THE COURIER. ASUKIiOKO, OUT. lvl. With over one third of your mono' locked up in the vaults at Washington and out of circulation, is it strand that money is scarce ami times hard':' Js the Democratic party responsible for this condition of things '! The laying of the Iulernal Revenue and the Tariff and the withdrawal of f00 millions of money from circula tion are the acts of the Federal Gov ernment awl the Federal Government, be it remembered has been under the control of the Republican party for about lil years, and id, therefore re sponsible. While the Republican party had Control of this State in 'C'J-'70 and '71, they spent every cent of (he school fund, increased the State debt 15 millions and yet did not educate a single child in the State nor build a mile of Kailroad. And besides the rate of taxatiou was 80 cents on the dollar. What has been the result since the Democratic party gained control ? Look at the schools and the asylums for both races. Look at the Railroads. Only last year we spent $725,000 to educate the 250,000 chil dren in the State. These are facts worthy the sober attention of fair minded men and the man who has at heart the welfare of his Stale and that of his children will weigh them well before voting. Tiie AV Vole lToi. Today (Monday) the candidates for the General Assembly and the County offices make their first bow at Isaac Kinney's in Cedar Grove town ship. The Democracy of Randolph is fortunate in placing its banner in the hands of llobins, Steed, Caviness, Jloffitt, Teague, Bulla and Lewis who will not. we predict, permit its folds to trail in the dust. Capable, sober and efficient, they are worthy the hon ors bestowed by their Tarty and worthy the fullest conGdence of the people. They have been tried and sire not wanting. Without disparage inent to the gentlemen who wear the honors of the Prohibition and Repub lican parties the Couiueh commends 1he Democratic nominees and the principles which they represent and which they will announce, elucidate sim defend as in every way deserving the fullest endorsement at the ballot box. Marmaduke S. Robins, Esqr., the -candidate for the Senate in this Dis trict is known throughout the District for his sterling worth, his ability and his high character. In Randolph where he was born and reared and where ho is best known no assurance from the Coueier is necessary to sat isfy his most bitter opponent that if elected, he will do his full duty 'to the people he represents ; that he i3 thor oughly equipped ; that he is inflexi bly conscientious and honest ; that he will labor zealously and ably for his people and the State ; and that he will rank at once among the ablest of the next Senate and reflect credit not on ly upon himself but upon his county and his District. As a Representa tive of this county in '62-64 and as our Senator in '66-67 and in '76-'77 iind again as our Representative in 1883 he made a record for attention to duty, for fidelity to principle, for ability and for distinguished services which entitle him to the suffrages of all men who would reward merit and the faithful performance of public du ty and who would place their cause in the hands of an experienced, tried and courageous public servant. To say that he has enemies is the highest ev dence of his worth and that he has done bis duty through these long years of public life. He is before the people not by hi9 own seeking. He protested in good faith and for good reasons agaiust running but yielded finally to the repeated and persistent solicitations of his Party friends. The writer knows whereof he speaks. The people wanted him, and they have put him out. Let us elect him by an overwhelming majority and no District will be more abl' and faith fully represented than the 25th. IJUinVELL W. STEED, ESQ , the senior nominee for