T5he Courier Local and Personal. Mr E O Rich, of Star, wu her last week. Sheriff Dorsett, of Lexington, was" in town Thursday. Mr J W Cox, of Staley, was in town Saturday. Mr J M Dorsett, of Farmer, in town Friday. Mr R L Albrteht. of hrect, was in town Thursday. Mr H J Hege, of Lexington, was here last b nday on business. Miss Puttie McRue returned to her home at Rockingham Friduy. Mr Ferd Ingold, of Randleman, was here Tuesday. Mrs C C McAlister left Wednes day morning for Charlottesville, Va. Drof Rumble, of High Point, gave l violin recital at the academy Tues day night, Miss India Young spent Sunday here with Mrs T D Harris. Mrs Moritig entertained some of her friends at her home on Tuesday Afternoon at a thimble party.' Mrs J E Walker and Mrs D B McCrary spent Wednesday in Hau lleman. Dr Frazier, dentist, of High Point, ?p;nta part of lust week in Ashe boro. Profs W V McRae, of Randleman, Engene Harris, of Farmer, were in town Saturday. Mr E L MofTitt made a business trip to Winston and other points last week, returning home Saturday. Preston McMasters, O R Williams, John M Kivett and others from the Liberty section, were in town Satur day. Beit Pearce was out on the Uwhairie lust week making repairs on his farm with a view to moving there soon. Messrs J C Lowdermilk, A N Ronth, S W Keams. J H Kenrns, and Thompson, were in town Friday. Miss Nettie McAuley's visit to Asheboro was cut short by the sad news of the burning of her mother's home in Rockingham Wednesday of last week. Mr W J Carter, formerly of Brow er'a Mills, is postmaster at the new town of Elise in Moore county, on the Din hum & Charlotte R. U. We learn tint the Asheboro Hardware Company contemplates the establishment 6f a hardware store at Raeford, N. C. The Asheboro Hotel, near the court house, caught tire Friday after noon from a defective stove 'flue. Prompt action on the part of Mr Moffitt saved the building from be ing burned. Mr W j Page, generul manager of the Asheboro Lumber & Mfg. Co. store is building a handsome dwell ing on Salisbury St., east of the par sonage. Klise Coricspondcnt of Carthage Blade. Mr W J Annfleld bus purchased the lot known as the female acad emy lot. He has also purchnsed from the heirs of the Hoover prop erty a strip of land adjoining; on the south and west. Messrs J C Baldwin, W R Ash worth, J F Routh, Dorsett, W P Thorn burg and quite a number of other teachers were in town Satur day attending the session fit the It is generally understood that quite a number of road overseers will be indicted at the next term of the Superior Court, the third Monday in March, unless as many as six day's work ban been done by each road overseer by court. Mr J E Albright, who has been rnnnlnir as railwav postal clerk be tween Mt Airy and Wilmington, has been nominated by the President for postmaster at Mt Airy. Mr Albright married Miss Lena Crocker, a popu lar Asheboro vouuk lady, some ten years ago. On last Wednesday deputy col lector J T Miller and deputy mar shal H C Reece captured a bU-gallon copper still, S worms and cap. about 600 gallons of beer, and 30 gallon of low wine near Zion church, in thim muntv. but the operators "took wings and fltw". Siler City Mes senger. W moat srratefullv appreciate the kindness of muny of our subscribers who have so promptly paid np theii ntxirrintions. Some names have lwn atricken from the list but many new names have been added. We re getting new subscribers almost every day. Speak to your neighbors abou t su oscn oing. Mr J F Cameron, of Cox, N. C, " spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Mr Cameron was returning from a trip in the lower part of Montgomery and npper part of Richmond county, ht he had been disposing of Arm of mules. He says that h had no trouble in finding sale for good mules, and that he will have another drove in that section in about three weeks. Troy Examiner, Mr ft A Blair, editor of the Ran ' dolph Argus, published at Ashtboro, . has been recommended for the posi ' tinn of statistician for the United State Agricultural Department to ikywU D K Pone who becomes as- ayerof the Charlotte mint. Pope U the fellow who collected contribu tinm for the state executive oom- mittee and got in trouble with the Viuliaon