1 hi? I i I The Courier. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. OUR RALEIGH LETTER. Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. Palcigh, N. C, May Vi As 1 am about to begin this letter a well known gentleman and einocr.tt nud.re.-s mo under the fifth ril ami I sa WEntered at the P.m :Otllee at Ahel.nro as second Class Matter. Thursday, .May 15th, W2. "1'mly we strange times 'organ of our hae V lleit party Senator Simmons is measuring up to the high standard his friends ex pected, lie has splendid ability and is taking an active and important part in public affairs. Gen. Rip Roaring Jake Smith is on trial at Manilla. He has confess ed that he gave orders "to kill and bum" and render the province of Saiuar a howling wilderness. One of his orders was that all males over ten years of age should be killed. .Judge Clark is out ii. a long letter in which he publishes the letters from himself to Governor Russell. "We published Mr. Batchelor's reply for Judge Clark last week, and have not space this week to publish Judge Clark's reply, but will publish next week. 1- ,'itio pag'-S printing fallen is i"!: the hading makes of its leading oditoi ial art icle a complaint against Senator Pritchard (Rep.) for recommending a man for postmaster in a 'certain town necause mat man was a Oomoerat two vears ago and wore a 'red shirt' a man whom our organ savs was nil t tie last campaign one of the less than a dozen in that community who wore a red-shirt; he was a tire-tried, die-in-t he-light Dem ocrat then; he is understood to be a 'Pritchard Democrat' now, whatever that may mean." Come to think of it, it does look a little out of the ordinary run of cam paign argument, but if one is to judge by the present outlook the coming campaign promises to be an unusual one in North Carolina in more respects than one. MATTERS OF COKCEKS. The annual banquet to be given in New York bv the North Carolina Society of that city (May 20th) this year promises to be one of the most eniovable of all such occasions in its history. The Society has a member- snip or nearrv 4uu, with W . v . It is reported here that Joseph J. Fuller, Esq., formerly of Raleigh Jenkins ex-Sheriff of Chatham Co. and later of Durham (now general and candidate in 1893 of the repub- counsel for the American Tobacco licans and populists for Congress Company), as its president. Among th Fourth district, lias ue- its guests next ween iio win tweu. iw,,i I,; T,rsp n the future ol on tue occasion win oe senators I . - I votin and acting witii tue ucmucnu- a "uam ouu uuuuivud uiu c.v-t. tor Kansoni. Trinity College hopes to secure inrs of the 115th Annual Conurfuni- catioii of the Grand Lodge oi 'Aorta Carolina, A. V. & A. V... i- out and has been distributed G.u'd Sec retary Drewrv. The uinr .if iieai'- was printed -iit:rely at Hice ot t he ( xlonl hplian A? I it in supported ly t lie. Masons i and i- a- handsome a piece f work of its kind as any e.-tabli.-hiuent in North Carolina could turn out. It is a striking illustration of the great work that noble institution is doing for the orphaned children pounnit- ted to its care, in fitting then, for the duties of life and preparing them to successfully battle in the struggle that confronts us all when we start out to make our own wav in the world. Senator Simmons on Friday secur ed the insertion of appropriations tor the (ireensboro ( To.UOOi and m-ston-Salem isl50,00) public build ings in the House bill now be fore the Senate, but it cannot be pre dicted whether the House conferees will permit them to remain at the final passage of the bill. ic party. v ffr. rf afhnnl ticbpT9 Secretary of State Hay tone of the Bent from the United States to teach greatest men in this country) to de the Philippine people, lijit how much good can be accomplished in this wav is at least problematical. The lessons taught thus far have Yn KAvr Kneoiallv worse for the nmnWs. savs the Wilmington Mes eenger. The New York Post says: i i i "Much has been neurit aooiu Mr. Stewart Endorses Mr. Bailey for Judge. Mocksville. N. C., May 10, 1902. Editor Coi kikk: Thomas B. Mai- ley whose name will be presented for the nomination for judge of ths 10th Judicial JAisixJct was bum ui iMocks- ville. Davie Co.. N. C. in 1819. He was prepared for college at the cele bra ted "Wilson School" in Alamance Co. and graduted at Davidson Col lege in 1871. He taught school for four" years studied law under Judge - 1 1 TF'll 1 1 Pearson at Kicnmouii mil ami on tained license to practice law in 18- 76. He has been a painstaking, m dustrions, and successful lawyer By his application, integrity and. ti- ,3AK4-.. 