The, Asheboro Courier. gnt'TCBRK BCHIDCLK. PMwnnr Train No. 1(0, Ar. S M . m. MUsdTnila No. 141, Ar. 10 00. m. Mlxnd Tmln Mo. 1M, Ar. i p. m. Putnm Train No. 140, lr. 11 5 p. m. Mliwt Train Wo. 141, Lr. 4 40 . m. Mixed Train No. 144. Lr. 4 1 p m. A. W. E RAILWAY ttTHKUl'LR. Mlztd Train Wo. Td, Ar. 8 M a. ni. Uiud Train No.l, Ar. Sftp. m. lluwnpr Ttaln No. I, Lv. 5 S6. m. Mixed Train No. 71, Lv. 10 IS n. m. Mlxod Train No. 41. Lr. 3 su d. in. Local and Personal. Lawyer Pool, of Troy, wm here since our last issue. Mr J F Hamilton, of gentral Falla, was horc Saturday. ' Mr and Mrs C C McAlister spent Easter in Winston. Miss Lizzie Spencer has returned from a visit in Winston. Messrs C M Tysor and E B Leach, of Erect, were nere Monday. Mr James Vuncaunon, of Troy, was on our stieets luesday. Mr J C Hammer, of Staley, gave ns a pleasant call since our last issue. Mr C H Lncas, of Union township, was here since our last lstue. Mr J T Council, of Ran-lleman, spent Sunday here. J A Spence, Esq., was in Carthage last week on legal business. - Mr Foster Richardson- made a trip to Washington last week. Miss Faye Burns has returned from visit to High Point. Solicitor Hammer is attending Darie court at Mocksville this week. Mr F C Richardson spent Sunday at his home at Why Not. Charlie Fox spent Sunday with his mother at Randlemau. Mrs Martha Way is visiting the family of her son, Supt. J M Way. Mrs V? II Ragan and children, of Thomasville, are visiting in Ashe boro. Miss Lura Smith passed through town Monday, on her way to High Point. Miss Frances Creight, of Winns boro, S. C, is the guest of Mrs W C Hammer. Attorneys J A Spence and 0 L Sapp are attending Supreme court this week. Mr B F Burrow, of Tillery, N. C. It visiting his relatives and friends here. Mr O T Leonard passed through town Tnssdav returning to Ramseur from High Point. Mrs Cynthia Blair and Mrs J C Ingold visited in High Point and Greensboro last week. Mr J M Whitehead and danghter, Miss Lola, of Kamsenr, were in town Saturday. . Messrs Calvin Uutson and T F Tugh, of Columbia township, were here Tuesday. Mr. Frank Phillips and Mrs. B B Phillips spent Sunday in Brower township. Mr W H' Bonkenieyer, of near Worthville, was a visitor in Ashe boro Sunday. Miss Pearl Auman returned home Monday after visiting Miss Jossie Bjroughs. Miss Ida Bird, has returned from two weeks visit to relatives at Kemps Mills. Mr. John Ingram and family, of Farmer, spent Sunday in Ashslioro the guests of Mr. C. C. Cranford. Mr Hcnrv T Caveness is haTing the lumber placed on Hoover street for the erection or tnee nouses, Mr J S Lewis will begin the erec tion of a nice residence on Sunset A venus at an early date. Mr and Mrs D B McCrary were the guests of Mrs Dr Jeff Bulla at Maud Sunday. Mr E B Hatch has returned from Florida and accented ft position in the office of the Asheboro Wood & Iron. Company. ' Mrs. J. P. Rodgers and children left Saturday for Concord to spend several weeks visiting relatives and friends Prof. George Crowell, of High Point sraded schools, will preach in the Methodist church here next Sun day morning and evening. Rev. J. P. Rodgers is assisting Rev Ira Erwin, pastor of Centenary church, Greensboro, in protracted meeting this week. Miss Annie Tomlinson left Friday in Hiirh Point to be present Sunday at the dedication of the new chnrcn of tbe Socisty of Friends. Special music by the choirs of both the M E and M P churches was rendered Sunday morning, while the pastors, Revs Rodgers and Swain preached. appropriate sermons Mr John S. Eaate, who for many ysara hat been with the firm of W D Btedtuan A Co. bat accepted a post Uon with M orris-Sea rboro Mofritt Co. at salesman. Mr Virgil Russell passed through Asheboro Saturday coin? to Union township on visit to his father. He has position wiu in Islington Brass Works. 