Some feasor;.:- Why Yci Shou'd l.uMVrt !' : . ; feinLtH Ju'T i U ,tiU!i lAiil. EstH'riiiHv M Ke.,....,-.. a . A hc.:v K,.-.-:,!. Harm-? a' N-ic'.-:-.--.i-". .. . Eifiriiiici i :,.-, -.I. Secures i... '. si r i- i'. titr!r. k-.p. iron i -c.:i:.:.:. OIL s Willi in ell Localities , , . THE HEALTH of t'n-3 HOUSEHOLD! Is very piecin-is. Yo-.i sh-wM list VK'K'S l.'-I.IAiU.K FAMILY KF.MK1MKS Th. nmri than mi iv 1 i 1 1 ! 1 one. (ilill'l'K KN'iv'KKilS 0". CKXTS for l.alii'ippi' mill (.'olds. Vick's Vc'iimv l'i u- C.i:ii;h Syrup 25c, the ifi-cu'-?' S . t 1i.t: I.tmand Tiirnit h'.il, n 'i k'.J Little I.iv,i Pills. -J-,::, loild nei V-;.::a'is,' a:nl hver stii.ri' Vi-ifs Tip-;!.- i'l! Linhii'ut. .."-.. tic- aire;---! 1 c'lb. uii'l ii ! li.-i i- r 'or man or hcust: Yiek's Annual ic Wine of Cod Livci Oil, wiili M .1,, Wild Cher.. a:ic llyp-iphoiphit -, ?l.i'.il, III" ; !.-.f!iut and ;-:!iei' at ionic ami rei-ons'i-iu-llvc. for all iva-urn:; diseases. Trado supplied by L. Richardson Drug Co . I Wholesale only J Grcp'iaboro, N. C. Furniture Store! 1!. II. Iv-inis' l-'iirniturc ii.tuiv, pi'-; ur' frames, riiirs etc. he siiiv to see him when Un'Isrt'iter's Supplies i. Ml'-ll : I'-Uf. ca-Kets, etc. 1 .Iw.ivs .Li ii l:i.! and i.-'nd I 'l.l II- '.I I'e-arse n; .i::r . luia.'ii'.l. "IJ1 K W Success Calendar Tile piiliiisli ,-r ,! r'aeic.-s have is liUed :.U ci, ,i:s!i '.V -. -Hii hvclve- nf th.' faninii.- i-.i',iir: v pe tiroocss, wild ii exc-N li;!i ;r -.;p':v in ii-- Km.i tiful -..Ii 1 un-s c ..:,Vi-.i-s. The teu" de. lu'i-' r;u'iii:il paint iii'.' made fur Sie-. i.y .Vic tim's I 'ml iiij; ur!it. : r--; .- -1.1 .-u'--! ol general ami . i i:e.,d in:, r -(. Theo!-:iLii;a! ,.t' t!., eae !ur Ie, em!.ei tor iiu'.ile --. in. is! i--::iiisil-. panning l.v I he i'aui 'a - ari-t, !. .,'ier. -.-piv.-eni in, "Ilk 'I'lilee Wi.-c Men of III- Hast." The Sneers cal, :: iar will l.v ;ai: nlirely i-'UKK f ciiar-e and po;t paid to j;, y a-.ld-e-y mi r,-.i:, st. ThG Success Company, New York City. i PH iSNELL, I '' conduct tiri! ci i-s rpaii :i"p fur W ..:.!.., Ua-.-!e-, Csrt iid Ca Al o li ir v a? s,iii:5'.n'rit in- n ril-t..-V y. ... (j '.v.- i; .ii- ii-,ve i-ur wr, '.d a ! : '"!! . our i:,lr mage. ncnxs & !'::i::'n-eli,. J A kidnoy'i-r IdaJde,- trouble can at waS b cureJ h.n'ai t-'ury'd Kidn ure ii time, f-'lumlurd linij; ,'o .KjvflfM, BO YEARS" M3kfr"tr-a& EXPERIENCE t-' TRoe Marks 'rri'H-' Copyrights Ac. puKiin frw whether mi uih Mui ii A to. reoelVe Sdennfic Hmerlwit. A hiwKtoomely titnitmtK wetklv. Ijirgwt rtr culm it m f tif Kienlldc Jnurnnl. Ti-rtiK, t3 a rmr: r-mrBuntka,!. ftoMtafaU Mwrtealtri, IVIUNN & Co.--'- New York ttnucbOMeo. M W M. WaMHangn. tt. C. O. R. Coi, Preridrnt. W. Armflald, VlcwPridint. W.J. Armaetd, Jr., Chirr. Asheboro, It.--C . CAPITAL ..f25.WtMHi Ws sis so prpw.i to do s -farl banking bmin; ssd w lo inl ih mvinli ot Arnnv eorpomtlixii o-l ludiridaall of Bnlolfj tad sdji.lLUff Directors t ' M WoH!!, X P Wovt, r T 'fi.-r'i, IK! MeAlwl-r, 0 Oi.t, IV if Hd A ! K.iikin. W II tTtki, ft'tss i i -t, O Ui, W - 1 r l i ifl-ur, Ju ; s faikm, CLOUDS WITHOUT DUST. For twenty years the abortion of j Dr. Aitken, based on .me. rf beautiful experiments, that clouds , . . ,, . , t ctumot form in the air without dust 1 . " . ... tianseticm has been accepted, hut now Dr. Aitken himself has made a httle sensation hy dispriving i . .. i ,nn. .l iirnu nl. lie IllL found that certain eases, such at h i i rc.en ncrovido, sniphiireied hy uiofivu ami ciiioniie, w hen present in the atmosphere are convened by i!e ae'eui of siinlieht into nuclei, upi.n which cloudv condensation n take pline. Accordinely, nlthoiigh dust is ordiiiiirily necessary for cloud formatioii, yet clouds may form in dustless air miles above the earth. It should be added that when his original conclusion was published Pr. Aitken admitted the posfilylity that sunshine might cre ate fuscous nuclei, hut he lias only recently established the fact thut it docs. Preserving Timber. A scries of experiments have re cently been conducted in Germany for tne purpose of testing the rela tive merits of lime, coal tar nnd car bolineum to preserve timber from rotting. Lime was found to be the least valuable, while coal tar pre served the exterior or surface while it did not ulrcct the interior unless it was to facilitate decay. Carbo lincuin, however, gave excellent re sults where the timber had been barked and well dried before appli cation was niaje. Coal tar has nev er been found to possess any value as a preservative except as it exclud ed water. It does