the tUSCA- ROARER FEWS wmcifc The Ahoskie Chamber of Commerce takes pleasure in intro ducing to the community and all its friends and members the new secretary, Mr..Frank P. Meadows. The "P" is for Pleasant and he says that he is going to try to live up to his name, espec ially in so far as the officials are concerned. We wish him luck and are sure that he will like this section of the state. Drop in to see our new man?he likes to listen to troubles, as evidenced by his smiles in spite of the fact that he has been in our town for a whole week. MEETING OF THE MEMBERSHIP As soon as practical, the Chamber of Commerce will hold a special Booster Meeting of the entire membership and other friends. It is desired that all members be present to consider several matter# of importance that most come up. At the aame time the new. secretary will be officially intro duced and it io hoped that several selections will be rendered by the Wildcat Quartette. Hold yourself in readiness for the calf which will come at an early date. THE FALLACY OF JOKING ON FACTS th,. i Somebody has said that the new secretary of the Chamber of Commerce admits that he comes from food people?with both preachers and bootleggers in the family. The rumor had its birth in a joking conversation with Brother Vann, who sells paint to help as properly observe CLEAN-UP WEEK. The new "sec" was telling about a County Clerk of the. Court up in the wilds of a neighbor state who once remarked to him that he knew some mighty good people by the name of lleadows, notably two brothers. One of 'em was a bootlegger and worked to beat Prohibition and the other one was a preacher and worked to beat the devil. Secretary Meadows wQl be glad to meet any-of his kin in this part of the state. CLEAN-UP WEEK, MARCH 26th to 31st Mayor Williams got the jump on the Governor of our sovereign state by designating Monday last as Clean-up Day for Ahoside. But the Governor bad mora territory so he says that next week, from the 26th to the flat, inclusive, will be CLEAN-UP WEEK for the whole state. Let's fall in line and beat him in his proclamation. We can agree on clean premises and neat yards, even if we can't back the administration on all other lines. CLEAN UP! PAINT UP! KEEP IT UP! Here are a few suggestions: WHAT TO CLEAN-UP? Your untidy beck yard with its weeds, cans and rubbish. Your dirty outbuildings filled with Shhvings, paper and trash so liable to fir*. Your attics with loose paper and plunder you will never need again. Your filled up dralaways, that are breeding places for mosquitoes and disease. Whitewash is a good fire retardent and makes an unsightly fence look respectable. Paint your house before it's too late. There is no truer slogan that "Savt the surface and you save all." The crowds go to the store with a neat, fresh front; point up and dress your windows again?and be sure that the dieplay will be worth seeing and can be seen. After you have cleaned up, help your neighbor. He may not know how. And after we have cleaned AHOSKIE, keep it elean! PLAY AT AHOSKIE HIGH SCHOOL ? Members of the Hesperian Literary Society of the Ahoskie High School will,on Friday night,give a play entitled "The Heart a Hero." There are four acts to this play, and every one is . filled with interesting situations. The actors have been will drilled and expect to put on the best entertainment yet staged at the local school this year. CAST OF CHARACTERS Gilbert Weston, Esq. -- Lowell Powell Seth Mariow Columbus McKeel Clarence Denton Randolph Dilday Arnold Payne Horace Johnson Cyrus Bodkin Spurgeon Isenhower Robert ; ? Aubrey Dilday Caroline Westover Bessie Cowan Salina ? Elizabeth Dilday Ttllie Sloan IIa Horton Em Nellie McKeel . SYNOPSIS Act X. A It?ETAOIN ETAOIN OETAOIN ETAOIN ETAOINN Morning at Westover Mansion. CyTus in search of a wife. The runaway pony. The Squire's suspicion. A confession of love. ACT II. Twixt love and duty. A secret of the past. Denton plays ? his first card. Dicharged. ACT HI. Seth's revelation. The Squire's regret. Scheming. Forgery. Accused. ACT IV. Down "Lover's Lane." Denton's last card. Danger. Seth's bravery. "The heart of a hero." MEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL. The Town Council met Monday night, February 26, 1923. Mr. Stokes absent. Motion made and carried that ordinance be adopted providing for a Water and Power Committee; a eommitte on Streets and Drainers, and a rommitte on Fire protection be named by the Mayor. Motion was also made to publish and have printed in pamphlet form tee ordinances of the town aa revised. - Motions carried and Council adjourned. Any person, or persons, who shall throw, catch, or in any way play bell on the streets or sidewalks of the business section of town shall pay a penalty of $1.00 for each offense, and every time a ball is thrown shall constitute a separata offense. It shall be unlawful for anyone to park an automobile or other vehicle within five (S) feet of any water hydrant in the town of Ahoskie. