I can satisfy your wants in DRY GOODS, CLOU, HATS, SHOES Groceries, Etc. and at the lowest prices. I have never been butter prepared to meet the wants of the tnuie nor serve you with such low prices. 1 FOR YOUR SPRING SUIT come to me; I'm selling the best. For anything to eat or wear amio to my store. Yours to please, W. J. XIXjXjE'. Marble Marble Monuments, Marble Tombstones, Italian Statuary, Marble an J 'Granite We can furnish any design of M um- tils iiml T inl).-loiics in any of the American or foreign marbles or "Tumics. Our prices uiv the lowest. Our goods are the nicest obtainable. give us your orders. Barbee Met Oppo. G. G. Hendricks & Co. New Spring Goods! K. 1'. lit;..- ha- j where In- l.uu'j'l a I Y. Kackct. The-.. heudiUiiiters I hey i market pric. If vi per I'elll. on your S; Hsv-zes' N, Y. Jacket, R.arvdleman, N. C. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD S FAIR SCS'HIC ROUTE TO SAINT LOU'S, MiSSOURI. SHORTEST, QUIOOEST :n Electric-Lighted 'Ira'ns VvirP P Oars. Through tiokt -! fri"t- ". nections. Special Eti-:es for .:' i ickets. Fifteen day tickets i'rcui G-t Sleeping car aceotnmoiLitii.: SPECIAL COACI' on authorized dates, tickets i:o. Special accommodations arra'.i: USE THE C. & O. ROUTFJ ; cordingly. For coach excursion rater. mation, address VV. 0. W GEORGE or. Air. a in HORSES. MULES AMD RKAL ESTATE. BEGINS cleansing acids that produce RHEUMATISM, driving out all the dangerous germs that infest the body thv is Other medicines treat symptoms; RheumaciJi rimtva tbi tmusi, and, therefore, its ' CURES ARE Helps the digestion, tones up free on application to Bgbbitt Chemical Co., Pro prietors, 316 West Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. m rwOiur V.M, r lliv eiui teungraplier Mid t) pest yimr IrtU' fame!! t Y. ipst the bt-U hir hi Anmr In b"FKAXKMN." VMIM WrtUnir, ru-fect Alirnatetit. flpw4 MmplMty. Cp tn tulity dnwn in In pri. LnlRaf oo4 piAuutvMlBMirrm. Cntiil.ir.Hi. ' CUTTER TOWER COMPANY. 3 1 Dtvwiblrc Mrfrt, r.lKTAN. MASS c (tij,,c tmj Sidsroem, IM CMtpKile Ate. fteaaofc, Vju j IKaM HUiXBllY.MaMfer. , Granite. Granite Monuments, Granite .Markers, Iron Fencing, md Coping, Etc. "' -an pi. aso j.m. Call on us mill jle Works, Asheboro, N. G, ii. .1 IV..-II New York of Is for I lays- X. i i.i.ii..1!! direct, from - II auav under the from -T F.OUTE. Vestibuled.l Sleepers and Dining v.v. v..r.u:iv wttn direct con-i ;-'xtj or Fifteen Day! N. C, 5523.00. ". d'riijad upon application. ; i'-jursioNS :d t'... ten days at rate of $17. 1 iisr parties. ;...ni purchase your tickets ac- :v 5i i-v .'inouf, and other infor RTH.N, D. P. A., C. & O. Ry Richmond, Va. T - FENNY, ! v. iii viL swap ir huv. Don't tail 1. 1 .-ee me il yi m want Stotk or Real Estate. I vll l"r . ;i--h ni mi time. Kverv liiiiii; :-uM ii'iJer a .guarantee In be as leprescmeJ. Oiiiiv ;.nJ stabicN nil corner Main aikl Ci.iv -treetN IliIi hunt, N. C. ? Th.-.e V. i. WORK with the first dose, the blood of all the poisonous the way cures are effected by PERMANENT. the svstcm. Sample bottle n.f,-r.niis, Mht'tlii.r nut y.Hi wirv Air a be tfivni ii "-.tatKlinn'' !y writing them U o u o a i ROOM ALWAYS AT THE TOP. Kairbruther's Everything. In the death of Colonel Y A Turk and Captain W II Green hot h high officials in the great Southern rail way system one Passenger 1 rallie Manager and the other letiiis as General Manager and holding tin position of assistant to the