t The Aslieboro Courier. Local and Personal. Notice to Correspondents. Any thitiK tif t luiiHniiiK tl't i mm tunc mm i' Tht"i:!"rii' enrrtKn.liM r tliu views llu rluht lit lltl .rnpl nil fOlllllultllrilttllllH, Vrit Ii lilool till! Wlier. Ill Tll- Inir ir vH iim t n hMutl and trcuurtu news. Kiul name of iho writer must ulwnj accnin u.i .v.mmiitiii'j&iioii iMiilontltiE liny ranitliliiti' ll lie MiMhhrd containing umru tliiin fitly uril uuloa paid lor at the mien ol one ix j Asheboro Wheel Harrow Factory hati begun operation. J MioS (irace Wood 1ms relumed from a visit to Thoniiisville. it Messrs 11 U Causey and J 11 Mar- Jey, of Libert v, wcie in town Monday ? Mr W J Mooie and daughter pass ed through J-ritlay going tiown m the L'wharrio section. I Messrs W 1! Webster ami It 11 Jbiin, of Central Kails, were in town Tuesday afternoon. I Mies Ada Newby is in Mt (iilead this week visiting the family of her ' Uncle, Mr N W Newby. Messrs B Y Cagle, (ieo Waisner mid WilBon Hill, of New Hope tow n J ship, were in Aslieboro Monday. A Mrs 11 K Moilitt, of Asheboro, went over to l'itlsboro last week to visit relatives. Work has comnieneed on the new . ireamery established by the enter " prising citizens of lliuidleuiaii. The brick are being made for the new ten thousand dollar graded Ichoul building at iiaiullcman. "4 We art) glad to note that Mrs Tal lin Bulla, who has been ill tor some me, is recovering. Mrs II L lirovvcr, of Atlanta ihus arrived ami will spend some timi ith her sister, Miss Nannie Bulla. Cant Y M C Johnson, of ltiiniseur, oamo up Monthly to be present as a UII.II...V1 "1 j... ......... t l ; Messrs Nixon l'resnell, S ; I' V Spoon were in to see us mw.n. 1..1. ..f ttio m.iutim ril Spoon, si nee t; ur hist issue. li & . i ..... i it li...:. ..t a j Mr aim jirs i I'itw.-. nurn- IU ioro, visitetl relatives in High I'tiint ; last wecK. iff Miss Klleii lira v. of Iluih Point. iisitttl triemls in vturuiviiie lasi wck. )f The sub district conference of the M 1' church meets wilh the Asiit ioro church llie fourth Saturday ml Sunday in July. Miss Lulu, Steed, wlm went down 'to her home at Steeds ten days ago, is still detained by I he illness of her lister. Miss lierta Steed. 1 Miss Jessie Boroughs visited rela jlves and friends in the Why Not lieigliboi hood last week, leturning jKaturi'ay, accompanied by her cousin, Iiss l-.tta Auman. Mr M lifiich, of I'.rower tow nship, fo uccount of whose fall in which Ic recti veil severe injuiits was told i the Corum; some lime age, we jjui n is improving. t The Knteipiise says that Mr A llotlitt, f Tampa, Ma., is visiting his brother, Mr II A Moilitt, of High ,1'oiut. 'Alphelis" U the youngest Win of our esteemed lountviiun, Mr 71 T Moilitt, of Motrin's Mills. I Mr K (' Blair, who has been en--aged in the grocery business in j Washington, I) C. iias been Selected t0 take charge of the college farm at Guilford College. Mr Blair is a son of the late B F Blair of Trinity township. Capt. Cully Blair, a former iail :4iider of Salisbury w ho is now liv ing in Columbia, has been in Salis ojiry for several days ami returned to Columbia this morning. Capt. J?lair has not been in good health for two years. Salisbury Sun. i Miss Kate Ingram, of this city, aid Misses Bess and Drusie Kllis, of Jin ham, w ho have been attending a 'iouse party in Ashclioro given by Hiss Blanche Wood, returned yester- ' day. High Point Knterprise. Mr Steele Lowilermilk, of liich kiond county, a sou of the late Zini Tiie Lowtlerinilly and a grarilsou of Jfrcd I)wderniilk of Blower Ujwii p p, this county, was one of the j kftiduating class at Trinity College j tbis year. 1 The people of this county are en titled to more rural delivery routes rjd efforts should be made to have jnore. Several "loop routes" are tieeded, Loop routes are where one txmte