1 Messrs Ivy Nance and J W Le mons came np from Troy Friday morning and identified tome of their property found in the posessioa of the two negroes who were arrested for breaking in the Store of Wood & Aionng. Capt T J Redding, of Horle, Messrs Thot Fooshee, Geo II Mur doch, W R Julian, Hugh McCain, J W Birkhead. J W Cox. W J Delk . H H Kenndv. T W Andrews. F I Bulla, 8 S Cos, E R Yow, Bert Ful ler, N M Lowe, were among those Mr. M J Presnell, of Michfleld, was nere yesterday. Mr J O Redding went to High Point yesterday on business. Mr L D Bulla has moved his fam ily to Dr. Ilenleys' in South Ashe boro. Mr. W. D. Spoon will more into the house recently vucateu by Mr. N. II. Slack. Mr. P.Larillurd paid recently to the bueriff of uuilford co"nly nearly nine hundred dollars for tasos on land for hunting privileges. The Davidson Dispatch says that Mr. A. A, McCrary is the victim of nervous prostrations caused by grief from the tragic death of his mother recentlv. Heavv frost formed Tuesday morn ing, but it is not thought it whs al together a killing frost. From the btst information we enn get, the frnit crop is slightly damaged, but not killed. "Our Church Record," in the lust issue suvs that J. R. Stout, of Julian, one of our best men, is in a hospital in Greensboro, whero he was opetat- ed on for appendicitis. He seems to be recovering. We are elad to learn through our friend Mr. O, R. Cox, of Cedar Falls, that the Cedar Falls graded school, nder the able management of Miss Martha Redding, is well attended and in a prosperous condition. Over forty are enrolled and much interest it being taken by the citizens of the community. Chaste la Management. Mr, E. G. Gilmer, of Statcsville, and a good hotel man, has leased the Elwood in High Poiutand it will be rnn in the future as a commercial hotel. Mr. Gilmer takes charge May 1st. Oovernor Aycock. Governor Chat. B. Aycock will deliver an address at Providence Rural Graded School in Providence township on Friday April 15th. A large audience is expected. The Governor will make great speech, worth going many miles to hear. Team Runaway. Mr Etkana Graves and u, Haram and Mr R Russell were thrown from two horse wagon near Hinsbaw s brk roads lust Monday and hurt but not seriouslv. The team became frightened at a yoke of oxen and ran. Mr Graves came in our office ith an ugly gash aud one of his bands bandaged. Property Transfers. Hollady Pool Hwd. Co. to R R Ross one U -story building on Depot Btreet. W M I'urrisli to J a lx-wis one lot on Sunset Ave. Delia Hill to D B McCiary on South Fayetteville street one lot. Alvin Hill to Trustees of M F church, house and lot in South Ashe. boro on Cox street. Burglars Arrested. In our last issuo we gave ail ac count of the burglary of the store of Wood & Moring, also at !5i6Coe, I rov and Steeds, ljut Thursday two ne groes were arrested by Mr. Vill Win- ningham, deputy siierin in Kuuuie man. and brought back to Asheboro here thev were tried aud bound over to court with the privilege