iiriwnimiii. i W or Feoplo who snffor from liubitn.tl constijinfion with all its atirndant ills, rlor;;p1 sri-inarh ami bowls, sluggish livt-r, iM'nrthiirii, iiuliirptUm, iiiul tliin and impure blood, arc too apt to brlicvo that tin- only r. inodv if vioirtit pu natives. The contrary hs tho ras Such oaf haiiics, flveii if they do inovo tho howls, arc irritatinp; and frrining. have tlie stomach ttillamcd and ciifocblcd and tho constipatod condition roenrs with proa tor rliiiioiilty of euro and the pntToror constantly crowing worso. Tlioro is a laxative that moves ihe bowls wit limit paiu or gripiiip, olotmsos the stomach, sharpr-ns the niipotito, xtinrulatos tho liver, slivn:,'thcns the nerves, and purifies the blood, while its marvellous tonic pTtiort ios tgne up tho entire system and keep it healthy. Its remarkable tonic pinportios reach every organ the liver, Vulnovs and stomach, rn-rve, heart and i.rp.in ,-md removes the cause of your debil itated condition. This is the only war to i-oeiirc an absolute and permanent ctir. Laxa?;olu i the only medicine for babies, is purely verelable mi l its ctioH-r?-p-;:tf-Ficcdy and ofToofivrt. Tor coaled tongue, simple fevers, 'Colds, chills ami languid feeling it is tbe ith'-il niedtc:n-. Tt . y,t. rT" CiiUrrn like it ami ak for it. Iaall:i, the (Treat tonic la-atlve. i not onlr-the most tlfnicm ..I f.m.ly remtdip,, but !lic mo Xonomicai, berxvut it coMhines to mrd'ein-,, r-.t ; laxmixe and mi. , and at one price. No nltia rmriy rlws so moch for thi mnncy. At dnicisi, Clc ami Stic, or lend lor f r sample to LAX AKl LA CO IS! Nasssru Srrett, N. Y , or KO Dearborn Strrcl, Chicago. XO cents. JC? ATLANTA, GA, South's Great Literary Weekly Till January 1st 1902, Only lOc. This m Gam rate la offered to better introduce The Sunny South to its large Southern audience. For six months this Southern Literary Weekly has been under a new management, and the paper has fully met the high standard set for it and continues to improve in every way. Thousands of eneominrns from enthusiastic well pleased subscribers. A subscription row at this rate means a renewal on January 1st, and we confidently invite your acceptance of this special offer. A short Btory contest for Southern Writers has closed successfully and the splendid results will be published dui ins the period of this special offer. The excellent Thanksgiving Number. Christmas Number, And New Year's Number will be included in the time of the dime, any one of which will be well worth the whole subscription. Get up a club of teu in your community and send it along with the $1.00 and brin -tonsliine-to as many families in your locality. The Sunny South is a broad, bright term, but the paper carries the whole meaning of it, and has the flavor of the mag nolia, pine and jessamine mingled in the bouquet of good things in store for the fortunate subscribers. Only . . Ten Cents till Jan. 1 JZddress all orders to . . . Sunny SoutH Atlanta, Co. a Tf n LWfment Ii InvifuibU for Wtr Cot, 'I rTl . J lMm I 1 r n m it i SCARCESS LINIMENT CO.. WintV7t, la. WHY NOT BUY 0) Piii ttn' J - COSMO CARRIAGE CO. THE PLflHTER ials. 0 Eena-cL for oarbaJ-ogrn eao-cL upTdLoes. W. P. HORNER VAGON M'FO CO., Danville, Ya. til fk HI lO cents. SCARLESS LINIMENT A Wonderful Healer For Brb Wire Cuts and all FIen t oundt. Sprain. 6welled Jolot. BruUea. Old Sores. Gall. Collar Bolls. Scratch. Cracked HMl..RMnn. l-'r... . Q Froat Bitira. Bors hecks. Skin uiseasos. Lice, insect Ultea. Piles, Etc.. Etc., Eta For Use on Man and Beast It DlfflMH th P.I. Imuh - Wound In a Few Minutes P. ace.il). swellings and tlaals : Quickly. - - THE BEST? No. 75 5(ar5din;j Top Surrey Mdt's cf the best mate. ia;s. A nice light carriage, i:iaiK; especially for one hone. We also make a full line cf High Grade Vehicles and Harness. Send for Catalogue and . 