goes out from a railroad and is Het by another route. Dr ClI Lewis, of Farmer, on his v from the Democratic convention i t Ureensborostopcd with liis sister 1 Irs C Muse. Mrs Muse was also 1 iftitcd al that time bv her sister. ' Mrs V A Crauford, and neice, Miss Nannie Crauford of Staunton, Va., who will spend some time visiting relatives in the city. High Point uterpnse. Monday afternoon during the rain the wall of the excavation of I'inch' Bros, bi ick block of stores lucame wet and caved in. Several tuns of dirt filled the basement oil she south side. It will take several lays to remove the dirt. Fortunate ly "no one-wis near at. the time and one was hurt Thomasville cor. Dispatch. I'rof Eugene L Branson, sou of . late Iter Irvi Branson, and neph . of Mrs K T Blair, of Ashelxro. taken suddenly ill at his home t Athens, Ga., last week. He was hreatrned with paralysis and his .hysician said le Toviure was ab- t lutelT neoessuiry. He and Mrs I vanso.n have left for Em-op. Prof 4 'unson is president of the Georgia j i ! ate Normal, and Superintendent j ' of the University Summer School Go to the Standard Drug Co, for ld drinks. Mr C H Cox, mail agent from High Point to Asheboro is still quite ill at his home in High, romt Mr and Mrs G W Lemons, of Winston, who brought their baby hero for burial, returned home yes terday. Mr W 1) Ingram came up ThurS' day to bring his daughter, Mrs Frank Lowdermilk, who was returning to iiichniond county. Mrs Clark, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs J D Simpson, for seveiul weeks, has returned to her home in Canada. Iiev J P Hodgers went up to High Point I uestlay to assist the pastor of the Washington Street M K Church, South, in a revival service, Madison llaywortli is the carrier for rural delivery No 3 from High Point to Freeman's Mills and Glades boro to near Progress ami thence up the old plunk road to High l'oint A large number went down on the excursion Monday to the 4tuot July picnic at the high bridge of the Durham & Charlotte ucross Little Hiver. Mr Dick Hoskins, the new ticket agent ut High Point, was married to Miss Iiily llson, daughter ot Mr J S Wilson, of High Point, Wednesday of last week, says the .Ledger. Mr J W Piigh, of Gray's Chapel, came over Friday to bring Mr C C Kune and family on their return to Mt Gilead from a visit to their old home in the Gray's Chapel section. Our printer caused us to say II W Brady received sw.mi for receiving bridge in repelling llie proceedings of the county commissioners last mouth. It should have been $1.00. Mr J K Caiidlo is the rural deliv ery carrier for the new route from ltandleiiian via New Salem, Level Cross and Freeman's Mills. The route will be started Julv loth. We were in error last week in tn ing arc lights would be put i The contract is for incandesce lights. Twenty-eight, of these cantllepower bulbs will be distribic over the town. Send us the news and oblige not mere neighborhood personals, hut the real news when it happens, with out waiting. Do this anil vou will greatly contribute to our efforts to make a newsy paper. Mrs John II Anderson, who was visiting relatives in Asheboro, receiv ed a telegram yesterday that her husband hail typhoid fever in Greens boro. Mrs Anderson went to Greens boro on the lir.sl train. Mr Marvin Kearns, of Fanners, in,.' up Monday and brought Iiev W 1! F.vans who went to Mt.Airy to asit in a protracted meeting. Mrs Kotlgers and children returned witn Mr Kearns to visit the family of Uev Mr Evans. On account of the township Sun day school rally at the M P church July 17th there will be no Sunday school or preaching at any of the chinches in Asheboro until the night service. lA't evervlmtly come to the rallv. The lands lielonging to the estate of W H Parks were sold Tuesday at the court house door. Mr u Jl Black