? mmmmmmmmmmrnmmmtmmmmm LOCAL NEWS I OF AH0SK1E ?'.-.yy--"-; ? .' ? Sheriff B. Scull of Harrellsville wee in Ahoakie Tuesday. Hon. W. R. Johnson left for New Bern this morning on legal business. Among Saturday's business visitors to Ahoakie was Mr. Joe Carroll of Aulander. Mr Herman Gatling of Portsmouth, Va., spent last Sunday in Ahoakie with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodwin of Eu re visited Mrs. Ruth Powell here last Sunday aftrnoon. Miss Mary Williams, rural super visor of schools, was a visitor in the local school last Thursday. Messrs. J. O. Askew, Sr., and Grady Askew of Harrellsville were business visitors to Ahoakie Monday. Mrs. J. S. Deans and Mas. V. D. Strickland spent last Friday in Nor folk on * shopping expedition. Miss Hilda Bailey of the high school faculty was the guest of her parents in Wakefield, Va., last week-end. Mr. B. N. Sykes, prominent planter of the Harrellsville section, spent last Saturday in Ahoskie on business. /MrT ancFMrs. W. B. Forbes were the guests of the letter's parents in Woodland last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Paul D. Story of Eure, dealer for the Star and Durant automobiles, spent Wednesday in Ahoskie on busi nefis. Mrs. Charles G. Conger left last Saturday for Norfolk, where she will undergo an operation in one of the local hospitals. l(r. E. J. Gerock spent Sunday in Norfolk', at the bedside of his daugh ter, Mrs. Charles G. Conger, who i* ill in a hospital there. Mrs. R. G. Harrell entertained the Phflathea Class of the Ahoslde Bap tist church Monday night, at its reg ular badness session. ] Misses Thelma Jewell, Margaret Sesaoma, Mary Shields, and Mrs. C. C. Sesaoma were in Norfolk Saturday on a shopping expedition. Mr. H. G. Snipes of Menola spent a short while in Ahoslde last Satur day. He was enVoute to Norfolk to spend the day on business. Rev. E. J. Iaenhower left Tuesday for Rocky Mount, where he attended the regional conference of Baptist workers in the Conservation Program. Mrs. Baugham and little son, Ed gar, spent last Thursday and Friday in tiie home of the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey Barnes and two young sons went to Murfrees bor last Sunday. Mrs. Barnes and the children are spending this week there with Mrs. Barnes' mother, Mrs. Fattie -Watson. Mrs. Harry Smith of Tarboro spent last Friday in Ahoskie as the guest of her son, Mr. Gilbert Smith. Mr. Smith is connected With the State Highway Commission, and is with the force doing engineering work en the Aulander-Winton highway. REVIVAL AT M. E. CHURCH Revival services will begin at the Methodist church next Sunday morn ing, Rev. S. T. Barber will do the preaching. VOTE TO BUY PIANO Members of the local Baptist church voted last Sunday morning to purchase a piano. Heretofore an or gan his been used in the church. i .1 ? RETURN TO AHOSKIE Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Forbes who were recently married in Norfolk have returned to Ahoskie, after a bridal tour to Miami, Fla. They are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown. *> DRESSING UP FRONTS Miss Nannie Newsome hae dressed up the front of her hat shop on Main street by adding a canvas awning. Haleges Bros., two doors west, have also secured an awning for their eafe. NEW BUSINESS HERE Something new and novel in loeal enterprises is the Variety Store, owned and operated by H. O. Boulter, who is located in Sessoms' Block, East Main street. A nice line of 8, 10, and 26 cent household necessi ties Is included in the stock. ATTENDS MOTHER'S FUNERAL Mr?. J. X. Overton has returned to her home here after spending a fee) days at her old home in Soudan, Va. She was called there last week on account of the death of her mother which occurred last Thursday morn ing. She attended the funeral and burial while there. w NEXT MONDAY WILL BE CLEAN-UP DAY Next Monday, March 19, will be Cle8n-up day in Ahoskie. The town council voted Mon , day night to designate the 19th as a day for a general cleaning up of the town, and ia offering its force of workmen to the housewives, and business houses of the town for hauling off the trash and garbage. The town carts Irill make the rounds beginning Tuesday, and continue until all of the uncol lected trash has been moved away, f Every alley-way in the town, vacant lots back of stores, and all lawns and other places used as dumping ground for rubbish, paper, empty cans and other waste matter should be includ ed in the general cleaning-up process. The town commis sioners |re anxious to see the town cleaned up in great style and will offer every assistance wanted. ; ARMY-NAVY STORE CLOSES - The door* of the Amy A Navy Store were closed three days this week, pending the transfer of tftle to the stock from Samuel Bord, former owner, to other parties from Ports mouth who have secured control of the store. It will be re-opened by the new owner within a few days. ACCEPTS POSITION HERE Mr. Jack