1'nce Ltit. Glen Rock. Ii one horse 4 M 1 FARM WAG0I7 Made of the very best mater Every wagon warranted. We want live awake dealers In unoccupied territory. I. That Worfl "Gil" Professor Gibbs pays, "Tbttf la no word In the English languid Vapable of performing so much labor y Intelligible sense as the ves and Dr. Withers gives a spec. capabilities as follows: "I gijft back within ten minutes a your lotter. When I got to (J 1 got a chaise far two, but through before I got to Cat and I have got such a cold a. not be able to get rid of in a got to the treasury about first ot all I got shaved and d:' soon got Into the secret of g, memorial before the board, but not get an answer then; howevo Intelligence from the messenger hould most likely get one ne; Ing. As r?oon as I got back to r.J I got my supper and got to bed. I got up In the morning I got my ii fast, and then got myself dress I might get out In time to get a swer to my memorial. As soon got it I got Into the chaise and prt to Canterbury by 3, and about tea time I got home. 1 have got nothing for you, and bo adieu." Current Humor. "This Is where the laws are made," said Mr. MiBride to bis wife, as he showed her congress at work. "And which is the framing depart ment?" asked Mrs. McBride. Her husband looked puzzled. "I read In the papers that laws were framed in Washington, you know," she explained. Detroit Free Press. Fred But, my darling. I would work hard ajd eventually fortiwta would crown my efforts. Mab Thanks! but I prefer tn heir to a castle to a castle lu the air. Pearson's Weekly. Walter How would you like to have your steak, sir? Frank Customer who has been wait ing twenty minutes) Very much, in deed, thank you. If it isn't too much trouble. Philadelphia Press. Lost Hair " My hiir came out by the hand ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stopped the Lair from com ing out and restored the color." Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it uch satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. I M a Mile. All drnniaU. If your druraist cannot ;ipply yon, end us one douar and we n il! express you a bottle. Be sore and i;iTe tlit' name of your nearest express oflice. Aillris, J.C.A YKK CO., lowell. Mass. Stopped the Ceremony. The wedding swell was going well, A splendid sight to see; Out rang a voice, clear as a bell: "This wedding cannot be!" The organ stopped, the bride had dropped Back fainting 'mid tbe palms; So when In rage the bridegroom bopped The speaker felt some qualms. I only said you should not wed" He spoke with covert laugh Until three minutes shall have sped, When I start the b!oeraph!" Ba'itiii.ore American. The Hostess (in reply to Willie's whisper) No, dear, you can't have any more cake. You've had enough. The Guest What a good little boy. And what are you going to do when you're a man, my son? Willie First off I'm go!n' to buy myself too much of everything I like to eat. Philadelphia Press. THE SURGEON'S KNIFE Mrs. Eckis Steyenson of Salt Lake City Tells How Opera tions For Ovarian Troubles May Be Avoided. " Dear Mns. Pinkham : I suffered with inflammation of the ovaries and womb for over six years.endurinff aches and pains which none can dream of but those who have bad the same expe- MKS. ECKI8 STEVESSOX. rlence. 11 undreds of dollars wen to the doctor and the druggist. 1 was simply a walking medicine chest and a phys ical wreck. My siter residing in Ohio wrote me that the had been cured of womb trouble by usirifr Ljtlia 11. Plnkliam's ' AVjretablc Com pound, and advised me to try it. I then discontinued all other med icines and gave your Vegetable Compound a thorough "trial.. Uitliin four weeks nearly all pain had left me ; I rarely had headaches, and my nerves were in a much better condition, and 1 was cured in three months, and this avoided a terrible surgical operation." Jilts. Ecifts Ktevknsox. 