1 Si- The Asheboro Courier. Local and Personal. Mr Arthur Koss litis returned from Florida. The time to advertise is when yon want more, business. Mrs W F Redding is visiting in Western North Carolina. Mr J F Cameron and son, Pearl, were in to see us Monday. Mr Charles Koss came i" from Washington Tuesday. Mrs W E Swain is quite ill at her home in south Asheboro. Miss Alice Atkinson returned from Monroe last week. (J S llradshaw, Ksij, of Owns boro, was here yesterday. Attorney J A Spcnce made a bus iness trip to (ireeiislioro last Friday, Mr S S Cox, of Urown, brought U9 a nice list of subscribers .Monday. Mr J J Allen, of Kemp's Mills, was a visitor in Ashoboio Monday Messrs A 0 Cox and M A Cagle were among those on our streets Monday. Miss Florence Itlair returned from Greensboro .Saturday nuich improved m health. Miss Nettie McAulay, of Hocking ham, was the guest of Miss Ida Mor ris yesterday. Miss Mary Fence, of Kanilleinaii, Bays the (i reensboro Telegram, is visiting in tlie city. Siiiirc C L Robbins, of Hack Creek township, was in town Mon day.' Our old friend Mr Franklin An man, of Union township, was in to see us Tuesday. The Misses lncv, daughters of State Treasurer jicv, lire visiting MrsCC McAlister. Mr Ferd Ingold and sister, Ms May, of Kamllcman. were here Sun day, the guests of Mis ! A Ilenly. Messrs Williamson and Withers, of Worthville, spent Sunday in (own, the guests of .Mis A 11 Worth. ltev J 1! Kou tuiul, of Pilot Moun tain, visited the family of Key .1 P ltodgers the lirst of the week. Miss Myrtie Scurboro left today for Worthville to visit her brother before going to her home ut 1 1 mil Point. Mr J II Webster, who is a street ear conductor in (ireeiinboio, spent last week with his family in Ashe- boio. IfMr Pcnipsey Annum, of Krower's Mills, came up Monday to lie pre sent at the first meeting of the Home Kuilding and Material Company. Mr S S Cox, of llrown. was in 'wii Monday. He brought us two his neighbors as new subscribe!. . which lie received our sincere thanks. Mr J A liinson, who lives three miles from Asheboro oti the Central Falls road, bin sold his farm to J N Allred and speaks of moving to Ashi'boro. dipt Sili i w ril.- The Coin i. r that the A & A railroad will give half fare rates lo the oiiimoiieeiiu-nt at 'Pi! . Star llih School on Fri.lav of this week. i Mr Thud Free, who has been coii necled with the mercantile linn of ti ( Hendricks & Co, leaves in a few days for Wake Forest to attend the summer law school. Mr F: A Wiles left last week for Virginia to resume his duties as superintendent of agents for the Mutual Itenclit Life Insurance Co in that state. Miss Lulu Steed leaves today foi her home at Steeds. After a week she will leave for the summer school at Chapel Hill accompanied by Misses Annie Tonilinsoii and Myrtie Scarboro. dipt Arthur Fra.kr and Mis Frussicr, of Salisbury, are visiting . relatives at Trinity this week, ('apt Fra.ier is conductor on the passen ger train from Salisbury to Nor wood. Cards are out unuounciiiL' the marriage of Miss Florence Pickett and Mr Cicero e swam at llign Point June 14th, The marriage will take place in the First M P church at It o'clock a in. On the fourth page of this issue will be found an exhibit of the receipts and disbursements -of the town of Asheboro for the year be ginning May 1st, 1903 and ending Miy lit, 1904. Mr J A Giles went to Raleigh last Monday to familiarize himself with the duties