Hertford County Herald PuMMted Every Friday by VINSON * PARKER Owners J. ROT PARKER Editor JAMES S. VINSON ..Manager Subscription Prioo Ons Yaar $1.50 Six Month. t* Thnt Month. 40 Advertising Rater ' Vary rouonabla and made known on NflHt Entered a. second-class mail matter February 26, 1910, at the postofflce at Ahoskie, North Carolina, under the Act of March S, 1878. AN EDITORIAL THAT IS WORTH THE SPACE? Newspaper office, can usually be counted upon to consign without ex-1 amination its publicity hunter.' ma terial to the waste basket This of fice is no exception. The long dis tance contributor, to local newspap ers find but little favor here, and, if it did not mean the spending of postage and time in so informing them, the HERALD would return their stuff without examination and with the strict admonition to try another of-1 flee where they could have better', hick. However, there is one exception?1 a noticeable one?among the list of new. disseminators. It is the service released by the Editor of Cooperative Extension publications of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture.; One of hi. latest bulletin, i. headed "The Glib Tongued Canvasser is With Us Again". That piece of writ ing is worth editorial column space in this newspaper, for it is but another follow-up of the editorials written from time to time in this office. It follows: Farm folks of North Carolina have reason to bo thankful for the good crops of cotton, tobacco and other produce and to be pleased with the price, which have been received for these commodities to date; but, as always, the travelling agent, the glib tongued canvasser, the parasite who follows where money is In circulation, is with us again this falL Reports re ceived at Director B. W. Kilgore's office at the State College indicate that these gentry are more numerous than ever in rural districts this fall. They are on hand to sell every kind of thing both necessary and unneces sary to the farmer. Because of this, Dr. Kilgore ha. written a letter to all the field work-i en of the State College and Depart ment, asking them to use their in fluence in the right way to guide their cooperating farmers in the purchase of necessary supplies and equipment and in the use of surplus money for the purchase of those things which will add to the comforts of the farm home, to pay back debts and to im prove conditions for better farming next year. Indications are that there is a reg ular campaign on to get as much of the farmer's money as possible through the use of agent canvassers. Generally, it i? found by workers of the Extension Service that such things as the farmer will need for his farm and home equipment, or for his convenience and home beautification can be purchased best through the regular channels rather than from traveling agent or canvasser. The business men of the home town are thope who pay the taxes, support the public institutions, advertise in the newspapers, and keep things going in the home community. The intergrity of these men is known. An unsatis factory article may be returned to them and settlement made; but, with the canvasser-once he gets the money ?the farmer may or may not get the article purchased, and he may or may not be satisfied with it should he get it "Let the traveling agent alone. Purchase from your home merchants and invest your surplus money wise ly," is a warning Dr. Kilgore issues at this time. HERTFORD COUNTY JOINS CHORUS? Every person, we believe, in this county who has any knowledge of Hon. John H. Kerr, for twenty years a public officeholder in the Third Judicial District; every person, who has watched hie career as solicitor and Judge subscribes to the sentiments expressed in the resolutions passed by the county court officers and mem bers of the bar at Win ton last week,' and which are printed In another col-1 umn of this paper. Hertford County?its people?do' regret to see him forsake the superior court bench, for the reason that he; has made this district a competent officer end in doing it has retained the respect, honor, and love of those who! know him. He has been close to the! people of this county just aS he has] to the people of other counties lying within his district However much they hate to lose, him as Judge, there is nevertheless, the good sport manship left behind that Is willing be eOsr congratala * ' OFFICE CAT I tRAOC MARK I ? I co?vwmiT ??W.iY??AWUAH HIM. Well sir, just out of curiosity I went around to the side door of the Richard Theater last Friday night, while the embryo Mr. Wells (his right name is Eric Garrett) was showing that old but still popular "Birth of a Nation!', and while the crowd was pushing and shoving for advantage at the front door I sneaked under a long row of those chairs, until I had almost got to the rear seat Man, let me tell you, Richard Theater stock has done gone up since last week? everybody's talking about how much money the manager cleaned up. They are talking so nice and sweet about it. 