nostnuater and like to have gotten his head "Mowed off". The office it considered siuaenre and alwava been riven to cuuieander tri prr who did the bidding of the Mr D S Pool, of Troy, was here Tuesday. Mr A N Bulla, of Ruiidleman, visited relatives here Sunday. Mr Benj Lanier, of Level Plains, was here Tuesday. Mr II D Scarboro, of Cedar Fulls, was in town Tuesday, Mr C O Bean, of Pisgah, whs here luesuay ana guve us a sail Mr W N Elder, of Fairvicw Park, was in Asheboro 1 uesday on buai. ness. Miss Lelu Hall spent part of lust week with Alias Dora Kagan,of Von cord. Messrs J II K earns and J S Svkes. of Concord township, were in Ashe boro Tuesday. Capt Y M C Johnson and Mr W D Coward, of Ramseur, wero here Monday. Miss Virginia Muiette. who has been visiting here, left Saturday for Kaicign. Mr T J Moffitt, went down in the Moflitt Mills settlement Monday, returning 1 uesday. Messrs C V Bean and L D Birk head took a trip to Aberdeen Satur day, returning the same day, Miss May McAlister returned last Saturday from a visit to Charlotte accompanied by little Miss Maude Carson. Quite a number of our people at tended the sale of personal property of the late J C Fuller in Concord township yesterday and to-day. Mr E O York, of Central Falls, as here Monday. Mr York has recently opened up a line of general merchandise at Central and is doing good business. Miss Abigail Spencer, of Randlo- man, calne down on Tuesday morn , coTne down ing's train uud went out in the country to visit her brother, Mr urney Spencer. The School Board met Monday ud declared that the public school here would continue until the lust of March; we hear the school will be run as a subscription term after this time. Mr J T Moflitt, who is enframed in holesale and retail mercantile busi ness, in Tanina. Flu., snent Satur day and Sunday in Asheboro. Mr W Q Lewiillcn is also engaged with Mr Moflitt in Tumpa, in n city mar ket. Read the remarkable clubbing offer of The Courier and The Cou rier Journal. This offer will hold good for 30 days only, but the ad will not appear aguin as we need the space in order to give our readers the best up-to-date paper possible. Charles Gray, a colored divine of this place, who claims to be sancti fied, has eloped with the wife of Robt Spencer and fled to haunts un known. The woman claimed sancti tication also. Gray leaves a wife and two small children. Deputy Sheriff J Ii McKvnzie ar- eated Orlindo Hurvell in the upper purt of the county one day last week, and delivered him to the authorities Randolph county. Hurvell, who c liaised with currying concealed euiious, has escaped arrest for two ears and he run this time, deputy running also, caught him. K.vumi- r. The telephone line recently put into oiieration letweeii here and Siler City is proving very conveuicnt and is being made use of quite fre quently. One of our citizens, who enthusiastic over the successor, the line, tells us that in conversation with our neighbor town recently he distinctly heard a rooster crow long and loud and he thinks is was Democratic rooster, at that. Chat ham Observer. Mr J Ed Cole, the new secretary and treasurer of the Enterprise Man ufacturing Company at Coleridge, and Miss Stena Vance Reitzel, a most excellent young lady of Liberty, ere uniuxi in marriage uy ncv o x urpentine, 1) V, last night at the residence of Mr C G Burton, on South Edgcworth, where the bride had been a guest for several days. A complimentary supper was later serv ed the wedding party at Clegg's Ho tel by Mr W i Clcgg, a warm per sonal friend of the groom, after hich the happy couple left on the northbound train for an extended wedding tour. Greensboro Patriot. We sincerely thank our Texas frianil tar tka UimJL wrda wrilWU and the suggestion that our people build a new court house ana turn the old one over to the Courier as a reward for the efforts made iu behalf of the people of this section and the good accomplished in tne community r a clean newspaper tnat puouanes e news without color, but we do not need the court house or other rift u a tn-ntuitv. We are inst now engaged in an cnon to pun ne ver ier in every home in this county where there is anyone who can read. It is hard work and it is difficult to make