of Assistant U S District Attorney, to which ollice he has been appointed as predicted by the lie curd. We extend congratulations, for as only a Republican could be appointed we are glad he was the lucky one. vnatham Kecord. Mr lilies is a uative ol.Kauiloipli. i. I Strickeoed With Paralysis. Dempsey Arnold, w ho recently re turned to his home in Tabernacle township from Texas, was stricken with paralysis on last Saturday and Lhii condition is critical. F!unrian. There will be an excursion from '! Asheboro to Jackson Springs June . 10th. Fare from Asheboro for the f round trip $1.00. The excursion is run for the benefit of the Asheboro Free Heading Hoom. i We cordially invite you to call and examine the Stiett "the piano ' with the sweet tone." VOTING CONTEST CLOSED. Misses Smith and Phillips Win First and Second Prizes, and Misses Lewis and SlimsoD the Third and Fourth, rcspec lively Other Prize Winners Miss Phillips l eads in World's Fair Contest. Tuesday at noon the contest closed with the result as published below: Mm Ix'iia hmitli, of liamseur, re ceives 1H,(I73, making her lirst, and will be awarded the latest improved and best f 65.00 Wheeler & Wilson ball-bearing sewing machine, on ex hibition at Morris-Scarboro-Mollitt & Co's. store. Miss Luna Phillips receives lt;,- giving her second place, and she receives the handsome 40.00 Steel Range, on sale at the Hoi lady Pool Hardware Co. Miss Phillips leads in the world's faircontest, hav ing received more subscribers, both old and new, than any one in the race. Miss Lyde Lewis, of Farmer, re ceived 1 0,!ins votes which gives her the third prize, a beautiful silver cup with monogram. Miss Laura Stimson, of Kamll man, received 4,iil, makiug her winner of the china dinnerset of 1: pieces. Miss (trace Moon, of Franklin vi He, receives the handsome dress pattern to be given by Mr W J Mill er. Her vote is 2,208. Miss Elvira Lowe, of High Point, is the next highest and gets the water set. Miss Daisy Osborne secures the sevcnin prize, winch is to be given liy Wood iV. .Mormg. .Miss Us borne has been away for two .months attemliur. school in Chicago, : Illinois. In a note from her recently she savs she has just returned from a trip to Los Angeles, tula. Iter absence is due to her standinji in the list, no doubt. Col W P Wood and Air M W Fai rish composed the committee that reviewed the count of the ballots following is their rcpoit: We, your committee, report the vote for most popular ludv reader of 1 II K Cor III Kit as follows: Ul.n l.v.l,. I,rul Mlsa IMHTti Mllll Ml (imee Mihii KniiikliiiYill,-, . , 1 lull nihil. . . Central K.ilK ls Klvlra liv Islt llVM.Il io Nun Hruwii. Hi, Miss Ifc-wle Ciuliinc Mnimfi limno nil Kin. W I W.nlliv llle, ... S"l -i 1 1 1 1 v . 11. K n.. Mis Siillic Hie . Ilu-li I'n . W I iv Siil ... r-l. li.mlni). . Mrs. .I.. i.li Parkin. I ll Mr.. K. II. Mullio. A-l K m Brmlv. 11,-ihii..'. mi '. W. A Barn-tt. star .M s Millie l.iiu.N rry. Itiiii.lli-lniiii, : Sigjied, M. . Paijuisii, W. P. Wood'. . In the report of committee vw ill he found several scattering votes. These lailies were not in the contest. The Coi kikii wishes licrebv tocx'- tend sincere thanks to the ladies and their iii.tuv friends who biUf woiketl in tile contest, thereby iiiibling us to increase our circula tion. Also the iniinv friends of each of the contestants who have aided us. Our best wishes i;o out to these interest mil that build i:p friends who have shown th manifested in our welfare i of the county by helping to our paper. Mills liiirncd. last Monday n'yhl the .