r "in" - y ft - -TMj L t v - .. .. The Courier. ianii'ts i i-innn'iii oiiii -i:t in t rd Mr. K. A. Candle .-pent ;i v at IiamiUman. (J. II. Ai uisii'uii-, f Central Kails was lure Mnnla . C'apt. J. Parkin was here in lusi ne.-s oik1 day last Mrs. Frank l'arrisli. of 1 1 ill's Store, was here Monday. Miss Ida. Morris is visiting Mrs. Fage at Aberdeen this week. Mrs. W. F. lleililinir SHMlt : few days in I lie eoimtrv last week. Mr. lu-ulien I,.m lU rinilk came in n the loeal Tuesday lnorniiij:. Mr. .1. A. Spence spent la-t Thurs day in (ireenslmro on husiness. Miss Harriet 0! linger, of Atlanta. Ga.. is isitint; friends in town. Kdjar Woodell killed what was supposed to be a mad dog Saturday. There is every indication of an im-menr-e blackberry crop in this section. Mr. .lasjHr Annum went up to High Point last Friday on business. MesM-s. S. A. Cox and J. M. Luth er, of Pisgah. were in town Saturday. t lit first rire strawberries of !li Season were on the uiarket Saturday. ,7 fv - ai.-l Mf. W. F. Kedding ejient Sunday iU Umili Tille. Miss Maggie laniard, of Cedar Falls, visited at Mrs. Slack's last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Graves, of Richland township, were in town Tuesday. Miss Martha Redding spent several davs visiting in Asheboro since our last issue. Mr. S. P. V. Pea roe sjK'nt a few days here last week with his son Mr. F. C. Fcarce. Mr. A. N. Bulla and family, of Randlenian, spent Sunday afternoon in Asheboro. Miss Laura Woollen, of Randle mau, spent last Sunday with Mrs. I). R. McCrary. The Twentieth Century Club went into summer quarters, so Sam Teague says, until frost. Mrs. C. G. Hendricks and Miss Ella left yesterday morning for Washington city. Mrs. J. A. King, of Whv Not, Bor- visited her sister, Mrs j. r. onghs, last week. Messrs. Wright Davis and J. C. Lowdermilk, of Richland township, were in town Monday. ' Miss Agnes Rush, w ho lias Wen spending several days out on Uw bar rio, returned home Sunday. Messrs. T. S. Graves and S. L. Hayworth, of Pleasant Gro.e town ship, were in town Monday. saajMr, George Barker went out in the country S'iti.iay. Better mind, Geo., or vou will get poisoned again. The Judicial Convention for thia the 10th district has been called to meet in Salisbury on Thursday, June 19th. Mr. W. C. Russell, of Franklin ville, passed through AsIicIhho Sat urday returning from the Charleston exjKi.-ition. Mr. Silver, who was here for some time in the winter, came in Saturday night with twenty Westerners on a special car. Mr. Daniel Horner, of Moore coun- tr mid Mr. N. W. Cockman, of Fast Brower township, this county, wcrt in tow n Monday. Our city fathers are having a tow n well sunk" on I)elH)t street U-twecn Wood & Moring's and Moflitt &CVs. Ktor.vs near the sidewalk next to Wood & Moring's. " Mr. Will Skeeu has moved into Mr. D. S. Davis' house on north Fayetteville street, and Mr. Davis will move his family back to his farm in New Market township. An exchange says a certain youug fellow in town now has steady em- ldoMiient. He has the itch and waterburv watch, and when he is not busy scratching be is busy winding. Rev. J. II. Wright, who lives two miles sou th of Ashetmro, ased about fid vears. bad the misfortune to fall and' break his left arm l(ctecii the elbow and w rist one day last w eek Mr. J. W. Morgan was in town 5aturday and told i;; of being on irks farm and that be an white oak t r which was 27 fe i in circumf. pmi--. Evangelist Sam Jones will lecture at old Trinity on Monday night next, the 19th inst. Asheboro people can go up on the afternoon train and re turn on the wight train, which will be held at Trinity until the lecture is over. There will be no sen iocs in the M. K. Church here on next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock ow ing l the abr-eiiec of the pa-tor at Farmers commencement. The regular even ing .-cniecs will ! conducted at ?:-T:. Till. ConiiKK acknowledges the rcceip t of an invitation troin rrt. V. L. P.rown to closing exercises tute, Mav --".'th t. e pn-etit at the if lloiubay I list i "eUh. The literary addre-- w ill If delivered on Friday, the :;t'th. by Prof. Frank P. Cutis of Burliiig'ou. Judge Titos. .1. Shaw pa ed thro" Saturday morning going to Carthag' to spend Sunday with his father-in-law. M r. L. Woollen, w ho has been miite ill for several it h iiis r-rimlition is somewhat improved, 1 .ot his recovery is not expected. