I? I STATE NEWS IN DIGEST 8' ?! "i ssa Tobacco growers in two states wh< are members of the Tobacco Grow ere Co-operative Association are elat ed over the payment of a million anc a half dollars which affected thous anda of farmers in the dark belt oi Virginia and Eastern North Carolina A three-man debating team wil leave Trinity College Friday for Nee York, where they will engage in de bate with New York University de hating team. A meeting held at Kinston last Sat urday failed to re-organise the East tern Carolina baseball league. Another meeting of representatives of the prospective towns will be call ed for early April. During a recent electrical storm at Burlington, the lightning penetrated a window and knocked off the foot . board from a bed occupied by two little children, both of the latter es caping uninjured. Dr. Bernhardt Strecker of Ger many, speaking in the First Baptist church at Goldsboro, said Sunday that Germany was headed for pro hibition. A woman, the daughter of the former register of deeds, was on last Saturday appointed Register of Deeds for Columbus county. This makes the second woman in tee State to hold this position. The Spring Fashion Be view and Aiilfcftwiiftfril# Show hold at GroonviUo under the auspices of the Merchants j Association, late week, was a great success. L. . J;, . "The beet market In the world for eggs and poultry is right here in >North Carolina," says A. G. Oliver, state poultry expert In several places in the State production of poultry and eggs has greatly increas ed during the past year. Trustees of the Caswell Training School, state institution for the feeble minded, are scheduled to meet in Kinfton early in April to discuss ex pansion of the school plant Several new buildings are planned out of the $409,000 appropriation recently made by the legislature. The feet has been established that Gaston county has passed from fourth to third place in the cotton spinning industry of America with a total pro ducing spindlage in operation and un der erection of 1,180,67B. 3. Paul Leonard, Secretary of the State Merchants Association, in a public statement made last week, lamented the failure of the garnish ment and bad check bills to pern the late General Assembly. Reports from Elizabeth City and other places along the North Caro lina coast are to the affect that un usually small catchingg of fish have been mede for this yew, in compari son with the usual crop of fish. For th? first time in about ten yean a passenger boat service is about to be inauguarated between New Bern, and Norfolk and Balti more. Governor Morrison will be the chief speaker before the annual meeting of the Kinston Chamber of Commerce Thursday night. H. A. Page, Jr., of the Sandhill Page family, has lately purchased the Jackson Springs property, which he will at once begin to improve and put in shape for the summer. The record testimony taken on the rate hearings which concluded in At lanta last week covers four* million words, according to a statement made by Corporation Commissioner A. J. Maxwell who attended them. Water in the swollen Yadkin river has subsided to a point considered safe, and less dangerous than had1 been through. The streams were about to overflow at one time last week, and serious damage was expect ed at any time. The State Highway Commission is talking about emetine a cement fac tory, from which the supply for build ing concrete roads will be obtained. The oommiasiea in facing a serious problem to secure sufficient concrete to build hard roads, and will either have to erect its own plant or import it hem from Belgium, France and other foreign countries. An official estimate of the State Income taxes says they will fall short of what had been expected by at least a half million dollars. Federal re turns from this State show a large in crease over IMi. Mrs. Herbert Harrison, 27 years old, of Kinston, died last Saturday t from smallpox, after she had refused NlIo allow the medical authorities to give her the vaccination. B. W. KUgore, of the Extension service, has addressed letters to eountv agents advising them* to call attention to the banking law of North CaroiiM which allows agricultural paper tfEPnia nine months, or long enough for farmers to produce their CIThe Sou then Railway will contest '? $ ?>, ? ... - .1 T? \ the right of the Corporation Commis sion to order them to erect a anion depot at Selma. The Coast Line and the Southern were recently ordered to build a depot there, after several years of negotiations. Cart Georch, for several years with the Washington Daily News, has as sumed charge of the new daily paper at Wilson?the Daily Mirror. On thousand student debaters' in 260 high schools of the State are now hard at work in preparation for the annual ^""ffulsr debate to be held at the State University this spring. A. D. Watts, former commissioner of revenue for North Carolina, who was tried for immoral conduct in the Raleigh court last week, was lined $100 and costs. The NortJj Carolina Federation of Music clubs held it annual convention in Wington-Salem last week. . Factional differences have cropped out in the city of Durham since candi dates have announced for the various city positions. It will be the hottest campaign within years, reports say. In Raleigh there is also a warm ftght being waged over nominations to city offices. Banker* of Nash and Edgecombe i counties held a meeting at Tarboro I last Thursday. The first case of sleeping