not penetrate the wood at all, and since it is water proof any moisture in the wood when coated cannot escape and has tens decay. The action of carbo linemu is unlike this; hence its greater efficacy. Business Before Pleasure. John Mitchell told a story recent ly in tho Clover club of Philadelphia which was of a certain grim humor. He was talking about the serious ness of life, and his story bore out his view, lie suid there were two sisters, seamstresses, who lived in a little room and earned their bread hy sewing. They were young and pretty, but they seldom laughed. They never wore comely clothes. They did nothing but sit in a stoop ed auitudc, sewing nil day and a good part of the evening. One night when she was quite worn out with labor the younger said to tho older sister: "Oh, dear! I wish we were both dead!" The older sis ter's mouth took on a prim smile a she returned: "He still and work hard. Business before pleasure." A Daring Ex-Queen. The raost ori .-inal and interesting member of the ill fated house ol Bavaria the ex-Queen Sophia of Naples, sister at the murdered em press of Austria. Thirty years ago ehe was a woman of remarkable beauty and daring and was the idol of the Neapolitan army. When tho Sardinians were storming the for tress of tiacta, the queen donned a uniform und fought bravely against them, showing her contempt of dan ger by coolly smoking a cigar while the bullets were raining around her. She w-.h also one of the cleverest horsewomen in Kurope and on more than one occasion has hired a circus iu Paris and executed the most dar ing bareback feats of a circus rider. His Nose Burst Into Flamea. A man was walking along the Boulevard St. Michel, Paris, one day recently and stopped to light a cig arette. Suddenly his nose hurst into flames, which spread to his beard. A crowd assembled, while the unfor tunate mini danced with pain until a policeman took him to a pharma cist's shop, where his burns were treated. An examination of the nose showed that it was made of cel luloid, the unscrupulous dealer who told it having foisted it on his cli ent instead of the horn nose, which had been prescribed. New York Medical Journal. The Transformed Laundry Table. The colonial laundry table, which can bt bought in many of the shops for n tritle o-er $i, would fail to recognize itself when transformed by clever treatment into a highly prized piece of decorative furniture. The particular one in question is etained to a reost satisfying shade of green. The movable broad table piece is turned backward and forms the high back of this original wide teat. There is a skillfully carved Celtic border surrounding this, nnd the scat and sides of the bench part are carved even more elaborately in the same style. Even without the two embossed leather pillows this piece of furniture would cost close to $100. Creamed Calf a Liver. Into a pan put five tablespoonfulg of butter. When it is melted, put into it one pound of calf's liver cut line, salt and pepper; brown careful ly and cook for eighteen, minutes. Take up the liver and place it on uui piumr. mu one euus oi uuiuu to the gravy and let it cook one mm-1 ute. Add one tahlespoonf ul of flour and cook, stirring until it beaint tt) froth. Draw the pun back and grad-, tally add one pint of milk und cook one minute, stirring all the time. Put tho liver in the pan with the KTsvv aim r tew very slowly five mm- utes longer. , Table Covers ' Cretouuo table covert match the coverings of bedroom furniture. 1 he r made m (he .la.nt.cst of ways, and wily (lie liesl of French cretonne arc s. A iKfdcr ol heavy kee r a knotlcl fringe la eorrespmdin;? enters tonally tt add 1 " '"' dgmg around I he covef. To Cure a Cel.; a C Tto Laxative Ztczzo ffcfae . v.-p fold ii fK 1 1 !. XI si f" ALL OVER THE H0USE ""I"" A w in ,u,r . , "light to shine 'ears in a farm pa- ' A a a ffenoral tiling is imuh wit goes to the earo of lamps as to the boiling of eggs. In the iirst place, they should receive due at lent ion eveTi' Jll.v- Ive tll('ir '" ilk er paper shades in the parlor or liv ing room except hen it is ncivsury to take them out of doors to use a fine hairbrush for denning the dust from their folds or (lutings. Carry the lumps to the kitchen and set them down upon double folded newspapers. If thev have porcelain shades, wipe these as you take them off and set aside with the chimneys. Should they need washing put them into a basin of hot water which you have softened with a little ammonia or borax. Pon't use soap, as it is apt to make them cloudy. This done, turn