'She Coviricr. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. "Wm, C. HAMMER, Editor. Hoke Vs. Henderson. The majority of $utriiu overruled thu famous i-as' va Henderson in an opinion by Justice Coiiiior, I'lu. f Clurk concurs, whiK Montgomery and Douglas The gist of the opinum mau may liave projuity i:i : in a Monarchical jnvrni.i not ao in a lu'mllii f 1 1 In-;, 1.1; !,m Basselt and the Trustees. At the uievtiiig of the i'i u-t..- I Trinity College laM li-Jii.m Trustees voted for while s.-. i r .- u against the retention of ir. I ..- i. Hon. F. M. Simmons and i'r. I leading the light iiu.iiiiM hi. n i, i. tion. The editor was anioni; il:"' ; ent nt the inid-winUr .vsm.-m m State Tresis Association in U'a-i.! ton, D. C, last u'k. I he ance was large. Much 11.11-.' . President Yarner and N-i-ivliirv M rill for the interesting 'ivi:i:iin. Senators and nieml.ei in t .,.., from North Carolina ili-l i;. contribute to the cnjoMiieiit . occasion, is. under ivjuei-ii '... to Hon. li. X. I'uui-iimi hi . Mr. Chas. ltossand A. I'. W.-.n- : J. M. Julian secretaries et .. I:;.' Simnions and thvrm.m Im . . ; extended. We publish on our lir.-i p I:--address of Preideiit ar.i. ; w North Carolina l'iv.-s A.-.-n.v.. the mid-winter a.-syeiat :n in i . ingtou last week. It i- "I -j interest to adverlisei-s :r! m o: of newspapers. Innocent Men ScIJupi Lun.itu Tlieie is a tia lii ion I .. fashioned North ' 'arolh.a .1 charging the jury in an a case, w ho had l .-eii . , charge to repeat the n... ;. better that niiiet t -ihi,,- :. ;. should escape than that , . . man should be piisn-h. .:, : to do so. Wl i h . portion of his i hargc ii .; : the question and abl-;: "i you, gentlemen of the . liinely-nine guilty in. n l..r. escaped, ami it i- now i: : the lliindicdth guilty inai, -acquitted." It is a rare thing for a-; ii.i man to be coimcted. i..c known a ease, lliougn w. h i.. of a few. In his charge i,. i -,. jury at Kinstou I hi- " . . llrown dwelt upon the I'.. : "rfasomibleliess ol do;:, i . . mean any doubt at ad. l-,;t I:: arising in the minus ,.i r, ... men." The Kin.-tou I i . quot-'S a portion ol the t-nig-- - and adds: "Along this line 11.- Iloi... that though he eiidois, .! u,.- : ofthehiwwhlchs.it- thai n better to turn loo.-.- 1 1 i : ' guilty men than to o.ia h I o noceiit, that there wa- n.iiii:i. to alarm a juror as d;n in: b.-t-eii years practicing a; i.n- I -a tif teen yeara on the b. i;.ii h never known a man whom no ed innocent conviet.-d in mni ; The judge might liulv have that he had seen manv v. 1 1 men acquitted, for that li.q.p. too often in North Carolm, Other States. News and i -. Snuthern History. Ambitious heads of hi-torie.il d. purtmeuU in some parts of then i . try, desiring to advoi'li.-e their work, get young students, some of ih.n. Southerners, to productive la-ks ; original research at an age w b n I h , should have been acqii.uiiling tin ni sei ves with the facts of general hi tory and with the broad pnueipl, -of the science. Some remarkably ex cellent work was produced, eon.-ni. . ing all the circumstances and all tin pitfalls. Some remarkably ab.-ur.. literature was "iveii the stamp ol authoiity. The net result of the three iulhi ences was a fever to get into print with results of study in the histori cal Held, and to get into print that would pay in fame or in cash. To assuage this fever, w hich ren derg the victim liable to fall into many errors of thought and many errors of act, is the task in which tin teaching force of tho South sliouii; occupy itself assiduously. It is U. train youth, first of all, to view u distinct period of history not by it self, but as immediately connected with the past, with the present ami with the future; to avoid any author ship save that intended for practice in the rt of expression nntil there is distinct