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boroughs, f Charlotte, came in on Saturday mor ning's eailv train and went d-v n on a few days' visit so Mr. Iloiongli-.' mother. Mr. P.oroiighs went to Lynchburg Monday night. Mrs. lWotighs will remain in th-' county for three or four weeks. Mr. T. J. Finch was here Tuesday. Mr. P. M. Or-eson, of Julian, was in iuii M onda . Mr. (i. T. Murdoch, i.f Ilssiler. wa- in tou n l'i;-.- l.t . Mr. S. I'.r int. A-ii.-lioro e-i, ot lia iiil l. lna'l, v ;i Kaiidl.llla'l i v. III AMI'-l'iT.- e-:, 1 At Point ol ll. V K. P. Steel , was in town Tue: of ay. Hl-I Mesrs. ' ' I'OL'irs am 1 K. 1 York were in town Monday, State Libor ( 'onuni-siouer, II. B, Yarner, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Garner and Mrs. Parrish, of Hill's Store, were in town Monday. McCrary-Iissiter Co. offer to se I.ii""ies at cost lor a lew davs. ,r ad. Messrs. L. C. Parrish and M. W, Parrish, of Kandolph, were in town Tuesday. Capt. M. L. .Tones passed through Monday returning to Ins mine in Montgomery county. Messrs. d. It. Ulack and I'uncan Dove and P.N. Burrow, of Frank limille. were m tow n Monday. Mr. .1. 1. Spencer, ot j.dgar, was i i . i r . in town vesieruav aim iiuorius us that there was a heavy liail storm in New Market township Tues.lav af ternoon greatly injuring all growing crops. The Board of County Commissioner- p.'d !' the fifteen hundred dol- i;i - I ' . ; . oijt.ry w ilS to pay for the Knterjirise iron lridge. The county was to have three years in which to pay for the bridge, but by paying received the beiie lit of a discount of ? percent, paying f 1,395, a saving of $1(," to the 'tax payers. Rev. and Mrs. Levi Branson, of Raleigh, were here several days visit ing Mrs. E. T. Blair, a sister of Mr. Branson. They left Tuesday for Elizabethtow n, w here they go to vis it a daughter. They will later go to Athens, (!a., where they will spend the summer with Trof. Eugene C. Branson, the principal of Athens Graded Schools and the author of a number of school and college text books. Mr. B. F. Bruton, of Wadeville, was a pleasant caller in our office last Saturday. lie says that Mr. Frank Singleton, of Wadeville, commenced acting in a strange way several daya ago, and it was thought he was de ranged. His mind run on animals, and every dog, cat or pig he could get hold of he would proceed to im merse it and go through all the sanc tity that a Baptist minister would in administering baptism. lie was placed in jail for safe detention, but shortly afterwards his actions gave evidence of hydrophobia. Last fall he was bitten on the hand by a cat, No alarm was felt at t he time, though the cat died soon after the incident. Mr. Bruton thought when here the man was dying of hydrophobia. He is 45 years of age and has a family. Stanley Enterprise. Subscriptions Paid. W. W. Peeler. J. Stewart, P. A. Williams, C. Campbell, Edgar An num. J. L. Pounds, G. P. Barker, AY. M. Moser, J. M. Caviness, J. N. Rich, A. M. Moore, J. A. Cole, N. M.Graves, N. K Ilopkinn, r. S. Redding, J Redding. Reward Offered for Sawyer. We are authorized to announce that to anv person who will arrest and safely deliver to the Sheriff of Randolph county one Ed Sawver, charged with the murder of Ijawson Parker, of Trinity township, a re ward of fifty dollars will lie paid. The money is now on detiosit at the Rank of Randolph and can be had upon the safe delivery of said criminal to the authorities at Ashe- Ikm'O. In Quest of Mining Properties The gentlemen named below com pose a party of Northwestern capital ists, who have Ik-cii here lor several davs looking after mining properties. They travel in a private rullnian Palace car: William O'Brien, St. Paul, Minn.; A J Iiiiumeis, George A Laumers John W Nelson, Alex Johnson, Da vid Cariiiicheal, Stillwater, Minn.; A D Stephens, W i-1 Mckenzie, Crooks ton, Minn.; W V Seeleve, Frank lk- lin, Rrainerd, Minn.; Robt Fitzgerald, Chas Iicland, Am'v dowan. C 1' .vlc- (iinnis, Duluth. Minn.; A E Under wood, Solwav, Minn.; Dr. Lchnan, and J. (J. "Miller, State Railroad Commissioner for Minnesota, St Paul, Minn. Kandleman Item. M r. '!. as. K. I''' ;o,t -pent Sue- da v here with his mother. Mrs. E. A. Wiles and children left Tuesday for Winston-Salem, where they will remain for several weeks. Miss I'.uira Woollen spent Sunday with friends in Asliclxro. W. A. Underwood was in our town a few hours Tuesday. F. Ingold spent a few days in Greensboro last week. Mr. C. C. Robbins has accepted the position as Supt. of the Pearl Ho.