/■ i {if iilE COTJRIEli. ASHEBORO, DEC., 13.1888. F-^'iir years ago the tota- vo'e of ihfc Jlate on tha Congressional tickets 'C j AISTVXJAT. EXMIUIT. Claims Audited and Allowed by the Board of County Commissioners of Randolph County during the year Commencing Itec. 6th. 1887 and Ending Dec. 3rd, 1888. COXTNTY COMMISSIOKERS. E. A- Moffitt eummooing rors, holding court &c. jU- 43.60 181.25 . ’ A. 0. llulla 15 d.a)'S $2.00 $30.00 Mil''aj;e 130 n.iics @5e. wth LOO ?^'2—democratic 141,894, re-, |,i;i.l.c-.a 118,887. Ti.is year the total ^ appears to be 280,327. an increase oi, jq 19,44C. 1 !:e’Elizahfcih iljty Beacon calls for a meeting of tlia presidents of the lieiiiociatic cluos of Bladen county ; lor tbc tKjrpuae ol foi miug a perma-j nent county club. This is a more in the right direction. The Democrats should keep up tbeir organizations. j Miie.'-ge 20S miles @ 5c. S. A, Hciiloy 1=; (I’s @ 2.00 .30.00 : Mileage 00 irile.=^ ® .5c. .3 30 ■ M. Uobins coun.stl 12 months F. Craven clerk, 1-5 u’s @ 2.00 33.30 25.00 30 00 The inaugm'atiou of Judge Towle $105.20 i ERfDOES. Ne'vr Market Ltiinber Co., lora. I ber for Muddy Creek bridge $10.00 D, N*. Bijrrow i’mber for bridge I in Frai.khnsville township 2.31 as Governor of North Carolina will' m. V\". Free, same 4.00 probably take place about January Jno. Lowe, same. Cedar Grove 20lii. The arrangeinwuta for it, ac- j township 1.25 cording to the law, must be made by Jqq. Lowe same 1-51 the legislature. The legislature m. C. Ridge building Muddy meets on the first Wednesday after j Creek bridge 122.00 the first Monday in January, which o. D. Bean repairing bridge in cotiRT notJSE. Joseph Betts putting lights ia clerks office 1 A, C. McAltsWr m’d’se B, B. Burns gfates for stove E, A. Moffitt Bob Bald win for repaifiHo paid John Betts repairing well W. P. Wood & Co. sett chairs &c. for '.a’d’sa \ Jesse Presneir ork in clerk’s \ * office • 1.50 1.60 6.55 1.00 10.50 fails on January 9ib. The World says: “Any flag tbrit flies for untaxed whiskey and war j taxed clothing, food, fuel and shelter j for the people may be an old Whig rag, Of a Republican banner, or a pi ratical ensign. But it is not, never •.was and never can be a Democratic flag.” An exchange Union township J. IL Spencer repairing 2b’ge3 in Union township B. F. Hayworth removing raft from Enterprise bridge j W. L. Hobbs lumber for bridge I in Randleman : J. A, Wall committee on Mud- j dy Creek bridge T. C. Fentress same >8' Benjamin Rash footway across asks: “What home without a newspaper?” to j Uwharrie which a brother editor replies r “It is * j, M. Pickett lumber for cul verts in C. Grove township E. R. Trogdon building bridge on Worthville road a place where old hats are stuffed in to the window SBsh, where the chil dren are like pigs, the house-wife like an aboriginal savage, and the Q, F. Beckerdite rep’ring br’ge husband with a panorama of the j near Walker’s mill Dismal Swamp painted on his bosom J. H. Burgess lumber for br’ge with tobacco juice.” \ It wili be gratifying bf this pastoral charge-to know that fh^recent Conference at Newberne has retnrned Rev. J. 0. Thomas to this work for another yoar. His two years’ labor among ns has been pro in Columbia township T—7“ 1 ' Sawyer & Farlow lumber for f,. I..,.,-, brioge in New Market t ship M. N. Brower plan and specifi cations. Spoon’s mill bridge A, S. Homey one day locating Spoon’s mill bridge 13.00 S.07 1.25 2.50 1.00 4.00 6.00 3.00 30.35 4.00 3.00 8.12 10.00 2.00 vcni0 LOUWA U9 USO wav' ( ^ a • l_ J , I J A u : G. G. Welborn rop’nng bridge dnctive of much good, and has served . ^ . , . J .. , I in Trinity township to greatly endear him to our people Just ai this stage of our church af fairs, Bro. Thomas knows better than any new man could just where to be gin in order to successfully continue the good work already begun. For this reason, if no other, his return will meet the hearty approval of the Church. Bat in addition to this be j is just the man we wanted iinyhow. ! With Uncle Joe at the helm we al ways feel safe. A. R. Keearns repairing bri’ge ia Tabernacle township Uriah Preanell lumber for br’ge in Cedar Grove township Joh'u Lowe for same W. L. Hobbs latpber for bri’ge ia Randleman township Plummer & Hill lumber bridge in Concord t’jhip 6.65 6.76 1.40 5.80 2.40 -t ,v ■' for $260.76 The Republicans around here have it settled that J. B. Eaves ia to be the collector under the new administra tion. In that event we suppose his “Reliables”—“men who are not afraid j of the devil”—will be the raiders, the deputy collectors, the storekeepers and gaugers, fec. These ‘‘Reliables” were promised, you recollect, that when Harrison was inaugurated they should be rewarded. When these fearless men get into the offices we wili have a return to the good old times of the carbines, the bra.s8 knuck les and the blndgeon. Pleasant pros pect! No wonder North Carolina POBLIC KOABS. E. A. Moffitt summoning jurors I, W^ Burgess juror A. J. Patterson ” T. J. Stroud ” J. C. Foust ” J. C, Lowdermilk summoning jurors G. L Spinks juror H. Miller i J. S. Lawrence ” IW W Lawrence ” I. Lowdermilk ” W. F. Foushee serving orders J. F. Craven same went 'Democratic.—Statesville Land mark. 1.25 2.00 2.00 3.9S 26.90 10.60 10.75 185 2,00 10.00 35.00 17.00 LISTING TaOPERTY. OPE llAIL-EOAD. The stockholders of the High Point, Randleman,*Asheboro an-l Soutbern Railroad Company met at High Point Dec. 6th, and completed the organi zation of said company. The follow ing gentlemen were elected Directors: W. II. Snow,"'Elwood Cox, W. O. Harris, J. H. Ferree, J, E. IValker, T. C. Worth, A. C. McAlister, W. P. Wood and G. S. Bradshaw. At a meeting of the Directors Mr. Elwood Cox was elected President to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Robert P. Dicks ; Mr. S. G. Newlin, Secretary and J. H. MilUs, Treasuer. An executive committee consisting of Elwood Cox W. O. Harris and Gr. S, Bradshaw was appointed to whom the Board of Directors delegated such power as ia necessary to