2r0 So. State St., Salt T,nUe City. I'tuh. $5000 forfeit If above testimonial Is not genuine. Remember every woman is cordially Invited to write to Mrs. Pinklinin if there is anything about her symptoms she does not understand. Mrs. IMnklam's address is Lynn, Mass. so. ior,oLOoroor,or.ooi'oroL. I fAPUDlNE S LatJKIr'Pt, COLDS. 1 1C. a, DoriNol All' l Ihe ll.nrl. . so d bjr Dmtrlst-. l"nn -'in liot1.. ' 040MOtG04CSC40;40',j?0.C ' 4 tm- It. Cosuinc stamped C C C. Kevrr scM in fca Beware cf the dealer who trii-s U sc'l 'sciLetliic? jlsI as exA. A lib WL I '"fr HE MUST APOLOGIZE Bill Arp on Roosevelt's Remarks About Davis. BILL SAYS THEY WERE WRONG. That Roosvelt Should Hasten to Hake Ample Amends Tor the Mistake Me Has Made. Once more unto the breach, good friends once more," I would like inj know about what time President Roosevelt is going to retract what ho wrote about President Davis. It ha3 now been proven by the official records at Jackson. Hiss., that Mr. Davis never was governor, nor was be ever a men ber of tbe legislature of that State, and in a public address made after the act of repudiation, be declared he was op posed to it and the debt ought to be paid, and this amateur historian de nounces him in his book as an arcb triitor and repudiator. Mr. Davis fought in Mexico for the honor of the 3ag; won the victory at Buena Vista; was desperately wounded and for five Hfneral Taylor's daughter lor nis nrst wife and 3idi't run away with her, either; was secretary of war under Franklin Pierse, remodeled the curri culum at West -Point and It stands as he framed it; was a member of th United States Senate when his tSata seceded and, like General Lee, he went with his people. He did not seek the presidency cf the confederacy and ln sisted that another be chosen. Now all this has long since been established and if Mr. Roosevelt did not know it he could have known it. Ee certainly knows it now, and if he is a gentleman le will retract it and apologize to Mrs. Dnvis and the family and to the saint ed shade of Miss Winnie and to the people of the South. He called him an arch traitor and arch repudiator and compared him to Benedict Arnold and that slanderous libel is in print in a book of eo-called history and has pois oned the minds of all the fools, fana tics and idiots who have read it. When is he going to retract? The International Cyclopedia, edit ed by distinguished professors of Co lumbia university and Dartmouth col lege, says of Mr. Davis, "He was a ripe scholar, a vigorous writer, a splen did orator, a brave soldier, a true gen tlcman, a sturdy champion, a proud, true patriot, a lover of liberty, a Chris tian hero this is the Jefferson Davis that history will cherish." General Lee was his bosom friend and confi dent and yet this so-called historian, this roush rider and bear hunter, praises l.ce while he defames his friend, a man infinitely his superior in everay moral attitude and every noble emotion. But maybe he will retract ani apologize, though Tom Moora says: "But faith, fauatic faith, once weddeJ fast To some dear falsehood hugs it to the last." He had better rectract, for some of ow obi soldiers are very mad about it. They are talking about suing him for ! sl.inder and gainisheeing the govern ! ment for his salary. Killing bears in j the wilderness won't save him nor will i that l-rtie tirtun we haa in euoa. 't hat is peruaos the biggest little war we have ever bad and every small politi cian and stump orator who wants an office ji'.mpts tip and says we are all brethren r.ow. We fit and fout and bled together at. San Jauan and Santiago and then we crossed the wide ocean to whip out some niggers? and we will eoou all be on the pension roll. An old veteran said to me, "That little Spanish war remind me of the fellow who was drowned at Johnston, and when he knocked at the gate St. Peter didn't reiognize him and refused to h?t him ;n. 