4-n U i" .-.liar, o a Knilf 11 n anil .. . . .... I ur LV i . I IJI llCULil V.U1 HI' .j liver an address during its commence- . ' , ,- . x. . Aim ..l I enjoys a luanuvc uiauiiw aim id w ment. premises. And Charlotte in-1 - J J - .. . f vitcs President Roosevelt to come Hon. Benjamin F. Long; of States ville for JuJs:e cf this District. The county of iredell will present to ill.- next Judicial Convention of this District for Judge of this Dis trict Jor the no vt eight years, lion. P.. F. Long of Sfitesville. He eiiiovs tie- i-oiitideiice and es te ill of tile people of li'edell as Well as the people of other counties in the District where he is so well known. It, is understood that he has practiced law in most of the counties of this District from ten to fifteen years. He graduated with lirst distinction ..t Tiinitv C o eo-e. lie afterwards iv - - j O . siient a portion of his school days in Yadkin county w here he read law under Chief Justice Pearson at Jicn- nd Hill. He afterwards gradua- .1 in the Law Department at th l"niv.-ritv of lrsrnua. ue learn from the "Statesville papers that 1 oe:ited iu Statesville in 18,9 and soon thereafter was made Solicitor of the inferior court of that county. L l xs;; in. was made Mayor ot srareo- . . , : i i. vii e. tSt-rore us Term expiieu iv was nominated and elected for Solic itor of this District in 1887. Iu 18 91 he was re-nominated and re-elec ted Solicitor of this District. In 18 9-i he was nominated for Judge of this District, but was defeated with all the other Judges at the polls ; being the year when everything went down in the fusion siaugnter dui e ran ahead of his ticket. Since down on May 20. One of the most interesting of all the political. races in the Congress- Evening ional districts of this State this year will be mat between vvongressmen Kluttz and Blackburn (assuming our day one of the best equipped lawyer in "this section of the Sfcite. An all round man with no cranks or hob bies. but evenly balanced, iust and w ise, he would make an ideal judge He has never sought an office. In 1SS9 he represented Rowan and Da vie counties m the senate and again make a nopeiess race ior me lb, anu o position in Iredell, ladkmand Da- Amen- trict. I he district, according to the , !, , , i, , ; o counties. In that campaign he sadder, vote of two years ago, ought to be 1 i , ' Tx t- f c'Aft f - . T made a gallant tight but went dow n . . . Ill 1.1 A. 1 i 1. .... I I l.n 4... I I. efforts to educate the Jrilipinos, mil . t nut uulu m ;-a d , hig friends the neonle who have really been go- their respective parties), both of them urtrM,1oM fnr ,P Kr tn.Q.l.wi1 in fhn Pbilinnines. and now being in the new Seventh dis W L I 7 . 1 . who have learned most, are runs W'p are wiser, if also than when we bcnin sitting under Democratic by some 800 majority. that stern pedagogue of the islands Ode million young shad have just . -v " i 1 1 l : i i . i i. .. 1 1 Experience, liis tuition fees nave oeeu uem&iieu iu tue wape been frightfullly high, something river, oetween jrayettevine like $200,000,000 a year. nungton, by an agent ot i i ..i. i . . . . j I Xlbll VOXJllliibSiOIl. The Mooresville Enterprise tells an Governor Aycock attended Mem- interesting story, savs the Charlotte onal Dav exercises at Shelby last to same Fear and Wil- the U. S. Observer, of a sensible Cabarrus Saturday, and spoke to the big crowd county farmer. This Cabarrus far- of people gathered to do honor to the mer nesistentlv refuses to Decome a confederate dead. Honorable LiOCKe candidate for ottice. lie nouts mar. his farm pays him fairly good re- address. At the various other places turns. It would take one term to in the State the day was generally fit him for office and would unnt mm observed, for his present occupation. Routine