general manager we have the material for a story Unit pessimists should read. ioung men snoulel also trail and heed. Col. Turk had a lovelv per sonality but he uelti allowed his head to swell, lie was a hotel elei k in Raleigh, North Caiolina, and be cause of his genial manner and pos sibly because he whs educated and had a reserve force of-intcllcct. Col. A. B. Andrews, now first ice-president of the Southern System - a system with almost ten thousand miles of track running from Wash ington to the Gulf, and in fact all over the South and as far as St. Louis to the South-west --was at tracted to him anil offered him a position ia the passenger ilepai I uieiit of the l'ichniond & I'uuiille railway now part ofthc Southern system. Young Turk accepted the position and commenced to climb. He tilled all the different positions until hr got to be General Passenger Agent and then the office of Pa.- :iger Trailic Manager was created a In held that until he died. It v. no sinecure for people who know .-ay that hundreds of letters went out of his office every day and up to two days before death claimed him In had worked at his desk. When lu. death was announced not only the officials but all employees of t he Southern railway felt that sonn-thin;: had gone out of their lives. II. knew most all of them and jet there is an army of thirlj-fivo thou sand people employed, by the South ern. The high officials attended l is funeral and wept like ehllduii. Hanks of flowers were sent to his grave at Kaleigh and the North Carolina capital witnessed one of the largest and most solemn funerals ever held within its confines. Tut k had it in him and when opportunity presented he cinl.rac'il it and made good. These is so much in the two winds: Make Good. N" matter much what your oecupa lion if you w ill but make good jmi are certain to move onward and up ward Colonel Turk never u ari.'l. He studied to please the people nvl remained late at his desk to iii- a mnng the intricacies of the la-t pro posed schedule in order to see if it would servo the greatest liunil.. r. Ii. knew the people at the important towns where his road ran ami he mied union", t hem and ' 1 1 . 1 si";, and talk with the office boj or thi rd red man and never felt ai.oc him self. He always was willing to aite a gentleman an audience--and if h. saw distress In- was moved to t.a -. He was not haughtv cr dn tatorial 11c remained what nature made h;:u -a genial, alVahlc, w hole -oal.-.l e ., tletiuti and then In- d'nl ii, di ; full of honors. Captain W . 11. Green, w ho vta another like Colonel Turk and u'n. died a week later start, d as "wai i hov" carrying water on a iailio.i.1 in" South Carolina. Hrifting North Carolina he became an ngi lieer and Inanv people in the Soiiih recall the fact" that they used to bnj watermelons of him that he would bring in on his locomotive, l-'inallv "Windy Hilly" Smith, who had leas', ed a state road, saw that tli. iv w.i something in him made him con ductor and he climbed Mep by step until he was general manager of the ro.id of the entire great sy-t.ui. Moth of these men were South, ri. men one was a Virginian tin other South Carolinian. One of them sleeps his last sleep in Pal ieh thcother in Ku hmond. It might be said in passing Ilia! they were both bright young m. n with bright minds when they started neither of them smoked cigarette. and each one of them recognized tie sreat truth that