White, Jr., of Mara Hill, has accepted a position as salesman for the Ahoslde Department Store. Mr. White has been working with Weinberger's store at Richmond, Va. He succeeds Mr. J. B. Adklns at the Ahoslde Department Store. The lat ter will farm this year, working with the store here on Saturdays. * - " < PLENTY OF WIND March, 1928, is like its predecessors of years gone by, in that it has been accompanied by a plentious supply of wind. The high winds of the first two days this week brought with them heavy downpours of rain,- At Pow ells ville and Cremo and other sec tions a shower of hail fell Tuesday afternoon. . SEEKING SON'S CUSTODY ? ?? ^ Paul Williams, who is in the midst of ? local battle for the possession of his young 3-year-old son, went to Portsmouth Tuesday to attend a hear ing in which his estranged wife and an automobile driver are seeking to escape returning to Ahoslde for trial on a charge of kidnapping. He was accompanied to Portsmouth by deputy sheriff O. H. Britton. WORKING ON BRIDGE Preliminary work on the construc tion of concrete bridges on the State highway from Aulander to Winton has already begun. Sand and gravel has been hauled and grading has be gun. Travel from Ahoskie to Aulan der was diverted via St. Johns last Monday, on account of work being done to the bridge across Ahoelde Swamp, known as "Lassiter bridge." A temporary bridge has been Wit, and will be used while work on a new concrete bridgd is under way. RESOLUTIONS On December 2, 1922, our com munity ?u greatly shocked to learn of the death of one of our members, Sister Cora Lowe. All that was mor tal of our sister passed away to live again in the New Jerusalem. She was an affectionate, kind and patient wife and mother. She left behind a husband, five children, a mother, one sister and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her death. From this world of pain and sorrow To a laud of peace and rest, t God has taken you dear sister Where you have found eternal rest. 'Tie only a step that divides us From glory no mortal has seen We shall find her When death's grim finger Shall have lifted the veil between. Whereas God has seen fit to take this sistet to live with Him; we the Womana Missionary Society of the Great Fork church resolve to bow in ' -humble submission to His will. Resolved second: That a copy of her death be placed in the minutes of the society and a copy sent to her ? family. -* -12! i-?" Respectfully submitted, MRS. L. DOUGHTERTY. ? FEBRUARY ROAD ? ? EXPENSES LIGHT * ? - ? * It coat Hartford County al- * * moat aoron thousand dollars to * * maintain its highway*, gravel a ? * short section of tha Cofi.ld- Har- ? * rallsrilla road, a ad pay ad minis- ? * t retire expenses during tha * * shortest month of tha yaar. Feb- * * ruary. Bills and pay rolls ap-'? * proyad by tha road hoard at its * * moating on Monday of last waok * * totaled $6,899.40. * * Monay spant for actual main- * * tenance, including bridge work, * * amounted to $3,708.37. Tha * * largest single item in that * * amount eras the upkeep of the * * convict camp which includes all * * foremen, guards and convicts' * * court costs, it being $1,060.99. * * Amount paid for hay, machinery, * * supplies, and garage bills for * * general equipment was $2,174,- * * .31. The rect of tha total Fab- ? * ruary expenses are distributed * * among the several townships, as * * follow.: ? * Moneys Neck $386.25 * * Murfreesboro 435.80 ? * Winton i. 328.48 * * St. John* 719.66 * * Harrelisvilie V 2OT.49 ? * Ahoskie 324.71 ? * Bridge work 161.00 ? * The gravel and freight for tha * * Harretlsvill. - Cofield road coat * * the county board $1,016.72. * * The board will furnish Super- * * iatopdont Mines with a car for * * his use in directing the work in * * the county. * s . ' # -t BETHLEHEM NEWS Messrs. E. G. Thomas, S. T. Hill, and Roy Holloman went to Ahoskie Saturday afternoon. Mr.' and Mrs. Charlie Slaughter of near Hiekory Chapel, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Mollie Slaughter. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Simons spent Saturday night and Sunday with rel atives near Mt Tabor. Mr. Joe Vann and Miss Jessie Vann were guests of Mr. Troy Hill and Miss Susie HiU Sunday after noon. Mrs. L. R. Modlin of KsUord, re turned home last week after spend ing some time with her mother, Mrs. Solon Jernigan. Mrs. Joe Coleston and sister, Miss Maggie Holloman of Ahoskie visited Mrs. C. W. Peele on Tuesday of last waelL 4 i. Messrs. J. W. Jernigan and Willie Stephenson of Kelford were guests in the home of Mr. Solon Jernigan Sunday. Messrs. J. W. Slaughter, a T. Hill and Clyde Slaughter, went to Cole rain Wednesday. Quite a large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. G. O. Holloman last Tuesday night to take a part in a peanut shelling. After shelling two bags of peanuts; delicious candies were served and games played much to the enjoyment of all. Rev. E. N. Gardner visited the B. Y. P. U. Sunday night, and made a very interesting talk. His subject "Broaden Your Present Usefulness". We were pleased to have him with us, also glad to see so many visitors pres ent. Come again. ? ???? i ? ?? ?? Advertisements appearing under this head, set in this type, are charted for at the following rate; ten cents per line for the first week and five cents per line per week thereafter. Advertisements under this head are payable in advance, cash with copy. The amount charged for any ad can easily be ascertained by counting the words and allowing six words to the line. FOUND?COLO. MEDAL ATTACH ED TO PENDANT. Following in scription on medal: "Math. J. A. C." Call at Herald office, pay for advertisement and take the medal. 