buckle and tongue meet and the cash side of the ledger is short again and at times we are duvou raged, out the future promises better things than has been our lot in tne past. MYSTERIOUS OIBCUMSTANCE OnawH pale aad sallow and tlx other fresh and roty Whence th difference? Sbi who is blurting vita arth aM Dr. King ' New Ufa Pills olntain it. By aeally aroownc the it organs tbry compel good digaatiaa Mitl hasd off roodlDatioa. Try (ana. Only Sao, at Staadard Drat w. WANTED Several persons of character and good reputation in each state (one in this county re- onired) to represent ana aaveruse old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing, Salary $21.00 weekly with expenses additional all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. uorse aim carna f".u : born SU, Chicago. To Our Correspondents. We find in the last issue of the Concord Times such excellent structioiis to correspondents that we print them in full and commend them to our own correspondents in the hope that they may be helpful: Write only on one side of the paper. (W hen ont of envelopes, notify us, and we will send more.) Write legibly priut all numcs and unusual words, that there may be no mistakes m the printer s hands. The correspondent should sign his or her name to every letter. If anything important hapens a fire, a murder, a big ttorni, a serious accident to a leading citizen, an im portant death anything that stirs your community to the depths, don't wait to toll about it in your weekly budget; write at once; or if the let ter will not reach us telephone at our expense. Do this only rarely, but do it when something very important happens. Personal items, like "John Hmith was in Mt Pleasant yesterday," are all right; but the best news is that anecung, not one person, otic many, Thus: Death, with sketches, of home people or of their relatives elsewhere, Sickness; operations; funerals; marriages. Accidents, with farm machinery or otherwise; runaways. Murders; assaults; arrests; thefts; horse-stealing. Motes of long journeys by home people. btornis; heavy winds or rams, with details of loss, if any. I hsease among stock. Crop news what are the farmers doing? Heavy cattle; large yields of grain, poultry; freaks of nature. New buildings; improvements of any kind Wills; bequests of interest. Manufacturing items. Anniversaries; how holidays are celebrated; parties; birthdays of old people. Kevivals; church news; new preach ers. School changes. News from big farms. Please mail your letters so they will reach ns not later than early Tuesday morning. Write nothing that you are not willing to be responsible for. It is our aim to have a full batch of local items from each township every week. Answer to Long Shank's Question. It struck 3,987,206 times and it took 2 years, 200 days, 7 hours, 5 minutes and 46 seconds to count it. Ferrell Ledbetter, aged 1 1 yrs. Teachers' A ssociation. There was a large attendance of teachers at the association in the academy in Asheboro on lust Satur day. The program was interesting and entertaining. The next session of the association will be held in Asheboro on Saturday, March 21st. Last Notice. I will serve notice in a short time on all who are due tuxes on real estate for the purpose of selling the same for taxes. Parties who desire to save costs must pay their tuxes at once, l his is the last notice inai will be given before levying and sell ing. Respectfully, W. t. KEPDisu, Hiirr. A Little Hoe Tale. When the Stock Law went into effect down here in southern Ran dolph about one year ago, I hud only two small sows ot the scrub class to turn in pasture, from which I sold twenty-two dollars worth of pigs, lost two aiid killed and dressed eight hundred and fifty-six pounds of pork and have one more shout mid better stock than I begun with, with no ex tra feeding. Kansom JMicas. Dr. Thos. R. Little Married Last Night. Night before last Dr. Thos. R. Little went to Bethlehem, Pa., where on last night he led to the marriage altar Miss Lilly M. Heller. He will return with bis bride this week ana they will make their home for the present with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mc Alister on west Market street. ir. Little is a brother of Mrs. McAlister