up the wicks of the lamps and with a bit of stick or a match icrape oil the cbnrred edges. Do not cut them unless the wick is very uneven. Hemove the rims that sur round the burners and wipe them oil with the old flannel or soft cloth you reserve for your lamps. Xow fill the lamps, ami do it care fully to avoid an overflow. The best plan is to keep a small funnel with the oil cull and, inserting the point of the tube in the opening provided for filling in the side of the lamp, pour cautiously until the reservoir is full. The iamps that arc made with reservoirs which lit into outer jars are decidedly the easiest to (ill. Whatever kind you use, wipe tho outside of the reservoirs after you have filled and closed them, that 'the persistently percolating oil may have no unnecessary 'encouragement to exude. Be very sure no drops of oil have trickled down upon the outside of the lamps to make their way to the bottom rim or feet and le.-'vc a greasy place on tht stand or shelf. Give a final rub to the outside of each lamp, replace the rim. chimney und shade. Sometimes it will be necessary to give the lamp a thorough washing in hot water and ammonia. Noth ing but a free Use of a powerful al kali will remove the clm-ing grease. When a lamp burner is clogged and gives a poor i-:l it for an hour in water with a lump of wash ing soda or a little borax. Cooking Squash. Steamed Squash will take about three-quarters of an hour if piled in a drainer so the sieam can circulate between the piece and covered tightly. Boiled squash requires one half hour. Whether learned or boiled, the squash when it is cooked tender should be pressed through a coarse sieve to remove the strings, then seasoned while it is hot with three-quarters of n teaspoonful of 6alt, a scant saltspoonful of white pepper and a tablcspoonful of but ter, well stirred and beaten in. It is best to melt the builer in a nice enameled saucepan, add the salt nnd pepper to it, then stir in the squash and leat it on the stove for three or four minutes until it becomes steaming hot. It may be kept hot for ten or fifteen minutes if cov ered and protected from scorching on the back ot the stove. Conquering a Horse's Fear of a Raised Umbrella. "What a queer picture!" said Charlie. "Look, inaninia a man holding an umbrella over a horse; in the barn too! "The storv is true, though," an swered mamma. "A gentleman owned a pretty horse, gentle and spirited, good in every way except that she was afraid of an open um brella. He was not willing to whip the horse. Besides, he had se enough to know that it would only make her more afraid and unruly. He tried to contrive some way to get her over her fear. She was very fond of potatoes. He went into her stall one morning, carrying an um brella closed, with a potato on the tip. At first she shied away from it, but with waiting and coaxing she came nearer, looked wistfully at the potato and finally snatched it off. "The next dav he did tho same thing, and she took the potato with less fear. "So he kept on, and in a few days he opened the umbrella a little way; then more and more as she grew used to it. till she would stand still with it open over her head. "But he was not yet sure what she would do outdoors. The first rainv day he tried driving on the rood". Of course, he soon met man with nn 0ien umbrella. "Instead of shying, she crossed the road toward it, expecting to get potato. She had one when she came home and never afterward showed any fear of an umbrella. "Kindness and patience are wis est always." Mre. Mary Johnson in Our Little Ones. "The empress dowager never lor pets." This is her constant boast Sim is arill nnsaesiied with tha nna Wca of obtaining revenge on the barbarians of the west, ilence we ,. now ifornu.,i from , reliable vmrteT that site is having her Mant- ehoot secretly enrolled and hat 30,- qqo mcn UmAd into number of regiments and half regiments to ,void the notice o out()iders who ,M drilled nd have Brmcd with the mo9t moieTm weapong. North Chjn(k Newi Shanghai. A tnitnuatJon. First Ballot Girl Of eooret TOO not j,,,.. iu but a man oocs kuled blmteu tor ure of me. jUst Girl Oh. I don't it Grandmother told me that , j0 tnat o thi ja her yhood darn. Chicago Newt. OUTGREW HIS SKIN. Joseph Powell, thirteen years old, whose homo is in New Albany, I i 1., has grown .twelve iiuhes in ln-icht In the last six months ami broken his skin, which did not increase ,u size at u rale as f i.-i a.