'Why, my dear sir,' said he, 'I a:n cne of the Johnstown sufferers. I was drowned in that flood.' So the good saint relcnt-'d and let him in. lie wandered abort heaven, looking at the beautiful thin" " and after a while came acrobs asi old man and said 'Good morning, old gentleman; glad to sec you. Eeen here a long time, I rec kon?' The oid man said nothing. '1 am ods cf the Johnstown sufferers. I was drowned in that great flood.' Th old man did cot reply, but turned aud walked slowly away. Sa the fellow went to St. Peter and asked wj that old man was. 'He would not speak to me,' said he, 'though I told him I was In the great flood ah Johnston.' And St. Peter replied, 'That old man, sir, la Noah and he had a flood of his own to think about.' " And now we read that all the hor rors of our civil war are being repeat ed In the Philippines. In our war it was the white yankees who made war hell for us, hut now they are making it hell for the negroes in the Philip pines. We were trying to smother what our people suilcred. but they won't let us and now boast that Gen eral Sherman found it the best way ti shorten the war. No, we old men and women caa't forget and I hope that our children and grand-children will learn it all in some Southern history. Ths civilized world ha3 not forgotten Herod nor Nero nor the duke of Alva nor the massacre of St. Baitholemew, where 30,000 Protestants were butchered in a night. But wben wni Teddy repent, retract and apologize? He has got It to do sooner or later or go down in history as a malicious defamer of one whose shoe3 ho was not worthy to un loose. He and Milc-s will get together some time and some where. Now, why does not Teddy ror-.siJer the feelings of our people in his appointments to Southern offices? Why did he not give Savannah a white man for a collector? Appointments c-f negroes to he post masters and revenue collectors are an insult to us, and be knows it. If he has such affectionale regard for those negroes why not e!vp them a place sit Washington or Albany or n-vjton or a consulship at Hayti or Sr.n lloniinga? These oIHces are the nearest of all to J'jr people. The postoflke is our try "ing place, a kind of Moe -a. arid the J st master our confident. That officer should above all others be acceptable to the majority of the people. The col lector has the commerce of a city in his lands and under his control, and thut commerce Is all white none of i' comes from the nearo race. What e.v ruse can he give for such appoint ments? None, and when is he coins to retract and apologize for that Bland er of Mr. Davis? Ucoo answerers when? Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitu tion. Schley on Sampson's Dzath. Washington. Special. Admiia Si hiey Wednesday made the following statement, regarding the death cf Ad tniral SampFon: "1 regret very much tbe dv.h of Admiral Sampson and 1 sympathize with his family. No one ha.-; ever heard rue utter one unkind j-'ord about him. On account of hif--eath. I have wq-.irpted ray friends in t'-itimore to postpone the delivery to ;. which wan intended to have taken tonight, cf th Ohristobal Colon imi'c of Fiiver. and tr-y have acced :a to my request. KINDLY A0T APPRECIATED.: Conrtesy Shown Man In oor Blind Colored street Car. People are so bii9y nowadays they have often not timol to be polite, and a considerate act at d,nce attracts atten tion. There was si,cn an occurrence a few days ago In ai 4th avenue car. Among the passeigers was a blind negro. His clotbest were the veriest rags and were heid to his emaciated frame with pieces wire and bits of