The Asheburo Mail Schedule. High Poikt ; Arrives at 5 :30 p. m. daily. Leaves at 7 :30 a. ra. “ TnoMA.'vrLt,E: Arrives Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 12 30 p. m. Leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Troy : Arrives Tuesday aud Friday at 7 p. ta. Leaves 'Wednesday and Saturday at 3 a. m. CAHTaAGE: Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 p. m. Leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. zn. Hills Store: Arrives Tuesday and Saturday at 7 p. ro. Leaves Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a. m. LOCAL DOTS. All who expect to pay their ii subscriptions in wood are requested to do ao at once. If you are due the Coitrieb any- fhinjr, p&y at once and save us the trouble «/f sending you a statement of your account. Cold weather. TIio rail road is certain. Early sown wheat looks well. Ttic cotton wagons are rolling in. Montgomery in talking rail-road. Two weeks from Tuesday till Christmas. Sberil? Moffitt is collecting taxes with a vengeance. The next annual Conference will be held in Greensboro. Prodding Elder Sharpe has been sent to Haw Eiver circuit. Boo’t forget to read aheriffMoffiti’s Dolice concerning your taxes. SheriS Moffitt formally turned over to Sheritf Swaim last Sattrday. There were eeveoteen marriage li censee issued in the mcalh of Nov. Mr. J. J. Betts ia building a res-. dence just beyond the Methodist church. I’cysier Craven reports 187 mar riage liceo les issued during the year ending Nov. 30th. PrepcjHtiuas are being made for a concert »pd Ghrictmao tree by the Sunday school ca Christmas Sve. are Gxed in foreign markets where they compete with the farmers of the world ; that their lands are declining Misses Sadie and Mary Carr | cept such prices for their products as Bingham, of Bingham’s School are visiting the family of Col. McAlister. Elsewhere see advertisement of that fionrishing school, Kernersville jwhile their debts increase; Academy. Prof. Coble established ; compensating favor an enviable reputation as a teacher by the government to in Randolph before moving to Ker nersville. We congratulate him up pay for the beneht of others such en hanced prices for the things they on his success in his new field of la-that the scanty retnrns of their bor and take pleasure in recommen ding his excellent school. Mess. J. W. Shelton & Co. are still here renovating feathers. They have done quite an amount of work in and around town, all of which, so far as beard from, is perfectly satis factory. Feathers fifty years o,ld have been submitted to a tborougb test, and after renovation appear as clean and fresh as new ones. We cordially recommend them to all who have work to be done in this line. Mr. Wro. Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Phelps of Indiana, were in town last week, the guests of DV. Henley. They originslly went from thin oonn- never labor fail to furnish their support, or leave no margin for accumulation.” The whole message is full of sound doctrine dealing master blows at the sophistries of the protectionists. As a condition and not a theory, the President points to the achievements of aggregated capital, the existence of trnsts, combinations and monopo lies, while in the rear is the private citizen struggling or trampled to death beneath an iron heel. Be closes his appeal upon the subject of tariff redaction by saying: “The cause for which the battle is waged is comprised within Lnes clear ly and distinctly drawn. It should ty. and with the pluck aud vim char seteristic of the Randolph emigratian, the}' have made a success in the State of their adoption. Like every native Carolinian they etill love the State that gave them birth, and now in the evening of ’heir lives they journey back to the scenes of