-iery mill and hopes to be ready for operation in a few weeks. S. I'.ryaut le'urned Monday from a ,-hort trip to Richmond. A number of our citizens expect to hear Sam Jones, at Trinity Col lege next Monday evening. MAV at'.tli. Monday, Dr. K. L. Moore, of (1 IVelboro, will be at llo-t- i Ingold. Hand leinan. N.C.: Tues day. May -.iTth at Ceiitral Hotel, Ash-li-.ro. N. ('.; Hold, Cedar Kails, N. C, Wednesday, May Stlr. Hotel, I-'raiiklinville, N. ('., Thursday, Mav 2'.ith: Hotel, Iuinis.-ur, N.C., Kridav. Mav :5oth; Hotel Klondyke, Liberty, N. C., Saturday, May ;llst, until . in., only. This will hi- your last oppoi timily to secure I r. Moore r services iii voiir home town and at such little cost to von, as he will dis continue traveling in Kandolph. Honest service and .-at isfact i-n guar ant I. iev. tj. d. Jjowdermilk tilted hip apixinitiiieiit at. the . u !:..! i. . : r-'i c.-tant church last Shim!, y xuii - da v night. W e ;' ,'e glad to Shavv w ho h;e lice C; (i o:; iii.it- again. She i.: .-( l.o'V .it ! he home o "lil- lie. ;.,il Pro. ii.intier, of last. Sun- Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Kiniesv illc,' were in town day. -Most ot tile youi g )eoj the (,uaker tuarl -rlv pie went to meeting at Sunday. -V R'ockv River on a.-! very large crowd at ended. Mr. J. C. Ilocket , of Ceuti was in our town last Sa urd.iy. A ork coinincncou on the M. P. church on Monday of this week. The Trustees aim to c.-inplete the work by Saturday cvci-ing. A large number of in-, nations to the Sixth Annual Commencement of the Liberty Normal College have been sent out this week. it is ex pected that a large crowd will attend the different exerei.-es. The commencement evrciscs com mence with the children s concert on next Saturday night. ; lie .-tu- dents in the Primary and Interme diate departments of the College will render an excellent program. 1 his program was arranged tv I rot oe and Miss Winfield. On Sunday, Rev. T. J. Ogburu .-el'tii"!! in church, idav night will preach the Anim.. ' the Methodist Prole-tan t The program on Me will be given bv tie- . 1 :-- -i I-i-ti'u-uieutal Music, and eight vouug adies who will recite in a concert for the Liberty Mercantile Company's Reciter's Medal. The reciters are as lot lows: .Misses lzona roster, May Patterson, Nannie McPhcrson, lone Hornadav, Birde Cameron, Lola Wood, Florence Hatch, and Vallie Trogdon. On Tuesday will take place the contest for the Declaimer's Medal, the exercises of the graduating class, and the Literary Address. There ire three m the graduating class this year: blisses Circe Conic, uertriule Owen, and Nellie Causey. luesday night will witness the best program of all. The students of the College will render the fol- lowing: "Six Cups of Chocolate, Iypnotizing a Landlord, and The Spinster's Convention." The class in Instrumental Music will also render some line selections of music. This program is most excellent and we hope all will hear it. Before another issue of lHK Couriek is out the students will all have returned to their homes or to work. Some of them aim to take work of some kind or other to make money that they may return to school. Miss Nina Moore returned to school again last eaiumav aiier hav ing spent a week at home. H. C. Causev and J. Rom Smith are moving their saw mill to George Reit.el's laud. Mullen Items. A terrific hail storm passed thro' 11th this section Sunday evening. inst. Ilail J ! 1 m ha larger than pat t ridge ,-iaii.-uilf an fo hour. Miss Damie Smith, the oosiinio- tress at Settle, Iredell county, and Miss Alva Recce, of Roonsville, Yad kin county, are visiting then rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones this week and will take in the com mencement at JjiOertv and then vis it other relatives at Gravs Chapel and Uamseur and some other places in Randolph county. Mr. J. C. Kirkman, of Liberty, is ftcn seen in the lowei regions of Mullen. We are not able to say whether he is looking after the agri cultural department on the creek, or the hsh in the creek, or some pretty ;trls out of the creek. Mr. J. M. Williams' most valued house dog committed suicide bv lrowning. Thcv thought when he fust disappeared it was a sure case of kidnapping until thev found his odv washed up on the hank ot Sandy Creek. Mr. Jim Lineberrv, of Millboro, and Mr. John Curtis, of Liberty, visited relatives at Mullen Sun;lay evening. 