MURFREESBORO NEVfcl "Age is wisa; It attempts nothing im Youth ii^wiser; it believes nothing Mr. R. B. Hill of Suffolk, Va., was ? recent guest of Mrs. E. B. Hill. llT end Mrs. Welter Myrick and daughters, Misses JLucile and Bernice Mrs. E. A. Davenport. Mrs. Thomas and children of Ahos . kie who have been visiting Mrs. W. S. spent Friday with Miss Bettie Walter Jenkins. . Mrs. Joe Hinee and two daughters, Mioses Leone and Emily Hines of Boykins, who were guests of Mrs. Reuben Parker have returned hone. Misses Elisabeth SeweU, Bettie Walters Jenkins, Mr. R, Sewelt and Robert Sewell were In Franklin Thursday end in Norfolk Wednesday. Mrs. F. S. Curdst of Norfolk is spending her vacation with Mrs. Roy Mr. end Mrs. R. B. Watson, An toinette White and Leonard Jenkins wane in Wilson Sunday.! . 1 >. 4 j; .Mi- atotnjirffl week, and this week he is conducting a series of meetings at Askewville. t. Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Larkin left Taeadey for a short vacation in Ban ford. _,. . i Mrs. J. W. Short and daughter. Julia, have returned from several week's visit with relatives in Phila delphia and points in New Jersey. The Intermediate B. Y. P. U.' of Meherrin church gave a program in Rich Square Sunday night Mrs. Carolyn Horn of Pendleton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Boyette. Rev. Joe Hines and family of Ed enton, who have been spending Mr. Hines' vacation with his father, Mr. George Hines, have left for their home. Mrs. Joe Copeland, daughter. Miss Sallie Copeland and Mrs. WilHams, after visiting friends near Murfrees boro, returned to Littleton Monday. Mrs. P. B. Griffith and children have returned home from Portsmouth where she spent some time with her sister. Bride And Groom Arrive The bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Britten, ariVed in Murfreea boro last Saturday from Adairsville, Ga., the home of the bride, where ti?ey were maried on Thursday, the 6th. The bride, who was Miss Minnie King, already has many friends here, having been the expression teacher at Chowan College two sessions ago. The groom, assistant cashier of the Peoples Bank, is a worthy young man vim baa also made many friends in Murfreesboro. Friends extend con gratulations and good wishes. ? I* J' w ? _"_k_ m' 'm juiim unmin, rum Julian Liverman, Jr., age 10 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Liverman, died last Tuesday at Kings Daughters Hospital after a second operation. ..,'?3fue body arrived here Wednesday. The impressive funeral services were conductd in Meherrin church by Rev. H. G. Bryant Thursday at 2:30 p. m. Interment was at Mrs. Liverman's old home in the Johnson burial ground. COMO NEWS Mr. R. 0. Whitley whose condition has been grave for some time left Monday for Baltimore, for treatment accompenied by Dr. S. J. Bailey. Miss Cora Davis and Mr. Putrell were quietly married in Wihton Sat urday evening. H. McD. Spiers left Friday for New York where he joined a party of friends for a trip to Canada on a moose hunt Mrs. Era Taylor, Sarah Leigh and William Taylor were visitors in Boy kins Sunday. Oscar Whitley of Hertford was a' visitor in his home here Sunday. , Miss Kate Gilliam of Windsor was the week-end guest of Mrs. Margaret L. Howell. Miss Miriam Burbage left laat Wednesday for Plymouth where she will teach again this winter. Mrs. Floyd Vinson of Boykins is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. Taylor. Mr. William Daughtry of Sunbeam was a visitor In Como Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettlgrew of Richmond, Va., spent Saturday night in the home of Mr. T. E. Venn. Miss Rowena Darden has returned from a visit to relatives at New soms Miss McGregor from Laurenburg who has accepted a position in the Como school, arrived Saturday. His many friends will be glad to know that Mr. T. E. Vann was able to dine over In Win ton Saturday Bhr. arid Mrs. Clarence Beaaisy of Cetersin ware guests of Miss Helen Winborne Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Gardner has returned to her home in Boykins after (pend ing sometime with her daughter, Mrs. W. T. and Eva Taylor. Miss Mazy Winborne has returned from Oweniboro, Ky. where she as sisted In a Sunday School meet Mrs. E. N. Gardner and her house guest Mrs. George W.