their childhood. We trust they may find it pleasant to remain some time among us. Suits, pants, 1 ats, anderwear, neckwear. All good.s priced in plain figures. Men’s women’s und children’s shoes. Positively one price to everj'body. Ladies cloaks, jackets, jerseys and shawls Elegant line of tine dress goods. Boots £i;tl shoes for tiie men and boys. Romeaibi r we’re lieadqiiarters for carpets Overcoats trom tno dollars to eighteen. White, red an 1 gray blankets, all grades. Nobody undersells ns, far or near Svaniple Bremen’s One Price House, Greeszsboro. F. C. DO - -’■•id. It is the Pimyli, Sores, Aches .‘tud fains. When . hundred bottles of sarsa parilla or other pretentious .-.peciiica fail to erdicate in born scrofula or contagio“s blooii poison. lememoer that B. L B. (Botanic Bu.od Bdiu) has gaipid many thousand victories, in »8 miny seemingly incurable in stances. Send to the Blood Baim Cu., , Atlaatfi.Ga., for -Book of Wonders’ j acd be totivinced. It is the only true i blood oirifier. ! G. IV. Messer, Howell’s X Roads. Ga., writes: ‘T was afflicted niue years v-ith sores. All the medicine I coaid fivke did me no good. I then tried 5. B. B., and 8 bottles cured me soiind.” ■ Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Round Moun- tain, (I’exas, writes: “A lady friend SERGEANT MANUFACTURiN } C^. C3-r©©;ns''ooi*o, O. iAKVFACTT«KSS OP FARBAB TUBeiNE WATER WHEEL, COOK ANO HEArifiC STOVE?*, S^w Milhs Cane Mills, Horse Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Castings of Every L'escriptioa- tiarSer^d for Price-List. HI lll^■I^IIT>lll I H T1 fi Wiiiioi REDUCTION IN FRICK. Attenti''in is caded t» the f 'I’lnvirg le- diiced rates of ip ion, cndi in ad- gT.Oa per n>..-mn LI3EETY ACADEI4Y. MALE AND Fi'MALE. Fall term begins ing. i;Bh. ISSS, includ.’.TT furnished roi iiis. •JTIto 13iil Star. of mijne was troubled with tiuraps and j w pimples on her face and neck, bbe j i took three bottles of B. B. B., and lOne Mo.o.b, ---^ fisrskin got soft and smooth. p'im-!TIlK ATTl'U'EHiL-Y ts-s' O'le Y'ear Six -Months, ““ of Farr™' be W .G. 'Hsmmsr /.cr.oox.'_ .via ■ ftwre tbo Teachers’ Acsembly Saiur day. Everybody invited. it gives 08 pleftsurs to announce that j£r. riorris. who has been con- fincrl to his roonn for several days with rielnic.^B, is convaiescuig- T’le Teachers' Assembly will be held in the Court House Saturday. Every teooher is earnestly requested to be- j-recant Business of impor ts ure r iii be transacted. Judge Lynch. Van Canady, Hie heartless assas- SI of farmer I'bilbeck of Cleveland o«»i’nty, was taken from the jail in Shelby on Saturday night end lynched. riis murder was one of the most cold-blooded ever perpetrated in oar couo try, and justice has been meted out to the murderer. The lynching party was composed nuodred deteruiinod men, **Dd ell resistance was unavailing. prisoners fifv ,v.. to cell, tied people 8 canse. That of itself should be written in the diary of every patriot, and be the everlasting motto of every statesman. His message deals with all the ques tions of government with equal force and clearness. It will be treasured in after years as the guide of states- ^ men, and along with the message of 'i-’*'' Andrew Jackson, it will be the grand exponent of Democratic doctrine— the concentration of the p-olUical eth ics of a free republic. We are sorry that we can’t give the message in full, but space forbids. Conference. plea (Rsappeared, and her health im- provt 5 greatly.” Ja 3. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga., p - * uars s go I contracted i poison. I hau no di,-, • ion wa3 rained, rheum clrg# Up my limbs so I could hardly ij-gik, my throat was cauterized five tjjjjes. Hot Springs gave ms no benefit, my life was one of torture until I gg-ve B. B. B., a trial, and, surprising j,9 jt may seem, the usf.