WINTON NEWS Mm Christine Smith, a member of ??.Km faculty. Bninti tko vMk-tnd with her father. Mr. Marcellu, Smith at Fountain, N. C. Mr. and Mr*. L P. Storey spent Sunday in Woodland with the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. D. Storey. Miss Wanda Harkrader spent Sat urday in Norfolk shopping. Messrs. C. Wallace Jones and John R. Jordan spent Wednesday and Thursday in Union on business. Miss Lucy Belle Piland loft Sunday for Williamston where she will spend some time with Mr. and Mrs, L. T. Liverman. Misa Estelle Clarke spent Saturday and Sunday In Tarboro and Miccles fleld. Mr. R. M. Conwell spent the reek end in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. H. C. Faison, Miss Mary Wood and Mr. John Wood Faison attended the funeral and burial of I their aunt, Mrs. Aegis Askew at Har relbvUle. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Holloman and daughter, Lillian were in Ahoskie Saturday. ? Miss Anna M Eichelberger, a member of the school faculty, spent the week-end with relatives in Nor folk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Liverman and children motored to Williamston Sun day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Liverman. Mr. J. Robert Brown went to Nor folk Saturday to bring his sister, Miss Thelma Brown home from St. Vin cents Hospital where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Daa Story from Suffolk visited Ma brother, Mr. I. P. Story Monday. Miss Marietta Bridger and Miss Wilms Durham from Chowan College spent Sunday with the former's par etna, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bridger. Misa Leona Harris was the guest of Mrs. Emma W. Miller at Union die pest week-end. Little Miss Elisabeth Clerk Bexbec from Macclesfield, N. C., is visiting hag grandparents, Mr. end Mrs. John N. Cleric. Miss Minte Lorraine Beaks re turned to St Ifarys College, Raleigh, N. C., Monday where she will resume her studio* after spending the spring holidays with her paretrth, Mr. and bum Same Matthews spent Iron Saturday until Monday in Norfolk Mrs. J. S. Shaw la spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Kate Shaw at Macon, N. C. Mr. Leslie M- Hale left Monday for Raleigh and Durham where he will Spend several days. -< ?*