of ring out. 1 hey are now on the county roads. They had some $300 worth of goods hid away in tne woous near Asheboro, consisting of watches, brooches, waufli chains, rings, mens clothing, shoes, etc., to which they voluntarily took the owueis, thai they might recover thoir goods. Sttte S. S. Coovenliot. The State Sunday School Conven tion will be held in Greeuslioro Apr. 26-29. It is desired that Randolph be well represented. Each organized township is entitled to two regular delegatus. Every president in the county ought to attend if possible. Township othcers please select able gates at once. Special entertain ment will be provideu lor tne dele gates. All who expect to attend the convention will please notny me as early as possible. E. Moffitt, county rresiuenu Asheboro, N. C. Married. On April 3rd. 1904. at the resi deuce of tjie bride's father, Mr. F. I, Bulla, in Hack creek vownsnip, Mr. J. W. Rich, of Asheboro, and Miss Ella Bulla, of Spero, Hugh McCain, J. P. officiating. On April 2nd, Mr. Orla King, of Grant township, and Miss Minnie Fry, of tlab; 11. M. uarner, j. r., officiating. Married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr J F BeckBrower township, March 31st, Mr U J Iaw rence to Mist Lena B Beck. J I Phillips, Esq., officiating. At Worthville on March 31st at home of tbe bride's parent, M Annie Ward to Mr. a. u. iiooson. In Brower township, Mr Rufut Lawrence to Mitt Lien Heck March 30th. On tbe 24th of March at the resi dence of Thot. L. Russell, A. . R. Oornelison. of the State of Wyoin ing, to Mum Lillie Henderson, ot Riley's Stoie, iiandoipn county. After the happy couple waa united iu the hollv bonds ot matrimony, Mis Axis Henderson, Mr. Wads Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Thot. L. Rustell drove with the eouplt to the home of L M. Oornelison where they eniored ft fine tupner which wat pre pared foe tluuoocamoa. About the 15th of April tbe bappy conplt will leave fSr their home in tbe State of Wvoming, May peace, bappin and a r of pleasure go and' be with them. Thnft. L. Kassell, J. r offl- MISS PHILLIPS LEADS AO AIN Followed Closely by Miss Smith Whfii Miss Lewis Still Holds Third Miss Stlmsoi Makes a Nice Gain, Making Her Fourth, Since our last issue many friends of the different contestants have ral lied to the support of their resjiec t!ve candidates. Miss Lunu Phillips who was second last wteek has gamed over two thousand votes, making her leader again. Miss Smith follows her closely, having gained about twelve hundred votes during the week. Miss Lewis has gimed about two thousand votes. W hile Miss Mini son has made a gain of four hundred making her fourth in the contest. Here is the vote as it now stands: Mlm Limn PlillllW. Full? Miw ijiiira htlniHOli MlKlimco Hum. Kniiikilnvlllc Mlm Klvlra Lowe. HlKli Point MM Null Hrown. Kanilli-mnii Ml.n DiiIkv O-I.iriic. cuntml FulH.. . . MIm HtKle ;inltrwiMl. Wlii'iilmnre... Mira MbkkIc Ingram. Worthrllki Mlw Laura Hnyala. Trinity. K. F. D... Mix Iaiiii Khm. Why Not Mlm Jt-mlr Wiollfli. Run. Human Mln Nellie IMttenxm. I.llerty Minn Ikiru Ri'ilillim. Huylo Mlo NhIIIo Ilu In. New MurWot WltlKtrawn Withdrawn HI Fwirl Annum. Wliv Nut Ml Ik-auk' Cranfonl. Homlniy Withdrawn , Mm. Joaoph Parkin, Trinity Withdrawn Mm. W. U. Cox. KlniOTille, Mlm Ida Oox. Kalnli Withdrawn M m Ann e Jordi l.llK-rty. ilrudy. H Miss Lydc Lewis, of Farmer, who stands third in our voting