PAGE 6—THE HERALD. Ahoskle. N. C.~-M1LEST0HE YEAR 19S9 We want to thank the citizens of Hertford County for their cooperation in help ing us produce this edition commemorating our Milestone and the 200th Anni versary of our county. To publish an issue of this nature takes many hands... people working in our plant. . . and people helping throughout the county. We gratefully acknowledge this help. A SPECIAL NOTE OF THANKS TO THE BUSINESS MEN AND WOMEN IN HER'TORD COUNTY WHO SUPPORTED THE MILESTON E ED ITI ON BY PLAC i NG ADVERT i SING MESSAGES IN THE ISSUE. YOUR SUPPORT WAS NEEDED AND APPRE CIATED. .. On ^ of/ We hope the Milestone Edition will inform, entertain and inspire. Your help will be needed to help make the county's Bicentennial celebration a memorable one. We urge all citizens of Hertford County to enthusiastically join in the cele bration of the Milestone Year. The celebration will only be as big as we make it. . . . So let's all join hands and work together. The HERALD