it takes more in. ii than a pull to hind the choice per simmon. They recognized the fad that work and lots of ii: honesty and capability figure most largely in success so they set about to pertuitu their work well and climbed year by year to the top of the ladder in their respective avocations. The life story of these two success ful! men starting In the South here all odds w ei e against thelit is a story that every young man can get gotne satisfaction out of and evety vonng man should remember it hen he feels that he is not ap preciated. There is room at the top and as much room to-day as there erer was but it takes efficiency to till the places. No drone or liht weight can hold down a responsible position. Blaiae News. Blaine, N. C, May 28. People are all busy getting ready for har vest. The wheat crop is ordinarily good. B K Mortis has one of the won ders of this century, it is a lamb two months old which has t! legs, 2 fore legs and 4 hind legs. The lamb is huge and hea'thy as any in the flock. California Knlfht Templars Odd Fel lows The Last Opportunity of the Year. Beginning August 15th and con tinuing daily to September !Hh round trip tickets will be sold on ac count of the above conventions from all points in the southeast to either Los Angeles or San Francisco at ex tremely low rates, With final return limit October 23rd. Tickets will permit of ten tlays stop over at St Louis and allow holder privelege of going one route and returning another without addi tional cost, except that ticket re turning via Portland au additional charge of $1 1 will be made. The Frisco-Rock Island Systems odor excellent routes in either direc tion. Writ for rates, descriptive litera tim and fall information, and let ns plan your trip. 8. L. Parrott, District Paesongw Agent, Atlanta, (ia. Helping tbe Farmer to Help Himself. Year by year the Department of Agriculture at Washington grows more helpful to those whom it was designed to assist. Annually it gets nearer to the farmer and helps him in his work of conducting farm eyer- atious intelligently. Of all the nu merous dojunients issued by the IVpartmeiit those which come near est to the men of the farm are pub lished by the (Mliceol experiment Stations under the titles, "farmers' lliilletius.'- To date, 133 of these bulletins have been issued, covering the widest range of agricultural in formation and wnttcn in plain lan guage, often accompanied by illus trations. Of these bulletins, per haps the follow ing are those which would he most generally useful to our readeis: Farmers' Bulletin No. 2U The Feeding of Farm Animals. Farmers' Bulletin No 24 Hog Chol. ra and Swine Plague. Farmers- Bulletin No 151 Alfalfa of I.m-cni. Fanners" Bulletin No 31 Silos ard Silage. Fanners' Bulletin Xo 37 Kal'it Corn: Culture and I'scs. Farmers' Bulletin No 41 Fowls: Can- and Feeiiiiiir. Farmers' Bulletin No 4!1 Shcc Feeding. Fanners' Bulletin No ."(! Sor ghum as a Forage Crop. Fanners' Bulletin No 55 The Dairy Herd. Farmers' Bulletin No 5i The Soy Bean as Forage Crop. "Fanners' Bulletin Xo HI Ducks and Geese. Fanners' Bulletin No Cattle l.'ahges of the Southwest. Fanners' Bulletin Xo M -Cow- Farniei-s's Bulletin Xo '.n. - liais ing sheep for Mutton. i-'aiuieis" Bulletin Xo loo- Hog Hai-nig in the South. Fanner-' Bulletin Xo 'JOl- Mil lets. FarniiMs' Bulletin Xo lllti Breeds of Pairy Cattle. Farmers' Bulletin No 10!l Farm ers' Heading Courses. Farnieis'' Bulletin Noll". - Sheep. Hogs, and Horses in the Northwest. Fanner-' Bulletin No te.S B.