and a mcmbej of the medical Arm of Hall & Little. He is a bright young physician, former Snperintendent of the James Walker Medical Hospital in Wilmington and with other valu able expeneucc. ureensooru acio- gram. F.m IWmfillg Room. Tln-re will be a meeting at the academy at 7:30 P. M, Thursday, Feb. 26th, for the purpose of dis cussing a plan for a reading room for Asheboro, free to an, out more especially for the benefit of the work- a men oi tne town anu tneir iaim- lies. There are many of these, who would like to have access to the dif ferent magazines and periodicals, but not feeling able to subscribe tor inem they are compelled to ao without. The ladies of the Book Club, knowing that numbers of onr people are receiving iue niei mm nmg lines recrnlarly and that after read inir them, thev throw them aside, feel sure that taese people wooia trladlv lend or donate snch maga zines to a iree reading room, wnere they would afford a great deal of nleasnre to many, who would not otherwise have a chance to see them, The ladies want everybody who feel any interest in snch a plan to he present Thursday nignt ana to come prepared to make suggestions as to the be way to cary it ou buwot- fully. BETTBB THAN A PLASTER. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Fain Balm and beaad oa the affected parts, is better than plaster for a lama bsok and for point la tba side or chert. Fain Balm has o aaporior as a ttnhaem tor the relief of deep seated, sweater and ibeoaaa Oo., Asbeboro. and W. A. Uaderwood A Happy Marriage in Greensboro. A quiet, happy marriage occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Burton on Edgeworlh street, at 8:30 o'clock. The contracting parties were Mr. James E. Cole and Miss Stena Vance Reitzel. The ceremony was perform ed by Dr. 8. B. Turrentine, in the presence of several well-wishing wit nesses, it is understood that there was no objection to the marriage by any one, that the couple simply de ci Jed upon this pit! ' tiuiet mar- ciave ,t tiie hoi.ic or lue menus when- the bride I'ad bteu making a uieuK.tnt visit for several days. Af ter the ceremony Mr. Wm. h. Clegs, a friend and schoolmate of the groom, honored the event by having a sump tuous simper served at the Hotel Cleee. The parties who dined with the bride and groom were Mr. wm. f. Clege. Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Turren tine, Mr. and Mrs. ti. U. Burton, ana Misses Connie Cl.g, Minnie B. At water the lost named party being here on a visit from Chatham coun ty. The large table, occupying the center of the hotel dining room, wast ur istically decorated with fresh pink roses and carnations. The popular proprietor of the hotel was at his best in having a delicioiiB menu serv ed in a series of courses. The bride is a beautiful and at tractive young lady of ubout twenty- four summers, and is from Liberty, N. C. The groom is a handsome and knightly young man of twenty-eight years, lie is a prosperous business man, being secretary and trensurcr of the cotton mills at Coleridge, Kun dolph county, N. C. The happy couple left last night on a bridal trip to W aslungtoii uity ana to prom nent cities in the north. FranklinviUle Items. The second quarterly conference of the M E church will be held at this place next Sat unlay night and Sunday, everybody is cordially invit ed. Rev Marion Baldwin who recently moved his family to Worthville, has returned to Franklinville, Mr and Mrs Monroe Craven visit ed relatives at Cedar Fulls Sunday. Mr Geo Cox met with the misfor tune to lose a flue cow Monday from founder. Mr James Craven, of Central Falls, spent Sunday in town with relatives. Mr 11 1 Myucr, who nas ueen ui work in Greensboro for sometime, is at home for a few days. Mr W 11 JNunce has been promoted from card stripper to loom fixer for the Frunklinvillo Mfg. Co. Prof J C Fox closed his school at this place Friday. Appropriate ex ercises were observed. Ou account of the high winds progress on the academy has not been very rapid for a few days. Mr I'earcc Cox vice-president oi the S O R's has been appointed manager of the S E baseball team which position he will resign when the weather moderates sufficiently for the S O R to begin active service and will resume