... Union Wants Roads If- (^3r39Bv$ ..... W, ?* (Continued from page 1) purchase a road outfit from the Benjamin Machinery Company. The outfit consists oCs large caterpillar tractor, roaSl main tainer, drag and scarefow. It to the saaoe outfit two or three of the commissioners saw working at Elisabeth City and in .Perqui mans county last week, and is a . young brother to the outfit which has bean at work on the Aulan der- Winton State highway. Dr. Pollard of Winton made the motion to buy, under the plan al vanced by the company's representa tive two weeks ago; that is, to take the sale price of eight mules from one township as a cash consideration and the balance to be paid monthly over a period of twelve months. The outfit wpitld then become the prop erty of the township selling the ma les. A second to such a motion was not forthcoming?the other members balked, probably feeling that Winton township would get a plum into which they might want to bite. A discussion pnsudB, in which the weight of opin ion favored the purchase of the out fit, to be used in every township, and retain-the mules until cold weather came and a better market could be found for them, and aise allow time for a thorough test of the machinery. A second to the motion nnder the conditions named in the preced ing paragraph was made and after fifteen minutes more of discussion, a vote was taken. It .was a weak vote and anotlfer discussion was in order. Another vote was called for, and, on# by one, they voted to purchase, at an approximate cost of $8,800. A cash payment was made and the balance divided into payments, due in six and twelve months, respectively. K. H. Barrow, bridge contractor and builder, was paid in full for a bri%? completed in St. Johna town ship; and was required to give bond in accordance with the provisions of 1 a State law, overlooked by the board whan it made the contracts. The Sto ne y Creek bridge foundation is still 1 unacceptable by the'board and by Mr. .* Barrow alike. The cement has not "set", and the work will have to be gone over again. The contractor and the gtoaent dealers are now seeking ' to setda the question of liability, and ' it is possible litigation may result over-the quality of the cement used. ' TU- i a ? a. iic wwu *utcu wnai no coramis lioner could hire extra mules for any 1 road work without the consent of the whole board. Commissioner Snipes voted negatively, and said as explana- ' tion that he had been working nine 1 extra mules since crops were laid by. ' He thought the other commissioners would do well to double up during August and September and thus get in some good licks before the fall weather came. 1 A mass of bills were approved by the board, and payrolls were okehed. It was six o'clock before the meeting adjourned, and it had. been an inter esting one for tbsPhbh-performer. !% MAPLETON BRIEFS t S "j ? A ' 1 Mrs. Robert Maddrey and daugh ter, Mattie Barnes of Sunbeam spent last week with Mrs. Nora Stephenson. Mr. E. Brett suffered with a bad cold last week but is recovering, we are glad to report. A crowd of young people from here motored to Winton on a truck Friday night. Miss Ella Mae Parker spent the week-end in Muifreesboro with her grandmother, Mrs. EUa Wiggins. Mr. Tom Whitley and mother from near Como and Mrs Rountree of Norfolk were callers at Mrs. S. L. Griffith's a short while Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Vaughan and Miss Nancy Parker, their neice, of Murfreesboro, were here a while Sat urday. Rev. R. B. Lineberry filled his reg ular appointment at Mt. Tabor Sat urday and Sunday and preached two fine sermons. Mr. a4U|n. J. R. Rives of Ahoskie were callers here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. Brett and little daughter, Margaret, wentto Norfolk on a shop ping trip, Mondfyk ? ? . . - j ' Miss Sarah Sumner of the Wood row neighborhood, was a caller at Mrs H. V. Parker's Monday evening. We are sorry to report Eugenia Parker on the sickjlst at this writing. The people around here were shocked this morning, Tuesday, to hear of the death of Mr. Ben Stone. He died raddealy about Jive o'clock, a. m. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy. FOR SACK?ONE FINE THOB0U ghbred Black Tongue Jersey bull, S yean old, entitled to registration and in fin# condition. Has good qualities and well broke to the rope. If Interested write or coma ?o eoe Route COLERAIN NEWS Mr*. Worrell chaperoned a crowd from Rich Square last week at Laxjr Hill Camp. Mr. and Mrs. M. R- Montague spent last week at Virginia Beach. Mrs. Minnie Newsome, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. L. A. Perry, left last week for Thomasville to visit her children. Mr. J. P. Nowell and Miss Ruth Britton were visitors in Ahoskie and Winton last Wednesday. Mr. J. A. Long spent last week with his parents in South Carolina. The Womans Missionary Society had their regular meeting at the Bap tist Church last Wednesday afternoon and had a good attendance and col lection. Mr. Joe White visited Monroe and Wingate last week. Mrs. C. C. Mizelle visited relatives at Mars Hill last week. , The picnic at Pleasure Beach last Friday was quite a success not with standing the bad roads and cold weather. Mr. Wiliam Holly of Windsor spent last week with his grandmother, Mrs. Eva Holly. Mrs. T. E. Walters left last Satur day for her home in Macon to visit her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Bristow went to Merry Hill last Saturday where Mr. Bristow filled his regular appoint ment Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Martha Askew went to Win ton last Saturday to spend some time with her parents. Misses Rose Nowell and Ruth Brit ton were visitors in Ahoskie last Sat urday. Messrs. H. E. Wilson, J. T. White and Nep White spent last Saturday at Whaleyville, Va. Miss Mamie Stokes went to Wind sor Saturday to spend the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Holly spent last Sunday at Merry Hill Waiting Mrs. Holly's parents, y Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and children of Wiliamston wexe the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stokes .last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bristow spent last Monday in Ahoskie. Mr. and Mra J. K. Coggins left last Monday for their hbme In Cary, N. C. Miss Iola Tankard of Washington came last Monday to visit Mr. and ( Mrs. N. G. Phelps. Mr. R. L. Phelps of Ahoskie spent last Monday in town. A crowd from Seaboard arrived ast Monday and are camping: at Pleasure Beach. Mr. Parkerton gave a little party it Mrs. G. M. Holly's last Monday ifternoon where he was demonstrat ing aluminum ware. HICKORY CHAPEL NEWS Mr. L. C. Dilday was in Rocky Mount Tuesday on business. We are very glad to report Mr. J. L. Hughson as improved after being confined to his bed last week. Misses Ida, Frances and Lydia Jer nigan from near Lewiston are visit ing Miss Isoland Slaughter. Miss Ina Parker spent Sunday with Miss Evelyn Kiff at Brantleys Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Junie Umphlett and little daughter, Mildred, of Tunis, spent' Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawaon Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lowe and family were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoard Newaome in Ahoslde, Sunday. Mr. Joe Slaughter and son, Robert of Bethlehem spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. R. L. Wiggins. Miss Nedra Burden of Aulander is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Chamblee. j Mr. J. A. Williams of Ahoskie wasI the guest of Mr. and W. T. Hollo man, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Dilday and lit tle son, William, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hol loman in the Bethlehem section. Miss Rose Hoggard of Ahoskie is visiting Miss Bettie Willoughby. Mrs. Maggie Raby from near Whaleyville, Va., is visiting relatives and friends here after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Hughson. Mr. and Mr*. C. W. Doughtie and little son, Howard, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Leggett near Cremo. Mr. gnd Mrs Glenwood Burden and family of Aulander visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Chamblee 8unday af ternoon. Mies Helen Doughtie is spending this week with her sister, Miss Paul ine Doughtie. ;.