3-2-23-tf. WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE? TWo or three furnished rooms by April 1st. Apply to J. L. PER INS STORE, Ahoslde, N. C. ? WANTED-SEVERAL DAY LABOR ERS for work around basket fac tory, also hoop and stave graders. Prices from $1.60 to $2.00 per day. Write or apply in person. WOODS BASKET A PACKAGE MFG. CO., MILWAUKEE, N. C. St-2-9-23 AT STUD?RILEY, REGISTERED ^ No. 7078. Pare Walker, real fox ? dor- Fee $7.00. Terms, cash. BEN H. SEAK, 3-9-2t. R.F.D.1, Ahoskie, N. C. FOR SALE?BARRED ROCK EGGS ?16 for $1.00; 100 for $6.00. ? B. N. SYKES, Harrellsville, N. C. 3-16-4 tx FARM F'OR RENT?1 OR X HORSE Crop, 8??d buildings, etc. Apply to R. E. HODGES, 2 miles east of Menola. 8-16-it. v BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS, from best strains including Thompson's and Park's; $1.60 per 16, postpaid. RICHARD McGLO HON, Winton, N. C. 8-16-28-41. SALESMAN WANTED?To solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or Commission. Address THE HARVEY OIL CO., | , Cleveland,Ohio. It. LOST?A BLACK, WHITE AND tan spotted, male, Walker hound with tmall sear on back near shoulder. Answers to name of JEFF. Last teen between Maple ton and Winton bridge on the night of February 2. $5.00 reward for return or information leading to recovery of d6g. ! ABNER SEALS, Ahoskie. 8-16-2t CARD OF THANKS We take this method of thanking our friends and neighbors, both white and colored for their knidness shown us during the illness and death of our dear baby. - We also thank Drs. Powell and Mitchell for services rendered. May the Lord bless and be with them all. MR. and MRS. JNO. M. HAYES. i mm n ? ?w? ~ , I ft A Tyrolean Warbler Canary Bird With Cage to be Given Away Easter Monday - to the customer holding the lucky number. With every twenty-five cent purchase of Rexall or Puretest Remedies, Klenzo, Jonteel or Cara Nome Toilet Preparations. Lord Baltimore, Cascade- or Symphony Lawn Stationery, Monogram Foun tain Pens and Pencils, Goodform Hair Nets or Liggetts Candies. You wfll be entitled to one coupon abso lutely free Bird on display in window COPELAND DRUG CO. ?a* 18?*atlL stm The Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy We have the only Registered Druggist in Ahoslde or Hertford County ' ?' S== ====^v FOR 10 DAYS ONLY Get Your System Fit for Spring R*fnltr Price Now Vin-Kre-Ol_._. ? 1.00 .90 Henry K. Wampole's $1.00 .85 Henry S. Wampole's 1.00 .86 Earle's Hypo Cod 1.20 1.00 Vinol 1.25 1.00 Paw Paw 1.00 .88 Syrup of Pepsin ' 1.70 .90 Syrup of Pepsin .60 .46 [ Dreco 1.25 1.10 Peruna 1.00 .90 Syrup of Figs .60 .48 Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy 1.25 1.00 Jads Salts .85 .75 Bpsoms Salts .10 2 for .15 Castoria .40 .32 Thatchers Liver and Blood Remedy 1.15 1.00 Thatchers Liver and Blood Remedy? .60 .48 MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE THE OLD RELIABLE" M"**"" B~' B"M'~ "? C '??*W ?> ?***? -i," *.? ?? ' 5-4-,- 1 < ? ; gwa? >??*,? ?'? ?? iit'fc* ? *? ':ar ? JOREfi,SON St COT* NORrOLK, VIRGINIA is Spring Fashions Now On Display S Coats - - Capes - - Suits - - Dresses - - Hats exceu-emt storage paciut1&3. ? Latest market inpormation >?urnished on request ? tree op- charge, by telephone- or telegraph ^CORBESPONDCNC^fWmED-IWJ'^SJiSySS^ffiSJ You will not realize that the mode is changing until you have soon this collection. Our styles are selected from the leading sources of Fashion ^ places at your choosing the newest that is now being worn , at fashionable gatherings. ( . w ImL-Ls Miami Silk Kerchief*! Every body is wearing them?If you want to date your costume right up to the minute, by all meens you should buy a Miami Ker chief, they are the fashion fad of today. We have the half y sixes and whole sixes. Priced \ from $1.28 to $3.90. Ask to J see them It Will Pay You To Do So ^ *? The Spring muod b opening and Easter comes early this year. It will pay sensible women to anticipate their wants early in the season. Therefore, we place on sale, entirely new Spring Merchandise at prices far below the regular i * WE CARRY EVERYTHING A WOMAN WEARS ? i ? The Fashion Store , "AHOSKIE'S FASHION CENTER" Mrs. E. C Britton, Owner Ahoskie, N. C

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