^of five bottles Three .. fiui- Telegraph Nows ‘ervice has r&- ■ c-iii'.v boon largely increased, it i? tit-:., rcy 1 r:ir Ootpvroinarion to keep the Stak up iti.aas.n tu the- highest staudarJoi newspaper ex cellence. Address, WM. H. BERNARD, Wiiniingtou. N. 0. iVushing .‘0 eeiiif p'f month. Tuinon per month from sl.flo to $-l,‘ '> —a( wording to branolief- .-tinlicd, Insiruti-i iMai music iiieUKling use oi ii".frotucnt S'ki-i pu-r moiith. fiiesde- paTtiu-jiit vili "e under tin- '.i.-ieetioiis ot ■■ii.'S -M. E of Frai kiin.sville, i'., w iiO w iis gradiiatoj ul ti eGroeiit- b(.rn Femaie ( oilege with high ;-onor.s. Ihi ideiitai fee.per term, fO cei.-s Number of Student? ID last } c u- ever -200 -Vii'c fe-r'i -gut J. M. WEATHERLYT 7>in. With four a.s'^lstants. ( Tie Wssllf RICHxMONP, VA. THE GREAT FAMILY TrEEKLY. 04 CoiumuH, only §l e Have joist i-eeeivel c ur Spring Stock of Dry Goods and T^'otions for 1888—one of the nicest ard largest ever carried and invite tbo aJentioa of buyers. also have a l£.rge stock of Staple and Fancy Gro cories, J. W. Scott & Co., OLSIIIG. CLOTHIl. ‘^11; j news i'i'oia al,l pans ... .. linT'Ti fliix i telegraphic service covers cvevy e-oumrv. >VC .Ucl VU lllC, An great social, religions and political Largest Stock of fme Greensboro. N. 0. \ Quite a number of t’ue pnblic schcf,';’. of the county will give enter- taiiitrto-'ts dorieg the holidays. We are g’r-d to see it. It means interest in tesoher and student. We return thanks to Geo. H. Cox, IIuc.‘; Jr. and W, H. Browor for an lev tstion to the entertcinment to be given by the Students of Frank linpvd! Academy on Deo. 20tb, at o’clock p. to. Prof. W. C. Haramer, of Farmers, gave us a pleasant call on his way to ■Wortl vill.e Saturday, He reports Fa‘Tiers’ Academy in a fionriphiiig condition, ani a big eatertainment in soak for Christmas Eve. Rev. P. F. W. Stamey, the Presid ing Eider of the Trinity College DiaU will serve in that capacity for tlia fisrt time thia year, H® has been one of the most popular oi pastors, and will doubtlena prove himself equal to the requi.ocients cf thz tion to which he is e'tllsd. Gov. Scalso Las appointed Col. 'B. F. Armfielct of t’ao eighth dis trict of Ncrth C’aroa’na, vies W. -T. Montgomerji irao has tendered hie resignatici'. CcL Arrr.£eid will oc cept the pooifcicn scci take charge of the circuit after the first day of Jan uary. Makkied—At the residence of J. M. Williamo, i'Tov. 'iMh, 1888, Mr. Loci an J. .•linea of Forsythe to Miss Maggie E, WlUiams of Sandolph,*^ Also, at the residence of Tbos. C. Dixon Esq,, Dec, 5th, 1888 Dr. M. F. Fox of Gailford to Miss Flora A. Dixon of Chatham. Uncle Isham Cox officiating. May the future lives of the happy pairs continae as bright as was their nuptial day. I- C. brought out the murderer add the rope around his neck. ' At the meeting of the stockholders of the H. P., R., A., & S. R. R. Co. held at High Point, Dec. 6th, 1888, Meas. M. S. Robbins, J. H. Miliis and G. S. Bradshaw were ap pointed a committee to draft a reso lution expressive of the sense of the •neeiiug as to the death of President Dicks. The following was offered by said cooimiltee and unanimously adopted : Whsueas, the sad mtel’igenee of the death of President Robert P. Dicks since the last meeting of the stock- hoie'ers has been anoounced, RictoLVEO. That in the death of their estssreed President, Robert 1'. Dick-s, not cnly the Company has lost oae cf of its most substantial members, but the community iu which he lived, cas of its roost enterprising and public 2«iirited citizens and one whose place it will lie hard for both lbs company and the community complelaly to fili. R.ESOLVED, That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this