the House is a native of Randolph and tho' he has been honored more than once with public confidence and has nerved in various public capacities is as unas euming as a 15 year old plow-boy. But while be Is the roost modest of men he is richly endowed with that strong hard horse commrn sense j which afi r ui above ail i' the best ! armor for a can a any capacity. ! U.i has, been a Ju.uco of the Peace for I yer, was elected a County Coin mis j:,ione.r in 7a2 ami represented this i county if, the last General Assembly, i Like :Mr. Rubins be va-J always to be i found at his post of duty. His lc-gis- lalive reward is without a blemish. He is a, tfohd, honest and al ways .sale and gets the biggcGt vote where he is best known. He may not make as big a speech to-day as some of the candidates but he can cist a3 big a vote in the General As sembly as any of them and thoCou- I kieu's word for it ha will always cast it for the best interests of his county and State. You cau count on him and when the roll i3 called be will be there. Give him your vote and he will give you an honest and faithful record in the next Legislature. Vll. I. F. CAVINESS our other nominee for the House ap pears to-day for the first time in poli tics and a more conscientious and up right man never entered the politics of this or any other county. He was born in this county and is now in his 44th year in his prime. While he has practiced medicine for 17 years, he is also a farmer and one of the best in tho county. He has never held any public position and did not aspire to his present prominence. Endowed with natural abilit intelli gent, and sensible he is as solid a3 the "giant oak" under which he will make hi3 maiden speech to day and if elect ed will worthily represent not only the farming but all the interests of Randolph. Firm, courageous, tem perate, cool and industrious he will be untiring in his efforts and will do to trust out of sight. In short he is a christian gentleman every inch and the Democracy of the county has honored itself in honoring him. With much pleasure and confidence the CouniER presents and commends him to the consideration of every voter who may wish to vote for an honest, capable and worthy christian gentle man. He is a man who will do and dare and die for the faith that is in him. A vote for him is a vote you will never regret. ' ELI A. MOFFITT, ESQ., is again unanimously presented to you by the Democratic Party for tho position of Sheriff. It has been the Courier's pleasure heretofore to en dorse and c'ommend hi'm as the Dem ocratic nominee. Whether his record has justified what the Courier said of him four years ago is left to the reader. He has won the proud dis tinction "a model sheriff." He ha9 been for 4 year3 tho first and most prompt of the 96 sheriffs in the State to settle with the State Treasurer. He has collected the taxes more close ly and with less noise and trouble than any sheriff in the State. Always accommodating, fearless in the dis charge of his duty, merciful alike to friend and foe, prompt in all things, honest in all dealings with a record as white as the snow that mantles the mountain's brow, he comes again before you at the bidding of the peo ple. Your money books have been kept for 4 years as straight as a shin gle and he has accounted for every dollar. Why change ? A good, so ber, painstaking, prompt and faitnful officer a model sheriff. In '66 naked from the war without any thing save the brain and muscle God gave him he began and has made him self. You will vote for your best in terests when you vote for him. His is a responsible position. His past is a guarantee for the future Better go slow when you go against such an officer. "WILLIAM J. TEAGUE, ESQ, will again appear before you to day in obedience to the unanimous voice of the Democratic