-d Clover Seed: Information for Purchaser.-. Fanners Bulletin Xo l'ii- Farm Blllldilies. 'i o secure anv or all of these bul let i lis a farm, i should make ic.iiist. stating tin- number and title ot the i'uil.im, to his Congressman or to hi of h;s Senators, or directly t. lis Seer -tan of Agi icliltuie. Wash ;i,.:toli. II. C. They will be s.n I v. . of charge. Secretary Wilson i: con-taut ly on I iie Ifokoiit for topic of Much- vain, w hose treatment !" I iua. :i -a', well-info rm.-d m.-n w ii ic.. l -Ipfii! to agi iciiltiirists. and u b.., lie -e halletins are issu.-d i !. .;., i fo j e ll.elll III the hands ..f i.. :u. : who will -i ml v aiid prolit !: : ;.' in. 1 1 is astoiii.-hing that ii. :.. t, of iiiiui-au.ls of farmei - d ! not iiie,.. of I !n publications or of ::!,. bull. tii. s iss.i.d by the State F. , . i iniei.t Stat :oiis. The inailin I !i I- of ihi -e station., are small. i rem Kalph. A I. u e ciov. d from lu re attended i,i:. . irilv in.-, ung at llollv Springs Sunday. .M:-- Hat lie ,stal, who has been attending school al Why Not, has r.iuru.d home. M.--I - ( lareiice I logins and Col lier t Wiitiiii.-ham,of Asheboro, spent Saturday night in the neighborhood. Several fioin around here attended Why Not commencement Thursday. Mi Kva iniiingham sjHiit a few day- in Aslul.oro last week with h. r cousin. Mis., Blanche Spoon. O M Henry, who has been attend ing school at Asheboro, has returned home. Mr.- Ly.lia II. ndricks has been visaing Mrs Sarah Mumble for the pa-t week. Charlie Smith and family, of Asheboro, visited relatives the past wed, iii this neighborhood. 1! K Cox, w ho has been in school at Why Not, has gone to High Point w here lie has accepted u poeitiou. There will be mi ic cream supp'T o ar here Saturday night. M I Brown vi-i'ted ut the home of .1 II Humble Sunday. CnnfeJerate etcrans Reuoloa Nashville, tenn., June M-lath,! 164. For above occasion the Southern Haiiroad will s. ft tickets to Nash ville, Tenn. and return at rates named below: Goldsboro $15.5, S. I ma .15.ir, Kaleigh J12.G0, Dur ham sli.oo. Henderson $15.00, (ineiishoro slO.'.io, Salisbury J'.t.tJ."!. W'.ustoii Salem . $10.55, llicknry .;So, Charlotte $10.10, Gastona fit. (15, Shelby f'J,10. Approximate ly low rate from other points. Tickets sold June 10th to 15th 1U04 inclus ive with final limit to leave Nash ville June 18th 1U04; provided tickets are officially stamped by Joseph Kiehardson, Special Ageut. Tickets can be extended until July 10th, 1904, if deposited by original purchaser w ith Joseph Uich- ardsoii, Special Agent at Nashville bdwecn hours of h. (K) P. M., June 10 to 1Mb inclusive, ami upui pay ment of a f.v of 50 cents per ticket. (Ji'iieral J S Carr has selected the Southern Kailwav via Alnville, lxnoxvllle, and Chattanooga as the official route for his Annual "Con federate Veterans Swcial", which w ill consists of first class day coaches ami Standard Pullman oars to be I handled thronght to Nashville, Tenn. without charga. This sjiecial I train will leave Raleigh, N. (J. at 1'. al., Sunday June J.2tn, 1V04 lVrth rate from Kaleigh f4.M, Dnrham ft.50, Greensboro 9.50, .Salisbury 3.50, Asheville ffi.50. . 