purchased the home place of Mrs Winey Parks, there being 110 acres. .Mr JUincan Hove purchased ii lot of 'l ai res adjoining former tract, and Mr II J Upton 10 acres id joining the former tract. Practically all the cotton mills in this county are now running on half time. Never in the history of the on ut v has t here been so many goods piled up in the mills and warehouses. Not m the memory ot tiny one now living have the cotton mills "been taiiduir as much as this spring. Some of the mills hare run most of the time. Messrs W N Elder, of Maud, N M Lowe, of Mechanic, C T Luck, of White House, J M Brewer, of Kam- seur, C L Bobbins, of Caraway, Hugh McCain, of Spero, T J Bedding, of Caraway, J F Hamilton, of Central Falls, J M Luther, of Stneby, 11 11 Kemiedv, of Fullers, S S Cox, of Brower.'j M Hicks, of Fullers, Al ton Hicks, of New Hope Academy, J 1! Fra.icr, of Frimklinville, and others were in town Monday. New Bank The Thomasville Loan and Trust Company with K L Burkhead, J A Green, and C M Hoover and others as stock holders has been organized. Base Ball. Worthville and Central Falls base ball teams played on the grounds at Central July .'th, resulting iu a score of 11 to 24 in favor of Central. Siler Celebrates. Siler City celebrated the Fourth with 3,000 people in attendance. Col J li Line was t luef marshal and G S Bnwlshaw. Ksii., of Greensboro, made an eloquent address. New Telephone Line. The High Toint Telephone Com- iany will put in a eopiier wire from ligh Point to Iiandlenian. There will be two wires making a complete metallic circuit instead of ground circuit as is generally used. A New Depot. At an early date the Southern Railroad will begin work on a in w passenger ' depot and enlarge the freight depot. New depot will be built on the corner of Randolph and Maiu Streets. Thomasville Times. Cow Peas I and potatoes. It is not too late to tow cow peas on the stubble lands. Fall potatoes can be planted and a good crop grown. With potatoes for several months this spring at from $.1.25 to p.50 per bushel ther w money iu growing round potatoes. Farmers Institute. A farmers institute will be hold in the court house at Asheboro July 20th. Prof W F Mossey Tuit, Butler and C 15 Williams will make ud dresses. Everybody iuvitcd. The Fourth al Randleman. Independence Day was celebrated at Kandleniiin on Monday. Inter esting addresses were made by Her J M llillard. Profs J M and D M Weatherly. There was a iai crowd present and the day was most enjoyable one to all. Mr. Randleman Resigns. Mr C C Iiandlenian, who has been u member of the board of county commissioners for nearly four yeais. has resigned for business reasons, Mr A N Bulla, of Iiandlenian, has been appointed to till the vacancy Mr Haiidleman has made a gootl of ficer and Mr Bulla is well equipped to make a worthy successor. Sunday School Rally! There will be a mass meeting of ill the Sunday schools in Asheboro township, in the M P church at 10 a ni Sunday July 1,7th, 1904. The morning session will lio specially de voted to children and primary work. An interesting program has been mraiiged with a view to the enter tainmeiit and benefit of all who may attend. Let everybody come ami take part in the meeting. Noi.e too old. JNone too young. Children's Day Exercises. 