nil weal M' 7 V ) , . .7-- Shakily y?Y s Standard Oil j 1 W ' r ( Company " THE HEALTH o" the HOUSEHOLDS Is Vcl'V ptc l Y vii'K's if i : i . i KKMKDIKs. i'!, y i tlnni unreliable nil -. ciui'i'K kno! k:;k fur !,:.:. it:,: VickV Yellnv. !'in JSc, t!u- -"'Hi TliMit lu.-H-r: .-Vt : i . 'MI.Y ni.T, eru 1 iiiu l:v:itivi- fills '.'., mil lonn liVlT ftilllll!.' l.iMini :n, :' lillil f 1 1 ' " n - lie! Vick's Ari'ii:. Oil, v,i:!i Mi Hyp.l.'l.i it: UV Trade surpu-.l hy L. Rir,:-i2id30n Drug Co. V:. ,-:!" only; Greensooro, H. C. Furniture Store St-.iv nitiii'i Uri'lerh'.t. l'sSunp I '' h:'.'' I 1 l.-v-Tlir Ti-. ! 1 ' " The Slice Now ;:tv. PR ES N ELL, ( REPAIR SHOPS. i We eon lin-t a tic - shop for W-rgn Hag.-! !inl Ch' rhigi i t . Also K-iriiv. s'n i.-.g niol'J'imt- itiR n spti- hl'y. We Ki"'''i! ' w-r:. a.i! q and solicit .--our mir ,na;;e. ih'hns & i!:i-;sxt:i,f.. A kidney r i-i ,,.., wyi bo curd In, nsi- i; Foley's Kidn fi re a I nn. Drug Co. . VMi BO YEARS' -'-V EXPERIENCE Traoi Marks .H Designs Copyrights Ac. " Scientific Jltherican !aurn .f imTrH-loxiitlo Hml. Tw. i a yr ir; f"ue m.,rtti. f 1. Hold iylt new,unlen. RIUNN & Co.36""1"''- New York Braan uma, OtlL Waahiuiun. D. U O. P. Cox, Presidf ni. W. J. Armfleld, VioePreiHiiciiL W.J. ArmBcld, Jr., Cushier. Asheb .ro, N. C. CAPITAL.. ,..f25r0 00 "t- W sr bow iirepsrad to Jo genrad banking bashMu; snd w solicit lb scooasto ! firms, orporaUooa sod hidiTl lnsls of Kssdolpk sail sdjointng SOUDtlSS. Directors t M Worth, W F Wood, P H Morris. CC Me A lister, O Cox, W F Bed dir: t, A M Knukin. W B Wi tkius, Hugh rsiks, fiw) M. ffiU, O B Cox, AWE ('si!, lr g E Asitiuy. JsssjJi Psrkjs, TV J ArnCsIA, Mr. Jones Valentine Story By HOWARD FIELDING I'o'lriilir., it, OU CflitrJe IV. 7 .I.c I I i HE youui; author seated himself Willi Unit iioticlialaiice which may tie Cviiected In one who la Introduced by tlii pilltiir la chief 1: the mere editor of n depart- tri'nt. lit' scratched a uiati'h upon the side of my desk it really Is mine mid not the establishment's and lighted one of those Kcyi'tlnn cigarettes which smell like an early sprint; bonfire In Macule Murphy's back yard. ' What kind of siufT do you want?" lie illitlircd. "lii take n Rood valentine story," sal.! I. At that my assumed a wmllt in;; the early stages of sensiek 1 say." said he In a tone of Ian- puiil pretest, "that sort of thing's played out. don't you think' Who circs iilnmt vali'inlnes? There's uo 'ro mance lu them any more. In soeiir, If pie n.iilee iho tiny nt nil, they semi (lowers, nut picture raids." 'i Mir ciivuhitinii exceeds -WO," said 1. "Wo have ou;i;rown soiiety. (live us son:. 'thin;; al'oiit .vomit; men imtl wo men." The talented author blew a croon Kcyptian e'.oiid into the air and slowly shook hi-head. "1 don't see anything In It." he dtv ehiri'd. I'll" valeiillne is a dead Issue." No i. 1 had never met young Mr. I'.rc.k before that day, 1 had read some of his stud', and I knew that ho could do uood work, lie was a western pr .duct, and such of his stories i had soon vi re as full of spirit as an unbroken pony, l'.astern civilization seemed to have taken the life out of him with astonishing rapidity, or It may been the Kii.vpthin c li lies. ' was conscious ot a sort of t i:;e agai!it him, partly because h'.n nt:'" ted manner was such a disappoint ment to me. but cblctlv perhaps be cause he had treated my commonplace, old fashioned notion with contempt. We're oina to have a lot of valen tine siuiT in Hi" issue of 1'cb. I.'l." sniil I. -ji .1 most of It is milling good, but it apnea! to on -il the i- i-s as if li "'I. havln-j -kin; out. Tin told -end of the pa I replied, sadly and lories: flood Lord"' liat the matter:" I In- said "I try to .- c!o-o to life; to write tl and not the dream. I'o 1 If clear': Well, such being -i luc aU yon one iiueslloii. ten ,':irs have vou known f nav biiiuaii creaiiire who ,1 anv serious itoportaiice ta - or had any really roniai.iH ot!lie,-ted with one':" In tin or I .el 1 ha vi ; his li id I. lowh- and sadly. 'iTed him for that luso his iiuestlou, his mcihixj the luatter, appealed to on a little yarn." said I; id not a bad one." s:iid ho. lying back In closing his eyes, wlilln the smoke from Ida cigarette, now pointing straight upward, nseended tt the ceiling nad seemed to stick there. jjThis happened to a fellow named eon evp.,1., lent In tl.o rhiiippTnes?aVi'o had been out there six mouths and hadn't bad a letter from n girl." "I'artii ulnr girl?" ipierlisl llreck. "Any girl." 1 replied. 