- ilint nf lm rest of !'n body. I i Hi-.; s'li'i, .'i the time that th- 1 ' ... --ihm n he was at the poii't ni death fl m typhoid fever. Teal he iVi.s it T- ing wa- t'.r I nf.'id I.,- i- piiu'i- d 11- t m- ' and lie had to be p lie liei alee elili'.eia' not a po.-ud of 'V A turn f-T tbe l-et boy began lo nnpr,. lint grow s, fa.-t as ,-i'd mi a ti t!i--ic s i-n Ins biiiie.-. e.u:i. , and il.o J I " si. in did In- bunes, and tho ll-sh began to i and sen- ' j arat0, particularly on the anus and j(,3 sTercil greatly from this stretching of the skin, which became I as .j,,,. drumhead and finally burst. The breaks in 'he -d-in uro now healing, and the physicians think that scars inav not be left. Portable Fountains. German fountains nf various forms may now be si en in iniitiy gardens, both small and large, and the manner in which the water is forced to ascend into the air is very nret t v. Ihe devices arc nickel plateii ami ornamental and can !,- adapted to tubes or pipe of am- si;:c. Moreover, each js uuiMrurt, d d f fPr an, ly from the oilicfs. and thus unv one who has a naiurai sprit'g -r brook on bis bind or v.-bo cares to I ' make an iini'icial pond on bis lawiij', or in his garden can by iiiia::-- "f these ingenious Metal appliances sprinkle his flowers and ,i.ras for a great distance nnd can also keep the air cool on warm day- by a -eties ,'if fountain. Being of many I'miia-, these fountains arc a very pivtiy sight and never fail to attract in tention. Now York Hi raid. Comets of the New Year. Kight periodic comets are due to pay a visit to the sun iu UH'.'h In fact, the perihelion date of one, t lie? Tempcl-Suil't cohict. fell in IV. em ber. 1!'0'.', and that of another, P'Arre.-l's, comes in January, l'.H!. Seven of them made their last pre vious visit in Hied and one in 1!i1. But not ail were seen then, and it ltd t ill wiil be vi-i- ill be hidden sun s"i::c are .-cp- ! of Jupiter, j nh, In, . dales I . loo:,; (,,:,,,! Spitaler, Aug. inlluelK and ) Mav. . ,. I!"!-: r nail! liini. Mav 1. Id, l!:i; I Brooks. lice, ilec. 3li, l'.ln 1901. vc, Oct. i.'. Winiieckc, ; H'Arrest, Jan.. lo. Some Boston Humor. Talk about names! Mrs. Long time and Miss I , moll, who ll"e in a western Massachusetts town, speut Sunday with friends in anoth'r bailiwick. Now I wonder if the ma tron has been a Longtime a long time nnd if the maiden has an una nature. If she lias, she'll be a Lcm ou a long time. And I want to know why the Malted Milk club of that same town met wi'h Miss Pearl Fish the other night. And did Miss Fish and Miss Lemon go to the meeting of the 1-Iaton dub another night? WcTe they a Longtime Luton? Of course, if Mrs. Long time was there she was a Longtime Kuton. Did Miss Lemon luiv Lonioti-nid and was she sweet to him? Boston Home Journal. Arc You an Antlsarcophaglet? Ill the Conservator, a paper which is by no means as conservative as its name suggests, we lino a word whuh will become very useful if crocliets about food continue to ilouri h - Usurconlia-iHii. 11. as means one who eats lish, eggs and milk as dis tinguished from the flesh eater and from the vegetarian. The tuggc tion of sarcophagus is accidental, but intelicitous. A Platform Speaker. "That mun," remarked Sinithcrs, "makes u hundred speeches from the platform every dav. "Some great political leader?" asked Smitbcrs. "No," replied Smitbcrs; "street tar conductor. lie says, 'Move up forward, please,' every time anyone rets on his cur." Cincinnati Com mercial Tribune. Mark Twain's Skull. Mark Twain announces that he is giving his skull to Cornell univer sity, where it can be studied for the enliglitenment of future genera tions. "I am getting pretty old," said Mr. Clemens recently, "and shall probably not need the skull after next Christmas, I duuuo. But if I should, I will pay rent." The Climax. Sam Who won dc cake walkf Benius It ended in a draw. Sam A draw? Eemus Yes; cbhybody present began to drew deh razahe. Cleve land Plain Dealer. Dyspepsia Curo Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of tbt digestants and digests all kinds ot food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you lo eat sL the food you want. Tte most sensitive stomach can take tt- By Its use many Lhnnvi ii,ts of dvrentlc have been cured after everything else failed. It L '. equalled for ail stouacb trouble. It cna't help bat 3 yea geot ff-Tn obIv fcy It O. mWiTT oo., ubk-ae) -ill.eowle contain Una IbeWc M for site I'-. W A t'pdrrwooa CarssOrtsj U 4 hi Two bays. B Every Man Can be His Own Mor al Mister. A -i-n cw e - ; in Ni-w York !h. Id hi.f. Mav is , be 1... llll 1 pel.i il-le. I,,'!!, i- ni,- the i l-in s'ibsiilule 1 li ra If a sinister compelling law which il is in uin toiisl. If thai M-.iY true, responsihiiitv for acta, ns would disappear everybody would be an antoiiialon, obeying not ow ii will !,c' the impulses I qiica'hcd lo ! Ha i'V l-'-s l'orcbea M-i and good. The practical conseiiiicnees of ac cepting such a theory of life are s, monstrous that nio-t sane people re ject il wit h liorini . -', ry man, the h-redilal-ians ar fond of savin-, is "I he .