At the annual meeting of the office holding would, after two years, Southern Cotton Spinners' Associa- thmks the Cabarrus man, leave mm tion at Charleston last h nday new in.defeat with the rest of the ticket In fact there has not been a campaign since 1876 in which he, as a private. has not been in the thickest of the fight. Besides being a good lawyer he is a successful man, being identified with most of the business enterprises in the community that time he has been practicing ms profession throughout the District, except that in campaign years he has spent his means and time tor the success of the democratic partv. His defeat for Judge at the polls iu '91 was not his defeat, but the de feat of the Democratic party. His party has never had an opportunity to vindicate itself or him, since its own defeat in that year until the present time. His friends claim therefore that he ought to be nomi nated this year and that the people will do it on the ground that he is in every way tit and capable ; that he was the choice ot the people ot the dis. trict the last time they had a chance to express their choice, that he l their choice now, and that on account of his unsullied reputation as a man and great ability as a lawver and d voted services to his party, that he has made himself altogether worth v of the nomination. Randolph County Democracy cau do no better than stund by the choice of Iredell and other counties. W. T. Foushee. I if yo; will put r;: M - - -m umw 'n " - . : l . 6sM-Brixtoifl i - ; ;. Keep tki?s :.;cQc:accx;C(.occx.c fact aiwa. Trskes au, xui 0?-.'i virrcs. roz . i jcor vuisj " j v.-; need only to app-y t M-r exican j l uotane ) ntuu a fewaimes n-l f.i-- pr.roa.:. r.:vl ii.u.;... ... , 'X : .. ..i .i d,.. v.-;-.r.:..le-l fi-s-h healed. 0 ' i T - : iSi Toctt!.cbcstrc?ult.-ryi-t -onll ?utara:c a piece m of soil doth with t'.io liniraer.t and bind it upon taa g wouad as you wouui a puaivu suits 25c, COc. anu $1.00 a Ijottlo. g m ,sti'r" KEEP AN EYE ON &7 W Mexican iug t..nuuc 0SQQQDO t . nn.:i;t'A o urnmiii ' Oricinnlitv usua'lv cousin's of re- . i mtat'.lnB. 5".' ta Uo- w'l- peatin, brKt remark to P.op-e bo jj f f T liug to bot r- al money on it.- jnev r beard them b.-iore. rxT n,iuvTo Pfl JSr K55 W nnnn . . I Vtr mrn K?3a .MMk. Prevention is better than cure, ana i ,f f$&3' rLl fe o., t lion, it uut usea lo preveui, k"h- e-w ra -ht.i m tion by cu-ing a cough or coid in tiie i , even cure at;er tne ihuks uef" L" I Cloth I no . ) i. ; A ! 1.1. nd mukc-; unJ i'iiri'.ishi,i;;"s i and ooy. or scry Cliiii both Our buyer's experience of twenty years with manufacturers ives us an inside on ives us an inside on getting" the best for the money. " The Horse-Shoe brand" a specialty. Call and see us. Salesmen L C. Howleti, H. C. Marlev, C. C. Johnson and J. W. Merritt. The iVlerritt-Johnson Co. South Jlliii St., (lu'cLnl iii'i), X. C. j6.-iV'0.I.viL Ouir:us 8oi.u:iti:i. Announcement ! lie of We wili to anii'unn-e to our patrons and the pu! that wi are receiving our Spline and Slimmer stock aoods and are prepared to oit'ef some real bargains iu Shoes, Dress Fabrics, Furnishings, Hats, Umbrellas, Etc. " Our stock of FA JULY GROCERIES is always fresh and relishing to those fond of good eatables, and the price the times. When in need of anything usually kept in a general be sure to see MOFFITT & COMPANY. Arrivals ! He in worthy and eminently quali fied to fill this high honorable posi tion. His friends think that he ought to have the nomination and without disparaging other candidates will press his claims hetore tlie conven tion. Jacob Stewaut. high and dry in town out of employ ment and a Tartv victim. man he who reasons thus. V-Ui fu the fnr,,i wi?i ?asL - Yes. lforaVrof&Cii officers were elected as follows: Presi dent George B. Hiss of Charlotte: Vice-President, T. M. Swift of El- berton,- Ga.; Secretary and" Treasurer; C. B. Bryant of Charlotte; Chairman Board of Governors, W. C. Heath of Jlouroe, N. C. Next meeting is a noor business unless it is follow ed steadily and as a life occupation Disappointment and loss is tne out come of most political experience is will be held at Charlotte. another correct statement made by 1 At the Communication