his former seat. Was He a Son of Paul or Silas? Paul and Silas were placed in prison and the prison doors flew ope.t und set them free. We had soinetliinr to hapiwn here recently that retninued us of the oc currence. We have a town ordinance forbidding the jumping on and off of trains by boys, but one little boy, not much shurper than a two-edged sword, concluded ho would take one moie ride. He did so, and a warrant as very promptly sworn out and placed in the bauds of our Chief of Police, who deputised four other able-bodied men and all armed with double-barreled shot guns took their lives in their hands and arrested one John Wesley. With nippers on his hands they succeeded in landing tne little fellow safety in the lock up. Later one man said be heard sing ing that was something like this: "We charged upon a nine country lad: we routed him, we scattered him without the loss of a single man; our captain is as brave a man as ever commission bore." The little fellow made down his bed, and I suppose as saying bis prayers, when the great guard notise uoor swung ou its hinges and flew open and the prison- f boldly walked out and made his way to bis father's house where with glad hearts his friends received him. Aow some mum mis young iau is a son of either Paul or Silas one. We expect to baptise the jailor aud all his deputies on next Sunday two miles east of here. Liberty cor. Brscoe Items- Miss Pattie McRue, of Rocking ham, is visiting at Mrs J 1( rage s, Misses Bert Vnncannon and Kosa Spencer, two of Asheboro s most charming young ladies, nave been visiting at Mrs J R Rae's for several davs. Rev G A Oglesby filled bis tegu lar appointment here Sunday morn- ini? and evening. Mrs u A MCAUiay anu uuuguu:r Miss Nettie, who have been visiting at Mrs J R Page's for some time, re turned to Kockingnam rnursuay. We are sorry to note that Mrs Mo- Anlay's home in Rockingham was destroyed by fire, on Tuesday, which was the cause or tneir leaving uts- nk at this lime. Cant M L Jones, of the lola Mm Ins? Company, went to his home in Thomasville Saturday evening ui spend Sunday, leturnmg Monuay mnmi no- Mr AngtiS V Maneas ana Christian Nail, both of Montgomery county, were united in marriage by Jnitim of the Peace. Manly Luck, Febtnary 18th, 1903, at the borne ot Mr 8 P Maness. in Hill township. The Tonne couple are from two of the most repeciame iamuiea, predict for them snccesstuiana nap py lives. Henry Williams and Thos Will iams, of Union township, were town Saturday. A good rule often falls under the eight of its own exceptions. Liberty Items. Mr Shelley Picket is critically ill aiid we fear he will not recover. Mr Pickett is a member of the firm of Trotter & Pickett, hardware, of this place. President Johnson, not Andrew Jonnson, but Dr Talton M Johnson, preaahed here last Saturday night una inruin on Sunday at 3:.su r jii. Dr H'.Tudon, of Klon College preach ed the same day at 11 A .M, and again Sunday night. 1 huaid com pliments paid both cf these gentle men. Miss Lizzie Cameron, one of the most popular milliners of Greens boro, is here with her little brother, Charlie, who is very ill of pnotimo nia. Mr John Coltrano was seen again on our streets Sunday evening and at church Sunday night, j ou know sometimes we cannot understand why a young man will come so fur trnd so often just to see his home folks, but it bus explained itself the other fel low had to "go way back und sit down" don get discouraged old boy, you will come again. You know there ate just as large fish in the sea as are caught out, all you need is u longer pole. I see the elk have arrived at Br kaw's hunting grounds lit Fuirviuw. Please notify the editor of the Argus so he will understaud Mr Offnmn's bill. Cant W T Smith has returned to Mitchell county to take charge of u force of hands that is grading the Ohio & Charleston Ruilroad. Brother Logan Hardin's family is having company over on his side of the street. 