1 he banks of Sandy Creek was lined with jeopleof all sizes, sex and colors Mav 1st. Bombay Items. Mr. B. S. K earns is out after attack of grip and pneumonia. Rev. Lee Grissom attended quar terly mectaie at Salem church and preached an excellent sermon Sunday Several of the young people met at the home of Mr. R. C. Johnson Sat urdav night and enjoyed an icecream social. Mr. Theodore Sexton, . f Durham, is spending his summer vacation ith home folks near this plac . Rev. J. G. V. IIollu..... vvni preach the annual sermon at Bombay Institute May 25th at 11 a. m. All invited to attend. A. W. Thornburg spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. Mr. T. W. Ingram and son and daughter and Miss Bessie C ran ford went to Lexington one dav last week. Western Randolph Items. Ben Callicott is very low with pneumonia, with but little hopes of his recovery. Dr. F. C. Fra.ier spent a few days last, week in (ireensboro. C. W. Wilson visited near Lexing ton last week. Corn planting in this section is over. W. A. Ensley, of Davidson, is ex pected at Fra.ier school-house next Sun-lay to sing ami play. Miss S. E. Fra.ier, of Dnvidson was in this section Sunday. It. S. Lambeth returned from Montgomery county Saturday with a drove of beeves. John Cecil, of High Point, visited C. W. Wilson Monday. Just received tin- prettiest line of midsummer hats ever .-how n hen-. Our opening will be May 1st. All are invited. 1 ." years experience has taui'ht us w In-re and when to buy. We have with us M iss Cut lar, of Bal R timore w ho i.-an experienced 1 1 Jill n.er. VEXET1A SMITH. FrankiinYilfe Ite.ms K. II. Hami. :! Mi f New . y( jt t, :. ' li'lt tor . f .... was hi ... .-'rious- .( i .;:-.. -:ir: Mi' Mr. id r K. M-etio th.- r. I ..!o-!dav 111 the interest of Aeadetiiy. Mr. Goose-neck Sttht Dove att nde iVrauklinville Vnrlk and Mis? 1 chup'h at Rocky River S'tndi.v. A! i-s M:d..'l Stuai- We ! i. V i i to iireetis- lor . Sa'. ti : dv to r.it ! aim!. Mr. "lid Mrs. of I i ! inoi, l;,i a re i. and friends i:; lo vn. a brot her :i M r. C. h iefl North Carolina a' ago and Las :; it '" Noi-h Stat- : -e h- r nncle and iani Stuart, j-nig relative; vir. Stuart is S'.-art. He ..'it 30 years n i:i the old i-. f; for the .utic-e the con-rii-cilla Cox, i iintirove. W e.- I . We are sorry to an1! t i:i lied j 1 1 11 -SS Ot" M I v. ho-c condition do.-.- Mr. and Mrs. M. W. trtti-ical eiitcrtainnie ni-iit, ;u the d-ig1.' of our vouug JH-op-ie. M-;.'J. L. Lutinr Mai ion to spend a ' and Mrs. S. C. EINott. Ire gave a .it Saturday f some of has gone to lavs with Mr. Mrs. J. r . rer. Bttie and Miss Do: trip to Greensboro -Mrs. James ,'o'ir. made a is" week to do some shopping. Mi. Pearce Cox me i ith the mis- e .IriCn ! f 1 1 1 .-. forth ne last week il T -. . 7 ..1 r. . C. iiusse -if th ne boy Frankliuville Mfg, at his house, and some of me girls have already fallen in h.ve with him. Mr. Peat Allred vi!l erect a nice residence on Asheboro St., in the near future. Mr. Hugh Parks, Sr. intends to establish an alligator farm and al ready has three nice ollL.s to start with. Messrs. W. C. Russell. Supt. of the Franklinville Mfg. Co., and King contractor for the mill dam for the Franklinville Mfg. Co.s attended the Exposition at Charleston l;,st week. DIED: At. his home on his ' farm, near Trinity, on the 7th inst;, of pneumo nia, Mr. Benjamin A. (Juliet t; aged 30 years. In Concord township, May 7th, Daniel Nance; aged 81 ears, 0 mos. and 1 days. era This popular remedy never fails to effectually cure & Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick rleaJache, Biiiousnss And ALU DISEASES Arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural result is ood appetite and Eoiiti fk-sh. Disc srna!l; elegant ly rugar coated ard c&y to swallow. Take No Substitute. Guaranteed Core scr 'tiptheria. Trojjdon's Throat E , the bet UiV-t c-.a meiieiue inane, tor -uIb :.t ; l;ir:l JJru; - ' 3:ii .0 C.s por i.o:t:e. ( n oet-X.is 1 S.vi.K. 1-ine frcsb io'lr-1, l-'oi; cows. Will sell cnoiee stock at -3 each. V. Fr p. Kit. Kaml!o!ih, Iv. C. 8inav-3t We are offering until after coni- nieiieeiiieiit reason is over i lot ot IU or 1") BiiiZides at absolt.te co.