*>Sadler of Ogbomosho, Africa, ware visitors in the home of Dr. T. L Burbage Wed nesday evening. The series of meetings held at Buckhorn church laat wek by Mr. Geo. W. Sadler were very largely at tended and much enjoyed and as a result 2 candidates were baptised at Hill's ferry Sunday afternoon. Mr. Piah and Mr. MiUer of Ports mouth, ware guests in the borne of Mr. P. C. Taylor Sunday. Ravivai services are being conduct ed at New Hope M. E. church this week by the paetor, Rev. H. J. Pay j. H. White of Merry Hill spent Friday in Como. Mr. N. W. Britton.~Superintead of Schools in Hertford Count}', was ir Ahutkie Thursday afternoon on busi *",Vt?x " WmwrnM T LcssOiiT BibU Uittluir ot Cbi<44^> vfc If it. v?^r? N-^JUm U?W?> *f ?' ?' ?g=^ -?*- ?= LESSON F0.1 SEPTEMBER 16 LUKE. THK 0V23 PHYSICIAN WfSWJN ViuY-jykr 1:1-4; Acta X^ llfiK ?;|4; n Th*. >:lt OOl-DKN "I " : ' \ frl.nd lovtlh at ?11 Ubim an<: ? >rnihtr la ^rn fur VBafNaraliy,**?TV :v ? T: 1T. ? #5 PHIMAr.Y Story Ot A* Or.-M > ? *.!??* j- ' JTJTtlOH Tn n-irl.nttr. Paul's Prlsnd. WTKHMKI'I \TM ,N!) B TIMOR TOP tC~Mowe Lubw, U. Towiwf '*.NO Aortt TO: IC ??Luke's t?rm and calm. Paul was now In the <-old jail awaiting execution. What a -treat comfort It uiast have been to know that this faithful physician was with him. Be was with him at Phlllp pl. Miletus. Jerusalem. Oaesarea, be fore Felix and Festns, en the voyage to Rome, with him In the Roman Jan. through the Roman trial, and perhaps a spectator of his execution. It cost Luke a gnat deal to do this, bat he ao doubt considered It a labor of love, even feeling the call of God as really as Paul. Nothing (s known of Lake after Peal's death. ltedltloa has some interesting things t? say, but no word of certainty. ?* ev - s! f ? . v Oouraga. Faar God, sod taka your-owe part. There's Bible tat that, young man; see how Moses faared God, and how he took his earn part against everybody who meddled with hiss. And aee how David fearod God, and took his own part ... Bo faar God, yotmg man, and never give ta! lbs world can bally, and is fond, provided It sees a man la a kind of dlfflcalty, ad get ting about him, calling him coarse samae, and even going ao far as to hustle him; bat the world, like all bullies, hi lias a white feather In Its tad, and no sooner ssaa the man tak ing off Mi coat, and offering to light Its bast, than It scatters has* and there, and la always dvll to hfan af Whan a Man Gets Angry. The Mad af patience and of right tMmr vrarSTrtdle whan he gsts'aa gry. Bvery eance of hla energy la gathered and directed toward a good reaatt. U Is the moral ataam con .trolled and made to hit a definite piston teat sands tela oM world np ward and onward. Wind Fanaticism. The blind fanaticism of ana foolish honest man may cause mora evil the united efforts of twenty rogues.? Grimm. Forgiveness or bbv. Said General Oglethorpe to Wesley. "I never forgive." "Then I hops, str," *nld Wesley, "you never sin." Forgiveness. Two persons cannot long be friente if they cannot forgive each other's Ut ile fallings ?Brayara. COLERAIN NEWS Mr. N. G. Phelps made * businees trip to AhogkW last Tuesday. * Mr. C. H. Jenkins of Aulander; wpa In town Tuesday. Rev. R. B. Lineberry of fTJntan was a visitor here last Tuesday; Miss Janie Mixeil 0f Windsor was here Tuesday. py* , Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Brittoa went to Winton last Tuesday. Mr. E. L. Stokes emended court in Windsor last Tuesday Mr. 0. B. Morris went to Edaaton Wednesday. Mr. Joseph Cherry of Windsor yras in town last Wednesday. Mr. Stanley Sesaome left last Wed nesday for Roanoke, Vs., where he will spend some time. # ; I Ap Miss Norma Lee Phelps entertain ed quite a number of her friends Wednesday evening at a little birth day party. Mr. and Mrs> Pierce of Newport Tews visited their sister, Mrs. J. J. Beaaley last week. Mrs. Daniels from Arcadia, Flori da and Mrs. John Mitchell of Alios Me were guests of Mrs. N. G. Phelps, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaaley returned from Baltimore last Thursday. Mrs. Charles Call Is and daughter, Ethel, of Harrellrrrte were in town last Thursday. Mrs. Mercer of AhosMe spent sev eral days with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Beasley last week. Mi& Helen Leary left Friday for Ashboro where she will teach- this session. Mr. DeFord Beasley left Friday for the University of Pennsylvania where he will resume his work for the scholastic year. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britton and Ruth Britton left Tuesday to visit their daughter, Mrs. J. K. Coggin. Miss Mamie Stokes left Sunday for Winston-Salem where she will teach the coming session. Mr. Manly White and Cecil Baas ley were in Norfolk Friday. Mr. Eugene Wickings of Norfolk was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Montague last week. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips of Maryland were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Northeott. - urr* tuV ; Miss Helen Phelps returned home ?- y..?; ' t/ Subscribe to the HERALD?$1.60 .. . - i -mi" ready for dwtribution within tan EYE SIGHT-EYE HEALTH Bllndneei, Cataract*. diseaaed eyes, crossed ayes and poor vision dn* to near sirht, far right, astigmatism or old right, yield to lata methods whan othsr systems have faflsd. Under oar methods glasses are rarely needed, helpful and proper vision Is afforded without them. DR. J. M. CALHOUN, # NORFOLK, VA. Dean of Virginia Optical Institute 211-114 Board of Trade Building (Across from Postofflce) 8-10-28-tf. ?nnoBB 1 Weak I I Back fi Mm. Mildred Plgm, tf I II It P. D. 8, Columbia, TW, | | says: "My siperleaca ?Mh I H Cardui has covered a numbsr of | years. Nineteen years ago... H I got down with weak badk. 1 H nervous I had to Stay in bad. I 1 read of CARDUI Tbo Woman's Tufe and sent for it. I took only oas | bottle at that time, and it helped | me; seemed to strengthen and H build me right up. So that Is I bow I first knew of Cardui. H After that,.. .when I began to I 9 get weak and 'no account*, I I sent right for Cardui, and it | nevcrfriled to help me." If you are week and suffering I from womanly ailments, Cardni || any be Just what you aeed. E Take Cardui. It has helped I thousands, and ought to help C| you. ? ? At all druggists* and dealers'. ^ & ' OFFICE IfOTfck ATLANTIC DISTRICT FAIR - .ASSOCIATION J [ A \4^i! AND 1*' lT&\ '? i f'. g ? ? Fair Demonstrate gent's Office Upstairs in 1 &ldman'e Woodsn Building ^ Corner Main and Catherine Street ahoskie, n. c or. =?_?, .... Office days of Fair Association: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Office Day of Demonstration: Every Satur day. All farmers are invited to visit thia office on Saturdays. Consultations on all farm problems invited. ?? , I ? <>? ?* ri H W. D. BROWN, Farm Agent W. J. JENKINS, President Fair Association C. E. REYNOLDS, FinAncial Secretary y '? ? ji CANCERS SUCCESSFULLY TREATED AT THE KF.I.I.AM HOSPITAL The Kellam Hospital treats successfully Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, Z-Ray Burns, and Chronic Soraa without tha use of the knife, X-Bay, Radium, Adds, or Serum, and we have treated succesafully over 90 par cant of tha many hundreds of sufferers treated during the past twenty-three years. KELLAM HOSPITAL, lae. 1617 Weet Mai* Street. Rlefceeeed. Va. LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING Best Equipped Plant in This Section Means the Best Printing for Our Customers Let Us Serve You HERTFORD COUNTY HERALD j?^? ?? ??????? I STANDARD I The 'Balanced Gasoline rv n Convincing proof: ? ; -'iA -3fpi tjEf* V- -&Vry '-V \; jfoiSS.>&Jk? m In the face of the fact that the motor ing public is more particular today, more people this season are using "Standard," the balanced gasoline, than ever before* P ** Standard" is meeting the demand of a large majority of motorists for an all-round superior performance in gasoline?for uniform quality and that quality the finest wherever and whenever they buy it. Stop at a "Standard" pump the next time?-and every time. For complete satisfaction. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) *#&?* ? ?' - - :? :;? 11? m MP 1 mfim Ma4a right bar* to Charlaatan. SoW at tha Carolina! at x r , ...... 4 i