con test us most popular young ludv reader. High Point Graded Schools. It was a great pleasure to a repre sentative of the Co i; in Kit to visit the High Point Graded Schools this week. Prof G II Crowell, the able superintendent is doing a great work in High Point as will be seen by a visit to his school. Uvcr six hund red children are eurolled. The man agement is all that could be desired. The large auditorium will scat 000. I-'rof Crowell wai superintendent ot Asheboro Graded School at ono time and no commendation of miae could add to his already established reputa tion. He with his eflicient corpse ot of touchers ara doing a great work for the town of High I'oiut. Killed On Tram Road. Mr. Luther Pearce, age 34, and engineer for Snow Lumber Co. at Steeds was killed April 1st by his engine turning over on the tram road near tiittle river. Mr. 1'earce was thrown under the engine and was scalded and mashed to death. The track broke aud the engine turned over with above result. Mr. Pearce was soii-in-law of Mr. M. J. Presnell. He leaves a wife and two children. Mother Gose's Jubilee." The little folks, of Kamsenr Acad emy, will entertain the public next Saturday nignt, April win, wiin iue play, "Mother Goose's Jubilee," bo sides several short comedt'ttus and tableaux scenes. Itamseur cornet band will furnish music for the occasion. The public is cordially invited to attend. Admission 10 cts. for child ren, 15. cts for adults. Doors open at 7:30 p. m. C. B. S. Died At his home two miles east of Asheboro, April 4th, of paralysis, Jacob Chrisco. aged 83 years. The burial took place at 15rower s Uhapei esterday morning. Mr unrisco eaves a wife, three daughters and two sons. lie had been a member of the M. P. church for 60 years. A. A. Barker after a lingering ill nest at his homo in High Point on March 31 1904 at the age of 78 years. Until some twenty-hve years ago lie lived on what is still known as tbe Alex Barker place, six miles south east of Asheboro on 6iurrel ureek in Grant township, lie was ai uncle of Mr. G. G. Hendricks, of Asheboro. Mary Ellen Sheffield was born Auguest 14, 18S3, aud died March 28, 1904, therefore at the day of her death the was 20 years, 7 months and 14 days of age. She made profession or religion two yearn ngu at Cedar Falls M. E. church. She never joined any church but died with hope beyond the giave. The funeral was conducted from the Cedar Falls M. P. church by the writer, after which the interment took place in the M. P. cemetery May the good Lord comfort the be reaved lauuiy. jossm r nx hnporUst. Disinfection of tick-room it de scribed in "Care of Invalids," issued by the Medical Department of the Mutual life Insurance Company of New York. The book is sent on le anest to those who address tbe Home Office of the Company, Nassau, Cedar, William and Liberty Strett, New York City. In writing please say that you saw ad in The Cot rlf.r. "'P A TO-NIGHT AT ACADEMY Mrs. William Chilton, the dramat ic Reader, and Impersonator. Under ninnngcment of Ladies Aid Society. Admission ?5 cts. Reserved seats 50 cts. A rare treat iu storo for you. Subscriptions Paid. The following subscriptions have been received since our lost issue. W M Stevenson, D M Allred, N W Ncwbv, Arthur Ross, W P Lang lv. J F Kivett. J II Smith, 1) W Dwiggins. Cicero Trogdon, It D Thomas, A H riennedy, W f Mo- Dowell, O W Rich, John Morris, W 1) Spoon, Robt Paisley, Kuf us