COURIE ASH It ed Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Tear VOL XXIX. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1904. EB0RO R. JLL 11 it II Ji I V. u I, S Brnot, Prukleat J. I.Cole, Cttfeier Z5he Dotiik of Randleman Randleman N C Capital paid in. Protection to depoiitors. $20,000 40.000 niRROTona: S. XI. Newlin, A. N Bulla. W. T. Brvant. C. L. Lindsey N. N. Newlin, J. H. Cole, S. Biynnt H 0 Barker and W K Hartsell. BRITTAIN & QREQSON, ATTORNEYS- ATL AW, Asheboro, - North Carolina. Court. Prompt attention to buauwaeot all kiwi. HAMMER & 8 PENCE, Attorneys Law E. MOFFITT, Attorney - at Law, ASHEBORO, N. C. PRACTICE In nil tlie Court. special attention given to iott lom.-m ni cMatea. Office mar Court flora. 'Phone SB. 0.L.8APP, X Attorney-at-Law. hm la BUt u JTal Ooarta Oatvotaliaa. 0. Total and Pra fcatfUV. All b- sr.saptl' MMb. , B. Cox, Pridal H. i. Armflald. Vler-Prtdr,l. W.J. Armflald, Jr., Cutler. 1811 Of RANDOLPH. Asheboro, N. C CAPITAL .125.000 00 Wa art mow prepared to do a geaaral backing boataaaii aad w. aolisit th tMOBDla ot flnu, corporation aod LadiTidaaU of Randolph aad adjoiuiaa ,' Dir actor t M Worth, W P Wood, PHMorrt. 0 0 HaAliator, 0 J Cos, W If K4 dia, A M Bankia. W H Watkiu. Hofh Park Bani Hofflti, ORCn, A W t atPK Ajbary. II You Want The Best Laundry net Your Laundry to th. OU RellabL Charlotte Steam Laundry. They are bettor prepared to do yonr work right any Laundry in the State; and do it right, too. Leave your buudles at Wood & Moring's store. Bankets leaves Tuesdays and returns Fridays. W. A COFFI N. Agent. WINTER HE80RT8 ' SOUTH REACHED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Southern Railway unounopt the sale "( round-trip Winter KicurMon tli-kel to all the principal ranrta ol llw Knulh. beginning O"'!' th winter rraurta of North and Smith Onrc.lrna. flenrgia and ttcn.te are ei-lally IiiviiIiik u. thaw In ererrh ot Iwath or ileuure. In th"e hum. are "ix Ih noted itwrtt a. Hm-hun. N C, Camden, Aiken, immervUle, 8. C, Charleston, a C. Airwtt. Savannah,, Braiuwlrk. Jekly I land and ThuroaKrtlle. (i... Jwknrllle, St. Auf uetlna. Urnvmn. lvutn, raim nracn. rr.oficrateil through bclwocn principal flit and remirtt, elrmtut Dlntn Car arrvtec. ami CTerrthlu tor lha cwnlurt and pleaaur ot the Aak. nearest Ticket Au nt lor further Inform ton and MnpU Utmwre. Balloon Soap! For 6c. you get a pound -package of our Balloon ; Soap. You get one third more soap than of any , other brand on the niark ' ft, besides it takes less to do yon it has the lasting qualities. Try it. . White Eagle, .The best all-wheat . straight flour on the market, kept constantly on hand. . T. tLASSITER & CO. Askebora N. C We are greatly pleased to have oouipleled aa arrangement, special announcement of whio U made i this issue, wherehf our readers may olitain "Farm J.,ifti'' for one year ab late!y free. I ml our offer in WASHINGTON LETTER. WHY DON'T DEPARTMENT COMMERCE AND LABOR MAKE REPORT ? Secretary Csrtelyos bas Beea Over One Year Investigating and not Heard From Yet Loss of Fonr and One-Half Million to the ' Louisiana Purchase Exposltlsa Etc, Special Conwpnndenoe Courier. Washington, Februarv 15, 1904 The (iiestion is being asked here why the new Department of Com merce and Labor naa not succeeded better in its quest for "bad" trusts which it purposed to scare off the lace ot the carta by getting the facts concerning the doings of those trusts and giving them publicity. That department lias been doing business now for more than a year and not one Hue nas been printed about trusts. Secretary Cortolyou has been told" times innumerable where to fish to catch a nice long string of trusts, but be jwrusts in ignoring the suggestions of democrats. If be really meant business and it ever was inienuca umi.iiB suuuiu nroceea aguinst the trusts and print the facts about them, be could bave collected all the data necessary for a report that would have made the trusts siz zle like a wet cat flung into hades, but the new department bos been as idle concerning the trnsts as has been the Department of Juatico. It simply shows unmistakably that the Republican party has concluded tq "stand pat" on the trust question as well as upon the tariff question and all other questions that will enter into the campaign this year as the vital issues. If the people of the country want