of the the Observer. Grand Lodge of Masons at Oxford on St. John's Day. June 24. it is Senator Carmack, of Tennessee, is stated that the matter of locating the a brilliant red headed man. He is new Masonic Temple will be taken satirical, stinging, ana "severe at up. Several cities are bidding for times, wneo-y&nou .turner was iu rrpCarmaek wasedit or of or the "Washington correspondent of a Tennessee newspaper. Some nuconi- Dlimentarv reference to senator Butler by Mr. Carmack's paper cans ed the Senator to "arise to a point Dur- it, notably Raleigh, Charlotte, ham and (ireenslxiro. The Great Council of Ked Jlen was iu session here several days dur ing the close of last week. The following new officers were elected: W. II. Lane. Great Sachem. Wil- of personal privilege' in the Senate, mington; C. T. Buckman, Great Carmack came back m a sarcastic, Senior Saeaniore. Wasbiii-rton: A. burning and "scathing" reply in an Bunn. Great Junior Sasramore. Char- article which will be remembered by otte: H. E. King, Great Prophet, all who read it. Carmack in his speech Raleigh; Wr. Ben. Goodwin, Great in the Senate a few days ago describ- Chief of Records, -Elizaljeth City; ed Funston of Filipino fame as "the T. T. Whitconib, Great Keeier of mightiest captain who ever marshall- Wampum, Elizabeth City; W. S. ,A AmtmrL.tytr ts li-itf la rr u-ialrlarl I T ! 1 l..n T 1 . il . n. i " uiuuen, iiepreseniaine 10 me vjrreai llnto Andrew Thompson, a nesxro, a a jaw-bone. Counsel of U. S.; J. T. Anthony, full and free pardon, on condition "X he idea tliat you can teacn tne alternate. The next place of meet- fw .. within the next thir- T 1 " . A! 1 1 I . . I 1 v -' v rmpinosio govern uieuisci es mg will be W ashington, JN . U. making them bear the burdens of a (j. b. Patteison, a leading lawyer foreign government is the wildest, of Maxton. will contest with Con- craziest, most fantastic dream that gressman Bellamy for the Dem. nom- ever flitted through a lunatic s brain. inati0n in that (Sixth) district. Col. You might as well say that a horse X. A. JIcLean of Lumberton an- could learn to think by bearing a nounces tint he will not be a candi- i -1 i i i . t , . m. . . .... pniiosopner ou uia . . aate. The new bixth Uistnct is tors seem to assnme that no ray ol composed of Bladen, Brunswick, learning ever penetrated the Pluton- Columbus. Cumberland. Harnett. lan snadows or tnat rar distant coun- iew Hanover and Robeson, A Queer Pardon. News & Observer One oT the niotCjniqiie pardons anv Vjnici xuasisiraie eei s"1""1 wiis sisnieda tew days atro ov uo- - - . . ernor Jefferson Davis, of Arkansas It seems that u nesTO by the name of Thimmsoii had Ve;ii convicted of It with intent to kill and sen tenced to three vears m lail. Appli cation was made to the Governor of Arkansas to pardon the negro, lie did so upon the condition thus speci fied: "Having just returned from the North, and having heard many ex pressions of sympathy by the citizens of Massachusetts for'what they were pleased to call the poor, oppressed negro of the South, and desiring that they shall have an opportunity to reform a certain portion of the negro population of our State: "Theretore, 1, Jerterson uavis, Governor of the State of Arkansas, bv virtue of the Constitution and au thority vested in me by the Constitu tion and laws of Arkansas, do grant Gray's Chapel Items. ' That nice shower on last Wednes day night was a welcome visitor in deed. Rev. T. J. Ogburn preached a most excellent sermon here last Sun day evening. . J. C. Allred and family moved to Worth ville last week. Most farmers say that there - will not be one-half an average crop wheat. Little John is building a new store-house. Jlr. Katze, of Durham, is visiting in the community. of THE DUTY OF PaREXTS. Prevention is better tbu cure, and yet a reuie ly like Ooocb's Mexican Syru; for coughs, colds and :onU'p tion it uot used to prevent consump tion hv cn-ina- a coueb or coid in tbe beginning, cau be depended on even cure af;er the hiugs begin a iKt awav... Jio other r meay is nice to take or so quick k.o cure, niat.v fam lies i fteu buy a new before the old ohh is all hat they may have house. Only 25 cents Pru Co. summer goods have just been