T5he Courier. Local and Personal. Mr. V. J. Page, of Hemp, was in town yesterday. Mr J ease Scarboro, of Cedar Falls, wai in town Sunday. W C Hammer is attending court at Albemarle this week. Mr and Mra W J Teague spent several days in Greenslioro recently, Mrs Allie Worth has returned from Charlottesville, Va. Mr Gideon Macon, of Farmer, was here Monday and Tuesday visit ing Mr a J) Newby. 1 Mr A W Vickory, of Greensboro, wm here one day last week on dusi Bess. . MrOebnrn Wall, of Randleman " has a position with the Standard 1 IfflfF f ' nv Alhnrk Khnrrill. of Trinilv. win preacn at me in. u umuuii w night (Thursday.) The Courier will be pleased to nave its friends call and see us when ' they come to court. Mrs George Barker, of High Point, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs U a. Kneu. Mrs Cynthia Blair, who has been spending: the winter with her sou at Salisbury, has returned to Asheboro. ' Mr and Mrs B B Phillips visited relative in Bichland township Sun day. Mrs A M Kankin. of Hieh Point. visited her mother, Mrs Blair, lost week.. Mr John A Wright and family have moved to Lexington where they will reside in the future. Master June Page, of Biscoo, sp at some time last week wun mcAiisier Carson at Mrs McAlister's. Mr Sam Teague spent Sunday at Ureensooro or uuiitord college, Which!' Miss Mabel Wood spent Sunday with friends at Greensboro with friends, returning Tuesday. Mr John Uarrell, of Worth ville, has position with the. Moffitt Cash Store at High Point. MrThos H Redding has pur chased of Mr M L Davis, his house nd lot in the western part of town. Mr W D S ted man left last Friday for Baltimore and other Northern markets to buy spring and summer goods. Mr W H Moriug returned from the North Tuesday where he says he bought a large stock of goods for the spring and summer trade. The operetta, "Merry Milk Maids," will be rendered at the academy to morrow (Friday) night, by home talent. Admission 10 and 25 cents. The Randleman and Franklinville District Teachers Association, which was to have been held at Central Falls last Saturday, was postponed on account of the weather. ' We call attention to the change of advertisement of Ridge, Dickens Co. in another column. They are moving their stock of goods from South Asheboro lo the store adjoin ing E B Reams' furniture store. There will be no-services in any of the churches of Asheboro next Sun day morning or evening except at 4he Presbyterian church, owing to the Black meeting which begin on that day. Deputy Sheriff B T Rush, of Montgomery county, came up Tues day morning and brought Julius Overton, who il wanted in this coun ty for retailing. Sheriff Rush deliv ered hi prisoner to jailor Newby and returned to Troy on the vestibule. In every department of industrial lif young men of parts are wauted young men who are willing to work intelligently, not those who in their elf-confidence think they can take the helm, but those who really know and can do those who are schooled in industry and are honest, truthful nd clean in their lives and habits. Misses Blanche and Mabel Wood entertained the Book Club Friday in most delightful wav. They had an evening with James wmtcomo Riley. JJiHerent memocrs reau .things concerning his life and his Wnung. oesiun hub hicj uu . ranged little comedy for the enter- tainmant of the guests. Much work has been done on the farms jii Mils section preiwmg ' crop. Farmers prepare their lauu better, ploughing deeper than was formerly the onstom. Few farmers attempt to raise any kind of crops without nsing the best harrows as well as ploaghs. Many farmers "snboeil" the lands they cultivate. The improved method are encour aging. Messr O V Branson and Walter Branson came in on the southbound train Saturday morning and went down to White House to spend Sun day wiih their parents, Mr and Mrs Levi Branson. They stopped ever on their return to Charlotte from a trio to Alexandria, Va., where