'Ain't that just like folks, though. Last year and two years ago, these fellows just simply had cramps 'in their stomachs when you said any thing about a moving, picture venture in Ahoskie. "He's a good fellow, and I'd certainly like to see him make good, but I4-I am afraid he can't do anything with that business; in fact, I've heard he was losing money heavily." That's the way some of these calamity howlers piped up. The thing was just making them lose sleep. Now, along they come with bright faces (you can guess what is hidden behind them) and speak fluently of the wonderful success the moving pic ture business has become. And, you can't get a single one of them to admit their woeful predictions made just a little while ago. Moral: If you can't say something good about folks and their business let them 1 alone. .' O ,> A dead motor, sayB Clarence Perry, usually adds much life to the party. Gladys' idea of a tightwad la a man who bets smokes all around, then loses, and passes around a sack of Bull Durham and a package of papers. Snappy Snipping Victim?"Cut the whale three ?hart," Berber?"What three?" Victim?"Heir, whisker, and chat ter." Jim Seasoms says Home la where you can scratch any place that itches. According to Bob Mitchell investi gation has proven that the average man who goes sixty miles an hour in a motor car has no place in particu lar to go, and nothing important to do when he gets there. Tha rice-presidency is merely a waiting list with ana nana on it. Constitutional amendments can't hope to get established in a day, says Sam Vaughan. Think of the Ten Commandments, G. C. Britton says kissing a sweet girl till you get red in the face isn't ?o much kissing. DR. WEAVER WILL SPEAK IN AHOSKIE Dr. Chas. P. Weaver, President of Chowan College, will makfe a talk be fore the regular session of the Par ent-Teacher Association here Friday night, November 2. He will be ac companied by members of the music faculty of the college, who will give a program of special music. This will be Doctor Weaver's ftrst appearance here in the role of speak er, and he will be greeted by a large crowd. In addition to his speech, other features will make tomorrow! night's program interesting to ail at tendants. The HERALD one year for $1.69. It is worth the money. Barbecue And Speaking (Continued from page 1) the output V.i ? ' --." -?'? ??' ' 1 ?",-^> . Vi&lZi'ii VA MK?rH - "/' ? j ' ? III CALVIUET lil^?wB?M POMfBE* b truly the I . WSrZ: produced I , | PBftt . ; % ' jl./' ft F?wd?- ? one third Z p'JE?<$% 24- ^ Sales times as much asthat of any other, brandr\ I III a Come Early and Make Your Selection From Wynn Bros. "MURFREESBORO'S GREATEST STORE" Our line, in tTerjr Department are moat complete with up-to-the-moment merchandise LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Fall Frocks of Exquisite Charm of Line that will catch Wonderful Fall and Winter Stocks the eye of those who know, are being shown by us COATS AND SUITS One of the authentic notes of autumn Fashions is the new knitted suit. We have them Our showing in Fall Coats will charm the most fastidious?simple elegance is the keynote that stands out prominently through the entire line. See our line and save money. ' BIG LINE OF MENS' and BOYS SUITS AND OVERCOATS SHOES TO FIT EVERYONE?FLORSHEIM SHOES To wear Florsheim shoes is to enjoy the best there is in shoemaking romfort, good looks, long service. No shoe will give you greater satisfaction WYNN BROS. THE SHOPPING CENTER MURFREESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA !ks5S5SS^5E5ES5!I555555552E5555SE5!355!55II52!SE35& Special Notice! Send as your name and address and we will 1 send you one 25-inch necklace of Roalyn inde structible pearls with sterling clasp. After you have carefully inspected these and find them satisfactory, you send us money order for five dollars, if not you return the pearls. We carry a complete line of jewelry and gladly send any article for your approval. j & .ill! , -4 * ** * ( Spertner's, Inc. 200 1-2 Main St. NORFOLK - - - VA. , ,r:-. . i?*>;<;# i . ? V. CANCERS SUCCESSFULLY TREATED AT THE KELLAM HOSPITAL Tbs Kellam Hospital treats successfully Cancan, Tumors, Ulcers, X-Bay Bums, and Chronic Sores without the ass of the knife, X-Bay, Badium, Acids, or Scrum, and ws have treated successfully over SO per cent of tha many hundreds of sufferers treatsd during tha past twenty-three years. KELLAM HOSPITAL, las. 1S17 West Msia Street. Rlchmeed, Vs. Genuine Shipman-Ward Rebuilt UNDERWOODS ONUr#% let Uh TjB A machine that looks and writae so watt that even experts ^mwtJ^K^ron^a bc^-n?w inadii^ It'a tbe biggest. Rebuilt Like New Every machine to stripped tight down to the frame, than fatty rabnilt All worn part* replaced by new. New type, new wTflf'j new nickel, new tottering; new platan, new a rings?a complete, perfect typewiHst A machine yon be proud to own. Try It for Ten Full Day* Send for a machine Give it every teat Rramlne every part Uas it for TEN FULL DAYS Decide far yourself that . it la exactly the genuine, standard Underwood fully rebuilt , / typewriter we daim it to be. Easy Monthly Payment* * Oar eaey monthly payment plan makee it peaaMe tor YOU to have thi? splendid machine hnmadtotaly. Payments ere Joat the same ae rentals. Don't Delay Another Minute?Act Nowi You can obtain the machine on a down payment of U00. That's good knife... You try the machine TEN DAYS. That"* good Jodgaaeat. Then you'll decide to keep it Thst*i utteia. For Full Detail*?Call?Fhoae?Write. Hertford County Herald Ahoskie, N. C ,