1 notice Mr Alson Jones and his daughter Miss Muttie; Miss Annie naruin, a uaugiuer or. Wil liam Hardin Esq., of Pleasant Gar den, also Mrs O L Boon, of Greens boro, who is a sister of Mrs Hardin You know sometimes when it rums it pours down. Mr 11 b turnery bos accepted a po sition with the Southern Express Co. and his run is between Greensboro and Goldsboro, so I am informed bv one who ought to know; I heard her singing "Remember well and bear in mir.d, a friend like me will lie hard to find." 1 want to say just a few words about our young postmistress. We have always had some good old mos sy back Republican in office here. lint up to this time we have had young billies to attend to the office and had just ns clever us could be, but 1 want to make special mention of Miss Cora Miller, w ho is in charge of the office. She has been in close fitting postoflice harness for the lust three years anil I reckon she has to et up und look for mail 500 times u ay, and I never have heard her murmur or complain and not one word of complaint from anyone. We think so much of her that we don't ask to have the Sunday's mail put off here so that she fnay have the day to rest. I just tell you when she cross- the Itiver and crets an-uv tin von- ler they will have to whitewash a room for her if she is treated as she should be. Married. At the resilience of the bride's parents iu Hcusalcm township, Mooic county, ou February Stli, Mr C'unl.y Hums und -Miss .Maggie .Moi-gun, Rev J H Wright, olliciutiug. On tho 15th day of February (;, at P A lioutb's, Mr John outh uud Miss Adu Henderson, I' liouth, J. P., officiating. Central Falls Items. The weather is beginning to mod- Tute and sh--w signs of settled fine eather, which will plise"evrybody this pi ace. MrKO York bus greatly im proved the inside of the old Jschool bouse at this place, ut the bunds of the curpenter and painter, convert ing it into a very nice store house vhich he is tilling up with u nice stock of dry good and notions, useing his old stond ut the end ot tho uiiagc for groceries. We wish him much success. The public school ut this place closed on last Friday, the 2Uli, with honor to its efficient teachers, .Miss India Young and Miss Daisy Osburn, ell M to the many students w ho displayed itite an evidence of lienor framing as wen as a origut tellect for receiving. The enter tainment consisted in the usual exer cises of a school closing that is so much enjoyed by all who attend, as ell as by the students, wno u-ieu to val each other in ull that is worthy of emulation and praise. Mr S Gray presented the prizes with verv ;' I; ., A me occasion, the school hs run five months, with en tire satisfaction, 1 think, doing more good, with a larger enrollment, and nioie interest taken generally, than or liefoi-e. in this village. Another term of a similar nature will do still more gd in the pluco, bringing in muny who did not attend this ses sion and will diffuse intelligence, morals and muny desirable advan tages that tend to build up a section or town with better people, to soy nnthino- of individual advantages in knnwlMlu-e. Miss Young is a fine lnnthr and is still with us, I am glad to say, and will no doubt have tptv nice snring scnoui, , im-u needed and will be very helpful to the next term ot public school, next full. Mnch more could be said in nmiw of the oast efforts ot Miss S'oung, and in the interest of the spring term, if it was not rather in- ti-ndinir on snace in your vainauie colums. So I will close with thanks to yon Mr Editor for forbaranee in long communication oi uui uihc portence at times wnen you more space. need (in. if iiir, routrh Can cives tvllrf in an tnlDotrj, eeetaes aim u , . n. Mm tna AfiaarD. ana t i". bm toBMOlaaia tbs phlegm, diawt , Ik. i,. Mammalian All i hM and oaths the affected pen, um '" Cooith Care trrprUn" the ls. wards OB pneumonia ana is a nwui and aerer failing ear in all curable f Coavb. Cold and Cronp. n. uinntt ( -nucrh Cure is Dloasaot to take, hamleu aod good alike for v ratio- onrj ota. w u,wwwi kaadleiBia. Randleman Items- ( Received too lute for lust week.) Messrs S Bryant, S G ewliii und F Ingold attended the reception ut Hotel Khiood in High Vur.u Thurs day evening. Miss Murv Ferrec is i visiting Miss spent Sunday Best, of Goldsboro. Mr J .T Couiici with relatives in Ashelioiu. Mr E A Clark spent seve.al duy here with his family hist wc-k. Misses Jessie and Kpsio Woollen Were at home last week lor a tew davs. Mrs M C Dicks, Misses Louise and Moselle Dicks visited in L.