consummate the plans of the company. Col. Andrews Company. The Coubiek is pleased to know that all the srraugementa are pra,.ticBli v completed and the Road jS asbiited beyond any reasonable doubt. The surveyors are now on the line completing their work and a lai'ge force will be put Ix) work as early after the Holidays as is pos» sible to perfect the necessary arrange ments. With any thing like favora ble weather tue Road is assured tc The CoURIEii i-ps-tkclil. knowelh whereof H. M. Johnson (1887) 12.00 FrankliD Coltrane (” ch’d 21.) 17.00 H.C. Causey (” ) 14.00 D, H. Hayworth 18 00 L. Woollen 10.00 J. W, Ridge 16.00 M. 0. Ridge 17.00 T. W. Ingram 16.00 Z. F. Rush 16.00 Wn3. Brauson 14.00 J. M. Johnson 16.00 D. G. McMasters 36.00 J. E. Albright 17 00 Geo. W. Floyd 18.00 j K. M, Cox 14.00 J. L. Cox 16.00 J. N. Cauble 25.00 J. M. Fonshe 18.00 A. S. Homey 18.00 1. W. Burgess 18.00 326.00 SUPERIOR COURT. J. T. Lowe bringing Martha i Jackson bsfore court 3.00 1 J. N. Wiaingham officer grand jury. Spring term 10.00 J. H. Hill cryer, Spring term 10.00 G. S. Bradshaw making and duplicating dockets &c 18.50 G. S. Bradshaw certificate and seal for convicts 1.50 E. A. Moffitt summoning ju- rora, holding court &c 41.65 J, N. Wininghata officer grand jury. Fall term 10.00 J, H. Hill cryer, Fall term 12.00 G. S. Bradshaw making and doplKiating dockete, bills of 1 cost &c 31.00 25.45 STATi® COSTS* Paid witnesses 1,046.94 stationery, printing kc. Edward t Brongfilon for sher* ifTs receipt bocAs Courier printing; notices to Justices of the Peace printing tax not'ces Babbingtoc & Ro*'"''!'® station- ery for clerk Edwards & Brough record books, fltp.f.'__ ery t chattel record m,. ^.egister J A. Harrell recor .3 book for clerk T G. S. Bradshaw »xpre83 on same CouEiETi, publishing notice to delinquents report of finance ccijnmittee annual exhibit W. P. Wood & Co stationery for cle.rk • same for Register J. A. Harrell blanks W. F Craven stationery and postage CouEiBR, publishing notice of precinct removal &c G. S. Bradshaw stationery for clerk E. A. Moffitt sheriff’s lai-d warrant book Dike Book Co stationery for clerk Babbington, Roberts & Co, dockets for clerk Edwards Broughton & Co wit ness ticket blanks bills of cost blanks E. M. Uzzel! same W, F. Wood d: Co stationery for Register for clerk IQcyrtvo* Diiblishing stock c..'' election Liberty precinct notice J. A, Harrell blanks for clerk McAlister & Morris ledger for clerk Harrell Bros blanks for Reg ister Edwards & Broughton oonnty order book W. F. Craven blanks, postage, &c for Register Edwards & Broughton sheriff's tax receipts Courier, publishing notice to tax payers printing blank road orders publishing notices for bids on bridge W. P. Wood & Co stationery for clerk and Register Courier, publish’g tax notice CARRYING PRISONERS TO JAIL. D. D. Livingston carrying Joe DeBerry from Laurinbnrg (charged $o8.25} A. B. Crouse carrying D. H. Underwood G. M. Allred carrying Jim W’illiams J. W. Staley guard for same T. A. Slack carrying