message to be delivered re gardless of publication, and when prepared to write, to write upon the line of absolute conviction as to prin ciples and absolute accuracy as to facts and the weights which facts thonld have. Peter Pee bin iu Southern Farm Magazine of ( Balti more for December. Gives Notice ef Appeal. This attorneys for Dr. Jay who was sentenced at Superior Court iu Ashsnlle last week bare given notice of appeal. Aaother trial will pnt Jay ou trial for murder in first do gr?. It ti sid the evidence of pro jnniitation of the murder of the 3rd WASHINGTON LETTER. Tn I'Me in Republican Camp The Pana ma Matter The Sugar Trust and Tariff. S; wiiil -,ur,.,.nili iuc O.urur. Washinglon 1. C, Dec, t, 11)03. The iv is going to he a whole hit cf luii iieie on oi aliout the 1 ltii and r.M'i !' the p recent month when the Ki paldiiMii National Comiuiltee n;eel- ' ! the puipose uf selecting the lime and phut- for the holding of tU- next liee.ih!itau Xational v'oiieinitin. There is going lo lie in a:;,mpt inane at that meeting to liie iK- linn. I'erry !-. Heath. Secre !;:: f the liVpuhliean National l uiiiiiiiitee. The late report of Hon. ' ' 1 ' ! i. i.-to . Kou rill Assistant lVst-ia:.-;, i' (u ii. ial, has (hrowu the har- n into Mr. Heath with all the ':i'T:. of a limn w ho wanted to gel --,eii f..r mine lungs, ami that re i ori ii -i- .-'.irrol up the I'resulent to -lieking l.ige, a'ld he .-ays thai M r. ! 1 1 m ii niii-t go. Seiialor 1 1 anna, 1 lie laii ill.UI et' the Coimnittee, is : ' . 4 o llealh. and lie is as in- ! l!'.il Mr. Heath miil not he .i-r.. .;. '1'h i.- preseiils an issue :l fl.ee l- twct'tl tile I'le.-iilellt and : ;e .-i -.. dor from I 'hio, who is the .i 1 . .. ii r of i he republican party. the i'r. -id. 'lit apparently forget. iii.il he tiid not make up the present ;i!,o:iai Committee of the 1'epllhli - .i.i p.. It. w liich iehis the iulliieiice .'I :.;..! thing- until iissmwss- ! . i , ;: tin- net national IV I 4 . "mention, bill that it was ;:! .:pby MeKiuley and Haiina. i .i i liei. I'ote is u udi r the coni rol of liai.h.!. This being 1 1 io ea-e, the I ' ;; : i- will neeepl the die! lllll tif Sf.:-! ,1 .lid ivfn-e lo -lire" lUath. . ,U di,,T-,iil Koo-etelt and at i - i ii tin,.- pl.f the lepub'iean ; in ill-1 ailii-.i-l- of wm king in ',:: i. -i of a man who praetieaUv ...!...! illdieleti for booiliillg ill I lie l .-I I Mli. e IVpnrtluelil. 1 Ik-re . '-i:i ;o lea Harm lime ami iiiin-h I : j.:.:..e-.ni dirty linen will U washed for I !e .; e e'alion of I he gel. oral ! . ,: i . i: will be a :raight light : . !i i:::i.i Mid le'.-etelt and I...,,. to win. U'aleh l in- deal is -till a topic io I. e three 'lie game oat f..f I lonungo - again i and I- ,- I full rrnpi- llletlt- I'ter' republicans m I, do noi know i.ii...iiit propo- ui I he S.-nate oeity bill, stalks lie t'ote on tills S.-i,;te, lllltler iber I'dll. Tile in i Heat . cannot .o-.-iblv take ! -lor,- 1 .jo -g ( ; t h day of lleeem ii. -i pi..i..il.ly not until many i ii. ..I'i.-r. Ob-one now the '!!- why the S.-:iate. taking its . ;: i ii Sugar Trust, is pro ng -i Ici-utvh. The Sugar ag-nts an- now in Cuba an ! b- en for the pa.-t two Weeks, g.-d iu the purchase of all the -u-nr, ginuiiil ami lualliitael . lo.'. already owned by the tru.-l, !- ti. of bringing this sugar lli I'liitt-d Slat,-- under the re. I tarill, which will be only y . r cent, of I he Oingley law Thai siil if I hey are pur :ig from tif- manufacturers and .-I - al tif mark, t price obtain i et, tt In n it could b" imported l ins eoiiiitiy only under the full r.- I ji.-r cent, rai-- of the Ding i'v. in this way the Sugar '. which controls only about i 1 1 j-. 1 of th,- .-agar production i'.a. will he enabled to puivha-e .1' (a oiie-t; I the .