-xingtou lust week. On Thursday morutiig, II-.-twelfth a very pretty but quiet weibl.ng va solemnized in our town. Tile con tractinir parties being Mis Laura Woollen and Mr Jiuiio Herbert Cole. The ceremony was piefornied by ltev L T C'ordell in the presence of immediate relatives mill friends of the family. The bride tun. gloom took the north bound train for Washington, D. '., nndotl.u points, Thev will be absent for ubout ten days and will visit the home of the groom ut Chapel Hill hefoiu thev re turn to liandlemaii, their future home. The bride is the eldest daughter of Dr W A Wooller. und is admired by ull who know per. I lie groom is the Cashier of Lli.- Bank of li iiidlenian und is held in hii! teem bv his many friends. Mrs L T Cotdell, of Ti-in:lv, spent Sunduv with her husband, Key L 'I C'ordell. Dr und Mrs J V Long, of .Salis bury, und Dr and Mrs I) A Stanton, of High Point, attended the oollen Cole marriage I hursi.iiy. Died. At bis home in Trinity townshii Randolph county, on Feb 1-tth, V.W., John Aldridge, aged SO yc;:rs. He leaves a wife HQ years old, to whom he hud been nrn-ned 7 yei.rs, nlso four son? and two daughters. Win II Rush, a leading citizen of Tabernacle township, died at bis home on Thursday night of last week. Mi Hush was ub ut '.5 yean old and lmd been ill several months For many years Mr Rush hi'.u been a justice of the peace for many yean and was an holiest, upngl.t man, The remains were iutcm-d at Mt Shepherd on last Saturday. Qt'KS I IO.V ANSWER1.0. Yes, August Flower still lm tho lar gest sale of m y mulioitie in the civili zed world. Your mothers' and gn.ud- motli'-rs' never thought nl using any- tbuiK elso lor Indigestion or Uiiinus ness. Doctors were sca'ca mi.l they seldom beurd of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart niiture, ele. They nieci August Flower to tin out the Byatf-tii and stop feruienatiou of undi gested I"'"!, regulate thn neiion ot the liver, st iiiulute the nervous "no ersin- ie aeii.in of the a-stcm, and tnni is all they took when f.-elin? duil uud bad with hiadaeheR and itlier aches. Von only need a lew i1om.-h of (iren'a Au gust Flower, ill liquid f rm, I i make you satisfl-'d fliere is nothing serious the mutter with you. You can get tins reliable rem-dy at all cniggt-ls. Price 25o and 7uc. Gray's Chapel Items. Mr Isaac W Allied, who :m tlv returned from Indiana, speaks in low ing terms of the lloosior Slate. Mr Robert (.'lass, is baching a writing school at the ucad, iii. Messrs Cicero Trogdon c.i.l WD Curtis, are on the eick li.-i. Mr M S l.'ohins, of your town, bus sold his plantation near In r The coiisidciatiou wits 1000, we. formed. lfe Hutton filled his ivg pointmcnt here, fourth preaching a nmst exocller.i to un appreciative audience. iinday, -ermi'li A WEAK SI'OMACIi ctusea a weak bo ly and in . iteb disease KorJ I Llyspe ia U"ro iur" ami strengthens thJ tttmuitcli. and n -irils off anil overcomes dis nn- J II Taylor a promineul mereboiit if t'iii esman, In., - -'I o .uld not eat because of weak stomurh. 1 'o-t mi ulrenRth aod run d -wu in weight. All that iiuiiav 0,'uld no was dnne, but nil hope of loeovcry vanished. le:trini.'of some wonnerful cure eiiixrou nv use ei Kodol. I fioneluded to irv .t. The first bottle beneiitti'ii me, and al:e.- taking fonr bottle" I am full restored to my ii-ml str ngtli wetcbt n.t ueititn-" W A t'udirwo ir itaanlen an. Moffitt Items. We have a line prosiKil for a go wheat crop. Our people are still tnikin of a railroad up and dow" Peep river. The building committee me gel- ting up the lumltcr for the cojiiiih'- i'he Ikivs have a coi.d literary society at Sliiloli academy. vill have a mock-trial next I luirsiluy i.ight. Social gathering foi the young folks are getting to lie a vt com mon thing in this commtinl'.v. The ladies of our coinmun.ty are lmsv oiiiltliH' this winter. Reckon we will sleep warn.-i iu the future. I suppose .Mr 11 S .Moffat is well pleased with his new team ci horses Mr L; A iiavivorin is in i.,e cas ern part of the St.