string. A broom handle served as a cane. Ovsr one shoulder was suspend ed a gunny sack, giving him the ap pearance of a cottori picker. He continually pi&ked at one hand with the fingers of . the other, as though he were placing the banjo, humming softly to I,imself the while and patting his foot. As his face was wreathed in smiiesBOt a grin all eyes were turned ii, ns direction. Many of the passeng6rs looked at him regretfully when the bar reached Stan ton street and he arose and made his way toward the door. The hour was a b.USy one on the Bowery. People wondered whether the old man wc ild reach! the sidewalk in safety. A young man' standing on the rear platform did more than wonder, however, for he alighted and guuied the negro safely to ft.,, sidewalk. He then as rapidly as possible ran after the car, which was disappearing down the street. Several of the passbngers v;ho had noticed the incident caned on the con ductor to stop the car" but as he did not do so one of t'ei rang the bell violently, and the & t!i levrr and tua-rfc: man reversed ?r-4. -pk1- den stop. As the youiif climbed on the platform, says the N'ew York Times, many smiles of approbation were cast in his direction. But be seemed to be almost ashamed of wbat he had done, and fie pulled his hat down over his eyes and continued his ride In silence. "So you are just married," said the uief of the railroad information bu reau, who wanted a clerk. "Does your bride make pie?" ! "She does," replied the applicant for ; the place; "but what has that to do ' with my securing employment in your ' effk-e?" "Oh, some," said tne chief. "We I in Bunnnsorl tn ansiver inauiries no- litely, and I'm not taking chances on , the temper of a rrian with Indiges tion." Baltimore News. Kate I fear you will find me full of faults. J" Diet Darling, it shall be the dear est office of my life to correct them. Kate Indeed, you shan't! Stray Stories. It's funny that a girl never gets into I society until she cpmes out. j B. 8. S. SENT F3EE. j forei Riood and Sklj Disea.es, Cancer., Scr.iCuIa, Helling Hi"""'", Carbuncles, ! Koilx Stop. !ae Pulnr, K(r. Botauiir Ulood U;ihn (. B. B.) cure? Tiinples. s.;al)Sy, soal', itching Kezciua. Ulcers, Katin-; .Sore'1, Scrofula, Bloo 1 Poison, Boae Pains,,, Swellings, ltheuma iism, Cincer, and d Biaod and Ski i Trouble. Especially, advised for chroni i-ases that doctors, patent inodkunus and Hot Springs fail to euro -'or help. Druggists, tl per larg, bottle.! To prove it cur--; E. B. B. sent free by writing Bi.oou IUi.m Co., 12 Mitchell St., Atlanta, (is. Descriiid trouble and free uieidial advice seat we ana lree iu'-"-ai aavic-? seat in JfU7. - Medi-f" " ' i one?, ,r? iSl wo as!t iJ yzt you will speak a rcal Ll.lU. - ,1 ... i.. goouyord ! r p. ' BJ wuou urd. Ch,ra20 esuends 3.100.000 a vrar fur i Police lear!ment aliid I,8aulM for its fire Department. AU Your Heater Kir Allen Fool-Kn.p, t. powder. It resti the feet. Cures Corns. IHmions, Swollen. Sore. Hot. Callous, Aebin. .Sweatiuj; Peet and IngrowingKails. Allen's Poot-Kasf makes new or t i(-ut shoes eiLsy. At nil Drutrcrists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac cept no substitute, sample mailed I'hke. Address Ailen S. Olmsted. I.eKoy, JC. V. In llie (!iand Canyon of Colorado n man's voice lias been -eard a distance ot eighteen joiles. FITS j.ermanenl.ly cured. Ko firs or nervous ness nfter first day's use of lr. Kline's f treat .serveltestorer 2triai hot tie aud ireatisefrec Pr. K. II. Kline, Ltd., i3l Arch St l'hiia., l'a . One miner is killed for every 1,060.0' tons cf coal raised. When it comes to wearing an engage ment ring the left hand is the rilit hand. "la Vortli It TVeljcht In Gold." "Had Eczema for three years; tried t'ureo doctors and every advertised remedv. with out effect, till I