FOR THE IlOUSt:WIFE. ' I 1 Jlutton Suet* | Mufton 3ut:t is cot i- 53 merely \ the n'ltural kidacy of the sheep. ! This fat has a peculiar composition, having a very iaigo propo;t;on of mar- Ql'AINT AND CCUIOUS. liveuiug Up the Score. Henry I. died of giuttony. Cowper is pronounced Cooper. Fiaviaaas establiabe.l the lirst choir F.t Antioch. A sea of seltzer wa'.er lias been dh- ; A yc ling society lady of GincBmati, j Vfhose paasion to be up ivith tbepevuil- I iug styles leads her ut times to g» to ex- j (remes, brought home a most eliborate I hat frt>m 14 modiste the otlier night. I Mamma was wroihv, sisters scoldd,aud I the two elder brothers t'ew olF ato a rage. The young lady declared tcfigld I it out on that line if it took all wnter, i aud that s le would wear that hat iJ the garino and little pleine, so that it is h ird and brittle. ’iVhen used in pastry covered under Siratoga, K Y. tl is lardno-s giv s a certain stiffness lo j The oldest known manuscript is part j faces of the foinily vot-o. A couciil ol cbK.. e-a c.k to ...Ito j o! th. Hi.,., ro,„., io E | ^ wh-.t are known as “stand-up’ pio-, 1 Coal was iu use among the ancient | penknife they undid the artistic wcik of that is piss with a stiff .standing cru: t j Britons before the i;iv.tSion of the Ro- i milliner, and left tiio duck of * imt and iJiat do not oood a dish or mold to ho;d them iu sbspo. Mutton su-t may be pr-’pnrr d for culiniry use by melting iho fat and straining it into jars. It is melted svhen used in making pastry. A “ Pot and Call.” This Is a fimny phrase to the unimt^t^but a ves “n perje^t. for the daV‘°at°i prh-o'lta md o'l'ufe dw tig ""o^don is & call” than this: when you are ‘ put to bed ; .h a severe cold and your friend.s call a ihssi- ciau Avoid all this by keeping m the houM T)r Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. The great^curefor Fulmonary and Its action is marvelous. It curses the worn crugh, whether acute,, For' Week Lungs, Sipiting of Breath, Consumpuon, am dred affections, it surpasses ali other meoi cla^. Got the cold shonlder-the tramp who stole the fore-Quarter oC mutton. mans. A cigar dealer Apples in Syrup. Pare and c 'to as many apples as you wish to presort'd -(h.-ird apples are the Then th'ow them into a basin of water. C-arify as much loaf &u;ar as v/iil Cjver tho applo^*, and lay them in to the syrup (when boiled enough) and let them sim :io.r (not boil) till they arc quite clear. Care must be taken not lo let the s! p es hro.alt. When they are done sutheie it'.y, put them into jars ■ir’ftilly, and pour the syrupover them, and when coM tie thim down with paper and brush over with the white ol in Mu'.hoim, Pen which can untie shoe- has a rooster strings. An eight-footed horse wa. billed as jn attraction at the Custer county (Da- ivotn) fair. Oil sv'.'ts used for burning in lumps as early as the epoch of Abraham, about 1921 B. C. Numa introduced January and Pebru- iry before Match, and so the order of tho Tuonths has romaiuod over since. The custom of goin.g bareheaded one day in tho week (on tho “Sh bbit” or Saturday) is observed by the