1 wo pt-rsona can ocenpf berth without additional cost, fexoell scr- , vice on rcguUr trains in both direo- ition. Auk jrour Agent for rate from your station. For farther imfomia- tion and sleepit.g car reaervatioris, Iwiite U L Vernon, T. P. A. C'harlotie, li. C Whu Spend Monejj and Time By going to mineral spiings? It costs only ,j few dollars to go throiii.h a treatment of oirr Concen trated Water, and we guar antee results to be more sat isfactory. A teaspoonful of our Concentrated Water added to a half glass of or dinary water makes the best mineral water on earth. A poor man gets better re sults by using it thun his rich neighbor, who spends several hundred dollars at some watering place. It makes permanent cures of diseases bv removing the cause of the trouble. Mon't hesitate, get a bottle today. It means new life for yon. S o bolt les ."i cents, Iii o bottles .f 1.01 1. Teaspoonful to a .se. For sale by S . lard Hrug Co., A-: .oro, X . c. J. h'CIIOLS COMPANY, I.VXCHIU'HG, Va. EXHIBIT OF TOWN OF ASHEBORO. .-llll:-KMKMs VV i; l'i - Willi U I. I': Mil 1 VV VV I VV IIITK l.li VI.KI. I Ulllllu'lT. -I..M-.I.TIII- ,l..,.,.. l-U ... i ii. .rk ill -. Ic.l .. .. .'..l' H.lw ' .I'm.N,. i eiitlliiL' w. mm M.t.tll CUltillk- I ll-lllllliJ Hi ve.- Hal.lvvlii k- I .. II. UH'I -liltlllc W...I IT..1 N W Wlt'lur MI.TillIll..'llt vii Vlvrlu- Si iirL.m tea. Iini- Mi- .vi. uir Tomlltinn ti-tn luiiu Mi I, '.111 Stllll tPM'ltllllt Mi- Cliin lm C.-Illn umelniiff v iu-.I.Iiiik work i.n i.iiil.liin: II.. liil.lv. iiml ll.lw fo ni.w M. ' rufv llf-ldloji 11. l Ci.ln.lsi- I .' M.ttitt tftkinu i-i nsii- v. ' VI.- vll-lir A I n liiMir..u..rimn. ,. I I' s.i.i.ii .l nimwiHi .lsk l.'r.. s;,l..ill. llOIKl'.l -I'll. ..1 .1I.J.1H'... Roil, ..( K.iii-I..1.!l'.l :n .l.-k. I I siin.siiii fn.mlil in.'.l ilnivww "II .l.k I lisiiiiiiM.n .l tlvli.a l.ln.'k l...ir.l. Si.Oi.in lliirn.w ri'iirlni! mom's .-Ii-.. A l-.i A O Mr. Col.oKKlMiKAnKI. W'HiNil. 1 A Mi Ki. Mii. rlnli-u.lrnl ..I.I I. I'... Iiiu'I.iT VH.. Ikll.lWIMlC MIVnillT W vntl Cluunlvnii'ijuInK nml AiWhint o,Hiiir prlntluft nntmw. J B Ki.lit.liui Ifet H iwrdu went M'-'nirr RisMlnit Hilw On mdw H r Hiillanl i-Anntn- wiwk Win H.. Llrli k I'littlim wncrf L i Hiilla rarin nUT w.rk I W Kurmw lin.ntii ml R.ln.1) -IN.I IMw Cn nulw .ml & M.irli.n n..l-c Ativlmni Wik.I ik Initi Ci ImiiU'r i6 TimJ W J ArnilUM u.wn trcMirrr h.xr.1 M.l .ail li.ml. lor the y. ar I'li.llint My 1st 1W.-I a full.. ir.: Buin' on in.... I lint IU...1 Hum C.Hinlv 1'nnuin. K...1I II ni. .iv fninl" Hocil W U s.n town kin WIS' T .tl .. 'h.l ti. HUli. r i. finxijn . iMUWri IM 11 hiui.l -. )ll l'iniOi ..I w hlb' m-hiKil In nmiith. Iii'!lli nt tutcinM iwho.il iii.mtlm. S day Wmui.r.tl whitv kt'lniiM ut..h,otA A. mr i- Tntiil anvil. (Kn My lf lain, to Ha; 1M, 1MM: I.KNICKAL ri'NI. In Tm lunid. May ut 100 saow Ll.a'i' tax inlli-'tnl... . ilf m Tow. W tollwk! ma Total - iTtrtw Irm SUIwiwrai-nla KrlHTftl eililMt.... 7M iMIanre on hanit l' Total SIJ.-8 0I I, H 0. CMnttr, rN-rk to tin hnaii nl mmmk. notn'O. ot Ih ymn rt A.lii'lmm, N. C, i hl.y QVTXitx Ih lonsiotnit to he trvwpthlUtnl Uw fiswtpt. ami amlMipmenlM of tin; fMil.lic Iun4 . at aaij mwn aj im, tmm, hi i iv ' H. I CAl'lLK, Clark. Thin May Mth, Kt. J W Jenkins breeds of 8 C W Leghorn, 8 S Hamburg, B P Bocks, W WyandotU and Belgian UarcB. Write for prices. J.W.JENKINS, Worthvi!le,N.'C. Summer School For Teachers! A Summer School for teach ers will be held in the Graded School building ut Ashoboro, beginning July 18Lh, 1904, and continuing for four weeks. There will be a general n-viivv of the text