they bad been engaged in finishing a con tract with the Southern Railroad. They are in the employ of the D A Tbompkins Company, of Charlotte. We again remind our friend and correspondents that the most import ant of all human event are mar riage, birth and death, especially nurnuu and death. These are item of new we an especially seek in for. This il real new. It is not o much tittle-tattle and gossip an4 drivel, bat real new w want. The roaiin and "personalities" will ' and are an rigm ae m, in Item of real news occur we ill appreciate all the fact and cir uju:iucea relating to each particu lar "CWS. Mr J H Kearns, of Corleto, was nere xnursuay. Mr W D Nance, of Kew Merket, was in town Fridny, Mr P A Routh and son, of Gray's Chapul were m town Friday. Messrs R L White and E L York, were into see us Friday. E Brown, of High Point, will move to Asheboro this week. He will engage in trucking. Messrs Calvin Caglo and J M Luther, of Union township, were in town Friday. Gov Avcock has appointed Mr S Bryant, ot Bandlemun, a director of the A & M College at Buleigh. Miss Ada Vuncauuou's school ut Honewcll. in Cedar Grove townshit). will close with a public exhibition on Saturday, March 28th. H M Williams, of Cedar Grove township, has sold his farm to Willie Aewson and moved to Uofum bia township. Mr 7. W Nance, of Farmers, Ran dolph county, has moved bis .family here. They will occupy the house belonging to Mrs M ll nnm.v, on First Street north. Davidson Die patch. Mr W F Wood a son of Rev Dr F H Wood, and a nenhew of Ex-State Senator W P w ood, has purchased the Marion News and will become ita editor. The raner was formerly owned and edited by Mr U U haves. Messrs T J Redding and R W Welborn were in town one day hist week, connected with business in closing up the affairs of the estate of the late T O Fentress. People have strange ideas about working roads and streets. They believe in waiting till summer to pull dirt into the roads or streets. f they would only haul rock and fill up the holes in the worst places urine the bad weather, they would accomplish a lusting good. More at Randleman Robbed, The grocery store of Mr Willium Brown ut Randleman was broken into and robbed on last Friday night. About eighty dollars in cosh were tuken from the money drawer. Nothing else was taken. There is no clue as to the thief or thieves. Subscriptions Paid. Mrs Jus L Winningham, T B Tysor, Rev W N Hays, Jno J Lauib, J U Stout, JS it Sykes, it f fruit, Robt McLean, J W Lassiter, R B Holing, Jas M Hinshuw, J W Rich. G H Hardin, J M Betts, E E Culli cott, A W Vickory, R . C Vickory, Mrs Sol Mollitt. The Black Meeting. Ah has been announced Evangol- lit Block will begin a series of meetings in the Presbyterian church at this place oil next Sunday, March ith, to continue a wceK or more. There will be two services each day at 3:0 in the afternoon and ut 7:30 at night. Evoivbody is most cordially invited to attend and take part in these meetings. Moving in Town. Cant. A. E. Burns has moved into his residence on Salisbury street. Register of Deeds Boroughs has mov ed into the Boyette house recently rchased from Mr. J M. Lassiter, and Mr. Lasaitcr has moved into the house vacated by Capt. Burns and Mr. J. T. Wood has moved into the house vacated by Mr Boroughs. Mr. A. E. Woodell has moved into the house recently purchased of Mr. Wright in South Asheboro. E. E. Pugh's Dwelling Burned. The dwelling of Mr E E Pugh at Progress was burned on Tuesday of last week. The lire was caused by a burning candle nsed in an upper room b Mr Junius DaviB, a clerk of Mr Pueh' who was "developing" some photographs. Mr Davis had only a few minutes before the fire stepped out oi in room iu me owjic. The house was burned and more than half the liersonal property. The trunk, clothing and some money belonging to Miss Michaux, a school teacher boarding at Mr Pugh's, was also burned. Going to Greensboro. Mr C S Morris, secretary and treasurer of the Worth Mfg. Co's. three mills ou Deep River, ha tend ered his resignation to take effect April 1st, to accept a position wun the Cone Export and Commission Company at Greensboro. Mr Morris is a most successful young business man and by his at tentivenes to business has won the. confidence of the business men of this section. We regret to give him up, but wish hiin success in his new undertaking. A stockholder' meeting of the Worth Co. will be held in a few days to elect a successor to Mr Morris. Program Randolph Teacher' As- ociation, March 21, 1903. 