1 he Children a Day exercises ut the M P church Sunday moriiiii were well attended. The children, all of them (lid Well. An interest- and entertaining progruininc'had been arranged for the occasion. Mr I Boroughs made an addr which was eujoved. Brielly he took up the life of Christ and in an im- iiessive way urged that the children iiiiilale tlu illustrious examples. large ai.'lience seeineil to enjoy I -,- i ii.giaii me throughout. Wc -.til-. very niecli impressed with lillle L Hit t row on, wlm with others it-i ile,.. . Im1 "I . isies at the Cross" by t' n i " : ' : i : ! v mild not escape oiir nien'M-. Nn-ial music had been prepared -ii'it occasion. A collection was taken i.. the cut the service. of The Fourth at Star. The Fourth was celehru'e! onie two ami one-half miles froi.i Mar in .Montgomery county on Little river on the farm of Mr 11 Auman near the new bridgo of the Durham tV Charlotte Railroad. Thousands were at the picnic. They came in special trains from Mt Gileiid and i roy mid Aberdeen and Asheboro and other points along the A & A Kailroud, and from Carthage, ami from points along the D and C liiulioad. ihey also came in wagons ami othel ve hicles from far ami near. Patriotic addresses were made by- Mr II F Seawell, of Carthage, and Col W P Wood and Mr Chus Boss, of Asheboro. The day was enjoyed by the great crowd assembled ami everybody ex pressed a realization of pleasure and enjoyment at the entertainment given by the hospitable citizens ol Mar ami tile community. Miss Bradshaw Marries. A gay group of the friends and relatives of the family assembled at the home of .Mr G S Bradshaw, on Summit Avenue last night, to wit ness the marriage of their daughter, Kate, to Mr Ernest Clapp, ol this city. It was a quiet and tlelighUul home wedding, attended only by a few intimate friends ami was a sim ple wedding, tasty in design ami enchanting in the beauty of detail. The cermonv was performed at !l o'clock by liev. Egbert H . Smith, pastor of the first Presbyterian church. Miss Bradshaw is the daughter of Mr. G. S. Bradshaw one of t he lead ing lawyers of the Gate City Bar, and is a young lady of real worth, and a universal favorite in the es teem of her legion of friends. M r. Clapp is tho Deputy Clerk of the superior court, a prominent Elk and young man of excellent character and well known in the city. No bride in this city was ever re membered more generously or more handsomely iu the elegant tokens of esteem, winch come from her many friends in and out of the state. Afler receiving the congratulations of the company i)f triends the couple left on northbound train No 30 last night for a vacation to Atlantic City and on the St Ijawrence Greens boro Telegram. J. Waites Smith Killed by Falling from Bridge. J Waites Smith, a lawyer of Troy, was killed on July 4th" by falling from the bridge of tho Durham & Charlotte Railroad across Little river two ayd one half miles from Sun- in Montgomery county. No one was present except Mr Taylor Stout and family. The bridge is 90 feet high and is not yet completed. Mr Smith walked near ly across the bridge on an eight inch plank. On turning to return it ap peared that he started to sit dow n and fell 01) feet to the bed of the river below, killing him instantly. Mr Smith was a young mau of an unusually bright mind. No young man in North Carolina had brighterfutureat one time. He was addicted to the drink habitant! his life 'as to a great extent w recked bv self indulgence. His end is a sad one. He was born in Mississippi and his father was a great lawyer ami elotjiient advocate. He is the only child. His mother survives hi iu. May the Lord who rules over all support and comfort her iu this her hour of deepest affliction. Get vour cold driuks at Standard Drug Co, Bean's Mills Items. Tho hardest ruin we've had since corn was planted fell here Tuesday of last week. Most of farmers cut their wheat uud oats and hauled them in and they never got too wet to haul in from cutting to housing. This is something unusual. I wish to make a correction in lust week's issue where it said Tom Scott hud purchased one-third inter est in the M T Allen saw mill. Mr Stanley purchased one-third interest in the 1 oni Scott saw mill. Mr Tom Williams is the happiest man in our community over the rival of a bov at his house. Dr S W Cuddell ami family hayc moved to