Uetts, G W Berrv. J O Redding, W A All- red, S S Porter, Dr W J Moore, M C Spoon, W W Jones, J W Parrish, A R Cullicott, Grover Purdee, J L Norman, W W Brady, J A McRae, A J Ijiinar, Samuel Bumpass, W A Keurns, W B Webster, Mrs llattie L Cotton, K lsiiruey Johnson, W B Yarboro, Dr It W Mevers, J W Lof lin, R C Johnson, B F Cagle, Jesse Shaw, S W Kearns, J M Shaw, R S Lanier, M F Lassiter, T II Sykes, T W Ingram, W P 1 hornburg, Kev M J Leach, Wm Allen, Will Carter, victor Knssull, Wm M Stevenson, Dennis Allred, E II Dorsett, M F Wrcnn, J C Puttorson, E B Farlow, W J Delk, F I Bulla, Klkana Graves, F P Barker, E D Tucker, Robt Fer ree, Herbert Moffitt, Miss Minerva Ciinady, J L Wretin, J 1) Arnold, E C Pierce, Joe Hoover, E W Walker, J L V uncaucon, R U Jackson, L C Smith, J G Dorsett, S M Delk, Hil ton Kindley, J K Jehnson, 11. H Wei borne, Rufus Sweeney, John Johnson, John R Walton, G E Wil liamson, R O Lindsay, McLewallen, R D Cox, II 1) Srarboro, Mrs C C Muse, Kev Geo 11 Crowell, E I) Lewis, S W Swain, C II Sexton, II L Chandler. Trinity News. The game of bull between Trinity High School und Trinity Park School, played in Greensboro on r riilny lust, resulted in a tie of 9 to 9 in a ten inning game. Twice the 1 II Ikiv8 were beaten and twice they tied the score. First in the ninth inning when tbe score stood ? to 5 and in the tenth when it stood 9 to 7. The features of the game was a home rim by Little and the intoning of Jones for Innity lligli School. Mr E F Pepper left Saturday for Sumter, S. C, where he has accepted a position. Dr r II Hood preached in the church here Easter morning in the absence of Rev Albert Sherrill, who has been suffering from an attack of la grippe. Miss Nan J I ei t man spent a few days in Thomasville this week with friends. Hon John T Brittian, of Ashe boro, was ill town a day last week on professional business. luvid L Sampson, ot indkinville, X. C, more commonly known as ltlind Sampson lccturod in the college chapel Sunday night his prin ciple subject being that of intemper ance. Mrs II C Fields and children, who have been spending some time here with Prof W F Ganaway, left Mon day morning for a few weeks visit in Greensboro, when they will return here to spend the su miner. Mr J J W lute spent a day or two the first of this week in Greensboro. Messrs W E Lowe and 11 F Harris attended the Maryland-Carolina ball game in Greensboro Saturday. Kev J It Scroggs was in town Monday on his way home after hav ing held quarterly meeting at Pros pect church on Saturday and Sun day. Enfagement Between Russia tod Japtn. Seoul, April 1. It has been learn ed heie that the Russian cavalry, in muck distress, is retiring toward, Wnu. They are cutting the UI graph poles down to use as fuel and ineir norses are tiring iur mix ui proper food. London, April I. A dispatch to The Central News from Tokio save the Japanese made another attack on 1'ort Arthur the night of March ju and 31. The dispatch adds it is under stood the attack was for the purjiose of taking soundings aud ascertaining the effects of tiie last attempt to bot tle up the Uussiun tleet. AO details of the attack are obtain able. Ten Thousand Churches. in the United States have used the Lttiigmun & Martinez Pure Paints. Every Church will be given liberal quantity whenever they paint, Don t pay Sl.oO a gallon lor un seed oil. which vou do when yo buy it iu a sealed can w ith a paint lak'l