10:30 Devotional Exercises. 10:45 Business Meeting. 11:00 Debate. Subject: Resolved, that corpora! punishment is never justifiable. Aflimative, J . I . Hen ry and Mis Laura Stimpson Neeative. W. V. McRae and Miss Indie Youne. Fifteen Minutes allowed each speaker. General discussion of subject 12:30 lutermission. 1.1.1 Son a. :fiO Moral Instruction in the School, bv Prof. Harris. 2:15 Short Talks by Teachers. 2:30 Adjournment. Probably your physician has told you that rheumatism is incurable. Discoveries are being made in medi cine as well a in other thing. Rheu sutcide U a discovery It positively cure rheumatism. At Druggist. Ner Law Firm. Mr H M Robins becomes a part- nor with lus father in the practice lor inw, the unit name urn: -iyn ie- ng Robins & Rubins. Accidentally Killed. On lust Saturday afternoon, near Smyrna, church m Moon; county, the 12 yeni old son of Madison Mm sov accident lv abut and killed hit brother, aged H years with a shot gun The Merry Milk Maids. A great many of the Aslielmiv people as well as people from tli neiirhborini; towns hare been luokim forward to the operetta which is to be given at the academy tomorrow night. The Merry .Milk Maids have put a great deal of time ami study on this piny and it promises to be one of the best things ever given in Asheboro. A special train will be run from Mt Gilead, Troy, Biscoe, Star and other points along the A & A line for the accommodation of those who wish to attend from these towns. Tho. proceeds are for the improve ment of the school building. Ad mission 25 cents; cliildieii 10 cents. TbeMcKinley Memorial Associa tion. Mrs E B McCain, postmaster at Asheboro, requests the Courier to an nounce that sho has leceived u limit ed supply of certificates for distribu tion to contributors to the monument fund of the lute Picsident McKinlev as soiwenirs of their participation iu tho enterprise. The certilicate is a beautiful work of art on which is given an excellent likeness of Mr McKinlev. together with a pictureof the McKitiley home in Canton and of the White House. Each contributor to this fund re- rcccivea one of these certificates. Contributions should be left ut the postoffice where a copy of the certifi cate can lie seen ut any time. Drowned in Uwharrir.. On lust Sunday morning Arch Hill, uged about 20 vears, a son of Joe Hill, of lubernacle township, was drowned in the Uwharrie River at Peurce's mill, nine miles west of Asheboro. Young Hill and two other boys, Cicero Kindley and Alex Wood, were on the river in a tint boat taking u pleasure ride. The river was swol len some undtlie hoys allowed Hie boat to drift near the dam and lost control of it. Swing they would all be washed over the dam, they jump ed into the water to swim to the bank. Young Hill in attempting to jump into the water got his foot caught in the bout in some way and before he could free himself was cai ried with the laiat over the dam and drowned. The other boys in the meantime hud succeeded in swimming to the bank. Thi occurred ubotit 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Soon the alarm was given ami a large crowd gathered to assist in an attempt to recover the body of the drowned boy. The river wus dragged and diligent search made fur . the body all day Sundav, but their efforts were not rewarded until nearly noon Monday, when his hotly was found about loO