-aw and ri.-i inilU belonging to A. N. Ibuitii in Pole Cat creek, located near Pole Cat brid-'e, on the road b,-tu- -n New b in and Cedar Falls, and known the Curtis mill, was. burned. Lute .Monday afternoon, Mr. J'oiith's laughter, -Mis. Pugh, was standing near the mil! and lightning struck a about twelve steps away, knock ing her down and receiving a severe hock. As we go to press a tele phone message says that Mrs. Pugh is recovering. The loss is not yet known, Moth the saw and grist mills and all the contents were burn- 1, with but little insurance which was carrieo! in the Farmers' Mutual. Mr. Koutli informs us that he will rebuild at once. Saw Mill Burned. The saw mill of Laughliu ix. llin- ehaw about 1 J miles from town was burned Tuesday night. Ijoss about f 300. The origin (f the lire is un known. Important to Teachers. Elsewhere in this issue will be found the announcement of a .Sum mer School for Teachers to be held in Asheboro, beginning July ISth. Prof N W Walker has been ch ased to conduct the school. Every teacher ill the county should attend. It is important. If you have not made arrangements to attend do so without delay. Prof Walker is eminently tiualilied to discharge the unties to winch tie has been appoint ed. New Firm Begins Work. I'lie Asheboro Home Building & Material Co. organized here Monday with the following olliceis elected: J I' lioroughs, president, A H Trogdon, vice-president, D An man, secretary and treasurer; Directors: N J Carter, 1J Auinaii, J P lioroughs. M A Cagle and A II 1 rogdon. The new concern has purchased the plant of the Asheboro Lumber & Mfg Co. Work will begin in a few weeks. Experienced travellers have found great benefit by taking with thViu u bottle of Dr. Seth Arnold's lialsm. It cures illness caused by impuie water and sudden changes of climate. Warranted by Standard Drug Co. Each instrument backed by H'i years exjierience of piano-making and unlimited capita). Sold direct from factory, saving you all m-betwecn profits the Stieff. Wood & Mor-ing's. Why Not Commencement. Thursday, May 2Cth, marked the close of the most successful term of Why Not Academy and Pusincssln stitute. There was the largest as semblage of people, gathered to wit ness the exercises ever seen here on a similar occasion. The exercises were of a high order, and were performed m a manlier that reflected honor on teachers and pupils. Master Walter Carner won the gold medal given to the children by Mr J II Spencer. Miss Swanna Lowdennilk, of Fork Creek, won the gold medal given to the young ladies by Mr E C Potect. Mr"P F lieane, of Fork Creek, won the gold medal given to the young men by the prin cipal. Last but not. least, came the ad dress by Hon Hubert N Page, Mem ber of Congress. He brought, us the message needed for Such an occasion, a iiiesssagc urging the formation of character. It was pronounced the best address heard herein some years, ami it is hoped that it will do great good for the upbuilding of the com munity, school and country at large. Tin- outlook for the next term is very promising. Fall term begins August Mi. Miss Luna Phillips, of Fullers, who wins second place in the voting contest just closed. Dr. Ilartsdl Married. Iir W K Hartscll, of Kanilleinaii, mil Miss Annie Pitman, of the facul ty of the Slate Normal College