tried Tetterine. Ifcfif n box of Tetterine removed all signs ot the dis ease." C. H. Adams, Columbia, 8. C. 0?. a box by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Oa., if your drugtist don't keep it. The pen is mightier than the sword when it comes to signing checks. Seaboard Sc-lal Raleo. f 5.90 Charlotte to Eoleteh, N. C. b.io! re turn, aecotint of Coranienct ment Exercisses A. A M. Collejro. Ticket 0:1 mle Slay sl h to 27th, inclusive, good to return until May 29:b, Mrs.'Winslow's Soothing Syrup forehiliiren teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays palu, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottl-j Tiso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken ot HO a cough cure. J. W. O'Bbikn, Saa Thir l Avenue. N.. Minneapolis. Jlinn.. Jan. C. l'JO) of a ljaxative of known value and distinctive action' is rapidly growing in public favor, along with fine many other material improvements of trie agje. The mzny wRo are wcJJ infemvd (understand U the aViove must to me or sujbstance, with its component parts simple and wholesome and it should act pleasantly and funct fulfil most perfectly the requirements, in the hi zhdst decree, is ymp of The cf saie -1 tfrjlf? many years whicln it has rivc:i that it to t possesses pul)hc ravor. HEADACHE, BACKACHE, , DIZZINESS (PE-RU-NA CURES PELVIC CATARRH.) If &Jg& - I "I am perfectly well," says Mrs. Martin, of Brooklyn. "Pe-ru-na cured me." Ms-i Ariii.i Martin, Jloyt struct, i:i-juK.yii, . . 1., writes: " Vrrnirt did snmtich forma that J feil ft in ii i ii t ; to im:m men tl it to til hem ,( mail be si mllnri 11 nsllct . Ahiin' a turn i' .'( ! he ilili U'rt s complelfl it bl'oken .ntr;i, had bar.h tiche, dizziness and Irregularities, anil' life xremrU f-'ark indeed. He had imiul I'eritim in our Zioiiie s a tunic and lor roldn and vatarrli and 1 decided tn try it for tn i; t rouble. In lets than th ree ini?itis i beeante rrg , iniivatns liad entlretydti-ac-j.eaieif, and 1 am now pi-rj sett , lie." Mrs, Anna M-rttn. Miss M'.ric Johnson. II Columbia. East. JJctroit. M:c!i., is Worthy Vice 'JVmr.'.ir in Hope LoJt;e .No. Ii, In'.icpendi-nt Order t'Ood 'i emptors. Miss Johnson, as so m?ny oilier women also have !one, ioun-i in I'e runa a specific tor a severe case of female weakness. She writes: '"i want to do what I can to bt the whole world know what a rnnd me-iivine JVrusia is. 1'or eleven years 1 suffered with female troub'cs and complications arising therefrom. Doctors failed to cure nie. and I despaired of being helped, l'e riina cured me in three short monthj. J can hardly believe it myself, but it is n blessed fact. 1 am perfectly well now, and have not hal an ache or pain for months. I want my suffering sisters to !;nov what Peruna has done for me." Miss J.larie Johnson. Miss Ruth Emerson, 72 Sycamore st.. Buffalo. N. Y., writes: "I suffered for two years with irregular and painful menstrua tion, and Peruna cured me within six weeks. 1 cannot tell you how grateful I feel. Any agency which brings health and strength to the afliictctl is always a wel come friend, and to-dav the market is so X-'Ji' -ti wo"' v5 Tho Only Durable Wall Coating Wall Paper is unsanitary. Kal souiines are temnorarv, rot, rub off a id scale. AI.ABASTINK is a pure, permanent and artistic wall coating, ready for the brush by mixing in cold water. For sale by paint dealers everywhere. P.uy in packages' and bswere of worthless imitations. ALABASTI N'E COMPANY, tirand Rapids, Mich. GETe LttAtii liiek of our Guaranty of Positions, OIKS ALL THE YEAR. Kndorsed by liiiiiUra. Ofii ;Is, Husinosa M-'ii. K. ii. i-'are p;i!i Ho.;ni nt t-ust. Wiito u!c!i to GA.-A IA. lilS.COLU-:GEfIaco,Ga. VKjr&fr-K::??.