yards below the dum. Sidney Robins one of the two De baters Selected to Meet the Rep resentatives of Johns-Hopkins. - A speciul to the News it Observer suys: Mr S A Robins, of Asheboro, Ni C, a member of the junior class, has been chosen by the Dialectic So ciety as the representative in the Carolina-Hopkins debute, which will take place in Ruleigh the hitter part of this month or early in April. -Mr Robins, in securing this honor was ably opposed by Mr J (1 Gold, who in every sense proved wortiiy of his steel. rMr Robins is one of the most brilliant men in college, an able and logical talker, and will discharge the high honor rejiosed in him with cred it to himself and to the institution which he represents. In the Philanthropic Societ-, Mr R O Everett; after a hard fought struggle, was selected us u colleague for Mr Robins, winning over Mr Ho mer Winston. Mr Everett is a prom inent member of the senior class, un earnest worker, un accurate thinker, and a pleasing speaker und everyone has implicit confidence in his ability to bring victory to the white and blue. Mr Robins is a son of Hon M S Robins, of Asheboro, and it is with pleasure we note his continued suc cess. The selection is a compliment to his ability. Moffitt Items. Rev J R Coiner preached un ex cellent sermon at Shiloh lust Sunday Mr Homer Monitt bus bought u fne $10 milch cow. Mr J M Caveness has been catch ing some tine white suckers iu his trap on Hichland creek. Mrs B B Phillips and husband, of Ashelwro, visited her parents Mr and Mrs J C Cox last Suturduy und Sun day. The Sunday School at bhtloli will be reorganized the first Sunday in April. Miss Josie Moffitt visited her fath er. Mr H T Moffitt, Sunday. Mr S L Havworth bus returned to his work for the Champion Machi Company. I will remind the farmers that it is getting time to plant Irish pota toes. Wheat is looking fine. COLDS ARE OANUEROl'8. How often von bear It remarked 'Ii'a only a col I," and a few days later Itarn'.tbat the man ii on bit back with pneumonia- This la of aueti com mon occarranoa tbat a cold, however, alight, ihonld nut be diarpg-arded Oliamberlain s Cougn Keiueuy eou.,-t-racla any tendency toward pneumo nia. It alwaya cures and i pleasant to take. Sold by Standard Drug Co., Aahnboro and W A Underwood, Kau-dlamaa. Obituary. Thomas Herbert Tucker was born Kelt. 11!, mm, and died March 1, I'.mj. ll.-rkrt tuts sirk for more Hi:. ii . '".rti wevks unit dick of pnete iiiouia. lie did not desire to get well, bit was anxious to go to the Home the good above. He made fri'cuen reference to the other world and ask ed his parents, brut hers and sisteri to meet him iii heaven. May God grunt thev nmv so live as to meet him there. J. I'. Koiiiikh In Memoriam, Jn memory of Minnie Ethel Bray, (laughter of John I.ee Bray and 1m- nev Jane Bray. he died of dipthe rta after an illness of vi Jays, agei 5 years ami i months. She was bur ied at Pleasant Ridge cemetery. The funeral services were conducted hv Hev liarman, of Itamseur. She was a gooil little girl and attended Sal bnth School every Btinilny und will be missed by her playmates and at home. 'Tis hard to say good by to those we love, God grant that we may do his will mid join her above. Ramseur Items. Miss Maude Hamlin, of Central Fulls, spent hist week in our tow n to the delight of her many friends. a r Courad rreprcseuting the North Carolina Baptist wus here the latter part ot last week. He was pastor of the Baptist church of this place four or live years ngo. II C Free, of High Point, spent nundav with his family here. Mrs J G Stout and children, of Star, X. C, visited her mother,. Mrs Nut Thomas this week, lhey will move. to Columbia, S. C. ubout the first of April. Mm A B Covington left for Red Sprinjs last week for her health. We hopa she w ill recover rapidly and return home at an early date. Mr Einmett Petty, oue of Bur lington's popular young business men was in town Suiubiy, the guest