anything done on any of these questions they must vote tue uemocratio ticsei and elect a Democratic president and a' Demo cratic House of Representatives, or they will have the same vicions laws left on the statutes and will exper ience no relief from the present tax exactions and the present license of the criminal trusts ot the countiy to rob tin people. In electing A Demo cratic president aud a Democratic House or Keprcsentatives, the people need not be alarmed lest tariff reduc tion and trnst-busting under Demo cratic auspices, will disturb busi ness, x he leaders of the party are not going to jump in and teai things to pieces. They are not going to blow up the tariff wall with dyna mite, they are going to begin gently to lft he rocks off one by one until the wall is not so high that tho peo ple cannot see over it and see the tariff protected industries of this country selling goods to foreigners beaper than they do to Home con sumers. 1 am rather close their policy is conservative aud not radi cal. They may not be radical enough to suit some tariff to some of the party louden here and I know that reformer, but we are all travel ing the came roiul and if all will go together, then' we will accomplish something in the end which will be f real benutit to Die t.ix payers of the country. If we do not then the same old game will continue and the Republicans will laugh in their rleeves at the split between the con servatives aud the radicals which continues to let them have their own way. When will the voters of the country who really want reform learn some sense r Ibo Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion or St. Louis World's Fair is be ginning to occupy considerable at tention of the people here who make the laws. They are beginning to Gnd out that the Fair is to be a bitr- ger thing than they anticipated. They bave lately ascertained this fact because the. builders of the Fair bave come here and produced the evidenoe of the wonderful outlay of each that has been expended on the Fair, which far exceeds that of any previous Fair in the world's history. This great expenditure has compell ed the Fair management to ask for the loan of fonr and a bait million dollars from the general government to be paid back to the treasury by a lien on the gate receipts. Such a measure baa been introduced and un doubtedly will pass the House as it has passed the Senate. It will meet with some opposition trom the men who are the strict constructionists, but it will pass just the same and the Fair management will not be crippled in it endeavor to give to the people of the world the Dost ex position of the world's progress that nas occurred in an oistory. xaia hum a the case, and so manr of the interesting things sbout the Fair emanating from and finding their source here in the national capital it is meet and proper that the fair and the things concerning it which are of interest to the people should hud a place in this letter occasionally. tot -nstance, i 'earn from jar. r. V. DeQraw. the eastern press repres entative of the Exposition located here, that the World's Fair Automo bile Transit Co., which has a conea- sion for automobiles on the exposi tion ctounds, baa ordered 109 elec tric broughams and hansoms, seating from two to four persona each. These carriages are to be rented by the hour, day or week to private parties, families and individuals. The occu pants twill be permitted to enter the rounds in the vehicles, it is ex pec ted that the automobiles will be engaged lika hotel rooms, in advance. for instance, a chauffeur lr an auto mobile will meet a party of ladiea at Umon Station noon their arrival. taking them first So their hotel or stopping place anu then to the ex position grounds, entering without leaving the rehicte and viewing the beauties of the exposition witbou leaviug it. This is a convenience that the people of the country should Know. Another item of interest to peon is that an order for the first issue of the new Louisiana Purchase Expoei tion KMtage stamps, which are to be placed on sale at all post omces in the United States, Muv 1, has been sent to the Bureau of Eugraving and Printing by Third Assistance Post master General Madlon. It calls for the printing of 90,000,000 of the 1 cent stamps, bearing the portrait o itouert it. Livingston; 225,000.' 