-ugar liroduet of the i-Iand at a rale that will a prodt of twenty per cent, more than if th - bill should be passed at ihistini'. That is the reason for the po-tpoiieiiicnt of the passage of this bill. 'I his means about ."i.ono, 0"U iu the pockets of the Sugar Trust and a gain to all the Senators who are in on the deal, and who are now engaged in buying sugar stock which has been going up steadily since the postponement of the vote on the bill. Is this hot a disgrace? Ami this time the White House par ticipates in the disgrace, for, while the President most strenuously iu sistel on the passage of this legis 'ution, he has never even suggested the removal of the differential duty on relincd sugar. How do the peo ple like the picture. CHARLES A. EDWARDS. To Increase the Output. The Brown Furniture Company has already found it necessary to in crease its capitul, owing to Us rapid ly increasing business. The direct ors have ordered that the stock books be again opened for the sale of 500 shares of stock at 2ti a share, and something over 200 cf these have al ready been sold, Arr. ngements have recently Been made with a concern 1 New York by which the Brown' Furniture Company is guaranteed ITEMS OF NEWS llerbeit Spencer, famous author, died in F.nghind Tiiesdnv cf this week. (ireensboro is to get $30,000 from Cornegie for a public libiary, the city is" to give $3,000 a year lor sup port of the library. )- (iivgoiy, of lire. nsboro. has discovered a solution by which cut tinners can be kept indctinatclv per fectly fresh. Tin- Charlotte Observer of Ueceiu ber Tth. says that Hun I! li (ihen and Lieiit-Covernor Turner are ahead in Mecklenburg in the gubei natonal race. The Courier is in bad luck ugain, the engine w Inch is used us power fur our big press is out of lix and it will be seteial weeks befoie we can got a new engine or tin' old one in working order. The saw mill, di v and green lum ber of John Walker at Wadevilh-, Montgomery county, was destroyed Mom lay night. The loss was heaty. The savings of a life time were swept a nay. Mr Walker was from this county, si son of 1! M Walker. Will Ingram who shot and killed Scales Morris at Cuilford Rattle i i muml .1 ul v 4th. l'.Mio has been captured in Ilai risburg, 1'a. Mr. Morns was a brother of Messrs J. R. Moms and N. II. Morris, of Ashe- boro. and was killed bv the uegro hecau-e Mr. Morris, was asking him to pav a ill 1. 1. I lie Southern Railway has recent ly completed a school house car at Spencer shops and sent it to lireen tilie. s. t ., where it will remain some week- in charge of l'rof. W. C. Titus who will gite instructions to employes of the Southern. Other ears will be built. 1 hi.- is the iirst car of the kind ever built. Speaker Cannon Insulted. II. rin. in .1 Seliilllris, cliainuaii Knight of Labor told Speaker Can non last week the labor commute had been "packed," where upon lie was ejected flolil tile ho'.l.-e. Sate Crakers at Work. On I loccnibcr 1th at Mount Olive a double robberv occiirrei when un known parties broke into tin- p. oM'av and bank, obi.iiiiing about ?u Another Carnegie Library. lily ahl.-nneli of Mal.stille .pri.pl lat. d -.".On.iMi annually maintenance of the public to be ,-r. eted bv Mr. Carnegie hate for l! I Ml, Kuitis Robertson Surrenders. . bob. rt-oii, who fatal Hubbard Hasten in Kernel slabbed till.-, N -elf lot .t. I si h has sin rendered him- ..Sheriff of l-'orstth. Kobert- ays be is guilty and was drink It'the lllne. kuiinr Becomes Inventor. Ivliior I. .1. l.ottry, of Mount Airv New-, ha- iuteiited a machine which in. it make iiiui a milliimaire. Mr. I.owrt has the assurance that he will get a patent and will give n further iiib.nnatioii at piv-cnt. John K. Morris Dead. Mi .In.. I! Monis. of Coblsbon dfd 111 Haiti more, Md., of kiilm-v trouble and rheumatism Uec. 4th. Mr Morris was a popular travel 1 1 1 n i who wiote considerably fur newspapers. JK- was a good man, and goi d w i iter. Ner. Identified. Si.lnev Moore, the negro w ho at templed to a.