Convention. That he is a painstaking, correct.Jionest and thoroughly efficient officer every voter in the county knows. The rec ords of his office are the best proof that he does his work well and that he makes a most excellent officer. As an officer nothing can be produced against him and as a man in pub!io and private life he stands as fair as the fairest against whom his bitterest opponents have never yet brought a charge. His appeal comes with dou ble force because of his ph3sical disa bility. But while he is physically dis abled from the loss of a leg to do all sorts of work, he is able and thorough ly qualified to do the work of Register of Deeds. A native of Randolph in his 42d year with the best of records he is eminently worthy the position for which he has been named for the 3rd time by his Party. The records 'of his oMicc speak more clorfintly m I his favor than he will ppeak to "V a J K i e n ey ' s. Vote for him. i j ALFRED BULLA, ESQ., j accepted the nomination for Kufpyor ! simply to gratify his friends &:d i Party. It was tendered to him unan Umously. That he is qualified for its j duties goes without sajicg. If there j is a man in the county with more hard i common sense than Alf Bulls carries under his every day hat, the Courier has not found him. In nll'public po sitions to which he has bT h callod whether as Justice of the Ve, Coun ty Commissioner or Surveyor be has been equal to his duty and performed his work to the satisfactiorof the people. He has been repeatedly urged by his friends for other and higher posit ions and was the choice of a large number for the Legislature this time. He is a solid Democrat a solid man and a solid Surveyor. If you don't vote for him, you won't do what the Courier thinks you ought to do. He can't be beaten. DR. CLAUDE n.Jg&S, the Democratic nominee by a unani mous vote for Coroner was elected by a big majority two years ago. He is a physician with a wide practice and a self-made man. He dug and work ed his way on the farm, on the Rail road, at teaching and other ways through the University of Pennsylva nia and since 1879 has enjoyed a lu crative share of the profits of his pro fession. It is proper that this posi tion should be filled by a physician. That Dr, Lewis is fully equipped to meet all the duties which his election may bring him will not be denied. Young, popular and energetic he will get a big vote and a big majority. He is the youngest man on the ticket and has a bright future) before him. Give him your votes. It's a good, solid, 7-horse team Robins, Steed, Caviness, Moffitt, Teague, Bulla and Lewis. Good men and a good cause. Let's roll up our sleeves, go to work and give them a a rousing majority. Work is the price of it. Hurrah ! (Courier Correspondence.) The Franklinsville Democratic Club. The Democratic citizens of Frank linsville and vicinity met at the Acad emy qn Saturda' evening Oct. 4th, at 1 o'clock for the purpose of organ izing a Cleveland and Scales Club. The house was called to S. Hitter. Hugh Parke caned to tne cnair. ana on motion, cue following officers were elected : Hugh Parks. President, A. S. Hor ney, 1st vice-President, W. C. Rus sell, Sec, W. F. Craven, Secretary and Treasurer. The Club was thfin ad dressed by the President in which be explained the object of the meeting. It was then ordered that the secreta ry be authorized to draft a code of By-law3 and present to the club for its approyal or amendment at the next meeting. On motion of W. C. Russell, it was decided that the time of the regular meetings of the club be on each Satur day night at 7 o'clock. Provided that it will meet on the 3rd and 4th Friday nights in this month. The books were then opened for member ship, and the names of 36 voters were enrolled as members. On motion of J. S. Hitter, it was instructed