on it. 8 & H 14, therefoic when vou want fourteen gallons of paint, liny only eight gallons ol L. & M. and mix six gallons ot pure iinsecti on with it. It will make fourteen gallons of paint. It s done easily. It makes the paint cost you only about fl.20 a gallon. iou probably won t need inure than ten or twelve gallons of it, be cause the Ij. A M. Paint covers so much more surface than other paints. Sales have been tens of millions of gallons; nctii ly two million hmuei niuted under guarantee to repaint not satisfactory. Samples free. Sold by our Agents. The Holladv-Pool Hdw. Co. Ashe boro; The Randlemun Store Co. Randleman. WANTED A good second baud stationary boiler 40 or SO u. p. Asuehoro Lvmbeb & Mfo. Co. Aeheboro, N. C. Session Ltd. of Comfy Comri. II. T. Caveness, Chrm., and II. G. Lassiler, present. . BOA I) FOKCK. Kennedy Store Co mdse $30 18 A W Fuller mdse...l . . . 4 52 Afd Kenuedy smithing.. . 4 05 H II Kennedy supt 37 50 W M Check as. supt 20 00 NC Cranford guard...- 15 00 J C Farlo same 15 00 M F Wall same 12 40 J D Pearce same 12 40 Claud Stout, driver 1 1 50 P L Childress, smithing .... 3 90 Pearl Roller Mills, mdse 22 05 M L Wood, hay 12 00 W J Miller, mdse . 12 25 T J Red ling, feed 3 50 mscELLKAXors. D L Fox, conv. lunatio 7 50 J 3 Cox, pay mt ou bdg at Cheeks ... 450 00 W E Davis, bil ox A Davis 50 J F Hamilton con. Walter Richardson to co home 1 on Ramsom McDowell taking care llattie Hughes. ... 4 00 Dr W J Moore, supt 12 50 " service small pox H UU Enoch YuiicRiinon, building bdg in Union township 20 00 Jno Rich, janitor 1 50 n A Williams, uflicer G J. . 7 50 O b Aewby, bd Kennedy -. 85 T J Finch, sum 49 jurors. 14 70 T J Finch, wood c h 8 9 McDowell Bros carrying .Try to co home. i .0 B F Newby, jailor 10 20 K V Johnson, mdse smallpx 7 5 H G Lussiter, comr 5 80 Dr Lewis, med ser smallpox 20 00 A E Hull, janitor. i! On S C Cranford, court crier. . 12 00 M W Cranford, waiting on smallpox 2 50 J P Boroughs, iss orders . . . 23 00 J M Rristow, lum for bdg 2 x0 Mrs Hush, boarding jurors 2 00 1 JNCWOV, SllUie .. 00 J B Carter, lum & nails p r 2 88 II T Caveness, comr, mileage 0 00 J P Boroughs elk to bd 4 00 W U Hammond, reed jurors J .Jo COUNTY IIOMK. W J Delk, steward 50 00 A W Fuller mdse- 24 20 W F McCrary, mdse 10 94 S E McKec, corn ...... 4 55 Thos E Newby, smithing 1 55 J T Redding, feed... 2 50 N S Andrews, lumber. . . o 20 McCrary-Rediliiig Co. mdse 1 25 W J Miller, mdse 2 25 Usual allowances for outsido poor to. Pmtpinrtit oi Condition of THE BANK OF RANDOLPH. AHHKBORO, N.f., i nnd lllwn . f I0.1.RNI M Ha k .nu llouiio I unit lit Safe u Hur tim Fund I ndividod Pmllu Business Locals. WANT to sell good as new piano, very cheap for cash. A. F. COX, Cedar Falls, N. C. WANTED Parties having good table chickens for sale, (no fancv stock) to write to T 11 Parker, Nor- ristown, i n. BREEDKR of pure Barred Ply mouth liocks, Whito Wyandots and Silver laced Wyandote. "Eggs at all seasons at $1.00 per setting of 15. .1. M. W H ITEM RAH, Ramsfur, N. C. THE CELEBRATED THOR OUGH Bit KD WHITE LEGHORN eggs for sale by Mrs. W E Swain, South Asheboro, ni ifi.w per eeiung of 15 eggs. WANTED Logging and lumber teams, near Elise, Mooie county, N. C. Apply to Thos E Co, Hemp, N. C. or C. C. McAlister, Asheboro, N. C. Asheboro Lu mber & M fg. Co. MANURE FOR SALE Morris Liverv Stables have one hundred loads of good manure they want to sell at $1.00 for 2 