V ' The Asheboro Couiier. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wrn. C. HAMMER, Editor. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. For Governor: ROBERT H GLENN For Lieutenant Governor: FRANCIS D WINSTON Associate Justices of Snpre me Court: W A HOKE GEORGE II BROWN, JR State Auditor: B F DIXON State Treasurer: B R LACY Secretary of State: J BRYAN GRIMES Superintendent of Public Instruction J Y JOYNER Commissioner of Labor ami 1 'tinting: II B YARN KR Corporation Commissioner: S L ROGERS Commissioner of Agriculture: S L PATTERSON. Fresh meats have gone up every where. The beef trust has raised the price and it is now higher than it has been since the chil war. Marion Butler and Pi the front row this year Roosevelt. Butler lias lism and has gone Hat the republican party. pi'er ate in shouting for iint popu fooicd into Union county not only has a net work of 'phonos over the county but has rural delivery routes reaching every man's home in the county. No county in the state is making limn rapid strides in progress than I'nion The Monroe Knipiin T .-ays that telephones are along almost every public road in I'nion county. Tele phones are everywhere. The Kn fpiirer says the good woman left alone at home feels that she has a friend and protector in the phone. TllU Coi ltlKIt hoists I he demo cratic banner at the head of the edi torial page with this issue and will do its best to help elect the ticket. There is no sulking in this house hold and never lias been. Loyal and undivided support is dven when the pal ty names its standard bearers. When the ptesnlenls ..f this Re public exceed the numl-er 1 1 Unman Emperors and the list of governors of North Carolina extend to the time of a thousand years, the admin istration of Charles l'. A work will shine as a great epoch 'n tin- history of the American Stales. Truly we .area great people-.- liiillii ifordtou Sun. Ree-el Sinoot has enganinl tl Mormon forces and made 1'iah solid for Roosevelt, and all lu-caiisi- tin much niarrie'd Smoot is permit ted d have a snug seat in the I'niled State- Senate by virtue ot a re-publican ma jority's failing to unite with t lit democrats and in the name of decency ami gooel morals kick the moral leper out. The best thing said in the Stat Convention was by lleese Blair, Troy, famous for bright saving? While Dr. Faison was speaking of the Booker Washington dinner the White House. Blair called out in stentorian tones: - U e are against the President; not against the ne gro." News and Observer. Mr. Blair also made motion and put before the i'im-ntio;. t aliov Dr. Faison to finish his speech at tii next state Convention, ii was car ried by an overwhelming majority. The News and Ubsener calls at lention to the fact that Noith Caro lina is the nursery of great nu n The State has recently furnished three presidents to great educational institutions in other Slates. Ir. K. A. Alderman, of New Hanover, be comes presitlent of the I'niversity of Va;Dr.J.A.IIodges.ef Darnel, is made the president of the University Col , lege of Medicine at Richmond, Va.: !'; and Dr. C. A. Smith, of Guilford. J , goes to Tennessee to be-coine the ' president of the Slate University. ! There was much complaint alnml the great number of dclegales at the - recent State convention and a reso t lution was introduced to re-duce the ' number. The trouble all grew out t of the fact that the present plan of 5 organization was not followed in the selection of delegates. Take Rau t tlolph county for instance which I under the plan of organization is en- titled to 17 delegates. There were I -lut 60 delegates atid alternates f actually the convention. There I sre 32 scats provided for Randolph's 1 delegation. The result was that j Mian j of the delegates from this I cou aty sat with other delegations, f l't. the plan of organization be fol- I? i' i.,l and