books lined ill the public schools. Methods and school m ui- ageliient will receive special atten tion. No charge for tuition to any teacher or person preparing to liach. Takes place of County Institute. Certificates of attendance, good in any county "in the State, given those who attend regularly. Bring sour text books. For f in t her in forma turn address: J. M. WAY, County Supt. of Schools. N. W. WALKKIi, Conductor. wantkd: 1,1)00 Bushels w bile corn wanted at TO cts. Asheboro Holler .Mills. WANTKD FUH CASH Ash and sweet gum. Ash timber 5 oi 10 ft, long, 1 per 100 ft Sweet gum 'I, li, it or 12 ft. long, 85 cents per 100 ft, l'elivereil on our var.l. Asiii tinno Wiii:r.i.n.M:l!iivv Cn. Asheboro. X. C. MIS. CECELIA STOWE, Oiainr, Kntrc N, j Hub. 176 Warren Avenue, Ciiicvii... Ii.l... Oet.l'i, IW. l-'or n. iirlv f..nr v.'-n-a 1 aiiftVrixl from (iv-:riaii Iruublen. Tlin doc tor iiisifteil cn an oierath.n n the only w:iv t . f. I well. I, however. -m'niL'lv ..I." '"'.I t" nn .-ratioti. My l ..'.:in'l i. .t .ii -li.su ten.Hl as vv.'ll as I, f..r l'"".c with a nick vv - ia i . ii -. n iolatf plnco at I., it. A li-i.-'..!iV .liiiL'i:"t a.lvise't l.ii-i to uet a b. tile , f m" of ('..r-bii f r nn- tot-v, iil.l heili.l so. I .k-..i.!..i: ii.'. v. inaf .vvitavsnnd iiivr.ieveiyw.i'.v.ryrai 1 1. Vv'itli in' I'lelit.s-ii -, in I v..., a:.utU'r '': '' ,:. " -H I C" . il-t.-iv Win, of r.f.im cures tnul siek n ;.s ;e I i ru. i ;.-.-! i ii un I h.irpi-ii-f av-aiii. I ii-.i coon su'ier inc. i." to v"iir ilrueuist o.luv m il Bceurf a il.00 buttle of Wine ,.f ..ir.l'.l. V i?r.- .IT. a-r - " 1. PURE Everything Standard Depot Street. Drugs. Edwin. A Hardin. Co (INCORPORATED.) Salesroom. "S and Ml Peachtree St.: Wiirebous.. Tl and 73 X. Broad st.: (iround KltMir Kng-American Building, Atlanta, (ia. Lanrest Dealers and Best Repairers South 10,XlO Satisfied Customer. Wholesiile and Betitil Healers in Williams Typewriters. New Model No. 6 Now Out. ( AU Kinds Typewriters Repaired. ia thp oldtat (T. ;oars)sml llntt Basinest Coltete tn Va. fxynd lit Hie Soutlil to own a building mwWmI for iui ui -one of tin- rtrM in Itl. i hnuI. KnilorsH by Ita atudonut, bualnnas mro and Uio prcmi. l'lnlmiclfMn fc(Cfwwnijtmaj 't I the Ipaiiioar Huainj C'ulhuira otith of the I'oUMnitc Uiver." "Who I row-hed niehrrtond, I inquired of aeverol btisinttin men f. r the trtt Bualncaa College in the citv, and, without exoeptio.,, thty ll r .cofrma ! tiaritMaal's si tfca Iwat." Mm. E. Ji'f, Lai fitrwtqmpher. Utwbnitnii. 8tTtirls Double Rntry ami Joint-Stock Hookkmplnir. Ciimineectal Aritnmrtic, RuaLuuM Writing, Buatnmtt IYaeUs Shorthaaa, T.vpeTiUng, TwlesTitphv , Contuwrtilal Lwir. Eopltnh Department. Lili nd jrnntli-roen. Dv and nirlil Seasions. No vaeatioom. Ktulent enter t any tln. By a.Hwkltp trap, eiiorthsrtd, Pe.inmnahli, at hum, to thtxw whocaaoot eorne to Co SttttM indiiCTirnPtit fco tred ed.h ftW'tl yoorp own. uperiatly tn tcw-hei-s. "Writ torcatalof acw lull partk-u; j. j W 6, JR. Smiit, Praa., ttebaMMMt. V FARMERS, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Hcavv anJ Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Drill's, Glassware, Crockerv, Tinware, Tmnks, and Gen eral Merchandise at our store Our prices are right. Conic to see us. Hi in' your prod u iv, eggs cllicki liJ. etc., to exchange III. in for iroods. We Hell v.. ll ooil goods at reason able priei.. and pav you eooii pi-ic - for