horse load or 50 cts. for one horse load. Apply at once and get the best manure you ever bought. For corns anil bunions, and offen site feet try a box of Electric Corn Cute or a box of Champion Tooth Powder only 25 cents each. Tscd 10 yean ami never a single failure. LOCK BOX NO. 2. Ramseur, N. C. CANAAN 1-OLLTKY YAKDS, Worthville, N. C This is tin place to buy pure Sisoi.e-c omii White Leohohn and Whitf. Wv siKrn: egs; at $1 p r setting of 15. All orders filled promptly with fresh ? WANTED FOR CASH Ash and sweet gum. Ash timber 5 or 10 It. long, ?1 per 100 It iweel gum , o, 9 or 12 ft. long, 85 cents per 100 ft. Delivered on our yaru. ASHEIIOUO W HKKI BAltllOW UI, Asheboro. N. C. LOST Between Ashe Wo and Hninble's Mills on Saturday, April ? ud. pocket book containing S-".11 in currency and a receipt tor $.-.uu from A. S. fugu. L.itrul ruwaru will b paid for its r.turn 'o me. ,1. B. I1ENSON. Ralph, X. C. NOTICE! That I forbid any body working or feeding niv boy .Tame Madison Harvell. Anyom violating this, 1 will prosecute the full extent of the law. Discrip lion. 17 vears old. dark hair, blacl eves. tolarabW fair skin and round fan. J. M. HARVELL, March 27. 1003. Sprav, N. C Letter to Jno. T. Brittain Asheboro, N.C Ufnr sir : Wunt V tbe penally for mak ing or Belling short-mraHUro paint In jur slat, T And does it make any difference, it tbree-foartbB of tbe paints are short miarire? Is s"ven pints a full gdl'm or a fool gsllnn? What's the penalty lor making whiti -wish for raini? Is Khitrwa-b nsint. if mixed with a liit'e raint nnd label' d "Pure iu'i-d paint" or eninetb iig like lhat? But we dnu't intend to go into tbe hulHneng. Wo mnk" Devo? full meRnr- ud true. Youra trulv, . F, W. Devoe & Co. MeCrary-Retldin Co. sell nnr paint. Carolina Poultry Farm, your ( l All rrmlttn .takrnl fitr ' ire inU't n ror reifi;tt iff unit Idler. C.U. HINSHAW, Prop. it. K !. N.i. 1. CLIMAX. KEEP YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN WIh-ii ou i(t li l uy On'eri", We kei',llitllillK Imt Hie IIKST wf. iiavk nNi.r;tiNR rait'K tn ul yen rlclit. If you un- mil SPOON & RICH, Grocerymen. WE "WISH III the nllenliim nf the ii4e nf lluihl.ilp inly In the fie'l Hial huve .iiniiU le e.n,hilliinetit fur nlmtriiik' hII kinds of Jewelry, - "VsTatclies and. Clcclzs. Optical Department IMTall Orders reieivejiiw lHl nlliiilinn. We rnrry n line line of Jewelry. Write in when jiiu need unythtnii in ettr line. Very truly your.. STALEY Sc 332SO. New Millinery! I have selected with Mire a choice lineuf stylish new Millinery fur (he early spring trade. 1 will bo in my place of lmsinoss and hope to hco nil of my old customers as well m new ones. It will lie a pleasure to bIiiiw our l'imhIs unci lit vou out in a new Kaster hat. Watch our ml. MRS. E. T. BLAIR. Horses -and- ules! Have iust returned from the West with another nice lot of horses and mules which I will offer for sale at reasonable prices. Come to see me. R. R. R.OSS, Depot Street. Furniture, Carpets, usg, Etc. T3 iriziirs. Asheboro. N. C. W. W. JONES, Dealer In GKOCEK1ES, 1'UOVISIONS AM) PRODUCE, Sewine Machines. 