-tte wnn.mg tor the Johnson Harvester it.. Mr Daniel Craven, who Imh-h sick for some time, is s proving. tfur tanners are gum 10 note the price of cotton is on the ri .M r J fll l aveness is su in the having mercantile business and good success. W e hear that two ot our Imivs Sundiiv crossed over the creel hi night They report great n.cccss. r HEADACHES Cured While You V,Ml. By CAPUDINE! WO EFFECT OW THE HEART. Sold M all DrugMoiee. PH. W. II. WAKEF1KLD, of Charlotte. N. C will 1m in Aahe- boro at the Central Hoiel on Wed nesday, March ISth, unti'i 3 V. M, His practice is limited to eye, ear, nose and Uuoai. I I , K (, . naw and ftci.ntlfle coDoun4 jad nttber oelau aor potMnf. It purifier- rhnimatl.a and all blood dlHani. ;5 - lute aafaty, boa aot Injur tna dlgeaUva TWO Florikoi. S. C, Aac. 10, 1902. nentlemen : I began to suffer from rheumatism about tbrea years ago, and bad it vory bad Id my limb. At times 1 rcnld bardly wallr. Was treated by a pbyalolan without baneflt. Mora than a jenrito. M-.C!enra Wllsoo.eii engi neer on the C iait Line, living In Flor ence, inM ma tliut " HitgrMAOiDa" cure,! lijci. I got a bottle and It bene tlltod me. 1 took lira bottlesand am now as well a 1 avor wu In my life. 1 retard M Knruif toIDl" aa a great medicine. 1 know of others It has ourod. Truly. B. T. BURCn. Sold by Druggists. Will be sent Bobbltt Chemical Co., Reducing Our Stock! We are reducinjr. our stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Ect. preparatory to moving into our new building; the first of the year and we are ottering some Real Bargains in all Shelf Hardware. If in -.ed of anything in the Hardware line, we advise von io call and see us while this reduction sale is on. Many articles are being disposed of at less than cost. McCrary Redding: HARDWARE "Money Saved is Money Made." DON'T READ THIS! () , Fur wu have jitei- received a nice line line of Clothing for men and bovs at prit-es so low ih:t yon will c surprised. We are receiving n new lot t?f shoes, home made shoes at $1.65, factory niinlu fur 1.00 tint! iti c are also rci-eiiing file irnl . cim.plete liiu; of Dress Goods, Waist inps, Trimmings ami Notions of all kiniN tit tiriees that are astonishingly low. We will save you money if yon will look over our stock before bny ing elsewhere. We have just a few Overcoats that will sell at bargains for the next 20 davs, also our heavy dress goods, mens heavy over and under shirts and lot of 'other articles too numerous to mention. lD-u-Oiir (Iroi-ery line is ii to date. Yours to please, Theme i-i. RIDGE, DICKENS t COMPANY. "All Wool wide; won't run down at Our Suits audi Overcoats M VERY and If it don't suit you to come order by mail, same shall and prices guaranteed. We ship Suits and Overcoats on ap proval to be returned to us when not satisfactory. Chisholm, Stroud, 300 South Elm St. - The Hege -(Warble and Granite Ulopks, LEXINGTON, N. C (ESTABLISHED OVER 21 YEARS AGO. , Marine and Granite Monuments, Statuary, Head se a and (iencrul Cemetery Work. Work executed in best s Iu be-t material, und prices right. Write for prices ant' speci estiin-ite. You will save money. Yours Truly, xi. J . xiliXJE. (rWrite for prices. Of mm tm tfcp $15, $20 i2i $30 The best H.'so Machlnm on thm KHmrtmi Entertains Everybody ESrervwharo Uc flat iDdestructible Record v bicb can be handled wKhout danger of being Injured A The OUPUOPHONE mm COU'MBIA RfXOROS war wrJ th GRAND PRIZE at tits PARIS CXPOSITtOH of t')0O Columbia Piionarjrz Cz m E. Baitiinore Street, HUTIMC T., froM root, tort sai Srfcp, lalwi a blood aad rtnon th caaaaa f -cJB Uka RHBUnACIDB wllk aSa. ergaaa. CURESJ. DiBtntoTOg. & a, Aug. lttk, IMS, toryrbeumatum. I suffered great pala and was connoeS to my bed for Sra weeks. During tba time X was treated by two Physicians without parsaaaent relief. Cant. Harker, a oonduotor an the Atlantto Coast Llna heard of my the remedy I got entirely wall 1 personally know of a number of other bad case that were eared by tba use of your medicine, In this town and vicinity. It is all thai you claim for It, Truly, J. U SISf .BON. express paid on receipt of $ i.oo. Baltimore, fid., U. 5. A. COMPANY. esaid a yard ravel ror the heel are of the BEST at Reasonable prices" and see us, send us your have prompt attention, values Crawford & Rees, Qreensbro, N. C. MBiA DWG tru atmm f The rtratacrl ara LCUD, CLEAR 4 KModi ItMwda Of I WO ft lea. bosses.

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