of dipt W 1) Lane? .Messrs E C Wutkins ami W Clyde Cupel went to Greensboro Saturday night on extra No. 151, returning Sunday. Mr A 11 1 homos left Sunday via .Sluley in the interest of the Ramseur Broom Works. Miss Julia Wood one of Ramseur' fairest young ladies, left for an ex tended visit to friends in Itandlciiuu and Trov. Mr M E Johnson ac companied her as far us liaiulleiuun. i he lias suite applied for a position as clerk at "Hotel Ramseiir." Mr .1 1 Coward, engineer for the Alberta Chair Works has resigned and" will move his family to Cedar rails shortly. e are sorry to lose them. The Alberta Chair Works and the Novelty Wood Works have been idle since the lirst of last week. They have been installing new engines and boilers. We lire glad to note the improvements. Muster i cailiiiian Burgess, of Greensboro, visited his grandmother, Mrs M G Smith last week. Mr Stedman fireman on the Ittim ur train, left Monday to take a run from Greensboro to Gohlsboro. Mr Geo Kcmer, former fireman on this run takes his place atnl a cer tain voting lady is all smiles. It seems that all the mad dogs in the county are determined to give us i call. Another one was sighted in town Friday evening, find three of Ituiiiv.'tir's brave young men armed liema -lves with luvech-lon ling shot runs mid pursued the dog. Several hots were fired and thev suv, thev think they crippled him. We will i"t call the names ot the pursuers for T ar of a thrashing us it rellects on their marksmanship. We have iirnetl since that another dog is filing this wnv. Keep your guns ouded liovs and get ' closer to hilu next time. Why Not Items. school here is progressing The public school closed laat Tin finely. week. veral Ixiarding student have ur l lately; among whom we note following: Mr TM Cheek, of Piosperitv; Mr W i Garner of Hemp; Miss Lillie lieane, of Fork Creek: Miss Nettie King, of 1'isgali; und Mi lt L Russell, of Seagrove. We expect several other students to enter in the next tew days. Messrs Frank und Fred Huliii silent Sunday ut their home in Mont gomery comity. Mr ! 1 ititu-r, with several otner students, attended the closing exer cises of Prof Cfle's school ut Acoru Ridge iu Moore county last iriduy und report n good time. The boys hevu have reorgaiuzeu their society and are having' some lively discussions. -Meetings are held each 1 hursday night. Examinations have been very prominent among the students the oust week. Tho grades made show thoioiigh work in the different branches. 'The rains are hindering furm work very much: There is u lot of crosstte mid chuir block timber being shipped from Seagrove. Mr L Kov Richardson, ot Aber deen, is visiting relatives here this week. Mr J D Lilly, of Star, came np Saturday, returning Monday. Won der what he means? Don't think he has any "kin"' folk up here. The twins of Mr and Mrs Henry Statu were burled here last week. Un March 1st, nt the home of the bride's mother. Miss Aume tassady and Mr Garner were united in mar riage, also on March 8th, Miss Maud Wulhicc and Mr Hm Kennedy. B Slack, J. P. officiating on each occasion. CAPUDINE Cures COLDS, LA GRIPPE, atnd air HEADACHES, etc. ; Sold kt all Drugator. . Col. J. R. Lane- A few days ago Col. Jno. R. Lane, of Chatham, the gallant head of the tmii'i:'- I . i-it ? v-.-i t n nrth aro Im.i Regiment, was invited to a seat on the lloor of the Senate. Hen are some lines written then: TO COLON El. I.AXB. Aye! old Confederate, the floor is yours, Take the Semite from lloor to dome And give us credit on the debt we owe For I he service yon gave in the years that are gone. You don't looli so old; why, your - - walk is Htruignt, Just a dash of grey has touched your hair; Bui, perhaps, your spirit has been worn u bit Bv the rust of life with its wear and l-ar. But time will pass long, long in its course, Before that spirit has gone to rest, if passed through days of w ar and strife. It was worn und torn and stood the test. So