--mil of hi. ancestors." That is necessarily so, lull being Ihe "inn of uu-'s ancest ol lie -ame thing as being their ( , .' ill-. --,.ni,' 1 ein-s are born hi w i: il evil teiidi iiciet lily illesislible. Tllcl. ' oioiiiit lb- most .ter- j '' i . iUl.'Hl a lutugc of ' ll..;-a- . who ' -.-il,- s,,f , I i, l:ef ll llia iii! and di ,!l..;,l, was tiiese. Thoina-'.-eii. I lie dvualiiil 'i- ic!vwie, shipped oeiiiisiireil good? on i.a"iT,-vr .-hii.s, wild an infernal machine ret !" off in midocean and -in', ah hands, was another. Siieli beings are moral idiots, how-ci-i- intelligent and normal they mac twin to be lo ll eir unsuspect- iieLhl-ors. ita! di-iinkaid :s who are i in-t th-.-:r i h'.'ti, there ale con , and other weak iwerlcss to battle ioiu inclinations. ugh th kilo perfectly well !iat in, !uh. :t-r!v. will destroT l hem 1 cas-s ill w hied the inherited i-tible inipalse" is clearly mani- aie a- rare, l-i'opot tioliately, a , ! I allies of U aided women. .- av v.iZ' a ii iii.iii being inbei il i- d vi. II as his body from all hi -c who i;,, prec.c.d him, 1,.,.-- i.;e k I.. Adam ot Adam', al e.IIL,i!-!ll, l.lit if iilefe is a i f balance bel Ae, n our good .el ,iialiliis we lane the power !.e llj, what i- laekiiig by as - our ow ii itnlividiialilv and Kery man in be hi- ow II lllat-l v. I, blames hen is not a freak can 1 1 is the coward ity and circum hiliiself when he --es wroi g. ll-K'iity. when rightly considered, i far from relieving oi.e of moral i-c.-poasibioly, iiic, it. if you ale aware that your ances tors weie bar,! drinkers, for illustra li,,:.. Oieii you arc warned to be more c.uU'.tl aliotil drink than the man ni.e ! I e whose ainvsiors were sober, iu.-l as vim arc wariail to guard a-aiu.-t loiisiimption if you knov ilia! you carry within you an inln-r iicl pre,!i-p. -iiion !o pulmonary dis And lieie the dual cousideratiou which the l-liever iii the mandatory ehaiacter of hi-redilarv tendeneie: must niAer forget, unless he is will ing lo bid gooil-hv to prude! No inaMt-r w hal excuses die hcred- iia'iau who lakes to i iii,K may mi to bin. self f,n- hiiiisdf. society ca not atl'i'id to share his indulge view. For ils own sake society olci-ed to work on tht atsiiiiiplion thai every man who is not insane mudt lo I),' la-Id responsible for hi a, ;ioiis, regardless of who and w hat his ancestors weie. If Young, the grandson of Brig ham, knew the difference bctweei right and i r-ng tit the time of tin murder, and had sense enough to be aware of the legal consequences of hoiiiicide, then, if he committed the clinic with which he is charged, th law holds that he is: sane enough t, be put o death. IniiUiry into a murderer s auccs- trv, the backward trail lead: to the lunatic asylum, properly be gins in the dissecting room. The law is an ir.i crilancc. It th - sum of pur ane-slurs' good sense, villi such contributions of our own M we dale been able to make. And w bile the administration of the law is marked bv go nl sense, lineal ih- se-nt from a Murinoii w ill not be uc cepted as a plea iu exculpation of murder, any more th in proof that one's gruit-great-grundfuther sailed the Spanish main in lTod as a cap tain of industry will procure acquit tal for looting a store at midnight iu 1903. N. Y. Journal. Old Relict. A few days ago, w hile tearing up an old vest which had not been in serv'ce since the Civil War,- Mrs. Jas G Cotton, who lives in the west ern part of this county, found wo obi Mute hunk bills hetween tho Im nig and outside material of the vest One of th-in was a six dollar bill, made by the Farmer's Bank of North Carolina located at Elizabeth City, and dated The other was a three dollar bill made by the bank Cape Fear, located at Wil mington, and with date too indis tinct to read. Both bills indicate much usage, though they have been Wing in rest for perhaps forty years. The original ow ner of the vest died in or about the time of the Civil War. Tror Examiner. - The son of Sidney Lanier should have a heedfnl hearing from a public that loves bit fattier dead, but neg lected him living. To IJppincott't Maeazine for Waich Henry Wytham Lanier eontribnfes as pleasing and twinkling a short of tnmt-nshing, not uiiDiinglcd with love, at could be conceived. It is fitting that second Lanier's curliest, venture III nciiou hoiild appear in th,' nir..une he h I r::t jnive h, aliiig to his tab-id-.