jour pro duce. - - ' - E. O. YORK STORE CO. CENTRAL FALLS. N. C. operate: Double OailyTrains ('Arrrlnff I'lillmiin Klfper. Vat 9 ti.il ( la rlc) on.l l-Mfr tart sralifrJ. Electric Lighted Throughout Sii niingitem, Memphis and Kansas City Texas, OKIulioma and IntlianTerrilories Far Wost an.l Nort'iwcst THhOUGII SLFEPIHQ Cttl SERVICE FROM THE 50UIHU3T TO MLMPiliS MO KANSAS uir. ONE-WAY OR ROUND TRIP Kirar.li.n llrkt Irnm Atlanta, tia.. aail Hlriiiliiahnn, A'n.. to ...lnt In M...lh-M on n- flr-t an.l Hilnl Tui i.lult r.f PhiIi inontb. Dccrli t.vo 1 Ml'.cs. l.-k. ll onnct S. L. PARROTT, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT, ATLANTA, GA. THE I Cli SAI.K One valuable fai in 1; mil.-- from A.-heli..ro on Little Liver of 1 ."o: a.-ii s leu acics in timber good l.!.l..s, orchard and well water ed. Applv to Haiiiiin r Spciice. gtiri lha Standard Sajda I J Seed Annual puatpall it, I 1 d."m.f FERRY 4 CO., 1 1 V Detroit. Mich. PURE "T; in Drugs Drug Co., Asheboro, N. C. Drugs. Visible Writing, Perfect Align" incut, linn Hearing, Mrongesi. jiuu ifobling, (ireutest SjKrd, Kxtreme Durability, Ink from Bads, l'n t test work single shift. Second-Hand Department . is well stocked with gol Williams, Ueminglnns, Sniiths, Yosts, lins 11 ions, Ciiligritph and other mil chines in good repair. Our miu liines ami prices are the clieiiiicst in the world. Send for Niinplc of work, stating preference as to make, etc Pricea for Repairs Reasonable. Legal Advertisements IlK.SAt.KOr VA1.CAHI.E T1M1IKH LAND. I'K'ler authority nintiillint In the Inst will nnil i-linili.lltl.l II I-m nil ,n",. I ulll sell fur .el. ut ll.,-Curt ll.n.wili.irnl i.iilillr imi'tl..n b ii,- I.nihi-I l.i.l.l.To.i Momlnv rum. I". III. tut 1 ,-. l... k Hi.in I!n roliowlnic ri-al iwtati-: Kli-I m.'1-..n tl.o walcn i.t Mills lllv. r in -,- ' it- (i!,o.. I..,, iiship, MUjolnlita tin. liiii.l. nl oi . I. l. unllin. .. A. U'Hulk'ii rial. Coiiutin- r l.s .1 In larCn 1 towiiAlrin ail kiln- i' I 'nnilonl pt al, known fiHilinnltiK- 7ft acroH more ni'll timlit!rt-i unit well ur.iiilii l.y the . , on lltr Hsti . .Im VV'min ft SoiK-n. .ii I vv . vv r I ill v mil -11 ..ll.lir Iho nv. N. i.l liiTclnutter ili-si-ril.-.i. i Sutiir.liiy. inly -.'l.-l. Iiml. at II ovlm-lt M., iolloulnir r-itl i-niti, vi: First trnrt iylng lil of II. lo.ll S H-ljO nn.- Hi. I I. ao. I lino oil.. ut ii stnki' on . i..rni rof lot it -ii i.l strict M . K . I. si lo't lo Uir U-toiniinif, ronttlill .iii,t,..:, ...'.'. I oil! mi.l U iiiwiii H:in.l..l.i nillll v loum-lin.. I.nin.l.'.l on Hi.- north l.v . I.-I. riin Mnliy. ..n tlii' i-t l.y tin- m.-rlv (In- iimrls of lii l-l MeMi.-l.-r-. ..n lln-m.iiiIi l.v tlir lamia itl ..ill. r I.IH.II..V. liinn.'Mv On- liin.'lso( 11 A Monro nl on Ihi-, list l.y tin. M.n.i. Ii.li ilh.1 Alnlmilll'P .-.tiny I ii.-.. is.iitiiinliiii 7h iiit iiu.n' or Irsaniitl mom 11 11-11;.' .Mm VV no .11 toon.- .. S. I'lT...-..I snli'i im-litilf ni. It tin. reinaltiitiK n.-liiiU on n erisUt of .Is fnonlli., tlir- pun-liamir ivinif isin.l iino" nj-i no . .1 M-.-nrily tlirn'for, .le- rio! ...vni'iil to hnr hilnnt mi.l the title -.-ro... till tlu iiirlln'roi.lir.f tlir court. A s. I'ICKKTT. M o Iiml. c...iiiiiiM.ii.in'r. NtiTlfKl ll.ivitn.' .1111 Hii'.l nsi'.linlnl.triitoroti tlirsstiitt f Mirll.'C.v .1. . i'iim'.. I. lorv W. f . Hmninoinl 1. iii of ll..' ,-ii.rli.r Curt ol Ki.u.I...Ii omiilv. .VII i-.ni. loo hm i'lulni iimioi.l lil c-uno re nolil.f.1 lo mvn'nt On ni lo thr un.lcnntMicil. I.'fon' tin 1-t ilny of June r II.!. i ..II. e Mill I.' . !.',.. I. .1 in Introf tll.'lr ry- nn.lnll l- r-i ulna mil.l i-stnU- Hill orniinl ji is. t rt. ilk" 1 inini'iljivtv sc'llluiocnt. Xol U K. II .1 n i.iii-.li.i.'