'There was s particular girl; not bo very particular either, and yet he'd have boon mighty glad if she hail remembered him on the other side of the w orld. Most fellows, of course, would have found n romance of some kind suttisl to their Individual tastes and fancies out then', but Jones didn't have the luck. I don't know that he was a particularly sentimental fel low, yet It seenied rather hard to him that there shouldn't be a girl somn- where who cared for him to the extent represented by the moderate price of postage. He said It was ns if he had died unlnmentMl mid was Just finding It out in the other world. 'He'd Usui brought tip In n little, so ciable elty whero everylsxly knew ev- eryliody else, and though he uo longer had any close relatives there very few. Indeed, on earth tliere were bis old friends, Including some very nice girls, whom lie had traveled a hundrpd miles out of his way to say goodby to Just before leaving his untlve land. They'd all promised to write to him" "Including the glrir said Beck. "Yes," said I. "And the fact is that considerable package of mall for him, sent through the publishers whom he represented, and tardily forwarded, had gone to the bottom of the Psclfie ocean, but he didn't know that "In Manila he met a young fellow named lieorge Templeton, from the same town as himself. Templeton bad not been bred In the first circles, and 3 li'ff&fjsd To Cure Tcke Laxative Eroino Ssvea MffiSoa kosajs aoM In past 13 smoOs Lis early rcptftAtton for Industry an3 sobriety was not of the host. Jones had rather looked down upon hlin. mid Templeton, no doubt, had found some reason for looking down upon Joueu. (II SIT THEBB ALL NI0BT. It's n privilege never denied a freeboni American. riowOTer. they became friends In Manila because It was so far from home. "Templeton was a lorgennt of volun teers nnd a homesick soldier if ever there was one. He excited Jones' sym pathy, which became acute when Jones learned that there wns a girl nt home who had stopped writing to Tem ploton for an unknown reason. This la a serious mntter when n fellow real ly cares for the girl and she Is lO.noo miles away mid there's no method of learning why she no longer writes. Fancy waiting for a letter to go half way around the world and for the re ply to come loitering buck or not to come nt nil! Templeton was not nat urally sensitive, but the experience had made him so. He told his secret grudgingly because it was forced out of hlin. but he never revealed the name of the .drl. "in too li, to.- part of January Tem pletou's company was sent up Into the Interior to n ilttb forsaken vllluge where tho-e wio n peck nf trouble. A mail steamer ennie in the day before the detachment marched, but It brought no b Iter to Templeton. The poor fellow rcealiil this misfortune to ! Jones with tears In his eyes, llcseemed I to think that this was his last chance. "A few days Liter Jones learned en tirely by accident that a letter for I Templeton bud really mi the tea r and bi'.d been delivered by mistake to a surgeon of the same sur name. The nddri si-o.I side of the letter h:.d hcoii wei. nnd the Ink was a mere blot, so thai the word Templeton was bout all that could be deciphered. The surgeon, however, detected the given name of 'tieorgu' and did not open the letter. ".bines b:,d had it in his i.ilnd to try to get through to this place where the trouble was. lie thought lie saw a good story In It. He told the surgeon of his Intention and was permitted to take the letter. By pulling nil kinds of wires he jriit leave to Join a small par ty that was going up with dispatches, sud the result was that he had nil von tures i notiuli to till a hook. The party got through nllve. but every man of them was wounded, including Jones, who made tin' last forty miles of the Journey practically on one leg. But Templeton' letter -which he was morally convinced was the letter -re-l.os.-.i In his breast pocket when he stagirorcd into "lie found Templeton Hat on his back and raving with fever In a iiinint cen tury old church that had boon turned Into a hospital. The surgeon In charge told Jones that It was practically nil over: the man was ns good as dead. Will he be conscious again? asked Jones. And the surgeon said that It was possible. ""When is It likely to happen?" "'Heaven knows.' answered the sur geon. " 'I'll wait,' said Jones. And be sat down on the foot of tho bed. His wound was dressed and he vyis fed while he sat there. Of course they tried to take him away, but he wouldn't fo, and as everybody was pretty busy he was presently forgotten, "Ho sat there all night, sometimes In that conscious sleep which Is the prod net of physical weariness and mental concentration fighting for supremacy He wns half crazy from a dozen .siuses. and lie held that letter ill his hand every iidiiuli "It s-emed to him that Ky continual feetlng of It while In that peculiar men tal stnte he gained an Idea of what was in it, and at times he felt ashamed ot knowing. The envelope was square, and there was a hard tnclosure that aenicd like a small photograph. But Mter awhile Jones hecifms aware thai the edges of this card were ornamen tally Irregular, nnd theu he knew wlmt It was. The thing was n valentine, and it had traveled many, many miles nnd latterly by a mute never intend ed by the sender-to reach this dying man in time. The date. In fact, was in advance of I lie saint's day. It was the night of I-'eb. ll. said some things laT'mlght'go"''!! feeling man's heart, considering the i-ireunistitni-es. but he mentioned no name. About 3 o'clock he liecnme quiet, avd i ro.n that hou till tuortiing he siemed to tie sinking down to deatb. Then be slirred und half raised him self. " -Hello. Jones, said he. 