Arthur Craven from Moore co. Bob Bray G. H. Wright A. B. Crouse carrying Record and Bunton T. A. Slack carrying Lewis Guess from Montgomery co J. F. Jarrell carrying Jesse F reeman D. -J Gsster carrying Bettie An derson 21.75 2.25 2.00 8.00 3 00 3.00 JAIL. Atlas Baldwin cleaning oat r'ell 6. D, Hnnsucker boarding pris- 2,37 5.50 .70 3.35 .80 2.64 4.40 4.00 3.50 onero Nov. ’87 Dee. ( Jan. '88 Feb. «• M’ch April «« May «« June t July 4f Aug. 1 Sept. u Oot. (« 106,75 80.85 76.22 72.17 78.97 74.40 76.60 93.55 119.20 134.07 136.72 47.5? A. C, MsAlister mdse 7.80 W. P. Wood & Co mdse 9.34 Dr S. A. Henley visits to pris oners 1.50 McAlister & Morris mdse 2.70 W. F. Wood & Co “ 13,45 Dr 3. A. Henley prescription for prisoners 2.CO same 1 -50 samo 3.00 Thoma.3 Fariow & Co lumber for fence 30.17 John Betts 18;^ days work on fence 18.25 hauling 3 loads lumber 1.75 Dr S. A. Hetilay visit to priso ners &c 2.0c W. ?. Wood & Co mdse 11.24 McAlister & Morris bolts &c for fence .70 mass 9 -54 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A First Class School for BOYS and GIRLS. Kermrsville- A.cadefny. KERNERSVILLE, N. C. SPRING term: opens JAN. 7th, 1889. This school now ranks amongst t.ie largest and most prominent in Piedmont Carolina. Its prosperity is now greater than it has been in sixteen years, ft possesses rare advantages in ihe way of board and tuition. I Location ; The academy is a large 5 Ko I brick building situated in the beautiful land healthful town of Kerner.-ville oi: j the line of the N W. N. C. R. K. 13.80 I Expeli.ses'per term (.7 mouths) $40 to $60. Music per terra $12.oO. No deduction save in eases of protract ed illness. Parents and guardians would do well to inform themselves of the excellent advantages offered. Correspondence respectfully solicited. Address, H. L COBLE. A. B. rRINClPAT.. With Four Assistants. (tf.) c.F.&i.y. CONDENSED SCHEDULE NO. 4. Taking effect 3.45 A. M., J/onda'. Sept. 24f/i, 1888. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. 3.00 2.25 67.05 1.50 \f- 1 « Ac n anc j Lv Benneftsville, Ar Maxton, Lv Maxtoii, Ar Fayetteville, I.v Fayetteville, Ar Sanford, Lv Sanford, Ar Greensboro, Lv Greemsboro. Ar Mt. Airy, jjo, 1—Dinner at Greensboro, l reight and Accomoiodafion—Dinn iit Germantori. 5.45 a. m. 6.00 %. 1 7 05 S 20 a • 7.15 “ 9.15 a*. 9 00 “ 1.25 p. ri 9,1.5 “ 9.25 a. n 31.15 1:40 p. I- 31.27 “ 2;;{0 4« 2 30 p. m 3.00 “ . 7:25 -5 a. t 7.0) ^ 5.. 5 p.r TRAINS MOVING SOUlil. Notice / 1213.52 (CONTIHITED.) OASH SYSTE^-’- lUL, mUIBTEE 1.65 1.0( 2.70 2.15 17.10 2.50 1.50 2.50 11.35 2.50 wmm^ After 8 months CASH experience m the Mary V. Underwood vs. Jonathan Hiashaw and others. To tbo heirs at law of Rebecca Nelson dec'd: You are hereby notified that at my office on the '20th day of November 1888. I shall proceed to distribute the money arising from the sale of the lands o'* Re becca Nelson dec'd. for nartiticn where and when you can sJtend with any te.-ti- mony you have. Vf itness niv hsiud thls'Oet.. Loth. 1888 GEO.'S. EKADSHA.W.O S. C. -FOURTH I FAR.