-t. Mow is tbe ti.ne to buy a bn.'L-v cbeap. McCRAKY-LASSlTKR CO. Teams wanted to 'haul lumber Ai'i'lv to The Welch Jims., risgali X. c. Democratic County Convention. A convention ot the deiii-.erBtic vo ters of Uan tolph county is herc.bj- call ed to iissemble iu tin; curl-hoa-e in Aslieboro, on SATURDAY, JUNE 7th, 1902, at 11 o'clock, a. m , fir the purpose of electing delenat. s to th Staie Congres sional nd Judicial c niventious, and for ihH ti-ansantion of such ether mat ters as may properly c-me befuie ibe convention . The democratic vot rs of th cou-ity will assemble at the votinj place in their respe. tive vot'ng precinct on Saturday, May 3Jst, 5902, :it 3 o'clock, p. ni , and elect delegate to the county coivntion. By order of the Randolph County Democratic Executive C ommittee. It. K. ROSS, hairman. F. MOFFITT. Secretary. -.EPORT OF THE CONDITIO- OF r THE BANK OF RA.ND LPH APRIL 20th. 1902. ASHEBORO, JSt. C (Condensed from report made to North Carolina Corpor- -ti-ui commibsiou ) RESOtTUrES: Loans an i discounts $10:5,759 22 Furniture and natures and hankirg tiouee rm.) froui ban m -j vaults -. - . . 30.334 43 Total .13r,931 78 MABjnjTIEs: Capital ' 1U'TJU. Sun lus j 12.6K 00 Undivided protitAi lesn exptn sps anl taxes p-kid 2,217 24 Individual d.-pos-tts, subj ot to check , ino,.U4ol j S135,!31 78 I, W. J. Arm fir 1 1, .Tr., cashier of the t'nnlf n( Randolph, do solemnly swar that the above sl.ileuieiit is true lo the bestof my kuovylt! Jge and b. lief. v. . . akmfiei.u jr., i Cashier. Mortgage Sale. By vlr'uv ( tie-nntrtL-:i:-." 't.i Krovrn - ' " Di- rl k;i f -it--i : m olll e .-f Sa i.l..l;.i' iirmo -.I"-. Il-.f -in .. r .liiy. .I'-i.e li' h. i'.'- -lie" nu- t l-in f-T e; lu .l:t 1..T Hi r cstnie: lipiio iurf l-lno co-"ner: tln-i.. Uoh'-l- liu t. :i :.l" E. 11 obH i' nil 7J Iks -Iv'b line; Ihfi:-' " . imst o:ik ll W. V.' W. oil b:i1-1 tlno lo 7 l-'2 iic-ea, ni'-r-' -r 2nd Triiet : H.-iil. ooruer: tlu'net. s. i lheni- K. J i"-l-" i 16 pules to a -l inii to the lierftnnir",-. moro mr U'sh- 3nl I rant : I!- li : ' Cravt-n'a cirnor at' an.l I t Iks to a r- 1 -Hii-I la Ika to a b and 42 lk to I It-'1' I'iia to a re-1 oat; ; ' I' wood; thenco s i - l beioninif. conliei; 'ibis May llth. eo;oiine(l In ft -.id to vH!haniel - f MHri'tl. 1S' whtcli : .1 -I In i he lieclur-'-.ii.'- in Ro.iiv No. V. s I w.ll II on M on -l i ' ..'clock in . vt pul1- .t .1. court house -loor ow.n -li-scriliod real it W. W- 1 awrenot-'- N 2:1 W. on Kvau :ti i --le's tine: tlienco a white oak lu Pow-ti.-.- uii-l 3S ik. to a i-Tr-.jicu'a Itu-'; ll.ence - l. loiinliof coiitaluint; lk -it a pine Lawrence's p.-.-.nTo a wlutu oak; a ;.la-k oak - tht'lice N. .1: -'luu-.e W 36 i-ole? .-'.'aiuiUB 2 1-- acres iz ;i! a I. lark lack. J. D r .n;i E. ll-ii chs . : :.i'iii.e N . ill -i c8 .o.i thence S. VV. 3cl- -"!l ;;n.tl; llienco N. 10 it . 8 olin to a dotr- li n. is Ika to the -i. re, more or U'p. R. BROWN. TIKIS. BROWN. -C - Co..t 1 lxecut4.rB o NathaDiel Brown. Items from Caraway. rJ'he mail route Lorn Carawav to A t!i-- il: hehoro l:.,s 1 :Vo 'i i . - e- '. han-.'d from L i i-- :.o.-. udk ;f ,i eiii-d at Carawav rug s.1 bein A iso t wo more 'phono lines are expected to be built Soon from Caraway Central. People are busy planting corn and plowing over. Items from Ramseur. A large number of our people vi--it-.-d the John H. Burge-s mineral springs last Sunday and all say it i a lino water. Misses Ida Turn--r and Maud Car n lack visit.-d Green-horo last Week. We are pleased to learn that the Novelty Wood Works will greatly enlarge its. plant at an early dav aiul .Mr. Clyde Caiel will be the Treasur- (r and Secretary. There w ere a large number of urumniers in town .Monday. The newly elected town oiliceis etv duly inducted into oliice last Monday night. The fanners in this section are rather gloomy- over the wheat crop. President Roosevelt has sent to .h.i... collector the Senate the nomination If. DcvereiiN, a i.e-ro, to be of .-u.-toiiis at Saa:!iiali, Ga, Rain and sweat fjjS have r.o elTect on 1 harness treated with Eureka Har J r.ess Oil. It re- M sist the damp, keeps the learn fra er soft and pli- able. Stitches ip An not break. No rouh sur ek face to chafe and cut. The grj harness not only kecjs looking like r.cw, lnt f-a wears twice 'i as loneby the .S use i: Kureka Harness Oil. Sold evervwhere in Fin. a:l .M.es. MiJc l.y Standard Oil Company If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in eacb man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility Longfellow. FS' VfAVry 'i-J'.'Jf fJ. '-OS I .