meeting and that a copy of the came bs forwarded to the family of the de ceased, . ■ The President’s -Message. The President delivered his annual message to the Fiftieth Congress on Dec. 5th, and though defeated npon the Tariff issue, he doesn't seek to explain, to excuse or to apologise for his position, but enters boldly and more forcibly than ever into an at tack on the nefarious and unjust Re pu’olican protective tariff. His gloomy forecast of the future of this country, in view of the rapid communism of wealth, fostered under a system of legislation which is stifling patriotic love of country and substituting self ish greed and grasping avarice, is a subject for honest, patriotic consider ation. Of the farmer the President says: “Our farmers, long suffering and patient, struggling in the race of life with the hardest and most unremit ting toil, will not fail to see, in spite of misrepresentation and misleading fallacies, that they are obliged to ac- Tbe North Carolina Annnal Con ^ ferenceoftbe M. E. Church South,' has just closed it o2nd session. It i was held in Centenary Church in New-1 berne. and was presided over by Bishop John C. Cranberry, with Hon.! D. W^. Bain Secretary. The usual amount of business was transacted, and gratifying reports submitted from the various charge’ of the Conference. Rev. R, B. John presented t’us re port of com-nitte»»on statistics. The report shows total inerabei^ 89,155, a gain of 2,607 over last > ■' Sunday .''"-t'ooi scholars rnd teact 8 gain of 8,337 ov3' the 1 yecr ; collectif'via f,-,. , .,r $13,125.61, a gain of $l,;oi).18 last year; domestic miss'-^os 78. & gam of $1,927.33, Twenty-one applicants were a>d mitted into the Conference on trial- The committee on the character (>f’ Rev. J. B. Bobbitt, D. D. reported th® charges unsustained. The foilowii^S were appointed to fill vacancies in tb'e Board of Trustees of Trinity Colige • J. T. Harris, F. L. Reid, W. G- Burkhead, W. R. Odell, V. A. Sharped .J. A. CuDniiiggim, E. T- Boykin, M- L. Holmes, J. F. Crowell. Space forbids us giving further re. ports. Vfe append below the ap pointments for Trinity College Dis trict. Tkinity District, P. F. W. Stamey, Presiding Elder. Randolph circiiii.—F. H, 'Wood, Zebedee Rush, I. F. Keearns, Sup. High Point Stalica—E. H, Davi.s, Thomasville Station—W. C. Vvil- son. Zion snd Prospect circuit—J. H. M. Giles. Lexington Station—J. E. Gay. Davidson circuit—M. W. Boyles. Jackson Hill circuit—D. C. Geddie. Uwharrie circuit—G. B. Perry. Eandleinaii and Naomi Station—J. R. Seroggs. Frsnklinsvil’e /•/rcuit—J, C. • V f. . . as. Siler ci.cuit—Oliver Ryder. Deep Rivct circuit—W. S. Chaffin. Deep River Mission—J. F. Craven. Montgomery circuit—D, P. Tate. Mount Gilead circuit—Jonathan Sanford, Pekin circuit—J, E. Woosley. Trinity College—J, F, Heilman. Prof. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Taxes! Taxes! T have concluded to iiold the Tax book? until the i?t day of -januavy ]S89. after which date I siiali proceed o sell propertt' to all taxe? remaining unpaid. [ dosi'e to cu:l your atter-fion !to Sec. 3.5 of the Machinery sit ci' 1SS7. which sj'.ys the Shcrih tdiall sell all lands whereon t'fio iaxes .-re not paid prior to January i.-t for the pieviou? year or year.-!. Longer indulgence '’an- hot and will n-ot be giver ;;3 I am com pelled to cior.e up uiy book? at once, ■Pay tip and save trouble and co.-rt. Dec. 10, 1SS8. Respccifiilly. B. A. MOEF.ITT. atrh is fl’.h’d with Iho news from all pafis of the wurui. Our great, social, reJigr mov-iaeiits at liome or ttbroad arc faith- I fully chronicled. .