000 of the 2 cent stamps, bearing me portrait of Thomas Jefferson 7,000,000 of the 3 cent with Mou roe's portrait; 9,500,0Q0 of the 5 cent with McKinley's portrait, and 6.500 uuu of the 10 cent stamps, with miniature map of the United States, showing the territory acquired by iuc jjuuibiuuu rurcoaae. One political topio that has been discussed hero this week is the edi tonal in a recent edition of the New York Bvenme Journal aud the manv favoralie comments thereon. As is well known, the Evening; Journal and Morning American, Mr. Hearst's papers, were the only ones in the city of Ureater New York that sup ported the Democratic ticket in the ate mayoralty contest, thereby win- uig a oiguai. viuwrjr ior luut uciet. It was some surprise, then, that the readers of Mr. Hearst's papers here in me political maelstrom ot tne na tion, noted the editorial in Question which was a red .hot roast on the new Mayor McClellan because he said he had no authority to get after tue yiciuu gas trust 01 mat city, it was not a surprise, however, to the friends of Mr. Hearst who know his love for the plain people of the coun try and how jealously he safeguards their interests and how he will get dock at any one who shoots at those interests, no matter whether the shooter wears the Democratic or Re publican uniform. They recall his fight on Mayor Van Wyck and the ice trust of New Y'ork and what happened to Van Wyck. They know that although he was instrumental in putting McClellan in the Mayor's seat, he will not hesi tute to knock him out of it unless he takes up the cudgel for the peo ple and gets after the trusts who are robbing them when it comes within the purview of his power to do so. The leaders of the party here are saying that while Mr. Hearst is a true blue Democrat, and always sup ports the ticket and does much to elect it, his action in this case, as in the case of the ice trust, proves that he will not stand by the Democrat after he is elected unless he remains Democratic and stands for tho- p pie who elected him. It is taken here as an earnest of what he would do if he were elected President of the United States and that his tight on trusts is not hot air nor dress parade. It is making friends for him among the real Democrats in Congress. Charles A. Edwards. THE FIRST AND LAST STEAL. South Dakota May Have State's Interest la Butler and RuiseH. "Governor Russell and ex-Senator Butler wer sharply condemned at a meeting of (be stockholders and di rectors of the North Carolina Rail road in Charlotte last week: And one party recalled the incident under Uovernor Unssells administration when $3,000 was voted to Russell's henchmen by Republican members of the Board of Directors, which called forth the well-known exclama tion from our lamented Mr Henry W Fries. . This was spoken of as the first and last steal that had ever been witnessed in the directory of the North Carolina railroad. "An amusing incident was the offer of a promiuent Charlotte lewyer to draw a deed to the state oi south Dakota conveying all our right, title and interest in two heads of live stock, towit: Marion Butler and Daniel L. Russell, in consideration of a pepper corn." Nothing Succeeds Like Saccess. Some idea of -the vast proportions of the business done by the Greens boro Fire insurance Companies can be gotten from tke following figures. These companies have received in premiums since the business was in augurated nine years ago, (in 1895) $714,672.00 and have paid out in losses $225,997.04). Tne business oi these companies has increased until they are now leceiving over $200,000 a year in premiums. Their net sur plus to policyholders was increaseuvL ast year from $423,408 to f0U4,uti. These companies have made an en viable reputation for the promptness with which they have paid their losses and met all other obligations. The following letters are acknowl edgments of their prompt settle ments of losses sustained in recent fires in Greensboro: Mr. A. W. McAliater Manager, Greensboro lire Insurance (Jom panies. Greensboro, N. C. My Dear Sir: I have just received from your five Greensboro Fire In surance Company' checks payable to B. It. Lstcy, treasurer of the state of North Curolina, aggregating $15,- 624.60 on account of insurance on property of the State Normal and Industrial College recently deatory ed by fire, aad it affords