Miagreli- ans. Everything in Cliina is said to be the •everse of the same thing on this sido shorn of its rich plumage. AmnndaT'CxI 1 morning wept, stormed, relapsed ’-ntn 1 0ebir'(y'.”'''w!»j u., I silence and brooding thoughts, and th«j f.i„o„ic’cougl-.: following moruing one brother fotind hi.s bicycle in sections, part of it in the cellar aud part in the garret, and the other is looking for p.arts of his shol^j')® divorced from tlie stock. Amanda sits sweetly smiling,the pirtiira of oonscio’-ts innocence. fUd hy lie J\e\cr Wavered. Snndaj' scliool teacher — Why Jacob’s faith in God never waver? Bad boy—’Cause he never had to wind a Water!)ury watob P- ’d if I ho had to wind mine i Stno ('oii»tiiiiptioii. .*>cr«lnla. tjeoeml D.sjnss nf t’hilfiren, f5 iind Bronchitis, can he cjrtd bv the nss of ticoTr’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver O'.i with Hypopiiospii tes. Prominent phvsicians use itand testily t'l it.s great t a icy I’lt'a-se read the foiiowiut;; ”1 used Scott .s Eoiulsiou lor an ohs.t naie Cough willi Hemor rhage, Loss of Appetite, Emaciation, S eep- Jessness, &c. Ail of these iiave now left, and I tel “Vd .vour Emu'sion has saved a case ol welldi-veiopedConsumption. ’-T. J. Findlev. .M. D., Loae Star, Te,va.=. ^iJACOBS OH IPor JBi’ixisoss. strong Evidence. New Pro ife. Cfttslied* AiU&ad, Aililfta'i Oo.. Vii.,lSfcy30 88. 34t. JOHN J0KE8WA* ran over by ft iaw s&f; ttadsr doctor’* care S aeotr; two bottlw of 8K Jacob* oa cared him eoand aad well; no return of pftln- W^iXBS « 00.. ©niMimtft. FamilT XJbo. icmopoiie. rj., May «. Tor a cumbfir of rear* 8t. Jacobs Oil has be« used la ray famUy. 1 beUere It Is the best reine^ for burns. swoUlhgt, cats, brulsss a^ pT9p9kTtd, JOSEPH SHhPEH. Bielit Away. Bt. Nazlanas. Wls., Kay *8, *88. * I burned my left hand bskdly and it was cnpe4 right .w.y by Bt. Jacob. ML ^ goajpjajnt. AT smiraaisTS and dealens. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEB CO.. Bfiltimore. W. jiST* ALL KEW!-; 3 Cfc dir. T,tiioTritir benV -il one of which ooe* . I-.. '1- —’r -- .. ( i, .-i.t rtTP. I nieny rr. then eu»hcr, »r« 1'^^'‘ i,,i« j'i ■rlctr. rcedanle trpe hsnddomeljr filnft ■’.-'••I- . ' jt. lU^rer'i: Ifelf Brtvi Ur.antue r-, i.vtf. - Anol-Rawere., Clmidsaiii Suntktn^ tl . r. bv Hob-rtLoni. Mr,. l-e..r7Wo.,a : J’''’;''','1 Vil/io vJllE. : A.rt»v™-. fFcyi, : 7 mnrvur, U,rr-«t . . R v |,, ^10. Heory Wo.ia! a r.ii«o/r*". i-'’"'-‘ - -■ Athletes of social mostly prefer the Indian Club. aa (gg. To cLarify the nirnr, take a j yf tho globe, so far as manners and cus- iitrie gum .;rabic and a little avhsn dis- toms go. solved into tue sugar, when it is beilieg, an.i it tviU cleira'.l tho seliment .:o the I top of the pan, which yeu must skin. ^ footman whom cause he once off as soon a-s it risfs. Loaf .,iigar may vv iiUam Pearson, aa English Q leen s also be cleared with the white of an egg. When clarifying sugar, gre-it care must bi taken to skim it as fast as 9s ib.a scum rises. A little lemon essercu is a great improvement.— [Yankee Blade. Stack for Seriip- Iq r p’y to soni ■ qu stions ,a’)Out stock for soup, rh Nc-v Y. rk Observer says; Pot lean bee! .a sour.