there will be no trouble. ' "!, w were 6,000 or 6,000 in the f i-onveBlioo and most of them - fcs. If the plan of organira i bevu followed there would i . -u J ,&0 deJegnttiw ' i Charlotte Dry. The ''drys" carried Charlotte Tuesday by 485 majority. The ea lKns were defeated in every ward. The North Carolina Booklet is an excellent historical monthly publish e I at Raleigh. It is published in the interest of patriotism by the Daughters of the Revolution. Mrs. E. K. Moflitt is the editor in chief for this year. Mr. J. F. Hamilton writes a let ter in this issue of the Coi'ltiKR cal ling on the public for help for the suffering farmers and their tenants in the storm stricken district it: Scotland county. We hope our pe-o- pie will respond generously to the call tor help for these worthy people who are so sadly stricken at a season when the loss is so great. GOV. VYCOCK SPKAKS TO TEACH E I5S. (ioiernoi- Aycock made an address to the teachers at Chapel Hill last week in which he laid much stress mi i he duty of teachers in doing il: '.- best to get every child in The man at work, the wo ping house and the child in school was necessary to make the ideal family. It was shown that prospeiity went hand in hand with education and the goeei nor argued that every child have a chance, that the iverage of intelligence could not be raised by educating the few, and that when every child was given an even chance there need be no fear about his tind ing his proper place in life. Marion Butler, of e vil name and fame, has throw n olT the mask, hurl ed populism overboard, given up the sponge, burned every bridge behind him and come out llatfoote-d as a full lledged republican, endorsing Koose elt and Booker Washington. But ler attended the national republican convention and liearel the platform with, the clause of the "Force Bill" memories lead, and saw the white child and the negro child on the "stage" with American Hags symbol ical of the eiiial and civil lights of the two races as pioniulgated by the republican party. With the first sentence of Elihu Root's opening speech referring to the record eif the republican party on the negro and t!ie tit's! sentence in the platform adopted referring to the same sub ject, llutlei- became so convinced, no doubt, of the wrongs inflicted by white men on the negro, that be re signed without delay as national chairman of the populist party, mt waiting until the national conven tion which convened at Springfield, 111. .lulv Jill. Mill Drowned in Mid Ocean. All but -Jt of the Mio persons on the Danish emigrant steame-r Norge which left Copenhagen June 22nd aie believed to droivned. The Ve-ssel sank on a ivcf nearly :no miles west of Scotland. Scotland County Again Storm Swept. i Mi the afternoon of July -.'ml Scotland county was again visited by another destructive hail storm. This storm went through the neigh borhood ami arotnul Gibson. Cot ton knee high was stripped to short stems two or three lm-bes higV Pine trees were peeled of bark. Tin re was also a destructive storm in the .Matthews neighboihood in .Meek leu burg county. More of Mcknight. Really we should have a spark of sympathy for the few people of Southern Piin s who have been "taken in" by the man MacKnight. Yes terday II C Flint, C W Shaw ami I. P French appraise-d the property of s X Rockwell ami F Dixon, who became bondsmen for MacKnight at a justice court here, w he-rein he i MacKnight i evadeel a suit of eje-ct-ment by having these two gentlemen sw ear they w ere- worth the bond over and above their homestead exemp tion, developments proving that .they were not. Executions and Ride will follow . Southern Vines Dispatch The St Louis Convention. The Coliseum in which the demo cratic national convention convenes in St Louis today, Wednesday, has 1110,01"! seats and they will all be lillcd. The papers are lillcd with ante- convention