-vCW. S v,,! mmmr?m To curt SICK HRAS.ACHeJ HASITUAi. CUFiS V i PAT I O N, j and z'.l ciiseasas sr;n:ngr from in- i digestion. They wit' purify your . !,i, ,i.h r.i msV"';')lit:illon a-j FAIR AS a L'i-Y. The.; tre iiaiatln coated. P.'i?CE 25 CEtsrs. 1 ; Mb'S. THOMPSON'S KOLEDY.'' Hasty, Iiiclnnond Co., X. C. Mav :7, lSfi's. Mrs. Joe Person :- i . r . Your medicine sure") years of nas saeu me it am stiflerii'-p: and heavy doctor s bills. When I bciran to take the Remedy 1 vas nek all the tiui: lieciiiiar to ii i v sex. , with troubles I had nm down until I only vv--i!ih.-d Ho pounds. I took -ten bottles of the liemedy, and am now a well woman am! weih 1 TO. 1 cannot express niv gratitude to vou, and wish suffering womankind everywhere could be in duced to give it a fair trial. I have had seven chihlred, have lost three trying to raise them by hand, and raised three on the bottle. The baby I have had. since' taking Mrs. Joe Person's lJemedy is the first one I have ever been able to nurse from the breast, and h is a lino, fat baby. Everv nursing mother who suffers from" any woman's troubles ought to give Mrs. Person's Kemedy a fair trial. Before taking Jit, I "dragged through iii v work, now I do it. It "avc me -rood s'eeii and appetite an-1 put me in perfect health. My neigh bors callMi. Person's Remedy "M i s. Thompson's liemedv,'" bec;msf I sing its praise so much to c-.erybody. Mi;;-. J. I.. Tiiomvsos. iiii.sint'ss Xotices. HAVE YOU TRIED IT YET? A won- If-ri u 1 Komeuy tor C'oujf lis, ore Throat, Soreness in tin ( best or l.unsrs. and ineiiiH-nt Consumption. The basis of TAK HKEI. Ki'llH riYHCl" lsortU Cui-oliinv l'inc Tar and is always i c-'.iabii-. Sold t'.v uli dealers, M Miinulai-tured hy Tar Heel Medicine Co., Greensboro, N. C, V. 1 Sold by siasdakp Dkuo Stoke. "Disinfectine" THE MODERN Soap MEDICATED The Host Wonderful Product ol Hodern Science ForT'iih t, F:tth and tihaiitpuo Contag ion It it Ileal i tig. S,iti, i.i .1 and Antiseptic M'JY DISEASES nre caxised by mi crulnvand bacilli whieli lurk everywhere; in I...., r money, books, pai e.-, carpets, niKB, clcthii.s;; on walls, windows, car M-iits, in triiet rtKiis, und eTcn in tho air we lin-nthe. Tlc bands sometime or orher, come in contact v. ith nil these articles and surround iims. THE SKIN ABSOKB6. Tlie hands are liable to carry the Kcrms with articles of food or otherwise, to tne month, w here tlie trerius are absorbed by the ly inphaticsaiid blood vessels, and in th is w ay spread the poisonous germs through the whole system. WHETHER EXPOSED TO CONTAGION OR NOT, people snouiu. always use uism fectine" Soap. Teach the children in schools and liou-holdsto w ash their hands with "Disinfectine" Soap, especially HE FORE MEALS. It is endorsed by the i.led ical profession everywhere. A public liene factor and srieutilic preparation worth ten times its price, there is only one lnsiu fectine 'Soap; all simitar brands are imita tions. Popular price. l'V. AtPrugpstsand reliable Grocers. 15c. the cake by mail. Satisfaction puaranteed. DISINFECTINE CO. Canton, Ohio iVREKAf Ovcr-Wcr.t Weakens Vour Kidneys. trnbeclthy EldrJ KaM Impure Blood. MI the biood ' :ir kidneys o ir Lcdy passes through try three minutes. - The Kidrcys are ycur ,':zod -ificrs. they fii hr out i!.e waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ez- .cess of uric acid in the tilcod, due to neglected l.:J . 1. 1 M Kidney Houl causes quick or unsteady heart beats, ar. I makea one feel as though . -j ..au uci i ju;.ic. uccause tne neart is -ver-worklng ,h pumping thick, kidney poisoned bloodgvough veins and arteries. it used to tn.3tdered that onlv uHnarw tror.bles wp.re ' be traced to the kidneys, science proves that nearly i diseases have their beein- cut now mcded a 1 constitulio nir.e in kidr2 troubie. k you can make no rnistaka ie your kidnevs. The mild If you ars by first doct and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's bwamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It st.nd3 the highest for its wonderful cure; of the moat distressing cases and is