me much pleasure to state that these home companies have settled their losses on tots promptness and so far as we are advised are the first companies to make a settlement. Very truly yoors, CHARLES D. McIVER, i President. World's Fair Contest. This contest is 0eu to everybody except salaried employees of Th Cockier. ' Our object in giving the free present large and growing circulation. Rule I. Every subscriber you subscriber. . i Rti.g II. You must collect one scription you take und forward one hundred cents for each name to tli subscription department of Thk Cocrikr, as no commissions will 1 allowed anyone, iu this contest. Rl'LR III. You will have from 1904, to get these subscribers, so if a handsome 42-pieoe dinner set for Rclb IV. You must secure before credit will be given you for a two six months subscriptions will bs. Or after you have secured 35 yearly months siibcriptions will be counted count as one Yearly subscriber. We want Tub Coi rier in every contest will not be limited to this county, as we want this to be a fair and impartial contest. Manager Svb. Dkit. Coi rieb, 'Asheboro, X. V. Dear Sir: I want toentr yonr contest for a free trip to the Wo -Id's Fair at St. Louis, and return. My n-n Address , This is a great opportunity to tro above and address it to Manager Sub. WHO IS SHE? THE MOST POPULAR LADY. Thfi" Voting Contest Now on. Pay $ 1 .00 and Vote for the Lady of Your Choice. THF COURIER'S Qdpa- EST OFFER YET! Wen Elegant and Costiy Pivmi.rni iu o. Given to Seven of Host Popular Lad' ers. Within the last eighteen months The Courier has doubled its circulation, and within the next three months we hope to double its present circulation. With 'the help of our friends we can do this and for their in terest we are going to give the following seven handsome presents. FIRST PRIZE A $65.00 Wheeler & Wilson ball-bearing Sewing Machine to the lady receiving the greatest number of votes. This machine is ou exhibition at the store of Morris-Scarlwro-Moflitt Co. and you are axked to call and examina it. SECOND PRIZE A handsome $40 Superb Steel Range which cun bo seen at the salesroom of the Hollady-Pool Ilardwuie Co. on depot street. It is one of the best mude. THIRD PRIZE To the lady receiving the next highest vote will be given a handsome Silver Cup with her name en graved thereon. This cup is of Rodders make and costs $10. Ou exhibition at McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. FOURTH PRIZE I a beautiful forty-two-piece Dinner Set, worth $12, and can be seen at the editor's office. FIFTH PRIZE Is a handsome Black Skirt Pattern, worth $8.00 at W. J. Miller's store. SIXTH PRIZE A handsome ten-piece Water Set, worth $7.00, on exibition at the editor's office. SEVENTH PRIZE Will be given by Wood & Moring, and w ill be announced later. In this contest all who pay $1.00 will be entitled to vote, whether new subscriber or in payment on old account. The prize will lie awarded to the seven ladies receiving the highest number of votes whether morriedor siugle. ' Go see theee valuable prizes at the places nlwve mentioned and tell your friends about them. R.VLES GOVERrJING CONTEST. Only actual uitarrlbora.or Ui wlte or daughter ftf an actual wiWnher n enter the eonttt. Three ju.!gi will count the ballot, and decide the winners. Only one name call lie written on a oouinhi. Th. vote of one candidate cannot he tntnurerred to another. Ballot, a lll he placed In the hallot buz onlr nv the puhllflherot The Courier. or uy nu rmoa-aeewr. A coutNin like the A emit d nmiierl printed Th. No coupw 11 .00 will he irtven a coupon, which will 1, pafe before tne Hint nay ni narcnt i ri. u nam oeiween Marcn .in and April SnthV and Tote. II raid between April SUUl and May Hint at 1 o'clock sharp when the content cloeee. The vctex will he placed In a mtalcd bus a. they come In and the official Tote pjlcci are valuable Hurry up aim iay your miownimon I handMHne and wortii hmttun for THE COURIER VOTING COUPON. This Coupon is Good for One Vote for As the Most Popular Lady FEBRUARY Cut out and depostit in the ballot box at Courier office. This coupon is void uulees voted within ten days. Da AaytbJaf far a Deflar. Of course it is business, but any thing is business which will give D. L. R - '11 a dollar be it solicitinr a postvffioe job for a woman, or a suit against his own neighbors. And