-ko,tle. about a pour.d of beef to a quirt of iv.ater, and place the keUiO over tho lire. When the b i', add a cup of cold water. R inovo the scum, i’ the kettle then over a mo lerato tiro, aud k t the block simmer slowly lor four or five hours. Tbii wi.l tna’KC a stock for any meat soup. The ‘'Virgi-iii Cookery | Boo’k,” |!ublishici'l,v7 Ilarjie;’ & B.’other.s, j ;;ves the followiug; Early in the morn- | ingputt vo shim a id fi.tcca or twenty pounds of co.irse beef in eight gallons nfcold water. Boil eight or ten hours, keeping it covered ail the timo. Ctc- fuily skim oil; all the grease. .Put i:) two cnionf, sliced, a handful of celery, jix turnips cu- up, four pods of capsi- 3uin, hall aa .lunco each of c!ove.s and mace, a tablespoon ful of black . epper, garden herbs, such ns sa vory, winter and summer, thyme and 111 II j .ram, a taOb spooniul each, pow dered. and .six slices of le in hmi. From ei ht tiiii stock should bo ! oiled down lo four g.-illoas. When properly boiled strain it ih.ough lla'ine! three or four loiihb-, and -.vheii cold it wilt be a fine jeliv. and will keep in winter a fort night, i 1 sunnmer, on ice, four or fivo day:-. F. r a turre i of soup take two qu rts of tho jelly, adding any sddi- tional seasoning that your taste suggest-. Alw.iys remomber, however, that it is better to put r.nth-r too little than too much, beciuvj a dificieocy may bo sup- pkmentod iiy the castors at table, but no skill can I'.or.c for carelessly ovor- lurniag either the salt celkar or pepper errot into the soup. As soon as this oup stock boils send it to table. Stock should be made wit'uout any sal', as that spoils the color. luccsssiuily pleaded. A lambrequin on exhibition now at Richmond, Va., is medo up crazy fashion of more than sixty badges gath- i arod at tho Gotlyiburgreunio-i, Ju'y 3-4. i Tne three elephuits in Central P.irk, j Now Y'ork, wero weighjd to see I whether they fall off -any in flesh dur- iii'T the coming wiiter. Th ■ throe tipped tho scales at 29,303 pouii :.s. One of the most dasirablo pints of iaud at Bir Harbor, 31o., is ewned by an Irish woman, who lives on it in a imad hut. She has hn i off.-rsoi $l..iO,- )90 for the land, biiUrelusos ',o sail, j At an Italian wa tdiag tho otnor day I nae of tlie gilts presented to the bride i was r. necklace ropresenting the na- r , vine ov rhe Repntarion »f Others, “Take everything that T have hut my name; ’eave mo that and I am content.” Fa/’d the philosopher. iSo say all manufactoi era of genuine articles to that horde Ox .luita-, tors which thrives upon the reputation of oth erp. The good name of AtJ.cocK’s Porous PussTKRS has hiilucrd many adventurers 1 put in the rnarkc;. imitiitionsthat are not only locking in t'ne beat eleii.ients of the genuine aJ. tide, tint are often harmCul in their effects. The public Fhoukl r.e on t.I'cii- guard a.gainei- these frauds, aud, wlien an external remedy i needed.iie sure to insist upon having AUjCOCK f Poiious Plaster. If n ffl icte'i with sore eyes use Drisaac Thom n- Bon'8 EyeAValer.Druggist^sell^fAiV. oer bottle ,.s a rale, preter buj uii r iiqiiO ' t>y bins Quartz. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. AND ALL SrCMACH TKOViLES SUCH AS; Indigestion, Bonr-Stamneh. Hesitburn, KiyJen, dlnoss, Ooustlpition, mUnoss sfter entuig. In tli« Month and dlsagrceaole taste after eat Ing. NervoasncK and I»ow-Spirite. M TJri nqiiHi find DeoJei'i or sent f>i' mail on re ceipt of 2i cfs. (5 I.fixes tl .W) in si imps. SampU fient 0!t receipt tf ‘1-cent Stamp. THE CHARLES A. V05ELER CO.. Battfmor*. MiL QATABRH Ely's Cream Balm, | “fSo0 The owners of >ur;ul\ire wagons are pos- FOrsed of a nif viii.; spir.i. ^ “ A Word to the Wise Is Miifficletit.” Catarrii is not simply an oleaHant to the sufferer and dis^stmcr brs -itisan advanced on'post oi appwa-cliiuK rtiisease of worse type. Do not neglect oniy thing that 'inll. Yon may close yourself witli quack medicines’till il is too late-till the streamlet becomes a .-aif the Diiitured invention if a scleiitmc phi aiuan. ”A word to the wiiie n- sufficient. A grade r.ece.-sitv—The abolition of grade '.■ rosssines by raiivsav track.". Possesses many Imiiortant Advantages over all i other prepared P'oode. BABIES CRY FOR IT. J mALIDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump, Laughing, Healthy Bahtefb Regulates the Stomach and Bowelis* Sold by Druggiftts. J55c., 60c., *S1*00. WELLS, RiCHflRDSOW & CO.^ BliaiiNaTQHnVT. ei.:’it. Tba highest mountaia east of ymi\^id hMltr get'Dr.'Pierce^ Plcasa^^^ ho 3Ii=si"9ippi it Mount B iliam Cone, [;?u‘'hea^)ache\lilwne^^^^^ tiom and bilious att.acks; 26 cents a viaL by Kecipcs. FkacII v ake.—Bike three sheets of sj.ongc c.ikc us tor jelly cake; cut rico ripi j.eichos in thin slices, prepare ere: m by whippirifr, sweetening and adding flavor of vanilla, if desired; put layer- of pc.aclics between the sheets of cake, pour cream ever each layer and over the top. To be eaten soon after prepared. CnEA.MiAi PuTATOES.—Cut One pint cold boiled potatoes inio dice, cover w.ih co’d milk; when hot add oro heaping tenspc-'inful flour, mofsten with, a little cold milk, cook 10 rcinuiof, tli .-n add one teaspoonful butter, one tablo- spoonfii chopped parsley, ono-hnlf tea- spoonful -salt and oae and one-half satt- spoonfu 3 of pepper. Potato Eggs.—Mash some pof koes (not too new) with a little ivarmed milk, or cream, butter, salt, and tho yolk of an egg well beaten up. Form tho mixture into egg-shepel balls by pressing it into an iron spoon (buttored) slip tho potatoes out of the spoon upon buttered paper, put them into tho oven to thorcu^hly warm, but not to become browned. Cheap Frutc Cake.—One pound of flour, three-quarters of a pound of sugar, half a pound of butter, one pound of r&irin?, one pound of currants, bab a pound of citron, one teaspoonfui of m .ce, one nutmeg, five eggs, one even teaspoonful of sods, hsif a pint of sour milk; flour tho fruit wed, cream the bu ter anl beat the eggs light, sep-ir- atcly, and, no m itter in what order you m iy put ia th) ingre Rents, your tfako will be light; only, after soda is added tho baking should begin forthiivith. ;ional tri-color, composed al'eroatoly of aco, diaino.ids, rvibijs and enuralds. Benjaniin Bard ley, a colored mac who recently died at Djntoa, Ml., was noted for hii immense strecglh. 