'Where did you comu from V "I've got n letter for you. George,' was the reply. 'It came after you left.' "'i live It to me,' said Templeton, ex tending a weak, thin hand. "He tisik the letter and raised It to his breast as he sank hack against the .lonea wuitci i,ot Timi.inn i pllli did not move. Ho lay there smiling, ' Ith the letter on his breast. The msn was dead. " Tills Is a valentine that some one has sent to blm from home,' said Jones when Uie surgeon came. 'I think we ought to bury It with him.' " 'How do yon know what It IsT asked tbe surgeon. "Jones could not answer. " 'We ought, to open it,' said tbe doe tor, In order to communicate with tbe writer. Some one might want to know that be got it' "He took tbe envelope oat of ttw deed man's band and opened tt after some kealutton. " 'Dear Oeorge,' be read In a whisper, "Mil this to Frank Jones If you know where be is, and never tell him wba sent It I don't know bow to addn htm, bnt yon can find oof " That" a mine,' said Jones, la dream. a Col Quo Day t. jf sin J sljaulore. "The doctor put the Inclosurs Into bis d r8'""""8 "This Is a friendly letter from a mighty flue girl,' said the doctor. Tfl like to take soir, inlng of this kind with mo when 1 go.' "He put It back Into Its envelops and laid It Inside the rough woolen shirt which was the dead man's garment. " "lie has delivered your message, lit tle girl,' said be, 'and he'll never tell who sent It.' "So that's the whole story. Jones has come back to thla country, and be bin that valentine a pretty card with a lit tle love verse on It, but not a scrap of writing. He doesn't know who sent It, but If he did I think be would find that girl. 1 feel quite sure that be would find that girl." "Not bad, as such things go," said Breck, rising, "but conventional." "Conventional be I beg your par don," said I. "Why, the thing Is true." "I don't see that that helps It any," replied Breck. "However, flints uel ther here uor there. I'm hard up, and If a valentine story's what you want "THAT'S MINX," SAID JOKES. I'll go homo and see what I can do fot you. By the way. it wasn't Temple ten's girl, of course?" "The one who sent the valentine? Certainly not," I replied. "When Jones got hack to this country, be looked up Teinpleton's affairs a bit to see wheth er he could do anything for bis family and that sort of thing, and be happened tu discover that the girl for whose let ter he had waited was really waiting for him waiting, as I have faith to be lieve, very near that rude church In I.u7.on where tho man closed his eyes so happily to open the eyes of his soul next moment lu her presence," "Vou mean sho had died?" suld Brock. "Precisely," I replied. "And Jones hnsn't found the one girl who rememls-red him upon the far sill of the world?" "Xo," said I, "but be will." Brock lighted another of his deadly cigarettes. "Why can't I write this thing 1st you?" he Inquired. "Not for your life, my friend," said I. He stared through the first great cloud of smoke. "Why not?" lie demanded. "Because I'm Jones,'" said I, "and at present tlio matter is sacredly confi dential. When I have found that girl, I (hall write the story myself." Me Was Rtsht. Cromwell stood moodily watching tlx battle of Nnseby. "Why so downcast 7" Inquired bit tenernls. "Aren't we making glorious history?" "Not much!" cried Oliver. "We're uly furnishing material for soma fool novelist." With an Imprecation on posterity hs rushed off to dictate his terms of sur render. Judge. German Army Uniforms. Tho kaiser has issued a decree wtiich is the dcathknoll to the black overcoat of the German olliccr. After April 1 only tho light grsy overcoats nre admissible. These are worn n good deal already, but many ollicers still prefer the blnek coat with its neat red collar und cuffs. His majesty decides upon the uniforms of all his ninny regi ments not a bntton or inch of gold braid hut has the kaiser's consider ation nnd sanction or disapproval. The uniform of the new Colonial Bchutz troop was entirely designed y him, high yellow boots and all, A Safety Kerosene Lamp, A prize of 30 for a safo lamp for burning kerosene was offered at the grocers' exhibition in London