1'arts and Attacli ments. Also Have a loi or gmu clothing that will lx closed n cheap. I'riM uce liouirlit una soiu. i oi oatroniiire solicited, (five me a call nd I'll tieat vou light. W. W JONES, Allen stand. Depot St. n qunlllievt tu e Intf nl Knii'l'ilih pminl . Till. In k i II.' I lllt Ihc wllllr. ill inrfitw nnvniK riaii tlicui lit Uii' iiniiiTii;i r liporillHi il AlTll ll. "r I ill lie I'll- ni In Ui i 1" will i tale will plruv- mMiftte imlliKilt. rim 7lli iliij-'ol Airil. I"il S.VLt Or' TOWN I.OTH FOR TaSk- lillwll t IHilillf wlP Ihi' Ciunl H '.it i iuh in Oiv 1..B ii in Ahhi-I.ini. N. C I nl M.milnv in Muy. (Iieh a !!' l ilny ' ) 1UU4. 1' r lolliianiL' t mil lulu fur toxin Mi due di! uiiWi Iur the year lwc): hn. T. RrM tint Smollwund m. ora Bell William P. Brll Thta Afril tot, Hi Come .to Ramseur ! Our Messrs. W;itkins aiul Carter have just returned .mm New York and other markets and we aie nmv receiving their purchases ol' genera merchandise. : : : Our Millinery Department! Will In' jirfsidi'd over by Miss Lucy Coving ton, an expi'i-ifiit'Hfl millinor, who is up-to-date in every particular and will please every body. Have a IV!! ami complete line of dress Kood.-i. all new ind seasonable. : : : : : Clothing, Farm Supplies, &c. Can lit anybody in si.e, style, lit and price in Clothing:. We endeavor to keep nothing but rood shoes from reliable manufacturers. We Kive special attention to keeping everything needed bv the farmer, including guano, acid, feeds, plows, hoes, tools, etc. We do not in tend you shall call for anything we cannot supply in the way of general merchandise. : We Keep the Largest Stock South of Greensboro! and larger than any general stock there. Our SALES IIAVK INCKKASKIJ YEAR BY YEAR FOR 25 YEARS AND IS NOW OF f!KI VOLUME. For this we are grateful to our customers anil will sell them as low as nnv competitor doing an honest business. Once a ci sto.mer always a cus tomer, with us. Will buy your produce and give you goods at cash prices. : : : : : Ramseur Store Co. Paint Talk. ainiul iniimi;"'.: vour house this .sprint; '? Ymi can I'.iv ,t goi paint ol ns cheap. Wc hanJIc Li. & and De ' oes, and vmi pain! youi house with either ol them it stays pa: ted. Call and investigate lor yourseil. McCRARY-REDDItiG HDW. CO. I can satisfy DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES Orocei h . LHe. and ai the lowest prices. 1 have ;ver been better prepared to meet the wants oiV the trade nor serve vou with such low prices. FOR YOUR SPRING SUIT t come to tne; I'm selling the best. For . anything to eat or wear come to my store. Yours to please, -X7 J. MILLER. Spring And von will want io paint your house. Let us tisure with you a Utile before you place vour orders lor paint. We sell the Longman & Marline Keadv-niixed Paints and can save vou imniev il you are con-templalin.e,- pa'im inyf ihis Spring : : : A New Where can you docs'nl admire a nice horse an horse, perhar We've t;oi the but;,uv the ladies like, and you'll make a mistake it you buy before seeing our line of vehicles. Prices right. Hollady-Pool Hdw. Co. PURE Everything Standard Depot Street. Drugs. J W Jenkins breeds of S C W Lfghorns, S S llanilmigs, B P Bojks, W Wjuiidtts aud Belgian flares. Write for prices. J. W. JENKINS, Worthville, N. C. your wants in is Here Buggy lind a youne, lady that !he voun.i;' man who sports 1 buis'vr Yott"ve i;ot the and'iuM need the buvy. PURE Drugs Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C. Drugs 1 i ,- 1 A limited number thoroughbred Barred 1'lymouth Ruck eggs for Sale at oiiu dollar pi'i setting of 15.. Tub Alukkt.v Poui.Tr Yabu. W. M. Leonard, Props, i ltaaiseur, N. C. bert Monday.

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