were united in marriage last night nt t lie home of Mr (i C Hampton on West M it ki t street. I!ev J E llarlsell, fat her of the groom performed the ceremony. J lie marriage was a very uiiet one, only a very few intimate friends of the couple being invited. batei the couple left for a two week s trip to northern cities. iiivensboro lb-cord Mav 2b'th. Miss Lvde Leu is, of Farmer, w ho wins third place in the voting contest just closed. Program of Fraiikliille High School. The foregoing is the programme of the exeicises at the close of KiMiiklimille Public High Sjhool on Friday, May 2Tth. The literary add t ess was delivered by Prof J M Vcatherlv, of Clarks v'ille, 'a. The cession which has just closed is the first year of the school and it has been a moot successful year. 1 he cDiunielieeiiielit was highly creditable lo both U'iiehers and pu pils. The brockiuaii Orchestra of (reensboro furnished most delight ful music. urn! Miirtlmltll Owiruo Kyii.-r. Cly.U- LlltlHT Hrrlicrt Miinrr lit Wile. Int. ..kinc. niCill. -.luilKvtm-iit liny, H.irn-ll r it liiu-tnpi-ram-e, - Williuni -llrtU- una- Miirtinbll M.-nily. . Omv.-r HI,,, k elul.- KM A. P. J..r Miks Ainiir Blni k lii-i-.-Tlie K.urn-. lii,ii. - M. K. Piittorsim Kn-. Ask Mamniii, - Mis. Iluttlr Murtlmlllt Am -rli'iin l.lt.-ntttirt-. - Arintir l"rn in-.-.- II,- ,- w. B-i,,ti Anslt-y -My Kirt I'mirtHliip, FlK'l .UMIIIM Isn lli rm KIIIm in Wlniiinlul WiU-r Harwell .1. M. W-,ltlH-rl lit' Would Hi-! nr Ittilb-riiti Kn 1 1 leriu n Married. At Coleridge on Mav 2iml, Mr.O II Davis and Misi Maggie Monro, l!ev A K Sioik-n olhciating. At lbiiulb man on May 2fitli, Mr Isaiah liich and Mrs De'lla Hall, Uev Amos (iregson olliciating. At Worthville on May Vidh, Mr J H Shane, of (iivonstioro, and Miss Jackie (iroce, of Worthville, J L Wrenn, J. P., officiating. Mr I,' II Mav oil and Mrs Delhi Hoover at the home of the bride in Asheboro Juno lst,liev J 1' Lodgers rx fx ; '1 ?Jtv . siJ ofhciatii''. Subscriptions Paid. The following subscriptions have been received since our last lBSiie. Dr J W Peacock, J W Hurker, Mrs E II York, W T Ellis, W II Provost, W D Urown, C Hancock, J C Kivett, Alfred Hicks, Jas A Bur- rett, J D Curtis, John Langley, L A Tyson, Graham Tyson, W D Hammer. M U Brady, M W Free, Ceo Patterson, F C Hollady, W K Hull, W 1 Patterson, 1 U ly sor, J II McLeod, W J Moflitt, W J Page, N V Nance, John uregson, W TBiyant, WH Pickard, Dr D L J'ox, J V Wilson, & A Uoltraue, J A King, W U (iraves. John Kenneily. Madison liean, B V Owens, II A Tonilinsoii, Miss French Allred, N II Williams, Wilev Howell, Jesse Dennis, Mrs J C Andrews, f nonius Uirkhead.C II Siicneer, J H Web ster, J A llinson, H L Brown, W U box, A C rarlow, Wm. C Ham mond, M Hammond, A C Cox, J L Briles, WA Leach, S I) W Pearce, Geo Cochiun, A E Andrews, A II Harrison, J II Kearns, A S Miller, Geo T M unlock, J T Arnold, I J Fuller, L C Smith, o C w illiams, J A Hill, (i W Berry, II P Mct'rary, W II Ellison, Z A Lewnllen, (! L Leonard, Terrell Cuveness, J M Hen- son, t Aiiman, Hercules tiold & Copper Co., Jno McDaniel, 1) J Cor nelison, II P Sexton, (iratz Baldwin, I h Dawkms, Miss Mury Ieonard, Eli Williams, D Hancock, Cluis E Allen, J P Johnson, O N ltogors, W II Curtis, W B Young, Simon Pick ett, K H Caveness, Al P Cox, II W right, A T Coble, (i II McMath, C M Allred, Miss Lou Hurgess, Jas C Stout, S K Brown, A W Kivett J li Smith, C 11 Bayue. Jas A Stout, W G Fra.ier, U