-il What Real Property It. What a wonderful change has pissed over on r entire conception of t ie word "propel ty." The writer is o'd enough to reiilciiibcr when not h iiu; I'vcepet land und houses was n g.udc I as lice property; but now a man 1:1, r be a millionaire and own nothing in-can see, says the Lou don Spectator. A fdv pieces of pa per in a lie; at. his banker's or better ssill. i!iv-iipt""i in a book of which he 1,1'Mvs inching e, ept that il. ex ists, constitute dim a man rich lc yotid the- di cuius of avui-icc, unit, niorec-. i-r, a man w ho has not to guard his property, and who can realize il---which the rich men of old could not do in half an hour. It is ii very curious change, and one the full results of which we have yet to perceive; but we suspect that among them will be an immense in crease in the amount of wealth at the disposal of industry und enterprise and an astoiiishiiig decrease in the permanence of the wealthy families. It is so easy to spend shines or don, Is. and there are so few to notice whether you spend them or not. It took years to spend a great landed estate; but a furl line in bonds may disappear us many German families have recently learned, in a year of unlucky .speculation, or iu the early lifetime of one spendthrift heir. o 01 NGSII When you can't cat break iit, take Scott's Emulsion, v'hen you can't cat bread ;d butter, take Scott's V.iublon. When you have : :n living on a milk diet and something a little more v?:.H:hiiig, take Scott's :.1r:iu!.s'o:i. lo g-i fat you must cat 'A, :o l's Emulsion is a $rvA htterscr, a great .v-rc.-th giver. Those who have lost flesh 'Virf io increase all body not only fat Scott's ."i.Ailn increases them a!!, iksh, blood and crv?.. iV.i lva!!"ds, for con- Licentr, tor consumptives, ';r .-.ccK children, for all iio r,:cd flesh, Scott's r'.nalslcn h a rich end com h doth food, end a natural !.nic. Scott's timu!::ion for bone, il 'iii, blood and nerve. V,'e will send you a fKO sample. bt irre thut this picture In tht lurm of a label ii on the vr.vper ol vry bottle of E-nuInoa you buy. scon & B0WNE, CMEallSTS, 409 Pearl St, N. Y. f.Oc. f.nJ i; i all drufsliu, Courier- -Joumal. HENR-Y WATERSON. Editor. TEN OB TWELVE PAGES, IsBuecl Ever Wednesday. Sl.GO A Revenue Reform, Social Reform, Moral Reform. Best editorials, best political articles, best Btones, best mis- caliineous, best poetry, best children's pige, bedtuews ser vice, best market reviews, best of everything. By a Specia.1 Arrangement you can get 15he Courier and the ' WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL both one) yaar for "O.NX.-X- $1.30. This it for cash subscriptions only All sulisciiptioiis under this combi nation offer must be tent through TlIK AbHEHoHO COl'BIKIt Olllce. Mortgage Sale. By virtne of aattiority and power in 9 vented by a deed of oiortawao 10 me executed by A P t'nderwuod and duly registered Id tbe offlua ol Reglarr of aeeae i nana-ipd county, in book U7, page 37, 1 shall vll at poblic aoction to tb. biahest biddur for cash oa Than- day, ibe 10th day of Marob, IMS, at tne oonrt B-aee aoor IB eaia coontf , toe fullowioic desrribsd lands to aaid eonn- First tract, neina; Koe traei ronveyee hy deed by C H Bowman a d wi' to A P L'nderwood and b'lodded aa fol lows: Beginning at a atone running south 84 poles to s tt"ne, thenre w- at 4 po ea tots atons, tbenoe south 10 n; 'lea to a stone, thenoe east DO poles tj a atone, thane south 72 p ,lea to a atone. Umbo eai 14 polea to a atone, thence north IMS p' lM to a sunns, thenoe west 70 pule to the bwunninc coa tain log M aares more or leas. - Second tne', fWinniap at a atone. ! iltent-e wit 13 poles to a etonn, tbaace e,in 13 polea 10 a it-ne, ibenre, vvl 13 pole, to a alone, !b,noa north I; pol'-e to He h-Kiueoiaj, eon's in a en r. BW Of leiii, 1 ili lb (Ijtti (ity ot j v.' f KiAi-; K4W, -,urt, .-a. 9J THE ORIGINAL OYER MEDICINE: tWeAuoii lf"sj i ..a i...i..n ,n..i,.. 