Marion Butler is an able assistant in the same pursuit of the dollar. New Bern Journal. ronud trip ticket is to increase our get must be an actual boun fide new dollar in cash for each yearly mil) February 15th, 1004, to July l.Mh yon get one each week yon w ill secure yof r work. 85 yearly cash in advance subscribers six months subscription, after which counted as one yearly subscriber. cash in advance subscribers thiee in the contest, four of which will home in Randolph county, but the to he World's Fair. Cut out. the Dept. Col rikr, Asheboro, N. C. Courier each week, when rut 'out riher i old MuhM'rilier pavlnf entitle the holder to 00 row if th. dollar .iki ti mr in uuiy oi your eotnc. The Reader of The Courier. 18th, 1904. Three Killed ia Wreck. -In a bead-on collision near Florence, 8. C three men were kill ed on the Atlantic Coast Line, Satur day. The collision was due to a be lated train, which the conductor had overlooked. The engineer, Bruce Taylor, who was killed was a real dent of Wilmington, N. C. !;:. 2UND MATTER. A Cnvers3!ii:n Wilh "Rev Decayed Uiylus ' Recalled. Col. OMr- n Today ex-Slate Librarian Elling ton shed a nil her linrht light on one fsatnrc of the ionlh Dakota bond Bint., jio saiu mat in tne Riiinmer. 1901. .It Mui lu ad t-itv that be u;,u Rev. Dr. ISuylus Cade," wiio had been Uov. iiiifsell pnvatc secretary lell ing all about examinations in I In State treasury which led to t lie (lis covery that ill, io were hik Ii bomb and that. Scha fer.of New Yui, them. The intimation was that l)r Cade and Governor Kucsrll were go ing to on ,t t the money for the bonds out of the slate. lr C'de slat- iug that over half a million dollars was involved mm the Democrat i party would hae to : i.iTer whatever odium there was. The suggestion now is where did lr Cade come in. In tho heariiiL' of t lie bond matter before a referee here, Governor rtiis- Sell was linked some questions, but many which were not asked him were realty iinpirtant. He acknowl edged however, thai he had been monkevinr, fn lo speak, with the matter. Tim state had n witness,ex Clerk Denmark, i f the treasury, on hand ready to put on the stain, but he was not on. A good manv per sona have never understood why more ions nere not asked ex Governor Russell nt that hearing. As nearly ns thf trite treasurer can figure, about 2'iii,tiU0 of the bonds issued July 1st, 1607, are out standing, nil of live being in the hands of SchaT-r, except the, I (1,000 which he piit in the hands of South Dakota, thoiitrh It is agents. There are outctaiiding notv enough bonds to reqiaire .f Clti.dun of 4 per cent bonds to lake them up under the scale of 15 cents, 25 cents and 40 cents. There are also 22 bonds of the 6 per cent class which nre sup- osed to be lost, as these are redeem able at their face value. GUILFORD COUNTY NEWS. OreemliM Pntn.,t. Mrs Cox, of Randolph county, sis ter of Dr Fox, is now visiting at his home. Mr Edgar 1 Kuvkendall, of tin's city, was on" of the thirl ysix success ful applicants lor law license before the Supreme court last week. Of the seven ho failed l pass the ex amination four were negroes. Otic negro passed. Another golil mine is being open ed near Greensboro with excellent prospects A teii-sliiinp mill aud corresiMjiuin: t'otui-nriit has. been oruereu bv the . ifiajenieni, oT hich Mr M .1 K '. is the execu tive head, ng interest t of the county h.iie im. r icccivcd the consideration ih-y deserve and we are glad lo see tho pivots t develop ment. The siicee-st'iil operation of the Fentress mine should long ago have Etimululed similar ventures. Architect K P Milburn, who fur nished the plans ir remodeling the county court house here, is charged with being a pain-to a "monstrous swindle" in South Carolina in con nection with a company of contrac tors making inpro.emotits in the state capitol An expert govern mcnt constructor pronounced the ork "a parody upon the science of arehitectmv." Mitlcirn has not vet succeeded ia straightening out un tangle hole which leaves the metal furniture in the county vaults in a useless condition. The commission ers are about out of patience with m. There was a beautiful home wed ding at Mrs M S King's on the evon- ncr of thetwcniyseventh of .January at six o'elock, Miss Mary L King be coming tlie wife of Mr James L Bar ge!. Rev .I IS II nt ton pertormeil