11.' aad on occasioas walked through the streets with 800 pounds of iron on his shoulders. An old ohstr that one’s eye brows nro an iafaiiibio guide to liis age. No .matter, ho says, how young looking the person may be, if hii eye-hrows lack a gloss and vlo not lie flit and smooth, he is no longer a young man. Th'.-re are 303 inoiir.tain peaks in tho United Stai.s more than 10. GOO feet in h' tho in tho B ack rnountoiiis ot N-irlli C iio- litia, which is 6, C7l feet high. A clergym-va recently relurnod from a vacation sjiont in tlin North of Scot land says tho nights are so sho;t there that there is hardly two hours of dark ness. At Inverness he was able to read at 11 o’clock at night without tho aid of artificial light. D.tvid Wingrove, a marble worker of Battiraore, not long since found a valu able diamond imbedded in a big block of Itslian marble, and has had tho gem set without cutting in a heavy gold ring. Lapidaries say that though such finds a-'o unusual, ibis is by no moans the first on record. A convict named Cassidy, confined in the Georgia state prison for ii'.urdcr, is a man ot ])heuomenal strength. While passing a lumber yard, at tho time he ■was taken to the pmitentiary, he pickod up a piece o: timber ton feet long and four inches thick a'i.l twirled it on his fingers as easily as-, a man of ordmarj’ strength would a cane. CoiiTentlonol “Monon ” BCMlutloriK. H'lir.i-cri.-:, Tt.c Monon Route i L N. A. & i 'j Rv Go.) desires to make it known to tl'.s world .it lai-ge tl at,it forms the double connecting link of tourist- travel between the winter cities of Florida a id the oummer ro- -o-’tsof the Korth-vest; and iniRivos. Its “I'P-pid transit” systoin Is uii- Furpivseffi its eieg mt. Pullman Buifet Sleeper find Cii-'i-ir cau semce (^tiicapo aDu l.-ouisville, Intiiaiiapcir.s and Cincinnati un- e-inailecl; and , .. li'heretfc'i Its rates are as low as the lo.veet. That in the event of starting on a (l ip it is yood p'liicp to con-nlt ivitn E- U. ilc; . 'ormick, Oen’l I'ass. Agent Monon Route, iSa l>,-arhoru St., Chicago, tor fail raniculars. (in :i ny event send for a Tourist Giade. enclose 4c. P'jstaeeb Many a political candidate beats his oppo- nar.t byascri-o t. Keep tbeni is the IXuraerr. tion. JL cento. N. Y. Baby Portraits- A Pctifollo of beautiful baby portraits, iirinted ■•n fine plate paper t*! patent photo process, sent i-ee to Mother of any Baby bom within a year. *very Mother w:,ate these pictures: send at once. Gve'Baby’s name and age. WELLS. RICHARDSON Sl CO., Props., Burlington, Vt. Cold in Head. 66 Warren St., S. Y, Is txnplftr- ■i'I'l. I’lrir aiMAm ; a M B A*.lrl-T BEOS AXX.E rR£AS never GITMR>; WISE grIIaIe FtitUEIf- and OAIRV-. '.is- V §1.00 Purchases a .i Lr" 0.,I.UB1.S-G .fc PllKSBBVlNIi Bl'TTKE TnoioandF in nsi* Seal Stamp to E. O. KItAZIEK, M nterlMsr.v. Loiiii. iTTEIiTiaMl £^i VaVialile Rf^cei'. BBARVELOUS MRY Abt booh learned in one readln*. Mind wandering enred. Hpeahing williont notes. WboHv unlike nrtiflcini Piracy c'ond.