1 biliousness ami a oualeil toiigue are cnmmim iudiiatiom of liver and kidney diseases. Btmaaeh and Lowel truiililes. severe as llicy are, five inuueiliato warning hy pain, lit liver and kidney troiililes, though less painful at the start, aro Hlack-HraiiBht never fails b bene fit il imueil liver and weakened kid- nova. It utirs up the torpid liver to throw off the (rcrras ot lever and nunc. It ! a certain preventive of cholera and llright'a diiirase of the kidnevs. With kidaeva re iiiforcctl by Thodford'i Black I Iranilit thotiauiuls of pscn have dwelt immune in the midt of yel low fever. Many families live in perfect hi-alth aid have no oher doctor than Thedford's Dlnck Drnught. It is always on hand for uo in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Miillliu.S.C, March 10, 1001. I have uifd Thtdford's Black-Draught for three yean and I have not had to jo (o a doctor alnce I have been lakh; It. It Is tha best medicine for me th-l b on the market for liver and kidney XV iouMet and flvspeos a and other VJ complaints. Rev. A. G. LEWIS. f: tgj IQHnXlWftJ Land Sale. Ity virtue of nil order of tale grart nl uy ibe Sup rior Court, of Bnndol- I' ounty in th- potbion of W. O liar rlanaamstJ T. I lays and others, I shall il "ii pub'io auction f-r cash at the court. Iinux" door in Ashei-oro, N. C. a, li o'el i k M. on 1 ho lUih dny ol 'ared 1-.-03 iho fci!oing ronl t-etate, to wit: A trio' f Innd in'e townah o in said countv sdjoiniug tbe Ian a, if Iynuis Hayes, Willi m McMue lers, lieo fa-Ui and (thers and bound oa ns f llowe: li, ginuuiff si a stake formerly a i.i....i?..i. .t,..m Km, ill 104 111 Ina to a 11,,'n, n W at Sfl I lilrS to B Btlllt- nn Kouaia l- rnei : me en auuia 1 polei. to a aiaki-; thence ve li pons lohi't'.ne; iheuoe Hoolb 134.15 pol to r. punt on ! tlieuce Kast 841.17 TO en to a ro k i'i : thrncc North 188 poM 10 a n .kci thence Kat 105 polea 10 a ,1 L. l.n..M N,.ith annnl. 1O Doles li th- civ: k dank; tin nee up tbe varkoa ( i.i ae.-. 01 inu erecai i -i1". Wet 1-20 I'ob-s 10 a i-take; thei-ce Nritli til pole to . siiikn; the ce Wl 111 pn to h i UKieiduu, cuntai' ing ion a. t s iiien-1 r lc-s known as tne J 11 nil a Aided In d. Also ad the inteiea of the g-a tors in a cert In Icnie and aa e of the tiro- K... A l.o.H. m nn. II . H . S. Ilrr. which I, use is referred to In the leil- tion 111 sa'ii tcu n. This the 16th dv of Febmary, 1003. T. J. FINCH, Com, Notice. Having LtiulinVd at adiiiiuietratote nK ,i.u uy v Hiahnr. deeeaa- ec, b loro W. C. linmrooiid. Clerk of the aupinir Loiiriui ttauoiup" couuij 1 shall a, II at 1'Llilic ructiuii, to ti e b.i. a...., i.wi,i..v in, n..h. on the nrami- eea on the 31st Oay ot Mrrch 1003, ibt following rcrsonal property, to-wit: A'lot of when, a lot of corn, a bugsv ami inner itiich-b uw iouw" i Ai d'all person- holding claims aguinBt na d eatnte am I reaiu iiikdi on nr uc I. ,1.. 'inih ,l.v of l'a! 1-.,C4. bl 1 Ida ui'tire will b- plead in bar of their reimerj i and all pi-rwns owing sa d 1 tnte will conn.' lorwnru ana mitao inidiate fitilen ent. Tl.ia tbe la day ot reomart iinu. W. i.lVSlNOlilt ) Aduis. C. 8. BISHER.j NOTICK. lluvinor taken out letters of adminis tration on the estate of Alary L Saunders decea.Hi il. before W. t'. uamiuouu uiera ol' the bap rior Court of Kandopb County, nt the residmice nf said de renned. on ton 21st day of February, r.Hi.1, I will 'ell at public auction, 10 tlio bigliet bidder, for cauli, ihe por aoual prot-erty of aaid deeeaned. con. aiatiuii of housrhol-l and kitchen furni ture, a lot of lumber and oilier articles too uumerooa to mention. All per-uni indbtd to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pav- meni aua suttiriueni. aau mi p-raun. ho ding claiiu" sgainii said estate will nreaei.t tbi in on or before Ihe 1st day t-ibruary 1904 or ibis notice "ill be iile.d In bar of their recovery. Tlds the 2Uth day of Jannary 1003. C. T. LUCK, Admr. of May h Saundirs, deo'd Notice. Having qutlitled as executor on tbe eatae ot Nana u. i srti aeceasea, De fore W. C. Hammond, ' lerk of tbe Hu p- riot Court ot Ktodolph ooouty, I shall 'ell at public auction, to the high est b'dder for Cash, nn tbe premises, on the Uth day of Mroli ltX3. the fol iooingp'raonal propertr, to will ne pinim, uuuaeu' 1U i,i.iiu,i,, .u,,iu,o, Dicures. oookinc ntennila, carpets. 