the ceieuiony. J h wniters were Miss Annie' Tfns snd Mr Krnest King and Miss Klsie Field and Mr Percy King. The wedding march was played by M:ss IVrtha Gray. After the (ereuionv nil repmreit to the diuing room, licit a sumptuous supper awaited. Mr. and Mrs. Bur- ess starteil the next ilav tor vtusn- ington, where tin y will make their future home. Wo wish the coup much huppiii"ss. Society's New Game. "Trail" has taken society bv storm. It is something new. something dif ferent. Trail" as the name implies, is founded on a popular hunting sport, is played with liny-three line cams iu four colors, representing a fox to be chased and caught, unit four pack of hounds of thirteen each. "Tntil" has a constantly recurring interest for players as they prefer their playing from evening to even ing, in marked contrast to certain recent boistrous games that bore the players at the end of an hour. With the one pack six other splendid, new, copyright games, and two games of Fun, making it suita - ble for all niemiirrs oi a t.nnnv. "Trail" can be had of dealers or sent post-paid, T."c gilt edge, plain 50c. Rules for the seven games free. CovmiXAHox Cum 'o. Atlanta. G,i. NEW I.Ki! -- i Mayor Williamson ordered a family Smallpox ia Davids. r'f ""t? limdj, mem-' . , . ' bers of the family having been cx- Davidson county is getting over puSpJ ,0 inmipox. The wife resi.t the smallpox trouble and the entire t.j nd it w- wi,n difficulty cost to the comity is said to be not j tll,t the ofIWri .uooeeded i carry over $5000. Th. s a remarkable j at he mayor's order, showing for tli" p.blic officials ofi that county. No countv in the . State has been so afflicted and yet! ' ' Died. the f50U wouiu cove- half th. ex penditure made by mora than one (other county. OUR RALEIGH LETTER. HAPPENINGS AT STATE CAPITOL. Democratic Committee Meets March 17 AnlhJu Law Low Price of Cotton Not Permanent. Raleigh, X. C, February 15. Chairman Simmons having called the Democratic f-'mtc Committee meeting for March 17th, at Raleigh, the tune anil place for the as.-embling of the next State convention will then be d' ter ifd. The time will probabl be set foi some date in May or June either at Iiali igh or Greensboro. A the Democratic National convention will be held on July 12th, it is really not necessary to hold the State con vention before about the first of July but there is apparently u demand fo: an earlier date than that, and it may he held in May. The Supreme court will this week nami uown us iiecision in the anti- lllg law C,1e, COIlBtnitllf: url Icku. ed one year ago and which has been "construed'' bv, two Superior coin t judges iCook and Itrown) xactly opposite ways. I he lawyers employed to light in lavorot uphold the construction is Judge l-ook (limiting the new law to the four counties specified in the act,) now say that the Watts law is uncutisti tuiioiial, because it discriminate! against brandies made outside of North Carolina and in favor of the North Carolina product. Hut the ot her side says there is nolliin that contention. Another proposition to lease the Atlantic and N. C. Railroad is in the hand of Governor Aycock, but none of its provisions has yet been made public, except that V. E. McBceund W. J. Kd wards are interested. It is safe to say, however, that there will lie no lease of this road during the present State administration, unless a mighty good offer is received much better than tho last one. And now brother "Hill Hailey,"of tin- Biblical Recorder, and Anti Saloon League gets after Capt. Bob Glenn for making Sunday school ad dresses w hile he is seeking the nomi nation for governor. Well posted business men tell inc that the present decline iu cotton is only transient. Them is only a 9 million bale crop, and as sure as the lie tv Orleans bulls and the New York bears settle the present struggle the price is certain to go up and be yontl l." cents anain for spot. Hut if you've got any left, don't hold on too long again 10 cent is a mighty good price. Drummer boy Spencer Blackburn '. to terJH nAtMI bi M. 111"? Congress in "de ate" district this J ear, judging by his conduct in seek ing a job iu Washington. Wonder if his efforts to injiiic Judge Boyd have proved a boomerang already? The execution committee of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly nu t here Sat unlay and selected