recently. The lump was to cost only Is. 3d. wholesale. The specifica tions, as set forth in a trade review, were sensiblo nnd salutary. Since one of the moit serious problems in London is the protection of drunk ards against themselves, the object in view was to find a lamp which, if thrown bv a drunken man at his Fife, for example, would extinguish ltseit. lliu inn. :0l.i. 1,- injured. but the children and the house would not be consumed. A Csustle Criticism. Having come to the defense of Dickens -against the modern critics. Charles Algernon Swinburne has now turned his attention to those temerarious folk who venture to question tho absolute infallibility ot fshakesncare. He disposes of thein as "dirty and dwarfish creatures of iminn intellect and facetious idiocy who di-nv the sun in heaven mil nf- firm the fragrance of a sewer." This ought to silence irreverent criticism for some time to come. Chicago Chronicle. Ibsen's One Vanity. Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian au thor, loves to keep his hair in disor der. This is said to be bis one van ity. He always carries little toilet case containing looking glass and a comb, which are attached to the lining of his gray bat He will often Temove his hat to look into the mir ror to see how his hair is lying. If it it not rough enough to suit his fan cy, he uses tbe comb to give it the requisite tangle. Foley's Money mad Tar Owes Crp H fct Tww Days. H OlstrVW9 1 SjCfrrnri box. 2 I Obituary of Rev. Henry Lewallen, . The subject of this sketch was )or." "I l'"u'Pl county, noai where : he lived until his death, Oct., 10O2 at t He ripe Hire ot 71 years. He was at one time an active mem ber of the N. I!. Conference, Metho dist Protestant Church. We ure not informed as to his educational a.lvan kigvs. He seemed to bo a man of strong natural ability and of won derftil power to retain impressious made upon his mind. We have not the date at which he professed relig ion nor the time he joined thechurch but have been told (hat ubotit hie eighth year he made a profession and united with the society at New Union of which he wits a member at the time of his death He was received into the K. ('. Annual Conference in lrS'JD. He traveled for a number of years but luul not traveled anv for about lif- teen veins previous to his death. Out' personal acquaintance coin inenced something over one veur ago. and from that time until his deatb was mute intimate. We first met him at Flag Springs, N'hl., l!Hl, in a revival meeting. He sang, rejoiced, prayed and talked with old time power. At this meet ing he would sav often that doubt less he would never be with us again in a meeting at King Springs, winch was the case, for his health was impaired lust year, at the time of the meeting, that he could not attend. Hro. Lewallen was three times married. Of the first union, there were six children, live of whom sur vive him. Of the second union there were no children. Of the lliinl, und surviving w ife, there were four, one having preceded him to the good world lie seemed to have a keen sense of kindness shown him. In his lasi days he often spoke of the kind words ami acts of Ins friends. He love much to meet the ministers of the conference and talk with them Often did he speak of tho visits of Or. rcrree, Hunch inul hitaker during his last illness. He wns es pecially fond of singing and when he was too weak to be distinctly un derstood he would sing and rejoice pointing with his hand toward hi future home. He told his wife and children that he was going hoiu and asked them to meet him the) He was a man who opposed any thing he did mil like to finish, and such a man will have some enemies In his hist days he often .-aid he did not hold anything against any one. He said he knew that his work was done and soon he would be at rest. Pardon nie for this expression of m v own opinion. 1 don t think have ever seen a man come down to death with more triumphant faith than Jiro. J.ewallen, anil I urn peeling to meet him on the streets of tne Aew Jerusalem, His funeral was preached by liro, . A, Kttncli, at the time of his bur iid nt.JSVw Union, from the tcU of his own selection: "Tho Angel of the Xxrtl encumpeth rotin.l about them that fear Him, and delivered) thcin. I'sa. 3-1:7. Thus we submit to a w ise Provi dence iii taking from us a good citi zen. an official member of Richland ct., aitoctinnale companion, a kind tatner and a faithful brother. H. 8. It. THOMPSON The Diplomatic Woman. To her man is simply an open hook, and she plays upon his weak nesses us iitioti a harp with n thous and strings. With her re-nmrriage is merely a matter of selection. She decides upon a man, and he has no more chance of csciuie than the mouse in the claws of a cat. Ap parently she hangs upon his words. She applauds his sentiments. She