sickness to be reported in Goldsboro was turned in to the health department there last Friday. ? - Federal prohibition agents are en | gaged is a campaign on mopping up . with bootleggers in Craven county | and adjacent territory. They have made several big hauls lately. Miss Adelaide Randolph of Kinston and William Carter, both popular in | their home towns, kept their marriage | secret five months befor^ announcing it one day last week. President Chase of the State Uni versity, has announced that he will continue to WWrk on tip proposition of securing a four-year medical col lege for that institution. Concord is to have another large textile plant soon. It will be erected at a cost oi $40,000, according to re Meredith College's endowment fund has reached almost a half mil Man dollars, according to statements made last week by President C. E. Brewer. The National Association of Insur ance Agents convened in AsheviBe last week. The condition of Walter E. Daniel of Weldon, former solicitor of this district, luis shown steady improve ment since he was stricken with para lysis at a Richmond hospital several day ago. Although a short month, the fire losp for February, was announced last week by Insurance Commissioner Wade, aggregated $648,888, against $828,679 for January, but nearly double that of February, 1926? $364,886. Southern Baptists have done much, Dut piuDiy ume in proportion to their ability, to carry out the three fold will of God to "Win men, teach men and heal men, anerted Dr. L. R. Scarborough, president of the South western Baptist Theological Seminary of Port Worth, Texts, at the Flrtt Baptist church in Raleigh last week. Since extension of the city limits by the late legislature, Greensboro has become the third largest city in North Carolina, with an estimated population of 40,000. Winston-Salem and Charlotte are the leaders. Comparisons made Monday of in come tax reports to both the State and Nation show that the State has already surpassed its showing for the whole of last year both in amount and collections and number of returns filed the federal government has run slightly behind the receipts for the same date last year. Col. James R. Young, former In surance Commissioner, who has been offered the preeidency of the Dixie Fire Insurance Company, of Greens boro, denies that he is trying to wreck the company, as set out in an in junction secured by some the stock holders to prevent his election. North Carolina experienced one of the coldest waves of the winter dur ing the first two days of this week. Freesing temperature prevailed over all sections of the state. Extensive additions will be made to the Atlantis Coast line railroad shops st South Rocky Mount, and will provide for the employment of four hundred additional men. Although rain and bliasord put a damper on the parade and other open ing features of the Eastern Cgmjiaa Exposition at Wilson Monday, It opened up for business and is expect ed to surpass anything: in its claw ever held in North CsrtiUna. More reser vations for exhibits have been made than space usually given over to the State Fair at Raleigh. The seven curb markets establish ed in North Carolina by farm women did a (17,000 business last year. How about one for every town in the stats this year? NOTICE ' North Carolina? Hertford County. In Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Godwin Bryent, Lillie Fog* and husband Johnnie Fog*, Linnie Steph enson and husband Lamb Stephenson, Nelson Bryant, MoUie Laseiter and husband Atlas Laseiter, Dode Lasei ter and husband William Laseiter, Pattie Grant and husband Junlous Grant, Betty Laesiter and husband Ed Lassiter, Edna Castellow, Oscar Bryant, Hattie Fleetwood and.hus band Herbert Fleetwood, Charity Josie and husband Jessia Joeie, Molly Raby and husband York Saby. Against Wiliam Bryant, Henry Bryant, Caulen Vaughn, Ethel Vaugn, James Vaughn, Irene Vaughn, Walter Vaughn, W. H. Bryant, Henry Thom as Bryant, Benjamin Bryant, Balcom Woodson, Martilla Woodson, William Woodson, Sallle Ann Woodson, and husband, Woodson, Matilda Til let, and husband. TUlet, Mattie Holoman and husband Holloman, Lelia Davis and husband Charlie Davis, Ellen Vann and husband Vann, Bptty 8. Taylor, Charlie Davis, administrator of Wiley Bryant, de ceased, and Esra Griffin. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford County to 1 ? partition and divide among the heirs at law of Wiley Bryant, deceased, a certain sum of money now in the hands of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hertford County derived from the eele of real estate belonging to the estate of the late Wiley Bryant, deceased, and the said defendants, William Bryant, Henry Bryant, Caul en Vaughn. Ethel Vaughn, James Vaughan, Irene Vaughan, Walter Vaughn, W. H. Bryant, Henry Thorn- ' as Bryant, Benjamin Bryant, Bal com Woodson, Martilla Wood so e, Wiliam Woodao*. Sallie Ann Wood eon and husband ??Weodsou, Matilda Tillet and husband Til let, Mattie Holloman end husband, Holloman, Lalie Davis and hus band Charlie Davis, Ellen Venn end husband ?>-Vann, Betty S. Taylor, Charlie Davja, administrator of Wiley Bryant, deceased, and Esra Griffiin will take further notice that they are required to appear<before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hertford County at his office in Wlnton, North Carolina, on or before the 9th DAY OF APRIL, 1928 And answer the complaint now on file in the office of said Clerk of said Court in Hertford County. And let said defendants take notice that if they fail to answer said Complaint that day or within 20 days thereafter the time prescribed ]>y law the plain tiff will apply .to tha Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand and seal of said Court this the 27th day of Feb ruary, 1928. D. R. McGLOHON, Clerk Superior Court. E. R. TYLER, Attorney. 