re- and are now on exhibition. Come and see them. UVSpepsia wui t Ladies' Furnishings. Digests what yon eat. This prenaration contains all of the it always in the j digestants and aigests a ,1 kr nas oi ,,ts at Standard food. It gives instant relief and neer J fail to mire. It allows you to eat ah used. to to so and b .ttle up, so The woman who is a go a, t to l e a -oor iiv.i'.ter. d talker is BfcT I ER CUT THIS OUT. Every ipoth-r .should be quickly s ispicious wf worms whi-n her children act as it'they were going so be sick. Worms are known to be the first cause of n.ucb ill health. Young and old very often' are suffori' g from worms when ihothe: thinks it U something else. Remember, a very harmless, yet alwias eSective, remedy for Btomach.i tape or idn worm-., ia n 25 cent bottle of Mothers' Worm Syrup. Standa df Drug Co. Perh a pea'-h' stone s a pr uj beeaua-- she girl has ia called a a heart cf try nntil it was borne there on the shivering wings of Yankee school masters. "You cannot modify the character ! of the oriental races by forcibly cramming them with your own ideas anv more than vou can change the character of a carnivorous animal bv stuffing him with brass." tv davs a citizen of Massachusetts The idea of making Massachusetts a penal colony is original with the Governor ot Arkansas, ii tne men in Massachusetts who have made such loud professions of love for the Southern negro show their sincerity by helping Thompson to a job and to reformation, other Southern Gov ernors may pardon negroes and send them to Massachusetts, now long, think vou. before Massachusetts The Grand Lodge of North Caro- would protest against being made a VARIOUS MATTERS OF ISTEREST. lina, I. 0. O. F., will hold its animal session tnis year at ureensuoro on May 15, next Thursday-. A Special Communication of the Grand .Lodge of A. r. & A. Masons of North Carolina will be held at penal colony criminals. for Southern negro Reunion at Guilford College. All old students of New Garden Greensboro on May 26thjpthe puji tuoarlinf School and Guilford Col -luTfrTl&binson Tells HotoGetMr0 01 ; W 1 ie cenf lege are most cordial ly in vitea to par- i T.np iipv n il r inor T n prprTP x r.np. i- :.. i. .it ;m tnw n . I " O " Lll'limiV llli ICUinvu v i.v a uisc in wun. gtate Normal and Industrial College. , ' m. the 28th of May. An Old Judsre Robinson was holding court The U. S Circuit Court of Ap- cLu,,,' Association was formed a recently in a countv not far removed lieals at Charleston has conhrmed the V(,..r ,, anj al arrangement a have from the capi Uil ot the Suite, ana on decree ot listnct JuUge James - been made for this reunion. Many the line of one of the great railways.! Bod, entered a year ago, enjoining ,,1,r;on.,i invitations have been mailed Among the numerous cases before the the sale of the Western North Caro- f, individuals, but it is especially de court was one bv a tanner tor certain lina Kailroad to satisty the James damages he supposed he had sustain- and Howard judgments (suits ed. The farmer had engaged a brought by representatives of the de voting lawyer named Brown. There ceased engineer and fireman killed railroad accident, two vears aner i ii. i. i i.. were several cases on ine uockci sim ilar in character to that of the farm er. who was represented by Mr. Brown. The Judge had thrown out several of these cases because thev had lieen improiierlv brought. Swell- in' with indignation at the action of the Judge Mr. Brown arose and said "Your Honor, will you please tell me how it is possible in this countv to pet iustice against a rail wav com naiiv:" Thf .Tn dire ouietlv ignored the fnntfnirit of court shown by the law- v i , yer and asked: "Do you want an answer nuestion. Mr. Brow nr' 'Y sir " was the defiant replv "yes, sir, and I want to know how a farmer can get his case into this court so that it will I heard?'' The Judge smiled and said: "Well, first, Mr. Brown, I'd adyise the far mer to cmplov a lawyer. Mr. Brown" had nothing further to sav, and the bu.