-MX aB ® B ff a. ji All new discoverir-s in .scion* e and (heir ein(i ! application to agricnltnrai and ti;e.:i ur.i- ^ I cal arts, find a place in its ..tiiuuiiis. mcr t.a.s a tlepartinent full of active inatt’r; and the ladies are kept informed of Fashior.’s varj icg pha ses and of all new household nc'. cldcs. It is a welcome visitor to cvi rv mciii- Furaisliing Goods North Carolina. We » , • 1 { iL IS a ’vveHRiiiic visitor have lust received ■ her o.Miie famiiv. I Every number c‘'-j.(;iins our Third Stock, this seaso.n and are now ready for the Slimmer Trade with anything you in A valuable plankition, locaved2J miles Southeast, of ’’’i-inity College. Well equipped every "ivay. Contains 120 odd acres. Apply at once lo J. V. CRANFORD, rrogres.s. N. O. LAIH BALE, could ask for CLOTHING, and Fiirn,h'iiing Goods for jjr.jL iti fl Bovs an interc.sfing stom/, and po* frail s and biograj.ihical sketches of leading men oi our own aa*! other countric.s. A weekly review o' in*’ priiiciii-d mar kets of the Bui led Statc.s as an inipc.rt- i ant feature. Tu short, we a-m (.o make Ihc. Mhnkly Disparcl. so iUtra.nve hi all lis .‘:cp la ments that its rea'lers will not widiiigly give it up, and .so va blc as .an educaicr of young and old, *.. . no family can afl'ord t*. be withoul it. i^poeial attention it,given to Norlh Car. oiinanews. our corps of ccrre.spr.ndent.? in iliac St.afc furnishing ■.•crything ofin- te’^.'St uromptiy Vjy telegraiili. Jar circiilatian va.s doubled the pa't year. Tiie huge .additions to our .au'o- scriution lisCs air. ady rcc- ivcd. giNC rs- sur.nici- thai it wii; bi- more tjian douLlert .agaln t.'ii:-i year. Saropls topics mailed free to any ad dress. Try the ''teekiv Dlspati.-h ore year, by Sending a *1* IHr to THE dispatch company. incpn’-f nU. Vt . B Y virtue of an order of sale granf*?d by the .superior court of R.andolpb coun ty on (he p?!il ion of Natlien B. Staley rttiiti’r of Solomon Sialey dec’d again,-t Henry Staley .-tiid others ; I shal' sell at the town of f.iberty at 12 o’clock M., on the 12Tif DA'Y OF JAN., 18S0, the following re.d e-tato. u>-wit: A fiact of land in (.balham coi’uty. adj-ioing the lands of Dtiv'd i'!cMti.-lcr.-i, ^am Mc- I'bei.^ou aod orhci.s and eo’a'tiir.’ag t-i acres. Tekms—One-third ctisVi; the remaining ii two-thirds on a credi'i of sis inonih.c, Ihe. [ purchaser giving bond and security and jthe title reserved till the further order of I the court. This 11th day ol Dee., ISSS. M. B. STaLEY, Adm’r. and Youths, tor tbeUii] Goods and low est prices aiwayi call cii iis. Very Respectfully, 'I'ixt.s Wecslcly D ! I I TfiE V’Teekly News f'iusekver Iis a long ways the best paper ever 1 pu'olishod in North Carolinr. It is a I credit to the people and to ihe State. The people sbooki ta'Ke a pride in it a iTr'fTTIYT I n’lVl ' it ’Q every toinily. It i-* P I [N H H I I A i ^' Il»=>per, chock full of f );«* A -(LtoJAA 1.AAJ "^’jbest sort of reading matter, news. LEADI.NG CLOTHIER. ; market rcpor.s, sml ail t.uat. Y * cannot afford to be Wicbont il, T.-ieo Greensboro, N. C. G. M. TANlrTORY, $1.25 a year. We will fnrnif!! ll^e 5Ia-aager. Weekly News and Observer until Janurry 1st, for $1. Send for saripla copy. Address NEWS AND OBSEUVER CO., Kaiaioii- N. LAND SAL^~” KU'SIISfKSS IL.OC-AJLS- IVI. I*ressi.eii, the Black-smith, is prepared to do any kind of work from half soling a cambric needle to building a Corliss engine. Give bim a call. Sbop at the old toll bouse. TLiOfst. During court week between Asheboro and Davis and Wainman’s saw mill a Lap Robe. A liberal reward be paid for the return of the same to this office. This April 3th, 1888. 1 Take notice that on the fith day of February, 1SS7, at a saic for taxes by E. A Moftit .sherifl’, for the years 2881. ’82, ’Si), ’8-t, 8.1, '8fi and ’b7, the under- ,-:igued purchased alno-t of laoil .situate jn Cedar Greve lownshi'^, Randolph ,.o!intv, known as the Mendeiiliail epni-ainiug h“ acres more o;' le-s. saiu fa lids having been Hsses--ed for (axes io , I'ii?, name, ami as the, lands of the ,)(r.)haii estate, ami tnat the time .F;"lho l»**>* lon tho*.