liamseur. Uwharrie News. Mr Edgar Hill has typhoid fever. Another boy at G Wall s and girl ut Sam'. Wall's. Isaac Sludei, Kli years old has a knile he has used for d0 years, lie also has a knife his grandmother gave him NO years ago. Botli are in good condition. U G Wall, while on his way to G K Sumner's the other day, saw seven minks. On the old Sumner place there is an apple tree that measures 0 ft and 1 inches in circumference. It is lxo years old. Mrs Kil Kennedy, of High Point, lell and broke her arm while gat her ing cherries. She is now visiting her parents in this neighborhood. Mr ami Mis Milton Parker. White llunse Locals. ' While House, July ". Farmers are laying by corn in this vicinity. J he Sunday school celebration at Hope Well will be held Satiir.lay, July M. Mr Jim Viincannoii spent Sunday night, at Mr L T Branson's. .Misses Liilaanil Nettle Cooper, of Michanie, visited Misses llattic ami Belle I.uek Sunday. Mrs Vance Bulla and children are j visiting her lather, Mr lyson un- caniion. Miss Emma uiicaiiumi spent iturilav night with home tolks Mr Shad Rush is visiting relatives in these pari;. Messrs Chas ami Walter Spencer parsed through -n route to Slur Sun day. Messrs Maulv Williams and Claud Luck have gone to High Point on a VLSI t. Seveial of our people are expect ing to attend the I liiltlieti s Hay al lag Spring Sunday. liiscoc Items. Biscoc, July f. Mr John C Van F.very, of the Biscoc Lumber Com pany, went to Raleigh on a business trip last week. Mr O B Denton made a business trip to Ruby, S C, Wednesday of last week, returning Saturtlay. Mn Inez Knott, of Baltimore, Mil., is visiting Mrs Chas C Crocker. Miss Floy Martin, who has been attending school in Chicago, 111., is visiting her sister, Mrs Frank Page. Mrs .1 li ami Mrs Robt N 1'age, who are spending the summer ut .hickson Springs spent Tuesday in town. The ntw brick depot and office building is Hearing completion, and will occupied lit the course of three or four weeks. The new hotel build ing is under way of construction anil will soon be complete. It 's ulso being constructed of brick and will be a large ami commodious building. Mr C C Crocker is build ing a new brick dwelling. Mr K F Lin k anil and Miss Tinie Hamilton, both of Troy, were mar ried at the resilience of thcolliciating justice of the peace Mr Manly Luck, Sunday morning July 3rd. We wish for them a pleasant and pros persous future. Messrs rrank I age and .1 W Adams, of this place, and Mr R F Dulton, of High .Point, and Mr T B Wildei, of Louisburg, and some other gentlemen fioni Jackson Springs, went to Chandler's pond fishing July 4th. The fishermen, to hear their account, were extremely luckr, but of course they cooked and ate most of the lish at the pond. We understand that some of the oltler hci.ds persuaded the crowd to leave a few for seetl. Salem Church Items. Salem Church, July 2. As we have been ' silent for awhile -will semi you a few happenings. The good Lordhas hail mercy on us and blessed us with abundance of rain. Mr T II Svkes is rolling his trac tion engine ' through the country threshing wheat. He threshed his first crop June the 2."th. Mr and Mrs'Chas Steed arc visit ing Mrs Steed's parents iu Stanly county. .Mr Oscar Elliott and wife, of Lilac, moved into his new house near M C Renins' and the boys gave him a helling that could be heard for miles. Miss Hattie Cianford, who has been confined to her room for several weeks with rheumatism, is improv ing. Mr Carl Nance and Miss Mary McMaster visited Miss Vera Harris, of New London, last Saturday and Sunday. Mr Liudsav Pliiiiimer, of Jones' Mine, was noticed in our country few days ago and acted a little fun ney and as the old man has got plenty of bees lie gut some honey. Ouite a number of our people al. tended the quarterly meeting a Canaan last Saturday