-sault .Miss C'laml 1'eg- ram in 1-or-tth countv last .1 line hat been arrested and identitied as tilt criminal, lie has been placed jail at Hi-ton. Dr. Branson dead. Ie-v. Leti Mranson, I). 1). a native of b'.indolph county died in Atlanta cdiiesdav at a niie old age. Or. l'liansim was educated at Trinitv College and was a local minister for v.-ars, After moving to Ilaleigh he was if! the publishing business. I! established liranson Almanac and also I'ranson's Directory of North Carolina. During the war he liul lished school books for the children of the Stale. He was n good con seientioiis man and enjoyed a wide acquaintance. Mr. Craven Scores Agaia. Mr Bruce Craven, concering whose literary efforts an item appeared in Saturdary's Observer, yesterday re ceived a notice, accompanied by check, that an aiticle of his had been accepted by The Century Maga zine. It is entitled, "Audrew Jack- sou s First Duel, and gives particu lars of the affair between Jackson and Waightstill Avery, in which the latter came out ahead. .The article will probably appear in the Febru ary Century, and will be illustrated Charlotte Obseiver. Ught os a Murder, Carthage, N. C, December 4. News reaches here from Troy, N. C, that a negro boy there has told the authorities of that county that his latner ami two other negroes were the mnrderers of Make Ray, of the Mills Lumber Company about year and a hair ago. Hie boy says Kay was robbed of $71 and buried in negro graveyard, that he held the light while the others inhumed the body. The negro says his father drove him from borne, hence this betrajel. At the time of Kay a disappear- w m w,-,, , , ,i'r. . n. . ' ,,, f. Ui,.: :u - ' Shot Thro' Door. A btirglur tried to force entrance into the residence of deputy clerk Logan iu Asheville Sunday night. Mr. Logan shot him thro' the door ultho' the would-be burglar made his escape. Randolph Superior Court. Fall teriu Kandolph Superior Court convened Monday, Judge W li Allen presiding. The following arc grand jurors: A K Kimerv, Jasper Annum, W A Undenvooil, David Thomas, Thos J Steele. .1 M Whitehead, M F rnderwood, fore man K Lowderiuilk, M L WMnuing- ham, U W Jordan, II L Millpr. A W Leonard, J W l'urrish, M Brad v. Wvatt Biadv, A S Fickett. A Borough, K ft Steetl. l'etit Jurv I Taut, 11 Walker, K S Talbert, Jno 1! Hat Klias Luck, .1 M Scott, J K Muidoi k J W Albcitson, Thos B l'arks. rollowing cases were disposed of; State vs Causey Henson, dft. pit i I guilty, judgment suspended on pav-mci.t of cost. " W 11 Tippett guilty fined :fo. and costs. " John L McCaskcll "guiltv. 1 10 and costs. ' Harris Nelson ' ' " Linn Cray pleads guiltv. jlhlg. suspended. " F Fool and Henry Vuu- cannon pleads guilty, each .flo and costs. 1 " Fulton Horner and ltiitus Harris. Harris pleads guiltv and fined $10 ami costs capias for Horner. " Mike Fugleman phis guilty. judgment suspended. ' L M Caudle, .1 V Caudle and Mike Fogleinan pleads guiltv, judg. suspended. William Staley ami Susan Staley, Susan "Stah-y guilty and liined a.and costs, (Jaston Smith pleads guilty5 judgment suspended" " J B Ciutcblield and O T Hatch guilty, judgment suspended. Arnct Fruit pleads guilty, Wade Delledora guiltv. " W W Coltrane phis guilty. Trinity News. Born toJtev. Mrs. Albert Sherrill of this place, on Salnrdav night Peceiub, r litll. a bov. We extend to them our congratulations in their hour of happiness. l'rof ami Mrs H B Craven icturn ed to (ireensboro Tuesday lifter i short visit here. K F Pepper, of Cumnock, X. C. is at home for a w hile. Miss Xan Wood left Tuesday for lliirliam to spend the holidays, with friends and relatives. Mrs Xanie Craven, Mrs K li Carr and Mrs .1 C Pepper spent 8 f. tt davs in (ireensboro this week. ti B Craven