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride bicycles or other vehicles on the sidewalks in the business sections of tokmj or on other sidewalks when ? pedestrians are passing frequently. Great care to be observed at all times far the safety of pedestrians. Anyone violating this ordinance shall pay a penalty of one dollar ($1.90) for each offense. The Mayor may appoint the following committees who shall act under the direction and authority of the Council, vis: Re Water and Sewerage; .* Re Streets and Drainage; Re File. Passed by Town Council, Ahoskie, N. C., February 26, 1923. L. C. WILLIAMS, Clerk. The following amendments and alterations were made Monday night, March 12, 1923, in Ahoskie town ordinances to-wit: License on each traveling piano or organ dealer changed to $20 per year. License on each itinerant merchant changed to $75 per year. License on each installment dealer changed to $60 per year. Ordinance repealed as to bond for plumbers. L. C. WILLIAMS, Mayor. Commissioners: R. W. STOKES, D. P. BOYKTTE, ^ J. ROT PARKER. ? * ? . .1 COLE RAIN NEWS Mr. J. C. Beasley went to Ahoekie last Tuesday. Sheriff Cooper of Windsor was in town last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Deans of Ahos kie spent last Tuesday and Wednes day in town. Mrs. Herbert Jones of Edenton spent last Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. H. E. Wilson. Mr. R. C. Rogerson of Elisabeth City was in town last Tuesday. Mr. J. A. Long went to Edenton last Tuesday to bring in a car load of Fords. Mr. Cecil Beaaley went to Mut freesboro last Wednesday. Mr. Will Evans of Norfolk spent last Tuesday night In town. Mr. and Mrs. Lillian Stokes of Bethlehem came last Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stokes. Dr. Mitchell and wife went to Richmond last Wednesday. Mrs. Mit chell went to the hospital for treat I ment. ' ?' ' "* Dr. Powell and Mr. Will Sharp of Harrellsville were In town laat Wed nesday. Mrs. Shields of Merry Hill spent last Wednesday and Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. G. M. Holly. Mr. D. R. Britton made a business tripvto Ahoskie last Thursday. Messrs. Stokes and Myers and Miss, es Perry and Hobbs attended the play "Prairie Rose" at Mars Hill Thursday night Mrs. D. R. Britton was a visitor in Harrellsville last Thursday. Miss Helen Roberson of Roberson ville was the guest of Mrs. C. W. Beasley last week. Mr. L. E. Stokes went to Ahoskie last Friday. Mrs. L. H. White and Miss Eva Perry spent last Thursday in Suf folk. A number of our people attended the play at Harrellsville Friday night. Mr. D. A. Askew went to Suffolk, Vs., last Friday. Mr. J. L. Madry of Windsor was a caller in town last Friday night. Mr. h. H. White went to Ahoskie last Friday afternoon. Prof. C. C. Perry left Saturday morning for Raleigh to spend the week-end. Mr. G. M. Holly returned from St Vincents hospital last Saturday and is much improved. Rev. Iineberry went to Four Oaks last Saturday where he preached on Sunday and in his absence, Rev. Btis tow preached Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Callis of Harrellsville were visitors in town Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. K. Coggin of Cary arrived last Monday and will spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britton. The contractor for the new school building, who is from Wilmington, ar rived last Sunday. The work will soon begin which all are anxious to seer HARRELLSVILLE NEWS ,.i ? n ii- - We are sorry to report Mrs. E. D. Callis on the sick list this week. Messrs. M. R. Taylor and Tenny son Holloman were business visitors in Aulander Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. Ward and Miss Helen Robinson of Robinsonville, were the guests of Mrs. Ward's sister, Mrs. H. H. Taylor several days last week. Miss Swanfbrd, a nurse from a Richmond, Va., hospital arrived Thursday to be with Mrs. Agnes As kew who continues real siclc. The Ladies Missionary Society bald their regular meeting Thursday afternoon, meeting with Mr. D. N. Evans. Little Marion Holloman has been real sick at the home of his aunt, Mrs. S. E. Harrell, but is improv ing. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britton of Coleraln were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Askew Thursday after noon. Mm C. M. Callis and daughter, Miss Ethel, were shoppers in Ahos kie Thursday afternoon. Mr. Cecil Beasley of Coleraln was in town Friday afternoon. . , A play "Prairie Rose" was present ed here Friday night by the Powells vflla local talent It was a splendid play and highly enjoyed by all pres ent Our school sold ice cream and cake at the dose of the play. Several people from Colerain at tended the play, "Prairie Rose" pre sented here Friday night Miss Hslen Baker from near Cole rain spent the week end with her sis ter, Mrs. H. L. Morris. Mr. B. A. Fountain of Leggetts apent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Fountain who la visiting her parents here. Rev. S. T. Barber of Ahookie filled his regular appointment at the Meth odist Chureh here Sunday afternoon Mr. Jeff Askew of Pulaslde, Va., le xpeeted to arrive Monday to be at the bedside of his aistsr, Mrs. Agnes Askew who is no better at this writ ing. PROFESSIONAL I CARDS Dr. C. G. Powell ? DENTIST Phase No. 10. AhoeUa, N. C. R. R. ALLEN & SON DooUrs la 8ASH, DOORS, BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, and BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholeaale and Retail 9X7 Wukh|toi Square SUFFOLK, VA. ' TOMBSTONES OF ANY DESCRIPTION See or Write J. B. MODL1N AHOSKIE, N. C. j Agent ?COGGINS MARBLE CO.? ?t" ? : DR. CHARLES J. SAWYER Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Noea, and Throat Farmers-Atlantic Bank Bldv In Office every WEDNESDAY Dr. W. C. Mercer DENTIST Offices over Mrs. Britton's store Ahoalde, N. C. JUNIPER HEART SHINGLES ?Tha Wood Eternal For Sola Br C. B. MORRIS Colorain, N. C. A?k for dalfvary, prica, *ud unpin DR. ARCHIE SMITHER 1 Practice limited to Examination and Diagnosis of the Eyes and the Fitting of Glasses Own Optical Laboratory on Premises Suite No. 505-06-08-10-12-13 National Bank Building SUFFOLK, VA. W. HOWARD BASNIGHT BROKER Ahoelde, : N. C. Michigan or Ohio hay in car lots. Get my prices before buy ing. Send me your name and I will post you weekly on the price of hay. MARY F. HUFF Palmer Graduate Chiropractor Tarboro, N. C. Orer Farm#?' Bank Tarboro. N. C. Office Hoar*?9 a- m. to 1 p. m 2:30 p. m. to 6:80 p. m. Tuesday and Friday from 7 to 8 p. tn. Phonos?Residence 612. Office 607. FOR SALE~ Wannamakpr-Cleveland Cotton Seed Specially Selected Privately Ginned Two bales per Acre J. H. JENKINS A SONS Aulander, N. C. J. A. HUKTON UNDERTAKER Akoikk, j N. C. I am now located in thS Hobba Garage with a complete line of Comns, Caskets and Steel Vaults Prices very reasonable. Let us hatch your eggs, 6c each, $4 par tray of 96 eggs. Our modern incubator equipment will hatch erery eggs. PINNER A CO., Inc. Suffolk, Va. DO IT NOW?SUBSCRIBE TO THE HEBALD-fl.50 per year ijr AthnUnng x /inervous heedadic?X CmentholatumI 7 CANCERS SUCCESSFULLY TREATED AT THE KELLAM ?HOSPITAL The Kellaui Hospital treats successfully Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, X-Ray Burns, ?nd Chronic Sores without the uoe of the knife, X-Ray, Radium, Acids, or Serum, and we hare treated successfully over 90 per cent of the many hundreds of sufferers treated during the past twenty-three years. KELLAM HOSPlfAL, lue. 1617 West Main Street. Ri.hmsal, Va. X TO MEET YOUR NEEDS ? - Easter is near and every Woman, Misses and Child wants a new "Bonnet". Look my line over before you make that purchase. I have the price to suit you? $2.00 to $11.00 each. My Notions Will Also Attract You. " i Miss Nannie Newsome Next Door to Mitchell's Drug Store AHOSKIE, N. C & ' i ' ' The Farmers Real Friend; Just u this bank has stood by the farmer when crops were poor, and while prices are low, so it has resolved to g* with him every stop of the way through the year. We mean to do all within our power to help each farmer, who will use this bank, to benefit by the better times which seem just ahead. YOUR BUSINESS; Nttdi a hanking connection that U sympathetic?one that U capable of understanding its op portunities as well as its limita tions. MAYBE THIS IS THE BANK WHERE YOU BELONG Farmers-Atlantic Bank AH0SI^WC- 1 f We Are Proud Of This Record H?ndlm| other people's money is our business and making money out of money is our sum. Read these compare tire figures, taken from the report to Carpora ation Commission JUNE SO, 1922 Cash in vault and net asMant due from Banks, Bank ers and Trust Companies 9 29,710.97 Expense Account.. 478,15 Time Certificates of Deposit 115,908.05 * Total Resources 869,201.80 i > ? i DECEMBER 29, X922 Cash in vault and net amount due from Banks, Bank ers and Trust Companies $188,624.61 Undivided Profits. 2,096.40 Time Certificates of Deposit 181,779.2$ Total Resources .. 600,142.84 When we wjr your money is safe .here, we are not shooting off our lips?FIGURES TELL. Examine this comparison, and see just how well we are earring our depositors OPEN AN ACCOUNT HERE BANK OF AHOSKIE The Bank That Has Nerer Charged Any Person More Than 6 Per Cent Interest Ahoslrie, N. C. ?? M : " m - f *" <

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