Hertford County Herald Publiahad Every Friday by VINSON * FARMER Owners J. ROT PARKER Editor JAMES S. VINSON Manager Subvcription Price Om Year - 81.50 Six Months 75 Three Months ? -40 Advertising Rates Vary reasonable and made known on request. , Entered as second-elans mail matter February 26, 1910, at the postofllce at Ahoakie, North Carolina, under the Act of March 8, 1878. The place of Ku Klucker in a de-l mocracy, whose society has the full protection of civil laws, has not yet been discovered. Their principles, pat down on paper, are good; in fact, every good American can and does subscribe to them. But, why hide the indentity nnder the eover of the robe? Laying the blame for lack of a good road system in this county is a work in which many eitisens have en gaged, but upon which few agree. The fact remains that our roads are not up to the standard of excellence they should have attained, after spending the amount of money we have. It will be a hard proposition to ever again convince the freeholders of Hertford County that issuing bonds for road construction is a wise move, notwithstanding the fact that that is about the only way any county or precenct ever secured real depend able roads good for all the year travel Ia the face of apparent lack of In-1 tenet and with little or no encour agement from the mam of persona in the county, money haa been raised I sufficient to erect a monnment Jtl Win ton to the World War Veterans who died while away from their hones and in the service of the United States. Thorn who are di rectly responsible for the placing of the marker on the courthouse lawn deserve the highest commendation for placing it there, where posterity will regard it with the full weight of sig nificance. It is another recognition of the proven valor of Hertford County men in time of distress and I war. Since the commissioners have done ao nicely by the farmers of the! county, in appropriating an increased amount of money for the retention of 1 a county demonstration agent, the | agricultural interests should not suf fer for lack of expert advice next year. The farmers need all the help they can get-for the next year or two. The coming of the boll weevil baa al-J ready begun to spread alarm amongl them, and the most effective means I of combatting this cotton destroyer will be one great task for the demon strator who takes up the work hers. The appropriation made should secure I a first Tate man, and that is the only! kind Hertford County ? wants and! needs. ? Governor Morrison acted promptly! and wisely in sending the State troops to Western North Carolina to quell the local disturbances wherein a large number of negroes have been driven from their work *nd threatened with their life if they return. The laws of North Carolina give every man a right to peaceful pursulta, and when civil authorities cannot ace that Jus tice and right prevail, the strong arm of the military forces is the last re sort. Our Governor, although her alded in campaign days as a "Bed ghirter" and held up by aome as ini mical to the interests, of ihe negroes, has belied every such statement in of fering the full power of hie authority j in protecting the negro laborers who were mia-handled at Spruce Pine. Our neighbors in Bertie and North ampton counties will select for them selves s successor to the late Claude Eitehin in a primary to be held Sat urday. A strenuous campaign has been waged throughout the district for the last two or three weeks, and a liberal supply of mud has been along In the process, although, observers and those primarily Interested in the outcome say, the candidates them selves have done little of it AU three of the Democratic candidates are men of proven ability and worth, and the Second District will name s good representative no matter which is nominated. The first primary wilt only aarve to eliminate one of the candidates, as there is little likeli hood of either man polling a majori ty on next Saturday. The second pri mary will be held one week later. Judge Jno. H. Kerr and former solici tor Richard G. A lis brook are most likely to run it off in a eeewnd pri I OFFICE CAT eoewiaov ieow evsoaamMA??ndaa. There ought to be no argument now about bringing the courthouse over to Ahoskie. It would never do to separate it from the jail; and, by jingo, we just must have the jalL Happenings in Ahoskie these latter days make it almost imperative to have a place of incarceration (mean ing, of course, a jail) to which our offenders may be committed prompt ly. K-A-T Untied Fords are frisky arti cles in this burg. Every week, some product of the Detroit manufacturer of gasoline bug gies runs off down the road, some to return and others less home sick. Frank Tayloe and my friend Jeff Jenkins got theirs back; albeit the letter's Ave seater was minus seats, one wheel, fender and body. K-A-T Jim Seaaoms' "coup" to date has proven to be more elusive than the other two. Probably, due to the fact that the self-appointed chaffeur who rode*off in it knew it belonged to a. garage man, and believed him good enough mechanic to have it in first class running shape. At any rate, it's gone; and again the CAT re joiceth that he doth have fleet feet, and a curled tail, which no person can take away without a struggle with his well-groomed daws. K-A-T My good friend E. W. Whit ley, t commissioner of Hertford County, has misjudged the women folks of his county, if he believes the statement made openly at a board meeting in Winton last Monday. He says in substance that Hie very women * who are crying loudest for home demonstration work in the County are numbered among the flapper type. The CAT was dis agreeably surprised when the Editor brought back word of Mr. Whitley's remark made at Winton Monday. K-A-T This gentleman, good man that be is, needs to jar himself loose from such belief?for it is too muck aldn to the words of the skeptic. Mind you, folks, the CAT is not upholding the flapper, nor treating lightly the "poor mammies and daddies who have to stay at home and work for them"?no such situation should obtain in our county. However, I am standing square to the winds when I deny such to be the situation. 