M Whitehead. B F Hardin, A K Shields, M P Cowurd, L H Curtis, M II York, J W Yow, C M Craven, K L Kivett, W A Tur ner, S B Scott, T K Stout, K N Graves, W L K liner v, Q W Williams, I) A Burgess, Jas I) York, J L Johnson, Jas A Stout, J 1) Harden J II Allred, W A Bains, E T Ward, J E Stout, G W Hicks. W J Mc Laughliu, 1) II York, W A Ilendnx, .1 C Marsh, Elias Moon, II W Brndv, 11 1 Caveness, Col Jno It Lane, I) II Ijtmbert, WDLune.J M Brooks, W A Stout, G C Floyd, J T Ellis, J E Walker, Chas I Inline, W A Under wood, E Mofliit, M C Spoon, W Pamplin, E C McCulloch, W L Foust, W E Poe, C II Craven, W II Craven, Mrs W G Smith, J S Bow den, (1 H Lanib'-rt, lbileigh Cagle, W 11 at kins, .Jesse (.opelatid, Ij M lioacli, J C Williainson, Dewitt Wright, W H Coble, O li Fox, G H Black, Joe W Stout, C ( White head, J C Williams, W T York, J C WhiU-head, E C Burgess, J II Smith, U C Cox. M F Burgess, G H Hod- gin. J It Peace, V M Cox, W H Caveness, K W Brown, J M Ellis, Thos E West, M E Vestal, K N Allen, E 11 Ix'onard, J It Pightsell, .Mrs l.ydia Slier, J5 F Waddell, II V Wilson, Labau Ellis. J K Wilson, (i M Tally, W W Cox, 1) W Johnson, O H Stout, H D Cox, O B Cox, Mrs J J Glass, 1 bos Jarrett, S G Phill ips, J M Campbell, J E Campbell, At K Campbell, J, (J Klmore, W C Hayes, M H Biggers, A F Cox, John Luther, llev C 1) West, Jno II Dea tou. D S Cillis, Jno II Gillis, E M Siler, U F Goolsby, liev It B Clark, N C Cox, L M Cranford, W E Pltun- luer, M C Cox, John Presnell, J Joidau, T J Finch, K H Suits, Jno Kindle?, Dr C 11 Phillips, M W Parish, Koss Trotter. Win Parish, LC Phillips, B Cole. J W Lambeth, r. A Furluw, das Jsyerlv. Piedmont Baptists at Worthville. The Fifth Sunday meeting of the Piedmont Baptist Association for May was held with the Worthville Kaptist church beginning on Friday night anil has just closed an interest- aud proh table session. Dr 1 Lit tle preached the introductory sci moii on Friday night to a large and appreciative audience and made an address on Christian education which was the subject of continuous and appreciative mention during the ses sions that followed, liev .) M Mill iard, of High Point, is the chairman of the union this year and is a pre siding ollieer of some merit. Much of the interest of the meeting was lue to his gift in adapting things to timely mention. The Sunday school at Worthville superintended by Dr Hubbard helU its regular session ami the merit of this school can only be understood by a visit and careful at tention to the arrangement of its workers and management of its ue- tails. In the afternoon a Sunday school mass meeting was held and many new, bright and precious things were brought forward bv the participants. The Ixird's people in this little factory town hardly go by their denominational names for the reason that the broadest liberty pre rails there. The writer subscribes himself, Oxk That Was, Thekk. Letter to Ridge Dickens and Co, Asheboro, N- C Dear Sirs: Hero's a paint that's being sold to bargitin-bimterti: 10 prr cut lead 6'J " line 30 " " barytes 20 " " wbitins Uarytes t whiting are sand and whitewash, not paint. Ho. ue people mitai like wild lirick The name f tbat paintis "pure lead-aud iino. Too denier who reiisit says it'a ai good aa Devoe. Youri tralv, K. W. Devoe & Co. McCrary-Reddin.! Co. sella our paint. List Takinjr. 