1 sewing machine and 01 her articles too tedious to m- ntion. . All persons having claims against Said eaiate i re notified to prea- nt, them to the auileraigned. dulr veilQcd, on or br nr th 10th day of Fbrnary 1901, or tbls not-oa will be I'leadsd la bar ot their rt-eoverv s sud a'l persona owing enlri esi ale will come forward and make lmmediale settlement. This 4th day of Feb l0:t W. M.CUI.TI3 lr. NORTH CAROLINA I Kandolib County f Clerk, Nancy 0 York and baaband A J York, W C O x. V M Coa, R P Cox ei ai v Koaate.Oiimea, warmer Crimea. Clvde Orimes and William Albert On. Theeefendant William Albert Cox above i nad will tak no' Ice that an astion eutlttled as abave has been com menced In the Hnperior Court of Ran d lph Coo, ty, before tbe clerk, to sell the land described in the complaint filed in said cause, f"r partition, and th? said William Albert C" defendant will farther take notice, that be is re- S aired te appear at ih-t office of the i rk of tb Superior Court, for lb xmnty of Kanaolph. on the SM da of March Wot, and answers eVmur or tb complaint ia aaid action, ot the p antlff. will ai ply to tb coart for 1 he ivllef demandM in H ooinpiaint. Thi. 7thda Of F -b ' W.C. HAMMOND, Clerk of tbe Superior Conn. Notice. Ravins ouaJiSed at exeentrix of tb Let wld and testament of M. A. Leaoii, all pereon iBdrb'd to said eatate are to mikiHmm iiaie payment, end all pereona holdiag cla'nia sruiuss (I eataia are hereby hot. net to urr sent ihe a hi j t" tbe nuJ,' ! I n er rml r fie a ith day of i -,-oy. ich, or t,.!a not. c dl be pleedu 1 In liar ol stf'r lTry, Mortgage Sale. I Hy ifr'ue of a power of sale oontaia ' ed to it rertain mortgage deed ravrutec) 1 to V. id'.v ftuah uiortga jo by J ' Hirk- he m Mild wife IN'tii- Kirkbrad on tbe VlHt dav '-f Feb. 190.1, o secure the ; nnymi'ut of n ceitain boml tiiereln d- scribed which said luorrgiifie deed is 1 duly leci ilHil in ihn otUce of the Reg I liter of lie ds lor IUnd j'i b rouniy in I Hook 9 psse 102. an'l defnilt livln ; beii na-le 10 ihn inymeut if s-tld bond in I'rovi :,! In aild mor gge died, I w 1 sen at public nnoiio 1 to thehlghe-t l.ul U r, for caih, a' th; e,,u t iiouse in .-utl or , N. C, on Mond April 6 d, 1"3 at 11 Vclook i tb -ikikIs , onveye-l and deaeribed in aid mo-tgag-i as lolluw, vis: Ad j il - iiift tho liu.i!. of A II Mrine;, t o John Uaiidson Luds or Jo u KobUni pla,c, beginning 11 a stone on tbe tiiuib sida o thu 1'whnrrie Kosd, nur.bliOdrK 'M- t. 4t l- poles to a l.lf.ek oak, u w down tho 5lrh 0 rn fv: tlieni" south on o d line 23 de; east 71 poles to a more; tbe, ice uortb 84 def west 40 1-3 p let o a stone on ibe J ,bn navt'lsnn line; iheuoe on said line north 3 1-2 wi-at 43 1-8 uole to tbe beginning, containing 15 1 4 acres more or I- ss. C C Wiule, 1 Administrators of Joan Kuan, f Wid 7 Rush, deed. Thi- March Ur I, 1803. Notice. SORTirCaBOI.IrtA.t Ran, I, ,lib County f M.J. lira? will takn notice that on the Sth ,lv,ir Mav. 10112. A. M. Moore at a aale of jad for taxea lo Raniloliib Oounty, liecara 1 lie purohnaer of a tract of land la Trinity township, containing aeree belonclna to 11. J. llmr. taxnd In ihe name of M. 1. 1 1 ray. unit aolU for delinquent tazea for tb rear IS0I; that Ihe time for reileemlne ald land will ex, lire May Mb 1903 anil Anleaa rrdemp li, in la made on aaid land aa provided by in th purihaar will demand a deed ther- 1 hie the 11 day of January, IKO. A, M. MOORS', Notice. n.irlng-taken ont lettera of ndmlnlstrs t'eii on tbe ratate i,f J. C, Fuller da-i-, :,-, I, before W. V. Ilamiuond, clerk of tk iuli-srlor :ourt of Randolph oounty. A,i iiera-i. a Indebtei to aaid eatate ar brrebv aotjfled to make ImmedUt payment and Ffttletnent. And all perailna holding eiiilnia Hirnlnat raid atate will praat r before tbe fitb day or February illi tb tb day of Fnh. iol. J.B.H DARKS, Admr. 4iaf T Three Times the Value of Any Other! One-Third Easier. One-Third Faster Agcnta wanted in all ttnocctipiot territory. Wheeler & Wilson Mafg. Co ATLANTA, GA. For tale bv MOFFITT & CC Asheboro, N. C. The Southern Railway... Announces the opening of the winter Tourist Season and the placing on aide of . . . Excursion Tickets to till prominent points iu th , . . South, Souttiwest. West Indies Mexico arid Galltornla. including St AngUHtine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jnclts 'in ille, Tampa, Port, Tampa, Bruuswick, Thorn nnvillo, Chnilcston, Aiken, Att itu-t.i, 1'iiiehiirat, Aelievllle,, At lunta, New. Orleans, Memphis in mi The Land ot the Sky, i erftvl Dining and. Sleeping 8eT vice on all Trains.' See that your ticket reads Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask anj ticket agent for full lav foiuation. oraddrea & L. VKEIfON, Traveling Pass. Agent, Cbju-lorke, N. C. C, W. WESTBDBT. ' Dtatrlot Pass, Ageat, Kkataoad, Ta S.H. HtRDWICir, Oeowal Paasangar Ageatw I. M. CCLP, TrafB Uaoaewr, WaablngtoB, 1). C, W. A, TCRat Isat, Pass. TrefBe Haaam . . WaaMnftaia. O. 0 0.L.8APP, Attorney ttt-Law. taejtfe ta Bw eat. reeUral Oevrts, OarporaHsa, Oatmarstal aa4 Pro bat Lew. All bsawaea ereetpt VA'l . 1 I

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