talk and predictions as to the nominee. It is almost certain that it will be Parker, but still that is not absolutely certain. His friends ire confident, but so were the tricnils of Mr Bland in '90. Those who heard it will never forget t'je enthu siasm of the large delegations in yel low flax suits with "Jilanu caps who filled the streets and hotels and trains with lirass bands at Chicago in '90 with their never ceasing yell ing "Bland, Bland, Richard P Bland, while irrcauy in tue lead at the beginning, yet Mr Bland did not win. Some predict Cleveland, we do not kuow, but our opinion is that Mr Cleveland will not be nominated and bis name will probably not be placed before the convention. You buy a quart of liquor. It is short to begin with it is not quart. W hat there is of it is adul terated with all sorts of things that devitalize, that destroy tissue, lower brain activity and pnt madness in the blood. It does sot nourish nor strengthen, nor nut of it is bora a new thongbL Jt is a fraud in every way," Charlott Observer. i ITEMS OF NEWS. Many Items of Interest Gathered from Different Sources. Holiness preachers conducting a meeting at Faith, in How an county, recently, were waited on by members of the Junior Order of American Mechanics and demanded an apology from the preachers who had imbliclv denounced the order. The preach ers refused to apologize-, whereupon the juniors threatened to remove the tent by force. The holiness workers removed the tent themselves. Whiskey's fatal work was in evi dence in Northampton county re cently when H alentine, crazed from effects of lieiaor, shot his wife in the head with a double barrel shot gun. Dr II F Creit.berg, pastor of Cen tenary M E Church, South, at Winston-Salem, has Ih-ch granted a patent on a portable railway window sere-en. This invention is to protect passen gers from scinders, grit, dust, etc. The invention will elo away with this trouble1. Prof C A Smith, of the University of North Carolina, has been ele-cted president of the I'niversity of Tenn essee vice Dr C W Dabnev who has be-eonie the president of the I't i er- sitvof Cincinnati. Capt M L Baiker. of Salisbury, has accepted a proposition recently made him bv the government of China to do certain instructive work in the interest of the troops ef that country. Messrs Bvnuni and Flkins, w ho operate a saw mill near White Hill church, had two mules ami a horse killed and one mule injured bv light ning last Tuesday afternoon during x thunder storm. They were in tin stalls and fortunately no person was real at the time the fatal flash got in its work. This is a heavv hiss on Messrs Byiiuin and Elkins. At last account it was thought that the in jured animal would recover. San- ford Express. L C Iseley, who was stiuck while- sawing a window sill last Thursday. .lie'd from his injuries on Saturday it bis home in Gre-ensboro. Mr J J Oakley, of High Point, savs the ledger," has the contract for building the automobile to be- used on the new line from Chestnut Hill. -alialinrv and Spencer to the Yadkin river, for which a company has been organized as announced in the last ue of Thk Cut lilKii. Mr K M Armlield. cashier of I he- National Bank of High Point, has loiialed -f loo to the town library. It is said thai 1 ." 1 was collect- e-d last week ill Greensboro on the fund to rebuild ireensboro Female College. Geo H Justie-c. a Chailotte iriiiter. has been appointed assistant cominis- lemer of labor ami pnnling to Sla ved W F. Faison resigned. On Tuesday afternoon of this week Xo 97, the Southern's fast mail ran into a work train mar Rullin. demol ishing five freight cars and injuring the engine of '.'7. Tin- fiieman ami engineer of 97 are badly injuie-d. John Cole's house was burned mar Raleigh Tuesday, and three of his children perished in the- flames. Tin parents made a narrow e-se-ape. Staley Items. Mr F B