that each member solicit the names and attendance of their friends and present them next meet ing for membership. The club was then very spiritedly entertained by short speeches from several of the members in which they showed their colors and their zeal for the success of the Democratic party" in the coming election. Adjourned till the next regular meeting. HUGH PARKS, ChVn. W. F. Craven, Sec'y. (Courier Correspondence.) Mr. E. F. Westmoreland, a member of Mr. Frank Lambeth's class in the Methodist Sunday school in Thomas ville, N. C, has during one Sunday School Quarter beginning with July, and ending with September, memor ized and recited three thousand nine hundred and thirty-four (3934) verses of the Bible averaging 302 each Sabbath. This' included the first chapter of Matthew, and all of the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, antT John. While this fact i3 indicative of a very superior power of memory in this young man, yet it is very certain that his best efforts were not exercised. ; Being a young man of very industrU j ous habits, he only had one hour each d ay to devote to this stud v. For this 1 s7Si3 excellence, he was awarded a hand some Oxford Teacher's Bible, with name on back, in beautiful golden let ters. A noble gift to an excellent young man ! The Book was present ed publicly, by Prof. I. L. Wright with a beautiful, impressive, and most appropriate speech. .. Thomasville, N. C, Sep. SO, 18S4. Who Are the 3Ioney. Kings I Vanderbilt is worth loO millions. Jay Gould 100 millions. Russell Ssge 100 millions. Cyrus W. Field 100 millions. Armour, the pork packer, 50 mill ions, &c, &c. Meanwhile, what is the condition of the people who dwell near these Mo ney Kings ? 100,000 laborers out of employment and striking mines un worked, factories stopped. What produces this state of things? What makes the poor man poorer; restrains the endeavor of the ambi tious and industrious man of small capital ; and at the same time heaps up the vast riches of the rich ? Let the people weigh these things and ponder well. Ransom's speech. I wus.-'-rv-'. -. ..' JiSf-a i Vr . jui.--" TAYLSB Mt m. Address order and enquiries from Ran dolph and adjoining eouutie. to JOHN II. BURGESS, A -rent. Franklinsville, N. C. 10:tf Sale of Personal Property, BY U5CLE JOHN HILL, CRIER. OX the 22d day cl October, 1SS4, 1 will pell for CASH to the highest bidder all my personal property consisting-of Household and Kitchen Furniture, to wit : Rlack Walnut French Dressing Case, U'aek Walnut Marble Top Wash Stand, Black Walnut Library Table, 1 Clock, Office Eocking and other Chans, 1 Dining table. Cook-stove. Pots, Kt tth-s jPanfl and other Culinary Utensils -Jed-steaovi, Cots, Carpets, Mattresses. Also One Horse and Bugg5r. 1 Saddle and Bri dle, 1 Cow, 1 Yearling. 2 Hogs, 1 Set Black Smith Tools including Sledges. Hardies, Swedges, Anvil, Bellows and Vise. 1 Grind Stone, 1 Pair Jack Screws Wheat and Corn in the ear. B. A.IJBEKER. This October 3rd, 18S4. SLIS OF Valuable l-and. Y virtue of a decrc? of the Superior Court oi jianuolnh county in Special Proceedings entitled Andrew Syme Ad ministrator ot II. oc m. L. liill vs. v. A. Bragg and others, I will sell at 12 o' clock M. on THURSDAY the OtU tlav ol TVTov., 1 884, at the Court House door in Asheboro', a very valuable tract of land, supposed to be mineral land, situate on the waters ol Betty McGec Creek, containing 1 OO This land is Registered in Register's of fice of Randolph county, in Book 15, Page 119. Terms of Sale CASH. ANDREW SYME, (25:2S) Commissioner. Land Sale. Y virtue of an order of sale granted by the Superior Conn of Randolph county on the petition of Rufus W. Fra zier Adm'r of Stanlj' Lof tin against Hen derson Loftin, I shall sell on the premis es on the 3rd day of November, 1S84, the following Real estate, to-wit : A tract of land adjoining the lands of Peter Vuncannon. Zebedee Lewis, Wm Lowe and others containing Two Hun dred acres, more or less. Said lands are subject to the dower of the widow. Terms One-third cash, the remaining two-thirds on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond and approved se curity therefor and the title reserved till the further order of the court. RUFUS W. FRAZIER, Admr. This 3rd day of October, 1SS4. 