute taken to sign your name on an application for life insurance may save your family many years of hardship. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY of thf 0 UNITED STATES J. E. ODOM, Ageqt AHOSKIE, N. C. MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to the provisions of s deed of trust executed by G. O. Hare, (unmarried), to D. C. Barnes, Trus tee. on the 30th day of April, 1922 and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hertford County in book , page , default hav ing been made in the payment of the "bond therein set forth and at the re quest of the holder thereof, the un dersigned will sell at public auction, for cash, in the town of Murfreesboro N. C., in front of the post office, on the 4th day of November, 1922, at 11 o'clock a- m., the following prop erty: Those two several tracts or parcels of land situate in Murfrees boro Township, Hertford County, North Carolina, and being the share of the land inherited by the said G. O. Hare and the share inherited by his sister, Coleus Benthall (nee Hare) in the division among the heirs of the lands belonging to John Hare, father, and Jackson B. Hare, grandfather, of the G. O. Hare and Coleus Benthall, and described and designated as fol lows : FIRST?Lots No. 6-A, 6-B and 8-C as set apart to the said G. O. Hare in deed or division between himself and the other heirs, containing one hun dred ten and one-sixth acres, refer ence being made to the deed'to said Hare which is duly recorded in the Register's Office of Hertford County. SECOND?Lots No. 1-A and 1-B as deeded to Coleus Benthall (nee Hare) in the division of the above described land as her share in the same, which was later conveyed by deed to said G. O. Hare, containing one hundred and eleven and one-sixth acres, reference being made to the deed to the said Coleus Benthall for the same, and also to deed from the said Coleus Benthall to G. O. Hare, both of which are duly recorded in the Register's Office for Hertford County conveyed by the said G. O. Hare to satisfy the debt and interest provided for in said Deed of Trust. This 4th day of October, 1922. 10-13-41. D. C. BARNES, Trustee. NOTICE ? By virtue of the powers contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed on the 6th day of June, 1918 by J. B. Whitley and wife Annie C. Whit ley to John E. Vann, Trustee,^which deed of trust is duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office for Hertford County in Book 64 on page 264. The conditions set forth in said deed of trust have not been met, the un dersigned Trustee will therefore on the 6th day of November, 1922, offer for sale at the Court House door of Hertford County, to the highest bid der for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: A tract or parcel -of land situate in Maneys Neck Township, Hertford County, N. C. Beginning at a corner post on the road, a corner for H. S. Littles heirs; thence along the Murfreesbo^o and Riddicksvhle road'an easterly course 188 feet to a corner post; thence - along P. C. Taylor and R- A. Majette's line a southerly course 482 feet to a corner post; thence a westerly course along R. A, Majette's line 138 feet to a post little's line; thence along the Little line 'a northerly course 492 feet to a corner post at beginning. Containing 1 and 1-2 acres, and known as a part of the old R. R Savage land. V % This the 20th day of Sept, 1922. 10-H8-4t JNO. E. VANN, Tnuftee. ? < I wth 1 I "1 tare taken Cartlid for run- I I down, worn-oat cooditioa, I I nervousness and sleeplessness, I I and I was weak, too," says I I Mrs. SUvie Estes, of Jennings, I I Okla. "Cardui did me Just lots I I of food?so much that 1 gave it I I to my daughter. She com- H H plained of a soreness in her sides I I and back. She took three I H bottles of * CARDUI H The Woman's Tonic H I her condition wtt much I II s ?? ocne* ? "We have Hved here, near II I Jennings, for 26 yeps, and now I II we have our own home in town. I II I have had to wort pretty hard, I I as this country wasn't built up, I || and it madd it hard for us. "I WISH i could tell weak I |l*women of Canhd?the medicine I II that helped give me the strength I I to go on and do my work." 1 * The Fashion Store Exclusive Modes in I^in~materiala and workmanship 'areh e'diaraetr istics of every hat bearing the famous "Lady Balti more" \abcl. Leaders at the Baltimore Fashion Show, "Lady Baltimore" Hats are the creations of master designers. Our showing of this season's newest and most popular effects is inclusive. ? / The Keynote Of Every Woman's , Heart is Pretty Clothes Some women are made for pretty clothes Some pretty clothes are made for women ? And you sure can find them at THE FASHION STORE. We now have on display, DRESSES in the most fashionable designs that are created on Fifth Ave. and Paris. Also COAT SUITS, ^ONG COATS for ladies and children. * Before you take your ?hopping trip, be sure to come to Ahoskie, and do your shopping with Mrs. E. C. BRITTON?THE FASHION STORE. We will guar antee to save you money in such merchandise. We have a complete line of ladies wearing apparel from hats down to your shoes? Come?Give us a call, and make THE FXSHION STORE your headquarters while in Ahoskie Mrs. E. C. Britton Ahoskie, N. C. Now is the time to put out Flower Bulbs, wet have Narcissus and Hyacinths. 0 ? ' t i ? - s '' A Discovery and a Pleasant Surprise. EVERY REGULAR FELLOW GOES WILD OVER PURETEST RUBBING ALCOHOL .AS A SHAVING LOTION. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? ITS GREATT^GOOD FOR BRUISES AND SPRAINS, HEADACHES, LAMENESS AND STIFFNESS OF THE MUSCLES AND JOINTS r TO REDUCE FEVER AND PREVENT BED SORES PURETEST ALCOHOL IS THE BEST Copeland Drug Co. T2t*1tb9*at!Lsem 9 "The Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy" I ? USE THE COUPON Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N. C. \ Dear Sirs?I wish to take advantage of your special 30-day subscription offer; Hertford County Herald one year for $1.00, (one dollar.) Enclosed find $ - , for which enter my ?? subscription for years. *Send the paper to the address given below. ' ? NAME - ADDRESS i ?> i ? ' jp