Olive and bride are visit ing the family of Mr J F Mi-Arthur. Later tiny will visit relatives in High Point, Givcnsboro, and Chat ham and Wake eountic-s. Mr ('has M Staley and bride, after spending a few days in Stale-y, left for a trip in the mountains of Wes tern North Carolina. tin a n-een warm e vening some of the gallant young men of Staley gave an ice cream supper at Un pleasant home of Ml C P F'ox. It was thoroughly enjoyed bv those fortunate one-s who receive-d invita tions. Mr Livvson and family, of Gei manton, have niove-d to Staley. They will live in the house formerly oi-en-pied bv Mr Jeff Windham. Mi June Cos, of G re-dishorn, is visiting in Staley. Misses Etta "Staley and Role-la Frazier left last Tuesday, July Mil, for Raleigh to attend th. summer school. Old Folks Services st Randleman. Programme for ld People's ser vice's to be held at the Randlemau Baptist church, at 3 o'clock p. m. July 10, 1901: Scripture Reading. Rev A Greg- son. Hymn. "A Charge to Keep I Have." The lord's Prayer in Concert. Hymn, "Ortonville." Home Department, Mrs C C Hub bard . "On Old People," L It Hughes. Hymn. "My First Sunday School," W G Barker, L 1) Mendenhall, II G Col lins, W F Kennett. llvnin. "How Firm a Foundation." "Growing Old," Rev L T Corelell. Closing. HEALTH INSURANCE ItM Jama who bwnrej hU Ute b wis for his family. Ttw man who Insures his nealt : is wis both for his fully ana Yssj sssy isuHtre health by guard tag It. K to worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which gaaarally approaches tkraogatha LIVER and aunl feats Itself la inniwMrabki way TAKE And your haaltfi. Toft s Pills Trinty Locals. Trinity, July 0. Misi Nun Heit man left Tuesday mornii g foi a visit to her friend, M"iss Linda Clement, Mocksville. The negro population of the town and surrounding neighborhood ce-h--brute '-The Fourth" in giainl style. The programme consisted of speak ing, base ball, music and fighting. J C Bouldin returned last we-ek from South Carolina, where be has lie-en representing the C J Anthony Nursery Co., eif Greonshorei. lie says that the girls in that State led ban a high life and from his looks it must be so. Rev Albert Sliei rill tilled his reg ular appointment here Sunday morn ing. He stated that he would en gage in a series of meetings here be ginning the first Sunday in Augiisl. Ho will be assisted by Rev G F Kirbv, of High Peiiul. ' Mr and Mrs Geo B Craven, of Fremont, wen- the guests ef Mr Craven's mother for a few days this week. Wcexlend i-oiigratiilations to Mr Craven more for the e heice he has made, than fen the name eif jusi being married. A number of our people al tended the exercise's of the Thoumsvillc Baptist Orpbange this week. Mr and Mrs Geo Mel.amb, of GiYie-nshoro, wele registered at lln Parker House over Sunday. Mr Me Lamb retiirnd Monday morning, but Mrs McClainb will remain for some tune-. Mr Frank H Wood, editor of the Marion News, spent a day or two uf last week here with his family, v. lm have been visiting Mr Weiod's p;n- s. Mr Wood returned with his family to Marion Saturday. The condition of Mr F. F P.-pp-: is nut so critical now as it has been mil it is hoped that he will sieadi'.v improve. Miss I'altie llallance. nl lien ountv, was here foi a short -i.iv wilh the family i'f her uncle. . I u Hal lance last week. Help for farmers. Central Falls, July .". Im-I. To the Cm lilKii: lhirillg last Week we received a letter from Mr G 11 Russell, register of deeds in Se-otlaud county, giving a most pitiatde and sad account oi the re-cent hail stmm that passed through that section, someliine in June: asking aid in anyway conveni ent from '-'" cents up. stating thai the damage would no doubt reach tin- 1 Oli.iM m t notch in thai county, and that many would sutler if not aided in some way. In Sunday's News and Observer we notice an :.c- couut of another similar st.uui of perhaps grealei damage through the m them part ot tt-.