-miied nv ^^prelne C ■,»««• Great imbi-emctits to ccrTC^tiA'Wc Fifth Ave.. Bew York.. “OJsGOOD ” , 17. S. S-.siiird Ecilei, ^ T’CRt on trial. Fre gHt ? i>Aid. FnllyWarraiitcde “ 3 TON $35. Othir F-vs p- opertiM- nteiy lcr>. Agen's wei’, p;ud. lilastrattd Catalogue firee. Meriiion Ui.s, Papei. OSSOCn & THOMPSON. a. T. Wsnt-d in e-rsrr CouiCt. ?hrera1n.-i fc set unUer ii,.-.rnc!Kia! | la our Secret Servi e. Eiperieuce net nccesssrr. Psrtioelsri hen. | Grumau Bet-actlye Bureau Co.44 Ara4e.CiaciasatLa j ntsTUR V OF I'tH/OllABO. j hv counties snii Fsctinns. Complete sUtistiCT in re- | glird til -ta mineral, agricnlt-urai, i t-ahiial.^timber [and I SlnglB 5 SHOTGUN WITH It^'s Easy to Dye Di^ TT 1 I Superior IN Strength, Fastness, Beauty, AND Simplicity. Srid''vv'.Vsf)nier.Hk Ad yi: r want to know, l^rge i b«.kwjUh...ind mailed lo -any ufs,U)o ) enr? dollar. Ninrt dollars Dflrdoa. .lOii.V it, BlbiH).. & iSON, PCEBLO, OoltOBADO I KQFj 0 i’am. -ssi.Y Gurtml m lO t-> 39 i3a>s. .Siiniianiiin or Hoiniii PiyM HSBii Xrial No OiirY. I’ay. Tho iiuiouHC lS»’iiie*y \>.f La Fayeitev 3n-i» you are not, eHmild join W. JiiUTUAL EN' SSEYOBMSRWED?S I SjCtfir'tT. wlliC“ >jr- • Ci-.-’xUar''frve. rt- '»• i-j - ikiW.'lSl SOCIkTi'. Box S40, MiiineapoUs, hlan. soLDiERs'iiili?! Wv.Gormicl: K Sons.'VaFhinBtoii.lJ.C. tk Cuicnniatl.O. >giMiss efis Arc llao JSEST, Sold by DBiroaisraL FOH CCNSUMl^*^** FBAlERsfSfE ®B»T IH THE WftRLD U n le yanOet tLa Oaaa^.Ba. Stild BTrmYlwre. OBV’KK V FMIER’S WIFE ) U. S. Mail RouteSwiarsho-ii^ ' liow*to Sl. lire them^evely A Fir.ley.'h'ashingtOE.Dlo j gne :.,i.sslhi.mesiiilr.-.skcinorci.r(m.;-workir;r.rii-!lir-i lIuLui .rTlhinr'l—111wnrld Eilli-r rr-x ■r.--.i»o-"rU ^s» • to S » dny. Rampie* worth FBEB dk' vj Sees Fonit; of her Poultry -^avh year without ^ what the THftiter • „ .. -:— -- *>.s fir bow to effect a , . .j,ut«v.-niitod. Sto-o bour. r.Orew s.rti-Im^ Csl. lu'io r-meriv Jf shedoe. rr-'f.'g- . -\ -nd pxninles fr-t. l1-,. Aiaiahall, V. ickport, it. » . Dizett eiiliieaae. 'fi.tB ii •* * JV ranted t-icc,lor Tuore (J' verrnadc. f nd to give wore .gVe ik for the Xtinmcurf. and take mAMON D SlNTS. '• ... '"t- GoKj, Silver, 3ronxe, Copper. Only lo Centa The pe el is often saddest when he sings, and o are t'ne readers. Many men -f many miiids; Many lilHs nf various lands. druggists. Wo presume that dork has a large floating «/01: 111 ’U ion. . . -rdeeJit .. - ” -'j A 68^^00^ 'V. *** iOO-i’iige'6«0K ! — ■ " — Ratoef ' — e.-eal English Geul a.a* Wabneh’sLog Cabis Rf.mebies, — “Sai~sapa- 'j. rilla,” “Cough and Cen- sumption Remedy,”— ■T® “Hops and .lluchu,” — “Extract,” “H.air Toii- Y.'vM ic,” —Lite Pills,” “i'lasters,” (Porous-Electric -L, — “Lose i-i'‘ham,” for Catarrh. They are, like Wtrruer’s “Tippecanoe,” the simple, ef fective remedies of the old Log Cabin Q'lvs. howto Detect Feed for Eues »•“> wjlicli Fowls uoaes) and UKOW oa this Fat teniuBi r/SH Tie Best falsrpof Coat. -Tho FISH 1.BXHD SUOKfoS I. ‘ - utoroL Tha new POMMEL bi. tij-5 barriGCt er* tbe entire eeddl*. o«»’' tr»de-m»rt B-wnre «f tmltetione. lUniLreted Cetoiofwo m PEATUaES FOB 1889. VIS Stories-150 Short Stories Profusely lUnstratcd by Hmineitt Artists. Tales of Adventure; liluitrated Articles of Travel; 1,000 Anecdotes; Historical and Scientific Articles; Sketches of Eminent Men; Humor; Poetry. $5,000 in Prizes for Short Stories. Tltree of 3^”000jach^th^o of ThToffe.”