returned home Sun day fioni the Fiistein part of the State, where ho has been engaged iu the newspaper business. The body of Miss Lot lie liobins was brought, here Sunday fioni Mor ganton, X. C. and interred iu the cemetery. The decease was well known "here having lived at this place for some time. The lady was accompanied by Mrs Kobins the mother of the deceased and MrJ A Umg, who is her uncle. Mrs Kobins is spending t ho week here with old friends. The workmen into whose ham's the work of remodelling Capt J. Perkins' lesidence has been finished and the Captain now has one of the handsomest residence in town. Mr and Mrs Ceo McLamb, who have been spending quite a whih here left last week for Kosebom, X C. to spend thu winter. Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it s easily destroyed while younsr ; when old, sometimes im possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is bcotts fcmulsion. Salt pork i.s good too, but it is very hard to digest The time to treat consump tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Uthers sec it, you won t Don't wait until you can't lcceive yourself any longer. '3egin with the first thought .3 take Scott's Emulsion. If t isn't really consumption so nuch the better; you will soon lorget it and be better for the treatment If it is consump tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, thats the treatment and that's the best treatment We will aend you little of the Emul- cion free. B m tte tfita pletan Ik Mm farm a( tt bM b oa Ik w-iww rrrf koala f tiBiii fm f. SCOTT. BOWNE. Chemists, 409 Peart St, N. Y. 50c and ft; all drag&ita. BUY A (ran now we will fell them at greatly red need price for the next ten dayi only. McCrary Bed ding Hardware Co. 1 WINTER HESORTS SOUTH i:;: ten kh my SOUTHER?1 RAILWAY. Iiv.'lisboiv id the Coit-m ; M. - -l A II Fo.-.. ivcok. W il V, I i V (i T I. t l I I itk it this i.lii.." West Fn.l la -I wet k . Mr D e .ivtt s. oi I hii ham. 1 ni.it ami Moiulav en iliiaiu i.uinlr. and family arrive 1 in an I have made a 1:; u:i", a.u. we ar--aii-.11 pivaeii. His Iirst id 1. next Nindav at twin 1,1 (Ireensboro l !. .- M.,-teii, of Km ..f u. Monday. , il.ii ri-, of New York hie I o, of Jaekson- t;!ti.iz Mi Gallic last Tu - appomime 1 1 a. 111. .1 I K tl.'.e. ! I'.-h-I. Ml II lll-ltcd hate I, t.. bati le t. f. III'. I. mot. d He h... ill tlk . Collie b to onr Mis I) W U iL'i;ins bi't ,s lllll us. who prnu chi.l I be Christian d here and :-e last week. e.is churches lad to ITcl 111. 1 his familv 1, of Ashboro, la-; u-.- k. de-.t! vet." a Hon. .In.. ; . ;: was in 1 i.tn : "Ail I'.. .- ..- vil-S- -'a-':' ttorl, tile I o-, , . ! iii-ros. ill. iii.-ni i t'nrouu'li our . c'.llllleil h. -. he .Ihln'l it in lo the It -hie of to II. : 1 pre.-i -niiug p u t. of Chi- .1-0. To som !: el shot nt.s a: I lie r. 11: :::: i .1 ulde bir co!lrcting uaid at ids' to be , to others the elld ol 1"J ;:. . liter, i i !:.- I : 111a . joes. etc. on like mldioii-. II- ii: . .I a ti am from 1 ue.-tla v moi-himr. . oaek that nii'lil t inoi'uiiig arriveil ! foiiglll the team nnpauv got a war- War-1 I mpntiv at i no l.e t, ...1 i.i ': r in i ii.tv. i 1 ..1. II.I he lu-.'lir. V-l iaek. Ward A ( rant for him aod trae. il bun to I.ib aud the horse and it siiddo and their ep.e.l.,1 he duped f i.l.oiit .4i:i.iii) or be delighted ill Itv, there th . I'. 1 l.t H). he'ipint; 1 eh a M C I iii. ; tu-,i-h..i 'Le hogs this .ek '.th' T. li. Park- killed tite pine rooters that w, :jb- d 1 .;.-.". 'I'll. . I t IU. INKTl'-M. She ScrvtJ ilita Right. A voutlg iadv. j. be lllt'iful ll.tllgll- t.-r of a we introduced 1 ingtou, 10 a meht ooiei.-il 'lb. in. 1 I-'. talk 1. bout t Ion. congressman, was n iii r arrival in Wash !(... voting "govei 11 it 'lei.uiie of the late i;.,;.iti".. Iii.rihg their .. P.-lettare statesman she pronoii iic.