-ines of the court went on without further interruption. to that in a the road had been sold to the South ern Railway). The retirement of Dr. T. B. Kingsbury from the chair of editorial writer on the Wilmington Messenger, announced last Friday, as the result of differences with the owners of that paper, probably closes the active ca reer of the "dean of North Carolina journalism" the most scholarly and erudite of North Carolina editors, lie had eeu engaged in newspaper work for many years, and this writer reniemliers that his first experience on a newspaper was under Dr. Kings bury hi U' the latter was associate editor of Josiah Turner's Raleigh Sentinel, a paj-r which at that time (iu the seventies) wielded more in fluence, politically, than any other North Carolina newspaper has since or In-fore, so far as my knowledge extends. May his declining years be filled with p-ace and happiness and comfort. The printed report of the proceed- sired that any who may not have re ceived such shall consider themselves berebv invited to attend. It was im- Tu.csilde to find nresent addresses of very many, w ho will be welcomed Many invitations were returned "unclaimed" from the unices t which they were mailed. The following is an approximate program for that day: lu, a. m. coniiueucenit-iit exerci.-es, closing with an address bv Dr. l,.riiiil..-m.rli of the diversity of Pennsylvania, late our (..iiimissio;i er of Education to l'ortof Rie.i. K. in., picnic dinner at a t-lit on the Common Sense Education. Too large a class of the young peo ple in America, of both sexes are seeking pursuits not requiring man ual labor, says "William Mather. Their education as given at present in the high schools and colleges tends rather to unfit them for the actual industries of life, in a country where the vast resources of nature are wait ing for willing and trained hands to utilize them. The American boy with his inborn ambition and natur al ingenuity, would cease to regard manual labor as drudgery, if hi hand and mind together were indus trially trained through the school period. Success. f is Give them oil cod-liver oil. It's curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, anaemic child and his face becomes rcsy and full of health. Take a fiat chested child, or a child th.;: has stopped growing, give hin the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. It has been done for yea:. Of course you must use the rierht oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion ncitl-.n looks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful in making it pleasant to take. Send for free sample. SCOTT & HOWNE, Chemists, a") Tcarl St $oc and $ i.oo; al- druggists. IF YOU WANT First-Class Repairing Done on your Watch, Clock, Jer- 1' y, e" ., or want PHOTOGRAPHS Made, Call ou :. ccx, Watch Uepai-er end Phv,t. g apher. ASHEBOiiO, X. i" Dep.r Si.npp. St.tmlaril DruK StT i ALL WUBK VU'ARASTEED. in., picnic awn. 2, p. m. business meeting old studeuts, followed by addr.-? by W. A. Blair, f Winston-Salem. (r. Worth, of ilnungUm. i. narie Van Noppen, others. Special railroad rates of Green.-bo ro, .f , P.. I,. mil This signature is on every bcr of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qij nine T.bieto ha lemedv that cure e W ta OIie da Ci the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else tailed, it li unequalled tor ail smuiaai muuuica. It can't heip forit do you good! Prptiarrd ohly by E. O. DeW'itt & f'o., Chlcarf Te Ub?.ttIecontalnsa times tlieaOc size. For sale by Standard Di-ug Co Tfci. tna:i who seeks t pill w on oop'ilar app'ause finds it hard to sleep tor fear tlie duijd e win ouibi. JREB. KrvVoTvea!f8 X liaa ciironiu uron- uhitis so bad tliat at times I could not t-p ak above a whisper," writes Mr. Jomph (J itnian, of M.-ntmorenci, lad. "I tried all remeaies avanaoie, w witii no si.ccesa. ivrtuua'.eiy my em j loy r suggested that I try Foley s li mey ana xar. it eueut, miraculous, and lam now cired of !h disease. On mv i-ecouiuieudatiou in nv people have used Foley's Honey and Tr. and alays wi h satisfa tijn " Standard Druj? Co. Habit- are easy to acquin like porous plasters ., hard to get rid of. LIKK A DROWNING MAN. 'FivB ycais go a di ease tlie do -ca led dysi epi-ia v- k such hol l ( f ni that I could 8car-f-Iy o.'' write.t U o. S. Mart h, wvll-kuown attorney id No cona, Ttx. "I 'Ook quau ili s .if pepsin nd otlior m -dic r.es bul nothing he!