25:28 LAND SALE, BY virtue of an order of sale granted by the Superior court of Randolph coun ty on the petition of R. W. Frazier, Pub lie Administrator against Roddie Bow man and wife et ul, I shall sell on the premises on the 1st day ofNov., 1884, the following Real estate : One tract of land in the county of Randolph on the waters of , adjoining the lands of W. N. Morris, Hubbard Xance and oth ers containing FIFTY ACRES, more or less, known as the William Cuipp hind and will be sold subject to tne xiomesieau nguc ot .Mary Clapp widow. Teems: One-third cash, the remain ing two-thirds on a credit of six nmnths. the purchaser giving bom1, and appro -.wl security therefor and the title reserved till the turther order of the court. R. W. FRAZIKR, Admr. 0 CU3 CUT CFFCNGIKS NAW MILL -.AUCS j A a fuel gx-f. N-Ll"-- jpj j This 30th day of i'ept,, 18S4. 25:2S VVI LOLKSALl1: T Ti XI J E nre just m-eivin-r our Spring YV Stork of li:V (iOODS, which have been Carefully Selected with a view to good Goods at low priees. We are better prepared this Spring than at any time formerly to oiler to the MERCHANTS OF RANDOLPH and adjoining counties large inducement in liy Oootls. Our stock Is large and complete and prices as low as any House North or South. Thankinsr vou for your patronage which yoii h:ive eo kindly honored us with in the past and soliciting a continu ance of same in future. We are very truly, m B ft.1T I t . GREENSBORO. N. O. IMMENSE STG01 y OF SPUING GOODS AT D. CURTIS & (JO'S. In announcing the arrival and oppii'iH of our Spring Goods we fee: moiv eon!" dent of our ability to meet the wants -f our customers and the trade general!; than. ever before. We have now i.: stock some of the Handsomest Goods EVER SEEN IX GREEXSEORO. Our stock will be kept constantly re plenished throughout tin; s'-a-on, and is too varied for enumeration. ONE PRICE, and that the Verv Lowest for All. T4tf) D. CURTIS & CO. Greensboro, X, C, March 17, "S3. .Land Sale. I)Y virtue of an order of sine granted by the Superior court of Randolph county on the petition of Sidney A. Hughes and wile Koseha liuries against Xathan Winslow ct als. I .shall sell at the Court House door, on the 3rd day of No vember, 1SS4, the following Real estate, to-wit : One tract of land in the count of Ran dolph, on the waters of Hack Creek, ad joining the lands of William Lowe and others, containing loO acres, more or less, and known as the Thomas Winslow home place, and will be sold subject to the dower of Abigail Winslow, widow. One other tract adjoining the above containing about 7o acres, and known as the woodland or mining tract. Terms One-third cash, the remaining two-thirds on a credit of six month., the purchaser giving bond and approved se curity therefor and the title reserved till the further order of the court. J. A. BLAIR, Commissioner. This 22d September, 1SS4. 2-4:27 MRS. C. A. HOOVER desires to say to her customers and Coukier rea ders that she can be found at all times at her residence at Asheboro where her bus iness will be continued. Cgf" Cutting Patterns, Cutting Dress es, Basting and Fining a p"cialty."S5i; Your patronage is solicited. Satisfac tion guaranteed. 4tf Deeds and Mortgages for sale at this ollice. ,.1'A ".;i l-n !lv:h.. kff.OOI, r. L-.i-AWi l....;f.3V2Ul-.M Ml lS :-, J,'Ji :;' I -it-. Mlt H K ALT 11 r- ? OUTh. Kit- 'iVi .I'' -r A.j,-iit... In. i ; Mri-i-.