- immm aoabemy. A NCBilAL SCHOOL FOR COLOTEH RACK Ak.6;laeI>o>jp>, C, FALL TERM: 9tk jio , 19th—12tk iso., 21.st, ’88 SPRING TER3I: 1st mo., 2kd—.5Tn mo.. 23iid, ’89. Tiiie Academy offers excellent educa tional ad vanraFes at the lowest cost to boih .sc:re.5 oi’colored race, Ti'j Normal Department is one of the ino.'t inteic.sting fe.'iture.-. Jhuiy of (he schools of this conn*3’ are now taught by former pnpi s. Tiip. Primavy and Sewing Deparl- msist? are. in charge of an exinrh-nced teacher wiio was trahied ;u the Noraial Uepartn'-ent. Board : Six dollars per mouth. aluSTC. (including use of organ; Two dollars per month. For parck-r.Iars, address (be Pi inoinai. W. U. MFADK. Lv Mt. Ain.', Ar Greensboro, I.v Greensboro, Ar Sautord, Lv Sanford, AT Fayetteville, Lv Fa3'ettevil'e, At Maxton, Lv Ma:U0P. Ar Bennettsville, No. 2. Passenger and Mail, .'i.-Li a ni 7:45 “ lO.-OO 1 :H5 p m 1 rreo “* 4:50 “ 4:11 ” 6:15 6:25 Freigti- A Ac’k k:15 a 1 4:40 p I 7:30 a i 2810 p I 2:30 “ 6:.50 6:45 ai il:0a “ 12:00 near ?. :4o p No. 2—Breakfa.st at Greensboro. Freight and A cconimoih-tion—Dinnt at Germantoii. No. 2—Dinner at ,'^anford. Factory Branch. Freight and Accom modation. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. Lv Minhoro, Ar Groen-sboro, S:(Xt a m 9:3C a m TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. I.v Greensbero, .3:o0 p m ArMil'borr., .I:. 5 P;i.-;si'nirf r ,an:i M.ail 'I'rai-as run dailj except .■'uiid.iy. Fr,-i'''ht and aceon'ir.odati.''’' rr." n rum from tK'niie"rsr lle to 1. H. fJEIilK. DBjlrn \5n OI?, -K. ". P RaC I’ICES in the htate and Fcdcn.i Courts. V.Jll be at A.sheboro 5Ion- day morning at the beginning of o.iels 'i'(>rm. l!l:!f ELECTIONS. J. N. Caudle transc’bing books and registering voters J. T. Lowe serving notices R. M. Welborn same J. E. Albright registering vo ters E. A Moffitt serving 31 notices W. F. Craven issuing 95 noti ces L. Woollen register- John F. Jarrell serv LITNATICS. Wiley Cox part expense iring- ing M. P. Trogdon frorf asy lum W. F. Trogdon satte Z. F. Rush taking -lane Wake to asylum Z. F. Rusk juaiices fees same case W. A. Dougan same J. F. Jarrell sheriff’s fee same case ' A. C. Balia pbysiciai ‘‘‘i fee T. A. Slack and W. J- Parks carrying Geo. asylum D. J. Gaster earryin Mary A. Byrd to asylum Dr. A. H. Redd-mo- isaminiag G. H. Wrigh’ A. S. Homey si™* Hugh Parks sa ® J. C. Lowde:a‘1*f carrying Louis Crave,’ asylum X03.20 4.18 3.00 3.00 .36 18.60 51.10 4.16 15.00 20.35 1.90 2.00 .80 5.00 37.50 25.40 6.00 2,00 2.00 35.40 come to tbs public this week with ens of the most complete lots of merchan dise ever offered in Asheboro. Both BUYER Al ilLES are pleased with the CASH fiysteni, which gradually grows in pop-olar favor as the people anderstsed tlist they are saved the amonat lost by tiie Eeckless Credit Bystom- They will continue their bagincijs on the same plan to RANDOLPH C OTINTY-SiRierior Ccorl CRTER of PUBLrOA'nON .a. M. BiiJa. Adrii’r of Janie.s Fau'.knor dec" 1, vs. David Ffiuliiner an ! other.';. It uppoaiin : to til,' court thnt this ,.n aotiun for i h.o-Siih- of h’.rid.s frr a.