and Sni.ilav. Mr and Mrs F E Steed visited at Mr S C C'ranford's Sunday. Rev Henry Sheets failed to fill his appointment at Salem school house Sundey evemng. Rev S T Lassiter will preach at Salem the second Sunday in this month at 11 o'clock. The bi st ice cream and ice cream soda at Standard Drug Co., next door to pust othue. Franklinville Items. Franklinville, July 5 Mr II A Russell spent Sunday and Monday at Gulf with her piuents. The franklinville Mfg. Co. shut down its plant Monday, for the Fourth and to have the electric plant overhauled through the mill. Mr and Mrs Albert Tippett speut Saturday and Sunday ut Uaiidlemun with relatives. Several of people our attended the celebration at the battle ground Mou- Uay. The S. 0. IS.'s will use the town hall, while they are having their hull on Railroad Avenue remodeled and fitted up wiih nil the latest con vciiiances and will then be able to accommodate several more members, Messrs Robert Elkin and G T Chandler, of Sophia,attendetl preach ing at the M E church Sunday night. Several small children iii-seiubled at Mr and Mrs W C Russell's June 30 to celebrate Master Earl Russell's Slh birth day and hud a fine time playing, swinging mid belling some of the neighbors to the delight, of all those present. Mr J li Lutlcrloh, of Greensboro, spent Saturday and Sunday in town with relatives and friends. Mrs Y A Slack was in Greensboro last week visiting her son, Clifford Slack. Mr J C Maner and son Joe went to Thomasville Saturday returning Monday. Mr 0 M Jones', of Greensboro, infant child died Monthly and was interred in the M E church cemetery at this plate Tuesday. Mr W J Moore spent Saturday and Sunday with his daughter at New Salem. Mr Henry Jones ami family visited Mr Pat Fields, near Climax Satur day and Sunday. Mr Jl li Williams, of High romt, was in town Sunday to the delight of one of our fair sex. Mr Williams was a former citizen of our town r.nd knows a gootl thing when lie sec for we hayc some of the best women I hat can be found any where. Aconite Items. J S I,ewis spent a few days at A Spencer's last week. MrThaddeiis Annum visitetl Mr F Atinian's Saturtlay night. Some of the voting people went to tin- bridge picnic Sunday mid report a hue tune. Miss Cora Kearns was the guest of Miss Lucia Auiiian Sunday. Children's day at Flag Springs nt-vt Sunday. MrSabasliau Auman, who has been ut High Point, feturnetl home last week. Mr Lebliens Auman went to Star one day last week on business. Dr and .Mrs Johnson, of French, visited ut J A Spencer's Saturtlay and Sunday. Miss Janie Aiini'in found a bee tree hist week. Iajii Boling was in Asheboro one dav last week. Jurors for July Term. i- iti.-r vv ki:k: Coleridge township J J Barker, B F 'Hardin. Trinity .1 no I. Johnson, W L Botildin, S W Miller. Liberty- J no r Brown, C i. But ler. W P L Brovver. Franklinville I) S Slimmer, D C Coble, S II Free, J M Smith.. W II II Burrow. Columbia A Vunce illiams. Brovver .1 W McCoy, G W Owen. Tabernacle - ('has Spencer. Pleasant Grove J W Purvis, J A Purvis. Ranillemaii C M Vestal, T Russell. Richland -W A Craven, Dr T C Dowd, It L Albright. Cedar Grov ve - K I. Luck, V Ii Miller. Asheboro X M vvallen. Union Pearson Burrow, Auman, Jackson, 7. A Cole, J J Lucas. Concord C II Pearce. Providence J M Gamer, T N Williams. Buck Creek W C Spencer. sw oNP vvkkk: Coleridge--A S Hinshaw, W A Moilitt. Franklinville II J l-ptoii. Columbia W II Steele, Aaron R Craven. Trinity J W Johnson. Pleasant Grove J no II Mariey. Franklinville W A Piigh, P M Julian. Randleman D L lex. Grant W W Burrow, S E Allen. Brovver R F Scott. Concord J H K"arns. Prov idciice Thompson Siler. Union A 11 Cullicott. Concord Z A Cianford, New Market Q F Beckerdite. jjers What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty ! Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. iji-rt Hlr rior mmr tho Mtiuml rI,l, to m iT htr. "t 1 " rOI SwumI- It ttll yon claim for It." k. B. J. VAno. MoclumiMTlll. for Dark Hair Get your medicine at Standard Drng Co. n Married. Mr Frank Ross, of Pleasant Gar den, was murried on Tuesday of last wek to Miss Annie Tucker. On Tuesday June Ulst, at Aurora, N C, .Mr E B Olive, of Washington, N (', and Miss Ellie Pun, of Aurora. On Wednesday June 22nd at Lut ta, S C, Mr ClmsM Staler, of Staley, N C, and .Miss Eva Watson, of Latta. On Sunday July 3rd in Greens boro at t he residence of the britle's parents, Mr and Mrs 1) M Sullivan, Mits Carlie Sullivan and Mr Edgar Moser, a son of Mr and Airs W Al Moser. The groom is a popular young man anil Miss Sullivan is a charming young lady. They will reside in Greensboro. Air Joel Allen Blair, of Lansdown, I'eiin., and Aliss Anna Grace Web ster, of Media, Pennu., were married at Aletlia, l'enna. on Thursday of last week. Air Blair is a sou of the late B F Blair, of Progress. His brother is Robt L Al Blair, the pres ent postmaster ut Progress. Walter E Blair, a clerk in the U S Alar shal's ollict; at Greensboro is also a brother. At the residence of the otliciating justice iu New Hope township June :10th, J W Lax to Aliss Alary Davis, both of New Hope township. After the ceremony was performed the parties returned to the home of Mr l-ax, wtiere a nice dinner was served to a large crowd of friends and relatives, after which they all returned home, wishing thcni a long and happy life, ami after leaving this world, a home in heaven, h ( Rachel J P, otliciating. Died. Airs LT Johnson, of Liberty town. ship, recently. The deceased leaves three children. Of typhoid fever June Hi, Miss Mary Shields at Worthville. Mrs Saunders, wif of W A Saun ders, of New Salem, on June 2iith, of consumption. The deceased was it daughter of Mr Henry Smith, of New Salem. Robenia. the fourteen year old daughter of Mr and Mrs A II Allen, of Worthville, of typhoid fever. She was a girl of sweet disposition and In-r death will cause much grief to parents anil friends. Julv 1st, Garrcl W Lemons, the 12 mouths' old child of Mr and Mrs G W Lemons, iu Winston. .The re mains were brought to Asheboro anil interred in the M E ccmetorv. At Granite Citv. III., Mrs Maggie Davis Cox. a daughter of Mr ami Mrs Thomas Davis, of Coleridge, N C on June 11th, I !!. We have an obituary which will be published in our next issue. Floyd, infant, sou of Mr and Mrs D C Staler, June 2, and was buried it Flag Springs 29. I luki- Ililli- limit, mil.) lie A ii, I lay tlii'in iu my l.n-iiH, I'mti-.-ti.oi llu-v .-hall Itml in Mi-; In Mi- iH-i-tvr l.l. 1. Kl til l.u.ltrmilk. Special Notice. ,11 subscribers living on the R F D routes should notify us (if thev have nol already done so) and thus insuie the prompt delivery of The Courier to their address. Be sure to ive old address as well new. lie are to give No. of rout. Unless subscriber do this we are not respon- ible for the tl.ilay in getting their papers. Business Locals. FOR SALK: A young cow with first calf. Apply to P. E. Brook- hire, Aslieboro, N. C. FOR SA LH One good milch cow, lresli, cheap, write or apply to J M Luther, Streiby, N. C. FOR SALE: 15 -horse power en line and boiler with attachments omplele and C5 foot belt for sale cheap. J. C. Da vis, Aslieboro. LOST Between Asheboro and Randleman a pocket book containing ijtftMK) in green back. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving at this ollice. NOTICE That we, the board of county commissioners of Randolph, will sell for cash at public auction, it the court house on Monday 11th lav of Julv, one pair of mules 8 or !i years old :n fairly good condition. 