4:c M-A-T I'm ??* Mr. Wh.ti.r I'm saying positively (my belief against lua) that the kind of women You know, people, 1 just love to think about what a wonderfully sweet time I am in for next year, 1924, when all the candidates from Nation, State, county and precinct will trot out for their regular cam pagins for ofice. It's going to ho one of those "intensely interesting" years; and ye CAT to revelling is the thought of the wealth of stuff he'll write. Look out "Old Farmer", 1, too, am going to enter the realms of "Political Jabberer." K-A-T All of which reminds me that the Business Manager of the HERALD is slinging a lot of ink about this DOLLAAR-A-YEAR proposition. Of all times, this ain't the one for coming down on the price. If I "know my stuff," the fellow who takes advan tage of that offer is going to get a darn lot more than his Dollar's Worth. K-A-T whe have been benefitted meet by home demonstration work, and they are the ones who want it continued, are not women who waste their time In useless pleasures at the expanse of their "mammies and daddies." They may be flappers but, if they are, there was nevar a better synonym for home builders and imprevavsj for that's what they are the women who make homes comfortable, wbo make the bread we eat, and who are striv ing to make rural and village home life more inviting. mary, although N. J. Rouse, the other candidate will receive a nice vote from his native county and that of f!raatia mi Mm It asinine * t: vJirrnc, ?nirn rujoitir LiBnoii*s it - NO SIREE, THE CAT WILL PILL THIS OLD COLUMN RIGHT JAM PULL OP STUFF TO OFFSET ANY SUCH INDICTMENT OP OUR WOMEN FOLKS . . K-A-T ,M I A HELLUVA FIX Dear Readers: Some miscresft used the Ofice Cut'? typewriteis^ few days ago a$n broke off a letter that la es sential to getting oat this depart ment of delight as a|y other i$ the alphabet. We are placed i$ the unfortunate predieameft of not being able to tell what let ter it ia, but whichever letter should be substituted herei$ for the dollar sign is the ole that is missing. Until needed repairs are made the Office Cat is going to be handicapped. This is the only excuse we have to offer for the brevity of this column f?r the past few weeks. You _pa$ understand how we arf han dicapped and we are just as sorry as you are. Mebbe more Jeo You'll have to ptfrdo* the Way this affair looks this week. We can't help it GENTLE SARCASM $?' Smith is a young lawyer, clever in many respects, but forgetful. He had been sent to e distant city to Inter view an important client, when the head of the firm received this tele gram: "Have forgotten name of the client Please wire at once." The reply he received ran: ^'client named Jenkins. Tour name Smith." Truth takes fewer words than backing a lie. Don't weep over your troubles? walk over them. Fools build houses and sell them to wise men for less than the ooet of construction. Fly paper should be a warning to all of ua Watch your step and dont put your foot in it and yo wont get stuck. ' JO ' , I L ... ? .. f A hick town i? a place where peo ple wonder excitedly whether he will sere her from the fire in the neat fat stallment of the eeriaL ??, The good oU days were good, but the aowdaye ore better. , Two'a company and three'* more than a Ford front seat foil, things Clarence Perry. If the bac k-to-the-fa rm movement continuee to grow, 4*01d Farmer" asks who's going to feed the town folks? CONDENSED. BUT CLEAR A message from the railroad section foreman to the reed master said: "No 6 did not whistle. Seed me a eew head car." G. C. Britton says there are three kinds of fools; fools, d fools and men who argue with women. JAILED TO SWEET "What's the charge officer?" "Fragrancy, your honor. He's been drinking perfume." Burst of rapture from Roger Johnson:?"Her eyes were like pools of clam chowder, deep and mysteriously lovely. Her nose was piquantly upturned, like the handle of a coffee pot. Her dear mouth, red as a fraahly cooked sausage, had that delightful curve to it so much admired in . a pretzel. Her neck was full A and round, delicately moulded as a sack of flour. Ah! 1 ! She was beautiful?!" AS APILL SEES IT Some folks on the outsida, Are ugly as sin. But perfectly beautiful Viewed from within. Statistics show that the cigarette hat made the cigar unpopular. You might have supposed that the cigars unpopularity waa its own fault, but Vernon Vaughan says it it because the averag fellow does not have the nerve to borrow a cigar. Advertising tabes the bum out of and puts the boom in business. Dr. J. H. Mitchell says If youte "agin" everything you're a