- same euiiiuv. destroying the entire cup of 1 t n corn and cotton in its path, am: even skinning the pine tree-, that Were exposed to t !n-stoi'in. This m -fortunate condition is double sad. and can only In-changed by t!oc who are fortunate enough to .-cape the storms, and be providentially blesse-d with good crops and health, coming to the rescue with their help in some way, if only to ask the county coinniissioiH is to ilu mum -thing in the name' of our county for the destitute in Scotland. It is our hit v : we owe it to our fellow man. and' will no doubt be rewarded in some way for all vve do. Let some one in eve ry township or neighbor hood get up a petition to the Honor able Board eif Countv Commissioners asking it to raise in some way a con tribution that the whole county may help in, or to donate some of the county's funds now on hand, so thai the board may act in sympathy with the people ill this benevolent niatte-i. I for one woulil be u,i ;mg to iucica.se the special fax in order to raise a nice little sum for the hi in tit of those unfortunates, who si weeks ago, had bright prospects for good ciops, happy homes and a prosper ous year, all to be swept away in the space of an hour. All who fe-el anxious to do something in anyway, get up petitions, write to the edifor stating your views, and put the machine working before the iiit Monday in August so that some thing mav be deun- that dav bv the Board. ' J. F. II win lii.x. Npws From Ralph. .1 ill v Miss Marv M.nlitt. of L'lah. spent last week with her cous in. Mrs M II Moflitt. Miss Susa Jane Hamilton is iv-covi-i'ing from her re-cent illness. Several of our people Went to Slat today. An organ has been ordered for Brower's Church. J N Winningham is visiting his sou, M I. Winmugham. Miss r"arlie' Spoon, of A.-heboro, sieiit the fourth with her cousins. Misses hva ami Kate vwumnglium Arrangements are being made feir the Children's Day exercises at Flag Springs church next .Sunday. A large crowd from this section will be in attendance. A Imy hoarder has arrived at Mr S F Lowdermilk's. ' The corn crop looks promising through this section, hai vesting is over and the threshers will soon be1 here. Mr J L Cox, who has bevn ill for some time, does not improve, we are sorry to note. 1 lie little six month 8 olelcluld ot Mr and Mrs U C Staley died one day last week and was buried at Flag Spring church. Corleto News. W A Tysineer's barn containing a lot of feed was destroyed by fire Monday. M F Skeen and M Lackey are in this community with their new thresher rnn by traction engine. A A Ridge went to Asheboro on business Friday. J R Yates spent yesterday in High l'oint. Farmers snd truckers can, after this week, strinar and break their tender beans and sell them for cash to the Asheboro Canning Cotroany for forty cents per busuej.. Central Falls Items- We were made sad by the death of Mr Eliza Allred, which occurred July 1st. Mr Ed Hamilton, of Fries, Ya., is siiending a few day with bis parents. We are always glad to se-c Kd. (Juib- a number ef our young peo ple weiil to Franklinville Saturday night to an ice cream supper. I L'lie Fourth passed oil quiet here-, 'some went to Greensboro, Bundle man and the most of the young peei- j le went to the Osborne s Alill place I pic uicing. I Miss Ottie 1! Hamilton is con hined to Inr room with fever. We hope- she will seion be out again. J C Allred has rented n black si.iith shop and will he prepared to ilu all kinds of smithing ec. Mr 1! R Bain's sister, of Burling ton. is spending a few -lays visiting. 'I he mills 'start cp Wednesday morning and will run the remainder of the- We-e-k. ' larm-T News. Farmer N. !'. July Hh l'.ml. I ,u- I 'out ie-r:- iml.i1 rain-: and eve-ry thing is i . . x . i v ami leirn is growing' line, anil the pi-ee-pe-t for a big crop is tin !.. -I in "-ir-. Wheal is harvested, and son-e crops have- I -i I hivsheel. Tii- vicl'l i- bevohd , etatum. Mr'N W N.