take the lloor it's not much to give. J list credit it on the debts Unit's due, Not counted in its wordlv worth But measured by our lovcfor you. iens t vuservei. New Salem Items. Mr Elias Macon died at the home of Mr A P Trogdou on March 8th. Mr Elwood Frazier has moved to New Salem. Mr A O Wall will leave for Ashe boro March 10th, w here he has ac cepted n position with the Standard Drug Co. J A Hayes, of High f'oint, spent Sunday with his parents. i lie "1 wciitieth t- entury debut- ng society will give a public debate Thursday night. It is reported that our school will have un exhibition at the close. Ltbetry Items. (.'has Z Patterson made one of his flying trips home and spent Sunday with the madam and the little ones. 1 don't believe the Southern Rail road and express company could do business if tho young men of Liberty were to quit them. This time we must give up Ernest rcrrell, who takes a position with the express company at Greensboro, and when litl go sonic eyes was wet and some was not. Mr Hatch and daughter, of 1'itts- boro, is visiting Hutches and other relatives in our town this week. Mrs M M Teague and son Robert, cunie home lroin Spartanburg, 6. C, the other duy uf ter being in that city for live months. Miss Clapp, oue of Alamance'? fairest daughters, has entered Liber ty Noimal College. Miss Fields, from near Climax, has also entered school at the college. Well. I want to say w hat 1 want to say, but she is one of the prettiest girls that has been hero iu a lung, long tune. . . Mr Harbors, of -Mai tinsMile, a., iud u Mr Smith, of Baltimore, Md., are heie buying lumber and railroad material and all lire iiuurtored ut the Kloudvke Hotel. Mr J L llu'cli, one of the best op- ratois ou the Southern liuilroud located ut Wiuston-Siilein took linner at his father's last Sunday, returning tho same day. Mr 11 C Cuiirey. one of our clever itizeiis, took a tnii to (ireensboro this week. Bank for Liberty. Strong talk of u bank in Liberty. 'artics w ere here just a few days ago negotiating with our people to estab lish a bank here ami to have Mr W H Griffin as its cashier. 1 don't be lieve if you were to search the Scrip tures vou could liud a better man for be place. We have had him in all unless and he works well. He is now secretary and tnastirer ot the ge firm Liberty Mercantile Co., I'etarv ami treasurer Dixon Wool- n Mills, secretary ami treasurer lu- liiwant liank of K of P, of Liberty xxlgo. No 1:1, secretary and treasur er of Baptist Sunday School, admin istrator ol Alex Jleatli anil voles me truight Democrat. He has a girl n the east and wants one in the west, is iust veurs old. Now it conies my painful duty to tell the good people of Randolph and other entities unit the lileiuis inui on March 1st Mrs Maggie Amick, the it daughter of .Mr and -Mrs 1 V Miller, of Liliorty, died at niyette ville, und wus brought here on thut same ditv and laved to rest on Mon day in the Liberty cemeteiy. Miss -Maggie -Miller wus murrieu some six or seven vears ago lolillbcri lj ahuck of Guilford count v. It waa the most sailest picttne this community has ever been called on to witness the mother culled away und the fath er left in cure of the little ones, but lie has the consolation thut she has gone home where if he lives us Mag gie did and when lie crosses rue river there w ill be no more troubling there, Salaries of Steel Trust Officers. At the present time there are i the employ of the Steel Corporation and its subsidiary companies approxi mately 1.750 men who receive salar ies in excess ot $x,.iuo a year, uiviu- ed as follows: Twelve w ith salaries uf sao.unti a year und over, including the $100, 1100 salurv of the president of the corporation iteclf. ritty irom jau,uiu i year. TWO liiinureu irom ifu,you iv. 000 a vear. Fifteen liundml irom $,oou to f5,000 a year. Review of Reviews, WELL AGAIN. The many friendi of John Bloot i H ninurrl lo li aru that h hn rn timy recovered