the uck beginning June Oth as the time for the annual assembly this Year. The place will be selected later. Trinity College will this year have it's commencement Jim 5 to S. Mr Augier H Duke has been elected by the two literary societies chief mali nger, and Mr Julian Blniichnrd as chief marshal. The orator smlected to deliver tlieconimencrnieiitaddrcss will be announced soon. LLEWXAM. MONTGOMERY NEWS. Miss Ethel Low, of Randolph, is visiting her ,-ister, Mrs Ivy C Nance. Mr N M Thayer was surveying land near town for Sheriff Clark yesterday. Miss Ethel Tyson has accept 1 a position with the Troy Supply Coin nan v. Ni r A W E Capel, is looking after business in Richmond county this Week. Miss 1 mi Pool, who is teaching near Mt Gilrad spent Saturday night with relatives in town. Miss Lee Warner sjient Saturday aud Sunday with her parent, return- 1 1 1 r lo her school near .Mt itilcau Monday. Mr V V Frnzier mid .laughter of IheMtGitead section spent Satur day nicht with his brother Sum Frazier, of this place. T J Parnfll died February the 5th at it o'clock at Portland. N. C, of bronchitis, in his bStli year. He was buried Sunday at 11 o'clock, at Liberty Hill church. Mr and Mrs S V Blake, formerly of liOiidon, raiirlanil. spent from rri day till Monday at the Central. Mr Blake is investigating the mining entr rest of tins section. We are sorry to learn that Mrs Mai uin Hruton, of Wadcville, was severely burned yesterday tho Oth inst., at 1 1 o'clock. Hut little hopi ! 0 ,.'e(.0vry. , About two dozen negroes are iiiatantined for smallpox in the pest , house between Mt Gilead and Wade ' iile. It seems that uuuibe. of iiegr.K-s are having the disease, but I .1.:.. r 1. l..n o,w,ef ed. - ; Mri sidne Hughes, in Back (eek 'fov9thi (AJ 10th, after 1 illuess of seyerVl day. FRUIT TREES THAT BEAR FRUIT. Do your spring planting in March". Write for free illus trated catalogue, also pamph let on "How to Plant and Cultivate an Orchard." Gives all necessary information. Everything in Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Fine stock Silver and Sugar Ma-pics. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY COMPANY. Pomona, N. Carolina . Cut Prices "While you Wait" We mrov-w,-kuvp. a great, numbe r of Odd Suits on hand, and in order to move t belli at once we will Cut the Prices to Suit Your Pocket. For Underwear and every thing nice in Men's aud Hoy's Wearables, come to us and save money. THE MERRITT JOHNSON CO Clothiers and Gents' Furn ishers, 308 S. Elm St. Salesmen Thus. A. Walker, Chas. A. Tucker, Wade II. Stockard, C. C. Johnson, J. W. Merritt. THIS IS A Presidential Year AND YOU MUST KEEP POSTED The Way to do this is to read the WEEKLY I vourier-dournal HENRY WATTERSON TWELVE PAGES ISSUED EVER.Y WEDNESDAY $1.00 Year RfAKXtK Hr.Fl'UM. Social Rkfokx. MollAt. Rkfukm. rhe COl'RIER-JOl'RNAL Issuet the btt Almanac published. Send JScts. for s copy by mail. Coi uir.ii-JoritxAI. Com pa ST, l.otriSYII.I.E, KY. Uy a Special Arrangement you can get J5he Courier and the Weekly COURIER-JOURNAL both one year for only $1.50. I'his is for cash subscription only. All subscriptions under this combi nation offer must be sent through l'n f: Cm in Kit oflice. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, CR.EENSBORO.iN. C. LT ;Y ANn Ht'HlNKVS rol'KnKH. itchonlmif Music, Art and Klucutlon. KAlX TKRM BKiilNS SWT. lh, lllilS. Term rule. Apply lor ciualotrue to Mr Lacy H Robtrttoa, Pre. The Gulf Coast Resorts, Mo bile, New Orleans, Mexico and California. VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Winter TnuriM tli keta nnw on ele lo the notvd ..rtoIlhc Hull CoaM and Mi ilco ant Cell innB Ti'k"!r via Southern Itallwuv up .ami lncluilhi April iu, 1W4, limited to May SI, 1WH, tir return jstaaain" fU-WKl Irain urMic Thnrnuteof the"Wn hurum ami Houlhwertirn limited" aiul "SunaH, aU nenrwt Ticket A lent lot detailed taturoa- u aud deaenptive matter. Cheap Settlers' Tickets. On January 19th, Februtrty I aad 16th, March 1st and 15tb and April 3rd .ind 19lh, 1904, the Fnpco System (Saint Louis and San Fran cisco Railroad) will sell reduced rut one-way and round-trip tickets f- it Atlanta, Birmingham and M-.m; to points in Arkansas, M -Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian i lories and Te!Y Write K I aalf1' Dj jlantu.ti rott District Pic linger n ;.tlur KH'.iii!.!.