- n. dr.iwniM - man er.b-i a a straw 1 grabbed at Kodol. I fel ' improvement at once and after a few bottles am so nd and well." Kodol is th- idy piWfB ration hi-h exa-tly r -produce- th - natural dige tive j-.ices Ht.d eoiiM quentlv m the nlv one which dieesta an good foo I and cures any f rm of stomach troub'e. Standard Drui Co. STANDS LIKE A STONE WALL Between your children and the tor tures of itehine and burnine eczema se.ildhead or ot'ier skin diseases. fT.iw wl-,- bv usiuc Bueklen's Arnica S;lvfi. earth 8 create-t heaier. Quick est cure for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sal RhniimCnts. I'.uius or Bruise?. In- fa:iihU for Pies. 25 j a' Standard Drug Co. and i.a-.d!emsn Drnjr Store iioh favors a inai for Lr ' nig l.iui. Foitn th3 ur. e souiftii L.-e of lie WU IT TiilN FOLKS NEED I a gr r.ter pow1' of iHf-'OSti-isr ;,nd fsiuiiitin f' '. For tneni D King's Nvv f.if.- P-ll i vrork w ,i'.ers. They tone in-1 ret: n a e tiiedi.esuve organs "ti'.lv f xre 1 l l i on? frciii the sys tem. ( nrieb Hi- ld.vd, improve ippe tit . ni'ika hoalmv Ues1-. uaij, Stan-lard Irn nnd Ka Drugstore. s.vi,j -i r-i -v t!:e races ana s.ime other" vir'.; tbe players. at man Tri O l"l I J- i'S TO KNOW. . n -hW it's Li 'tie Early I- t kes to drunkar pair ot iightj. 8 to make one SCIATIC RHEUM A ' ISM CURED AF TER 14 YEARS OF SUFFERING. 'I have heea afflicted with sciatic rheumatism for fourteen years," sas J. eh ICdgar, of Gerii antown, Cl. ' I was abl to be aiound but constantly bffered. I tried ev. rything I could heir "f and at laBt 8 told to try Chambiela n's Fain Balm, which I did and was immediately nlicved and in a shor- t;me ijred and I am happy to .vit has rrst s nce r turned.'' Why not nse this pninient and get well? is for sah- by S andard Drug Co. It urril'le 'O o bo; iibor and tli -y When a womu i I ing she calls on talk shin. fS J REYlwXlpWA.r SEC SET. It is oficii askd h w such a'ariiing cures, tin' puzzle t e u si yi) '', are effected l,y y'r. Kmg ory for C r.sut.'ifp'.ion. crct. 11 cut s New i)i cov lie e"s the sc- ur ii- i.ciegin una grni and 1- ts ihe life-;iv- ri.-h an-i yraiize tne It lu-ali tho inflamed, cough- id lungs, iia "I col luug.'is soon yifl l to D . Uc .verv, ih- moat iisfal- lib'e remedy for a 1 Thror.t slid ljung disea-t-i"- Gukaiits' il b -U es sue nd ial hlttles fn e at MauitarU id Haiidl. rr.na D ug btore. iuP cteu muci-i ins xygen crl blood worn tnroi.t- a and stubborn ci A'mz's New Di) l.cu. T Diu Co. 1" individuals ar usu-dlv i"s to paying ir.ejf SMAN. m ivrr, ? BURNS & J PRESNELL, REPAIR SHOPS. Long wi deil short when it debtc. HOLD-S VP1A ' UNO - E 'A i e I ' ' h C tiii) .ii I Oca p t. i nk. Mioxri' brill ant ' Uii j -res-man, "lfom me woik. nervous en -ion, lo S O! s ' !J :i em:-. .iii, -; r: i- I had k -o.U mfrlyc--ll 'P-ed. 'tft.in-itli-ta.il lift organs in n-v b dv wi r-out of onler, -t Meeu i Uili'e s maOe die b righi. It's the brst ail-r.mnd m i.-iue e er sol i . v. r a urug-'ist's c unter." Over woiked, r m-down men ;i'-d weak, sickly wo men giin spletidid i.ealt i and vitality from "Electric Bitters Try them. Old) 50o. Guarantee! l-.v Si anda. d Drug Co. and Kandlemau Drug Store. WA ' hf Risers for V1 iti and th V oe m.11 ' ind-jrse td in I" I 1 :i tr.-in ! th n--' v. e i -C know it," writ.-a Alfred Keinze, Quin- cv, 1 1. Tbv iiwar giip- We have the most- beautiful line of Ladies' Furnishings ever displayed in Ashehoro. Fine dress tilks, Lawns, Percales, etc. Also Trimmed Hats, Shoes, Etc. Iu fact almost anything you can think of. Prices reasonable, too. Gents' Furnishings. - We arc acknowledged leaders in this line, and our new spring and summer stock well sustains our reputation. Everything in this line is new, nobby and up-to-date, and you will make no mistake in seeing our stock. We also have a large stock of Shoes of all kinds, Car pets, Rugs, Groceries, &c. Give us a call. Wood & Mo ring. A tv T W-v If" . f3 com We have a SUMMEi; (;)(.) Otir slock e lai'e and complete lin DsdrsTix. moi-ts of everything that re or comfort cf man or beast. All at e of SPKL; AND w ill add to the plcas- m Vr.r m Mi M m M ROCK BOTTOH PRICES I prices. For Will exchange for all kinds country produce at market 30 days will sell SLIPPERS AT COST. NAOMI FALLS STORE CO., m m W. T. Bryant, Mgr. &X X AS Z&X ix - .6, - Randleman, N. C. cJJ m ; and torrid iv- iirhf. 