-w'bv of ' -,ille. who ha ''ecu visiting frit- . . and rela tive around Fanner for ,. few days. l::is !vlurnoil !o bis home-. Mr F C l.assite-r has returned :'n in a visit to tin- Worlds Fair. Il U interesting m hear him relate the s.g; is and :. "f that greatest sfpx mi earlh. We are all going al'. r the weaili-r gels colder. Mr Milton skee-ii has pnr.--h.4- -e! a .lew traction engine and lhre-li-ei- mhI he is tloing good work in -ll.il -k lime. II. -h. Us it out at the ra .- of 4. bii. to t he minute. Wil.y .1 l.ofiin F.-.. has contrac- I t.i i are 1 !n mail from Fanner to iMiIiiii. William Ix.-ai lis rroin Lassi I i. and Mr Rii iiard-oli from A-he-!...!.. to Farmer. Th.-c an- all .lai !v ail-. We hop,. ,- will have a R 'H in I he near fin 'ire. are r. vieving iii- mails very i; n "liar s.,,-e i he m w - -li.-l u te . ..ue into i --ei. Ou two of our eiaiiy paper- e. nn- to our oll'ce last t aj-i M I. Keanis ha- one- hun VI or men-, a, i. - of eoni in eiiltiva t i". His crop ii. n I..-reckoned any ii'.- from t wo and a half t" t hiee-:.:.i-aud bushel-. I Tax.-- ,,f f -,,-, Town-hip i- il a .- i.l.-rab".- -iatf "f .Aei:- -.. t over lie- a, lie f Nathan l ..- - vs. Willi. Ri.lg.-. Trial -el :- I.,h m!i in 1-.- I'or-. tt's Court. I '.-.,!' Yai-l-roiigii of Farmer will i', i. near fat iir- r.ni.o with bi I'a.uilv i,S 1., -xin-lon N C. W.- r.-g-- : ! . bin.- l.im leave us. lie i- a la', alii.ii.e . iii '. ii, and a mod.-! ! 'g i' or. ' .-ii ! i I'or g'o. rm 'i-and eiei'V bo.iv pi. in d w iih the nomination. Tin-p--i.pl-- vv ho m-vei- heard hi'lii speak -!:a.ielv hope lu v will hav.- an op-poi-, mil y lo iln s.i be fore the ram- LcJar falls Items. -y.. -A 1' Cox was called to Ruber.', i again Saturday to see his -. k '-.' . Th. I-:aiiklinvilli. township Sun day si !.. ! eoiive'iition was held hole Su'lala'. an. I was Well attended. Iiii; a numiier of our young people- ali.m led Children's' pay al l-'r.mkii:.-. ill.- Sunday night. Miss aiiiiie GiHilsbv visited .Ie- 'li Fry mill wife Monday. Scssiun Heard of County Commissioners I i..- I---. ' . i.-ly ('.munis- r- i,i. ( J .Lev .l.ilt 11 . I . H I l'll.-l II. i.. I. IS .,;: -.. I-.. . : IMi.l-N-IIIU l.le-1,1. in- i,.;.. ... .....iiMlsueTi-aH.m.,!: I 1-1 I.VKKK-. I. VV ., k. n. I. V 'I t K. k -. 11 F S. lIsi-Kl.l.ASKol s. J 1. M le II.. I.ee-ke-l- IH V. .1 .1 - -Ileallll K.llt 1 el. U. f-. - -i.e. yum A. W'l f. I. 'ee.-i' -' '...,....-".'r'liiier'r.. II 5" 1 -.- .' H;.ii- i l: .' r te.r l,n.:iie. 'VI. F'HU'K. 'rat. ii. Inn . e V. le.e II II ." VV M. I'll N r ( re C M. W:i i D. r-ii. e .irl I -.il lie. In.r A I; K V I. K. i, I. VV t.i i 1 -, -. . ;:l A W. I'.l lil'SIV UliilE. II. .ll.i.i, l',.)l H.llt. ( ei , ' r. M.l'iiiry. ni lw... (lel. rtl Ihrtl It,- re-" -i .uieic una aii uni.- baptist University for Women. Iiiplomas givcu in the Arts, Science and Philosophy; in Music, in Art and in Expression. Courses of study similar to those in boys' colleges. Kccitation jierioils, one lieiur each. Faculty of six men and twenty-four women. .School of Bible- taught by a full graduate of Wake Forest and New tou The-ologi-Semiuary. Thorough business course. Excellent equipment for teaching Chemistry, Biology and I'bysics. School of music unsurpassed in the South. The comfort of students looked after by lady principal, lady physician, two matrons and a nurse. Board, literary tuition, beat, lights, baths, fees for physician, nnrse and librarv, $167.50 iter session; in the clnb from t5 to f ri5 less. No dis count to any; everybody pays exactly the same rates. Believed to be the cheapest school of its grade in the fwuth. For fnrtner information add rese president K T V'aiiu, 1U1 eigb, NC. I riikon News. ! Mr RofCeee- Oav is has gone to Con i cord to work. The littV son i.f Mr Jake Harris was bitten by n rattle snake a few I days age. The cbihl i i snlfenng , niiieli. . .Mi liai 'is lliii w :sk n in expressi j llii'o!.,.'i ve.gr columns his sincere tlnci!