-d his name as it is spelled, giving the lir-t a its long omul. Tin- young man felt it his duty to correct b.r. .-.'ting In.'t the name was in-iioiiu.-i d ""livard.'' A few days iat'-r !n- ..-M ber a note asking fin" the pii'.ihge of eiiteit.iing hei and some friends tt iio were visiting her from the tte.t by taking them to dinner at bis club. In the reply that she .--lit him she said she Would have be. 1! pli-.ISi'd to accept his invitation only the ii.essehgi r he had " bayard" s i-nied very "rayard" and had dallied ii.'.ii the way mi tllt -be had entered inio anot ber engage ment bi fore Ins mite reached her. lluweti-r. ii ne desatard'' her com pany at .some future' time she would lie "allfar.ii-1" glad to In ar from him iguin. Chica' .1 ii. . oid-IIerald. Swecl Minded Women. So great is the influence of a Bweet- miuded woman 011 tno-e around her that it is almost boundle-s. It is to her friends come iu sca-aiis of sor row and sickness for help and com fort. One soothing touch of her kiudlv hands works wonders in the feverish child, a few words let fall from her lips in the ear of a sorrow ing sister do much to raise the load of grief that is bowing its victim down to the dust iu anguish. The husband conies home worn out with the pressure of business, and feeling irritable with the world in general; but w hen he enters the cozy sitting' room, and sees the blaze " of th bright tire, aud meets his wife's smiling face, he succumbs in a mo ment to the soothing inlliitnces, which act as the balm of till tad to bis wounded spirit. We all are weaned with combating the stern realitU of life. The rough school boy flies in a mire from the taunts of his companions to find solace in bis mother s smile; the little one, full of grief with its own large trou ble, finds a heaven of rest on it's mother's breast: and so one might so on with instances of the influences that a sweet-minded woman has in the social life with which she is con nected. Beauty is an insignificant power when compared with her. Selected. - . 1 Tee Lone Star State. Down In TVxn -it Yonkmu, Is a big 'ry cootls Urui of which Mr J M Under sibeteiil. Mr Hu'ler on one of hlf tries East to leiy a od said t a friond j tvno Mi,a with htm in the i alare cv. iiere raK-tun- ui ineuo uiiiiti cnjr !ser up-.n r.-'ir rg nnd you w ll l up eirly in the iu rni- c ' el'iiR roi.I. For ihi-"tlark brown" to-te, h atlatbe vi i that 1 Bv feel.itpr DeWitt i.lt le Karlv Kist M r I'e Ins. it's to nse. Iljiy WA Cubrweod, Tan lb man ul Shimtaol Diur Co.,Abebo!0. Weali Hearts Araduelo Indlrutlon. Nlngty-nina ef vnrf ons hundred people who have haul trouble 1 can remember when It wu simple Indices- 1 on. It la a aotenttllo tact that all oaa 01 isart disease, not orjanlo, are not only traceable to, but are the dlreot result of Indi rection. All (oo4 taken Into the stomach vhlch (alls ol perfect digestion fermenta and twellsthe stomach, puffing It up against the heart. This Interferes with the aetlon of ihe heart, and In the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. RrabK, of Nnada. O.. : I tud noniich Touble and was In a bad state as f had heart trouble vith it. I took Kodol Drapapsla Cur lor about lour aonths and It cured me. Kodol Digests What Too tat and relieves Ihe stomach of all nervous itraln and the heart of all pressure. Bottles onir. 11.00 Site hoMInt 31 K times the trial site, which eella lor 60c. reaared bf I. a DeWITT A OO., OHIOAQO. Fo eala bvW AoojjJ w Fair and square Dealing Makes and holds Trade. V. D. STEDMAN . CO MPS. CECELIA STOWE, llralor, Entre Niua Ctob. 17i! Warren Avenue, b'nn-A.io, In... IW. 22, lfl"2. For ne.