-iii. Nk!'Mf, a'l Tir.-.l i-V-Hiifal...hiit. U-W.tV CUIVli. S. IIIIIXl-ll'S ;,, sA'-ji'S. ni-' vi's l ive iii-w imvf 1 1 ! mill.! ,.,i EolU' d l O H,rir;.x H,ii nd in I.U.. IlAKT-C".T- iI-?C.V 'i'OMICa ,I..hi Tn 'lvc!ire. ;m i s i lc:n'. l.i I'lln (iiiiii ii,i 1 ri ii ''t r.t:: :i''1s at cinnitri l. i ! hie only J(, . tin; im;:i.: irii v 't !!k- i .'ii.;ii. ),, U(",; ,.x. pcriiacui-i . I V. f :;-:! a.- I l.t. LSfe ! 4 1: ".wi f i:m Yi rfous '.' -r !n? f sr ';"Oi..-:i: ; "t s-)".; or"in::c:i liy Oi t'' (. '.v i- .v .!! i: : 1 ,; ,. , i cuitK t.y th..i-r. i i : . ;:.: -.. . -: .:.n ln taken v ithoui l.t t CU- . !-.. . JJowclfuvfthn.l-wo f 11AK7' i.i v i-:it &aropl d-..e Si r.t i'v o mj . :-;liMt: I . fSfnil yor.r r.'iiir!"st.'i'h- 1 r. li.r. t .I...1.. K sr. JjuiiiE, lilo., !or onr "L?ZiJll l.OOs.: FulloI Btraoso iiod musfui inlut-uutk-n, li-1 Jf IVJAOMI FAT.r.Ji M'!".; t adili-tl a .vv i':ilu..- I ; i, i, nes- and havr i: .-lock a ''osm, !;, ,,f MILLINSUY GG0S3, inclu-liiig White fJoo:!, !'-.-', ry. i',,.,,. (iood.-. S:ltins. W-lvi !.-. S:! ;i'mI Vclse teens. Ladies' Triinni"-' :in-i I'.mi ii '.--d Hats :md Hoiine's Silk. Ki! ;.-id J .: .... Thread ("I loves, and Mine-nHi. ;i; i nie! artiel.- in too ;.'reat a vai y i y-i:! up in an advert.semt-nt. The L3 i)ep:r!:,.'j',:t. i- ' rM':', " ! hv rnoi-t.nL yoiiP :; !;-i!:-y an-l :t!i-i--i.'...i .-.!:.ira:it-e. ;n nil e,;-.-. v!:e;- vovk i- i;-! . led to Tli' of ido'j !i r,?;i! ; .ire peciallv iuviled to i:ive c til. It il.i-v dl-posed to eon-'d! i ln-ii- '. n in! r est they will he !- i! -o. j. .i HIE J. Bill h BRO.. Buggies, Plifctor, rpiUX liiin i-: pi-epir-l fo ! -t A- cf V:'OIk. 'I'l (f-e !'i '(-( ieri:il awd tl.e'r Ml kind-; of Rf.i'aikj.v U - : e-.-ap, is it can he do-:-- ai.v ;'! ;,( tte. ill COlilifVti, ;i I ;: ir ! ::: - .t'h'-re yen :;:;n v--', y :r i.i: el; .mi; !i'!ig lone at the '':--: no ' , !. imi lowest p ':. Th-V 'v- '; ::! !- -i! : ;) f.-v i :. '-' ( t J( W.stL V. i j. i : l .. , If yu v:;: .-iy i.:..--' in 4U(-'.:- ihie it v.iilhe to y.-::." !-: : i ::: ih'-U' work ai ! j ! :!' L w. - -" s Their motio - : ;:.: AT t:ji: liOWfiS'j- liyis'. j-i::- ;:s"--t' ; -li ,r 'j'he S;.r. of f):i-: W e:-! -.! at li". V.'ori ii"- olii' :.:- e! i -. !''.!.;. ,,. t;:o-it "." ;;.!' ".' J ..??:,'-..:.:. ',U A-!a !ro. ('.., Nov. :;.:). '.)'.';. i kmiihs kihuh d uli,, HIGH POINT, 17, 0., Wholesale and Eetail. TII.L c-re-s t-- !:..:e!op!. :m:l a-Tto.n-- illg 0OM!!Ie- f '( the !:' ."-:. rut vari.-d :tdd ? '!';. 1 ;o':.- of Ooo-P; ev er peeii in their ! W:-- Is full and of.':-;--: ;:;;! i,r hidueemMits to countrv Merchant--. contains every thbig yon x:-jt. The highest ;ri.-es for ov.r pro-luce! and the be.-t goods at. the lovt po.-ilde liures. Oo now and alwav- to the old firm of RAG AX, 3IILLIS & CO., for all of vour gords. may 31,1882. Otf LAND SALE. I)Y virtue of a decree of the S'tperior ) Court of Kandoi;,h county, on tiie petition of L. M. Scott a Adm'r of Wil liam J. Lo::, dee'd. and othe rs i : parte, for sale of real estate for assets, i shall oiler for sale at Li;M't.y, in said county, on the 21st day of Odober, ISSi, the following Lands of said deceased, tiie BARTON PLACE, on the waters of Rocky River, in Ran dolph and Chatham counties, adjoining the lands of Nhurod l'ike. Martin Staf ford, David Mcpherson and others, con taining about 17-r) acres ; Al-o the BUNTING l'j. ACT:, in Chatham county, on Stinki-g Quarter Creek, adjoining ret- r .. Sm'ih's .!:.-; and ( th ''i. e;)!tt:;j:ii:iii about '7-i; aerc-. ! Terms -k SAi.:: ;e.-'' ;..-li. th ; j other ha1! on a or- iit of .i;o;:u-s, with j int--n st at six ;. r cent. R-'ud hi .1 g-;'l ; secinity iv,r;i -1 az.d t:le retaiia-! till j purchase money l paid. L. li. I . Aua.r. Sept. 15th, lvji. 21:27

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