. II! Wonderiiil liiikt Tahoi'. The waters of Lake Tahoo arc mar- velloudy ’pure—the purest an-1 clearest in th; world, 1 bcliovo. One imagines | that tho waters of tho river of life cau- j not bo more pure. Ripe.atedly during j our long pull I noted that tho wat'.T j lifted by and dripping from my oar.d | ha-i an .app.arently blue tinge when we j -verc pu’liig in the blue of very deep water. This blue borrowed tho hues of tho ‘loop yfater no leas than ot the u '.clouded blue sky .abov, leading one to believe that it was thiougli a combinatio'i of blue water and blue sky that h'O w:!8 moving. If Ci'ifovnia had no, other Fcenic attraction but this great inland sea, of heavenly clearness | of water—loop and blue as the ocean, j toQ—it would not be poor in scenery, j Th-'J clcii.l (Irec'ts are marvellous in * their ever changing shapes and various j color effec'-s. The cfficts at Tahoe are | i.a their groii'.cst splendor at evening. Fr-'ii’i the suinrai'; of Tallac 1 hive seen j rcsaflim;, yellow, blua-purpla. and black-purple cieu-i effects tdat no paii tor dare reproduce on canvas with out charge .ol exaggeration. E-pccial- Iv have I si en i lie islands of flames set and floating lu colorless seas of sky.— [Ban Francisco Bulletin. n Four Holiday Numbers Aic In preparation, and will b's exceedingly atirneffre, filled with the ->l>eeia! work cf our fs.vorite wriJers. .and profuselv iUn-a-.'-d. Thanksgiving—Chrbtmas“”New Year’s—Easter. Theso Sonveair ?Juml>efs will be sent to Ifiaeb Snbson :asTer. riher. ° The ihustrated Supplements Which were given wiih nearly every is.sne during tlie last year, have becorao aniinportautpartofthepapcr, and will leoontinued. .„-ipr and No paper attempts to give ruch a ,arge inc.-ease of r.f..ler am. illustrations without increase of price. A paper worth S2.50 for only gl.7S a year. Gladstone The Right Hon. '•The Futm-e of the Ecglish-Speaking Races,” which appears m the- first issue in Novembw. f-.r-’-i Has writtec, esixicially for Xhb Companion, an article on ”1 household ArtlcM .ill M peMol.ed fMo.oHv, sW"i; ''i'i,"VSM'SS“«e rt” ,11_COOW..,, I-:i..T..olde.,, o„d .,c,.o™,„„ of .he "““•j tiiaely avticies about c:uri'eut oAxnts .it home and abroad. 1. ho Cmiaren s .t An*’Cdotes, Kbymes and I*n/zies adapted to the Youngeet Headers. Two Millions of Headers Weekly. m SPECiAS. OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Jan.1 To a.W New Subscriber sVibscrlirtiv"*t!^ *?hluauer FKT.K 10.Jan. L M89, Send wioney by >„.t.Officc Money Order. Express Mo»ey Order. Check, or Registered Letter. JOF" Specimen Cophs and Colored AnnouJBCement free. Please mmticn ihts pof>er. Address ^ THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, 45 Temple Place, Boston, Wlass-

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