3-9-28-4L NOTICE By authority of deed of trust, J. W. Brown and wife Mae, to the un dersigned Trustee, executed 18 Nov ember, 1922, recorded Hertford county, Nprth Carolina, book 76, page 1, made for the purpose securing in dorsees therein named, they having been called upon and having assumed payment of note therein referred to, and at request of said indorsers, ben eficiaries, I shall sell, fer cash, at court bouse door, Hertford county, Winton, N. C., between the hours of eleven and one o'clock, on FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1922, Land conveyed in said deed of trust, and therein described. Located North Carolina, Hertford county, Maneys Neck Township, be ginning at a post oak, near the Me herrin river; thence along the edge of the road (124) one hundred and twenty four feet to a stake; thence parallel to the said river, one hundred and sixty feet (160) to a stake; one hundred and thirty eight feet (188) to a Spanish oak on the bank of the said river; thence to the said river and doom Urn said river to the Starting point, containing one-half acre more or less and known as the "Bears Wharf Property." Place sale; Court House Door, Win tea, u. a Time sele; Friday, April 20, 1928. Terms; Cash. This the 18th day of March, 1928. A. PILSTON GODWIN, Trustee. 8-l?-88-4t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of R. J. Baker, deceased. This is to give notice that on SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, 1922 At 11:00 o'clock a. m. * I will sell at public sale, five shares of the capital stock of Bapk of Ahoskie belonging to said estate. Terms of sale: Cash. P. BAKER, Administrator. . MHB5 r,- $:? - ? NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION J. J. Piland and N. H. Laasiter trading as J. J. PHand A Co. vs. Frank Walls. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Hertford county in the above entitled action, I will, on MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1923 At 12 o'clock m. At the Courthouse door of said county, sell t# the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said Frank Wells, the defendant, has in the the following described real estate, to-wit: A certan tract of land near the town of Winton, N. C., and known as the Granison Holley home place, ad joining the lands formerly owned by the late J. B. Hare and others be ginning at a sweet gum on southwest corner of said land and runing seventy yards northwardly, thence seventy yards eastwardly, thence seventy yards southward, thence seventy yards westward to the first station at sweet gum. For further description reference is hereby made to deed Frank Wells to C. W. Jones. The said deed being duly recorded in book 71, page 72, Register of Deeds Office Hertford County. Place of sale: Court House door, Winton, N. C., Hertford County. Time of sale: Between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock. Terms of sale: Cash. This March 12, 1928. B. SCULL, Sheriff. i-iu>4t The Home Demonstration Agent of Moore County has already taken or ders for 2000 cans of vegetables to be filled by her organised farm women during the summer months. In growing cotton in North Caro lina, it pays? Every Boy Deserving A New Cort ley Jr. Suit For Easter * If there U one time a boy wants to fool dressed up? if s Easter! And if tbere U any suit which will make him look his best, if tbere is any suit that will wear him well?if? a Cortley Jr. SS Point Suit. Especial! good values, with two pants at $8.50 AND $12 50 Just received a large shipment J. L. Perkins & Sons Seuoms' Block AH0SK1E, N. C. ? ? I! I II I?I mot?Nitrogen. It la the rtimgllt Nitrogen ?ouice-10f>? av.il.bto at one, ?Murine a good atari without puaMeg plant alter growth ahould atop. Atoo ra paya apat aui time, fin mi. tofaaoco. madglair.1cropa. Ontorhaaiythrough? H. G. SNIPES WaoOawi. N. C. or writa iMtoat to W. K. Oraaa * Oh. ' Boa Ml, ltorfoik, Ta. npp#?M l*n>l |M| I ? i.<iirfwifc|?MimM..i? ?rfilial *+>' ? y T*- ?F??-*m .nf.rmJ&J*\ ^ ?J*m+ ?? ~ HlWUWHy I 1 | | P I 1 , I . I ,, ! Glad News For All I < Car Owners - The New Brick Garage Building, 75 X 45 feet, located on West Main Street, which has been under# construction for several weeks, will be open for' Business Now Open . We are now in a position to handle a much larger volume of business than ever before, and will con tinue to carry out the policy of PERSONAL IN TEREST in every job turned out. ^UUemawn?nWaansaaunWawanmama^momUUn^p|I^Wpe*apeU?smmsmsm^ PARKING SPACE With 337S square feet of space in our new home, we can provide ample parking space for old and new customers, at reasonable rates to every one Si ? I ; I 4 *?.- - \L! f. V - " '' ?. 1 ? " 1 "V PARTS AND SUPPLIES Our new quarters make it possible for us |p carry a larger and more complete stock of parts and supplies modergtely priced mm standard Standard Gasoline and Oils Always on Hand Expert Workmanship on Your Repair Jobs Plenty of Free Water and Air Cars Washed and Shined Up Sessoms Bros'. Garage A m f/\AI/fri ? T I AHOSKIE, N. C. II II

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