1 will be at the following Units and places in Grant township to list the taxes for this year: S F: Allen's June Tth, Kemp's Mills " xth. H S Cox's " fith, .1 M Allen's " DHh. A S Pugh's " Uth. C. O. lsuoi.p, List Taker. For Refiiter of Deeds. tip thelM)i,tv ( KatMl4,ltrl I hai alwaj WII. tlllKl 1,V i t'hrtNtlat, viitUmian. NtMiiltiato him attd w 111 i'U-,-1 lilm. Tlu-nmil have n-a-ivneo tola i. K. B. -ink. o( Kaudleutau, N.C. May SI. 14. J. L. KIK1.1. Worthville Notes. Mrs II A Moflitt, of High Point, is visiting her mother, Mrs FJmina Provo. Mr and Mrs O C Marsh, of Han dleman, wero also Mrs Prevo's guests on Sunday. The fifth-Sunday meeting of the Picdmout Baptist Association met in the Worthville church on Friday night, and services were continued till Sunday night. Dr Battle and Revs W II Eller and D II Gentry, of Greensboro, Revs Hilliard and Lnf foon, of High Point, l!ev James Jordan, of Franklinville, and liev John M Pugh, of Kandleman, were some of the visitors. Mrs Esram Trogdon was thrown down by a dog Mondiiy, causing a painful fracture of the shoulder blade. We have a case of measles in town, F'rank Allen, the little son of Mr A II Allen. Messrs J C Hubbard, of Wilkes. boro, W G Barker, l J Barker, Amil UurWnr Will tvev A If C.,1- lins,J lUonruu and and many others from Kandleman were among the visitors in town Sunday. Miss Jackie Groce, of Worthville, wasmairicd on Sunday morning to Mr Jorteph Shane, of Greensboro, J I. Wnnn H ut, .,11 r. ill inr I'll,, .lr 11 I A M h,. Ill ,1 irv i Viwlv ufi..rr ;,, ....,.,. ..f Bobert W Stewart, a member of the, order who died last fall. Several mcinbers of the liaiidleman council were ill attendance. Notice! The Back Creek township Sunday school convention will be held at I Neighbors' ti rove church, the second Sunday in June. There will In both morning and afternoon sessions. Asheboro Market Report. (Changed every Wednesday) Chickens per lb.. Spring chickens.. Turkeys per lb . . . 8 cts. 15 to 2dc Id cts. 15 cts. 1 1 cts. 50 cts. . 1.00 T5 cts. 1.00 '.10 cts. 1.10 TO cts. 2 '.o :i cts. (i to 7 cts. 2 to 3 cts1. If utter . 'Kgs Sweet potatoes Irish potatoes ... Onions . White peas Clay peas Wheat Corn Veal Calves, live. Pork dressed . . Beef cattle TllK Covin Kit and Farm Life both one year for only one dollar. Southern Nurseru Comp'y. Winchester, Tennessee. Oldest and Largest Nursery In iiie State. Nearly 2,000,000 Peach Trees sold and sliipi'. d dire ! t" plan:, r- in lull of l'.IO.i ami spring of 1!I(U. We of 1905, our usual large supply of Pecans, lOnghsh W alnuts, in tact all kuuls ol uns inai are su,-e, --:iiii grown in our climate at reasonable prions. !-? Write tor I'riec L,ist aii-l . atali-uu.-. SOUTHERN NURSI-RY CO.. Wi'iicIicskt, Tcnn. Our Sale of Millinery doods For Spring and Summer 70nr is now in progress and the styles We have a splendid select from and we can values for the money this class of goods for you would have to pay Come and try till have Ladies' Hats in and patterns and can trimmings you want. Morris-Scarboro Moffitt Co Asheboro, N. C. World's May-November, 1904. .Southern - Railway... Account the above occasion, dMMltiAdU'il l'-M vrav 1'laceil on sale daily, licketa uVScPIMtt 1" rates, return. Following nre'rate.-' upplviHtjlt principal p North Carolina: ' AsheWo, Charlotte, (i reensboro, Hickorv, Jt..Airy, Sali.iburv, Kaiifonl, WilkelM.ro, .. Soul hem Kail way, effective Aj.ril Sii. l'.MM. iiiiiii; ural . I 'I'b.