from Bis attack of rhaamatixm. Chamberlain ' Fain HaPii ourad him alter the boat doctora in the town (Motion, Imi.) had failed in irim rvlinf. The Drotnpt rf Itel from pam which this liniment affords is alone worth many timet IU ooet. For .l.hY8Lt!dard Uruk Co., Aaheboro and W A Un4rwoodK tUndleman The LlttlMt qirL He didn't pull eo he hurt !t. Buc 1 thought he was dreao-ut mejia. Bo I put my flnfera over my eye And peeked at him betweeo. I uppof that when, you went to echo Vou were never the llttleet glrL Tou once were? Truly T TruTyt Dd aomebody pull your eurlY ad gave you cooktea to eatt Tow marked with chalk upon a boar And applied o-a-t, cat? Why. auntie, In our echool We didn't do thlnga like that. There were only little chtldrej there, And the very first of ail Wa sang eome eon, and then we phtret wun a pretty little Del.. The teacher eald the ban waa re. But I knew that before: We folded paper and played wttn btooka, And then we aang eome more. Tou aay you marked upon yc-jr aketa On your 0ret day at school Aad tried to read a primer booh And learn a Utile rulet And then you really weoc to aieepf And teecher didn't eootdr Why. untie, dear, how old were yovf Exactly fovr yam eld J WJ)r. eo am I. It aeema eo queea t you were one irke me. The very imieat girl In eekooh Ira Mreng a It can be! -New York TrHmam Business Notices! LAND POSTERS ut 10 cents a lozen ut Courier Office. WANTED. One Million feet of oak lumber, delivcrd at any siding. Cash prices. J. C. DAVIS. 3-2-lt. WANTED Old castings, iron, etc. at once for cash or trade by the Asheboro Wood & Iron Co. FOR SALE 100 bushels Wood's early seeds potatoes. Apply to J M Kivett, Liberty, N. C. BLANKS. All kinds of blanks for magristratss -at Courier Office. Send for prices. PIGS FOR SALE. Thorough bred J, Berkshire and grades 9 cents per lb. 15. S. Moffitt, Empire, N. C. JOB PRINTING. Job printing is a sjiecialty with us. We jirint everything you want by steam power. Cull or send your work to The CoruiEii Job office. STAVES. Will pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of staves for the Norfolk market delivered at Asheboro. Inspection day Saturday. E. A. Hammer, BLANK DEEDS AND MORT GAGES. Blank deeds and mortga ges at 25 cents a dozen; chattel mort gages 10 cents a dozen, at Courier Office. DR. W. II. WAKEFIELD, of Charlotte, N. C, ill be in Ashe boro ut the Central llo.cl on Wed nesday, March 18th, until 3 P. M. His practice is limited lo eye, ear, iitoc and throat. WANTED. Young man to Jo general ranch work, must have exjH rieuce iu farm work and must fur nish good references. Oiu with ex perience with sheep preferred. Apply ut once. Corv. ith Bkos. WANTED Several ;iersons of character und good reputation in each state (one in this county re iiiired) to represent ant. advertise old established weal; by business house he solid financial standing Salarvo 21.00 weekly with expense additional, allcasble ,u he pay cues Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. Colonial Co., U31 Dear born St., Chicago. LUMBER HAULERS WANTED. We want tiliout 50 or 75 teams at once to haul lumber from the fol lowing place: Fninkliu Aumau s to As1u1ki; Strider & Co's. null near High I'ine church to Asheboro; Geo. A Waisncr's mill mar Striebv to L'luh; Clark Fuller's place to Ashe boro. It is dry Jiine lumber und teams can make good wages. Go ut once to the various mills or see us at our office at Asheboro. ASHEBORO WOOD " IRON CO. SALK OK PERSONAL PROP- PRO I EKTY. At the residence of tha late J C Fuller on the 27tii day of March, 11103 I will sell the balance of the lersonal jiroperty iielong.ng to said tate. tow it: GOO busuels oi coin, 400 lbs of wool, two buggies, house hold property; etc, and other articles too numerous to l.iention. J H Kkal.ns, Admr. This March fith, 10G3. DEATH RATI: DECREASING. The 1!KM) census ahow a decrease o: 0 ner cent, in Hie seneral death rate The decline in conaampt:on is moie marked than anv othrr d aeaae. Many anH4 ra attributed, but it H tale lo aay tbat Dr King Hew uwcovery lor CoDHiimpthn, Coujjlia and Colds la re sponaible for t bia decline, to a large extent. Many a life baa been raved by Ita use. There is nothing anj wnere ast aa good ror i.udk ana inrvi u loa fl a naaitivelv guaranteed br Standard Dru Co. l'rioe soe ana i.w Trial bottlea Iree. O. R. Cox, Prerident, W. J. Armfleld. TlerFrealdeBI. W.J. Armfleld, Jr., Caahler. Aiheboro, H. 0. CAPITAL. 