.l i- .linlnl.tnuor of Hie Ktnlr I li no, liionn. i . . I. l.-lor.' VV. 1: Unin- 1. I. 1 j. il. ..1 lh" superior c.iut ..( Kiin.lol.h ..lii.tv.oi. II..-t.'ili liiv l Anril Iiml. this I. to 110I111 nil - Ion ii .' rl .li a I snl'l es. a!.- lo nr..-. nl tin in I" il..- nn. I. rsii;iit'.l 011 or Im 1. ..' the 1111. .l .v of Mo V. lie:.. .r tin-liolici. frill in. l, i,.l. .l in Uir 01 II. 111 11.1.V.TV. 1111. 1 nil rwr-..ii-.,niiiL- -nl.l i'-t.it.' tin' lien fiv ii..lllli-. to nnl 11 islliili' 1.IHI.1.-IH lollw lin..'r.;niil. Iln- lllli .ln 01 M.iv. I '"I II K Hill "VV N, A.lm'r. of ll.inly Mrotvii, ili'i'i-iist'il. MM HI.! N. M li. .vs. ,01. 1 V li IIIH Inivi. llil-iliiyiiiKT. "I I.l .11' '-.. I lieol Iii No lo' toii-hl.. Hun Inli li 11.10.lv, on Um mum of lll fnvk lot ....1. in-; Hi. I.111.I. ol I'. l. Crniifonl mi.l oilirr.. N. M . II...) ir. II K, ..I .1. A. ol I'll .-I.e. It1111.l0t1.il itiimtv. 1. r- 01 In. cn-. k it.l;olniin.' tlic Inn. Is of r lln-s. 11. Anim I fr.inlonl an.l others. '.: v. ilhiill!.;. lei tl.ill llli'.l U ltlllll tllirtV ll, I-.l.il.. II..'-, mil 11-k for wnrmiils o'l I l:iin.l..l.liisiiin. Iotice. ..u-.lHii.l 11. 11.l1ni1e.lr.il 11 I hr r-tatii v i-ik.. ,i.,.ii-..i. 1. ..... W. C, II, iVri. ..I ll. sn. o..r Conn.. 1 K.-.i,!ol.ii , I -I iii: - II .1 ...l lie uiii-liol. I.itln- lilvli. : ill..! "Hi. 1 a'i'.'V"''-.' I. ... I'.hK. .Vl'i For Sale! 1, r.l . ".t...;. :.' lti, So II. I' U.lti'r. 'A -I lilllk .11. Ill,', l'.t.-ll,'- -iiu , Ik-Iiiiiic, i l nil 1,11:1. '. tor liiniiiiliu'tiirini; I11111 l..iitisl 1.1 M.-.ri' I'ounly, .n'-,'itt lo ,,!.,. .VI. Imr sloa .nn. villi s.11 I v.. I! ll, lk.' tl,,' pn.-i' lit r.l. HO.' 11U1-. An IMrtlva VV I No, MAN, .Is, N. ni no' fl.iliiis nt;.iliisl -nt.t itAlii .r, -, ,,l ll,.-,,, to II, 1. .iiiiI. T'Ikii.'.I, r l ton- tin- i-.lli .l.iv of May mil 1.,. 1.;. .1.1..1 in ... ret tlii ir nil . l- .o, will r.lalv "III lli'l niilke ll,iti,i'.ll.lt.' k. ltliliH'llt. ..I Mill 1I..I. i. f. H oKI, A.lmr. KEEP YOUK EYES WIDE OPEN VVl.,1, y..iiv"t..ln linaiTlw, vv,. i...'.ii..i:iinu Miui.o iuxr. lit IIIVK tiNI.V nSK prick. vv,-tn nt ;mi rivht. If you arc not n i ii-tonif r, Imrry an.l conn- lo svi- us, SPOON & REDDING, Grocerymea. VV. VV. JONES, D.aler In (JK0CKH1KS, PHOVISION'S AND PKOUUCK, Sewing Machines, Parts and Attach nients. Also have a lot of good clothinii that will be closet! out cheap. Prihluce boiigbt and sold. Your I'lllioiinu rs.i.lllii,. vjiiv.i.u uui aud I'll treat you right. ; .' W. W JONES, Allen stinid. Dejiot SU . kklM4 BO YEARS' - , KXPFHICNCK A, U AnrnM aantnf a aaMrh and dwnpOoa mmr anli-kl tuM-wrmm our optnl.m trm whOir a In.pnil'in 1. proh.Mf pnloninMn. Co(nBfiKt. Uon.MnWIri-orifldimtlal. HN09'jO Mrmttl Mint Is Ol.lst acatirr for .i-rurlng pater.ta, Hatmta UM throu.a Munn A (A. tumtn ajasrtt aotata. without chara. uitM Scientific Jiaxim. A tiantltowisl. tumttrat.4 rf. LaraaaA is (..I.l Ion of n vHintiasi knimal. Tw S mr;Mrm. i,lla,k 80S. U MMs. MUNSI ft Co New Ycrt IMill 1 h.mmi ut.''i.aiLcM.h tr pfr-otucl la-ntoiwiu Hr ppjiir.v: jjaa.M n rah t ll-t .Siai.a I V.wwvv s v-wvM.vw

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