sold on i: merits f-'- K cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample DOtliS Dy mail Home of Swamp-Root, free, atao pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or biadder trouble. Mention this naner when writinc Dr. iCllmr Co.. Binghamton. N. Y. It is barker for some men to spend it om y than to make it. Like Dairies Before the Sythe, P.aby livtarr-Wfroyt-! in s-:t:" " by cliolem inf.uiti.ui. The i-.ttack -it' the discii-so is sudden, its progress is sometimes terribly rai.id. Mothers who have given their children Perry Davis' Painkiller in water with a few drops of brttndy added can tell how this treatment has checked the diar-rlio-a and vomiting, and put the lit tle patient out of danger. 25 and50e If a woman is born beautiful she can marry riches and they buy luck. If a man and wife still speak after living t-ge' her five years, they have made marriage a snecess. To Core a Cold in One Day Tak Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggiata refuud the money if it fail-to cure. E. Vv". Grove's signa ture is on eacb box. 25c. If a man succeeds in pleasing his wife, like a not he fads with her folic--and the neighbors. Will Core Stomach Acbe in Five Minutes! This is just what Painkiller will do; try it." Have a bottle in the house for instant use, as it will save vou hours of suffering. Watch out that the dealer does not sell you an imitation, as the great reputation of Painkiller (Perry Davis'), has indu ced many people to try to make .some thing to "sell, said to be "just as good as the genuine." Don't get drnnk wl h the idea tha peonle will enjoy hearing v ou say Jun ny things. DANGEROUS IF NEGLECTED. Burns, cuts und oth r wounds often fail m h -al properly if neglected aiui become troub eaome sores. D Witt's itf-b Hpzel Sal e pru-ei.tr-) Sueh con sequences. lveu wac-ro iei.ij no (i-ravated the injury DeUitt's Witch Haz. 1 Salve effects a cur-. ' 1 had a running son- on my leg ill rty years,'' savs H. 0. Hartly, Yaukeeton, Iud. "Alter using many reme ie!. i mcu J).-Witt's Witch Havel Salve. A few t-oses healed the sore. ' Cures all skin diseases. PiK-i yield to it at once. Hevynre of counterfeits. Sta'.dard Dri g Co. Every one can master a grief but he that 1 as it. ohake-peare. DON'T START WbUXG. r-on't stun the summer i;h a linger i. coutrb or cold. We all kno wii .1 r. summer cold' It's the hardest kin ! to cure Otten it ' Iiuiiks ou' through the entire seasjn. Take it iu hand rifT'it now. A fev doses of One Iviiuute (.'ouh viire wili tHt you u'ght. Sur cure f- r coughs ooltla, croui-, grij hroiichiii-i and all throat and limp tr ubles. Alis lntely safe Acts at once. Children like i. ''One Minute I'-jngh Cure is the best cout;h medicine I ever used.'' 'ays J. H.Bowles, Grove- ton. N II. "I never found anything el e t! at acted ro safely and quickly. Standard Drug Co. A giila idta of a fool is auotber girl who breaks oil her engagement be c us her folks are opposed to it. NO LOSS OF TIME. I have sold Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be out of coffee and susar than it I sold five bottles of it yesterday to threshers that could go no "fattier, and they are at work again this morur g rl. H. fheip, 1'iymoutn, Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above tlie threshers were able to kf ep on with their work wthnut losing a sin Kl" da 's iim;'. You should keep a bot tle ot this iiemecly in your home. For sale by stardard lirug ; o Generosity ia tn flower of justice. Hawthorne. WHO 'PlXti COUGH. A -woman wiio has had fxpf-riftice. with this dispasp, ti lls how t- previ nt any daugen us connemteiices f'om it. She says: Tir tlirf.- ch ldrcn to:k whooping cough last summer, our ha-ij- boy U-ing only three months old, and owipk to our giving '-hem Cham beiiam's Cough licrnedy, they lo.-t noi.c of their plumpness and -;inie out iv mueii better health I han 01 tier children vhoe parents di I not us thi-r--mpd 0;ir oldest little :irl would call lustily for cough fyrup between whooi-s. .1 ssie Pinkey Hdl, Sprii'uneid, Ala. This Rpnjt'dv is for sale by Standard Drug Co, 1'II.K-IXK ' ' U R Fa i'!LKS! Voi'eV flimiio ' if it k v.: lads. raiit, C. L. l;h:d,-;:iy, i'r.-idelii. ice-i'redidelit J. II. CV.le, Cashier. -THE Bank of Randleman, RANDLEMAN, N C. Si:i:l'iHTY We have the only ftt'e--oof hank vault in t he rounly ami 'A an ini proved Chrotne-steel liur- rn'f Mife wit i modern time We solieit VOlll" lui-Mllej-s. 1 1 1; i:. 