conserva tive; if you're for everything you're a progressive. To keep the neighbors from wor rying, it has been suggested by Goo. Newbern that the words "Paid for" be painted on the spare tires of alll motor cars not mortgaged. The last time you will ever have to got a year's subscription to one of the State's leading weekly newspa pers for One Dollar is during tha month of October, 1923. Got the HERALD for |. - ^ AHOSKIE DISTINCTIVE INDIAN CONTRIBUTION An article appearing In one of the State paper* thl* week re viewed the "pitched battle*" fought by the early aettler* and the Tnacarora Tribe ei Indiana, " . which inhabit*ted this region of North Carolina. This week, ac cording to the writer, ia the anni versary of the first real fights for posession of this territory; and many tales of the actual skirmishes that took place along the banks of the Neuse and Roanoke rivers are told. The Tuscaroras, according to all records, lived upon the very land now owned by citisens of Hertford County. Many relics of the *pioneers days are still evident on many farms of the county. Ahoslrie has a peculiar inter est in the tales relating to this favorite tribe of Indians; for to these Indians the town is indebt ed for its name. The town de rived ha name from the Baptist church which was established here many years ahead of the incorporated village. Ahoskie swamp which runs through parts of Hertford, Bertie, and North ampton counties, first bore the name of "Ahoskie", the Baptist church here being named for this stream. When this town took upon it self the name originated by the Indians, it also selected a name that has never been copied, so far as records disclose. There is not another Ahoskie in the World. "Address your letter to Ahoskie and mail it from any point in the United States, and it will go to Ahoskie, N. C.," is what one mail clerk who has seen many years service says about It. In honor of the Tuscaroras who have brought this distinct ' ion, the young men of the town now conduct a social dub here, known as the Tuscarora Club. 'ill "*"\3 *?' r*srt V, *><% ?'*'l*i ft ":lti 4 ?' No tie* ml Bale Vmdmr D?d of Tro.t By virtue the power end author ity conferred upon me by * certain Dead of Trust, executed by Junius Deloach and wife, Sarah Deioatch to P. E. Dukes, trustee, which is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Hert ford, in book 68, page 88, the follow ing property will be sold at Public Auction, via: A lot in the town of Ahoskie, N. C? bounded on the North' by the land of J. P. Brett, on the East by the lands of J. H. Jenkins, on the South by Alton Avenue and on the West by the lands of J. W. Lawrence, be ing a lot in a subdivision of lot by J. W. Lawrence, 188 feet by 60 feet. PLACE OF SALE?Courthouse door. TIME OF SALE?29th day of Oc tober, 1923. TERMS OF SALE?Cash. This Sept 26, 1928. P. E. DUKES, Trustee. " ''' ^I A ====^\ Come Early and Make Your Selection From Wynn Bros. "MURFREESBORO'S GREATEST STORE" Our lines fa^trery Department are most complete with up-to-the-moment merchandise LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Fall Frocks of Exquisite Charm of Line that will catch V Wonderful Fall and Winter Stocks the eye of those who know, are being shown by us COATS AND SUITS One of the authentic notes of autumn Fashions is the new knitted suit. We hare them Our showing in Fall Coats will charm the most ? fastidious simple elegance is the keynote that stands out prominently through the entire line. See our line and save money. BIG UNE OF MENS' and BOYS SUITS AND OVERCOATS SHOES TO FIT EVERYONE?FLORSHEIM SHOES To wear Florsheim shoes is to enjoy the best there ? is in shoe making?comfort, good looks, long service. ' No shoe will give you greater satisfaction WYNN BROS. THE SHOPPING CENTER MURFREESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Active Enterprising Farmers Are a power for good in any community. This is the kind we have in Hertford County. The officers of this bank want to cultivate your friend ship. We want you to use our service fuliy- You will find a checking account here a great convenience and an efficient assistance in systematizing farm finances. We also suggest a savings aocount for every farmer. Through regularly adding to savings account in this institution many far-sighted farmers are making ade quate provision for future needs Make this bank your financial headquarters. Our >? popular banking-by-mail system is the practical solu tion for those living at a distance from the Bank. fc i. , ' {? /Vii< -if Farmers-Atlantic Bank AHOSKIE, N. C. ?? i in ' ? i ??ammmmmaamwaMaaHHaHHMaBBMMHsaaaMaBmasaaaasS I I flJI | \ m 1 i A \ m ^ 1 I ? M I W 1 ? ? I I I I I V ft I I I I ^ M m \ ( i I Extraordinary Educational and Entertainment Event 12 Shows Combined in One Big Exposition?Agriculture, Boys' Clubs, Floral, Swine, Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Poultry, Domestic Manufacture, Arst and Crafts, Farm Machinery and Auto Shows. AN AGGREGATION OF UP-TO-DATE AMUSEMENTS FOR ALL 4 Days Horse Racing, 3 Races Daily; Auto Races October 27; Old Va. Tuornament Opening Day?Children F^ree That -Day; Fireworks' Every Night; 4 Brass Bands; One-Half Mile Midway, featuring WORLD AT HOME SHOWS; 6 Novel, New Hippodrome Acts; State Exhibit of Wild Game. EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS?ASK YOUR AGENT Not A Dull Moment?COME! |L , ? .. ? '