-s l.s 10 pay" dei'ts. uiiri (bat tm* (k'le’u.r.nt- M-arcyliiw i.'iiid P. I .-iiilkutr are i’.on r(";!dt‘nr of the of North Carolina, and after du'.‘ diligeoet* c.-vii not bo louiKl tberoiii, it is now. on niotiovi, ordered by the court r,h:\i niifilicalii.n lit made in th- Ash, liORO Co.hmkk. :i v.'eekiy new sjiapcr published m the town of At iieboro. fnr six .‘iuccessire v .-e’s.s. (or the said defemianhs Marc,'Hus Fauik- ner and P.-M. F.'.idkner. norifyin':' tliein of the uiing of the p 'f (ion ia ibi; c.ise. ar.'i coainnuidiog (hem to .anp,.-r.r and plead, nn>v.,'r or dc.niir to ihe sai.'l ptti- vioii on or bcfiore th uih day i f Oc(,>b;;.' lSo8, orjiidgiiKut v. -I) be rendered in fa vor of th.e peiiiioa i.inl aga'n-n tb: m for t!>e I'tlief (leiiiMiid. d in tj.e petition. Diis Ana;. 23rd i>8>, GUG.-S. BHAiiSilAW. C. s, t:. Vi‘((, ' OI f'lirsd.-iy.*. 'Idinr.-day.s :iiin Satidats ■froni N '-,. ettevid • iioeusbo; o or, Mon ■ 'ays. \V t'.im sil.u .s and Krld-ji--; fron (d'l '-nshoro iti Mt. .\i>v on .'e, i,■!:!»>•, Vfeim sd-ivs and i-'r',; ivs: from Mi. .Airj to ore*-!! lam 071 d'l., slays, 'i'li nrs-da-i’i and > it-Lird iy.s. fn -i Grei nsb;.ri tr. Pay. (-Itio die i-i! - .'Vs. jb.irsd.ays r.nc .‘s-itnriiays rud fr. m I av't.f'vi!it' Tteu- ni't svilie Mn;ni.i\.s W , >:ries,'ays u.,;] Fri days, i'aelory r.it.iit’i Truiiis riiu liaily exce}'.: Suin'ii.s. W F K YI.H f', a'l Pa A>;ent. •J. \V. UiY. Gcn’l s'ui.t,. AriTNIHkN L.tDIES of llANDOLPH 1 ‘mAK GE blossom;’ cures Eini i. Worth iis weigr t in gold tn any snlfcrirg I'irl .n- wi no,u Hy a,i- Iressiiig Mrs I, -' D. Nii'de:', Dt liazice, N G.. and ei cbisiug two-cei.t --laim) b.adies of K:i> 'o'! iiy mad. fi-sP o, ■oti .lyie, a . ■i’tbis 'nndde 'meriy. Dr .'n.7illi I'ls-u i'aik to Ihe Li.diis. ard fm; par F'cnia'S -Vs or, r f'Ti tbor- irid ladie. in Nor-Ji (" e'-olina .a'co-' iinve sfi^d tin merits of F wo'.derfid core, a .d innu’ aftion) have rf(,nested th.at their n:imc, be eivci. ho- ref,-,:n . Tho-e win) wi>l to (1:0.ii'-,' eae t :• iiv be ('''ovinri d (liat v.''i.''.tevi'r ' he i idoM s of (In' paid ' av we ! are i-, D an." Fi,- son, a per uM’.ii'.n and f.idiif v -af,' ■ lire for th aid.ii rn fe.rms of Fon,«!e 'Venkne.ss vvliiel iii've So hf-rtl, d (lie .sktl! of ou hpst niiii-.e ns and Inh' Die Motiu I'• ant !>augi,(,'rs o( oni land p.i isi.u,-'s in thei; iron" ttra.sji. a lade ayent 'ranted foi eacli towiiso.!;! in ".le ot niy. LOi: D. lill.LFR. 1 Htn P.aiidoirii o,. N. C. JmS. Sale- virt i, iJ a.: l'. t I ' r- t , lante^ il. (•- lit-C 1VE3Y p*)i 9 156.01 with their ecw lot of goods at aston ishingly 1.0 w ruiCES. Thej also keep constautly ia ctc-jk a fulfbv. cf the CENTRAL M’F’G CO’S Slieetings and To m.oo (s’,., -*"*'>21 .'4 tu-ci* V kftli !!;. i;NK'8 0\i.Y$7.C!i. cent entaiogue f. ee. Wiiy pay re- 1,ad tii'ices. We .'sell sett each iiioii;',.. Agents wanted. Naticnal Harness Co. Yfholesale H.in- ufactJirers, 14 to 24 Wells St, Buffalo, N. T, —AT FACTORY FRICES.