125,000.00 We are aew prepared to de a (eaeral banking baaiaews aad we soliolt (fa aoooante ot arms, corpora tiona aad ladlvidBale ot Baadolpa aad adjotatat annates. Dtrectere J U Worth, W P Woed, P H Majrla, n n WaAiiaw. a 3 Oex. W t Red ding, A M Bankin. W H WatUaa, Bach Parka, Beni MoU, 0 B Col. f W l OeeeL Dr Fg Anker?, Jeeapk Fatala, W J Amis. The Great Rheumatic Cure I - - AND - Spring Blood Purifier Positively curea all disease! arising from impurities in the blood, includ ing Catarrh, Indigestion, Chronic Constipation, Kidney and Liver Troubles, etc. Every person in the land needs a powerful blood purifier every Spring. You need it. You want the best the standard. That is RHE.UMACIDE. BBWARB OF DANGEROUS SUBSTITUTES. RHEUMACIDB benefits instead of Injuring the digestive organs as many so-called medicines do. RHEUMACIDE is a powerful alterative, but eld people or children can take it with absolute safety. Price i i.eo at Druggists, or express prepaid on receipt of price. JtobblU Chemical Co., . Come Our new line of SPRING and A complete line in everything All at Lowest Old Dominion, Addison & AUison's and Baugh & Son's Fer tilizers at $1.25 to $1.95 per bag. Great bargains in LADIE'S AND MISSES SLIPPERS AND GEN- , TLEMEN AND BOYS SUITS. All Kinds Country Produce Nozomi Falls Store Co. W. T. BRYANT, Manager. We are Moving into our new quarters one door east of E. B. Kearns and one door west of Dr. Moore's office, where we will be ready to Serve the better than heretofore. We have one of the best selected stock of SHOES, DRESS GOODS, NOTINS, and in fact almost anv thing kejit in a general store mid will be glud to serve our old customers and ns many new ones ui ninny see lit to come. We are sure we can save you some money if you will look over and price otir stuff before buying. We ulso have u NICE L INK OF READY M A 1) E CLO T II 1 N G at a bargain. Come ami us. Yours to please, 'Phons-12. RIDGE, DICKENS & COMPANY. We Lead! l.:iJ others follow visit to our store will convince Ladies' Furnishings. ! We have the most beautiful line of Ladies' Furnishings ever displayed in Asheboro. Fine dress Silks, Lawns, Percales, &c. Also Trimmed Hats, Shoes, Et In fact almost anything you can think of. Prices reasonable, too. We also have a lartre stock pets. Ruirs. Groceries, &c. Give us a call. IF YOU WANT JOB PRINTING SEND YOUR. COLUMBIA DISC MMh to thrum ajaM awMtaT $15, $20 2 $30 The best Dtso Maohlna on tho MmrkBi ' Entertain Everybody EvBrywhoro Uses Flat Indestructible Records whtcb can be handled without" danger of being Injured sr irtrrfilFi. w nyaa The GtUPMOPHONC aad COLUMBIA RECORDS war awartM the CRAM) mn at tha PARIS EXPOSITION of I90C Columbia Phonograph Co., IV) E. Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD. . Baltimore, nd., U. 5. A.J and See SUMMER GOODS now In. carried in a General Store. Cash Prices in Exchange for Merchandise RANDLEMAN, N..C P v b 1 i c in both otulity and price. you of this fact. Gents' Furnishings. We are acknowledged leaders in this line, and our new spring and summer stock well sustains our reputation. Everything in this line is new, noliby and up-to-date, inui you will" make no mistake in seeing our stock. of Shoes of all kinds, Car Wood & Moring. THE BEST ORDERS TO US. Tha rayreaVicttetw-efe LOUD, CLEAR w BRILLIANT 7-sech Wecorda 30 cent a audi t $3 per dot. O-iocli Records SI eacti I SlO per dor.

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