-oiigli l'ullman Sleeping t'ai'H lietwccii (inrnsboro, N. I'., mill SI. I .nub-. Mo., v i:i Salisbury, Aslieville, Knowille, Ijcxinirton ami Umisvilb-: leav in-.' (m-.-cii-Iwro iluiiy at 7:20 V. M. For full information as to rates from all points. Sleeping-Car ivsei vationa, acheilulei!, illustrated literatim', etc., aiiilros any auknt, or R. L. VERXON, T. I. A., .1. H. WOOD, P. 1. A. . CHARl.OTTR, N. C. ASH KV 1 1.1. K, N.C. S. H. HARDWICIC, Paa. Tralfk Manp. W. H. TAVLOE, Qeol. Passeer Agcat WASHINGTON. D. C. Business Locals. Notices !n-nrtftd under this head at ono cent a word oah Insorllon. CHAMPION KEAI'EIS Second hand but in good wmking order, can be bought for y:'tu bv applviiigiiuick to A C McAli.ster, Asheboro, N C. BRICK. liich Pros, have open, u up a kiln of ine brick. All whom, in need of brick v. ill do well to call on them at th- ir vards in South Ash-born. WANTED m-.-rcliunts v. chickens;. ' NITeSpoml Vi ill: pay jiui ! p, i out more than retail prit shiiped at. my ej-:i.-ceipt of goods. Atbl Tampa, Fhi. i A.-t t.asii on i'i- , Box -4t WANTED Logging and luinb, teams, near Klise, Moon- county, N C. Apply to Thos K. Cox, Hemp. N. C ., or (,. C. .McAlister, Asllel N.C. Asheboro l,uinl-r Mf.'.C Blanks. I Plank de gages "Jo ct - "a''e.S 111 Ct; real estate moi l n: eliattle niort n. All kinds o ut lo els a do;-, ii n.iuioii.in.0 ..i.u.i. j ii r. v "i ui i:u. .sueoor N. C. ...... .. ,. ...... . -A..-.. 'H i.i ai i .i,i', i ''!"'vi i. i,, l.-iii,.s is ik, I P1;"'1' ,,u.v pure SiNt,i.i;-t .,mi: I H iiiii-; i.i:c.iioii ami iiiin i: i v j ASlMiTTK egg ut I I'tr settiligof l.'i. All orders tilled promptly with fiv.-h I l'ir'r's- WANTKIi: 1,000 P.ushels v. bile corn Haul, d at TO cts. Asheboro Polh r Mills. WANTED FOI! CASH Ash nod sweet gum. A.-h limber 5 or loft, long. ! per loo ft Sweet gum :!, ;, ! or I'-! ft. long. S5 cents per ion ft. Delivered on our yard. All Kill l;o W'll -:i:i.;s ". ' Asheboro. .N.C. FOR SAI.K due valuable farm H miles from A.-beboro on Little liii-r of 1,V; acres- ion acres in timber good bld.'s, ii-i.-iiartl and Well water ed. Apply to ! laiuim-r & Spuice. J W Ji-ni, Peghorns. S is l.n-vds of S S Han, hui .:. P an.lolls ami !! or prices. . W. .1 FN K I N, Woitlni!!, . N. ( j Rucks, W V, Hares. V.'r te will have f..r l::ll ut 1 mi I and -prim; Apple. Peai. Peach, Uioit-v, 1 urn, are correct. assortment for you to give you some good in fact we sell you much less money than in larger towns. you are suited. We all the latest shapes furnish any kind of Fair,li Louis. Soiltllel-.l I St. IjOllis l in Slat -i-y :ic.ii 3l.Hi 34.10 :it.i' 34.10 37.C.O ' 40.0(1 3n.n1 -'l.i;". js.l'i S3.3H s.-lil 3.30 .ill.S.'i X'o. lo i.W s'3.:!o no -Jii.-s'i 33.(0 s':..io ATTENTION Harvest Time Will soon be here and we want you to see our j Bonnie Binder, t Vw 1 C 1 ;-. - 6'' . Johnson is V : '. Wii There are points machines not found in pay you to see the full Cultivators, Etc. L. -I'-M ,1 I 1 - - ' .. ..v 1 - . v.: The Johnson Cultivator is a great success and every one sold has given satisfac tion. The same is true of our Disk Harrows. i ...... Wo keep a complete line of repairs for all the machinery we sell. Don't forget to see us before buying anything you may need in the hardware line. We can and will please you. Yours truly, Hollady-Pool Asheboro, N C FARMERS Mowers, w 1 tapir 1 1 Srl-.T w .. -- . '-..m Rakes, Etc. IB of superiority in these other makes. It will line before you buy. ',u I W- J I I -fcj. s : iT.1 :'."' Hardware Co. LJll r mm iilillM