- SSrOall anfJ isno ■tlxeMai-' To Tarv Payers. Theta'x books will be at my office until the 1st of December. All who ha-yC J^t paidjwiil do well to pay their taxes ou or before that day. Necessity will ciimpell mo to close up ray taxes_ at once, therefore I hope all will come for ward promptly and pay, and save trouble and eost. I shall not make another round ij for taxes, but will give an appoint ment In Trinity, Liberty, Brower, New Hope and at Hoover Fill of winch due and timely notice will be given, to these townships. Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. Very Respectfully. E. A. Moffiti, Sheriff. Asheboro. N. C, Nov. 8tb 1888. —sa sadl io'e-aisju-ics.— BoA-RD, including furnished room, fuel, and -yashing, §6.50 to $T.,30. 'JuiTiCT.th. per month, $M0f) tc S3.00. Prapaves for college and for bu.siness. Thorcug instruction by e-cpcrienced te.achers ia -all the branches usual.y tp.ught in primary and a-cadenaical schools Correspondence solicited. Pupils may enter at .any time. For further infoi mation address, w. Farmers, N. C. jp2*iriciy>a.L Oni-w: ! jfs Tlie vVoi'cl ! The PROGRESSIVE FAK^,tER en ters its THIRD VOLOIE at following rates- 1 subscriber 1 year ft .25 6 subscribers 1 year 5.00 10 subscribers 1 year 10.00 One copy, 1 year free to the one send ing a club of ten. Eight p:ages, 4) columns, -weekly. Send CASH (charges prepaid) to X... L. i»or..iir. Raleigh, N C. I,' . I ■ - . ’ll.": A fraet a’d - :r.:- K- '■Tt J. ■ in- a::.i ( J’ers and li-.iire Oi- i ‘‘aid ii, liic .iewit i .'.V tl'p fel!.vi:i;r "i ; ! e.-:la bin,' b, ,’ilired, Th'v, r;,,! coal.aifiliig ;-N' to I'O r-.;T'-,!S oi liie V.-Jii .) .v TuK.’ii.s—Dne-half e*,.-;!!. I'l" "■ main- ing o'.’.e-iii'lf oil "T, i’t of -i:. "'on-hs, the purchaser giving boi,l anti ai.tiraved ■SPcniily tlierefoi- the title ••.■-'erved till the further onler of the court. This 14th day oi Noveiub.-'r 1888. J. S. CUX. Adin'r. If A NOTICE. LL perions having Deeds or other pap.’srs in ins Register's office ar,‘ ear- ne.-^tlj' rst-uested to call and get them on o- beibre ihe first Monday in December, 1888, ai -which tims my term of office expires. it is to every man’s intexeat to fstu his pa-ners of value'nto hi.i erva p'^ses. sion alter being rec'ird'd and not to leave them in the oiLce where they are handled almost daily, and trier'.h'* made liable to ge.i mi.splaeed ; and further : It Is my desire to ie.-ive tiie business of the office in go.nd shape. To do tliis it is necessary for me to deliver all Deeds (ie.. ttiat I h:ive rccoriied tu the proper ov.-ners, before ’oaviag the office. Please call, there.’ore, and get your papers anc thereby accommodate your self and very rnucfi oblige me. Very Respectfully, W. F. GRAVEN. ^ ■ Reg. of Deeds. Nox. 13th, 1888. I^Subscribe for the Coubher. M. BEABSHAW, AXXOKMEY AX I.AW; ASHEBORO, X. U. (^Sta'e and Federal tV>urts.*@K

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