|2p Misses Isoland Slaughter, Ida Fran ces and Lydia Jernigan, Nedra Bur tdn and Ruby Wiggins and Mr. Gil bert Slaughter, visited Mrs. J. 0. Venn Monday afternoon. We are very sorry to report little Arthur Edward Early, son of Mr. *nd Mrs J. L. Early, as being on the etckUat ^Mrs E. Poston and children of I wtclt. HARJRELLSVILLE NEWS Mr-, and Mrs. H. H. Tsylor spent a part of last week in Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Donning of Port Nor folk yisitad Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bosk last week. Mr. Marcus Smith left last Thurs day to enter school at Wingata. Miss Sibyl Sessoms visited Misses The!ma and Annie Newsome last week. Messrs. M. R. Taylor and Douglas Sykes spent last Thursday afternoon in Ahoskie. Mr. Warner Lassiter and Mr. Jen kins of Winton were in town Thurs day. Misses Thelma and Annie New some entertained a few of their friends at their home on August 88, in honor of their guest, Miss Sibyl Sessoms. After games and music, Ice cream and cake, and fruits were ser ved. Those present were: Misses Mary Sykes, Elisabeth Smith, Bemice'Har rell, Eloise Taylor, Ethel Callls, Wil lie May and Ruth Newsome, Elisabeth Cullens, Sybil Sessoms of Coionain, Thelma and Annie Newsome. Mrs. Mae Lowe and son Stark ey are visiting relatives in Norfolk this week. ? * -111" * Miss Elisabeth Cullens of Ahoskie is visiting Mrs. W. E. Cullens and Mrs. R. C. Mason this week. Mrs. Paul Rawles and son, jfcck and Mrs. Chapman of Suffolk, Vs., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Locke Valentin* and son, and Mrs. Doughton of Noitfolk are visiting their sister, Mrs. Thos. A. Powell. Mrs. Henry C. Copeland and child- ( ren returned to . their home in Nor folk Saturday after spending several - weeks with relativesMmre. , Mr. B. Scull spent the week end in , Norfolk with Mrs. Scull who is still , at the bedside of her father. Rev. Walters filled his regular *P- , pointments here Saturday and Sun- ( day. He was entertained in the hojse of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Modlin. , Mrs. Nlekerson of Belhaven is vis iting Miss Janie Sharp. Mr. Jeff Askew of Pulaski and Mrs. ] B. L. Sharp of Winston-Salem came | * ? ? .? ' JET awi. ' Sunday to visit in the home of Mr. S. Sharp, Sr., and to Join the camp ing party to be given at Colerain Beach this week by Mrs. F. S. Jerni gsn, Misses Janie and Alee Sharp, j Mr. D. N. Evan* and children went to Mnrfreedboro Sunday to carry lit tle Ma Mary Louiae Jones who haa been visiting them for aometime. Mr. and Mm. J. E. Smith of Nor folk apent the week-end with Mk. and Mm. J. L. Smith. Mrs. Lottie Aumack la spending this week with her brother, Mr. Lee Seasons in Powellsville. ' Mrs. J. L. Smith is spending this week with relatives near Mam Hill. Mm. Fannie Ferry and daughter of Colerain is visiting Mrs. M. W. Newaome. Mias Bate Newaome haa been visit ing friends in Powellsville for several days. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Fairleae of Cole rain were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Newaome Sunday Mr. M. R. Taylor and mother, Mrs. Battle Taylor visited in Ahoslde Sun day afternoon. .sj Mr. and Mrs. Jim Powell and child ren of Georgetown, 8. C., arrived Monday to spend sometime with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Powell. Mr. Jeff Askew, Mias Alee Sharp and Mrs. R. C. Mason spent Monday afternoon in Ahoslde. srMrs. Em Perry of Norfolk is visit ing Mrs. H. H. Taylor this week. Mr. Conger of Edenton was In town Monday afternoon. Sheriff Scull went to Elisabeth City Monday to bring back some prisoners. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Rocky Mount are visiting their moth er, Mm. Ed Miller near town. Mrs. Curtis Cotton of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Cleveland Cotton and Groves Cotton and children of Nor folk arrived Monday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. James Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Askew, Sr., returned to their home Monday after i delightful trip to Aaheville Mr. Brown of Williams ton was in town Monday. 6M quickly relfewes constipation, bflionsasas, headaches, colds and la Sale Of RealEstate For Taxes At Courthouse Door Sept. 3rd The following rfeal estate will be sold at the Courthouse door in Winton, N. C., Monday, September 3,1923, for failure to pay 1922 taxes and pursuant to order of the Commissioners of Hertford County. Mirfrtubaro TnmUp White W. J. Boyette, store lot " _X. -8.86 H. V. Back, Carey Parker ^ 37.22 John Blythe, Sumner land . . ? , 7.64 IVy J. Hare, John Hare _ 22.68 J. S. Lawrence, Wynn _ 111.84 J. D. Phelps, Trader . . 16.26 COLORED Margaret Bishop, Bridger _ 2.16 William Barnes, Bridger . 4.86 Edward Eley, Bridger * - 8.21 Robert. Eley, Jr., Eley J 2.78 Robert Gatling, Bridger : - - 7.67 Bettie Sue Gatling, Pipkin 1.86 James Gatling, Boyette !..? 