1 i.it: S. Kewlin. A.N. lUiil... W. 1'. Krvant, C. L. Limlscy, N. N. N -v lin. J. Ii- Cole, S. Uiyant and F. Infold. & Attention Yoa will find "PARIS GREEN," 3 ::me death to Potato Bugs and all other -. ' Hi . . 'pests" which destroy your vegetables. ; it-! We have D. M. Ferry & Co.'s G-arden Seeds. Everything in the Drug line. J-iXriDOITPIH: ir-O, Manager. Randlenian. N. C. in. ' 1 - 1 -- - f! .11 J. W. Fry, Pres., J. S. Cox, Vice Tho Greensboro Loan Sc Trust Co Gapital Stock 1oo,ooo. "Take cure of the Dimes and the Dollars will take care of themselves." Start a tavings aecouut for yourself in your old age. Start a savings account for your wife and each ot your children and encour age them to save and add to it. Four per cent, interest allowed on deposits of $5.00 and upwards In our Savings Department, provided they temain three full months from the lirst dsy of any lnont'n succeeding the deposit. Send your deposit or write for full particulars to Greenkboro Lo.jn & Trust "Co., " The eoini any i!.lo rloi-a a Geieial Banking Business and acts as Receiv er, Trustee, Guardian, Executor a"d Adniinistrntor of Estates. Safe Deposit Boxts in St el, Fire and Burglar Proof. Vaults for rent. listen! Cairo, Oa Auuuut SI, 1901. Bock Hill Buggy Co., Book Hill. 8, C. Dear Sirs: I bp.g to state that your "Lone-Winded" axle Is a perfect success, having the advantage over any oteer 1'iOtf distance axle that I have ever seen in that the oil cannot run out ou the ground, but must be used mp on the spiudle; and as tbe sand cannot get -in the spindle to grind It out, I am sure that buggies with this axis will net have to have new points put on the axle-, no matter how long the buggy lasts. Tho farmers appreciate this advantage, hence "Hills" are easy to sell. Yours truly, W. B. ROD DEN BE RY. l,Caiuu,t nm out m the grann l." That's the whole secrst told in six words But it "!-! be used up on the spindle." Of course, if it ''cannot run on the grouml it must be used uponthe -spindle," and that is the reason we've the drnU t all lite balance of 'them. "And it don't cost any more than the rdinary axle, but will run twice a longai am of 1 kem. "The farmers appreciate this advantage." Anybody that don't want to be bothered to dath oiling buggy every' few dayr will appreciate a t?JgPR that don't cost a cent, and so simple a child can understand it. Has run 2035 miles with one iling. IJock Mill Bu&y Company, Rock: Mill, S. C, FOR SALE IN ASHEBORO BY McGRARYLfAS&ITDR GO. - The Hge -jVIattble and Granite Uiorks, LEXINGTON, N. C (ESTABLISHED OVER 21 YEARS AGO. ) Marble and Graiiiic Monuments, Statuary, Headstones an 1 fr'eiicntl Cemetery Work. Work executed in best style t material, and prices ii estrnate. u will save fisgrWrite fr prices. The pp-to-date p. M. Send far Catalogue 3 ;j . - LASSITER & RIDGE, Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Groceries and General flerchandise. We have a full stock of goods and solicit your trade. Will exchange goods for your produce and in exchange will sell you goods as low as they can be bought elsewhere. m 6TART i j m Piace your orders where you are SURE of the BEST that money can I'UY, Prompt service, honorable treatment an at ISO fAMOi 1 handle laixe or small work from tdl Hrst-clas marble anl granite. Compare my work and prices and draw your own conclusion. WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS. : I PAY THE FREIGHT. .T. "V-. O-E'OSP.-, Proprietor, ,ll(lfl!rVfr indies ! AT eiow In order to reduce stock. First come, first served. Alsn reduction on all 2-horse Nissen wagons. iMcGrary-Lassiler Go. It!! ski S rrl TT1 iLu -- - - 1 i : rfi ii. f;., t.i-.J.. 1j It .I'.'.f, i. ifrii . i 1 1 0. i . it&i - Pres, W. E. Allen, Sec & Treas. GREENSBOKO, N. O. right. rite for prices and special money. Yours Truly, H. J. HEG-E. White Piano TOUCH, TONE and FINISH UNSURPASSED Has all the latest improvements, includ ing our Patent Stringing Device, which keeps the piano in tune longer than any other, and neither are they affected by the extreme heat, cold or dampness. Every instrument fully warranted. Price right. Terms right. We pay freight. D. Al. WHITeTpIAIVO CO. BROCKTON, MASS. RIG S IT! Buggies ! AND Cost ! 1 1

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