laughs at his jokes. If he admires domesticity she lives w ith a cook book in Her nana. It he is pious, she dotes on church work. If he is sporty she memorizes the race card and recites it for his benefit, but al ways and at all times she keeps the incense burning. That kind of a woman can purr over any man until all he wants is to curl up and lie on her hearth rng and let her put her tit-t on mm and she general I v noes it. How a Truthful Paper Would Read It is said that an editor recently announced that for just one issne he would tell the whole truth, naked and unvarnished. Here is one item from that issue: "Married Miss Sylvia Smith to Mr. James Carnahan, last Satnrday, at the Haptist parsonage. The bride is a very ordinary girl about towt who uoesn i know any more man i rabbit about cooking, and never help ed her poor mother three days in her life. She is not a beauty, by a long shot, and Has a gait like a tat duck. The groom is known as an up-to-date loafer and has been living off his mother all bis life, and don t amount to anything nohow. They will have a tough time of it, and we withold congratulations, for we don't believe any good can come from such a mar riage." If yon have catarrh, rheumatism, kidney trouble, or any disease caused by imparities in tbe blood, take Kueunuacide, ibis wonderful rem edy destroys the root of the disease. At druggists. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoa eat. . nrera ration contains all of the digests l and digests all kinds of fooo. itfrrssinsuos relies aua never tells to ears. It si lows you to est sL Lka food son want. TtesnostsensltiM stomachs eaa take It. By Its use many ibousanda of d vsneoties bs bees Mred after everything sens fat 14. It Is najequaUed (or eiislimasGa uoubeos. It u't fee!? ! .. . bet tw yea pKJ tVuenil only by P o. fit Witt rn.. r bmvt srsSl. aveile rnisnlnainMsw tiiinc too I have had occaiion to use your Blark-Dnuiht Stock and Poultry Medi cine and am pleased to lay that I never used anything for stock that gave half as good satisfaction. I heartily recom mend it to all owners of stock. J. B. BELShTK, St Louis. M Sick stock or poultry should not eat cheap stock food any more than sick persons should exiiect to be cjred by food. When your stock anil poultry are sick give tlieui med icine. Jion't stuff them with worth less stock foods. I'nlond the bowels and stir up the torpid liver and the animal w-ill be cured, if it lie possi ble to cure it. Mack-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. It cures every malady of stork if taken in time. Secure a lio-cent can of lllack-Hrauplit Stock and Poultry Medicine Bud it will pay for itself ten timcsover. Horses work heller. Cows give more milk. Hogs gain fftwli. And liens lay more eggs. It solves the problem of making as much blood, flesh and energy as possible out of the smallest amount of food con sumed, liny a can from your dealer. Land Sale- Hy virtue oi an order of sale fjriini- ed by tbe sup' nor loun.ui n. en i ...- in tin. notltion of W. U. liar ris against J. T. Hays in d other, shall a II ai pnbl:e auction for cash a the court house door in Asbenoro, K C, at ia o'clock M. on tho r.h day c .Niarcb 1U03 ihu l'niloing real r-atalc ... a ,. nfUnil in l'Vickllnvii: townshio m said count v adjoining tbe lanos oi ijouis naycs, ,.eii m tern, tieo (.aivoauo, loiem wu uuu. eJ as I Hows: Beginning ai a slake formerly i black oak, thence Soulh lot b' les to o,i,. w sr. . i ob-s to a stak on Fo'usts Corner; Houth I0:i poles to a stake; tbouc Wt-i I 'J pole 10 a stone; thence South l34.1-apols to a poBt oak; thence Knat 241.17 r-01' to a rock pile; tucitoe Norib ins nob to a sulic; thence Kast Ko poles to st-ike; Ibeiiie North about 70 poles I n..l, l,.nlr- Hi, ncrt Htl thC Vllt'ieU courses of Uie creek 2fl p les; thence West I SB oi-a lo a siaae; memc North til pole- to a i-'uke; the:.eo Wet in ,u.i. I trlnniiii!. eontal ine 530 acres more or less known as the .lames Allied lai d. Also ad the interes a of the gin ior in a eert-iln lease unit sa e oi mo nm ber on said I mils lo one 11. II. led. r which lease iB refern d to in tho (H-.i t on in said ncti-m. ThiB tbe loth dav of February, 1UUH T. J. l-'IN'CH, Com. Notice. Having Qualified as adminiatiators on tbe estate ot . . o-sner, ms-ian . i u . ur lt..,.,wl I'lork o the Superior Court of Randolph county I shall sell at public auction, to ti e highest bidder lor casu, on me premi ses on the 81st day ol Mereb lua, Ibn roimwing eiuni pcopvivj, m-i-A lot of wliH.ii, n lot of corn, a buggj and utber articles too tedious to niou And all person- holding claims ag ilnst sa'U estate wu preaenc incui on ur ...,.i. .,1' !.'..' 