7.76 B. L. Hill, J. T. Griffith 17.67 Bennie Joyner, 1 lot 18.81 G. T. Lassiter, Wiley Carter . 30.86 R. H. Lewis, Everette 14.96 Lulu Moore, town lot _ 8.02 Annie M. Southall, lot . _? 12.66 Lulu Shamblee, Moore I 2.71 Jsmes Stephenson, Carter 9.64 Carey Vaoghan, kitchen ! 22.17 Atlas Vaoghan, Elijah Vaughan _ 18.21' T. T. PARKRR, Tax Collector, Murfreeaboro Township. ? -Hi St. Johns Township WHITE T. E. Futrell, 102 acres Joyner and Baker; 1 7-12 acres Cooke and Sannder; 76 acres Grant; 68 acres Leggett; total taxes.. 90.00 W. H. VINSON, Tax Collector, St. Johns Township. Maneys Neck Township .1 M. W. Picot, 3-4 acre, home lot 'iJi S.JR* 84.84 Jno. T. Riddick, 76 acres, horns place 12.71 J. J. and Jno. T. Riddick, 46 acres part Jno. Riddick tract * 4.41 W. J. HILL, Tax Collector, Maneys Neck Township. ? Ahoahfe Township ~ . WHITES' : ' !'-? nf i Lassiter, Marshall, 26 acres home place : ..? 80.64 Lassiter, Mrs. Nannie R., one town lot 'Xi.'.'.i 2.64 Moore, J. W., 760 acres. Moor# . 196.24 Phanp, 0. H., 42 4-10 seres, Newsome 70.42 Rogers, W. W., 70 sens Riddick, 28 acres Riddick 122.02 Regan, Mrs. Nina, 1 lot McGlohon street, 1 let Main street 06.71 Sumner * Phanp, 1 lot Mitchell street ? 18.94 . COLORED ] Eventt, Lora L, 2 vacant lots ...jj. .61 Earicy, Goodman, 78 acres home, 20 acres Hoiloman? ... 27.62 Hollo man, Granberty, 81 acrao, Mitchell ...... 60.21 Hoiloman, A. A., 41 acres Rods Hoiloman ... 16.48 Helson, W. L., 1 lot Maple street 820 Hall, J. A., 12 acres Newsome, 1 lot Brown .. ..... 24.88 Moore, Lonnie, 1 lot Catherine atreet ..... ... 6.51 SewiOme, Roberts, 12 acres, Jenkins ?, 8.68 'Scott, J. R., l l?t Lawnnce ^ i 6.T4 Taylor, Luther, 1 lot Mitchell i 8.23 Whitley, WUHe B., 1 lot Garrott ?- 6.22 Williams, General,' home place 38.17 Porter, Jno. T., l lot, D. H - 3-06 Paolo, L. A., 1 lot .... ............. 4.60 ?. B. VAUGHN, Tax Collector, Ahoskie Township. a : i i i ? ? The Ahoskie Tobacco Market Opens August 30th Sell your Tobacco on the Ahoskie Market, and come around to see us; we will be glad to cask your checks, no matter what bank it is drawn on. START A SAVINGS ACCOTNT Happineaa is schimd only by struggling and patient plugging, and the more we sacrifice for a coveted ambition the higher we prise it when we realise H. A savings account will keep your money safe, remove the temptation to spend money foolishly, and will be the means of your making your dreams come true. BANK OF AHOSKIE "THE OLD RELIABLE" Ahoskie, N. C. p =?v IT'S ICE CREAM TIME ? This weather is just naturally helping our business, but that is not our biggest asset Oar Reputation for Making Pare, Wholesome Cream Onr Habit of Gvng Quick Dependable Service Our Ability to Serve You Wben Yon Wait it And just Lie You Want These are the things that are making "The Quality Kind" Ice Cream so popular with those who have once tried it Place Your Order With Us. ?? :p?U; v. 4, &>:?!, \ 1 Ahoskie Ice Cream Co. "TheQuality Kind" Newsome's Block - - Ahoskie, N. C. . ?< - -*r ' CANCERS SUCCESSFULLY TREATED AT THE KELLAM HOSPITAL The Kellam Hospital treats sucyasfully Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, X-Ray Bums, and Chronic Soros without the use of the knife, X-Bay, Radium, Adds, or Scrum, and we have treated successfully over 90 per cent of the many hundreds of sufferers trusted during the past twenty-three years. KELLAM HOSPITAL, loo. 1617 Woet Mala Street. Rlilmeod, Va. ii Genuine Shipman-Ward Rebuilt UNDERWOODS ONUr#^ $^Cdown^ U*lliT?n YoaftUr* AbMrt V "IT,. II Rebuilt Like New Ewjr McUm to atilpped right down to the frame, tlm M _ ? ... ? M? All ? - ~ Mate ?? ? t J ? -- - M , M. fuuy noulib aii worn pu is rcpiaccQ oy dsw? iww type, ariaga?a complete, perfect typewriter. A machine you & In proui to awn. y Ifcy It for Ten Full Days Scad for ? machine. GhnltmntHt Eiaaiiae every part Um it lor TEN FULL DAYS. Dacida for yonraatf that it to exactly the genuine, etandard Underwood fully rebuilt ty paailf we rhtoii to be. Easy Monthly Payments Our eeey monthly payment plan makaa it poadbla lor TOO to have tfaie eplendid machine iaunediately. Peymenti are Jog tba same at rentato. Don't Delay Another Minute-Act Nowt You can obtain the machine oo a down payment of $3-00. That'e good Udaeea. You try the machine TEN DAYS That'^good Jadgwiat^ Then yen'^decide to keep H. That'e HERTFORD COUNTY HERALD AHOSKIE, H. C.