-' i'or iii.uiv Kiuiiiic-si s shown hi.ti i!u: ;i;g his lecin: i i In. .luii,- '.'ii. QPOT CASH Will pay sp,.t cash f. o. b. your depot feu- Grcen and Dry Hides- Beeswax, Tallow, Eggs, Woof washed or iin-viihcd ) I also carrv a full line of Fruits ami Vegetables. Ifa iianas. ranges. Lemons. Peanuts at market price... Write feu prices, A. C. FORSYTH, 1 Lew is Si reel, Greensboro, X. C. .HOT IT-SIMI!! liF.APil'. A bol lie of Fe-.inr will be sent free- '.i every , i-e-aeh r of this paper w ho i siitVt-ring w il ii an kiml of .-kin (lise;,si or eruptions, tiny form of F.ceina, I'liml or lllee-.iing Piles, St roliila. lieh. T.-ii. ,-, Barbers Itch. King worm, I'.oils, I'elond Poison, Feve r Sores nl' any name or nature. '11 reward will be paid for anv case of Fceina I hat is no prompt ly cured with 1-ic-zine. Kc-inc w ill heal any sore m-cure t hi- worst skin and iiia'k.- it look like Velvet. Here to,,, re there has be-ell lio Spcrilir niscoveieii that wnuld cure Kri-ma and kimli-eii elise-ases unlil Ft-zilie tv.is ili-covi r. d and now thousands are cured daily. Never mind what you have tried; forgi i llle failures lll.l.le l. either rellle'elie-s an.lsend l'r FREE SAMPLE e'f l'!e-ine. wlliell alw.'IVS give's re lief and a p-rniiineiil cure l-.c-zine 5kiii Soap i- the- best antieeplic soap made. It willclcan-e anything -will deslroy microbes of liandriil!, falling hair, .-ore head, hand-and I'eei. pimple s ami black-he-aels em face and make the skin smooth. The only antiseptic shav ing soap made, gnarant I to eliiv germ disea-es - .-ii if it don't. -,'t"i e-'.ils a cake. Write today to l'.OYI) Cllli.'UCAI. COril'ANV, 70S Rand-eMw-Nally Hld.. 1 hi, III. Th.- publisher of this pui . ! knows of - In- ivliabilitv of F.-zine "l.d of the I'mH.I cbemicil C... THE NORTH CAROLINA Sialf N.,M,,..I ..!.! I.,;!::-'::,! rollcir. cov.r:-es l.ltor--.rv C4tinitoi-cJt-.l Cl.issk.tl De.ii.-stl.. S.-,mr Selrulillc M-vn.--UTrlnlri F.-b.wn.t Al Mu .ic. I i .-..'. r- - ,. ., . . i . .. ..iM.i.. A.ltiitit. il - - 1-- .- I.. I',-..-. - v.. ;- . a,.,.,! l-nee-- .vii-,.tiiTl.rt--l s. l,.. i. h:e. .,!l, miintn-li, :. It, .: i I . l.ii.i. m. tuiti.iu, mi, I i,.,-;i..r lis,-, I I. xl i.-.l- . I,-. tli.ii;i ."tr. K..r ii.iien-s..l.-i.. --I III, -I:,!- I le--.. I, 111 .nilii.al 1-, I.- . -:!,- Si. -ll- r -.' . 1 .-I I I r, I-.mi.I It, ll ' HA- i M. IV Kll. l-r.-si-l,.; WE HAVE A line of Fresli (ireieeriis and I ountrv Produce on hand all t In- lime. We want vnur .trade ami if Lviiie price- and fair I li allllellt will gel ii Wt are going lei have il. For anything toe-at conn to Us. SPOON & REDDING, Grocerymen. Furniture, Carpets, ugs, Etc. Asheboro, N. C. Reduction Trices I am making reduction prices on summer millinery as follows .j2.(K) reatly to wear hats for ij-I.eM) bats" for -fi',.00 pattern hals for fio.oo " ' " if 1.25 corst-U for SI. tn " Ijil.fi0 $1.00 $4.50 $1.00 .50 jl.go infant caps for Magnetic combs, llavorin $1.00 x tracts and toilet articles of the most desir able makes kept in stock. MRS. E. T. BLAIR. Healthy Mothers. Mothers should alway. keep in (fooei beidily l.enlili I bef owe it let ilielr ehilttr-m. Yel it Is no nnuaual sinht to e a motber, with btivo in arms, cough kg vii.iaatiy nti exhibit ill the syinp toma ot ro"(uu)t;va temlenej. And wbr alte-nld this danseroua condition exrat, dni-rou alike to uiotber and e ilil, wben Dr. Bo-chre a Ucrmao Syrop wnultl put a atop to it at oner? No mother should b wit Loot this old and tried rotneiy In the bouse for It iineiy nan will primptlr rare any long tliroae nr bronchial iroub's in bemlf or her ahilHroo. 