- lis? K Thousands of children Ko 20 XT xv' -si EerZ-r't "J f. A Fi i 1-.. -,K. jr. CTARTLIN Worms. Symptoms are seldom reliable. They depend upon the e caud s temperament and uno:i t:ie tines. Lose r.o time' Adopt the safe and sure course by using OR. BOVKIIV'S WORM KIUUER. A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DESTROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. S IN USE OVER 30 YEARS ACCEPT NONE BUT DR. BOYKIN'S. w 23c- BEST VERMIFUGE KNOWN- SOLD EVERYWHERE. 523-33-2-2-5-3 5i - J - 9 - 33 - 3 - 2:2 - 22 - 2 - ? - 9 - ciervtific Drodudion quite clearly, that m order conditions a laxative should wHnllv free from every obiectionable quality gently without disturbing tne natural ons in anv way. The laxative which lions of bottles annually foi tnd thi universal satistaction confirm the claim we make the qualities wlncn commend V1 j 5 'iMV1 fiii'-'U with u-:eiess and injurious medicines that it is a pleasure to know ot so reliabk a remedy as you place before the public." Miss Kuth Emerson. It is no longer a question as to whether Peruua can be relied on to cure all pueh (a?es. During the many years in which Peruna has been put to test in all forms aud stages Qf acute and chronic catarrh no one year has put this remedy to great er test than the past year. Peruna is the acknowledged catarrh rem edy of the ace. Dr. Hartinan, the coin pounder of Peruna, has written a book on the phases of catarrh peculiar to women, entitled, "Health and .Beauty." It will be sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Jf you do not derive prompt and patis-fa-.-tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Uartman, giving a full statement of your ease and he will be pleased to give you his valuable adviee grr.tis. Address Dr. TIartman, President of The Ifartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. "It's a shame!" exclaimed Meander ing Mike, as he tossed the piece of newspaper from him. "What was you readin' about?" asked Plodding Pete. "Dese donations by Andrew Car negie. It's a shame to be spendin' so much money for libraries when dey orter be buyin' cook books fur some o' dese jails we have to stop at." Wash ington Star. "What do you think we had better do about this man who is abusing me in his speeches?" asked Senator Sorghum. "Well,' was the answer, "I've no ticed that if a man can start out by being coutinually found fault with he's liable to land securely in success some time or other. So long a3 he keeps on abusing me don't do any thing. If he shows signs of quitting offer to pay him to keep it up." Washington Star. Friend What, are you going to do with the alarm clock? Salesman Taking it down to our store. Friend Out of order, eh? Salesman Not at all. I just set it to go off at the closing hour. Our store doesn't advertise, you know. Philadelphia Press. cALLEN'S EU3INESS COLLEGE, f!: auceesstui acnooi. m ma ana. t--ata!ctue rice. M tUUcS VVfiiht ALl Ubfc FAILS. Prj I-est i;ui,-h b; ru. Testes GoviU. Use p3 Verubodu Knows &ntmBrssraHX!i -twwic-.-saccv Mrs Anna Martin. J I fict to have your Dress Fit 90a mosJ Wear the Proper Corset Ro y a IJWo rces ler or Boo Too Corsets ere ihe mcst stylish made STRAIGHT FRONT A.'; your dealer to show theai. Accept no substitute. ROYAL WORCESTER COSSET CO WORCESTER, MASS. ACIl are beinjr gnawed to distraction by variety of worms present in tbe lntes- 3 - 3 - ; 2-5-2 -Si -S'-B-S.