--of W'.l*. expiv.*,-,;, I tj(r- ’jplij . yofFeb’uarv iSSh. a cl that if not, I *ifeined on or before the saia jOs-. Jav^ o(' J'ebruary 1SS9, I sh;,li applv io ihe Si:id sheriff E. A. Moffitt f-c-r a deed lor tl'.e same. 'This 12th Dec. ISSS. N. W. NEVy.RY. l^otice. ¥ou 0an Cwc-f 1 A bcRutifui Register (illustrated) ofl OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE titul | BUSINESS COLLEGE telling all | about that celebrated school j FllEE! j. I by the .Siipener Court ofEsniioiph cvjn- You should do this if you contetn-| ty on tlie petiiion of A. M p.ulia adu,.r plate patronising any school next;I'-R' - B Y virtue of an order of .«ale granted year. Prepares for Teac'aing, for Business or for College. 219 Students last year. This School is finely Iccated in the Piedmont re gion nf N. C.'(nep.r Greensboro, where good 'hoard caS be bad low.) It has splendid build ngs, fine study balls, and elegantly furnished Society Halls, beautiful Chapel, end is coin plelely eqaipped. One of the few first-tlass High Schools in the South. Addres.s, J. A. & M. H. ITOLT, 0.\. Rii'ge, N. 0, ner and others I shall .sell on the pr'n.- ises at T2 o'clock M., o.a the .3th. day of dec. 1888, the following ri al esi.o^ , to wit; A (riO t of land in Back Creek ton'i shli in s*** ! county, adjoining the lamls of ;'hir*-h MiTitr, James Mi’ler. Clark.-m Ih-T/irs and others on which sa’d .James - ner died, containing M) avivs ii '-re . r ;e^s. Said lands .su'nect to tlie doW'C,' j" Ihe widow. Tdkmt;— Cash, This toth *hiy of Nov., ]8''i8. A. .M. Bi’i LA. Aum'i Jatn: - Fauikiiir. Notice. Having taken nut letters te.-lameutary on the estate ef Neri Cox dec’d. befoi'c G S. Bradshaw, clerk of the superior* , court of Randolph . county, all persons ! indebted to said estate are hereby neti- fle'd to make immediate payment and j5ptdement. And all persons hnhHug clii'ras again,st .said estate will pre.scnt thrni on or before the 15th day of -^ep- tciiiber, 1889. or this notice will be in bar of their recovery. This 10th de v of September 1888. J. T. COX, E.x’r. For Sale I FOR Sale, one got d .-'h'.-l.ediou Mu;-, Also two secomi iianile*] Wagons ij go t I ri'pair. Will exclia’ige wagons foi pi* e About -IffO pounds of Lend pip®- Kos't Mc.'.DEN, New Saleiu, N. C. lumb* P- A. HORNFV Frauftliiisville, N C. DNIFESSITY OF iVorth Ciii-olitio All persons inik-bti u t.o said cst.iie are HOTICE. To Guardians, Executors axd | .-VDJtlNlSTKATORS : ■your attention is iiereby called t,'i tfi- lav’ nrescribing your duties. Qhose who ikil to comply with the law i hafrie the Third Monday in March, wil! i th^’r - i„cr, 'ibis Nov. Lst 1888. GEORGE 3. BRADSHAW. Cl’k Sun. Court. . , Ti .X f • CHAPEL HILL, N. C. I T AVlNG taken oat letters of admin-1 ’ j I j 1iie next sfi?>iion h(;jins An/. i.vti alien on the estate of M.arg.aret Wood j I uition reduced to $30. a lialf d.rc’d, before G. S. Br idshaw. ch ik ofi Puur -t ideiits may give noter,. Facaitc of fiftc.3ii ' ■.-.ii-lieis. Tbi-e the Superior court of H- i'ih.'if h county. | ( courses of .xtudy ieali; to hereby notified lo make iinniedi.'ite pay- ^ ‘ Miort courses for the trail I business men, tcacheis. phy.-ic;. r.-. IVrite , .nent and settlement. And ail porsoir ^ , I holding claims against sai*! ..xiaio wdi; P'U‘*'u|.*cists. ‘ jire.sei.t them on or b -fore the l-lth day I L*w bcLooI fully equipi’.e ' of 18.^9. or this notice will be | catuiogue to ccovery. | IIo.N. KExMP P BATTLE. VV, T. WibJf), i Pre-ill,i.r j .A.dmii)i.s'rator. [ ^ [ Deeds and Mortgagee for sah ■ L^Subscribe for the bin e.fii.-.p.. * i- - 1

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