11 T C.w iskss, Chrm. Foil S.M.K: One scvt'ii rtxun lwclling housf iiiul lot, a good well of watt-r ami other improvements. Also ttvo Ntoiv houses nod lots, nil on Fnyi'tteville iinti AViiiiiliiiin streets in fcotitli Aslielioro. Jasi-kh Al'M.VX, Aslieboro, N. C. Kring your blackberries, peaches ami beans to the Aslieboro Canning Co which w ill pay cash for them. Do not waste your nice ripe toma toes. The Asheboro Canning Com pany will pay von twenty-live cents a bushel for them. Tbe Aahtuuio Cani.iug Company will begin operations Moutl.ty the Utli day of .Inly. They will then be ready to pay cash for fruit nnd vegetables that they put lip, us fol lows: lib.ckberiies, seventv-tive cts. per bushel; peaches, from forty to sixty its per Dusliei; given oeans, broken ami fining, forty cts per bushel. All fruits ami vegetables must in" pmi nil anil fresh, lioans must be green and tender, and w ill be lKiugbt only aftei they are strung and broken. HAVE YOU INDIGESTION. Boyd's Carbon Albumen Tab ets Pure Carbon of Albumen a putitive cure for indigestion, dyspep sia, constipation, headache or sour stomach from over eating or drink ing $"( 'f they don't. S5 cents a package. If yonr druggist down's have them send direct to BOYD CHEMICAL COMPANY, 708 Rand McNaily Bid., BUGGIES! When in town we will make it toyour interest to look through our large line of buggies, har ness and robes. We have many pleased custo mers who have dealt with us in the past and we expect to continue pleasing them. We know a pleased customer is a living, breathing adver tisement that nothing on earth can down. We will sell you on a warranty that can't do other wise than satisfy the most skeptical buyer. Barbour Buggy Company! A Better Buggy for the The Same Our line is complete, ranging in price from 28.00 to .$75.00; and while we have some low priced vehicles, we wish to impress upon your the fact that we have not sacrificed quality for price, but have kept up that standard of quality characteristic of honest workmanship. Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are Yours to serve, Holladu-Pool ASHEBORO, N. C. Gigantic Mid-Season CLEARANCE SALE! On All Summer Goods, Laces and Embroideries Owintf to our heavy Spring and Summer trade we have a Iarjre lot of Pieces, Rem nants and Odds and Knds of Dress Goods, Laces and Embroid eries that we will sell at a jjreat will he siven on Lace Curtains, Underwear, Ribbons Etc. We enumerating the articles. We want to show you the goods, anything you want and give you prices. It Will Pay Yox to Come to this Morris-Scarboro Moffitt Co Asheboro, N. C. L A I) I Ei S ! Do you want an up-to-date pair of shoes? If so buy the Dixie Girl or Roxie Ward Shoe! We have them in all styles for men, women and children. Also dry goods, notions, etc. Don't forget to call for these shoes for they are just what you want. RIDGE, FOX & COMPANY. I can satisfy Groceries, Etc. and at the lowest prices. 1 have never been better prepared to meet the wants of the trade nor serve you with such low prices. FOR YOUR SPRING SUIT t come to me; I'm selling the best. For anything to eat or wear come to my store. Yours to please, Lots of (I Desirable building lots for sale or trade on the well-known 15. J. Fisher estate in West Asheboro on Sunset Avenue Hiid other streets desirably loca ted for gooil resiliences anil houses to rent. When interested in any real estaU in Asheboro and vicin ity call on or write Armfield (Si Laxighlin. Real Estnte Dealers. McCrary-Redding Hdw. Co., -DEALERS IN- All Kinds of Hardware & Farm Implements. Full avid Complete Line of Cooking Stoye3 always on hand. Call and &ee us- BUGGIES! Same Money! Buggy for Less Money! Hardware Co. BEGINNING SATUR DAY, JULY ?th ... Continuing UNTIL SOLD purchase for v. discount. The same discount Kus, Window Shades, Skirts will not take up your time in SaJe. your wants in Lots K

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