1 am srlad to link i.eu we find hi io let oth.-iB or cistr. ss Sure, 8 fe pill-. Standard Brag Co. Wo he r a gi eat deal about the dis- eonrHircuiaiits - t lie anc nave noeiue. afini- talk us !!'! he ci means a lot of u-wasked dishes. thar it Stops the Cough and Wo?ks Off the Cold. Laxative Broino Quiidne I'ahlets cure cold in one day. No 0.r. No pay. Price 25 cei ts. The surest and safest remedy for kid nev and h adder diseas- is Foley's Kidney Cure Stand ird Drug GRIPPE Knockers are by fir the best Odd nd LaOrip' cure o the market. 25c at your druggist. 17oc DON'T 'oritet Oriope Knocker- w d cure Grip e and Colds :a -J h at your druggis's. F.r ini-RRted in Grippe I will cure you i ake i:o s them nrs zoc I7oct6m Cnoekers abwtitute for Foley's K dney ('are ma; and b'adder riali . Don't i"g. Standard Dnifi Co. PNEUMONIA IS BOB HE : TKKRCKS Bv i'- l. v's lion-y an tlie racking eougH ci: strengthens f u Juu:a. time it will prevent ;-. u a mouis. Uefu e sub-i iu: Do- Co. La Til ere s W4 'Phone Xo, Inspiration and refreshment in our soda. It has a delightfully cooling effect on the body and it soothes the mind. It's an efferves cing beverage of most delicious llavor and undoubted purity. Our soda water fountain is modern in construction and kept absolutely clean. Nothing injurious to he-lth can penetrate pipes or receptacles. These flavors are favorites: Straw berry, l ine Apple, i'eaeli, amiia, Ia-iuoii, J,tc. STANDARD DRUG GO. Dl.POT STUKET. Right on A We conduct a first clas repait shop for WVgons, Buggies, Carts ind Carriages, etc. Also Horse slmeiug and Paint- ing a specially We g'.a antee our work and J and solicit your patronage. 0 m BURNS & PUESNELL. T 4- Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right Foley's Honey and Tar for children.safe.sure. No opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, jprevents pneumonia. - 1 OP ufENSILS tfjl As Usual W Q kWLJ With a complete and up-to-date line d it m i J' sm" II IT T'abcock a-nl (.'oidincnta: Pugyi.-s i l! Zfi -" Kotbrock & Weaver Wagons, Osboriujl f fa Vj,4 ,, , , r r-rrTrLj ' ' )ise ilarn.ws, .Ni. i -.nijiiek 'iieaj.ers ar.r VJn JAU ffdgflj " Beam Plows, Wairon and JSuggv Har V, fiSS l'- i ! ness, Paddles, Collars. Collar Pads Hri- f. Tfl 1 m. I f fe'iak! dh,; Stoves, Kangcs and everything it I 1 the Hardware line. Call a.nl mv us. WJ I ITS IE. , . f 1 ITTOrffrarT , l . i ei i u .In IjThi I as. Stiiudard "SsjS i s w w sa i) m m A d'-iitg t .''e' a:- j " NV J Trr, i.. aii'l a iMiiKlcian 1 ! - a rnri.t.'ix-c unn-ivi U!.l . .tiumrove. rniJ FASCINATING AND 01IAI1M W.;nx e '"',u, I v ii nd Tar. nnd -nT-wr v faster than we can tell about them. J " i-'-nse suosti- Sto-k i now lai-Mi' eiioimii and d- 1 CUATTANOnG . STAl'EM: Kobt. J- Mil er, Proprietor of the Read House Dies Store of CUattano . Tenn , wr tei: "Tliere is mere m ril in P'd- y's Iloi-y an ! l ar in anv o'her e-uzi syru-r. Ts.e for it'niul i- ! iro -der mtiie of it than ain ! combined A Severn Co'd f The t ! odr,: Xii.sl:iUin. f i3:l'e. -! ev. ii S'O' v, " l s !! -iih a fi er ' . id f 1 m f-rnt- nifd c i- 'le.ef i'te.i f' in ", V'1' then t'i- ' F ev's li jit-I t dlie-i d rue. luiiS- Fol y's Il-dney Cure if taken in t.me att'orils s.vjnritv'froin u.l kidney and li'addT di-i as'S. Standard Drug Go. Foy's Ilonev a::d Tar contaiut no opiate , ami will net i o rffpa;e like uearlv ;li o lisr cuh modi inee. He fuse subs-Ulutts. Snu.ibud Uru Co. Of S:.i-;m 'i linerv continues. Many ot the di.inty and artistic models have been selected, but their places hive beer, taken by others equally as goo 1 and p'etty. There's a whole lot o? beauty in Trimmed Hats at $.i to S . Call and see them. MUS. E. T. ELAIR. New PATTERNS are AliHI V1NG faster than we can tell about them. S'oek U now larj r enough and de signs varied enough to ju-iiui t a sat isl'actory eboiee. Prices can hardly be lower, certainly not until the sea son for wearing is far advanced. Our display is very interesting, it eludes Pawns, (iinirhains, Pere; Calicoes, Ktc. JASPER A UMAX. 1 lilies. -5 "1 u -T- A nonmwwri''