-S-S-S'-S-iSi-'-i-ii m m ? i is due to the originality and simplicity of the combination and also to the method of manu facture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and which ensures that per fect purity and unirormity of product essential to the ideal home laxative. In order to get always buy the genuine and note the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. In the process of manufacturing figs are used as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination ot plants known to he medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. tf nut t? v.vzvJ i LoviisviS h.lxf. For iiute by all druijisls Price 111 7 OP. EVERY SLOG ice CTJTICTJRA SOAP, to cleanse ths rktl " Of crusts and scales and soften the thick ened cuticle, CUTICUEA CINTMEST, to instantly cllay itching, ic&.Binia-' tion, and irritation, and soothe B.cx he-il and CUTICUHA RESOLVENT FILl to cool and cleanse the-blood. ASINGLK SET of these great skin curatives i'j often sufficient to cure the most tortnr ing, disfiguring, itching, burniig, bleat ing, crusted, scaly, and pimply skin, scalp, and blood humours, with loss of hair, when all eles fail3. firlil.ions of People Use CimcCRA So,r, assisted by CctiOcrA Ointment, for prcservins, purifying, ai bcauti fylii tl'.e skin, f:r cleaning the ccatj, of crusts, scales, ami d;ir,lrurt, and l'ie stop ping of falling hair, for softcnln?, whitening., and soothing red, roccl;, a::d sore hernia, for baby rashes, itching," mid cliafinga, and foi? allllie purposes of t'.i'j toilet, bstH, and nurs ery. Millions of Women use CuxicraA SoAP In the form of bath3 fur annoTins irritations, lnflauiniattons, and cxv-oiiations, cr too 5ro or olfensivo pui-npiratlon, in ttio forn washes for ulcerative weaknesses, i"t for many sanative, anii.-rntio purposes Wietl readily surest themselves to wor.ico. "CmcrRA B SOLVENT Pills (Oiocolat Coatotlt are a nuw, tstoles, Hlorl--s, eco nomical s-.ihsiitu'.e for tho c-iebrritcd iiqiud Cutiocra rtFsoLvKN-r.as writ as for ail oiftr bloo't purifiers an-1 h:iyn:n:r cares. In sc-xe--rap vials, containing ('. riosea, j-rios M'c. RoM throughout the wrl-f. P',", U',c , OiNTijajT,? :U:ti-h rrlK-uen Jontl.in. Kr.-r.ch lJcio--: Z H i . (1? n I'fl 1. l erid- l'"T. XA Dut'O ft CJ. COiU'., Sole L'rr., U. 6. A. MtU V JV'lf - 3 fi r; Small crops, unsnlciblc veg etables, result from want of 'otasii 9 Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KAT.T WORKS, 93 Aras.sau St., New York. R FINE Hoot FAT ' KCHt-'CiO 'Htt;iricTO" Is a perfectly harnilrss rent tnhle compoim'l. It p-!-tlvelv and irrnianeiitly i iinin.'itcs ,rirtulrncy and fiipi i-nui.ustit-sh. It In a '('!; I. AUMH.I TK arl liarinlebsas Iro.-hair.T iioit.-ar.')--r I aticnt Imvi- i:?.-t this treatnu lit. J'vsk-ij;n-.ei!.:i'r clt. i lie us lor FH I KTK KA'I MK. I . M'liU Ten tVliln l.ii-.ivir I muter, etc. Cn--.-P'-iKUnt-e piri-(iy ti.r.U.lt r.i ui. :vi" tiling in p'alnc'ij! tl l a' kl.i't'n. We Kciiil you rh ioi ni'uln.tl you t:kp'Ur tit ifln!-!,!, ami you ct.li n.akM Kctaa-lo' at hr.ni,- It .vninit-si.oi'K, iiwli: iht- lnv'red-K-nU lieed lu.v lu t'tur if i-vii elttet.-. .lor,---, ,.!!i-liii hi-i:i I o .tiJOl e Jelt Avuei Luui.Mu i.,iLi kinri free Enclose -cnt stnip fur particulars. B '9 Address SCOTT REMEDY CO., Louisville, Ky. J2 THE URINE IS GUIDE It you will Knd ice i lamplv of your taurn iiifutlD lor otivnkat enalyils. win toll vou by it, lu num. LOCATION ESTEST ot your fclSfASE .ui wliiHho. COSABtf, or IHCiiSAitf, tn, ot el.rf.. Di.iHnc ll Do bairlor to tuccoH wlion tclaiicc tikf 1k ulftco of gueatiu. Snn4 t:vo centa tor mailln? case f.-r urlno. lly 'loetuironTHE WATES DOOTCS I. P. SHAFES, M. D.. 522 Penn Ave., Pittsburs, Pa. 250 FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. ApplT Ht onc to THE LANIER bOUtllKKX liU.ISKfS i ol.LEUK, Macon. CJa. Io ksnup. iuir, tiHiiklng, ft-nmansliip. hniliai:(l. lie wrl'tng. Telegraphy. MutheinaUi-a, Orammar and Lusiuee coirp iulnn-e thoroughly taught, liuard to iU per mouth. What dust dat critter raisin', lie stubborn ez you choose, Dat mule do kick amazin': Must have on Red Sea! Shoes! Mm ft e v York.N.V fifty cetvii per bottle. $ m u If n s -4 ' tit 5 fflliliiiii iiHiilniii Pi fell m him St ! fefr f ft I m f 8 !

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