1bt-omt epoch or cold ran be speedily eared by tiernun Hvinp; aoriin hot-sn'- a-a eongt-e- iun of the broncblsl tune. It luvkea epe rbirntion -', and give instant relief mlr-fit-liiiig ivet lo the coush r bed reins iimitivw Nrw triul bottira, 36; l .r-e an- 7Ac. For isle by sua- ard 1'ruj Co. i -. jxs'3- -"t ' 1 THE KF-ELEY INSTITUTE. GREENSBORO. N. C. FREE! CUT THIS BOX Please semi Name Address OUR ILLUSTRATED HAM) HOOK Just a Good a New You can buy a second-hand Sewing Machine from me that is as good as new. I am temporar ily located next door to Kivett's shop in South Asheboro. It' you do not need a machine, your old one neod Gleaning and All of my work guaranteed to bo entirely satis factory. I would be glad to have you call and ex amine my Machines - If you dont need one your self, tell your neighbor about the great bargain that can be had at my place. I will sell you a ma chine from $5.00 up. Come and examine for yourself. This great slaughter sale will last for only a few days. Come to-day I have 50 second-hand machines that must bo disposed of. Main otlice, Salisbury. D. VV. SNIDER. Next It r t.i Ixivell's slinp. r.. S0Dv iA-i . T J :AQ Southern Nurseru Comp'u. WiNCKii-sTDR, Tennessee. Oldest and Largest Nursery in the State. Nearly s'.ikhi.imiii I'eat - fall tif lllli:: aatl sinilie- ni' :Mlf. We i.l" I ! .", inir n-iiai Iarj-e siipplv i.f Apple, IVai ree-an-, laij;lisii WiiIiiik-, in tai l all kind- i.f li iri't'W ii in inir elimaie al le a-n'ialde piie.-s. t-i'"Wri!e f-.r l'riev l.i-; a:nl t'alal.iui'. SOUTHE1.N M;1S1:RY CO., VViiK-hcsK'i. Tciin. Some of IV'Iow we give semie prices that will be of interest to all. Laelics will enjoy spring styles and appreciate our prices. Our buyer spent considerable time in New York this season and had the advantage of visiting the most fashion able stores in the city. Everything in our line is new and the very latest styles. Spring and Summer Dress Goods. Nkn's Clothins:, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Shirts, Ties, Etc. Ladies', Misses' and Carpetd, Mattings, Gocarts, All-Leather Suit Cases from ' WOOD fc LeaUinx Clothiers. ' Marble and Marble Monuments, Marble Tombstones, Italian Statuary, Marble and Granite We can furnish any design of tlie Anie-rii-an or foreign marldeg or Our good are the nicest olitainalde. give us your orders. Darbee Marble Works, Oppo. O. Q. Hendricks & Co. Ayers Pills Want your moustache or beard a teautifol fro va er rtca clack? Use "?!i;"Vf v " W. . "-V ' 1 K s OUT TO-DAY MAIL IT to 163, GREENSBORO, N C me v-eiir 1 1,1 i !-ti:ati:i 11 a mi Hook HI - R e p en 5 r i n (. AMIKIKM:!!. N. i . Cold Drinks AIl Kinds AT OUR FOvlNTflii. Buy your Drugs at our store. Poliie cler't.s. Standard Drug Company, -,.,l and sliijiptd dii-i -l t.i plainer- in vvil' 1 fall nl r.'ill ami spring l'eae -II, l l.fll'V, Pilim, s iliat are .-ni-ee;.-l'ullv Our Prices ! 1 i H Ijitlie-i Stree t Hats. ;,ii,,. t.i j . Itiili 'I'l-iiiiined IlalsiNe -v York slyltsi jl sj-.'i, IJtin't l.iiv imlil veil ,-tv our Atvlt-ii. Vllite Itl-oeaele Mlill-v . 1-1-, '-.'(I to '.':c. Cliainpaieii Madras Hiiit-vvaisls, v'li In T.c Vnil Dress Coods ,all ctiltllsl v'll lo ,ilV. Uluck Voils. a0c T.'ic. and .1. Klaek Allialrn-s. ,Mi,-. to ? -1. Fancy Ladies' fsiiitiii'-', "i'e- T.n-. and ijl. Cn-pe Me China, in color-;, :U-.; I'dai k .ri0c. f'l- Heilie-tl Silk Muslin, in i-ednrs. :jor. White l)re.ss I.ilit n, VlO and Cat-. Full line of Iuvvii!, 5, 10, 15 mid 20c. Children s Shpiiers. Baby Carriages-New Line. - - - $4.50 to $7.50 iMOIvINCJ, Asheboro. N. Car. Granite. Granite Monuments, Granite Markers, Iron Fencing, Posts and Copinjr, Etc. lniiiiineiits ami 'rom'-stonei in any of granilesi. Our prices are tlie lowest. We can plm-i' yon. '1I on lis and Asheboro, IN. C. Act directly on the liver. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache. Sold for 60 years. JGXIHGHAM'S DYE mi u. mkm - mi-uuik, mi, . .

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