1-.I-4 oi .1.;. ...;ll k.. ole.H In liAi nf their recovery; and all persons owing sad estate will come rorwuru auu ma mediate settlement. This tbe 13 day ot February UMI. W, T. TVS1NUKK 1 Ad ins, C. S. UISHER.J Notice. Having takoa out letters test-imentu rv on the eati.te of J W KilbUt d.-e'd be- toro vV. C. liammoi d C. S. C.this is to notify a;lper-ons hsving claims agaim-t -aid estate to pre-ent them to tho andersigned on or oelore jiinunry mn IHOM or tills noti'-e will be pleaded it bar of their recovery, and all persons owiug said estate are hereby noil tied to inaKe immeuiaie paymeui. This Jan. I4ih 1W3. MAHTHA JANE LLUOTT. Extx NORTH CARD LIN A 1 Kiiiidolnh County I In the Superior. Court, before tbe Clerk. Nancv C York and buBband A J York, W C Ci x, V M Con, R P Cox et al V Kossio.Urtmes, Lanuer uriuit-, Clyde Grimes and William Albert Cox. Tbe defeudsnt William Albert Cox above r.aied will take notice that an action outlined as ao.ive nas been com menced lu the Superior Court of Ran- d Iph County, before tbe clerk, to sell ths land described iu tbe complaint Bled in said cause, f"r partition, and tbe said William Albert Ox. defendant ill further take notice, that be is quired to appear at ih.- oiiic-e ot tbe (J cikofthe Superior Court, for tbe county of Haudulpli. on tbe 231 day ol March lwa ana answer or aimnr or tbe complaint in said action, or the n a ntiffs will ai-Dlv to me conn to llie relief demanded in said complaint. tm 7th dav or FebsJUiiB ft. I. CXAMtdOTL, Clerk ol the Superior Court. Land Sale. Bv virtue Of an ordor of sale granted bv the Superior Court of Randolph county on the petition of K W Line- berry at sis Mamie iineDerry at sis I sholl sell at nubho auction. for cssb, to I he highest bidder, at 12 oolock on ins asm asy oi r eurnary, 1808, the following real estate to sit: A tract of land in Randleman towusbip said county. 1st tract: Beginning st s stone on on tbe south ride ot the public row! ess peny'sjooroer end rnns east 60 links so a siese, cue ace soma ou unss to s stake, thence east 1 obain to a stake, thence sooth obainn and 25 link' to a stone, Anderson Jsrre'l's corner, tbeoee oaiD Tioeceass sons coasionn. inenoe Bortb 3 1-1 deg east t ehs an 1 40 links to a stone on tbe north side of the pub lic road, thenee along saw toad a oh and 60 links to tbe beginning, contain ing S-t of aa a ore mono. lees. and tract: Beginning at a at me on ortb side of the Cedar Falls road and rnns north S5 east 4 BO ehs to a stone on tbe north bank of tbe branch, thence ortb oi deg soutB is ens to s stone la tbe old I'BS, thenee south oa said line M.SO ehs to a ttone on ibe north side of road, tb.nos north wester1 dir.c tioa with the various courses of said road about lb ehs to the l eginmr g. eoataieing 10 borsM asors aw less .with tbe eioepUon of is acres sold to E. C. Line berry and some other lots sold off of said tract. C. I. LINEBEBRY, Corar. This tbe 7ih d iy of January, UaM. Votlie ts hereby riven 'thai appltct- tlon will b snarf- to te ftei-eral As- avinbly to stttsnd tus risartar n ibe tows Ol aiaaxwisa an, M.U I have had eruiion to use yourV BIrk-Drau(ht Stock and Poultry Mcdl- & Mortgage Sale. By vinne of a mortgage oxecati d to tun undersigned on t e 2"ith d v of January. Un U. b (ieoriro V. Mn.larni'd w.fe MattU- V, Sh der, with power of, a do t trein. rii ia. b ImvliiB bee' lusd" i In the payment "of lee same, I will m-li at public nuei on at the Oo irt House ooor in Asheooro on tho lull day of March, 1H03, at li o'clock in, the fol lowing property i'met No I. Beginning at a s one Or Worn. & Wluslow'a corner, then, e ca-t "('. poles 1 1 a Bt-iiio in oi giin.l line tin m i ,onth UO poles t) a stone on llie fOUtli o: lanyard road in W P Wo 1 A Co's. old in-e, thouco west al -ng sdd road W5 p des to a -tone i i idge of road, tlieuee . orth oo poles tu the be ginning. For particulars of title nee dct-.l fr.un W J Teage, admr. of 1J V Huover. decea ed, to J J Fl-her, In Book til , page 4 It), in olU' e of Register of Heidi for Riunlolidi eoiiuiy, con taining 4H auios more or li i. Trnct No. a. Atijuiiitnfx S:.o lands ol Riley Davidson, Mary Ai i Johns .n and otl, rib and bounded as olncs. Urg nnb.g nt a stone on tin- alisbui jr road, collier of tho Hoover I r-l, i hence south 4 eh to Fishes, s core- r ol his ll. oier tract, Ihcuo" west im Kisi er'a line in the Hoover fact 82 hs t-i a stono l'iihei's coriti r (formjilv lioov cr'sl th. nee north 16' west 1 i s'u t . Salisbury io d at a cedar t ec, Yaty nn Johnsoa's rui-r, theme al nig said road nomh S.i east 10 ens, tlienoi south Uesl 8 ehs. thence s-.utii ;5 esst 12 1-2 ehs in ail 7 1-2 chi u'o-g said road to (ho beginning, eontniinii i 13 acres inoro or lesa 1-or b ;ier d scriptijn o' aid land see deeil fro i J M Worth to II J Fisher in I look H2. Dago 42S in cilice of Register '1 l'""l for Ksndolpb county. I in t No 3 Adjoining llie lauds Willi un Olnvas, li iioiiuins . eis bouudid as fo lows, to wit: I al a hcach, formally a ului" c lu . li. uank nt Cedar Forli Creek, tho . soml in Tucker's sad Llbiyas' line 2.