-.rly four roars I suffered frora ovnriun trciA-les. The doc tor insisted on an operation as tht only way to pet well. I, howrver. str.nitfly objected to an operation. My hn-l an.l foil tlisheartened a tti'll as I, for home with a sick wo-iian iit a dirounaolato place at best. A friendiv ilrttgtitit advised him to pet a bottle of Wine of ( arilui for me to try, and he did so. I lii-pan to improve in a few davs and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stotte's letter ho"s every woman how a home is saddened by female weakneaaud how completely W ine of Card in cures that sick ness and brings liealtll and happi ness opriin. flo nut go on sufft-r-iti(j. lio to your drucgist todav nr.. I p.-ctirea $1.00 bottle of Wine uf Oardui. IPaflSRCmill J. r Heitman Has just received a large stock ot DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, GLOVES, ETC. And will sell them to you at money-saving prices. See him before buying. J. r. Heitman Trinity, IN. O. Furniture Store! E. 15. Reams' Furniture Store is the place to buy fur niture, picture frames, rugs, etc lie sure to sec him when in Asheboro. Undertaker's Supplies Such as coffins, caskets, etc. alwiivs on hand and furnished on short notice at reasonable prices. Good hearse at your command. D. B. Kearne. &re University OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One mimlH-d snd eight arhoUrhttte. Free tuition u tifM-hen mttd to flo! 14 ol ministers. Kuis for the needy. OS STUDENTS. St INKTHTCTORS New honnitoriee. Waiter Worka. Centrml H sat iny STsteni, Librmrr 4U.0UO volumes, fall term, aralemtc anil pmleaaioiisi depeitmeuta, heelna Meiitemt-er 7tn 101. tir,i 1 1 .nsvnL-a, CreMiiout, Ctt mill, M.C. If You Want The Dest Laundry aval Yaws- laumalry Set the. OM SUHkbU Charlotte Ste&m Laundry. Thevare better prepared to do your work right than an? Laundry ...;...... J J. II .'.LI in me omiej sum uu isi Leave your Bandies at Wood & Morion's store. Banket ieattw Tnesdavs and returns Fridays. CONVINCE YOU THAT WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT IN STYLE, FITS AND FINISH. No better can be found anywhere and we make the price RIGHT SFULL LINE OF General Merchandise, Both Wholesale and Retail Remember we are still headquarters for GROCERIES. Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. New Hrick Store. Asheboro, N. C. A LINE OF Hardware That cannot fail to please the most practical person is to be found at ourStore. The PRICE and GRADE OP GOODS have pleased and will continue to please all those who wish THE BEST HARDWARE at the LEAST PRICE. Give us a Trial and we will convince of the Truth of this Statement. : : : : : McCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE CO., ASHEBORO, N. C. aWHAT AREv Red Indian Blood and Liver Pills? . . The BeS' Pilltver Sold for . . Constipation, Biliousness and - - fmmire flood. Acts on the KIDNEY, LIVER and are GUARANTEED to Rive Satisfaction. SOLD ONLY BY ' StandarlDrug Go. iN e w Goods! WE ARE pler.sai to announce to our friends and customers that have the latest and most exquisite styles in white goods, lawns, dimities, and dainty shades in ,drees goods fabrics are now awaiting your inspection.Our;iarge as sortment will convince you that we are leaders in dress goods. G ent s Department! OUR CLOTHING counters are laden with rare bargains, and we can fit you out epic and span in a new suitshoes, hat, etc. All the styles in shirts, collars and neckties at prices to command a purchase. Gome to see us. WE ARE AT IT AGAIN. SELLING THE PUREST AND BEST LINE OF DRUGS TO BE FOUND. : : : , : We Have No OLD GOODS. To Unload, But Give you the FRESHEST, PUREST and BEST at Lowest Prices. We are Undersold by None and Guarantee the : : BEST QUALITY That Money Can Buy. SCHOOL BOOKS AL WAYS ON HAND. : : : : : : W. A. UNDERWOOD, RANDIjEMAIN", n, c. WDrTURNER, Manager. Clothing:, Overcoats, Men's Furnishings And all kinds of Furniture. S.-e our Line and we will Corner Depot and Fayetteville St .Miller tSL Wood. V. A COFFIN. Agent.