(1 s.e ro n iiii.e li Hobb n's corner, tlieue. c is passing a large marked hickory l i.oi.-s to a small wnue oiik, lueiicenorin 1 6-1 poles tQ a lllnple on the b Ilk ol t e Foik, "ence down said creek it various couises 24 1 poles to t je b i',i! iiinic. For a bailor de-oiiption w- ded I . in Marion Hill ta II I Fisher in Uoo . (Hi of i. ede on page 4Bi! In office of His of Heels for Kundolpb county containing 2"2 acres moro or less. I'r.n t No 4 Adjouiiiiing the lands of D i I elty et als, oouuJed ai toilons to wit: Beginning at a stone, Fishcr'i oi in-1 al sou' beast corner, thence ens on the lino of Hie tanynrd tr-iotoH poles to u stone in Winn's line, tlieuee nortti S3 p les to a stone, corner of lot No 4: Mel rarj's co uer, theuou we-tou Me Cinry's and Lewis' line 15 po es to stone at the suuthwest oomer of Lewis' lot N i 41, thence m rt'i lit polos to a stone oi' the Sali-bnry load, thence west aloi.g said mad 13 p -le. to a stone c rner lot No 3S, bought by Me Alisicr & Morris, ibm.o south l.i poles to a stone MeAHster Murri-i" south en t Ciir.ii r thai ce nest 13 lo'es stein Mc's corner, theiicM nortl 13 poles to u siou oi' Salisbury run. I tin ..CP w est 12 p. les to a stone Msh-r' ..r.gmal iiortheat corner, ihenre south on l is' i r's line liiil jkI to the begin ni g. compr.sing I as ftos. ,.s p in, 12. 13.1 l.iri.lli,IT.IS,3l,32,33,34,3.r, 31,311, lti,l!l..)0.-'l,-.2,a3,M,&5'i,.'i7,.'iS..!i.) of the II i-v. i pi t as! by tt miuiii, co n and containing 32 acres more or loss rieo book i l, pago 4311, otliee of Regis tor ot Deed a, liaudolpb Cunnty. Tract No 6 -lioiiude l a-' follows H einn.iiii at utoiie In Ceda l oric tin uce north f2 uol, s to li .1 Fisher's orii'in .l corner ot tbu Hoover liud ii oi g f e south 8ii east 7 Doles 1 . a s one on the no-111 u ie o sui I mad in 1'i -lier's lino t a dr.iin Ih, tu e -oiith oil poles to a sloue on lb auk of l ie tai.yard branch nun i brici v.-i l, Ihenre down tbe virions courses . f -aid branch to I" month hence down Ibe wir oin courses of (' d r l-'oik lo the beginning, eont lining 2 1-2 acres m ro or tcS-s see Heed 1 uni W P Wood and wife lo 11 J Fisher, book 7tl of deed-, agis 12'i and 127 otliee ol iteg i f Deeds f ii Run h Ij h county, further description. Tract No 6 Bounded us folios s, to wit: Beginning at a stone on the Nulls bury road, comer of lot No3s McAUstei it Morris' comer, an. I itinniuit thence west 107 feet to H J Fisher's corner thence sou h 214 feet to a stone, thenc east lo! feet to a stone, thence north 214 lent to beginning, coutuiiiing 1 ai re more or le s, same being lot N 37 of the Hoover i lo', see deed fro: A C McAli ter to B J F sher in bo: 111 of de-da page 414 otliee of Keg De lis for H .ndolfh count?., No 7 Hounded as follows, t wit : liegiuiiii g ai a stone on the Suli bar, roiul rnnnies? we-t along said road 107 feet tr a S' one comer nt 1 .1 No 37 AC McAlister's comer thence south 211 feet to a stone in Fisher's line thence along said line east 107 feet 'o a stone thence 214 leet to the lag nnirig o uiainii'gl 2 acre more or less, tbe a-iio being lot 3s of tbe Hoover n'ot. See deed horn A C MeAliaier and P Ii Morris to 11 J Fisher in t ook 7U page 44o oltlce oi iteg i t ueeus lor it inU 'lph county, lor a better description. Tract No 8 Adjoining R W Krazicr and others uud bounded a- fo'lows, to wit: Beginning at a stoi e la tbi branch, n J I isher's corner, and tun mug east 32 poles lo a sti-ne in 11 J Fislnr's iii.e. ibeuco souti: 23" west tio p lea to a Btone in Cedar rork, cast ol U J Msher'a gate, thenco down tbe va rious courses of Cedar Fork to tbe mo ii hoi tanvard spiing brsuch. thence up said si-rim branch ljpolestn a Btone thence near.y n -nn on r isner s or'gi nal line 2 no es to the b. giunig, con mining 12 1-2 acres mire or less. See Deed fr -m it W Fraier and wife Delia l'ra.i.-r. for betser deso: lotion in book 7U. i ace 4U4 oiKce of deeds lor Randolph ouuuty, excepting two acres of tho sooee aeicrioea tana wnu u pas Here tofore b en deeded by U J Fisher and wife to Cain Carr. J . li iinai , Terms of sale : Cash- Mortgagee. ThisFeb. 2nd, 1903. V. I) Steele, Attorney. NOTICE. Having taken out letters of adminis tration on tbe estate oi Mary L Saunders deceased, before W. v. Hammond Clerk of the Hop nor Court of Randopb County, at tbe of said de ceased, on the 21 st day of February-, lt03, I will sell at public auction, to the higheit bidder, for cash, the per sonal property oi ana oeceasea, con siatmi of household a' d kitchen furni ture, a lot of lumber and other articles too numerous to mention. All per-ons indebted to said estate are hereby not died to mace immediate pay ment and settlement. And all p-rsuiia holding: claims against said estate will present them on or before the 1st day of February 1004. or this notice will be oiesd In bar of their lecoverr- Thls tbe 26th day or January 1003. C. T. LOCK, Admr. ot Maiy L Saundrs, dee d. Notice' Having Qualified as executor oo the state of Maud K, Parks deceased, be fore W. C, Hammond, ' lerk of the So Bri Court nt Randolph ooantr. 1 ball sell at pwbitc snctlon. to the high est bidder for v)ssh, en tne premises, on tbe 1 1th day of Harsh 1 8. the fol ioning personal property, to -wit : m piano, beasehold and kitchen farniUve, pictures, cocking nten.iis, carpets, 1 sewing machine and other articles too tc-dlons to m'-ntion. All persons haying claims sjralns aid estate are noiiged to present taeta to ine arviersignM, nuf vineo, on or belor the lOtb day of February 1904, or tbls notice will be pleavtsd fas bar oi their recovery: sad a'l tntrsons owing ld eststs will come forward ami make immediate ettp-mcnt. This 4th day of Fob 1003. W. af.CUKTIS.Ear. MORTOAOb BALK. Scirtue of a pnwerof sale contained la t a v .lent rvnculeil lir Alirsm Mattl iwanr I wife, rinule .M-illiewa lo W- D. Klirml ,1,1 1 1- I on lite llttiilsvof Murcli. IHSS. ana a:i. 1 stiail soi m nubii- aueilon to the hlgb est blibler lor cali. ut llie cuiirl bouaeduor In Aahelioro. 14. C. al I'iceclocK, m. on Mondny. 2nd liar of March. 1903, tha'tnllroTlnic real estate lotvlti A tract of lain In Ornnt townehlp. Kamlolpti county, desnrlbel end bouutlnd sa lollowa: llesln niua at a atone Ueorffe Cnffln'a corner sad runulnir lltenee aouth X6 eba to a atone. Al freil c'ox'a corner; thenee eaat 15:30 cha to aslonc thence north js cha to aamnll white oak; Ihenre west 14:80 cha to the bealualng, cuntaliiluic as 1-1 aorea mo-e or leaa. w. D. 81'OOH. Morigsgee. This the 'isth day of January, nns. CKItTinCATE OF DISSOLUTION. Si'ATBOK NOR HI CAItOLINA. DtPAIlTMKNT OK STATE, I To all to whom those present may ome URUTTlNii: Wiiehkas, u appears to inv satisfac tion, bt duly ant lauticaied record of tbe vioceedluga tor ihs voluntary dissolu tion thereof by the unanimous consent of all tne stockholders, deposited In my office, that the lleaoto Lumber & Manufacturing Compiny, a corporation ol this State, whose principal office is annate) oi Hip it --tieet, in tbe town of Ashebaro, tonnly of liando'ph. Bta'e ol North i urulin-t, (W.J. Scarboro be ing the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served) ha complied with the reunite uienis of an act of tbe (ienerd Assem bly if North Caroiiiu (Session 1901) snti'led ''An am to revise the Corpo isiion Law oi North Carolina," pre. Ilml-ary to the issuing of this Ceriifl i ate of Disso ution, Now, TIIRRBt'OKK, 1. J. BRYAN tilMMKS, Secretary of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that I no said corporation did, ou the third day ol February, HHI3, itio In my oUl:e a duly el.TUied and attested consent in iv i ting to the dissolution of said oorpo rsll hi, executed by a'l the stockholders thereof, whl' h said consent and the rrc rd of the proceedings aforesaid srs now on fll ; in i'iy raid cilice as prorid e I l y law. . ltt TKSTIUON V WllIKROr, I J skm.. have hereto set my hand and 1 1 aflied my ollicial seal, at Ral- oU!i. ibis 3rd dy of Februtry A. D, otu thousaud nine hundred and tbr e. J. 1IRY..N ORIMK3, Secretary of State. Three Times the Value of Any Other! One-Third Easier. m: One-Third Faster Agents wanted in till unoccupied territory. Wheeler & Wilson Mafg. Co ATLANTA, GA. For sale hy MOKF1TT 4 CO Asliclsiio, N. (.', The Southern Railway... Announces tbe opetiinjr of the winter Tourist Season and the placing ou Bale of . . . Excursion Tickets to nil prominent points in tha , , , South, Southwest, West Indies Mexico and including St. AutruHtine. 1'alm Beach, Mi. uni, Jacksonville, Tampa, I'ort Tnoipn, Brunswick. Thorn- tiHville, Clmrleston, Aiken, Au. eutta( I'inehtirst, Aflieville, At lunta, New Orleans, Memphis' und The Land ot the Sky. i erfect Dining and Sleeping Ser vice ou all Trains. See that your ticket reads Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any ticket agent for fall ia- lormstion. or address R. U TEBH0H, TraTsllna; Pass. Anns, CbarioMe, N. C C W. WE8TBUBT, District Pass. Agent, Richmond, Vs. 8, H. HiBDWICC, Gsoersjl fasasnursr Afrspt. . IL CDW, Traffic Uaoafor, Waahiiurton, O. C, W. A, TCEK, Asst. Pass. Traffic kUaam. Washlayfa. ft tt O.L. SAPP, Attorneyat-Law. rraetiM la BUM aa fsdeni Ossnfo, Oorporatiea, Csisastsial sad Prs bataLav. All bajtnsss naaptlt siasassd tas. . Om la Boas A Bank SsdUlr. "la, Btn 'w ptn.uj o iuTniU4 fear i nowtrnHranfB r. ft . VriuiJ -...a "J fWsPTur as)ylV'V,VW asaiavsav'VlsSvaVff Waipivitpilr blsi U. S. ud fan- f rot sale brWA Uaslcrwocd.

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